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HELP WANTED: EN Gravity Tester

Greetings the trauma center at Antelope Valley Hospital 

While riding my dirtbike on Saturday I apparently took quite a digger. I say apparently because I don't remember anything from about 10a-6p Saturday.

I fractured my L1, 2, 3 vertebrae (lower back, lumbar region) and am on bed rest for about two weeks, then ~3mo in a back brace. I don't think my work for EN will be affected but I'm having to reassess my plans for clinics this spring. I have one on the calendar for March and was working to put on 2-3 for April. 

Basically, I'm sorting out all of the moving pieces for the few days then I'll know know more in a week or so. Already off the hardcore pain meds, I hate the side effects. 



  • That totally sucks Coach! But as we always say, sounds like it could have been much, much worse... Rest up and get better.

    And why would EN need a Gravity Tester? Sounds like you West Coast boys have a lock on that position... Somebody needs to teach you guys that the rubber side is supposed to stay down.
  • OMgosh Coach Rich. I have a mind to come to where you live and kick you in the nuts. What the hell. What about "be careful" did you not understand. So glad you are okay, if that is what you can call your stat. Damn hoo haw!
  • Holy cr*p Coach Rich, what the hell are you doing??? Do we need to get you some (aero) training wheels for your dirt bike??  rest up and get better, hope you heal soon and wicked fast!!

  • HOLY Hell!!! Not much left for me to say that JW and B haven't already covered.... Sheesh dude! Glad it wasn't worse.... REST UP and GET WELL!!!!
  • Coach Rich, so glad to hear you're ok, sort of! Sounds like you're pretty damn lucky. Focus on resting and healing right now, EN isn't going anywhere.
  • So I guess this is off the down low? <img src='http://members.endurancenation.ushttp://members.endurancenation.us/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif' align="absmiddle" border="0" />

    Get better. Let me know when you are receiving visitors. I am sure I can find some kinda reason to drive up and see you.

    Also, I saw your badass bike this morning. It must be much tougher then you because it looks like it is in mint shape!
  • X2 on what Brenda said... Pretty serious injuries but it sure beats the worst case scenario alternatives....... Living up to your famous "we do stupid things so you don't have to" comments ..... But my favorite is ... If your gonna be stupid, you better be tough! We know your tough, you got this!
  • Holy Guacamole! Glad you are still walking.

    @Tim - thanks for the humor. Although I bet Rich hurts worse when he's laughing.....
  • Sorry to learn about your crash. Didn't you break your shoulder last year? I gave up riding my motorcycle 2 years ago. I got to the point that I did not want to accept the risks associate with bike riding. I just got an offer to go to Florida Bike Week next month I said I would follow you guys in a Cadillac with the top down because that's the extent of wind in my face I'm going to get. 2 crashes in 2 years hmmmm interesting.
  • Geez dude, glad to hear you're okay!!!!
  • Wow Coach Rich take care and heal up.  If you ride eventually your going to crash, hopefully your at your quota.


  • Glad to hear you're okay. Heal up
  • Holy Crap, Coach!! This is seriously bad news; but glad you are going to be okay. We need to find a way to keep you on some "normal" bike rides! Heal up fast...
  • You're a pretty indestructable dude... Make sure you look after that concussion as well. (I am assuming....)

    Between you and Patrick a couple years ago, we're going to have good data on coming back from major injury. :-)

    We'll deal with life. Chin up and keep us posted.
  • So sorry to hear Coach Rich. I hope rearranging the pieces includes that part of your brain that might revisit taking such risks. Seriously though the injury sounds serious, take care and get lots of rest.
  • Glad you are ok. Hopefully a quick recovery.
  • Coach Rich,

      Wishing you a speedy recovery. Be cognizant of post concussion side effects: sounds like your loss of consciousness was at least as bad as your fractured bones. Get well soon.

  • That fookin sucks! So sorry to hear! Rest up and get well. I have full faith you will rally as you have a strong mind and body!
  • So sorry to hear about your crash, Coach Rich!  It really sucks, but glad you are relatively OK because it sounds like it could have been much worse. Hang in there and take care yourself!  I'll be sending positive thoughts your way!

  • Rich, Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you get well soon.

  • best wishes coach. hope that you get to the other side of this with body and mind intact.
  • So sorry to hear about that....damn!!!!! Looks like you are striving for one a year and out doing each of those.

    Glad your now on the mend and hope to see you in August in Madison....
  • Oh my Coach!! Praying for you to have a speedy recovery, sending good thoughts your way :


  • Coach Rich,
    Sorry to hear about your accident. You are one tough dude though, you will be back stronger than ever. No doubt!
  • Man hang in there and take it slow, as if there isn't any other way with those types of injuries. I'm sure it won't be long before your taking your pain pills with a beer and then you'll be back telling us that you can't remember what happened in the last 8 hours again.
  • Rich,

    I am so sorry to read this. My heart goes out to you. 2 weeks in bed? Yowzers. Pump those ankles, sqeeze your quads, do your incentive spirometer and don't NOT cough. We want no blood clots and no pneumonia. If anyone can recover you can.

  • So sorry to hear about their crash Coach!!! Lots and lots of Motor City Mojo is coming your way to help you heal up!!!
  • Big sorry. Cda 2014?
  • Rich - sorry to hear you're down for some healing. Thank goodness it wasn't worse!
  • Sorry to hear the news - hope you feel better soon!!
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