Have safe rides today everyone!! I am hosting my team's Saturday ride today( shared responsibility- it is my weekend). So going off the OS plan this weekend. Please keep me in your thoughts for safety. It is a long ride- maybe 4 hours total. I'll do my best to keep the intensity moderate so as not to cook myself. The distance and hills should make it hard enough and give me a big TSS. Need to be careful.
Hooked up with the Google Circles group and Carl in Iowa after I had about 45 min into my WKO. Ended up with 41 miles in 2 hrs. Sort of followed along with the group, but did sort of a long warmup. 15 miles in 45' with a gradual buildup from 140-225, then did the 25' WU of 5' @ 170-210, 3' standing/low cadence @ 210, 2' easy @ 160, 15' @ 190-210, 3' easy @ 160, then into FTP WKO but obviously had been riding @ too high power warming up and it was a struggle to do the 8' @ 225, did a longer recovery of 5' from 140-170, then cut the 10' down to 4' @ 225, recovery 2', then about 9 more miles slowly building up each mile from 140-180, then an easy mile.
Did the brick run @ 9:19 & 8:36 and 2' @ 8:40 pace. Should have ran 8:25 & 8:07, so a little short. Body felt great, short short on the deep inside energy/mojo to pull things off.
Kim, I'm with you on the FTP is harder on me than the Vo2 is. I hit my FTP WKO a little above earlier in the week, but struggled today. I got a lot of good Z3 in today though and put myself in between Z3 & Z4 too much before I hit the Z4 intervals and bombed out. Not all days can be home runs.
First off, THANK YOU to my teammates who were riding today. Knowing that I wasn't alone was *very* motivating and helped keep me going.
I had a little trepidation going into today's ride since it was 8/10/12 with my 'new' Zones....but I felt good, and as importantly felt like I was WORKING.
The numbers:
8'(2') – NP: 250, AP 252 (IF 0.989), VI 0.99, HR 150avg/158max
10'(2') – NP: 253, AP 254 (IF 0.998), VI 1.00, HR 152/158
12'(2') -- NP: 254, AP 255 (IF1.005), VI 1.00, HR 154/160
Looking forward to running this evening. Now it is time for Girl Scout Thinking Day with my daughters.
I have spent the first 4 was of OS trying to figure out how to use my PM and my body got quite a rude awakening from going from the LSD thing to all this intensity work. Felt a little left behind since although I managed to make my targets my body was trashed afterwards. Today I turned it around and found the BOOM. Strong FTP intervals, building higher with each one and great 20 min on TM after at 2%.
Guess us older chicks just need more time to get up to speed, like an old diesel engine. I have been enjoying all the posts.
Got up early to get the kids to swimming and - headache and hacking cough addressed with an aspirin - I hopped on the bike. Gosh I hope this clears up in a couple days.
Today, FTP felt like VO2. I ended up taking a 30 sec break in the 12 minute segment. So shoot me.
Nice work all! Especially those putting up w/colds and aches and pains. Its the OS!
Did today's w/o as brick for time's sake.
The 8" / 10" / 12" went fine @ 1.022 / 1.028 / 1,015 + 10" @ .895. With 20" WU finished w/TSS of 99.4 an IF of .91 for 1:12:00 Run felt great in the single digit cold breezy weather. 3.25 miles at 8:05 ave pace w/a few short rollers. Just an fyi - I'm pretty sure if I tested on bike I'd be up 12 - 15 watts from wk1 - which is normal for me by this time in OS. So my numbers will look like I'm overachieving, but I'm just pushing at equivalent RPE.
@ Carrie - 4hr ride - wow. Don't think I'm ready for that yet this early in season. Be safe!
Bike done and we had another great crowd in the garage. We were joined by 10 peeps in the garage and 7-10 peeps at times on google circles. We started with "The Wretched" sufferfest video, followed by EN 60 min plan to include 2x15 min intervals. Struggled here hanging on to .95 IF but managed, and we finished with a very easy 40 minute ride.
