Successful week-end of training - not exactly according to plan. 1.5 hour OWS on Friday in lake north of Phoenix. Water a bit choppy from the afternoon winds.
Saturday ride - 75 miles on the IMAZ course starting from the top of Beeline Highway. Hot and windy Didn't follow nutrition plan so the last climb up the Beeline Highway, into the wind, was not fun due to energy deficit. Shoulders were full of trash - more than I've seen in a long time - particularly on the downhill side which is the side where the race is held. Fortunately, on race day we ride on the road, not on the shoulders, although they usually sweep the road the week before. Bonus was riding with Betsy for the first loop.
Sunday ride - 55 miles on Beeline Highway again, starting at the top. 2 loops of the Beeline with added mileage going north of the race turnaround point. Winds were already blowing at 630 when we started (much earlier than normal). Made the downhill section really fast, but uphill into the wind wasn't quite so fun. First loop it was a strong cross wind; second loop it was a strong head wind. Followed nutrition plan more closely and maintained energy throughout.
The topography of this bike course is not the challenge; it's which way the winds are blowing and they are bound to change directions over the 3 loops.
Weather has been decent (warmish and humid) here in Metro Detroit of late, but our luck ran out today. Good long run Thursday, nice warm run Friday, fair weather Saturday for the long ride and run, but rain off and on allll day today. I rode 3 hours last Sunday and got soaked and filthy. Chose the drainer on my road bike instead. Soft effort, but really, I think I'm amazing for sticking it out for 1.5 hours on the darn trainer at all!!!
I guess I was a little too ambitious in thinking I could just jump right back in after a one week ramp up following IMLT. This week, I managed to do all but two of the workouts - I dropped the Friday run, and the Sunday ride. But the swim on Friday and bike ride on Saturday, I was able do all the volume, but I managed to get up the required intensity level for only about 60% of the total time. That's why I stood down for the ride today.
Because I'm doing the same workouts as eight weeks ago, I can compare my times for each interval in each workout. Bike and run are the same (run is actually faster, as I'm am back at sea level), but my swimming is a LOT slower - even compared to what I did @! 8000' elevation . Like in the range of 3-6 seconds/100 slower. Over the past three years, any time I back off on swimming for even as short as a week, I seem to lose all the progress I've made. I could speculate on the reason(s), but it doesn't matter. What matters is, I've got six weeks to get back up to speed. Literally.
I haven't decided if I'll do 5 or 6 hours for my RR bike this coming week. I don't think I need more than one true RR considering I just did 7+ hours two weeks ago in Tahoe.
A 'little' BTD - big training day today. 3 hours, yes 3, of pain cave trainer cycling. I locked myself to the saddle, locked in watts at IF=70%, stayed aero staring at iPad on the floor watching the movie Braveheart. 1700m swim, then a sunset 10K run. Tonight wife is cooking up yummy tri-tip steak and a big ass salad.
Wow-everybody has been busy!! @Danielle-you have a killer swim! You are one of those dolphins who fly by me!!! @Trish-sorry about the rain. But I did the same thing sunday here in sunny AZ. I was tired so instead of pushing it, did the 1.5h prescribed wko as written-exactly 0.8IF in aero the whole time @Patricia-great meaeing you and hubby and ambitious Heidi (doing Death Valley double century, REALLY?!!). I'm the one obsessed with numbers and my nose in the joule the whole time so sorry to get split off. @AL-I admire you for taking on IMLT (probably the toughtest?) and coming to IMAZ 8 weeks later. Any effort is spectacular! @David-good job on the little BTD!
After biking ams over the weekend, I swam in my coaches endless pool each afternoon for an hour. Even though I am a land tortoise in the water, they were encouraging and said stroke/balance good. One new focus to perfect the pull with my left arm. Will speed ever come? I made up last thursday's long run today as I had the day off. I didn't quite make my new vdot paces but I am OK with that. This feels like the longest run I've done so far this season. And my ever ready pit bull Emma made it 1:50 before I took her home panting.
THere are two options for kids meals for those in need of knowing: for 6.99 there are kid options, drink not included. Or, 3-12, they can eat off regular family style meal, drinks included for half price. 3 and under are free.
I have decided we should stick with the cheaper option, 25.99 per person-main dish being lemon chicken. We get breads, two types salad, house greens and ceasar. We also get choice of two pastas-and there are many to choose from. I thought cheese ravioli would be good (vegetarian) and for second, help me: a red sauce/meat sauce or alfredo or pesto-the latter come with broccoli and chicken. The dinner comes with unlimited drinks, and all we can eat.
And anybody thinking about what they want to do on Friday? We can plan a meeting time to ride up and down the beeline from the gas station on McDowell. Or a group caravan to Canyon lake (about 45 min drive east) for OWS?
