You got it. Wind has be sick. Cold has been sick. I am not sure what we all did to piss off the god of winter, but what ever it was, I am REALLY REALLY DEEPLY FRIKKIN SORRY!!!!!!!
Hey coach!!! Well I think your apology was heard by the weather gods because it looks like next week it will finally be warmer!!! I mean 50 is going to feel down right balmy to us!!!
So here is the update....Went to the bike shop and tried like 6 saddles (that in itself was a workout lol) Really liked the Adamo ISM (even though I will have to take out a second morgage for it) and right now my "bike man" is letting me demo it for a couple weeks. So far I have seen a HUGE difference in my ability to ride "pain free" I am able to stay in aero for long periods of time without excuriating pain. Now I just feel plain stupid for waiting so long. Oh and learn! So I am going to keep demoing it until I am confident it's the right saddle. Then will brace myself to tell my husband the big cost No cost on pain free in my book!
The other piece we talked about was keeping my long run on the weekends so I could run with my group. Well my group is not really consistent right now (some going away, others decreasing mileage for different reasons ect ect) So I was thinking I really want to start doing my long run on Thursday's as the plan calls for. I have been hitting my workouts and feeling great about it....And my type A personality wants to keep with the PLAN. Thursdays say long mind tells me LONG RUN. Here is my question (SORRY FOR ALL THE BLABBING)......I did my long run this past Sunday 3/23....I would like to long run tomorrow 3/ that to close together? Do I need to modify it in any way?
Last question......this weekend calls for another BIG DAY. I did one 3 weeks ago right when I dropped into the HIM plan. I listened to the the HIM wk 11 podcast by Coach Rich and he mentions that most people drop into the plan at week 9 so they have not done a big day...What does that mean for those who dropped in earlier like myself? Should I plan to do another big day? Or should I stick to rides/ short runs on Sat and Sun..... Hope this question makes sense!!!
I am beyond excited that you have a saddle that actually works for you… If you find the right one, never let it go. :-)
I would like you to do the big day again...we did make some modifications to the plan after rich's podcast and I think it will do you well especially with the new saddle. Could be a real test for you.
Thanks Coach AND a double THANK YOU for your help this morning regarding my long run. Done and done
So I will plan to do the big day on last question about this. Last time big day worked out fine because it was realitivly nice out (as nice as possible during this crap winter). But Saturday (and Sunday) it is supposed to I need some help with the big day logistics. My gym is about 15-20 minutes away (where my pool is). So I will go to the my 1 hour swim.....then head home to hop on my bike. But after the bike, I need to run, and if is pouring rain outside, I would much rather opt to run inside, so then I would have to drive back to the gym? What are my options? Could I do the swim and then run, then head home to hop on the bike? Or Bike, run, then swim? Thoughts?
Thanks Coach AND a double THANK YOU for your help this morning regarding my long run. Done and done
So I will plan to do the big day on last question about this. Last time big day worked out fine because it was relatively nice out (as nice as possible during this crap winter). But Saturday (and Sunday) it is supposed to I need some help with the big day logistics. My gym is about 15-20 minutes away (where my pool is). So I will go to the my 1 hour swim.....then head home to hop on my bike. But after the bike, I need to run, and if is pouring rain outside, I would much rather opt to run inside, so then I would have to drive back to the gym? What are my options? Could I do the swim and then run, then head home to hop on the bike? Or Bike, run, then swim? Thoughts?
Ok so quick update....checked the weather this morning and there is a chance it might not start raining until late morning!!! WOOHOO! That means there is a possibility of getting outside on the BIKE and RUN! So updated question....If I bike and run first thing in the morning, would it be ok to do the swim last?? Second question....should I bike or run first?
Just a quick question about this weeks schedule! I am week 12 HIM and it's a test week....OH BOY!! Anyways, on my plan long runs are usually on Thursdays (which I started last week) but this week it is the 5K test. I am planning to do a HM end of April and have been working on getting in my weekly mileage to be prepared. This week there is no long run scheduled, but I was wondering if there was a way to fit a longer run in? Continue running after the 5K test (but that might be hard), or maybe do 5K test on Wednesday and long run Thursday? OR longer run on the weekend somehow? If I am making things complicated just tell me to do the 5K test and move on.
