Jan OS Week 4 Bike thread
All right gang, we're really hitting some meat this week. The week is conventional, with FTP on Tuesday, 15 min VO2 on Thursday, and FTP with some faster running on Saturday. We are up to 30 minutes of FTP on the Tues and Thursday workouts (on the advanced plan), which is getting pretty real.
I believe we have a few people who are planning to retest on Tuesday. This is advised for those few who are just breezing through the FTP workouts, but for those of us who are just starting to see some benefits, you can count on the increased time of FTP to make things a little harder, and there's no harm at doing things at 100% or a touch higher even, instead of 95%.
A reasonable approach to "overachieving" on the FTP stuff is to do the first one at the assigned power (up to 100%) and then let yourslf go a little more on the second one...up to, say, 105%.
Good luck everyone!
did Tues FTP work today (Sat was strong/heavy, Sun was light run due to rehab, so rested for today, and considered that tomorrow is a very busy/long day at work, thus, should be ready for Wed run)
25' wu with 12' z3
2x 12' (4') at .98 and 1.05
8' z3
then off to brick a decent run over some hills. run legs starting to get a little spring back.
Go Get 'em Guys & Gals!
Very consistent work Chris!!
Ok- here is the deal. I have been struggling with fatigue and being too busy at work with exhausting pts to care for since the Tom Glynn massacre ride last Wednesday. I have worked out and done the sets but with a struggle. Like short of breath and just whooped. My days are all screwy from last week to this week. I have today off work so no way i am resting. This week i'll do Mon/Tues/Wed- off Thurs, on Fr/Sat, pace a friend Sunday in a race. So yesterday I rode fairly easy and did an easy brick pre going to work. I think it set me up to feel rested today.
I planned to do the bike of warm up 20 min and then 2x15 @ FT and cool down.
I got going and felt kinda blah. Ramped up by 20 min of warm up and started first interval. 15 min in and I did not want to stop. So I just kept going and did 40 min at FTish as I just felt in control and no trouble. Just strong work. If I went 10 watts over it felt yucky so I just sat at FT or under.
Ended up with 40 minutes exactly at 170 which is my FT. Total hour was 94%.
I then jogged 3 miles in the beautiful California 60 degree sun.
I feel like I just kind of validated my FT. I felt like I could have held it another 40 minutes. Weird huh? When 10 watts more feels bad. I hated being tired last week. Going to err on the side of caution.
re: Going to err on the side of caution.
I call that being patient.
Great workout.
I'm always intrigued by that fine line between 'tired from the hard work' and 'dangerously too tired & better take it ez'. We only know the truth when we are on the other side.
Once again this week business travel forced me to do the Tuesday workout on Monday with no recovery day. Those 2x15' intervals were TOUGH. Much tougher than the 2x12' workouts were last week, although my HR didn't get quite as high as it typically does in a really hard workout. It guess the longer intervals are all about the muscles getting worn out. I could tell my legs were tired because I tried to do some z3 for a mere 3' at the end (admittedly after only 1' of recovery from my second 15' z4 interval) and I had a lot of trouble hitting the watts I usually see for z3. Perhaps my huge lunch with colleagues at work had something to do with it. The only other time recently that I've had a really tough time hitting the intervals was also when working out after a too-big meal. Or it could be the lack of a recovery day and 2 big brick workout days Sat/Mon sandwiching a hard FTP run yesterday…
In the first week, I tested twice at 175 and 200. I have run 57 days straight now with no recovery days, and that's impacting my test results. But I'm still heading in the right direction.
Good solid brick today. Here are the numbers from the bike MS;
12:00 @ IF 0.954; VI = 1; NP = 190
12:00 @ IF 0.955; VI = 1; NP = 190
Hit my numbers on the run. Now back to work ;-)
Have a great week everyone!
With the temp pushing 40 degrees, light drizzle and a not too nasty breeze (a dream compared to last week's single digit cold), I couldn't resist going for a bit more time on the run. Ended up with 30' at 7:57/mile - sprinkled in 5x20" strides, but the small changes in elevation on my run route certainly wouldn't qualify as "hills" under even the most liberal of definitions.
Dave-Nice sticking with it and nailing it. That is how it is done!!!!
Great job with the mental aspect. That can be the hardest IMHO.
In fact, when I was training for my first half ironman I would move a workout to be a mental focused workout when things went wrong. OK self - can't hold a pace or target? How will you recover in the race if this happens then? Give up or move on with a new goal?
I found that training for the mental helped me escape the dark places come race day.
Wahooooo now THAT was a hard one today *uff*

I changed my mind about re-testing FTP today and just tried to very slightly overreach all targets just by a few watts ... and guess what - holy s*$t that was crazy hard on the second 15' but I somehow managed to stumble through it thinking of all that crazy numbers you guys put up here!!
I think I will stay with the current FTP and just try to keep all intervals on the upper end of the zones - that should do the trick I think
Here a few metrics:
1) 15' - IF 1.01 / NP 298 / HR Avg:167, Max:175
2) 15' - IF 1.02 / NP 302 / HR Avg: 176, Max: 183
and here's the complete workout
BTW - Garmin Connect gave me a straight 5.0 (=Overreaching) for "Training Effect" of that workout
VO2 on old trainer: 190 W
VO2 on new trainer: 204 W
FTP on old trainer: 148 W
FTP on KK Road Machine: 171W
VO2 Max is nearly exactly 120% of FTP. Not too shabby!