Total time: 2hrs 30min
Distance: 46 miles
Intensity factor: .86
TSS: 174
RPM: 82
forgot heart rate strap so no data
Speed: 19.4
Max Power: 633
NP: 218
Calories: 2200
Nutrition today was Ironman Perform. I was able to purchase 3 containers off of Drugstore.com for the price of 1 bag of Infinit!! So going to give it a try. Afterwards we bring food to it is like a small buffet to get nutrition in immediately since the rides are intense and there is some serious muscle breakdown happening. After ride drink.....ahhh....Chocolate Milk.
We did not do the 40 min brick run but I am going to try and knock that out this afternoon while my daughters is at a bday party. If overly sore tomorrow will skip the running intervals and run long and slow at EP. My right ITB has been talking so I have been trying to listen.
Tough z4 intervals this morning but I cranked them out. The room temp was nice and low thanks to cracking a window…probably the reason HR was more in-line with normal workouts as of late. As planned I added a 17' z3 to the end of the ride to end up with 75' total time and more in line with a normal-length Saturday workout. Due to snow the brick was deferred…I'll aim to hit the treadmill later today.
Overall 75' @ NP 224, IF 0.937. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
Kim, I'm with you on the FTP is harder on me than the Vo2 is. I hit my FTP WKO a little above earlier in the week, but struggled today. I got a lot of good Z3 in today though and put myself in between Z3 & Z4 too much before I hit the Z4 intervals and bombed out. Not all days can be home runs.
Fred it was good to see and talk wit you and the others today. Nice workout by you. When you first hooked up with me on Google I as on my way home from the Fire Station and you got me on the cell phone. Not sure why but it doesn't allow me to converse on it. Not sure why not. We have you listed in the Google Circle now. On Saturdays this is a regular thing for us so we will cont to invite you.
Bike done. FTP work def. more challenging for me. Joule didn't save entire WKO as I had accidentally saved some other non-power files to it (duh!) and memoery was full. Caught most of the Z4 intervals though. Did the EN portion of the ride with the Google Circles crew in Iowa, Michigan and other assorted locations.
1 x 8' @ .96IF, 10' @ .945 IF, 10' @ .95IF
Then I did a short Sufferfest video and targeted Z3 vs. what was actually part of the video. 20' @ .86IF with some near Z5 efforts in there.
Run was extra tough. Fell a bit short on the paces but not by too much. Had to take a short break at the 10' mark but then continued on and was a bit closer to target pace on the 2nd half. 2 miles in 21:55.
Nice to be done before 10am! Have a great day everyone!
Nice numbers!!! I know we have talked but you need to get the video you are missing. It is great!!!!!
I need to get some videos. I couldn't hear or see what you guys were. I had my iPad going as well as my iPhone so I could connect my headphones to hear. I couldn't hear loud enough on my iPad and had it further away and unable to connect, so that's why one of the black screens was me. Did you guys start at your regular 6am time and my 8am? Maybe IA isn't on day light savings time like FL?
Bike workout is in the bags - wasn't as hard as I expected it to be because I extended it a "little" due to the reason that I had no chance for running today
Hit all 3 FTP intervals pretty exact to IF 1.0 and added another 2 intervals of 20' in the beloved ABP zone @ IF 0.85 and 0.83. So actually a pretty nice workout
Fred- Depending on where in FL you are, it should be 8am (when they start at 7)... I usually end up turning the volume off and listening to tunes as the sound quality is iffy.
You are all kicking' a$$ on your Sat workouts. Thanks for posting.
I hosted my team's ride. We had 17 people in our portion of the ride. Some others modified the route. A super hilly course. Yowza- my legs are toast.
Ended up with 75.4 miles in 4:32 with IF of .82 and a ridiculous 1.29 VI. HILLY is an understatement. I was so grateful for the flat sections. Maybe 1.5 hours worth of smooth IM pace tempo. Heaven.