@Laura, no worries! The point of the test week is to (A) benchmark and (B) facilitate recovery from training. I am not sure you need B (due to abbreviated year thus far), but A can't hurt...unless you don't think you have a bump coming on the bike or run. If you don't _need_ to test, then you can repeat last weeks long run in place of the 5k. Let me know what you decide!
Hey coach! Thanks for getting back to me. What you said makes total sense. I did the bike test tonight and had a good bump on my FTP went 8 watts! And based on my recent runs I hoping for a vDot bump as well so I'm thinking I really should test. Would it be too much to test tomorrow and long run Thursday? If so I will just stick with testing Thursday because I really do want to have that benchmark. Let me know what you think thanks again for helping me hash all this out!
Hey coach, so yesterday I went to do my recovery swim, supposed to do TT on Friday, but my after warm up I was just feeling really good! So I went ahead and did the swim TT yesterday. Previous test 1:41/100 yard and yesterday 1:32/100 yard!! And 2 minutes off the 1,000 yard time!! WOOHOO!!! Work works! Felt pretty good about that!! Then onto today…… So I hit my 5K test tonight. As I was doing my warm up I just couldn't catch my breath and my HR was jacked! I wasn't going fast, but for some reason I couldn't hit a grove. Decided to push through anyways! I had a "goal" in mind when I started, which I'm not sure if that was a good or bad thing. Run down...I took off WAY TO FAST first mile was 8 seconds faster than my "go to" average pace in order for me to reach my “goal”...UGH I ALWAYS do that! I have a VERY tough time pacing. Felt like pulling the plug at 2 miles but pushed through. New "PR" (even though its not a real race). 32 seconds off my last time on the same course. Vdot up 1 point! Missed my "goal" by 3 seconds...which just ticked me off lol. (knowing I could’ve pushed just 3 seconds harder!! Anywho, all 3 tests completed and all three showed improvement!!
Thank you for your help this week with keeping me FOCUSED on what I needed to do. Glad I stuck to the plan like you said!!!!
Hey Coach P! CONGRATULATIONS on the Boston Marathon!! Hope you are resting up and recovering. Have a few questions for you but wanted to wait until after your race! Ok here we go….
First, I originally thought of doing a Half Marathon this coming weekend. But time and $$ are a little short and so I was wondering if it would be ok to just continue with my plan, or is this a “must do”? I am getting to about 12 miles in my long runs (will be at 13 soon), so the distance is there. Thoughts?
Next, RR#1 was let’s say interesting…..Went to Quassy to do ride the course and ended up getting VERY LOST. Did 60 miles and a couple extra climbs (which on this course is not something I particularly wanted to do lol)….Was out on the course way too long bc of being lost, I’m not a fast rider and a fellow rider got a flat. I had gone down early to meet the EN crew so by the time I got back to the park, I had been there for 7 hours. I had to get home (hour drive) so I didn’t have time to run. Good news is I felt like I could’ve run, even after my crazy adventure! So my question here is, do I need to redo this race rehearsal this weekend or next?I plan to do the course (a preview ride) again on May 10th and could run after that. Can I just make that my RR#2 instead of the scheduled RR#2 on May 17?
Last questions, I swear. When we modified my plan, you said that when it got to May that we would discuss moving me into the IM training plan for the volume. Next week I will be 12 weeks out from IMLP. When I should I load up the IM plan? (I am in HIM plan right now moving toward Quassy).
FINALLY….I have been doing Wednesday runs separate from the ride. I know that it says on the plan that these should be “brick runs”. At what point should I be making it a priority to make this a “brick run” off the bike?
THANK YOU so much for taking the time to read through all my “stuff” and answer my questions!!!!
Hey Coach! Just an update to my previous post a couple days ago. The half on Sunday is out because I ran long tonight according to plan. Other questions still apply tho thanks!!
Laura, sorry for the delayed answer. I have to be honest and say that your first set of questions kind of overwhelmed me. :-)
There is no need to do another race rehearsal ride. You got it done and we can do it again when you have a chance to get back up there. In the case of Quassy, knowing the course is almost greater than getting the ride in perfectly.
