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IMTX March 11th -17th WKO Thread

4200 yds in the pool this am.  Fins , snorkel , PB , nothing special.... Easy recovery day after hard weekend and getting ready for the rest of the week!



  • Tim, Thanks for setting up this weeks forum. So as previously stated, I did a swim test this morning. First one since July/August. Came after a week of not swimming so shoulders and arms were nice and rested.
    Results were 1000m swim 12:45. Pretty sure I didn't miscount but will try to retest on monday just to make sure.
  • LOL Tim...thanks for the catch....I'm reposting...new thread...but still was a little tire 

    A little tired this morning from a strong weekend of work....also ended the day with a 2hr. dog hike pizza and a few beers...lol

    Got in 2400yards....nothing too intense...200 warmup/4x200(20') progressive/300 drills/1x500 steady T+5/2x250(30') progressive/200 mixed stroke cooldown

    May or may not do some easy running on TM over lunch...tbd.

  • JK that is a smoking 1000 TT... Meters too... Fish! Also good point about 10 weeks to go .... but only 8 weeks to do the real work!!! Its time to get busy.
  • Legs are tired today! Mondays are trail hill runs which I love due to the change of scenery and focus on footing vice pace. 4 miles in 41 minutes. Trying to get into the pool tonight, we'll see how dad/hubby duties go this evening.

    Keep after it everyone!
  • Feel like I've made it over some sort of fitness hump. first week in IM plan my legs were toast especially with the modifications I was making to the plan. Last week after long run thought my legs were going to be toast for the weekend but that did not prove to be the case. They felt pretty good all weekend and even do today despite a late night tempo run.
  •  4 miles @ 8:15 avg at lunch on the TM....did some fun incline work...starting in Z1/Z2...incline 1....then went up 2-3-4-5 1.5min each level...then back down 4-3-2 notching the speed up each time I dropped a grade...down to 7:45ish...then back up 3-4-5...1:00min each..and back down again increasing the speed each step down...finishing off at level 1 again....

    Felt much better/stronger than I expected...and glad I did the workout....


  • @John and @Joseph-- You guys amaze me...do you both race in the pro field or are you an AG'er qualifying for Kona. You guys... @Roy and @tim...amazing times man. Me? I've broken 12 hours once in four times and I'm hoping to do it one more time.

    Anyway, very reflective weekend. My best friend, who I talked into not only doing his first IM in Texas but his first TRI, wrecked badly Saturday. Over the handlebars and knocked cold for 3 to 4 mins...starting shaking...woke up....literally thought he was dying. Long story...fractured orbital socket; bad road rash on face and knees, 5 stitches in lip...but CT Scan came up clean. Made me realize how hard it is to train and complete and IM without injury, sickness, etc. he's gonna be ok and swears he'll be running tomorrow..he's a tough SOB.

    Today after work hitting the pol for 2500 and then a 45 min recovery run.
  • Oh man Dwight sorry to hear about your friend. That really sucks. Sure hope he heals fast and recover's well.. Something to be said about Trainers and Treadmills for training.

    Couple years ago I crashed my tri bike in aero position while looking at my freaking stupid Garmin 310 on my wrist , road was straight , smooth , and I was the only one on it. Training is dangerous!..... Moral of my story.... Garmin 500 between my wrist's!
  • training is dangerous lol..and i've come close to wiping out checking my garmin at times!
  • Yep ... the most dangerous part of the actual race (once you survive the swim of course) is eating , drinking, and looking at your stupid bike computer while riding your bike and avoiding all the other idiots doing the same thing....... AID STATIONS scare the crap out of me!!!!!!!!
  • @Tim-- I did IMNYC last year and it was the worst carnage I've ever seen on a bike course. Of course, screaming down a two lane highway in New Jersey at 45 MPH with some not so great bike handlers...what can possibly go wrong?!?

    I have massive respect they even pulled off that race but it wasn't the NYC IM experience I thought it'd be...course was brutal. OK, except the swim. I did it in 52 mins...nah there wasn't ANY current LOL.
  • Feeling much better about IMTX after making my goals for Saturday (3.5 hour bike) and Sunday (3 hour) bike, all in Z3. Still need to figure out my nutrition plan for race day; I winged it last time and I think I got lucky. I'll need to pick up the pace on the swim this evening.

    Quick question for everyone on the thread...what do you guys do about stink and sweat on your cycling shoes? I'm think about busting out a toothbrush with soap and baking soda.
  • Oh man Dwight....I crashed last year...knocked unconcious as well...still don't know exactly how I crashed...but I "lucked" out with nothing broken just a bunch of stitches, concusion, and road rash...and no training for 2+ weeks...ugh...

    LOL..thanks for the compliments..I probably train tougher than I race..which may be a problem.....but John and Tim and the others are the speed animals...I've only done two...12:15 is my best (first time around)...last year I was hoping for 11..but the crash ruined my build up and Louisville was a toaster oven..so was happy to finish only 20min. slower....so 11-11:30 is my goal this year!!!!!!!...


  • Ryan....hmmm....I pee on my shoes...2x to make sure I'm hydrated.....otherwise...I just put some powder in them occassionally and wipe them down..soap & water...o

    RE: Nutrition....I think Nutrition & HYDRATION plans will be very important in TX....I got away with a less than perfect plan at IMLou my first time around in 2011...temps were warm but moderate....in 2012 it was the hottes they have had and huge DNF rate....everyone suffered even the pro-times were 15-20min. slower....I drank a boat load but still not enough.....need to figure that out as best possible for May....be interested in hearing how everyone is thinking about it.