We have the IM dinner at tempe beach town park on Friday night. Anybody interested in planning breakfast get together saturday am? There is a half hour period in the morning where they let you swim in TTL if you want. Personally, I won't-dont want to get my wetsuit wet for sunday!
Betsy, I would really like to get together on Friday (given I won't be there for dinner on Thursday). I'm hoping to register and get my bike from TBT early Friday morning, so a ride in the late morning, early afternoon would be great. Sat morning breakfast sounds fantastic too.
Betsy, I would really like to get together on Friday (given I won't be there for dinner on Thursday). I'm hoping to register and get my bike from TBT early Friday morning, so a ride in the late morning, early afternoon would be great. Sat morning breakfast sounds fantastic too.
I'm arriving Thurs afternoon, and will want to be riding Beeline around 11-12:30 on Friday, leaving from the gas station @ the corner where we turn onto the Hiway. Just for old times' sake. I know the course pretty well, having ridden it 4 x 3 times during races.
Would love to join you Al. It will be needed for me to get back in my saddle after not having my bike for a week or so. Will also be great to check out a bit of the course too!
Don't know what I'll be able to join post dinner on Thursday. After dinner I pick up a couple of training buddies at the airport. We are staying in Scotsdale. Add to that about 15 other Michiganders and my tri club peeps and's gonna be complicated!
ADVICE NEEDED!!! First scheduled IM RR on deck for this weekend AND the forecast in VA is calling for rain, rain, rain. My husband travels most weekdays and with 4 young children, my only opportunities to ride long are on the weekends. I am really mentally prepared to do this RR this weekend, but am a bit of a wimp to ride in the rain (I got caught in a storm last summer and crashed hard). What to do???
Danielle, post a question in the Micro Forum to get the coaches advice. My take: If you can shift to sunday thats a good option, or look to swap weekends with the 19th, timing is not a big deal right now. And if all else fails, although not really a ride you want to do on the trainer, but it can be done there. I believe the coaches would tell you to scale back the time on the trainer, but really practice the nutrition protocol.
@Danielle- I think you can still ride on Saturday! Based off the Accuweather forecast, Alexandria weather will be pretty decent for Saturday. I'm planning on starting at Jones Point Park (next to Woodrow Wilson Bridge) and then taking the GW Parkway down through the Mt Vernon Highway to the intersection with Route 1 and then go back. That out-and-back is ~25 miles, and that section of the GW Parkway is two lane with good shoulders and fairly flat. If you track the direction the storm is taking, I think that area will be fairly cleared out by the time Saturday rolls around.
@Wolf, I think you may be correct, we might have a clearing for the weekend after all (phew)! I'm now leaning more to riding on Sunday (my boys have mid day Sat football games if it dries out) and hopefully it will be 100% cleared up by then.
Long run today...well I tried not to be a cupcake and run on the treadmill, but 10 miles into running in this monsoon here in VA and I had to call it. My Hoka's were completed saturated and made it feel like I was lifting bricks with my feet. I will break my long run into 2 today and finish up with a good 7 on the treadmill before dinner. Gotta do what you gotta do!
I sucked it up and ran in a surprise snow storm this morning. Blowing winds and a few inches of slush made for a wet and cold run, but I got it done. I think the treadmill would have been worse, but I did have a "oh shit" moment 8 miles from the car, when my toes started to go numb, and I started to shiver and realized I left my phone in the car. Luckily the winds died down and the sun broke through a couple miles later and I warmed back up. Not my smartest morning ever. 17.3 mi in 2:14 w/ 3x(10' @z1, 30' @ z2).
Feeling good this week after a very low energy week last week, which I triaged by dropping multiple workouts. Had a great bike yesterday on the trainer, 2x20' which confirmed my new FTP for me, and my z4 runs have been faster than prescribed pace, so I'm feeling good about my VDOT. As long as I stay uninjured, I'm going to IMAZ much stronger than last year!
@Rian - Way to go! You are a better man than I. Made a few attempts to head outside today to get the run done, but every time I went out it was a monsoon! Finally just resigned myself to my fate and did the 17 on the treadmill. So mind numbing!! Got it done in 2:30, including two "breaks" to go find the restroom and take a "mental" break. Figured out today that if I can survive the mental torture of the treadmill that long, I have a chance to make it through an IM marathon! Thank you Joe Satriani and Steve Vai for getting me through the anguish today! Did the 2 x 20' yesterday in the morning. Then progressively got disappointed with myself throughout the day after the workout and felt as if I gave a lackluster effort. It certainly was not Ironman worthy! Ended up repeating the 2 x 20' again last night and felt much better, although I had to do it on the rollers (which ended up making me push myself harder). Legs were a little toasty today for the run, but not too bad.
