Well it went better then expected. Fun to have a training partner with cause we can push each others limits. Thanks Jonathan Barlow. Nate Parady you are absolutely right and 120% it was......I have to say I am glad it is done early. Now we are off until Saturday mornings 3 hour garage ride.
Entire workout:
Duration: 1:00:30
Work: 770 kJ
TSS: 83 (intensity factor 0.911)
Norm Power: 228
Picture from Trainer Road below. I am glad I signed up for this program. Even though I have a power meter I am telling you having a visual and knowing you need to be above that line makes a huge difference to me. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ka-frigging- BBBBOOOOOOMMMMMMMM! Good work.
Oh, and I put the workout into TR. You are welcome. :-)
Thanks for all the work outs in TR. I use a power meter so don't really need it but I'm telling you having a visual and knowing where that yellow line is pushes me that much harder!!! It's been the whisper in my ear that I needed!!!! My Speed, FTP, and RPMs are all up on the trainer by a lot vs last OS.
Oh btw you had a NP of 266!!! That's a kaaaafrigggginnnnbooommm!!! Very nice!!
This morning's VO2's were tougher than I expected. Due to my new Zones, my target was 303, up from 284 --- absolutely amazing what a difference that ~7% bump meant to my legs. I thought I might have to stop before I was done, but knowing that everyone else was doing the WORK was very motivating to me to keep on going. So, thanks everyone!
A couple of notes: - Today was also a first where I went back to last year's "Standard Warm-up" -- 10' EZ then 3x3'(1') @ Z3. I really liked that better than the newer version and I felt more "ready" when it was time to work. - Last week and this week I changed the work intervals from 30/30 to 60/60. For next week's workout, I think I may mix it up like JoeL did today.
I am not going to post my non-EN workouts anymore in here as they aren't part of the OS, but what I did today for the Tour of Sufferlandria I almost puked. After 6 days in a row of bike intervals I am feeling Carries fatigue. Almost to to the point of being emotional. Is it a Tom Glynn association thing? :-) Time to rest.
Overall, it feels good to be back on the bike and part of the team again. Can't wait to get on the same page with all of you starting next week.
Good work everyone.
P.S. Brenda agreed to let me be part of her INT OS clique. I am honored.
Still working a chest cold here. It made this VO2 session the most difficult to complete of any of the workouts. Just hard to work up the strength, feeling a bit weak. Still doing them as 1'/1'
3/12/3 (easy/85/easy) warmup with no unusual data 5 x 1/1: average of these was 302 5 x 1/1: average of these was 308 5 x 1/1: average of these was 311. And dammit, I can't count. This was actually 6 of them. Quit to pick up the kids from swimming.
Be careful working out w/a cold William! Know when to chill.
After wed's run w/o, which went fine, but legs felt oh so heavy, I wasn't expecting much today. But it turned into probably my best bike w/o of the OS so far. You just never know when it'll happen. But it helps validate your work to date. Some numbers:
Wk #1: FTP 240 / VO2 288
I did the INT w/o as 4 x (3 x 60/60s) rather than 4 x (6 x 30/30s), then added another set of 6 x 30/30s cause I was feeling good.
Set 1: 301 / 302 / 301 Set 2: 301 / 302 / 296 Set 3: 298 / 303 / 298 Set 4: 299 / 299 / 300 Set 5: 300 / 295 / 302 / 303 / 304 / 309
Then added 10" at .91 IF and felt like I could ride on forever @ that intensity level (well maybe another 10 minutes). Entire W/O: 1:05 time / 99TSS @ .963 IF / NP231
Way to hit it everyone! My legs were pretty sore this morning, even if the power numbers were there.
@ William: Impressed at you generating those kinds of watts for 60 seconds, repeatedly, especially while you are sick. But, why aren't you posting about the swim workouts? Are you doing the OS swim hack?
