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IMTX March 11th -17th WKO Thread



  • Long run executed today. Went over the assigned 90 minute duration due to time/space issues with movement to/from the track. Anywho, 13.25 in 1:41 with 1x 2.25 @ Z2 and 2x 2.25 @ Z3. Ran them all slightly hot because its really hard for me to differentiate the effort since my zones are so close, but got it done. Moving the Big Tri Day to Sunday so I can stay home and baby the wife tomorrow (she's still down with the flu). I am going to try to get a swim in during the afternoon during nap time.

    @JK, good luck tomorrow. Its a great race, I ran it last year (4 weeks on the back side of getting snipped) and loved it.

    @Sarah, if you didn't do anything different or notice a significant change in pacing, your Garmin probably missed a turn or added an extra one. That dorks up the interval pretty bad.

    Lot of different stuff for different people this weekend. Good luck to everybody with whatever you have on tap and keep those posts coming.
  • On the way home, stopped by the pool and knocked out 1500 yards. Was aiming for 2k but I got a cramp in my foot, figured my body was hinting that it was done and for me to stop playing today. I listened.
  • I know many of you will be doing BIG DAY today...so Good Luck I look forward to hearing about them...

    I'm baking my Big Day up by one week...due to having to shuffle my schedule around due to biz travel...I chose to do my long run today (v tommorrow) and save the nice weather for long bike....it was snowing lightly so I decided a good day to run on the TM...and it was...generally pleased with the run....12miles/90min...No Doubt the TM is a real task master....like the bike trainer v outside ...there is no let up...'no spinning"....you set a pace and go...and keep going unless you ramp it down...(or up)...I ran this as progressive 5k loops (graphics screen onthe TM)...easy warmup loop (8:15)...second loop 7:35 avg....third loop 7:05 avg. (with 2x2k 7:03,6:55 with 1k easy 8:15)...then finished off @ 7:45 avg...Then I jumped in the pool and had to cut the planned 2400 short as my right leg (hamstring) was cramping badly...this rarely happens in the pool but clearlI'm y post run I was tired and dehydrated (it was also my thrid day in a row of swimm...which is much for me)....I got in 1600 (as 200's)...some Pull Buoy work some without... all in all a good morning...and saved my long ride for tommorrow which is supposed to be partly cloudy and warmer

    Cheers all!

  • 1/2 Mary done. Legs are definitely tired. Between today and big tri day on Thursday, I am going to enjoy the off day. Ran sub 1:30 on 1/2 Mary. Not sure of exact time. Happy with results as this was a training run. Wanted to practice running at HM pace on tired legs. Really pleased with how run is coming along
  • Sweet Runnin' John!....was this DC RnR?  How was weather...hope you escaped snow!

  • @JL nice run, very wierd hamstring cramps , I sometimes get the calf cramps in the swim, usually only in competition. Either way they suck.

    @JK congrats on the HM smoking time...... I have a HM next Sunday, the last one got cancelled on account of weather. So far looks good.

    Today's longbike felt harder than last weeks and it was only 10 minutes longer.
  • @Tim....I def dehydrated on the run...the cramps came during the turn/push off....not during the actual swimming ....btw I'm really looking forward to trying out ankle bands...because I know I have an eccentric kick when I turn to breath on my "bad" side...and I think this will help me to begin to understand & control the bodyposition/roll to that side.

    btw...thats a long time inside...question? do you take any breaks...I don't mean long breaks but do you get off the bike to reload water, or change video, etc.?

    How about on Long Rides out doors? Do folks stop? ie. at a store for food or anything?....I typically never stop...though the last few long rides I have made one food/potty type stop...


  • Inside I put all my bottles and food on a table next to me.... I stop only for bathroom breaks.... also some micro breaks with the computrainer calibration....

    Outside, stop for nature calls , refill bottles , but usually carry all food and powdered sports drink.
  • @John: Nice job with the half marathon!

    @Joe: I usually get cramps in the arch of my foot or calf when swimming. Most of the time it's dehydration but I have a difficult time of telling when I'm actually dehydrated.

    Had to change things up yesterday because I slept in. 

    - Biked for 2 hours @ Z2 then the last 30 minutes @ Z3.

    - 1600m swim. I didn't time myself accurately but focused more on form (which I totally lost in the past year). Estimated time I was in the pool, seemed like ~38 minutes according to the clock.

