Thanks for the feedback Coach! I will be keeping all your advice in mind as I do my next few long rides before the big day! (Can't believe it's already July!!!)
So this coming weekend is actually my husbands big race. So here was my thought starting with tomorrow (Thursday 7/3):
Thursday- RR run (15-18 miles/ 3hours)
Friday- 3.5 hour ride (the weather is supposed to be really really crappy due to Hurricane Arthur so I would rather do a shorter ride this day)
Saturday- 5 hour ride (Plan is to execute this ride with LITTLE stops and consistency to the end. Fellow ENer Chris has mapped a great ride that will allow me a good stretch to dial in. Also, he is faster so I won't be in a "group" per say) Short 40 min brick after.
Sunday- Off to watch hubby run up a mountain, although he asked if I wanted to run it! I laughed! 7 miles up a mountain with grades up to 40%....No thank you
LOL Your comment had me rolling laughing! I def think you are right...40%=BRICK WALL!! And my husband said it was practically straight you could have been crawling up it! CRAZY!! But he had a great race, and I was so proud. I was so happy to be there for him! Thanks again for your feedback! Hope you had a great 4th of July!!!
Hope all is well. Thanks for chatting with me on Thursday. It helped me get some perspective and re-focus myself and my goals. SO THANK YOU!!! I have decided to not do a marathon this fall and to stick with fun stuff, half marathons (2) and a fast 5K in Nov.
So this past weekend I did a 50 mile ride for Ride 2 Recovery. Great ride but most importantly I learned more about the group and what they do to benefit mental and physical rehabilitation for our wounded veterans and healing service men and women. I heard from a wounded veteran and a firefighter who survived 911 and was overcome with emotion. I left with more information on that group and info on a few others like the Wounded Warrior Project that help veterans. It was clear to me that this is a very important cause needs more advocay. I started thinking….what more can I do??
Basically, I want to fundraise and I want to do something big to help. I had been toying with this idea the past couple of weeks but at the risk of “stealing” your idea, I want to run 30 miles on my 30th birthday in March 2015 and raise money for this cause. (Hope you don’t mind my stealing!!!)
Need your advice.
1. How big of a hole will that put in my triathlon season? (Doing 2 HIM with the 1st one being Quassy on May 31st)
2. Can I train for this successfully knowing that its through the winter? (I am ok with treadmill and running in cold to a certain extent. Below 20 and I tap out).
3. Is this a plain stupid idea since I have never run a stand alone marathon before?
What are your thoughts on this? THANK YOU!! And sorry this is so long, but wanted to explain the background.
Hi Coach, Quick Update to my previous post. I have been in contact with Wounded Warrior Project and they have been GREAT! They said they would love to support my run and would help me set up a fundraising page ect. I feel strongly about helping this organization and would want to get the word out to my community as well. I was even thinking about doing my 5 mile loops through my school neighborhood and have my students do some running with me Again- sorry for being so LONG WINDED. But I wanted to update you by saying I really would like to do this ONLY IF you think I can safely train for it ect (see my questions to you in previous post). THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Ha! You can do it! He'll I might be doing a version of the 40 again at my house if you want to travel. You can do it b/c intensity isn't the do you want to break it down? My guess is you'll need to start putting in longer runs in December as we build up. What's your longest run so far?
AWESOME! Let’s lock and load this and get me on the right track! You are a rock star coach- another 40 on your birthday and Kona AFTER killing IMMT!You def lead by example and it is amazing. I would travel but I really want to see if I can get some others in my area involved with at least the fundraising, including my class. I am hoping to do some community work with my class/school this year and really talk to them about setting goals and helping others.(Already have another message to WWP about this).You could always come to CT!
OK now the logistics. Right now I am doing balanced HM plan to end Oct 11 (I am pushing a wheel chair in the Hartford Half Marathon). Then I was supposed to do Nov outseason….
Took time from long runs after IMLP. Re: your question longest run so far?My long runs right now are 10-12 miles….my longest run ever would be the 26.2 at IMLP. (not sure what you were looking for)How should I continue?
First- CONGRATS on Kona!! So inspiring! Your race report was great
Next- wanted to check in!
I am on for the 30 miles in March for Wounded Warriors. I am trying to map out a 6 mile loop, and was wondering if you had any suggestions or guidance on how to decide where to run? How did you choose your 5 mile loop?
I am excited because I have a few friends who want to come and do a loop or 2 with me AND even BETTER.... my husband works with a few veterans who want to train to run and do a loop!! SO I am hoping to do a veteran loop! My goal for this will be to just run it- nice and easy- because the main reason for me doing this is awareness....not the actual time it takes to run! I want to minimize the impact on my triathlon season.... I have some big goals there!!! So I am starting NOS and moving into balanced marathon plan in January per my season road map. Coach R. did say I should touch base with you about adding extra miles because of the distance..... thoughts?
Finally- this is test week. and of course this weekend things popped up that are conflicting with my start....
I was asked if I wanted to push a wheelchair in a half marathon next weekend for Team Hoyt (in Narragansett, RI). I am honored to do this and said YES immediately! I am running with another person and we will switch pushing every other mile. The girl is 150lbs. Not going to be "racing" it so I wasn't sure how to modify this week, if I should at all??
Also- I had been borrowing a bike trainer from a friend this past year because they were not using it. This weekend...they asked for it back! Now I am suddenly out a trainer. I will be getting one later this week. (On pay day...Thursday).
How should I modify my start to the OS? Should I do both tests next week instead? I am doing a 5K on Nov 9 on a course that I can use to test year round (same course I used for OS last year!). Could I just use that as my start run test? And do the bike test when I get the trainer on Thursday?
