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IMTX April 1-7



  • Hey guys checkin in.

    Yesterday ZERO travel day. Today 10.5 mile trail race in Tucson. I started in the back of an unchipped race (I never do this) ran the first mile at 9:30ish and then averaged 8:25pace for the first 5mile loop, picked it up and ran comfortably hard for the second loop averaging around 7:55pace and bringing my total average to 8:08pace. Ended up 2nd AG but there were only 6 in my AG. Total RPE run on trails, hills, rocks, very softsand, higher elevation and temps than I'm used to as well so pretty happy to come thru that safe. Be hitting the lap pool in the am....
  • Nice rides Joe and John.  Good trail run Tim.  

    I was very stoked to make it outside for outdoors ride 3 of the year.  So excited that I decided to go old school and leave (forget) the garmin at the house.  So I just rolled and hit it by RPE.  I actually think I worked a tad harder because I didn't do work/rest intervals, I just rode at slightly harder than what I expect to ride on game day.  So I'm relatively happy.  Ended up with 3:35 total.  Going to ride early in the cold tomorrow so that we can get the children outside after lunch.

    John, for Race Rehearsals, I have a small loop without much elevation in Noakesville.  Fellow EN'er Nate Parady showed it to me.  Since its a small loop (about 7-8 miles I think) and you have to loop it alot, I don't ride it a lot.  I works the mental toughness as well.  Link below:


    Another option is the W&OD trail.  I've ridden long on it a few times.  Its ok; but the pavement seams at the beginning of the trail drive me crazy.  


  • Atta Boy Roy! (had to do that..at least once...chukl)...hey I think ridin' old school by RPE can be more difficult...methinks you tend to ride harder..its in out nature...nice work.

    @Tim...must be nice to be in the warmth of Tuscon...trail run sounds like fun...nice racing!...hey there were 5 other guys who coulda been in front of you....they all ran the same trail and had the same opportunity...so good work!

    Sunny and warmer today....will def get in a nice 2-3hr abp ride...after coffee...

  • @John, Nice work, hope the fall didn't leave you too bruised.

    @Tim, are you at EN camp? If so, tell Trevor Garson 'hi' and to work harder for me! image

    Long run with 25' minute intervals on Friday left my legs feeling a little drained yesterday for my bike. Frustrating not to hit your targets, especially when TR is showing you failing. image
    Totally missed my long bike ride yesterday, which made me realize that I've missed a lot of volume rides, runs, and swims. On top of that, I may be stuck without a pool for the next couple weeks while I wait to move on to Austin.
    I think my goal for IMTX has gone from 'improve time' to 'complete without injury'.
  • @Ryan , The EN camp already happened a few weeks ago. That didnt work out for me and I already had this trip scheduled. NO BIKING , but I did drive Mt. Lemmon yesterday..... 3100yds in the pool, 4 mile run, headed over to the Biosphere2 to check it out... Stay focussed on your training and do what you can do, dont be too frustrated about hittting your targets as the volume is going to start affecting pace and power. Its about building the far in the next few weeks!
  • Quick bike ride (2:20) on 0.74 and 224 NP and then home and turn to family-extravaganza afternoon. Hiking in the park, ice cream parlor, and trip to the playground for jungle gym and skate boarding. Really really good day!
  • @Roy. Sounds like an awesome day. No WKOs today. Played with kids and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Start back up tomorrow.
  • Thanks for sharing the pics Roy...looks like a great day!

    @Ryan - steady and with purpose....wait for your RR then adjust your plans & goals...

    @ Tim - Biosphere...wasn't that a movie?  Have fun!

    I got in a solid 49 mile/2:30/19.2mph/167NP/.80IF ride yesterday....was happy to only have to wear knee warmers & no booties!


  • Morning folks. Hitting the treadmill at lunch for a quick run. It's beautiful out but my run has stagnated a bit so I'm going to really push the leg speed on the treadmill. 2700 in the pool tonight.

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