Ok, really wasn't feeling good going into this, gave myself the extra day of rest and got it done this morning
New FTP 241, a 10 watt bump! VERY excited about this and the upcoming work!! if i can get another 10-15 this season, goals will be met. This is the highest I have achieved in my three years here with the fact that I took off from July 2012 - July 2013.
on a side note, I went a little food crazy after the NYC marathon and gained 16lbs of which i have now shed 10! will do the W/KG#s when i get back to fighting weight!
@Peter, I'm in your boat, still in the FTP range from last year, but like you said its only Feb and that means I'm ~6 months ahead of where I was last year! Thats a significant thing! I was disappointed at first I couldn't get a few more watts out of yesterday, but I've learned my body is ready when its ready and wishing it were otherwise doesn't make more watts. I too made the mistake of trying to drive an outcome and hit particular number first in my VO2 set and then in the FTP set. I should know better, for me that always results in a blown test. I guess I always have to blow one to remember not to focus on outcomes only process.
At any rate, this helps me focus on staying the course and focusing on each workout and each set from here on out!
My second OS and I have come to dread test day! What is wrong with me? A mental struggle, put it off one day but happy with a 15 watt increase in FTP. Also, higher than any FTP test in 2013. So happy it is OVER!
@ Melanie: testing is rough! A ton of effort and you get lots of time to think about it prior to testing. Then you layer in the fact that the numbers don't lie so if you are hoping for huge gains and don't get them it can add to anxiety. On the contrary, if you have not been working really hard it can be stressful due to fear of results. Another words, testing is so mental just like racing. We have the four keys that you can use during testing so control what you can and execute it as well as you can to achieve desired results and minimize the "dreadness" of testing! I am in the same camp as you.......don't really like testing! I got through mine this AM treating like a workout vs. a test and it helped me! Keep up the good work. Your results were great!
You guys are posting some incredible results. Huge congrats! I am happy to say my test went well, I saw some gains and I survived the stress to ride another day
Fourth OS and absolutely the worst bike test ever Felt great during the WU, knocked out the VO2 test with a 266w effort, up from 241w. Nice easy recovery, then hit the FTP test and followed Coach R's advice from the weekly training video; first 4 min at old FTP, ease in to predicted new FTP and hold to 16 min, and then empty the tank the last 4 min. First 4 min was great at 206w, eased up towards 215-220w and then IMPLODED at 11 min Dropped down to 160w to recover for about 90 seconds and then pushed through the remainder of the test. Based on that effort, FTP dropped from 206w to 194w. Need to go back and analysis the data in TP and compare to previous tests to see if I can get a handle on the cause, but bottom line...guess who has to re-test
New FTP of 258 up from 226 (which was my first FTP test so probably a little understated). Very happy with results and improvement, heading in the right direction.
Ok Jan OS pals, this is my first post about any of my workouts, mostly because I wasn't sure I was doing anything all that interesting.. My mental state has been a little in the tank after being in a snowmobile accident 10 days ago, and basically not being able to run at all. I've just put forth effort on the bike (which doesn't hurt) and tried to heal up my left leg, which at the moment is various shades of extreme purple. I had low expectations for this week's bike test, but I'm super pumped to report an increase in FTP from 195 to 211. This battered and bruised girl will definitely take that... Now... if only I can get my running legs back sometime soon ! Keep it up everybody...
Ok Jan OS pals, this is my first post about any of my workouts, mostly because I wasn't sure I was doing anything all that interesting.. My mental state has been a little in the tank after being in a snowmobile accident 10 days ago, and basically not being able to run at all. I've just put forth effort on the bike (which doesn't hurt) and tried to heal up my left leg, which at the moment is various shades of extreme purple. I had low expectations for this week's bike test, but I'm super pumped to report an increase in FTP from 195 to 211. This battered and bruised girl will definitely take that... Now... if only I can get my running legs back sometime soon ! Keep it up everybody...
Strong work; doesn;t it feel good to get confirmation that all that work you've been doing ... works?
Congrats to everyone on awesome gains! I had a good VO2 gain and not as good FTP Test. A very modest gain. I missed week 3 of OS with the flu/infection but have had a good last couple of weeks so was expecting a bigger increase. I am moving in the right direction will sharpen the focus for the second half.
