Laura B's Micro thread
Hey Coach!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that your shoulder is healing quickly!! I had a quick question about my training plan for the next few weeks. With Parent-Teacher conferences coming next week, followed by some other engagements, Tuesdays are going to be tough to fit in a bike and a run. I as wondering if it would make a huge difference to move the Tuesday 30 min run to Thursday? Keeping everything else the same...just switching that short run. Thoughts?
AWESOME!!! Thanks Coach! I will plan to move that run to Thursday for the next few weeks. Quick side note- on the NOS thread people were talking about a new Thursday run in addition to the Tuesday run, is that for intermediate and advanced plans only? Just want to make sure I am not missing something. Thanks again!
Hey Coach,
Happy Holidays! I just wanted to let you know that I sent you a message with some updated info. I know you must get a TON of messages so I figured I would let you know in the forum as well. Thanks!!
Hi Coach!
Saw your frozen Gatorade on facebook yesterday....that was my hair this morning
Anyways, I am back into the swing of things and feeling pretty good! The week before last I did most NOS week 12 but did not hit the pace (per your guidance and doctors orders to start slow....). This past week (finishing on today) I did NOS week 13 and hit all my workouts(but yesterday's easy run due to schedule conflicts) and tried to hit my zones/paces again...but it was a struggle
I can hit the zone, but had difficulty maintaining it. So here is my question, I am supposed to be doing NOS week 14 starting tomorrow, which includes the testing. But I don;t feel that I will test very well because my body is still bouncing back. I had made such gains in my running and now I am afraid if I test this week, it will show 0 improvement. What do you suggest I do? Should I try and test anyways? Show I just repeat week 13 and then go into my next plan (Get Faster)... and last question...will my speed (which isn't fast to begin with) come back???
Just another quick update since Monday. I did the bike WO yesterday and hit ALL my zones and maintained them. Also did the easy run outside in 10 degrees....OUCH! but it felt ok! This morning hit the treadmill to do run WO and was able to get sets of z5+ in
P.S. VERY exciting about your 40 mile run! I think that is absolutely amazing and will be happy to support in anyway I can!
Hey Coach!
SO I am making peace with the fact that I am going slightly "backwards" knowing that it is what will lead me to my goal and help me to become a stronger athlete. Just keep telling myself it is all part of my journey!! I will def add in that swim on Mon and Fri to help me with mojo and put me in my happy place. Next, I am a HUGE planner so now I am just trying to figure out a few other questions. So I want to just clarify what weeks you want me to repeat? And since I am going back, this will change my entire season. I just want to make sure I have the volume to be ready for Quassy and then for IMLP. (esp for bike). What will come next after I repeat a few weeks of NOS? Which weeks of GF should I do? Seeing big picture will help me with my making peace with changes
Thanks for everything!
Thanks for getting back to me! Ok, ok so I know your right and I understand what your saying.
Here are my edits in the attached image!
Finally, there are a few half marathons I could do as a "test". Which one do you think best fits into my schedule? Savin Rock Half on March 22, Middletown Half on April 6, Cheshire Half on April 27 or Providence Half/ Redding Half on May 4. THANK YOU!
So Coach I truly enjoyed our conversation this morning! Thank you for dealing with me haha!! I gave my kids an powerpoint (our reward for good behavior) for being patiently waiting outside my classroom door! I appreciate you helping me work through everything and listen to my anxiety. I told my colleagues about your reference to the common core standards to help me understand and they thought that was hilarious. Said I must have an awesome coach....I told them the BEST!!!
Anyways after our talk here were some of the thoughts that I had… Ok so we know I am worried about the bike. Here is the info about my bike you asked for.
SRAM 500 TT, bar end control, 10 speed
SRAM Apex, 50/34 (compact)
SRAM PG-1050 11-28, 10 speed
What do you think??
Next…here is what I have on my schedule just to get the big picture then work on fixing the NOW issues…
April 27- Half marathon
May 3rd- Possible Tour of Lights 62 mile charity ride (Was thinking about signing up for this before Christmas and put it on back burner…but it’s a long bike in early May which was something we talked about this morning. It starts in Groton and goes to Watch Hill).
June 1- Rev 3 Quassy HIM A Race
June 14- IMLP camp with you
June 21- Another opportunity to go ride the IMLP course with another group of fellow triathletes (thoughts??)
July 27- IMLP- AAA RACE!!!!
Soooo we talked about having me transition into HIM plan. How should I do that? One thing I was thinking after our convo is how to transition with the volume increase. Just want to be sure I don’t injure myself. J So how should I transition into HIM plan and when should I load up IM plan? Took a look at the HIM plan and noticed long runs on Thursdays….that will be a little tough right now because its so dark before I get to school and when I leave and 90 plus minutes on a treadmill is brutal L But like I told you on the phone, I trust what you tell me to do. I feel better now that you have an understanding of my goals and what I am worried about. So if you told me to spin on my head for 30 minutes I would do that! I am a teacher and will follow whatever plan you give to a T. (As much as possible at least). I would love to finish this chat…should we do it through the forum or make another scheduled phone call? Thanks!!!
I say you finish the OS plan this week…and we put you into the HIM plan to Quassy. If need be, we can move you to the IM plan in May to start that volume, but we can discuss later on. For now, HIM volume. First week of HIM plan is just for time…the only "issue" is the long run, so cut it down…run what you can and build it up by 10 minutes a week…OR, if you have your own Tmill, split it AM and PM, etc…we can map that out here…
You will be ready for the Half (we can plan that week later) and the charity ride sounds PERFECT! Not sure about the "Extra" LP trip but nice to have it out there in case you want it.
Your bike is compact with an 11/28 = perfect for quassy…it's very hilly. That was my big concern!!
Hi Coach!