Just finished up another 10 on the dreadmill...20 mile Thursday for me. I have to thank the person (I forget who it was) that wrote in the forums somewhere they typically split their long runs into 2 session (1am,1 PM). I thought for sure the 2nd run was going to be awful when in fact it was awesome. It could have been the fact it wasn't another 10 miles in the pouring rain I dealt with this morning, but nevertheless it was awesome. I feel I got 20 quality miles in today rather than an ok 14-16. I dig the 2 a days!
Rian...snow in AZ?!?!? That is crazy, but way to go getting your long run done and in the books!!! Rock star you are .
Wolf, that's a long time on the treadmill...great job!!
Feeling like a slow poke with all your bad a$$ed runs today peeps!
Ran 14.25 in 2:13 ... felt pretty good until I refueled at mile 8 back at my house. Used the potty and grabbed my perform, but it was a struggle for at least a half hour after that! Practiced walk breaks all run. Trying (and mostly succeeding) at keeping breaks to 20-30 seconds.
Yesterday I had a great feeling 2x20 ride at the park I always ride. Great (windy) day to be outside and I held my power zone much better than last week. Then it was off to Lake Erie for a 2.15 mile ows in 64 degree water. Done in 1:01. Wish I could swim that fast in a pool!!!
Woohoo! Got the green light from the boss (aka awesome Ironman Sherpa wife) and rearranged work schedule to come out to Arizona on the weekend of 10/26! I'll be staying at the Hyatt Place Tempe/Phoenix Airport (1413 W Rio Salado Parkway), coming in late Friday and leaving again on Sunday afternoon. Will be shifting my RR #2 to that weekend instead of the following weekend. I saw in an earlier message that there is a supported ride on Saturday morning. Can someone pass along info, please? Is this something I need to sign up for in advance? How many others are doing the supported ride? I would love to meet up with folks (dinner on Saturday?)! I'm so psyched!
Hey Wolf, heres the background and sign up for the supported ride on 26th. Its run by Tim Bolen tri-coach and director of Best Buddies of AZ. Proceeds go to Best Buddies of AZ ( like Big Brothers / Little Sisters but for adults with disabilities) It was great last year, I'll let others pipe in on what the EN plans might be that weekend.
http://www.excelandbeyondcoaching.c.../index.php has the paypal info. Basically for 20 bucks they setup several support stations on the bike course, and have a sag wagon. Gels, Drinks, and I think snacks were available. Last year there were lots of riders out. The Trisports shop in tempe (at the transitions/finish area) opens early (6am) and allows use of the bathrooms/showers etc. I was a really great experience especially for getting the feel of the course.
Because of scheduling I did my long run yesterday in beautiful 70-80 dry temps. I avoided the wind and rain and 50 degree temps this am (shades of 2010 AZIM!!). I only had 2 hours though so cut 5min off each set. I hit my shiney new paces (Vdot 40!) the first two sets but fell off about 30s/mi on 3rd. Danielle-I'm going to have to start breaking it up into 2runs-no other solution for me. Same time crunch problem this AM-did 2x15 instead of 20'. First .99IF in aero but struggled to keep .95IF the second. It completely cleared up now, sorry, storms must be heading east! Good luck this weekend with the long bike. I get to do 4000 OWS IN TTL Sunday as part if the splash and dash series-but not same course as IM
Question for the group? This is my first IM, would you recommend the WTC Dinner on Friday night for athletes and family? If its an inspirational dinner, then I'll want to go but if its just a mass carb loading dinner then I will probably skip it.
@Betsy--I vote for the ride on Beeline on Friday. Planning to do the offered TT practice swim on Saturday. Also, is it acceptable to bring a tri friend though not EN member to our dinner on Thursday. Didn't know the protocol on that if it was members only. Thanks in advance
Travelling with the family on vacation so switched the long run and the RR. Took yesterday as a vacation day to do RR and hope to have my RR report posted in the next 48 hours. Good job everyone in getting their long runs in, I
If this is your first IM I definitely recommend attending the WTC dinner on Friday night. Besides meeting other competitors and hearing their stories (before the program begins), you will also get some inspiration from the program. Some of the standard program items are oldest and youngest competitor, biggest loser, people racing for a cause, etc. After that is the formal athlete instruction session - rules of the race, information about the course (and course changes), cut-offs, etc. AZ dinner is outside, next to the lake - can get a bit chilly once the sun goes down, so bring a jacket.
Don't leave the friend behind - bring to the EN dinner. The more, the merrier.
Training for my first Ironman coming up Nov 17th IMAZ. Conducted my first race rehearsal yesterday.
Wednesday Goal was a race rehearsal Swim Swam 4200 Yards (2.4 miles) in a 25 yard pool in 1:14:30 which amounts to 1:47/100 yards. I've done this distance and longer in a lake a few times but first time I did it in a pool. That's 84x50, talk about boring.