Vo2 WKO went great after work today. Seemed to have extra energy tonight. Started @ 5pm and increased the WU time (more work than just WU of official 25') to 36'. Gradual power increase first 10' from 140-230 increase by 10 each min, then straight into low cadence standing 3' @ 230. 2' easy @ 160, then 18' power increase every 2' from 175-225. 3' easy @ 160 before Vo2 WKO.
Vo2 goal 283
4 x (6 x 30/30) @ 300, 300, 305, 310 for each set.
1 x (6 x 45/45) @ 315
Easy recovery and off done @ 160.
Also did 4 miles starting @ 175 and increasing 5 every 30" up to 260, then mile cool down.
Well, one of the reasons that I joined EN was the supportive group atmosphere. So, thanks Matt for mentioning the late night workouts. Got out on my bike and did a 2 x 15' tonight (missed Tuesday's wko):
15' @ Z4: NP 227/HR 141 IF 0.995 (4') 15' @ Z4: NP 227/HR 146 IF 0.996
Back in the saddle after two forced days off with some kind of virus. Mostly just a fever and stuffy head. On the mend, back at work, etc. Knocked out the VO2 work this morning. It went pretty well, all things considered. I was fully prepared to call it if the metrics weren't looking right during the warmup, but HR & power were right on, so I pushed on. A little low on a few 30's, but hit or exceeded my goal on most of them, so pretty happy for first wko since Tuesday. Flipping the weekend work since my local tri club's performance cycling class has our time trial test on Sunday. I will probably switch it up like this for a while and see how the numbers compare between the Saturday EN ride and the club class. The club class is usually a mixture of FTP and VO2, so not the straight up EN FTP wko, but I always sweat buckets and enjoy the opportunity to ride with others once a week in the dead of winter. Enjoy the rest day everyone!
Due to work travel I was forced to miss the z5 bike workout last night. I won't make it up tonight because that would screw me for the more important FTP ride and brick tomorrow morning.
So this will either get chalked up to a missed workout or I'll make it up on Sunday evening during Superbowl pregame (assuming I run in the morning on Sunday and not the afternoon, and assuming I don't need to move the Tuesday brick to Monday…all TBD at this point).
OK, it's about time I poked my nose in here. I'm a week behind everyone due to my schedule, so I just finished the 3 week VO2 session on the trainer. I signed up for TrainerRoad and I have to say- THANK YOU!!! Somehow that stupid little bar on the bottom of my PC while I watch Ironman videos (yes I'm a dork) really does help me stay motivated and keep on target much better than listening to music on the ipod. I especially appreciated the "Good Job from your OS Team Leaders Carrie and William" message after the intervals were done- nice touch, it made me smile :-)
My reference in my post was to picking up my kids from THEIR swimming. They all readily thrash me in the pool.
I am swimming a bit when I have time and inclination. I have had mixed results when taking the winter completely off from swimming. Although swimming was my only sport in high school (I was pretty bad), it's still my relative weakness here.
I did get over to the pool for a quick swim today, and didn't feel like trying to out more superfast intervals, so I tried a 1000 TT. It went ok. 15:58. I've been writing them down since March of 2008, and I've been as low as 15:0X and as high as 16:50. As much as I'd like to have done 15:30 or something, I think that time is pretty respectable for me, considering my limited swimming recently and my (cough, cough, snort) cold.
To put matters into perspective, my 12 year old son just swam 12:38 the other day, and his twin sister swam sub-12 for the first 1000 of a 1650. Older son isn't a club swimmer any more (high school only), but could bang out a sub 11. At least I can still beat them on a bike. :-)
Anyway, I don't regularly post about swimming in part because I don't want to put pressure on myself to keep it up if it has to go, and in part to keep our eyes on the ball. But if you go to my connect.garmin.com, you'll see I've been doing it. Embarrassingly short workouts recently, but I've been doing it.