    - Was supposed to run for 30' Z1, then another 30' whatever I felt like, but this was my first run after bike & swim in over year (yes, I am that far behind)

    I actually ended running 50' @ z2/z3 with pretty good form. Feeling a lot better about doing IMTX now.

    Now for a day of relaxation. Hope everyone else had an awesome day yesterday. Looking forward to the FTP test this week! 

  • @John, solid half. Good job!

    Well, the big tri day turned into a bust. When I showed up at the pool, I found all day scuba and life guard lessons eating up all the lanes. Given no other real option, I've decided to roll the event to next weekend. So I came home and dialed up a Saturday schedule. Just got a run in, 40 minutes with 5.5 total with 20 minutes at EP and 20 minutes at MP. Going to get some type of long bike in this afternoon on the trainer.

    Time to get my bracket ready! Go Louisville!
  • Longest Run for IMTX so far DONE. 1:50 , 14 miles , 4 x1 @ 7:03 , 2 x 2 @ 7:24 , rest EP 8:20.... I would classify this run as freaking hard!

    Very much looking forward to my Monday Swim only DAY!
  • Just plain disappointed in the weather....could not get out early enough for a ride....biggest issue was ice on the roads because it was still freezing at 7am...so after swapping out my long run yesterday and doing that inside...I still go stuck doing my long ride inside today.........I wanted/planned to go 3.5 outside...but I cut it to 3 inside....this was primarily a steady endurance ride...though I used TrainerRoad Balcony as ride template and watched some riding California videos (3x)...... finished up 3hrs. 160NP/.76 IF/Avg HR 131.


    Another kinda screwy week with Biz Travel on Tues/Wed.  but I have it organized into my Big Day next Saturday.

    Great Work Everyone!  and Happy St. Paddy's Day.....I may have to have a Guinness or Two...

  • Yesterdays 1/2 Mary. Treated as a training race. Legs were tired from weeks work but wanted to practice pacingwith tired legs. Set pacing according to HM racing pacing guidelines in the wiki. Goal time under 1:30 with an average pace equal to HM pace of 6:43. Actual time: 1:29:59. Distance: 13.285. Average Pace: 6:45
    Mile 1: 6:58
    Mile 2: 6:39
    Mile 3: 6:40
    Mile 4: 6:37
    Mile 5: 6:46
    Mile 6: 6:45
    Mile 7: 7:24 (That hurt)
    Mile 8: 6:56
    Mile 9: 6:40
    Mile 10: 6:31 (This is were pushed it a little to practice pushing hard towards end of race)
    Mile 11: 6:15
    Mile 12: 6:52
    Mile 13: 6:35
    Rest of Race: What ever was left in the tank which wasn't much.

    Glad today is a rest day and tomorrow is a swim only day.
  • @JL.... I hear ya on the weather , way to adjust the plans, I quit drinking in my 20's but hey thats another story, nevery had a Guinness but man they always look so good!

    @JK ... nice pacing on your HM , Matt Aaronson had relatively slow mile 7 as well , but ya had some fast ones after.. Enjoy your rest!
  • Decided to go with a 3 hour ABP ride this afternoon on the trainer. Ended up with 2:55 with the first 2/3s watching Abe Lincoln, Vampire Hunter (only good for distraction on the trainer) and the last 1/3rd Hell Hath No Fury Sufferfest video (with the target intensity of 0.8 for the intervals). Ended up with a total ride of 0.77 and 233 NP. Felt pretty good.

    Next week is going to be hit and miss due to work commitments. Going to try to get wko's where I can, but they will be the exception. This darn work stuff gets in the way of my training image

    Really good week everyone! Keep on it.
  • Guys. What week are we on? My training plan seems off by a week.
  • My plan says 9 weeks left but it shows big tri day for this coming weekend and not last weekend
  • We are on Week 12 John.

    As for me however; I'm on week 11 as I had to back up my Big Day to this coming weekend...so repeating Week 11.....

    and my week began with this mental checklist halfway to the pool....Fins, Goggles, Nose Clip, Cap..CHECK...change of clothes for work...CHECK...Bathing Suit....Bathing Suit...Buehler!?....aaahhh.....LOL....so I guess I'm taking that day off that Coach P suggested.

  • Yeah my plan says week 11 with nine weeks remaining. It is actually 9 weeks. Not sure what's going on
  • Mine says week 11 with 9 remaining. Isnt that correct? Its what I counted. I'll start the 18th-24th thread.
  • Dates are correct but workouts wrong. I guess? Maybe now it's correct and I just did my big day a week esrly
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