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IMTX April 8-14

Another week down...Another week up..... Some folks have RR#1 coming up this weekend....exciting...I need to back mine up to next week....so will basically be repeating last weeks schedule....(not that they differ much during the week LOL)...Let's keep it rollin' steady & strong!

Thanks for sharing the pics Roy...looks like a great day!

@Ryan - steady and with purpose....wait for your RR then adjust your plans & goals...

@ Tim - Biosphere...wasn't that a movie?  Have fun!

I got in a solid 49 mile/2:30/19.2mph/167NP/.80IF ride yesterday....was happy to only have to wear knee warmers & no booties!




  • Stretched out in pool today. Left rib cage sore from weekends fall
  • 2800 Yards in 1:03:09 at 106.0. MY COMMENTS: 200 wup/4x200(30)/4x150(20)/6x100(15)/8x50(15)/200mixed cooldown

    FWIW I alternate my intervals as Xyds with buoy & ankle band / no buoy or ankle band....The bouy and ankle band combo has really helped me get my rythm, comfort, and streamlined body position in order....


  • Going for a long-ish run tonight. I"m in Belize for the week (we have an office here) and have limited access to bike and, believe it or not, a place to swim. Going to do what I can and turn this into a heavy run week. At least able to simulate the Texas heat and humidity...holy shit the humidity here LOL.
  • @ Dwight...Belize eh....sneak in some FlyFishing!

  • todays run felt good. Felt nice to be outside in the sunshine. MS 2x12 at 6:43. Ribs were a little sore during the warm up but not bad at all. Probably be gone by weekend. Just in time for RR, which I might have to do on trainer.
  • Bonefish on a fly rod! Rock on!image
  • @Sarah...a women after my heart...Fish On!....

    60+ degrees and full sun  made for a glorious lunchtime run outside...wish I had more time...2miles of easy warmup ..then 2.5miles @ 6:47 pace.......half mile cooldwon..

  • @Dwight, enjoy!

    Solid runs Joe and John. As for me, I passed the opportunity to do more Z3. Hit my normal Monday trail run and got a little over 4 in 37 minutes. Weather was warm and made me think about pacing in Texas. Going to be 'fun' to say the least.

    6 more weeks everyone! I'm going to start a thread about swim attire. Since we're getting close and I think I'm allowed to actually think about my race without getting kicked in the junk by Coach R, I'm at a decision point on swim attire puchase/rental options. I'd appreciate some thoughts. image
  • @ Roy...6 weeks...yikes...lol...and two RR's....

    re: swim attire...I will be going with my Xterra swimskin...

    also re: swim...was just thinking...do you think fresh water swimming is slow or faster than salt water....does salt water provide some additional natural bouyancy?  or is does salt water density add drag?....


  • Got 3k yards in tonight at the pool. Focusing on consistency of getting into the pool. Averaged 1:38 tonight, largely due to 10x100's leaving on 2:00, averaging 1:29's. Looking to go race distance Friday prior to RR1.

    Keep on it everyone!
  • Hmmmm, looks like all the TribikeTransport locations in Virginia and Maryland are booked up. Time to search the threads for a good bike box. That's a JV mistake.
  • What about NC? I think there are three in the Raleigh area.
  • TBT is booked up? That sucks. What to do? What are the options?
  • Woke up to a light rain and 50 degrees , after yesterday's windstorm in Tucson this AM.... Was a bit cold in the outdoor pool but maybe that is why I had such a good swim trying to stay warm.... No WU , 500yds in 7:34 , 1 min rest , 1000TT alltime PB 14:59 , 1 min rest , 10 x 200 all at 3:10 on 20 sec rest, 100 CD.... skipping the short run I had planned for now anyway..... Plan to run in Saguaro National Park East tomorrow for my last day here!

    @Joe ... Saltwater provides more buoyancy and is supposed to be faster ....
  • Good morning everyone...looks like everyone is killing it early in the week. I've gotten two good runs in Sunday and yesterday here in Belize. Still can't believe I won't swim until Friday when I get home but it is what it is. Replacing that with core sessions...all I can do given the circumstances.

    Looking forward to the big ride on Saturday. We're going on the Silver Comet Trail here in Atlanta. It's a bike path that was built on an abandoned railroad bed that runs from Atlanta to Piedmont, AL. We're riding from ATL to the Alabama border and back...122 miles. Then the one hour run.