Bike done. FTP work def. more challenging for me. Joule didn't save entire WKO as I had accidentally saved some other non-power files to it (duh!) and memoery was full. Caught most of the Z4 intervals though. Did the EN portion of the ride with the Google Circles crew in Iowa, Michigan and other assorted locations.
1 x 8' @ .96IF, 10' @ .945 IF, 10' @ .95IF
Then I did a short Sufferfest video and targeted Z3 vs. what was actually part of the video. 20' @ .86IF with some near Z5 efforts in there.
Run was extra tough. Fell a bit short on the paces but not by too much. Had to take a short break at the 10' mark but then continued on and was a bit closer to target pace on the 2nd half. 2 miles in 21:55.
Nice to be done before 10am! Have a great day everyone!
Great workout, Stefan! And an excellent picture of you and your son (?) on Training Peaks!
NP of 266. Nice!
Ka-frigging- BBBBOOOOOOMMMMMMMM! Good work.
Oh, and I put the workout into TR. You are welcome. :-)
Stark -
Thanks for all the work outs in TR. I use a power meter so don't really need it but I'm telling you having a visual and knowing where that yellow line is pushes me that much harder!!! It's been the whisper in my ear that I needed!!!! My Speed, FTP, and RPMs are all up on the trainer by a lot vs last OS.
Oh btw you had a NP of 266!!! That's a kaaaafrigggginnnnbooommm!!! Very nice!!
Again Thanks!!!
Hit or exceeded all 4 x (6 x 30/30). Total IF @ .973. Last 30" at 150% just for fun.....
Happy Almost Friday everyone!
Man, If I had a buck for every workout I've started after 9:30pm I'd have that 808 Firecrest I've been coveting!
Forgot to post in the thread until now...
This morning's VO2's were tougher than I expected. Due to my new Zones, my target was 303, up from 284 --- absolutely amazing what a difference that ~7% bump meant to my legs. I thought I might have to stop before I was done, but knowing that everyone else was doing the WORK was very motivating to me to keep on going. So, thanks everyone!
A couple of notes:
- Today was also a first where I went back to last year's "Standard Warm-up" -- 10' EZ then 3x3'(1') @ Z3. I really liked that better than the newer version and I felt more "ready" when it was time to work.
- Last week and this week I changed the work intervals from 30/30 to 60/60. For next week's workout, I think I may mix it up like JoeL did today.
SOOOOO Glad tomorrow is a rest day. I need it!
I am not going to post my non-EN workouts anymore in here as they aren't part of the OS, but what I did today for the Tour of Sufferlandria I almost puked. After 6 days in a row of bike intervals I am feeling Carries fatigue. Almost to to the point of being emotional. Is it a Tom Glynn association thing? :-) Time to rest.
Overall, it feels good to be back on the bike and part of the team again. Can't wait to get on the same page with all of you starting next week.
Good work everyone.
P.S. Brenda agreed to let me be part of her INT OS clique.
I am honored.
3/12/3 (easy/85/easy) warmup with no unusual data
5 x 1/1: average of these was 302
5 x 1/1: average of these was 308
5 x 1/1: average of these was 311. And dammit, I can't count. This was actually 6 of them.
Quit to pick up the kids from swimming.
52 minutes, IF 0.95, NP 237
Great job WJ! Hope that cold goes away quick.
Nice work Joe!
Work is work, so great job getting your WKO in no matter the time.
After wed's run w/o, which went fine, but legs felt oh so heavy, I wasn't expecting much today. But it turned into probably my best bike w/o of the OS so far. You just never know when it'll happen. But it helps validate your work to date. Some numbers:
Wk #1: FTP 240 / VO2 288
I did the INT w/o as 4 x (3 x 60/60s) rather than 4 x (6 x 30/30s), then added another set of 6 x 30/30s cause I was feeling good.