Doing the run separate today after work. Good job getting it done everyone!
Work works!
My mind wasn't in the game for this work out, it kept flashing back to a conversation I had with some folks I trained with during last Saturday's run and them asking me why I was inserting threshold intervals into a long run and that I should build my base. So what was I doing the entire warm up today, trying to convince myself that I need to long easy ride to build my base. Once the work started though I was able to turn my mind off and get the work done.
Qoute from Alwyn Cosgrove that I find fitting today -> "If we haven't built up appreciable levels of power, speed, or strength, then what the hell are we trying to endure? Building strength and power should be achieved before endurance and energy system development.
Was finally able to hit 100% on bike intervals... haven't for the last several sessions. 2 x 12' @ 100% then 1.25 mi on the mile @ 1% incline.
I decided to Test today as my RPE and HR have been on the low side for the last few FTP rides. I am glad I did. It was not a 'perfect test', but I don't think I left too many Watts in the legs. I was able to ramp it up a bit at the end of the 20' segment, but not too much and not too long.
Here's the numbers:
Like I said, I think I left a few watts on the table. However, everytime I tried to bump it up, my RPE would go up huge and the legs would start to burn. I tried to stay right below the burn until 2' to go. Then I channelled Jens and said, "Shut Up Legs!" When I was done with the 20' test, I was truly done. (last 2 min were 298 avg)
Bottom line - VO2 up to 303 from 289. FTP up to 253 from 237. The other thing that tells me I probably could have gone a little harder is that my AVG HR is down from 169 previously to 160 now.......have to think on that.....
Late workout again (for a guy who prefers morning workouts, this OS has not been good so far).
Hit the intervals fine w/some overachieving and got 15 min of Z3 work as well. But I ain't retesting yet...
2 x 12 @ 1.029 / 1.016
1 x 15 @ .845
IF for entire w/o at 90%
The z3 felt easy this go around. No run for me today, don't want to jinx the left calf and want to nail Wed's run.
What surprised me was how springy my legs felt on the short run. Maybe it was due to running in capris?
I've been "off" this week as I was recovering from the ING MIami Half. My legs were a ltitle beat up from that and my quads felt like bricks. I swam yesterday and today I had a quick easy ride on the trainer and my legs are starting to come back to normal. I'll run tomorrow (bike going for a tune-up) and be back on track for the weekend.
I am not doing any strength training. I used to do bootcamp 2x a week but feel my legs can;t take that on the days off. I am not a disciplined person that can do strength training on my own in my house with some weights and a mirror. That will be my next goal, how to incorporate it.
loving the nutrition thread too!
Have a great day everyone!!!!
Work is and has been crazy, so yesterday's workout started about 9:30 pm. I know...not ideal.
Run was on the handy dandy treadmill. Started at about 8:15, and kept turning up the speed a click every quarter mile. It doesn't show on the Garmin thing, but the last 5 min, I left the speed alone (around 7 min/mile) and put the slope to 6.5% for 30 sec on, then 30 sec off. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/267582552
HR data are screwy because I developed a "heart rate strap sore" and was wearing it in a funny place.
Looks good to me. Go with those numbers and don't worry about it. Remember we're going to be doing longer and longer FTP intervals now, too. (Up to 20 min at a shot)
I'm just a little afraid of the result as my ass has been kicked so baad the last 2 weeks
OK, officially checking as a member of the January OS team.
Haven't been on my bike but 8x since March and decided to jump on the Tour of Sufferlandia band wagon. Just finished day 5 of 9 and I am getting shelled. I have an estimated FT of 175 and have been slowly raising my NP every day this week. Today I hit 160 NP. Figure by mid-February I will do my first FT test.
So here we go as I climb from oblivion and work my way back to general fitness level.
Today I did the the ToS and "Angels" Sufferfest video. Did this after a 45' TRX upper body blast. Felt good but still have a long way to go to build my mental 6 pack. I was screaming the Honey Badgers name in vain at the end to get me through!
Rock on!
Well it went better then expected. Fun to have a training partner with cause we can push each others limits. Thanks Jonathan Barlow. Nate Parady you are absolutely right and 120% it was......I have to say I am glad it is done early. Now we are off until Saturday mornings 3 hour garage ride.
Entire workout:
Duration: 1:00:30
Work: 770 kJ
TSS: 83 (intensity factor 0.911)
Norm Power: 228
Picture from Trainer Road below. I am glad I signed up for this program. Even though I have a power meter I am telling you having a visual and knowing you need to be above that line makes a huge difference to me. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duration: 32:00
TSS 38.8
IF .862
VI 1.1
No rest for me tomorrow as I am travelling to Louisville this weekend so need to get my Saturday bike ride in tomorrow morning, work permitting. Wish me luck!
This was a heavy one today but it somehow felt good somehow
I changed to 4x (5x 45/45) and increased my target power a little (just 5-10 watts) and it REALLY hurts in the end
Here are a few metrics:
and here's the complete workout