Looking forward to this year! Lots of great things going on with the team and it gets me PUMPED!!! Thank you in advance for your guidance, time, and patience with me!
I picked my lube based on proximity to my house and one other pitstop, as well as variety: there was a slight off-road section, a bike path, and then road running.
That is fantastic news about the participation. It's pretty cool what you're doing. Personally I would let you get in about 4 to 6 weeks of training before we did any extra of running. The extra running would take the form of Tuesday and Thursday brick runs about 5 miles, and extending the Wednesday and Sunday runs. but let's get through a few weeks first.
Modifying the start of your old season is fine, do the bike test on Wednesday and get the run data from next week.
That said, I'm not sure if the half marathon with team Hoyt just three days before your 10K might set you back? Have you ever run pushing a wheelchair before? Have you even seen the profile of this race yet? I would modify anything about your plan, but it might be worthwhile doing some research so you can set your expectations and prepare accordingly. You will need to feel yourself and be smart.
Thanks for the feedback Coach! I will be keeping all your advice in mind as I do my next few long rides before the big day! (Can't believe it's already July!!!)
So this coming weekend is actually my husbands big race. So here was my thought starting with tomorrow (Thursday 7/3):
Thursday- RR run (15-18 miles/ 3hours)
Friday- 3.5 hour ride (the weather is supposed to be really really crappy due to Hurricane Arthur so I would rather do a shorter ride this day)
Saturday- 5 hour ride (Plan is to execute this ride with LITTLE stops and consistency to the end. Fellow ENer Chris has mapped a great ride that will allow me a good stretch to dial in. Also, he is faster so I won't be in a "group" per say) Short 40 min brick after.
Sunday- Off to watch hubby run up a mountain, although he asked if I wanted to run it! I laughed! 7 miles up a mountain with grades up to 40%....No thank you
What are your thoughts? Plan look ok? THANKS!!!
Your comment had me rolling laughing! I def think you are right...40%=BRICK WALL!! And my husband said it was practically straight you could have been crawling up it! CRAZY!! But he had a great race, and I was so proud. I was so happy to be there for him!
Thanks again for your feedback! Hope you had a great 4th of July!!!
Hey Coach P!
Hope all is well. Thanks for chatting with me on Thursday. It helped me get some perspective and re-focus myself and my goals. SO THANK YOU!!! I have decided to not do a marathon this fall and to stick with fun stuff, half marathons (2) and a fast 5K in Nov.
So this past weekend I did a 50 mile ride for Ride 2 Recovery. Great ride but most importantly I learned more about the group and what they do to benefit mental and physical rehabilitation for our wounded veterans and healing service men and women. I heard from a wounded veteran and a firefighter who survived 911 and was overcome with emotion. I left with more information on that group and info on a few others like the Wounded Warrior Project that help veterans. It was clear to me that this is a very important cause needs more advocay. I started thinking….what more can I do??
Basically, I want to fundraise and I want to do something big to help. I had been toying with this idea the past couple of weeks but at the risk of “stealing” your idea, I want to run 30 miles on my 30th birthday in March 2015 and raise money for this cause. (Hope you don’t mind my stealing!!!)
Need your advice.
1. How big of a hole will that put in my triathlon season? (Doing 2 HIM with the 1st one being Quassy on May 31st)
2. Can I train for this successfully knowing that its through the winter? (I am ok with treadmill and running in cold to a certain extent. Below 20 and I tap out).
3. Is this a plain stupid idea since I have never run a stand alone marathon before?
What are your thoughts on this? THANK YOU!! And sorry this is so long, but wanted to explain the background.
Quick Update to my previous post. I have been in contact with Wounded Warrior Project and they have been GREAT! They said they would love to support my run and would help me set up a fundraising page ect. I feel strongly about helping this organization and would want to get the word out to my community as well. I was even thinking about doing my 5 mile loops through my school neighborhood and have my students do some running with me
AWESOME! Let’s lock and load this and get me on the right track! You are a rock star coach- another 40 on your birthday and Kona AFTER killing IMMT! You def lead by example and it is amazing. I would travel but I really want to see if I can get some others in my area involved with at least the fundraising, including my class. I am hoping to do some community work with my class/school this year and really talk to them about setting goals and helping others. (Already have another message to WWP about this). You could always come to CT!
OK now the logistics. Right now I am doing balanced HM plan to end Oct 11 (I am pushing a wheel chair in the Hartford Half Marathon). Then I was supposed to do Nov outseason….
Took time from long runs after IMLP. Re: your question longest run so far? My long runs right now are 10-12 miles….my longest run ever would be the 26.2 at IMLP. (not sure what you were looking for) How should I continue?
Hey Coach P!!
First- CONGRATS on Kona!! So inspiring! Your race report was great
Next- wanted to check in!
Finally- this is test week. and of course this weekend things popped up that are conflicting with my start....
Looking forward to this year! Lots of great things going on with the team and it gets me PUMPED!!! Thank you in advance for your guidance, time, and patience with me!
I picked my lube based on proximity to my house and one other pitstop, as well as variety: there was a slight off-road section, a bike path, and then road running.
That is fantastic news about the participation. It's pretty cool what you're doing. Personally I would let you get in about 4 to 6 weeks of training before we did any extra of running. The extra running would take the form of Tuesday and Thursday brick runs about 5 miles, and extending the Wednesday and Sunday runs. but let's get through a few weeks first.
Modifying the start of your old season is fine, do the bike test on Wednesday and get the run data from next week.
That said, I'm not sure if the half marathon with team Hoyt just three days before your 10K might set you back? Have you ever run pushing a wheelchair before? Have you even seen the profile of this race yet? I would modify anything about your plan, but it might be worthwhile doing some research so you can set your expectations and prepare accordingly. You will need to feel yourself and be smart.