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IMTX April 1-7

7 weeks left....   Headed to the pool for a uneventful Swim only day today...  Feeling yesterdays run a bit today.



  • Woohoo, 7 weeks left!

    Missed out on a lot of training in the past two weeks. With moving, work, and interviews I'm beginning to worry a bit. I've still got to move one more time in the near future. At least I'm in warmer weather now. Time to hit pavement and trails!!
  • Indeed Indeed Indeed....7 weeks....Lucky 7!....

    2800 in the pool per the EN workout...nothing special this morning....swim continue to progress...I'm NOT an especially good swimmer so just want to continue to meet my goals here. It may be a swim only day.

    QUESTION: for those traveling from afar to TX....how are you moving your bikes?  

  • I'm going early enough that I am bringing it via bike box and airline..... If I was just going for 4-5 days I would use tribiketransport.....
  • My bike is going TriBike Transport. Love the service!
  • Morning team...hope everyone had a great weekend ...had a great ride Saturday and looking forward to a great week. Heading to the pool at lunch then some core work tonight at crossfit.
  • For those who have used tri bike transport how soon do you have to ship out your bike. How many weeks before race
  • @JK it varies from state to state . For instance shipping to Cozumel they picked up my bike in NH about a week before Paul Houghs in Tampa. Its listed on the site though.
  • Morning team...hope everyone had a great weekend ...had a great ride Saturday and looking forward to a great week. Heading to the pool at lunch then some core work tonight at crossfit.
  • Good Morning Dwight!....weekend riding is getting much better with temps rising!

    FOLLOW UP QUESTION ON BIKE TRANSPORT....I was looking at Tribiketransport ..bike drop off is on the Friday before (10th)...and I will be able to pick it up on Wednesday (I arrive on Tuesday nite...so perfect)...question is ...do you just ride your roadbike for the Sat-Tuesday workouts?

  • 40 minutes on the gym stationary and a stretching session done today. Legs still sore from the half marathon this weekend (which, according to the 'official' results now posted, I seem to be owed a trophy for 3rd in the AG, sweet!). Going to go for an easy run tomorrow and then see if I can press it a bit for a Wednesday FTP bike.

    @Joe, x's whatever on tribiketransport. I like them and since I have two bikes (one road and one tri), I don't mind losing the tribike a little early.

    @John, Bonzai Sports has a pickup on 10 May. I used them last year and had them do some tuning up prior to shipping. Very happy with them and their service.
  • Thanks All for the responses...I think TriBike Tansport is a winner........

    4miles on the TM over lunch...featuring incline work...1.5mile warmup (Z1 - 8:20)..2miles @ 7:30pace setting incline each 400 (2-3-3-2-3-4-3-2)..halfmile cooldown...Back to Work

  • Well perhaps last nights Wko took a little out of me. Either that or I need more than h20 on a 2:40 bike. No energy for 4 hour ride today.
    @roy. Just looked at TBT will probably set that up this week. Do I need the premium insurance or to ship a bag thoughts
  • 71 and sunny here in Atlanta...really looking forward to tonight's run with the wife.
  • 2100 yards tonight in the pool split into w/u then sets of 200 moderate, 100 hard, rest, repeat. Good times!

    Keep on it everyone, its amazing how close Texas really is.
  • Fatigue from my family vacation must have been greater then I thought. Unable to get out of bed this morning
  • Hit the trail today at lunch for an easy 4 in 40 minutes. My weekly trail work is my favorite run so I enjoyed taking the sore legs out into nature. May try to sneak to the pool after kiddo's bedtime tonight.

    I'm going to have a ready triage protocol in place for tomorrow's FTP work. Going in position is 4x10 instead of 2x20, @ 0.95. We'll see how the pistons respond to that.
  • @JK come on man get fired up , 7 weeks but only 5 weeks time to do the work!

    @Roy agree on the trail runs... still too much snow here in NH though!

    I did my last bike FTP test today before IMTX as the TR 2 x 20 test. Safe to say that the increased longrun/longbike volume has finally taken its toll. It was a valiant effort , ugly to say the least , I wasnt getting the numbers I was looking for or wanted but hung in there and finished best I could. That does not kill you will make you stronger and today I built upon my mental strength and did not quit. Effort and HR was off the freaking charts and my lungs are severely seared now.