There's no immediate need to brick. Your race experience will be no different if you never brick before that race on Wednesdays. Continue as you are as best you can.
Sorry for all the questions Just trying to make sure I do everything I am supposed to and I guess I over-think things sometimes. Thanks for getting back to me though and helping me out!!! I truly appreciate it!
Great Webinar last night. So glad to get that information about the course.
I am in week 11 of the beginner IM plan and plan to modify next week's schedule per your guidance from the coach chat a couple weeks ago and the wiki. However, next week is supposed to be a test week. swim mon, bike test tue, swim only wed, 5k test thur. I am guessing I should not test on the week of my HIM (but let me know if I should) So question is....should I do what I have been doing...swim mon, run tues, bike/run Wednesday and then follow guidance for thursday, friday, saturday? And when should I plan to test?
Test week is also part rest week. So we do want that pre HIM. I say you do the 2x1 mile instead of the run test, about 45' total. Tuesday is alternate bike: 3x6 (4') at FTP followed by 15' at Zone 3 and then a 15' brick run. Mon/Wed/Fri are swim only. We can look at your race data for fitness targets...and if not then we can figure out a test!!
Great chat about open water tonight...thank you! And thanks again for the guidance for this weekend. It was a successful weekend, and I am glad I was able to ride the course again (after reviewing my notes from your talk last weekend). I felt like I handled the course better and when I got off the bike after the 110 (we cut out the 1 mile out and back on the 2nd loop) I felt better than I did the previous weekend. Got a good brick run in after the ride. Then Sunday did a swim TT (I participated because I thought it would be a good opportunity to be out in that lake again and get my mojo back, which I did. Sun shining and water was warmer, turn around marked by someone in a kayak from QT systems which was helpful). Then refueled and did a long run. Huge difference from last weekends run. What a difference running on tired legs makes. It was TOUGH. Muddled through the best I could and got 2 hours 10 minutes. So there is the update from LP trip #2. Missed the EN crew for sure though
As we discussed, I am sending you the links to my rides to see what my HR should be. (Since you talk to a ton of people daily I will just remind you that we talked about having you look at my data to give me zones instead of me doing the 40 minute HR test on the bike as you said it would be more beneficial) Ride June 14 loop 2- we took it easy at parts (we were waiting for Jo for a while and continued to just kinda take it easy) Some dips are from BR or group stops, or getting stuck behind someone. I can say that this weekend I paid attention to my HR and found that I felt good in 140s, climbing in 150's, but came right back down. Thank you for sorting this out with me! Let me know if the links do not work. I have not shared Garmin workouts here's hoping!
LB - first you need a forum picture update bc that isn't you. second I like the 140 HR but I don't like how you got it. Your HR is WAY too bouncy to make me idea why you'd hit 160 within the first 5 miles, then see saw all day. I get the drop on the descents but the rest of the day should be really, really boring. Like watching grass grow. Hour 1 would be 130...hour 2 would be 135...then hour three would see you in the low 140s and probably there through mile 92 where you'll see it peak a bit higher as you get tired and have to work slightly harder in the heat, etc.
IOW your HR file should look like your cadence graph looks for this past weekends ride. Maybe go look at some of the crucibles from past races? Or search me on Strava from placid camp so you can see the HR?
Hey Coach- Thanks for getting back to me! I totally get what your saying and know that I need to execute better and keep my HR more consistent.Looked up your Strava file and some crucible files. Will try to execute this weekends ride better to get some better data.
Ugh- I just don't seem to be able to execute the bike like an EN ninja. So I tried to pay attention to my riding patterns and steady my HR. Couple of things I noticed- 1. Since I am riding with a couple other people, I sometimes have to slow down because I get stuck behind, or because we wait at turns. 2. The route this weekend had WAY TOO MANY FREAKIN stop lights. 3. When I climb my HR climbs....then drops on decent (another reason for peaks and valleys). Still no excuse. And I need to do better.
Let me know your thoughts, maybe I should do 40 minute bike test?