Old New Increase VO2 279 305 9.3% FTP 227 235 3.5%
Sniff.... I just sit here and keep going out for the same watts...I may bump a few watts for a few workouts to see what happens, but a run-focused OS is just that....
4 mi easy in the morning. Started getting more dropouts on the footpad again. Very frustrating. Wish I could figure that out. Ran along at about 8:10 pace after the first mile and got recorded at random total times between 8:27 and 8:50. 99% sure what happened is it just kept recording time while I ran without getting signal. Not that it matters, except for measuring when I'm actually trying to keep track....http://connect.garmin.com/activity/451306442
I have been able to do most of the bike wko's, although I haven't been posting regularly.
I haven't been able to keep up with the running intervals etc., due to my pesky knee which will be a long term project I fear, and I have added in fairly long and intense swims twice a week to compensate. I am going to keep running on my own schedule and build up the hip girdle strength I am lacking. I think my goal running wise for this year is just to get myself to be able to run consistently 5-6days/ week regardless of intensity.
Hmm, looking at everyone else's numbers for FTP, I am wondering if I did something wrong, or if everyone is just way fast? Also, everyone is posting VO2 max- was that calculated via heart rate?
Don't get hung up on the FTP numbers everyone else is posting. There are so many variables involved, the number someone else posts is really just applicable to them. What matters is where you are now relative to yourself before the os started.
The vo2 number comes from the average (not norrmalized) power you attained in the 5 minute portion of the bike test.
The VO2max data comes from what you managed to do to yourself during that 5 minute block before the 20 minute stretch. Those Thursday workouts that look like picket fences in Trainer Road are having you hit your estimated VO2max based on the FTP. Some folks are higher, some lower.
While those wattage numbers in the high 200's or more look impressive, pay more attention to the Watts/Kilogram number. There's a local guy in our club who is just a pure wattage monster. His FTP is 340W or something. BUTTTTTT he weighs 205 pounds. Nyah nyah nyah... My FTP is only 280 but I only weigh 165-170 pounds. We're in the same W/Kg ballpark. I love to be near him at the start of a big hill because I can climb better. He does kick my butt on a flat course though.
Calculate your W/Kg and perhaps you'll see a different, moe level playing field.
Holding off on the run test until Saturday so tonight I popped in a movie and did 41 miles on the drainer including tomorrow's assigned main set of 40 mins straight in my new Zone 3. Ugh!
FTP test done yesterday. Went to an interview immediately after and couldn't take my eyes off the giant bag of chocolate covered pretzels sitting behind the woman interviewing me... I hope I didn't drool.
Week 1 test: FTP: 165 VO2: 198
Week 8 test: FTP: 177 VO2: 233
May have been a bit too aggressive on the VO2. It was a little soul-sucking. But just a little, so that's fine.
As it stands, I will take it. I have been switching my TT bike and road bike in and out on the trainer and the short people in my house were found messing with the trainer settings one day (couldn't understand why I was over 300 watts on rides for about 3 rides ), but I have a system down to try to make it replicable with the virtual power. If I rocked that interview, hopefully there will be a REAL power meter in my future.
I had a gain in FTP by 10 watts.. I will take that any day of the week. Since November i have gone from 161 watts to 184 watts. A gain is a gain and i will take any gains that i can get.
Last night was my hardest test i have done to date. Both physically and mentally. Since i am in the process of moving, i sat on my bike with boxes and objects still needing to be packed laying all around me. It was kind of a guilty feeling that i was not packing and i was being selfish for biking... but boy it felt amazing to be done.
I'm living vicariously through you all, and jealous as hell at the work you are putting in. It's great to see any gain in FTP, regardless of how big the increase is. As Jonathan said above, a gain is a gain!
I'm now a week and a half into the broken tibia thing, and don't know when I'll be able to begin training again. A few days ago I got on the trainer to see how it felt and managed 48 minutes of easy pedaling with little pain. I think I'm going to have to keep on that, as well as maybe start swimming with no kick just to do something. Not training is not fun, and I'm itching to get back at it.
@ John H. I am recovering from injury as well. Until this we I hadn't run for ~8 weeks. My suggestion is to recover fully rather than doing low-value workouts that have minimal fitness benefit but may hamper recovery. "Little pain" probably means something is getting stressed and not healing. Standing on the sidelines is really, really hard to do. I'm feeling that right now. But it may be the best course of action for the long-term.