    Results from TR/CT FTP went from 231 down to 227 so -4 , LTHR went up from 164 to 173... so power was not a lack of trying
    Results from Garmin/Quarq much better , went down from 236 to 235 only a loss of 1 watt
    Results from Garmin/Quarq data in Golden Cheetah CP went from 238 to 237 again a loss of 1 watt

    I have noticed in the last few weeks the discrepancy between CT and PM to be consistently more along the lines of 11-12 watts and it used to be 7-8 watts???? Getting ready to move outside soon so I will be using the Quarq data anyway , but I have had no problem hitting all the 100% intervals in TR/CT at the 231 number so a bit odd.

    I have some silver linings.
    1. weighed in at 121lbs pre-test , using my Quarq FTP numbers gives me a w/kg of 4.28...gonna give the big guys a run for their money on that flat course!
    2. that was my last test until long after IMTX , that is a huge relief right there!
    3. its time to focus on sustainable power over longer time periods for the next 5-6 weeks pre taper
    4. considering the increase TSS from the long runs and long bikes lately I'm pretty happy to be that near my all time high FTP!

    Easy run later today, long endurance Swim only tomorrow, moving my longbike to thursday this week , and headed to Tucson on Friday coming back next Thursday. Wont be biking for the entire week but will get in a bunch of runs and a couple swims. Actually entered a 10 mile trail race while I'm there but having not run on trails yet this year , I'm not racing I PROMISE .
  • @Tim, I would not worry an iota about the "loss" of power. There isn't any. There is some significant fatigue in all of our legs right now. Besides, that's a sick w/kg number!

    Concerning your race, you and I both know that it will be impossible for you not to throw down once the gun goes off, even more so when the guy kitted out in full WTC top and bottom, visor, and compression socks muscles by you to get a position on the start line (just happened to me this weekend). Let the legs go and have fun with it, just don't try to deny the fact that you're going to hammer it image
  • @Roy ... nope not gonna do it... first time on trails usually makes me sore in new places.... its gonna be about mileage and fun... I CAN DO IT !..... I raced my HM so hard a week ago I still havent done any FTP runs.... when you really really really give it all boy do you pay the price!!! I will go at a comfortably hard effort for a good workout but not redlined racing! Normally I'm completely in your camp and say just RACE! I got one more race pre -IMTX a local 5k that will be a good all out effort and vdot test !
  • Well I might have an additional reason for fatigue. Nose and ears stuffed up and throat is getting sore. Have my wife to thank for that.
  • Sounds like everyone is doing some solid training. The last 8 days have been OK for me, but now that I'm done fueling via matzah and other non-carb items things will pick back up. Today I did 3100 meters in the pool followed by a T-mill run. Felt a little slow, but mentally pushed through and was pleased with the effort/results. Over the weekend, I managed to ride for 6.5 of the 7 prescribed hours. Doing it on water alone in the basement was TOUGH! Additionally, I got about 7 miles of running in as well; albeit with my young daughters. It was a good way to earn a few SAU's and get some work done. Looking forward to getting back on track with my nutrition and finish strong heading into the last 5-7 weeks of training.

    @Joseph, for what it's worth, I've used TBT for all my races and their service is outstanding. Well worth the price.
  • For those that have used TBT, do I need to ship out bag with it? Do I need the extra insurance and what about wheels? Currently have standard road wheel up front with disc cover on back. Really just need to know what info to enter when making a reservation
  • @JK --- I never bothered with insurance and dont think its necessary. They charge a little more to ship a bag with your bike and its a deal! They will not take a disc only open wheels.

    @Aaron I have absolutely no idea how you rode that long on only water.... Every long ride or run I do I am fueling exactly as I am planning for during the race . 1. for practice 2. because I would die without it 3. so I dont lose weight too quickly...... even consuming 2-300cals an hour I am coming off my long days with a huge deficit.
  • @Tim. Thanks for the advice.
  • @John ship the bag with TBT. Totally worth the extra $30ish bucks.

    @Tim they were the hardest two rides I've done. Additionally, I was substantially more sore the day after each one. Fortunately, Passover ends tonight and I'm back to supplementing my rides with the proper nutrition.
  • Aaron good job on maintaining Passover dietary restrictions. We were away on vacation during a large part of Passover so decided not to participate.
  • @Aaron ... Ahhhh he says as the little squirrel jumps on the wheel and the light comes on.... Now I get it!
  • Swim done. A lot of butterfly, back, free and breast. A nice sprinkling of free and stroke sprints at end. Now off to do my 3 miles @z4
  • 4x1200 Z4 on the TM...

    Hey on TBT....How do you ship the wheel cover? (wheelbuilder wheel cover)...dothey ship it with bike...just not on the wheel?  and what are you shipping in the $30 gear bag?

  • Run Wko done: 3 miles @ 6:37 pace.
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