Which brings me to my next question. My husband Steve has his Mountain Running Championship this Sunday at Loon Mt. in New Hampshire. Doing my wife duty I will drive him up that morning, cheer him on as he runs up a mountain and drive him back that evening. So it's going to be tough to fit any of my training in on Sunday (but super important SAUs will be earned). How should I modify this weeks training? I am in Week 17 of Beginner IM plan (which is also bike test, and final run RR week).
Don't beat yourself up too much. While those stops hurt, from the bigger picture perspective it looks like you were able to continually build your heart rate across the day to some of your strong efforts at the finish. That's a deliverer looking for. In terms of successfully riding hills, you'll need to learn how to balance the effort internally as well as using heart rate.
Even if you executed with complete awesomeness, it will still be rising as you climb and dropping on the descent. Just the nature of the beast. So if you can also focus on writing up the hills easily but then pushing the other side that will also help as well.
Sorry I missed the note about this past weekend, SAUs always trump, there is plenty of other days for you to do your training. :-)
Hey coach!!! Well I think your apology was heard by the weather gods because it looks like next week it will finally be warmer!!! I mean 50 is going to feel down right balmy to us!!!
So here is the update....Went to the bike shop and tried like 6 saddles (that in itself was a workout lol) Really liked the Adamo ISM (even though I will have to take out a second morgage for it) and right now my "bike man" is letting me demo it for a couple weeks. So far I have seen a HUGE difference in my ability to ride "pain free" I am able to stay in aero for long periods of time without excuriating pain. Now I just feel plain stupid for waiting so long. Oh and learn! So I am going to keep demoing it until I am confident it's the right saddle. Then will brace myself to tell my husband the big cost
No cost on pain free in my book!
The other piece we talked about was keeping my long run on the weekends so I could run with my group. Well my group is not really consistent right now (some going away, others decreasing mileage for different reasons ect ect) So I was thinking I really want to start doing my long run on Thursday's as the plan calls for. I have been hitting my workouts and feeling great about it....And my type A personality wants to keep with the PLAN. Thursdays say long mind tells me LONG RUN. Here is my question (SORRY FOR ALL THE BLABBING)......I did my long run this past Sunday 3/23....I would like to long run tomorrow 3/ that to close together? Do I need to modify it in any way?
Last question......this weekend calls for another BIG DAY. I did one 3 weeks ago right when I dropped into the HIM plan. I listened to the the HIM wk 11 podcast by Coach Rich and he mentions that most people drop into the plan at week 9 so they have not done a big day...What does that mean for those who dropped in earlier like myself? Should I plan to do another big day? Or should I stick to rides/ short runs on Sat and Sun..... Hope this question makes sense!!!
I would like you to do the big day again...we did make some modifications to the plan after rich's podcast and I think it will do you well especially with the new saddle. Could be a real test for you.
Thanks Coach
AND a double THANK YOU for your help this morning regarding my long run. Done and done 
So I will plan to do the big day on last question about this. Last time big day worked out fine because it was realitivly nice out (as nice as possible during this crap winter). But Saturday (and Sunday) it is supposed to I need some help with the big day logistics. My gym is about 15-20 minutes away (where my pool is). So I will go to the my 1 hour swim.....then head home to hop on my bike. But after the bike, I need to run, and if is pouring rain outside, I would much rather opt to run inside, so then I would have to drive back to the gym? What are my options? Could I do the swim and then run, then head home to hop on the bike? Or Bike, run, then swim? Thoughts?
Ok so quick update....checked the weather this morning and there is a chance it might not start raining until late morning!!! WOOHOO! That means there is a possibility of getting outside on the BIKE and RUN! So updated question....If I bike and run first thing in the morning, would it be ok to do the swim last?? Second question....should I bike or run first?
If I had my way, you would bike and run and then head to swim.
Perfect!! Thanks coach!!!
Hey Coach!!
Just a quick question about this weeks schedule! I am week 12 HIM and it's a test week....OH BOY!!
