You should definitely take Saturday off. I am OK with you just doing Sunday as the sprint race. This late in the year you are carrying lots of fatigue and there's no upside to doing anymore work at this point.
I don't know how I feel about you using red bull on the bike. I am surprised that a race would have that has a bike solution, because it provides zero electrolytes. Usually they have it on the run course?
If you are used to it, fine. Worst case scenario it's just a sprint and you'll survive. But I would plan on showing up well hydrated with the proper drink.
Chris, you have done a ton of good work. Improvement isn't easy, and all this time adds up to make you better, stronger and smarter.
I agree that many races can really start to hurt...and they certainly aren't required to be successful. Here's what I suggest if 2017 is the year of the swim...
1. Define what a year is, start and end. 2. Divide the year into sections. 3. Define goals for each section to work on. It will be really hard to see improvement or stay motivated if time / yards is the metric of success. It can't just be more. It's gotta be mo' better.
Feel free to focus on the swim for a few weeks, then stand maybe 6 weeks all in, 2 weeks lighter and do something else.
We still need to work on running and cycling you have metrics to look at (avg mileage per week across a year for the run, etc) that could give insight as to your current training load / stress?
I am okay with you doing a swim year + half then IMTX....but there should be some good cycling in there and a lot of consistent running!
I think it's fine...honestly I'd rather put the "extra non race weekends" into some epic cycling. Maybe like 6 Gap Century or similar epic stuff closer to home. Better to be doing that for Fri / Sat / Sun vs drive Friday, check in Saturday, race only on Sunday.
You pick the Half and we can build around it and set some goals!
In an effort to make myself more accountable in this period where I'm. It doing an Outseason or have a race on the calendar, I thought that I'd post training updates for your feedback.
In the last 7 days I've... Ran 4 times for 15.3 miles. I've focused on keeping my heart rate low. Today I managed 5 miles at a 144 Ave hr. That's a record low.
Swam 3 times for 6350 yards. I'm swimming with a masters team. I've never hurt this bad this consistently. I've been told that I don't reach far enough and I start my pull on my left hand too soon. I generally breath to the right. I've been told to do more bilateral breathing. I'm also kicking a lot more. I'm using burners (short fins) per the coaches recommendation.
I've biked once in 30 days. Something had to give and I chose this.
I'm averaging 8 hours of sleep!!! Been a loooong time since that happened.
The goal here for this year is to develop the swim skill and strength to prepare you for a good Ironman in 2017. This is going to be a full year project and as such, we need to balance different doses of each discipline accordingly. What follows is my best projection and how you should handle the additional training load and still stay healthy and sane.
Late Season HIM
Century / Epic Ride
Century / Epic Ride
Optional Sprint Tri(s) should lift align, etc.
Training Blocks and Focus Points
OS Prep
OS Part 1
OS Part 2
Swim Camp
November and December Until 1/6/17
Swim 3x a Week with Masters
Buy Cords for Holidays
18 swims through XMAS holiday
Do 3 x 15’ cord session over holidays.
Run 3 to 5 miles a day, easy with Low / Steady HR
Bike Steady on Saturday, 60 to 90 minutes in Zones 1 to 2.
Nov = 20 miles per week on average
Dec = 25 miles per week
Run 10 days straight over Holiday Challenge 12/21 to 1/1
Bike Steady on Saturday, 60 to 90 minutes in Zones 1 to 2.
Nothing flashy here, just steady.
January to March 1 = OutSeason® Plan first 8 Weeks
Continue swim push.
Swim 2 - 3 x per week
20 swims in 8 weeks
Run according to the OS
First 4 weeks = 5 days running
Second 4 weeks = 6 days running or 6 runs.
Bike as planned.
Do the work.
March 1 to Mid April = OutSeason® Plan last 6 Weeks
Drop swim down to cords only, really crush all bike sessions.
Target Half Mary if possible
Swim Cords 2 - 3 x per week
18 sessions in 6 weeks
Run according to the OS
Dial the Sunday Run down to be all TRP for time listed, no intervals.
These runs will be longer.
Bike 75 / 75 / Planned Sat Time.
This means a bit more.
Do the work.
Mid April to May 1-ish= Swim Camp
Two weeks of really solid swimming.
Additional Running: I want you to try to run 30’ per day as often as possible when you want but that’s it.
May = Cycling Block
We need to discuss this part as it gets closer. Will be interesting to see what your FTP will be by this point, etc.
You will also be back in the pool by now.