Set 1: 301 / 302 / 301
Set 2: 301 / 302 / 296
Set 3: 298 / 303 / 298
Set 4: 299 / 299 / 300
Set 5: 300 / 295 / 302 / 303 / 304 / 309
Then added 10" at .91 IF and felt like I could ride on forever @ that intensity level (well maybe another 10 minutes).
Entire W/O: 1:05 time / 99TSS @ .963 IF / NP231
Rest day - yeah!
Happy Fri rest day Kim!
Great to hear Brenda. WTG!
@ William: Impressed at you generating those kinds of watts for 60 seconds, repeatedly, especially while you are sick. But, why aren't you posting about the swim workouts? Are you doing the OS swim hack?
Vo2 WKO went great after work today. Seemed to have extra energy tonight. Started @ 5pm and increased the WU time (more work than just WU of official 25') to 36'. Gradual power increase first 10' from 140-230 increase by 10 each min, then straight into low cadence standing 3' @ 230. 2' easy @ 160, then 18' power increase every 2' from 175-225. 3' easy @ 160 before Vo2 WKO.
Vo2 goal 283
4 x (6 x 30/30) @ 300, 300, 305, 310 for each set.
1 x (6 x 45/45) @ 315
Easy recovery and off done @ 160.
Also did 4 miles starting @ 175 and increasing 5 every 30" up to 260, then mile cool down.
34 miles total avg 21.9 mph.
2 x 15' tonight (missed Tuesday's wko):
15' @ Z4: NP 227/HR 141 IF 0.995 (4')
15' @ Z4: NP 227/HR 146 IF 0.996
Total: 1:00:00
Nice WKO Richard. William is a power killing machine even when under the weather.
Great work Stefan!
8:00 @ IF:0.959; VI = 1 Norm Power: 191
10:00 @ IF: 0.96; VI = 1 ; Norm Power: 191
10:00 @ IF: 0.931; VI = 1 ; Norm Power: 185 (not sure what went wrong there!)
No brick today as I had to get back to work, hope to get an extra run in over the weekend.
Have a great weekend everyone.
So this will either get chalked up to a missed workout or I'll make it up on Sunday evening during Superbowl pregame (assuming I run in the morning on Sunday and not the afternoon, and assuming I don't need to move the Tuesday brick to Monday…all TBD at this point).
Indeed!! Mutual support and accountability!!
My reference in my post was to picking up my kids from THEIR swimming. They all readily thrash me in the pool.
I am swimming a bit when I have time and inclination. I have had mixed results when taking the winter completely off from swimming. Although swimming was my only sport in high school (I was pretty bad), it's still my relative weakness here.
I did get over to the pool for a quick swim today, and didn't feel like trying to out more superfast intervals, so I tried a 1000 TT. It went ok. 15:58. I've been writing them down since March of 2008, and I've been as low as 15:0X and as high as 16:50. As much as I'd like to have done 15:30 or something, I think that time is pretty respectable for me, considering my limited swimming recently and my (cough, cough, snort) cold.
To put matters into perspective, my 12 year old son just swam 12:38 the other day, and his twin sister swam sub-12 for the first 1000 of a 1650. Older son isn't a club swimmer any more (high school only), but could bang out a sub 11. At least I can still beat them on a bike. :-)
Anyway, I don't regularly post about swimming in part because I don't want to put pressure on myself to keep it up if it has to go, and in part to keep our eyes on the ball. But if you go to my connect.garmin.com, you'll see I've been doing it. Embarrassingly short workouts recently, but I've been doing it.
1 x 8' @ .96IF, 10' @ .945 IF, 10' @ .95IF
Then I did a short Sufferfest video and targeted Z3 vs. what was actually part of the video. 20' @ .86IF with some near Z5 efforts in there.
Run was extra tough. Fell a bit short on the paces but not by too much. Had to take a short break at the 10' mark but then continued on and was a bit closer to target pace on the 2nd half. 2 miles in 21:55.
Nice to be done before 10am! Have a great day everyone!