Can't believe I did it after riding these 1 hour trainer rides. This group is my usual Sat ride. I have not done it much in a few months. These rides are what make me strong. I could feel my missing FT watts from last year as I could not sit up with my usual peeps. I just did what I could and hung on. Everyone worked together and we regrouped throughout which was awesome.
Slept in this morning and when I woke up I checked my email and there was a slew of WINS from this thread in my inbox. You guys are really doing great! Good work and way to almosyt finish week 4!
I hit day 8 in a row of Tour of Sufferlandria this morning. Was a double workout:
#1 - 49:07 @ .94 IF
#2 - 55:00 @ .93 IF
I left some out there today. Last day is tomorrow and I am going all in. I am going to Honey Badger myself into the ground. Then it is JOS all the way starting Tuesday!
Rubber side down. That is the plan.
Hooked up with the Google Circles group and Carl in Iowa after I had about 45 min into my WKO. Ended up with 41 miles in 2 hrs. Sort of followed along with the group, but did sort of a long warmup. 15 miles in 45' with a gradual buildup from 140-225, then did the 25' WU of 5' @ 170-210, 3' standing/low cadence @ 210, 2' easy @ 160, 15' @ 190-210, 3' easy @ 160, then into FTP WKO but obviously had been riding @ too high power warming up and it was a struggle to do the 8' @ 225, did a longer recovery of 5' from 140-170, then cut the 10' down to 4' @ 225, recovery 2', then about 9 more miles slowly building up each mile from 140-180, then an easy mile.
Did the brick run @ 9:19 & 8:36 and 2' @ 8:40 pace. Should have ran 8:25 & 8:07, so a little short. Body felt great, short short on the deep inside energy/mojo to pull things off.
Kim, I'm with you on the FTP is harder on me than the Vo2 is. I hit my FTP WKO a little above earlier in the week, but struggled today. I got a lot of good Z3 in today though and put myself in between Z3 & Z4 too much before I hit the Z4 intervals and bombed out. Not all days can be home runs.
First off, THANK YOU to my teammates who were riding today. Knowing that I wasn't alone was *very* motivating and helped keep me going.
I had a little trepidation going into today's ride since it was 8/10/12 with my 'new' Zones....but I felt good, and as importantly felt like I was WORKING.
The numbers:
Looking forward to running this evening. Now it is time for Girl Scout Thinking Day with my daughters.
I have spent the first 4 was of OS trying to figure out how to use my PM and my body got quite a rude awakening from going from the LSD thing to all this intensity work. Felt a little left behind since although I managed to make my targets my body was trashed afterwards. Today I turned it around and found the BOOM. Strong FTP intervals, building higher with each one and great 20 min on TM after at 2%.
Guess us older chicks just need more time to get up to speed, like an old diesel engine. I have been enjoying all the posts.
Got up early to get the kids to swimming and - headache and hacking cough addressed with an aspirin - I hopped on the bike. Gosh I hope this clears up in a couple days.
Today, FTP felt like VO2. I ended up taking a 30 sec break in the 12 minute segment. So shoot me.
3/12/3 warmup with the 12 a little low: about 204 (0.82 IF)
8 min 244 W (0.98)
10 min 242 (0.98)
12 min 246 (0.99)
15 min 207 (0.84)
15 min 211 (0.85)
Fortunately, the 85% stuff felt ok
90 min total 110 TSS 0.86 IF
I cut short the run to just 2 miles cuz I had to pick up the kids. Felt guilty.
7:11 mile 1
6:30 mile 2
Kids picked up and Kleenex stashed in pocket. On to the rest of the day. :-)
Did today's w/o as brick for time's sake.
The 8" / 10" / 12" went fine @ 1.022 / 1.028 / 1,015 + 10" @ .895. With 20" WU finished w/TSS of 99.4 an IF of .91 for 1:12:00
Run felt great in the single digit cold breezy weather. 3.25 miles at 8:05 ave pace w/a few short rollers.