June / July / August
I assume there will be a race prep plan in here somewhere. Similar to the May block, this will be TBD.
I am really feeling the benefit from swimming four times a week with the masters program. This is the most I've ever swam in my training history. I have great mojo and family support. Each swim is about 50-75' and totals around 2 - 2.4k yards at me current paces.
I want to keep up the swimming as much as I can. I've got a lot of ground to make up. Sooooooo since I'm scheduled to start the OutSeason on Monday. What do you think about this week structure
I know we talked about you focusing on the swim for a long time, so I am really excited that it's happening.And the last thing I want to do is getting away of that level of progress.
The only red flag for me is that I don't see a dedicated day of rest for you. Would you be open to keeping Sunday as an "swing day," that if needed, you would not swim and only run?
I am just looking four to five weeks down the road and want to make sure that future Chris can continue the good work that present-day Chris has started. Let me know!
Question.....I'm planning on having a vasectomy this year. Based on our discussions above, when would be the best time to get this done? Should I wait for the OS to finish or get it done sooner?
@Chris Oubre - thanks for checking in. You'll need about 2 weeks to get back to sweating like a mofo, and another 4 weeks to get back to "I can ride like the beast I am."
Given that we want you to be riding the bike aggressively in May, this would point to a procedure time somewhere between now and Mid-March.
Bottom line, obviously we can work with whatever situation you give us. Your choice to get this done is an important one that transcends our sport... We support you 100%!!!!
@Chris Oubre Thanks! I am waiting for you to update your forum picture! I have not (yet) done extensive Mardi Gras training, but if you need me to do that for you, let me know!!!
I have a question about quantitatively measuring my run fitness.
I finish a 5k run test in less than 20'. What really matters is my ability at 60 and 90'. I feel like I could be gaining great ground in my efficiency and/or Areobic decoupling and not see much improvement in the 5 k time.
Im to the point where I'm shaving off seconds. I've always felt that my 5k perfomance is not indicative of my 13.1. I've never come close to running a 13.1 at my zone 2 pace much less the. Z3 pace.
Sooooo. I'm thinking to keep the 5k test for then training paces and /or doing a 10k to set my critical pace
then converting every Sunday run to all zone 2 and tracking my decoupling as a measure of fitness improvement.
@Chris Oubre - that's a legit question...normally I'd say not to worry in the OS since we have the Wednesday run (long steady) that would fit the bill.
And because we don't usually focus on "steady" until we are really into the midpoint of your year (closer to those races). But with your 70.3® looming soon we have to be mindful.
Do you have data I can look at for the long runs you have already been doing?
@Chris Oubre - I can see your stuff on Strava, so I don't need those files. But before we over complicate things, can't we define improved run fitness as either:
1) Running faster for those long runs...So measure speed / distance covered in the 60' to 90' range?
2) Lower effort (HR) for the similar pace?
So early in the season, we focus more on #1. As the race gets closer, we want to be more efficient at those paces, shifting more to focus #2.
The idea of decoupling for me is better applied to power vs HR (like bike) than pace vs HR as pace can be affected by variables like terrain and conditions, whereas a watt is a watt is a watt.
What I'm getting at is I love test week. Love it. The 5k run is all zone 6 awesomeness. I've had this supposed vDot for multiple years. My long runs look like they are getting faster but.....we never test that. We only test 5k.
I like to test and I like to see results. If I'm just looking at long runs that aren't treated like a test then it just doesn't have the same impact.
Im reading Jim Vance's triathlon 2.0 and it made me realize something.
I know now what my bFTP is but I don't know what my 1 hour critical run pace is. I only test at 20' or less. That's too short.
@Chris Oubre - Ok, that's helpful. Note, we don't need a weekly test, but I could see a 1x a month long run test. Fixed course, call it 7 miles (two loops, even better for comparing).
Goal here will be to compare Pace, HR, Cadence over time to see if we are improving that longer metric.
You aren't alone in the Fast Twitch Is Easy / Steady State Not So Much crowd. There are quite a few folks on the Team in that maybe this test can be confirmation the needle is moving?
If you can do over the weekend with your long run, great! The only reason I would move it is if there's a better weather day on the calendar... Let me know!
Check in. I haven't done any swim cords. ive been able to make almost all workouts ive swam three times most weeks ive for the most part made my target weekly mileage
i had an amazing 9 mile run at a 7:25 pace
per your plan above I'm supposed to stop swimming the next 4 weeks. What is the intent? Is that to maximize rest?