Anyways, on my plan long runs are usually on Thursdays (which I started last week) but this week it is the 5K test. I am planning to do a HM end of April and have been working on getting in my weekly mileage to be prepared. This week there is no long run scheduled, but I was wondering if there was a way to fit a longer run in? Continue running after the 5K test (but that might be hard), or maybe do 5K test on Wednesday and long run Thursday? OR longer run on the weekend somehow? If I am making things complicated just tell me to do the 5K test and move on. 
Hey coach, so yesterday I went to do my recovery swim, supposed to do TT on Friday, but my after warm up I was just feeling really good! So I went ahead and did the swim TT yesterday. Previous test 1:41/100 yard and yesterday 1:32/100 yard!! And 2 minutes off the 1,000 yard time!! WOOHOO!!! Work works! Felt pretty good about that!! Then onto today…… So I hit my 5K test tonight. As I was doing my warm up I just couldn't catch my breath and my HR was jacked! I wasn't going fast, but for some reason I couldn't hit a grove. Decided to push through anyways! I had a "goal" in mind when I started, which I'm not sure if that was a good or bad thing. Run down...I took off WAY TO FAST first mile was 8 seconds faster than my "go to" average pace in order for me to reach my “goal”...UGH I ALWAYS do that! I have a VERY tough time pacing. Felt like pulling the plug at 2 miles but pushed through. New "PR" (even though its not a real race). 32 seconds off my last time on the same course. Vdot up 1 point! Missed my "goal" by 3 seconds...which just ticked me off lol. (knowing I could’ve pushed just 3 seconds harder!!
Anywho, all 3 tests completed and all three showed improvement!!
Thank you for your help this week with keeping me FOCUSED on what I needed to do. Glad I stuck to the plan like you said!!!!
Thanks coach!!
Forward progress!! Mind is set straight about doing the RIGHT WORK as you said.
Hey Coach P! CONGRATULATIONS on the Boston Marathon!! Hope you are resting up and recovering.
Have a few questions for you but wanted to wait until after your race! Ok here we go….
First, I originally thought of doing a Half Marathon this coming weekend. But time and $$ are a little short and so I was wondering if it would be ok to just continue with my plan, or is this a “must do”? I am getting to about 12 miles in my long runs (will be at 13 soon), so the distance is there. Thoughts?
Next, RR#1 was let’s say interesting…..Went to Quassy to do ride the course and ended up getting VERY LOST. Did 60 miles and a couple extra climbs (which on this course is not something I particularly wanted to do lol)….Was out on the course way too long bc of being lost, I’m not a fast rider and a fellow rider got a flat. I had gone down early to meet the EN crew so by the time I got back to the park, I had been there for 7 hours. I had to get home (hour drive) so I didn’t have time to run. Good news is I felt like I could’ve run, even after my crazy adventure! So my question here is, do I need to redo this race rehearsal this weekend or next? I plan to do the course (a preview ride) again on May 10th and could run after that. Can I just make that my RR#2 instead of the scheduled RR#2 on May 17?
Last questions, I swear. When we modified my plan, you said that when it got to May that we would discuss moving me into the IM training plan for the volume. Next week I will be 12 weeks out from IMLP. When I should I load up the IM plan? (I am in HIM plan right now moving toward Quassy).
FINALLY….I have been doing Wednesday runs separate from the ride. I know that it says on the plan that these should be “brick runs”. At what point should I be making it a priority to make this a “brick run” off the bike?
THANK YOU so much for taking the time to read through all my “stuff” and answer my questions!!!!
** Slight correction to my post. Next week I will be 13 weeks out from IMLP and 5 weeks out from Quassy!!
Just an update to my previous post a couple days ago. The half on Sunday is out because I ran long tonight according to plan. Other questions still apply tho
There is no need to do another race rehearsal ride. You got it done and we can do it again when you have a chance to get back up there. In the case of Quassy, knowing the course is almost greater than getting the ride in perfectly.
There's no immediate need to brick. Your race experience will be no different if you never brick before that race on Wednesdays. Continue as you are as best you can.
Hey Coach,
Just trying to make sure I do everything I am supposed to and I guess I over-think things sometimes. Thanks for getting back to me though and helping me out!!! I truly appreciate it!