Thursday Goal was to bike 6 hours or 112 miles whichever came first and then run 6 miles at LRP + 30 sec /mile (8:58 + 30 sec) and practice race day nutrition plan.
I took a vacation day from work to complete the race rehearsal. Awoke 3:45 and had the Core Diet breakfast of 3 cups applesauce, protein and fluids. That's about 2 cups more applesauce then I would have voluntarily ate but the meal sat well in my stomach and did the trick. I might explore some more what others have found work best as previously I've done bagel/peanut butter/banana and fluids. Fell back to sleep.
Started the bike at ~7:30AM. Was 45 degrees but thankfully appeared that the rain would hold off. Set my watch to autolap every 18.67 miles breaking the 112 miles into 6 equal segments. Goal was not too hard in first 1/3 and keep pace pretty steady throughout. I'm currently training by HR but hope to switch to power soon. Zone 2 is HR 116-133 (my HR always seems low on bike vs my RPE)
Lap 1 1:00:55 18.4mph HR avg 123 Gradual ascent of 500 feet over this lap, kind of like IMAZ Lap 2 57:12 19.6mph HR avg 124 Lap 3 58:20 19.1mph HR avg 128 Lap 4 59:4 18.7mph HR avg 131 Lap 5 1:00:48 18.4mph HR avg 140 Gradual ascent of 500 feet over this lap, kind of like IMAZ Lap 6 56:51 19.7mph HR avg 138 Total: 112 miles 5:54:27 19 mph HR avg 130
Nutrition: 6 20 oz bottles of perform and 6 Roctane Gels. Was suppose to do ~12 bottles of perform but with it being so cold I wasn't sweating as much and peeing every 45 minutes. I think I'll stick to the plan as IMAZ should be drier and warmer and so I'll drink my calories versus taking on more gels or bars. Didn't have any GI issues with nutrition and ended up drinking by feel once I started peeing so often.
Stayed aero for all but 5-10 minutes of the ride. Was used to doing that for 4 hours given the numerous 4 hour rides the training plan had me do, was a little trying to do it the last two, darn neck from looking up is what bothered me.
Run started 4 minutes after bike completion. Goal here was to learn to run slow after getting off the bike. Auto lap each mile. Struggled in first mile to go slow enough but miles 2-6 were just about where I needed them. Took 3 SaltStick tablets, a gel and 8 oz of perform before starting out on run and another 4 oz of perform and 1 more gel midway thru run. Rain started on mile 2, was just thankful didn't rain on bike. Vdot of 47 has my LRP at 8:58. Nutrition felt fine perhaps stomach a little bloated, peed once during run. Ran in my Newtons which I've been doing about once a week vs my training Asics 2000.
Lap 1 8:44 HR avg 133 Lap 2 9:22 HR avg 132 Lap 3 9:20 HR avg 132 Lap 4 9:23 HR avg 136 Lap 5 9:05 HR avg 142 Lap 6 9:12 HR avg 142 Total 6 miles 55:07 HR avg 136
Overall: I felt very good about my first race rehearsal. Thought it was very consistent pace thruout both bike and run. At the end felt I could have picked up the run to LRP and sustained for some time, until race day won't know how long but feel like the training has really paid off. Craved a salad after the training given all the pure sugar and lack of solids that I had been consuming. Didn't crash right away as anticipated, stayed up to 9PM which is good even for a regular day (thinking it was all the 2x caffeinated gels). Body handled the nutrition well.
Changes prior to next race rehearsal: I've got some bike tweaks to make (flat repair kit in saddle vs bottle, tune-up and perhaps will have my power meter by then). Practice mental toughness "what is going to get me thru the trying times when something goes wrong or gets difficult). I might do the next RR swim in open water though finding a partner for that in Seattle this time of year is challenging.
This is my first ironman and I would really appreciate your feedback here in the forum or by email to
Just received first e-mail message from IMAZ race director. Looks like they are going to have course talks on at 2:00 Thursday, 11:00 and 2:00 on Friday and 1:00 on Saturday, during the day, instead of after the athlete dinner.
Since I'm not doing the first RR (counting IMLT as that RR), and I'm trying to bike when it's not raining, this week has me doing 4.5 hours on the bike Wed, Swim RR Thurs, and 3 hour bike today, followed by 135 min run on Sat, and bike trainer Sun.
After two weeks of trying to get back up to feeling fit after my aborted IM (only did 1/2 of the marathon, following a 7:20 bike), this week I'm feeling like I can handle all the bike and swim workouts, at the proper paces. Strangely, my run was fine right away .
