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IMTexas, 4-10 March WKO Thread

Alright everyone.  Good weekly threads so far.  Let's keep up the mojo!  And hopefully some lurkers will feel like coming on in and mixing it up.

Get after it everyone!



  • Thanks for Kickin' it off Roy!...........

    Good nights sleep but a tired 2500yds in the pool...200w/up/200drills/3x(3x200 progressive (20-30')...easy 50 between sets/ 200 steady cooldown.

    Will be running at lunch- tired of the cold so going to do the TM....EZ pace...with some incline work...


  • What a great group IMTX. Love the activity!

    4400yds swim this am in 1:25.... played around with a wetronome for the first time.... Did a 1000yds set at 63 bpm at 16:00 min , then bumped it up to 64 bpm for another 1000yds in 15:30 (if I counted right lol, hope to repeat that next week to confirm ).... The rest was snorkel, ankle bands, fins, with the wetronome set at 65bpm....

    Thoughts on the wetronome. I had a hard time hearing it a few times with the bubble noise of my exhale and the water that inevitably seeps into my ear under the swim cap. Gonna take a few more sessions to dial in my best pace. Evens out the stroke meaning each side was the same time I think that is an improvement for me. Definitely helps pacing feeling a little slow at first but a little fast later in the interval , so it slows you down a tad in the beginning and keeps you going when you start to fatigue a little.

    Today is off legs day... Ahhhhh
  • Legs were tired this morning. easy spin on the trainer followed by roller recovery and stretching. Back to work tommorrow

  • Posted By tim cronk on 04 Mar 2013 09:35 AM

    What a great group IMTX. Love the activity!

    4400yds swim this am in 1:25.... played around with a wetronome for the first time.... Did a 1000yds set at 63 bpm at 16:00 min , then bumped it up to 64 bpm for another 1000yds in 15:30 (if I counted right lol, hope to repeat that next week to confirm ).... The rest was snorkel, ankle bands, fins, with the wetronome set at 65bpm....

    Thoughts on the wetronome. I had a hard time hearing it a few times with the bubble noise of my exhale and the water that inevitably seeps into my ear under the swim cap. Gonna take a few more sessions to dial in my best pace. Evens out the stroke meaning each side was the same time I think that is an improvement for me. Definitely helps pacing feeling a little slow at first but a little fast later in the interval , so it slows you down a tad in the beginning and keeps you going when you start to fatigue a little.

    LOL...I have the dang thing set at 54-55-56...maybe I should try bumpin' it up?

  • Keep moving forward everyone.

    I am around and doing well.     

    Just do not have the time to look at everyone's details and comment regularly.       I have that work thing.  

    Have fun.   

  • 4 hilly trail miles at lunch today in 40 minutes. Legs tired from the weekend. Now that we're in the middle of it, I remember feeling like this a lot last year. It's time for tired legs all the time!

  • Agree with you all...my legs are especially tired today but, 10 weeks out, not surprising. Press on.
  • 5miles inside on the TM...incline work...warmup 15min easy pace...then 03210321032103210321 1-1:30 each segment increase pace on -1-each time down started 8 finish 7:24...5min steady cooldwon...felt nice not to be in the cold....and my massage really helped!


    IMHO.....the measure of Mondays is not so much the difficulty, speed, or distance of the workout but how it feels after the weekend...each week should be easier...by that measure today was very good



  • Hi all, today is my week 1(0) of my IM build to Texas. I wrapped up 6 solid weeks of Get Fast prior to this and did the Nov. OS prior to that. Banged out the ~2400 meters at the butt crack of dawn and followed it up with a treadmill run. Overall felt pretty good. Last week was a testing week, so I'm coming in relatively rested. Although, my legs were a little tired today from yesterday's run test (followed by a 4 mile run with my 9yr old daughter, and 2x1.5 miles with my younger twins). Solid SAU's gained! Anyhow, looking forward to meeting everyone over the coming weeks.
  • Aaron. Welcome to the group.
    Easy Wko rolling and stretching really helped to rejuvenate the legs.
  • 2000 yards in the pool this afternoon. A mix of 200s and 300s. All between 1:38 - 1:45. Fun times. Looking forward to early bed and mile repeats tomorrow.
  • Good Morning Texans!...............

    90min. on the trainer to kick off the day...my session was 5x10 90-95FTP  178NP/.85IF


    Nothing else for today....

  • Good Morning Tejas friends! Had a good, short, 45 min run last night with the wife and had an awesome morning in the pool. Going for a 45 minute run at lunch and crossfit tonight. It's what a call a "three shower day". Tough work but enjoying the training again...got burned out last year badly.
  • @Joe Great minds think alike! I did Kaweah this am too. Although I call it Kaweah+ since I modified it just a little. It was hard LOL!