  • Hey Joe, I was at IMLOU as well in 2011. Thinking about doing it again in the near future, had a lot of fun. I know from experience now how important nutrition is, and in my case, it's much more important now since I've been diagnosed with diabetes. 

    I'm looking to relocate to Austin in the near future (hopefully within the next month or so), and I'd definitely like to get some outdoor rides in before race day. Being cooped up in my apartment all winter on my bike is no fun! 

  • @Dwight, you are a faster guy than me. I've yet to crack 12 hours in three tries. Like Joe, I guess I train harder than I race. My best so far is in the Ville last year at 12:twentysomething. I think I came closest to smart execution there than in any other event.

    For nuitrition and water, I'm using a lot of what I learned in the Ville last year as a starting point for Texas (and the Ville part Duex). I need to drink more on the bike and less on the run. In Louisville, I did not pee until I got off the bike (probably not a great thing). However, once I started running, I couldn't stop drinking and felt like my stomach got sloshy around halfway. In an effort not to get sick of gels, I'm going to try solid food (mainly Honey Stinger Waffles) up front with on course gels for the 2nd half of the bike and run.

    @Ryan, good job with the bike work! You'll have to let me know how you like Austin. Its on a short list of places the wife and I want to move to when we grow up.
  • @Dwight. Thanks for the complement. That is funny. I wish that way I could quit my day job. This will be my first IM race and can't wait. Last year was my first season back in triathlons after a twenty year break. In the past and think its still the case, I race better than I train. First goal is to finish, second goal is to break 10.5 hours but I know alot can happen when your out there for that long
  • Yup Roy...same here...we were pretty close finisher at d'Ville last year....and I didn't pee on the bike....had to keep backing off the power cuz my HR was rising...and I wasn't peeing....once I got off the bike I pee'd in T'2 and tried to catch up on fluids on the run...but had an electrolyte crash at mile 14 or so....which caused me to walk into the next aid station...losing 20min. of time...but then was able to run to the finish...I have got to sort that out....and is my biggest concern for race day...


  • @Dwight. Thanks for the complement. That is funny. I wish that way I could quit my day job. This will be my first IM race and can't wait. Last year was my first season back in triathlons after a twenty year break. In the past and think its still the case, I race better than I train. First goal is to finish, second goal is to break 10.5 hours but I know alot can happen when your out there for that long
  • @JK, ditto on that swim time, wow! I'll be looking for you at mile 100 of the bike image. I'm feeling pretty good about the training so far. No injuries, not sick, and have managed to get most of the workouts in.

    Kids are on half day this week, so no long bike and probably a little shorter long run. Off again the whole week for Spring Break in a couple of weeks, so that will be a long (treadmill) run week.

    Weather is as some this week here in Northern CA, with temps in the low 70's, so I'm getting in some outdoor riding. May even work on the tan!

    Good luck and happy training everyone.
  • All you fishes out there got me thinking I need to push it a bit. So tonight's 2200 yards was marked by 8x100's leaving every 2:00 (1:34 ave) and 8x100 leaving every 1:00 (0:45 ave). I was worn out by the end. Fun stuff!
  • Good , Hard , FTP ride today , TR Pinnacle , I highly recommend it , Pickering and Wallace too which are very similar very nice rides..... 1:30 total ride , 60 minutes work , with 40min at 1.0 and 20 min at .95.... IF at .9 and NP 207..... Anybody see my lungs???

  • Today's workout:
    Swim: 3500 m of 150, 100, and 50 ( speed work day)
    Run: 6x800, 2:52, 2:53, 2:51, 2:50, 2:55, 2:54. Need to do slightly better job pacing.

    Hope everybody is having a great training day
  • Run done and dusted. Waited until early afternoon break in the rain to get it in. 7.5 in 57:xx with 2x1.5 @ TP (or rather 10-15 seconds hot per mile pace). Felt good. No swim today as my pool is packed on Tuesdays, I'll make it up tomorrow.

    Keep on the gas everyone!
  • No computer access this morning....out the door of the hotel with NO COFFEE...but pretty much fun crankin out 6miles along the Hudson river in NYC in the shadrizzle...out 3 @ 7:55 ish...did my work on the way back avg. 7:10s...as 7:17 - .10 ez - 7:07 - .10 ez - 7:02...a bit slower than I would have ideally liked but the legs were tired...an uncaffeinated...so generally pleased...

  • 90 minutes chewed up and spit out on the trainer....   TrainerRoad Electra+(bumped the intensity up)......174NP/.83IF


    Nothing else planned today...

  • Feels good to be done for the day huh Joe? Hit the TM for 7.8 miles 4x1 Z4 , 1800 yds in the pool.... Alldone
  • Today's workout complete. Have Big tri day tomorrow instead of Saturday. Gonna see if my Masters group would be okay with me swimming 4000 meters straight instead of the prescribed workout. Following that up with 4 hour ride and one hour run. Going to try to get 5 miles of tempo run @Z3 pace.
  • Tim...YES! ....honestly...an afternoon off is like a full day off....!

    John...good luck with the Big Day...I have to back my big day up to next week...as I can't schedule it this weekend...I'm looking forward to it though!

  • Sick wife and I spent the morning at the clinic, so I ducked into the pool before going to work. 250 w/u, 1000 TT, and 250 c/d. Today's lesson: I need to push a bit more during my normal workouts. 1000 yards, 16:12, 1:37 per 100 yds average. It's a delicate balance finding the sweet spot between good form and speed. I'm getting a little better at it, at least I think I am.

    Going to have ride in the basement this evening for FTP work. Fun times!
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