I never do pool RRs as a straight swim. As Jason says, it;s just too boring. So I do 800/700/600/500/400/300/200/100/50/50 with a 50 using paddles in between each, resting only long enough to take or drop the paddles (I don't use straps with paddles, so that's very little rest. This also lets me see what my pace/100yds is while I'm going (I do flip turns, so looking at a clock is problematic). I kept up 1:47 the whole way, except for the last bit when I did 1:45 for the 200, and 1:43 for the 100. The whole thing was 1:15.20, and that's just about the time I hope to swim in the Tempe Town Puddle. I just did 1:16.xx @ Tahoe, which entailed a fair bit of walking at the start and end in shallow water.
Wed bike gave me a TSS of 209, with 4500' of climbing (that's "flat" here) in 74 miles with an avg HR of 97 and overall IF of 0.69, 20 min intervals @ 0.75+. Unlike last week, I was able to keep going all the way, instead of running out of gas after about 2:45 like last week.
@Al, nice work on the comeback. I can not imagine trying to do a second IM that quickly. I was trashed for 3+weeks after last years.
@Jason: Very well done! Thats a picture perfect RR. I agree with your assessment on bike nutrition: 20oz an hour is not enough, but I too am having trouble in the cold here taking enough in. Force it if you can over your next few rides, to make sure you stomach is used to handling it, and be focused on it in RR#2 and the race. I set a little repeat timer on my watch for 10minutes to make sure that I drank regularly and didn't space out on it, of course I am a bit of a space case. Bike HR will be 10-15bpm below your run HR, and so may feel low compared to effort, thats not a bad thing on the bike, better to save a little more on the bike and have it all for the run, than vice-versa. On the run plan I'd aim for more regular fluid intake I think, you'll still need calories and fluid, especially early on while your stomach can take it. I do a few oz every mile, and a gel every 30min. I aim for 20oz of perform and 2 gels an hour on the run. Usually I get gel overload by mile 13, and switch to taking perform and coke each mile. Little bit less intake per mile since your getting fluid from both. Boy does the coke do my body good at that point, like manna from heaven. Great Job!
Got my Swim done this AM. I'm on furlough with the shutdown, so I get to be lazy and not have to wake up @ 4:50 to get these workouts done. Strolled into the pool@ 9:30 and got to work. Felt relaxed and strong the whole way (well okay holding pace the last 400 took some effort) . 4200yds in 1:11, ~1:42/100yd Thats a nice PR for me, both pool and OWS, so feeling good about my swim. My swim at IMAZ '12 was 1:15, and I'm striving to go under 1:10 this year, given today I think thats in reach!
Just paid for the ride on 10/26. Who will be there? What time is everyone starting? I am planning to do like last year and only do the admin part once, and the Beeline loop 4 times. That gave me about 109 miles. I stopped each loop at the gas station to refuel, but that was it... Then 1 loop run around TTL.
Saturday ride - 75 miles on the IMAZ course starting from the top of Beeline Highway. Hot and windy Didn't follow nutrition plan so the last climb up the Beeline Highway, into the wind, was not fun due to energy deficit. Shoulders were full of trash - more than I've seen in a long time - particularly on the downhill side which is the side where the race is held. Fortunately, on race day we ride on the road, not on the shoulders, although they usually sweep the road the week before. Bonus was riding with Betsy for the first loop.
Sunday ride - 55 miles on Beeline Highway again, starting at the top. 2 loops of the Beeline with added mileage going north of the race turnaround point. Winds were already blowing at 630 when we started (much earlier than normal). Made the downhill section really fast, but uphill into the wind wasn't quite so fun. First loop it was a strong cross wind; second loop it was a strong head wind. Followed nutrition plan more closely and maintained energy throughout.
The topography of this bike course is not the challenge; it's which way the winds are blowing and they are bound to change directions over the 3 loops.
I guess I was a little too ambitious in thinking I could just jump right back in after a one week ramp up following IMLT. This week, I managed to do all but two of the workouts - I dropped the Friday run, and the Sunday ride. But the swim on Friday and bike ride on Saturday, I was able do all the volume, but I managed to get up the required intensity level for only about 60% of the total time. That's why I stood down for the ride today.
Because I'm doing the same workouts as eight weeks ago, I can compare my times for each interval in each workout. Bike and run are the same (run is actually faster, as I'm am back at sea level), but my swimming is a LOT slower - even compared to what I did @! 8000' elevation
. Like in the range of 3-6 seconds/100 slower. Over the past three years, any time I back off on swimming for even as short as a week, I seem to lose all the progress I've made. I could speculate on the reason(s), but it doesn't matter. What matters is, I've got six weeks to get back up to speed. Literally.
I haven't decided if I'll do 5 or 6 hours for my RR bike this coming week. I don't think I need more than one true RR considering I just did 7+ hours two weeks ago in Tahoe.
@Danielle-you have a killer swim! You are one of those dolphins who fly by me!!!
