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HELP WANTED: EN Gravity Tester



  • Holy CRAP how did I miss this??? So sorry Rich, I hope you are recovering well. Keep us posted.
  • Hmm, might be time to trade the dirt bike in for a cruiser! Seriously though, so glad you seem to be recovering fast. No doubt your years of high fitness are playing a part. Now you have to come back stronger and set a PR.
  • Good news!

    I'm off the bed rest and in my ninja turtle back brace. Very little to no pain or discomfort, but it's much more clear that I did quite a number on my left leg -- outside, from the hip to about midway down my thigh, so that's my next item to work on. 

  • Is it too cruel for me to ask for pics? :-)

  • Posted By Nemo Brauch on 26 Feb 2013 09:44 AM

    Is it too cruel for me to ask for pics? :-)

    Nope! I also haven't shaved (head or face) in almost two weeks to I'm a total long-haired hippy in need of a haircut. I'll have Joanne take pics in a bit.

  • Oh this is gonna be fun!!

  • Posted By Nemo Brauch on 26 Feb 2013 01:23 PM

    Oh this is gonna be fun!!

    Sorry, too late, just showered and shaved, though the hair on my head was so long that shaving didn't really work and now I look like a Chernobyl resident . I'll hit it again later today

  • Augh!  Totally late to the game, but wanted to wish you a speedy recovery.  So bummed to hear about all this!!  Do keep use posted on how things are coming along.  Here's sending healthy healing vibes...  

  • Just saw a local spine surgeon as my first followup. All looks good, just PT and a monthly followup with the doc. No "need" to wear the back brace other than to just keep me from being stupid around the house...probably a good idea 

  • That's great news Rich!
  • good to hear...

  • Thanks. It was especially good to have Joanne there to hear the back brace comments :-)

  • Posted By Rich Strauss on 04 Mar 2013 01:05 PM
    <p> other than to just keep me from being stupid around the house...probably a good idea <img alt="" src="http://members.endurancenation.ushttp://members.endurancenation.us/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif" /></p>

    I sometimes wear my bike helmet around for that exact reason too!
  • WOW! Sorry to hear that Coach. I know I know I'm pretty late in the game :/ but still wanted to wish you a speedy recovery.
  • Strauss Back Update: PT is going well, have ridden my bike ~60' each of the last two days. Outside of the pain of shattered pride and ruined self-esteem (sub zero fitness), I get a little back discomfort at about 45'. PT is going well, walking Riley 2-3x/day, and am trying to stand vs sit as much as possible, hooking up a standup desk on the dining room table. Head is about 95% good, some very slight buzziness at times.

    I will definitely be at the Tucson rally, bringing my bike so I can do some riding at the back of the group 

  • Glad to hear the updates, and that you're not only more or less in one piece , but that PT should cover the physical end.

    Wish I had advice about the obvious concussion/etc other than take very seriously whatever good medical advice you get. It sucks to be hurt and out of shape, but it would suck worse to have major brain setbacks.

    Like you always say, the injury is your coach... good luck!
  • Thanks. Head is now at 98% efficiency  

    And a part I need to fix the bike is on backorder until early April so that keeps me off of it until mid-late April...probably a good idea 

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