Just an fyi - I'm pretty sure if I tested on bike I'd be up 12 - 15 watts from wk1 - which is normal for me by this time in OS. So my numbers will look like I'm overachieving, but I'm just pushing at equivalent RPE.
@ Carrie - 4hr ride - wow. Don't think I'm ready for that yet this early in season. Be safe!
Bike done and we had another great crowd in the garage. We were joined by 10 peeps in the garage and 7-10 peeps at times on google circles. We started with "The Wretched" sufferfest video, followed by EN 60 min plan to include 2x15 min intervals. Struggled here hanging on to .95 IF but managed, and we finished with a very easy 40 minute ride.
Nutrition today was Ironman Perform. I was able to purchase 3 containers off of Drugstore.com for the price of 1 bag of Infinit!! So going to give it a try. Afterwards we bring food to it is like a small buffet to get nutrition in immediately since the rides are intense and there is some serious muscle breakdown happening. After ride drink.....ahhh....Chocolate Milk.
We did not do the 40 min brick run but I am going to try and knock that out this afternoon while my daughters is at a bday party. If overly sore tomorrow will skip the running intervals and run long and slow at EP. My right ITB has been talking so I have been trying to listen.
Overall 75' @ NP 224, IF 0.937. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
8'(2') @z4 – NP: 253 (IF 1.057), VI 1.00, HR 160/165, cad 89
10'(2') @z4 – NP: 252 (IF 1.053), VI 1.00, HR 163/169, cad 89
12'(2') @z4 – NP: 253 (IF 1.058), VI 1.00, HR 166/173, cad 89
17' @z3 – NP: 227 (IF 0.951), VI 1.00, HR 158/164, cad 91
Fred it was good to see and talk wit you and the others today. Nice workout by you. When you first hooked up with me on Google I as on my way home from the Fire Station and you got me on the cell phone. Not sure why but it doesn't allow me to converse on it. Not sure why not. We have you listed in the Google Circle now. On Saturdays this is a regular thing for us so we will cont to invite you.
Nice numbers!!! I know we have talked but you need to get the video you are missing. It is great!!!!!
Ill send you a PM
I need to get some videos. I couldn't hear or see what you guys were. I had my iPad going as well as my iPhone so I could connect my headphones to hear. I couldn't hear loud enough on my iPad and had it further away and unable to connect, so that's why one of the black screens was me. Did you guys start at your regular 6am time and my 8am? Maybe IA isn't on day light savings time like FL?
Bike workout is in the bags - wasn't as hard as I expected it to be because I extended it a "little" due to the reason that I had no chance for running today
Hit all 3 FTP intervals pretty exact to IF 1.0 and added another 2 intervals of 20' in the beloved ABP zone @ IF 0.85 and 0.83. So actually a pretty nice workout
Because we all love metrics - here we go:
I hosted my team's ride. We had 17 people in our portion of the ride. Some others modified the route. A super hilly course. Yowza- my legs are toast.
Ended up with 75.4 miles in 4:32 with IF of .82 and a ridiculous 1.29 VI. HILLY is an understatement. I was so grateful for the flat sections. Maybe 1.5 hours worth of smooth IM pace tempo. Heaven
Can't believe I did it after riding these 1 hour trainer rides. This group is my usual Sat ride. I have not done it much in a few months. These rides are what make me strong. I could feel my missing FT watts from last year as I could not sit up with my usual peeps. I just did what I could and hung on. Everyone worked together and we regrouped throughout which was awesome.
Time to sit in my recovery legs.
Slept in this morning and when I woke up I checked my email and there was a slew of WINS from this thread in my inbox. You guys are really doing great! Good work and way to almosyt finish week 4!
I hit day 8 in a row of Tour of Sufferlandria this morning. Was a double workout:
#1 - 49:07 @ .94 IF
#2 - 55:00 @ .93 IF
I left some out there today. Last day is tomorrow and I am going all in. I am going to Honey Badger myself into the ground. Then it is JOS all the way starting Tuesday!
Got in my 20' run this afternoon...couldn't do it as a brick due to time constraints this morning.