Awesome to see the great improvements - very solid work in the haus!
Wish I had the same update.... Not too pumped with my gains in FTP after feeling pretty damn strong on the bike so far this OS. I've haven't gotten a great deal of sleep these past few days, however woke up today feeling pretty good so went after the bike test. VO2 increase fairly strong, however FTP test did show much for gains. I thought I gave it all I had but the numbers weren't showing much.
Regardless of sleep or even a sub-par test, I'm pretty far from where I need to be with FTP. While I'll bring this question to one of the other forums, has anyone gotten to the point where the vo2 intervals don't seem to be translating to FTP increase? I personally feel like I'm not really vo2 limited - I can hit 120-125% of FTP on 10x 2'(2') without tremendous difficulty. The longer rides at 100-105% of FTP kill me though. Think this is where I need to be working for the back half of OS to see gains in FTP.
@ Rob, I'm in the same spot as you. VO2 work on the bike doesn't seem to be too impactful. Since I haven't been running for the past weeks I've been doing the bike VO2 work but more to keep overall fitness and not to work up my bike FTP. Honestly for me, the key to FTP has been high consistency in getting in 3 rides/week, hitting 100-103% on my intervals, doing the full time and not just the MS, and getting in all the ABP work.
Ok, really wasn't feeling good going into this, gave myself the extra day of rest and got it done this morning
New FTP 241, a 10 watt bump! VERY excited about this and the upcoming work!! if i can get another 10-15 this season, goals will be met. This is the highest I have achieved in my three years here with the fact that I took off from July 2012 - July 2013.
Will do the run test on Thursday!
@Greg Charbenneau - Great #s!!!
on a side note, I went a little food crazy after the NYC marathon and gained 16lbs of which i have now shed 10! will do the W/KG#s when i get back to fighting weight!
Seriously great results from everyone! Congrats!
@Peter, I'm in your boat, still in the FTP range from last year, but like you said its only Feb and that means I'm ~6 months ahead of where I was last year! Thats a significant thing! I was disappointed at first I couldn't get a few more watts out of yesterday, but I've learned my body is ready when its ready and wishing it were otherwise doesn't make more watts. I too made the mistake of trying to drive an outcome and hit particular number first in my VO2 set and then in the FTP set. I should know better, for me that always results in a blown test. I guess I always have to blow one to remember not to focus on outcomes only process.
At any rate, this helps me focus on staying the course and focusing on each workout and each set from here on out!
I am happy to say my test went well, I saw some gains and I survived the stress
to ride another day
Rest up; run test is heading our way!
@ Greg, way to bring it home, that's an impressive increase in power for those last 10 minutes!
New FTP of 258 up from 226 (which was my first FTP test so probably a little understated). Very happy with results and improvement, heading in the right direction.
VO2 (felt like I could a push a bit more-but knew I had the 20 min coming) FTP started conservatively then built up the power
TEST1 Test2
VO2 260w 265w
HR 171ave 180mx 153 166max
FTP 204w 224w (last 5' 233ave)
HR 170ave 180mx 160ave 167max
So much more power with less hr through the roof. BTW 155-160's Feel like Z4, >165 feels like Z5 >170 is MAX and 180 is -"gona pass out"
Time to do some re-sets!
Great job to everyone else!
@ Bill great job on the ski race and the improvements. Not so well on the Olympic front though... I'll leave it at that.
@ Doug - Some monster numbers for sure. Keep it rolling in the back half of the OS
@ Nikki -Heal up and don't think that what you are doing is not worthy. We are all doing the same thing here so use the forums to your advantage.
Old New Increase
VO2 279 305 9.3%
FTP 227 235 3.5%
01/06/14 - 164 FTP
02/24/14 - 171 FTP
Body Comp
01/06/14 - 270 lbs
02/26/14 - 252 lbs
32 more pounds to go!
2 x 20 for me today. 240 and 238 W.
4 mi easy in the morning. Started getting more dropouts on the footpad again. Very frustrating. Wish I could figure that out. Ran along at about 8:10 pace after the first mile and got recorded at random total times between 8:27 and 8:50. 99% sure what happened is it just kept recording time while I ran without getting signal. Not that it matters, except for measuring when I'm actually trying to keep track....http://connect.garmin.com/activity/451306442
Bike test in the books;
VO2: new 310w (previous 302)
FTP: new 250w- all time high! (previous 239)
w/kg: 3.64
I have been able to do most of the bike wko's, although I haven't been posting regularly.