@Trish-sorry about the rain. But I did the same thing sunday here in sunny AZ. I was tired so instead of pushing it, did the 1.5h prescribed wko as written-exactly 0.8IF in aero the whole time
@Patricia-great meaeing you and hubby and ambitious Heidi (doing Death Valley double century, REALLY?!!). I'm the one obsessed with numbers and my nose in the joule the whole time so sorry to get split off.
@AL-I admire you for taking on IMLT (probably the toughtest?) and coming to IMAZ 8 weeks later. Any effort is spectacular!
@David-good job on the little BTD!
After biking ams over the weekend, I swam in my coaches endless pool each afternoon for an hour. Even though I am a land tortoise in the water, they were encouraging and
said stroke/balance good. One new focus to perfect the pull with my left arm. Will speed ever come?
I made up last thursday's long run today as I had the day off. I didn't quite make my new vdot paces but I am OK with that. This feels like the longest run I've done so far this season. And my ever ready pit bull Emma made it 1:50 before I took her home panting.
THere are two options for kids meals for those in need of knowing: for 6.99 there are kid options, drink not included. Or, 3-12, they can eat off regular family style meal, drinks included for half price. 3 and under are free.
I have decided we should stick with the cheaper option, 25.99 per person-main dish being lemon chicken. We get breads, two types salad, house greens and ceasar. We also get choice of two pastas-and there are many to choose from. I thought cheese ravioli would be good (vegetarian) and for second, help me: a red sauce/meat sauce or alfredo or pesto-the latter come with broccoli and chicken. The dinner comes with unlimited drinks, and all we can eat.
And anybody thinking about what they want to do on Friday? We can plan a meeting time to ride up and down the beeline from the gas station on McDowell. Or a group caravan to Canyon lake (about 45 min drive east) for OWS?
We have the IM dinner at tempe beach town park on Friday night. Anybody interested in planning breakfast get together saturday am? There is a half hour period in the morning where they let you swim in TTL if you want. Personally, I won't-dont want to get my wetsuit wet for sunday!
Danielle, post a question in the Micro Forum to get the coaches advice. My take: If you can shift to sunday thats a good option, or look to swap weekends with the 19th, timing is not a big deal right now. And if all else fails, although not really a ride you want to do on the trainer, but it can be done there. I believe the coaches would tell you to scale back the time on the trainer, but really practice the nutrition protocol.
Long run today...well I tried not to be a cupcake and run on the treadmill, but 10 miles into running in this monsoon here in VA and I had to call it. My Hoka's were completed saturated and made it feel like I was lifting bricks with my feet. I will break my long run into 2 today and finish up with a good 7 on the treadmill before dinner. Gotta do what you gotta do!
I sucked it up and ran in a surprise snow storm this morning. Blowing winds and a few inches of slush made for a wet and cold run, but I got it done. I think the treadmill would have been worse, but I did have a "oh shit" moment 8 miles from the car, when my toes started to go numb, and I started to shiver and realized I left my phone in the car. Luckily the winds died down and the sun broke through a couple miles later and I warmed back up. Not my smartest morning ever. 17.3 mi in 2:14 w/ 3x(10' @z1, 30' @ z2).
Feeling good this week after a very low energy week last week, which I triaged by dropping multiple workouts. Had a great bike yesterday on the trainer, 2x20' which confirmed my new FTP for me, and my z4 runs have been faster than prescribed pace, so I'm feeling good about my VDOT. As long as I stay uninjured, I'm going to IMAZ much stronger than last year!
Did the 2 x 20' yesterday in the morning. Then progressively got disappointed with myself throughout the day after the workout and felt as if I gave a lackluster effort. It certainly was not Ironman worthy! Ended up repeating the 2 x 20' again last night and felt much better, although I had to do it on the rollers (which ended up making me push myself harder). Legs were a little toasty today for the run, but not too bad.
Rian...snow in AZ?!?!? That is crazy, but way to go getting your long run done and in the books!!! Rock star you are
Wolf, that's a long time on the treadmill...great job!!
Ran 14.25 in 2:13 ... felt pretty good until I refueled at mile 8 back at my house. Used the potty and grabbed my perform, but it was a struggle for at least a half hour after that! Practiced walk breaks all run. Trying (and mostly succeeding) at keeping breaks to 20-30 seconds.
Yesterday I had a great feeling 2x20 ride at the park I always ride. Great (windy) day to be outside and I held my power zone much better than last week. Then it was off to Lake Erie for a 2.15 mile ows in 64 degree water. Done in 1:01. Wish I could swim that fast in a pool!!!
I saw in an earlier message that there is a supported ride on Saturday morning. Can someone pass along info, please? Is this something I need to sign up for in advance? How many others are doing the supported ride? I would love to meet up with folks (dinner on Saturday?)! I'm so psyched!