Sorry for all the questions
Hey Coach!
Great Webinar last night. So glad to get that information about the course.
I am in week 11 of the beginner IM plan and plan to modify next week's schedule per your guidance from the coach chat a couple weeks ago and the wiki. However, next week is supposed to be a test week. swim mon, bike test tue, swim only wed, 5k test thur. I am guessing I should not test on the week of my HIM (but let me know if I should) So question is....should I do what I have been doing...swim mon, run tues, bike/run Wednesday and then follow guidance for thursday, friday, saturday? And when should I plan to test?
Hi Coach!
Great chat about open water tonight...thank you! And thanks again for the guidance for this weekend. It was a successful weekend, and I am glad I was able to ride the course again (after reviewing my notes from your talk last weekend). I felt like I handled the course better and when I got off the bike after the 110 (we cut out the 1 mile out and back on the 2nd loop) I felt better than I did the previous weekend. Got a good brick run in after the ride. Then Sunday did a swim TT (I participated because I thought it would be a good opportunity to be out in that lake again and get my mojo back, which I did. Sun shining and water was warmer, turn around marked by someone in a kayak from QT systems which was helpful). Then refueled and did a long run. Huge difference from last weekends run. What a difference running on tired legs makes. It was TOUGH. Muddled through the best I could and got 2 hours 10 minutes. So there is the update from LP trip #2. Missed the EN crew for sure though
As we discussed, I am sending you the links to my rides to see what my HR should be. (Since you talk to a ton of people daily I will just remind you that we talked about having you look at my data to give me zones instead of me doing the 40 minute HR test on the bike as you said it would be more beneficial) Ride June 14 loop 2- we took it easy at parts (we were waiting for Jo for a while and continued to just kinda take it easy) Some dips are from BR or group stops, or getting stuck behind someone. I can say that this weekend I paid attention to my HR and found that I felt good in 140s, climbing in 150's, but came right back down. Thank you for sorting this out with me! Let me know if the links do not work. I have not shared Garmin workouts here's hoping!
" style="font-family: inherit;">Ride June 14 Loop 1
" style="font-family: inherit;">Ride June 14 Loop 2
">Ride June 21Links below do not I tried again!
June 14 Loop 1
3rd times the charm I hope....Here are the links for the last time. Fingers crossed they work! Sorry for the other faulty links. - June 14 Loop 1 - June 14 Loop 2 - June 21 Full Ride (2 Loops)
IOW your HR file should look like your cadence graph looks for this past weekends ride. Maybe go look at some of the crucibles from past races? Or search me on Strava from placid camp so you can see the HR?
Do you get what I am saying?
Hey Coach- Thanks for getting back to me! I totally get what your saying and know that I need to execute better and keep my HR more consistent.Looked up your Strava file and some crucible files. Will try to execute this weekends ride better to get some better data.
Ugh- I just don't seem to be able to execute the bike like an EN ninja.
So I tried to pay attention to my riding patterns and steady my HR. Couple of things I noticed- 1. Since I am riding with a couple other people, I sometimes have to slow down because I get stuck behind, or because we wait at turns. 2. The route this weekend had WAY TOO MANY FREAKIN stop lights. 3. When I climb my HR climbs....then drops on decent (another reason for peaks and valleys). Still no excuse. And I need to do better.
Here is Saturdays ride.....
Let me know your thoughts, maybe I should do 40 minute bike test?
Which brings me to my next question. My husband Steve has his Mountain Running Championship this Sunday at Loon Mt. in New Hampshire. Doing my wife duty I will drive him up that morning, cheer him on as he runs up a mountain and drive him back that evening. So it's going to be tough to fit any of my training in on Sunday (but super important SAUs will be earned). How should I modify this weeks training? I am in Week 17 of Beginner IM plan (which is also bike test, and final run RR week).
Thanks Coach!
Even if you executed with complete awesomeness, it will still be rising as you climb and dropping on the descent. Just the nature of the beast. So if you can also focus on writing up the hills easily but then pushing the other side that will also help as well.
Sorry I missed the note about this past weekend, SAUs always trump, there is plenty of other days for you to do your training. :-)