I haven't been able to keep up with the running intervals etc., due to my pesky knee which will be a long term project I fear, and I have added in fairly long and intense swims twice a week to compensate. I am going to keep running on my own schedule and build up the hip girdle strength I am lacking. I think my goal running wise for this year is just to get myself to be able to run consistently 5-6days/ week regardless of intensity.
Don't get hung up on the FTP numbers everyone else is posting. There are so many variables involved, the number someone else posts is really just applicable to them. What matters is where you are now relative to yourself before the os started.
The vo2 number comes from the average (not norrmalized) power you attained in the 5 minute portion of the bike test.
The VO2max data comes from what you managed to do to yourself during that 5 minute block before the 20 minute stretch. Those Thursday workouts that look like picket fences in Trainer Road are having you hit your estimated VO2max based on the FTP. Some folks are higher, some lower.
While those wattage numbers in the high 200's or more look impressive, pay more attention to the Watts/Kilogram number. There's a local guy in our club who is just a pure wattage monster. His FTP is 340W or something. BUTTTTTT he weighs 205 pounds. Nyah nyah nyah... My FTP is only 280 but I only weigh 165-170 pounds. We're in the same W/Kg ballpark. I love to be near him at the start of a big hill because I can climb better. He does kick my butt on a flat course though.
Calculate your W/Kg and perhaps you'll see a different, moe level playing field.
Start of OS: FTP 231
2nd Test: FTP 249
Seeing some great gains all around, congrats to all.
FTP test done yesterday. Went to an interview immediately after and couldn't take my eyes off the giant bag of chocolate covered pretzels sitting behind the woman interviewing me... I hope I didn't drool.
Week 1 test: FTP: 165 VO2: 198
Week 8 test: FTP: 177 VO2: 233
May have been a bit too aggressive on the VO2. It was a little soul-sucking. But just a little, so that's fine.
As it stands, I will take it. I have been switching my TT bike and road bike in and out on the trainer and the short people in my house were found messing with the trainer settings one day (couldn't understand why I was over 300 watts on rides for about 3 rides
), but I have a system down to try to make it replicable with the virtual power. If I rocked that interview, hopefully there will be a REAL power meter in my future. 
Last night was my hardest test i have done to date. Both physically and mentally. Since i am in the process of moving, i sat on my bike with boxes and objects still needing to be packed laying all around me. It was kind of a guilty feeling that i was not packing and i was being selfish for biking... but boy it felt amazing to be done.
I'm now a week and a half into the broken tibia thing, and don't know when I'll be able to begin training again. A few days ago I got on the trainer to see how it felt and managed 48 minutes of easy pedaling with little pain. I think I'm going to have to keep on that, as well as maybe start swimming with no kick just to do something. Not training is not fun, and I'm itching to get back at it.
First FTP Test: 226
Second FTP Test: 258
First 5K: 23:05, Ave. HR 170
Second 5K: 2:44, Ave. HR 163
Weight First Test Week: 212
Weight Second Test Week: 197
I haven't been the most consistent posted but I enjoy reading everyone's posts and getting motivated by all the people on here.
Wish I had the same update.... Not too pumped with my gains in FTP after feeling pretty damn strong on the bike so far this OS. I've haven't gotten a great deal of sleep these past few days, however woke up today feeling pretty good so went after the bike test. VO2 increase fairly strong, however FTP test did show much for gains. I thought I gave it all I had but the numbers weren't showing much.
Test 1 Test 2
VO2 --- 244 ------ 272 (+28 Watts ; 11.5% Increase)
FTP --- 203 ------ 208 (+5 Watts ; 2.5% Increase)
Regardless of sleep or even a sub-par test, I'm pretty far from where I need to be with FTP. While I'll bring this question to one of the other forums, has anyone gotten to the point where the vo2 intervals don't seem to be translating to FTP increase? I personally feel like I'm not really vo2 limited - I can hit 120-125% of FTP on 10x 2'(2') without tremendous difficulty. The longer rides at 100-105% of FTP kill me though. Think this is where I need to be working for the back half of OS to see gains in FTP.
-- Thankfully my run test went well