    Go get it everybody!
  • @ Tim or maybe @ Joe-- one of you guys turned me onto Trainer Road. Finally got it hooked up and it's way cool. I'm still confused on how it's calculating power as all it's grabbing is my wheel speed. How does it know what gear I'm in?
  • Dwight .... Its estimating your power by wheel speed and cadence.. I'm sure its just math I dont understand.... But if you make sure the variables like tire pressure, and the adjustment pressure on your wheel are the same each time, you should get very consistent data. Whether its the real power your putting out is irrelevant..... I use TR with a Computrainer which is pretty accurate but usually about 5-10 watts lower than the data I am collecting off my Quarq on the same ride. My girlfriend uses TR with a Lemond Revolution trainer and its very consistent, no rear wheel so very nice data... She loves it! And she wants a PM ... Just like you will or do !!!! Enjoy your measured and no longer subjective training!
  • Dwight .... Its estimating your power by wheel speed and cadence.. I'm sure its just math I dont understand.... But if you make sure the variables like tire pressure, and the adjustment pressure on your wheel are the same each time, you should get very consistent data. Whether its the real power your putting out is irrelevant..... I use TR with a Computrainer which is pretty accurate but usually about 5-10 watts lower than the data I am collecting off my Quarq on the same ride. My girlfriend uses TR with a Lemond Revolution trainer and its very consistent, no rear wheel so very nice data... She loves it! And she wants a PM ... Just like you will or do !!!! Enjoy your measured and no longer subjective training!
  • Dwight...Tim is correct its calculating power based on the wheel speed/cadence data and the known resistance curve of your trainer...That is why they have a list of Trainers....they are able to get the known resistance curves...then use the wheel speed/cadence to calculate a "virtual power" reading.

    Tim-...indeed...great ride this am!


  • Thanks guys...the engineer in me was curious :-)

    It's definitely eye candy and gives me more accurate targets on the trainer. And, yes, @Tim I lust for a PM on the bike now LOL.

    Another question: on my RnP plan there are similar workouts on Trainer Road...do you guys just do "what you feel like" or do you try and match the RnP Plan to Trainer Road?
  • Swim this morning: mix of 100,50s and 75s. Main set total 2800 meters
    Run: 2x1200 (4:34,4:35) 4x800 all were on 3:01.
  • Dwight;  There are the exact EN workouts on TrainerRoad if you wish to do them...(you have to sign up for access...simple process...I think you need to drop a note to ???? Rich...and just tell him your on TrainerRoad and you want to confirm EN workout Access...)....personally I mix them up....Sometimes I just like to break up the work differently so will look for a TrainerRoad workout that offers a combination of time, power intervals, etc. that meet my needs and the proscribed work..

    Hope that helps.

    Hey John...Nice Swim!

  • Run done and dusted this afternoon. 3 x 1 miles at a little hotter than TP. A total of 5.75 in 42:00.

    We've got some weather rolling in tonight. Trying to figure out how to get a bike and swim in with potential school delay/cancellation issues with the kiddos.

    Keep on it everyone!
  • Snow days rock! Made the call to not ride the bike at 0400, get that hour of sleep, and it paid off. Woke up to closed work and schools, so I'll get the bike in during the daughter's nap time this afternoon. Wife is emergency personnel, so she still had to drive in this morning. Funny how that works out.
  • @Roy-->> sounds like a great midweek training day!! Hitting my ride on the trainer at lunch and then Crossfit tonight. Scale did not budge this week...still 10 lbs. from race weight so pushing extra hard and watching the diet.

    I have my first, and only, tune-up coming in two weeks. Doing the Oly in Clermont, FL. With the way my run is progressing I feel I have a chance to PR an Oly. image
  • Just finished dry needling my lateral quads. FTP work is going to have to wait til later.
  • Sometimes things just work out eh Roy!...

    @ John...what the heck is dry needling?

    @ Dwight et al. - I'm kinda lookin for a shorty course as a fun/race tuner....how late into the training do you think you can go before it is too disruptive....3-4 weeks out from Race day?

    2500 yards for this morning...400warmup/200-300-400-300-200(T+15)/8x50(15-20')/200cooldown...nice swim this morning..

    Hey I posted a question in the forums about the swim...but I'll ask you guys too.....I tend to swim too fast (relative to T pace) during my intervals...find it tough to get into "cruising" pace....as a consequence I'm often pressed on short rests...and tend to have to add 10 seconds or so...what are you thoughts on this?

  • 7 miles on the TM w/ 4 x 1 mile repeats 6:35pace , 2200 yds in the pool....

    Another snowstorm coming tonight in NH.... Getting old.....

    Watched that video of the IMTX run last night ... Course looks awesome... Anyone fine a similar video for the bike?
  • @Joseph- when I put my season survey together I was going to do a half in mid-April and Patrick advised against it, or any race, that close. So based on that, I would say first week of April would be the cut-off and limit it to an Oly.

    @Tim- been scouring and can't find a similar vid on the bike.

  • Hey Tim, which video where you watching? I hate ruin the surprise, but I would be interested to see the course too.

  • @Dwight, the same folks that made the run video have said they will publish a similar bike course video sometime this week. I found it on ST. If/when I see them post it, I'll throw it in the Gouge thread (or watch it if someone else finds it first).

    @ Ryan, there's a Gouge thread in the Texas forum. A local made a video of the run course.
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