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IMTexas, 4-10 March WKO Thread



  • Good and bad today. Good, 1st ride outdoors on the big boy bike. Bad, 1st ride outdoors on the big boy bike. I'm one of the few that has a lower outdoor FTP than indoor. Plus I have to get the contact points used to the tri-saddle, which always takes a few rides. I know, complain complain, moan, moan. Anywho, 2:47 in 0.70, NP 210, 2900 ft climbing. Not the greatest, but you have to start somewhere.

    Hoping for pool and another ride tomorrow. Nice week everyone!
  • First outdoor ride in a long time. 3 hours, NP 220, IF .77. Tomorrow probably back to trainer
  • 2000 yards in the pool this morning. Made even funner by the evil look from the lady I shared the lane with when I asked to split the lane, how dare me!!! image A mix of 2/3/4/3/2 hundreds averaging 1:44s with some 100's stacked on the end to round out the mileage. The water felt great on the tired legs. Off to my daughter's swim lessons and then hopefully 3 hours on the bike in shorts this afternoon.

    Good luck everyone, looking ahead, it appears we have next Sunday off. NICE!
  • Good work Roy!


    Gotta say I had an awesome morning of workouts (for me)...kicked of DST with 3000yds with the local tri group..after warmup of mixed swimming and drills MS1 of 6x50 progressives then MS2 of 5x(4x100) with decreasing rest each set..best swim set to date! all 100 in the 1:45-1:48 range...then outside for 13miles in  1:44 double hilly loop...felt great on the second time around...I think running after swim is harder than running off of bike...anyway food, relax (watch some cylcing on TV)...then a little fun planned for later today

  • 3 hours in the saddle. Np: 202, avg Hr: 124. Still trying to figure how to ride with little variability in power. Live in an area with rolling hills, mixed with some short steep climbs. Even in smallest gears power still goes way above 300. Any suggestions.

    Guys are lucky. Haven't been in the pool in a week due to weather and high winds
    Interval run later in day
  • Hi Everyone...I'm gearing up for IMTX and next week, it appears I have a bbw? It referes to the wiki but I can't seem to locate the wiki that instructs me how to incorporate the bbw into my existing plan. Anyone have any ideas or experience?

    Disregard.....I believe I have figured it out...

  • Donna...glad you found the wiki advice....good luck...I'm passing on BTW or BBW this year...for the most part...last year I had a bike crash that wiped out the first 2 weeks of my final 12..then I tried to make up for it with a uber BBW witha 70.3 thrown in....this year I just want a solid runup to Race Day...

    John - ditto here...I can seem to get a VI below 1.05 for an entire ride (I'm usually 1.07/8)...and I sure do feel like I'm riding steady...anyway good luck...nice ride!

  • Due to a business trip I had to flip my weeks and do the BBW this week. Saturday was great. 2,300 yd swim, 4 hour rider in a 20-30 mph wind, and 6 mile run. Hit targets on everything. Once I get back from Madrid, I will start hitting the IM Texas bike course every couple of weeks.
  • Looking like a few more people showing up. Welcome John P. and Donna H.

    I'm choosing not to do a BBW or BTW on account of I'm training mostly inside in NH.

    Today's longrun. First one outside. I allowed myself to run unstructured with no intervals, was slow to start , averaged EP although it felt harder. I didnt want to push myself today after yesterday's longbike and this mornings indoor TT competition. If ya wanna see the TT file just click previous on the garmin run file below.


    Starting tomorrow we have 9 weeks left I believe!
  • Good strong work everyone! Get after the BBW Donna.

    Today's ride was much better than yesterday's. It could have been the morning swim, the nap before, or the fact that I was out in shorts today. Whatever it was, it worked. 2:40 with 235 NP, 0.78 IF, and 2800 ft of climbing. Felt much more in synch with the bike today.

    Like some, I'm not doing a Big Bike Week, but I am going to do the big day. Probably either Friday or Sunday, depending on how work is looking.

    @ John, while RnP assign set intervals, Rich will tell you to just work hard during your bike workouts. Steady riding, once you've got the skill, is really only crucial for the race rehearsals. I've got a specific loop that I do just for my RR's, shown to me by Nate Parady, another EN NOVA Sleeper Cell member, that is good for steady riding. All other times, I take whatever the day's ride gives me, within reason. On my normal training loop, I've got a couple hills that force me to spike my watts even with my new compact, but I don't let it get inside my loop. All work is good work. Good luck!

    Keep after it everyone, steady but solid keeps us in the fight.
  • Today's 3 mile tempo run done. WU followed by 3 miles 6:38, 6:35, 6:30. Run feels like its coming along
  • Did swim test this morning. Will redo next week to confirm time
  • A little tired this morning from a strong weekend of work....also ended the day with a 2hr. dog hike pizza and a few beers...lol

    Got in 2400yards....nothing too intense...200 warmup/4x200(20') progressive/300 drills/1x500 steady T+5/2x250(30') progressive/200 mixed stroke cooldown

    May or may not do some easy running on TM over lunch...tbd.

  • Hey Joe and John this is the 4-10 thread, today is the 11th. Our leader Roy is slacking this AM! I'll start new thread!
  • alright everybody. 10 weeks and counting. Just remember about two of those weeks will be taper time. Hope everybody had a good weekend. From the results posted it seems people were able to get in a solid weekend of work. Keep it up everybody

    So my 1000 m swim time this morning was 12:45. Seemed fast but was also coming off a week of not swimming. Will try to retest on Monday.
  • 10 weeks...8 weeks of work. I'm 2 weeks away from my one and only tune-up. Had a great ride this weekend until my training partner crashed...hard...will post details once the 11 Mar WKO thread is up.
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