@Chris Oubre - It was to let you get the bike power up (crush yourself)...don't worry, you'll be back in Swim Camp when you are done. I promise you'll get it back.
Sometimes we need to go a bit less to get a bit more...
That's great news on Mia...can't believe I didn't catch that!!!! You both go to 79 each if she sticks it long as two of you are on the team it will be that price.
I have a note to make sure we check in when her trial ends!
Soooooo my bike test wasn't what I like to see. I lost two watts. My limiter today was my stomach. It hurt. I tried drinking 4oz of OJ pre-workout based on listening to a Corr Diet presentation. Also I've missed the last two long weekend rides. Additionally crushed my 5' vO2 test. (320 W). My FTP is 255 so that's 125% vs 115%
I am ready to smash the bike. Going to lay down swimming for March as directed.
@Chris Oubre 2 watts is like a .003% delta. The moon could have been close to earth and had the same effect. Amazing you can ride with OJ (note, you should practice that for a few weeks first).
Consistent is ok...up is better, but you've been doing a lot of don't beat yourself up too much!
I don't know how I feel about you using red bull on the bike. I am surprised that a race would have that has a bike solution, because it provides zero electrolytes. Usually they have it on the run course?
If you are used to it, fine. Worst case scenario it's just a sprint and you'll survive. But I would plan on showing up well hydrated with the proper drink.
I agree that many races can really start to hurt...and they certainly aren't required to be successful. Here's what I suggest if 2017 is the year of the swim...
1. Define what a year is, start and end.
2. Divide the year into sections.
3. Define goals for each section to work on. It will be really hard to see improvement or stay motivated if time / yards is the metric of success. It can't just be more. It's gotta be mo' better.
Feel free to focus on the swim for a few weeks, then stand maybe 6 weeks all in, 2 weeks lighter and do something else.
We still need to work on running and cycling you have metrics to look at (avg mileage per week across a year for the run, etc) that could give insight as to your current training load / stress?
I am okay with you doing a swim year + half then IMTX....but there should be some good cycling in there and a lot of consistent running!
~ Coach P
You pick the Half and we can build around it and set some goals!
~ Coach P
So I want to help you, I'm just balancing it against all the other demands for the team at this time of year. Thanks for understanding.
In the last 7 days I've...
Ran 4 times for 15.3 miles. I've focused on keeping my heart rate low. Today I managed 5 miles at a 144 Ave hr. That's a record low.
Swam 3 times for 6350 yards. I'm swimming with a masters team. I've never hurt this bad this consistently. I've been told that I don't reach far enough and I start my pull on my left hand too soon. I generally breath to the right. I've been told to do more bilateral breathing. I'm also kicking a lot more. I'm using burners (short fins) per the coaches recommendation.
I've biked once in 30 days. Something had to give and I chose this.
I'm averaging 8 hours of sleep!!! Been a loooong time since that happened.
2017 Year of the Swim, plus Run Durability
The goal here for this year is to develop the swim skill and strength to prepare you for a good Ironman in 2017. This is going to be a full year project and as such, we need to balance different doses of each discipline accordingly. What follows is my best projection and how you should handle the additional training load and still stay healthy and sane.
Late Season HIM
Century / Epic Ride
Century / Epic Ride
Optional Sprint Tri(s) should lift align, etc.
Training Blocks and Focus Points
OS Prep
OS Part 1
OS Part 2
Swim Camp
November and December Until 1/6/17
Swim 3x a Week with Masters
Buy Cords for Holidays
18 swims through XMAS holiday
Do 3 x 15’ cord session over holidays.
Run 3 to 5 miles a day, easy with Low / Steady HR
Bike Steady on Saturday, 60 to 90 minutes in Zones 1 to 2.
Nov = 20 miles per week on average
Dec = 25 miles per week
Run 10 days straight over Holiday Challenge 12/21 to 1/1
Bike Steady on Saturday, 60 to 90 minutes in Zones 1 to 2.
Nothing flashy here, just steady.
January to March 1 = OutSeason® Plan first 8 Weeks
Continue swim push.
Swim 2 - 3 x per week
20 swims in 8 weeks
Run according to the OS
First 4 weeks = 5 days running
Second 4 weeks = 6 days running or 6 runs.
Bike as planned.
Do the work.
March 1 to Mid April = OutSeason® Plan last 6 Weeks
Drop swim down to cords only, really crush all bike sessions.