Hey Wolf, heres the background and sign up for the supported ride on 26th. Its run by Tim Bolen tri-coach and director of Best Buddies of AZ. Proceeds go to Best Buddies of AZ ( like Big Brothers / Little Sisters but for adults with disabilities) It was great last year, I'll let others pipe in on what the EN plans might be that weekend.
http://www.excelandbeyondcoaching.c.../index.php has the paypal info. Basically for 20 bucks they setup several support stations on the bike course, and have a sag wagon. Gels, Drinks, and I think snacks were available. Last year there were lots of riders out. The Trisports shop in tempe (at the transitions/finish area) opens early (6am) and allows use of the bathrooms/showers etc. I was a really great experience especially for getting the feel of the course.
Because of scheduling I did my long run yesterday in beautiful 70-80 dry temps. I avoided the wind and rain and 50 degree temps this am (shades of 2010 AZIM!!). I only had 2 hours though so cut 5min off each set. I hit my shiney new paces (Vdot 40!) the first two sets but fell off about 30s/mi on 3rd.
Danielle-I'm going to have to start breaking it up into 2runs-no other solution for me.
Same time crunch problem this AM-did 2x15 instead of 20'. First .99IF in aero but struggled to keep
.95IF the second.
It completely cleared up now, sorry, storms must be heading east! Good luck this weekend with the long bike. I get to do 4000 OWS IN TTL Sunday as part if the splash and dash series-but not same course as IM
@Betsy--I vote for the ride on Beeline on Friday. Planning to do the offered TT practice swim on Saturday. Also, is it acceptable to bring a tri friend though not EN member to our dinner on Thursday. Didn't know the protocol on that if it was members only. Thanks in advance
Travelling with the family on vacation so switched the long run and the RR. Took yesterday as a vacation day to do RR and hope to have my RR report posted in the next 48 hours. Good job everyone in getting their long runs in, I
If this is your first IM I definitely recommend attending the WTC dinner on Friday night. Besides meeting other competitors and hearing their stories (before the program begins), you will also get some inspiration from the program. Some of the standard program items are oldest and youngest competitor, biggest loser, people racing for a cause, etc. After that is the formal athlete instruction session - rules of the race, information about the course (and course changes), cut-offs, etc. AZ dinner is outside, next to the lake - can get a bit chilly once the sun goes down, so bring a jacket.
Don't leave the friend behind - bring to the EN dinner. The more, the merrier.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Training for my first Ironman coming up Nov 17th IMAZ. Conducted my first race rehearsal yesterday.
Wednesday Goal was a race rehearsal Swim
Swam 4200 Yards (2.4 miles) in a 25 yard pool in 1:14:30 which amounts to 1:47/100 yards. I've done this distance and longer in a lake a few times but first time I did it in a pool. That's 84x50, talk about boring.
Thursday Goal was to bike 6 hours or 112 miles whichever came first and then run 6 miles at LRP + 30 sec /mile (8:58 + 30 sec) and practice race day nutrition plan.
I took a vacation day from work to complete the race rehearsal. Awoke 3:45 and had the Core Diet breakfast of 3 cups applesauce, protein and fluids. That's about 2 cups more applesauce then I would have voluntarily ate but the meal sat well in my stomach and did the trick. I might explore some more what others have found work best as previously I've done bagel/peanut butter/banana and fluids. Fell back to sleep.
Started the bike at ~7:30AM. Was 45 degrees but thankfully appeared that the rain would hold off. Set my watch to autolap every 18.67 miles breaking the 112 miles into 6 equal segments. Goal was not too hard in first 1/3 and keep pace pretty steady throughout. I'm currently training by HR but hope to switch to power soon. Zone 2 is HR 116-133 (my HR always seems low on bike vs my RPE)
Lap 1 1:00:55 18.4mph HR avg 123 Gradual ascent of 500 feet over this lap, kind of like IMAZ
Lap 2 57:12 19.6mph HR avg 124
Lap 3 58:20 19.1mph HR avg 128
Lap 4 59:4 18.7mph HR avg 131
Lap 5 1:00:48 18.4mph HR avg 140 Gradual ascent of 500 feet over this lap, kind of like IMAZ
Lap 6 56:51 19.7mph HR avg 138
Total: 112 miles 5:54:27 19 mph HR avg 130
Nutrition: 6 20 oz bottles of perform and 6 Roctane Gels. Was suppose to do ~12 bottles of perform but with it being so cold I wasn't sweating as much and peeing every 45 minutes. I think I'll stick to the plan as IMAZ should be drier and warmer and so I'll drink my calories versus taking on more gels or bars. Didn't have any GI issues with nutrition and ended up drinking by feel once I started peeing so often.
Stayed aero for all but 5-10 minutes of the ride. Was used to doing that for 4 hours given the numerous 4 hour rides the training plan had me do, was a little trying to do it the last two, darn neck from looking up is what bothered me.
