Chris Oubre's thread
I'm running the Rock and Roll marathon in New Orleans on 2/2/14 and would like some guidance on my run training. My A race is Itonman Coeur d'Alene end of June
I've had a stress fracture in my metatarsal 18 months ago or so.
Here is my recent run history
1/8/14 treadmill run of 5 miles at 9 min pace
1/4/14 18 mile run @ 9:28 pace. Started at a 9 pace and tried to move to marathon speed at mile 10. My feet felt off all week (think I need new shoes). The pain in my feet made me stop and take several long walk breaks. HR ave 165, Max of 187. I've seen a HR of 203 before on my watch as a reference.
1/2/14 4.5 mile run @ 8:10 pace
12/30/13 2 mile run in Newtons at 7:20 pace followed by a 5 mile run in my regular shoes at 8:35 pace
12/21 15.25 miles @ 9:02 pace
12/15 12 miles @ 8:45 pace
11/30 8 miles @ 8:15 pace
11/28 5k race 21:13. 6:48 pace
I have a social commitment on Jan 18th so I cannot run on the 18th or much on the 19th
I've had a stress fracture in my metatarsal 18 months ago or so.
Here is my recent run history
1/8/14 treadmill run of 5 miles at 9 min pace
1/4/14 18 mile run @ 9:28 pace. Started at a 9 pace and tried to move to marathon speed at mile 10. My feet felt off all week (think I need new shoes). The pain in my feet made me stop and take several long walk breaks. HR ave 165, Max of 187. I've seen a HR of 203 before on my watch as a reference.
1/2/14 4.5 mile run @ 8:10 pace
12/30/13 2 mile run in Newtons at 7:20 pace followed by a 5 mile run in my regular shoes at 8:35 pace
12/21 15.25 miles @ 9:02 pace
12/15 12 miles @ 8:45 pace
11/30 8 miles @ 8:15 pace
11/28 5k race 21:13. 6:48 pace
I have a social commitment on Jan 18th so I cannot run on the 18th or much on the 19th
Also, check out Resources > Wiki > Running and look on that page for marathon pacing week we'll want to start thinking about your pacing plan!
Not sure where to find the balanced marathon plan so I may just need a recommendation for this weekend's mileage. Also can't see the Wiki yet in resources.
Due to lightning I missed my opportunity for a long run today. I will do my long run tomorrow. My question is: Since I've recently completed a FTP test (193 W) do I need to do the bike test today? I didn't do a VO2 Max test. That is the only thing missing. I'm concerned about doing a bike test today, if I'm going to be running 20 miles tomorrow. And if I do the bike test after, I may not be in top form.
When do you need the VO2 max score?
I ran 20 miles per the marathon hack. I was unable to maintain the requires pace zones. My first 8 miles I was supposed to run an easy pace. I could tell that my legs were not in it to win it then. At the 8 mile marks I moved to my zone 3 pace. It was really hard. I was supposed to keep that pace for 10 miles. I knew I wouldn't make it but I was going to try. I run a 2 loop course. At mile 10 I stoped to get more water and accidentally hit my watch. I stopped that segment and started another one. (First 10 miles)
I tried like the dickens to keep the zone 3 pace, but my heart rate was sky high. After 4 miles I got tired of my watch telling me I was to slow and stopped that seggment and started another one (Miles 10 - 14)
I was then holding on by my fingernails. Dug deep and pushed. I had to walk twice and stop at a garden hose once. (Mile 14 - 20)
I'm not sure if I should be running to pace zones and heart rate zones.
Here is the last link
Not sure why the links aren;'t working and I don;t know how to edit previous posts.
I'm ready when you are. when's a good time. Do you want to to schedule something?
@chris, no worries on the video. You can shedule with me anytime. My schedule is online here: -- Please remember to include your phone number.
I swam the first 400m with reasonably good form. I was able to breath on both sides and focus on my form. I felt relaxed. For the last 600m I was mostly breathing on one side. Felt slow. Glide was really poor. I felt stressed.
I've noticed that if I swim superman style and just kick, I can lay on my lungs and float at the surface, butt in the air ( I could tell because it was cold). As soon as I switch to superman catch ups, I sink below the surface.
The way my schedule has evolved, I may get to swim today. What workout would you recommend?
Per your guidance I am limiting my runs to twice a week @ 30-45 min per run. I ran 4 miles yesterday and my IT band was tight after. Getting better though. The warm up and stretching helped a lot.
Life has forced me to stay home tomorrow and Thursday mornings so I am planning to swap Wednesday's bike workout with tomorrow's run as I can do the bike workout on my trainer. I will drop the brick run. I am also planning to move Thursday's run to Friday.
Not sure what to do with Saturday's run. I guess I'll just drop it?
Don't let ^this^ approach get you down. The more quality swimming we can get it will go a long way to making you better come race day.
That said, it couldn't hurt to look at the Swim eBook to see if you have any glaring inconsistencies!!! Resouces > Wiki > Swimming....
8:45 for first 6 miles
8:25 for 6-20 miles
8:30 (just hold on) for last 6.
Plan to alternate water and power aid at aid stations.
Fuel with power-gel from a flask
Watch heart rate
Don't push so hard that my knee is done for at the end
I don't think your VDOT really changes......
Get 45-60 min of swim time
Start with a warm-up of
50 x 4
100 x 2
Then I do 100's where each lap I
- focus on one technique (one goggle out, arm entry angle, pressing lungs, light kick, naval to point at wall, engage chest on pull...)
- bilaterally breath for as long as I can
- rest liberally so I can focus on form each and every lap
Near the end of my time I may do a 200x2 or 400 as a tester
I use my ability to bilaterally breath as the limiter.
When I try to think about fast or easy I lose form or over glide. If I push much beyond 100 or 200 I lose form and slow down drastically. For example when I do as described above I swim anywhere from 1:45/100 - 2:05/100. If I press and swim 1000m my pace dropped to 2:25/100
Is there something else you would like me to do?
It's clear that body position is your number one issue. Anything you can do to "fix" that, learning what that feels like--and then learning to maintain that feel as you swim--is ideal!
I'm doing IMTX70.3 and IMNO back to back. My plan is set to finish on IMNO. that puts my race rehearsal the week before IMTX70.3. What should I do?
How can I better determine my target heart rates? The calculator gidance doesn't jive with what I'm feeling on the runs.
If you are using Pace, I really only want you to run at your numbers (example 10 miles at 7:30 pace) and we'll see what the HR is. Over time you will get used to ^that^ HR and you can benchmark pace vs RPE, etc.
Similarly, if you are training by HR, I want you in HR zone 4 and the pace will vary...but eventually that will dial in as well...
Make sense?
Life has eliminated Monday afternoons from my realm of possible workouts from now till April.
I'm on week 15 of the Intermediate HIM plan.
My plan usually calls for just a swim on Monday.
It may be possible but highly undesirable (high SAU) to swim in the morning
How should I adjust my training week?
I use a two beat kick but I find that when I slow my arm turn over, my hips drop because I don't kick as much. I tried 6 beat kicking but it tires me out much much faster.
Not really enough time to work on balance drills with my Galveston and New Orleans coming up so soon.
Just wanted to check in. Have fun this weekend. :-)