Target Half Mary if possible
Swim Cords 2 - 3 x per week
18 sessions in 6 weeks
Run according to the OS
Dial the Sunday Run down to be all TRP for time listed, no intervals.
These runs will be longer.
Bike 75 / 75 / Planned Sat Time.
This means a bit more.
Do the work.
Mid April to May 1-ish= Swim Camp
Two weeks of really solid swimming.
Additional Running: I want you to try to run 30’ per day as often as possible when you want but that’s it.
May = Cycling Block
We need to discuss this part as it gets closer. Will be interesting to see what your FTP will be by this point, etc.
You will also be back in the pool by now.
June / July / August
I assume there will be a race prep plan in here somewhere. Similar to the May block, this will be TBD.
I am really feeling the benefit from swimming four times a week with the masters program. This is the most I've ever swam in my training history. I have great mojo and family support. Each swim is about 50-75' and totals around 2 - 2.4k yards at me current paces.
I want to keep up the swimming as much as I can. I've got a lot of ground to make up. Sooooooo since I'm scheduled to start the OutSeason on Monday. What do you think about this week structure
I know we talked about you focusing on the swim for a long time, so I am really excited that it's happening.And the last thing I want to do is getting away of that level of progress.
The only red flag for me is that I don't see a dedicated day of rest for you. Would you be open to keeping Sunday as an "swing day," that if needed, you would not swim and only run?
I am just looking four to five weeks down the road and want to make sure that future Chris can continue the good work that present-day Chris has started. Let me know!
Very impressed,
~ Coach P
Given that we want you to be riding the bike aggressively in May, this would point to a procedure time somewhere between now and Mid-March.
Bottom line, obviously we can work with whatever situation you give us. Your choice to get this done is an important one that transcends our sport... We support you 100%!!!!
~ Coach P
Love these new forums btw.
~ Coach P
I finish a 5k run test in less than 20'. What really matters is my ability at 60 and 90'. I feel like I could be gaining great ground in my efficiency and/or Areobic decoupling and not see much improvement in the 5 k time.
Im to the point where I'm shaving off seconds. I've always felt that my 5k perfomance is not indicative of my 13.1. I've never come close to running a 13.1 at my zone 2 pace much less the. Z3 pace.
Sooooo. I'm thinking to keep the 5k test for then training paces and /or doing a 10k to set my critical pace
then converting every Sunday run to all zone 2 and tracking my decoupling as a measure of fitness improvement.
And because we don't usually focus on "steady" until we are really into the midpoint of your year (closer to those races). But with your 70.3® looming soon we have to be mindful.
Do you have data I can look at for the long runs you have already been doing?
~ Coach P
1) Running faster for those long runs...So measure speed / distance covered in the 60' to 90' range?
2) Lower effort (HR) for the similar pace?
So early in the season, we focus more on #1. As the race gets closer, we want to be more efficient at those paces, shifting more to focus #2.
The idea of decoupling for me is better applied to power vs HR (like bike) than pace vs HR as pace can be affected by variables like terrain and conditions, whereas a watt is a watt is a watt.
Thoughts? Am I missing something?
~ Coach P
I like to test and I like to see results. If I'm just looking at long runs that aren't treated like a test then it just doesn't have the same impact.
Im reading Jim Vance's triathlon 2.0 and it made me realize something.
I know now what my bFTP is but I don't know what my 1 hour critical run pace is. I only test at 20' or less. That's too short.
Goal here will be to compare Pace, HR, Cadence over time to see if we are improving that longer metric.
You aren't alone in the Fast Twitch Is Easy / Steady State Not So Much crowd. There are quite a few folks on the Team in that maybe this test can be confirmation the needle is moving?
~ Coach P
If you can do over the weekend with your long run, great! The only reason I would move it is if there's a better weather day on the calendar... Let me know!
~ Coach P
I haven't done any swim cords.
ive been able to make almost all workouts
ive swam three times most weeks
ive for the most part made my target weekly mileage
i had an amazing 9 mile run at a 7:25 pace
per your plan above I'm supposed to stop swimming the next 4 weeks. What is the intent? Is that to maximize rest?
PS: My wife just joined EN :-)
Sometimes we need to go a bit less to get a bit more...
That's great news on Mia...can't believe I didn't catch that!!!!
I have a note to make sure we check in when her trial ends!
~ Coach P
I am ready to smash the bike. Going to lay down swimming for March as directed.
Consistent is ok...up is better, but you've been doing a lot of don't beat yourself up too much!
Enjoy the no chlorine!!
~ Coach P