Run started 4 minutes after bike completion. Goal here was to learn to run slow after getting off the bike. Auto lap each mile. Struggled in first mile to go slow enough but miles 2-6 were just about where I needed them. Took 3 SaltStick tablets, a gel and 8 oz of perform before starting out on run and another 4 oz of perform and 1 more gel midway thru run. Rain started on mile 2, was just thankful didn't rain on bike. Vdot of 47 has my LRP at 8:58. Nutrition felt fine perhaps stomach a little bloated, peed once during run. Ran in my Newtons which I've been doing about once a week vs my training Asics 2000.
Lap 1 8:44 HR avg 133
Lap 2 9:22 HR avg 132
Lap 3 9:20 HR avg 132
Lap 4 9:23 HR avg 136
Lap 5 9:05 HR avg 142
Lap 6 9:12 HR avg 142
Total 6 miles 55:07 HR avg 136
Overall: I felt very good about my first race rehearsal. Thought it was very consistent pace thruout both bike and run. At the end felt I could have picked up the run to LRP and sustained for some time, until race day won't know how long but feel like the training has really paid off. Craved a salad after the training given all the pure sugar and lack of solids that I had been consuming. Didn't crash right away as anticipated, stayed up to 9PM which is good even for a regular day (thinking it was all the 2x caffeinated gels). Body handled the nutrition well.
Changes prior to next race rehearsal: I've got some bike tweaks to make (flat repair kit in saddle vs bottle, tune-up and perhaps will have my power meter by then). Practice mental toughness "what is going to get me thru the trying times when something goes wrong or gets difficult). I might do the next RR swim in open water though finding a partner for that in Seattle this time of year is challenging.
This is my first ironman and I would really appreciate your feedback here in the forum or by email to
Jason Brandt
Since I'm not doing the first RR (counting IMLT as that RR), and I'm trying to bike when it's not raining, this week has me doing 4.5 hours on the bike Wed, Swim RR Thurs, and 3 hour bike today, followed by 135 min run on Sat, and bike trainer Sun.
After two weeks of trying to get back up to feeling fit after my aborted IM (only did 1/2 of the marathon, following a 7:20 bike), this week I'm feeling like I can handle all the bike and swim workouts, at the proper paces. Strangely, my run was fine right away
I never do pool RRs as a straight swim. As Jason says, it;s just too boring. So I do 800/700/600/500/400/300/200/100/50/50 with a 50 using paddles in between each, resting only long enough to take or drop the paddles (I don't use straps with paddles, so that's very little rest. This also lets me see what my pace/100yds is while I'm going (I do flip turns, so looking at a clock is problematic). I kept up 1:47 the whole way, except for the last bit when I did 1:45 for the 200, and 1:43 for the 100. The whole thing was 1:15.20, and that's just about the time I hope to swim in the Tempe Town Puddle. I just did 1:16.xx @ Tahoe, which entailed a fair bit of walking at the start and end in shallow water.
Wed bike gave me a TSS of 209, with 4500' of climbing (that's "flat" here) in 74 miles with an avg HR of 97 and overall IF of 0.69, 20 min intervals @ 0.75+. Unlike last week, I was able to keep going all the way, instead of running out of gas after about 2:45 like last week.
@Al, nice work on the comeback. I can not imagine trying to do a second IM that quickly. I was trashed for 3+weeks after last years.
@Jason: Very well done! Thats a picture perfect RR. I agree with your assessment on bike nutrition: 20oz an hour is not enough, but I too am having trouble in the cold here taking enough in. Force it if you can over your next few rides, to make sure you stomach is used to handling it, and be focused on it in RR#2 and the race. I set a little repeat timer on my watch for 10minutes to make sure that I drank regularly and didn't space out on it, of course I am a bit of a space case.
Bike HR will be 10-15bpm below your run HR, and so may feel low compared to effort, thats not a bad thing on the bike, better to save a little more on the bike and have it all for the run, than vice-versa. On the run plan I'd aim for more regular fluid intake I think, you'll still need calories and fluid, especially early on while your stomach can take it. I do a few oz every mile, and a gel every 30min. I aim for 20oz of perform and 2 gels an hour on the run. Usually I get gel overload by mile 13, and switch to taking perform and coke each mile. Little bit less intake per mile since your getting fluid from both. Boy does the coke do my body good at that point, like manna from heaven. Great Job!
Got my Swim done this AM. I'm on furlough with the shutdown, so I get to be lazy and not have to wake up @ 4:50 to get these workouts done. Strolled into the pool@ 9:30 and got to work. Felt relaxed and strong the whole way (well okay holding pace the last 400 took some effort) . 4200yds in 1:11, ~1:42/100yd Thats a nice PR for me, both pool and OWS, so feeling good about my swim. My swim at IMAZ '12 was 1:15, and I'm striving to go under 1:10 this year, given today I think thats in reach!