I am finishing this week of OS and will load up the HIM plan to Quassy. When I originally put in the end date it had me starting at week 8…just to clarify you want me in week 1 correct?
I will transition my long run from Sundays to Thursdays and hopefully the weather will start cooperating! This sounds like a great plan and we can adjust the other things later on!
THANK YOU again!! After our talk I felt revived and ready to rock. I WILL and CAN do this!
Starbucks has updated their site!!! Now you have to give me a gift ecard and I can merge them. Info here:
Hey coach! Happy Sunday! So I completed another week of the OS to finish it off as we discussed. I am ready to load up the HIM plan and took a good look at it today. You said we could massage times and distances here so here are my questions!
1. The plan starts me on week 8 of HIM plan which ends up being a test week/ BIG day week. Should I do the tests? And how should I approach the big test day? I can't do it on Saturday because I am teach a course for gifted and talented elementary school kids this weekend which leaves me room to do only a couple hour workout, but I could do it on Sunday!! Should I just go ahead and do the times? What are your thoughts? I watched the video and it talks about how this is a confidence exercise….but since my bikes have been 90 minutes up to this point, didn’t know if I should just hop on a do 3 hours?
2. I mapped out the next few weeks of the plan to make sure I could rearrange my schedule if needed! ( I will only be teaching one more course the following weekend, then I told them no more until August! And that weekend is regular long ride short run so that won’t be a problem at all!) Question, should my Wednesday runs be done as bricks? Or could I do the run in the AM and bike in PM? Either way I can work it out…just want to know what is best.
3. It was GREAT to run outside in a balmy 30 degrees this morning! I have been running with a group of woman who are doing half marathon/ marathon training on Sundays…where we run long. I contemplated whether I should even ask this, but what the heck. I completely understand that plans are designed in a specific way to get you ready for your race. And once you start “tweaking” the plan, it’s no longer going to be valid. That begin said, I didn’t know what your thoughts would be to moving the long run to Sunday and do the Sunday 2 hour bike on Thursday? Even just through April? If it not ok- that is FINE!!!! I am ok with leaving group! I can still be a supportive friend from the sidelines
Just figured no harm in asking.
And lastly- Starbucks website gave me trouble again…but instead I hopped on your water charity site!! Wish I could be there to cheer you on (and I was going to if there wasn’t enough kids to take the course this weekend). But I will be teaching
I will send all good mojo and I am happy to have been able to donate to your AMAZING cause!! 
GEEZ!!! Thanks for taking the time to read my ridiculously long post!! I gotta stop thinking and talking too much!
* I want you to do the tests, as best you can, but only so we can use the numbers. No judging please!
* Big day on Sunday is okay..but Sat is an easy 45' spin and Monday must be off so you can recover. The 3 hour bike is all about shifting perspectives, do the best you can!!
* Wednesday should be separate, running first if possible! But if you need to sleep, we shift it!
* Yes the Sunday/Thursday swap is fine through April...then we can get back into a good rhythm as the times go up!! Very cool you have a group to train with!!
Thanks coach!!! Sounds like a plan!
Hey coach!
My husband and I decided we are going to do a 5K next weekend! Should I still do the 5K test this week or can I use my numbers from the race next weekend?
Hey coach!
First CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I was tracking your run (after my class was out of course) and was SO HAPPY to see it was a great day all around! You are an inspiration to me. WAY TO GO!!! Hope you are resting and recovering!!!!
Just an update for you: I will plan to do the 5k test next week! Yes its great that my hubby is active too
He is mostly a trail runner but we love to do some 5ks together throughout the year. He does the New England Mountain Running Series, which I think is nuts! Who wants to RUN UP MOUTATINS?!? He things my triathlon stuff is nuts lol …we make a good team.
Anyways, I did the bike test this week…FTP is up from 2 weeks ago when I first got TR so that is good…but it is still so so low. BUT like you said, no judging!! Did the BIG day today! This is what I got: 1 hours swim- 3200 yards, 2 ½ bike- 34 miles (tried to stay in z3 as much as possible), 45 min run- 5 miles with a negative splits (and at z2 which is what plan called for and a z3 mile!!) I was happy with the swim and run, the bike was awful but I muddled through the best I could. I am having some wicked seat discomfort on my bike. This is a new bike I got in September…had a road bike, bought a tri bike. Never had this MUCH seat discomfort on my road bike, I am also slower on my tri bike. Thoughts on that?
Overall today was a good experience. I need some work on my fueling….Watched the core webinar but will continue to use forums for help. I feel like I am back in college doing so much research and learning on EN lol!! Thanks again for everything! One day at a time and I WILL finish IMLP!
ps no way you should be slower on tri bike (outside) so I am thinking fit could be an issue...
Hey Coach!
Thanks for the guidance! I talked to my "bike man" yesterday and I'm bringing in my bike on Thursday to try some new saddles. I did some research on the forums to get some background knowledge before heading in! I think the discomfort of the saddle def effects my riding form. I will post pics once I get new saddle on!
Quick question- I am doing 5k tomorrow which is also supposed to be my long run day. It's a 5K test so should I wait till after the run to add on some miles? the race is at 12:30 so the other option is to run early early and rest until 12:30.....but my legs wouldn't be as fresh. Thoughts??
I would have you run after every time...5ks just plain hurt enough already!!!
Hey coach! Things kinda got wacky on Sunday (family stuff, hubby's job ect ect) and we just didn't make it to the race. I ran longer in the AM in 17 MPH winds and freezing cold. Felt tense running (prob from cold) and tweaked my glute going up hill. Feeling better today. SO SICK OF WINTER!!!! I hate to complain because I am from NE and I love seasons.... but enough is enough! Anyways, I will keep on with my plan and plan to test this week. Thanks for the support!!!!