    Enjoying the swim thread...I'm going tri shorts only. Worked for me in Louisville.
  • Wow...thats amazing about TBT...glad I booked when I did...(out of Philadelphia)...anyway...this was my original bike shipping choice..and you may find it useful too!

    Check out their AIRCADDY shipper....


  • Going for a long-ish run tonight. I"m in Belize for the week (we have an office here) and have limited access to bike and, believe it or not, a place to swim. Going to do what I can and turn this into a heavy run week. At least able to simulate the Texas heat and humidity...holy shit the humidity here LOL.
  • -Shipping snafu may be avoided. Called TBT customer service directly and they said they were having problems with the website. They said it was likely that slots still remained and to check back in a day or two. Fingers crossed.
  • ShipBikes.com seems interesting. Have to buy a bike box but at least you can ship it with you. Estimated cost per SW airlines is 89.00. Might just have to do that
  • Joseph,
    Thanks For the link, I missed out on TBT too.image
  • Weather.com says its now 76 degrees in NOVA. My body said, "hey, what's the dealeo dude???" A total of 7.5 in one hour with 3x1 @ TP. The intervals were ok but the recovery periods were brutally slow and I actually broke a real sweat for the first time outside this year. I'm glad that this warmer weather (relatively speaking, I know you folks further south are in real heat) is finally coming around so that my expectations/pacing plan for Texas are realistic.

    Fun times all around!
  • So nice to run in the gloriously warm...but forgot socks...Blistah...ouch!   It was great...for 4 miles...3miles progressive warmup (8:15,7:45,7:15) on a trail...then intent was to do my speedwork on the way back on the road...the problem was the road was rounded...so my right foot kept rubbing on the downslope every footstrike...by the the time came for the second speed mile the hotspots were killing me...and I felt like I was running on glass shards...but 2x6:50's with 400 recovery in between...total of 6miles 7:36 avg....cold tile feels good on my bare foot right now though...heheheh

  • Big bike week on the big island going well. Going fast, aero, and maintaining power. 3 days so far. 250+ miles. At 0.7+. Brought in the 100 miler today feeling great. Key is hydration and nutrition.

    Staying in waikaloa. Good location to get right on the course without admin. Love the kawaihae to hawi section. About the middle 2/3 of that. Great feel, views, less traffic. About the third trip here so know all the water stops, etc. will have to race that full they do here sometime.

    All seems to be coming together. Have my indoor training dailed for giving outdoor performance. Working off a realistic ftp. Ready to work texas at .7 to .75.

    And of course just nice being home (maui actually) with the sights and smells and tastes.
  • It all sounds Awesome Robin!..........

  • @Robin Sounding good ! Maybe that "taste" is just what you need to get you there!
  • A nice 3300yards this morning...looking forward to the bike this evening.

  • Bike 2x20 done followed by brick run with 10 minutes at z3/4 remainder z1/2. Feel like running has come a long way this year. Lets hope it translates to a nice IM run
  • @Sarah, you may want to spool up TBT again and see if your local shop is now available. They appear to have refreshed their website and today I was able to register for my local shop (where yesterday I wasn't). Their customer service said they were having web issues. Good luck!

    @Robin, color me jealous. Enjoy the training.
  • Lunch - 1:20 outdoor bike done with a total of ~35 minutes at FTP. 0.83 for the entire ride. Hit a new PR for a 7 mile loop by ~20 seconds in windy conditions, so I know I'm at a better place than last year.

    Evening - 3k yards at the pool with a total swim average of 1:39 pace. w/u, 5x400's, 1x300, and then some 100's to close out the distance.

    All in all, it was a good day! Keep on it everyone. Long run tomorrow!
  • Tucson trip done.... Coming home tomorrow and taking a ZERO travel day.... 6 days here , 40.5 miles running and 8100yds swimming (if i add the 7 mile run I did day before leaving that would be my highest 7 day run volume ever at 47.5miles) .... not getting on the bike until Saturday for a 5hr ride after 8 days no biking should be interesting! Oh and looks cold and crappy in NH another trainer ride argggg...

    Girlfriend gave me a Garmin 910XT today... very cool... http://connect.garmin.com/activity/296197854 todays trial swim , I like not having to hit the button every length, cant wait to use it OWS as the 310XT was useless in OWS

    Coming up on 5 weeks left.....
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