@ Steve D your Tset #2 looked a lot like my Test #1 I was confused and pissed. I eased off a hare ~10w on my VO2 test and put up better 20' test this time. I think I pushe much to high on the VO2 test last time. Also I had better observation of my 3 days prior diet etc as to be tanked up on glycogen.
My plan- if I had another bad test would revert to the 10' WU with 3x30" power spins then 2' EZ then do a 30' TT with Build up to SS over first few min....then take average of last 20' to Calc FTP. Ive used this test before w/ good consistancy ......would have to use Old VO2 #s for work intervals but that isnt an issue.
good Luck next test (BTW I used the first test #s but rounded up the FTP to be simular to the # I had been training with.)
@Rob, massive improvement on the V02 front! Don't knock 5% improvement on the FTP, that's significant. One of the reasons I don't do the 5/20 test is I just can't recover for that 20' segment. Maybe that's what happened to you? Don't discount lack of sleep or any of the other stuff either. We've done a lot of work up to this point and I know I can feel the accumulated fatigue.
Sometimes the days following a big race are a let down and I feel distracted and unmotivated. And so it felt that way today. I haven’t been getting to bed on time and haven’t slept well since Monday and since Tuesday night the fuel going in hasn’t been great (sitting here eating ½ a DiGiorno pizza). I’m really grateful for the drop in intensity today because I really wouldn’t have been up for Z4 intervals. I left work early so I could get a nap in before my workout. I hit snooze a couple times and still didn’t want to get out of bed. Anyways, I got it done. Once I hopped on and got the warmup done I felt pretty good and was able to get it done.
I'm a day behind, so did the 40 min Z3 ride this morning on 4.5 hrs sleep. I did better than I thought I would but heart rate was a little higher than normal, probably due to lack of sleep. Or - since the new zone 3 is 15W higher, I might have been workin a little harder.
I was able to dial in at ABP levels and keep the numbers pretty close to target the whole time. Not looking forward to the Z4 work tomorrow, that's gonna hurt as much as a test!
Just getting to Thursday's ride. With the back issues I have to over load issues as I did not test the run. I got in 20' and glad I stopped there as the back tightened up as I was showering. My goal was to be able to ride the FTP stuff tomorrow.
Ooooh, those new z4 numbers are fun . I'm pretty sure I hit my targets, but garmin connect is acting stooped, so I don't know for sure for now… Keep at it folks!
I was a bit nervous about today's ride having missed all my rides this week due to business travel. But it actually turned out to be a pretty good ride. Major high-rpm gear for the first interval but then I put it into the normal range and drove more watts.
Hacked it some what.... Did Spinnervals "Endurance Builder" which is a Z3 bsed WKO sets of Higher cadence/lower gear-Lower cad/higher gear all targeted at same watts. Used the new Z3 which is right at the same as prior Z4.....
Felt Z3 (+) was tough as it was long-ish WKO but never felt like deep into Z4 effort. Interestingly HR was very stable and LOW. did not match RPE and was "only Z2" based on classic HR zones or EN zones.
Never was happy with how CTS or classical HR zones matched power/RPE on bike-at least on trainer( hr seems ~10 bpm HIGHER on road at same RPE ...but ALL tests done on trainer so ..?). I can get my HR up into 170s but its miserable. 167 has been used as LTHRfor EN/classic and even though CTS CLBRPT Zone is 160-165 I have a rel tough time getting into these Zones when following Power Zones. Its like 130s is Z3 140s Z4 then Z5hr shoots up to 160s and keeps climbing if longer than a fw min.
This ride I was solidly 130's wo any real cardiac drift until maybe last 10 min ...however my HR zone "should have been" 155-165.
I pretty much go by power and RPE on Bike ...just interesting. This is not an issue w/ running. Classic HR zones are right in line w/ RPE and mostly in line with pace (after about 15 min into run).
Anyway.... ~50 min Z3 20 @Z4 and 30 at Z2 out of 2hr WKO TSS 121 NP whole WKO 160 (last weeks Z3 new is 170-181 each work interval was held @ 180)
Probably more work than I needed.... feel a bit gassed even w/FRI off ....swapping run/bike WKOs as tomorrow its suppose to get nasty again..... we'll se how I feel after a nap
Hacked it some what.... Did Spinnervals "Endurance Builder" which is a Z3 bsed WKO sets of Higher cadence/lower gear-Lower cad/higher gear all targeted at same watts. Used the new Z3 which is right at the same as prior Z4.....
Felt Z3 (+) was tough as it was long-ish WKO but never felt like deep into Z4 effort. Interestingly HR was very stable and LOW. did not match RPE and was "only Z2" based on classic HR zones or EN zones.
Never was happy with how CTS or classical HR zones matched power/RPE on bike-at least on trainer( hr seems ~10 bpm HIGHER on road at same RPE ...but ALL tests done on trainer so ..?). I can get my HR up into 170s but its miserable. 167 has been used as LTHRfor EN/classic and even though CTS CLBRPT Zone is 160-165 I have a rel tough time getting into these Zones when following Power Zones. Its like 130s is Z3 140s Z4 then Z5hr shoots up to 160s and keeps climbing if longer than a fw min.
This ride I was solidly 130's wo any real cardiac drift until maybe last 10 min ...however my HR zone "should have been" 155-165.
I pretty much go by power and RPE on Bike ...just interesting. This is not an issue w/ running. Classic HR zones are right in line w/ RPE and mostly in line with pace (after about 15 min into run).
Anyway.... ~50 min Z3 20 @Z4 and 30 at Z2 out of 2hr WKO TSS 121 NP whole WKO 160 (last weeks Z3 new is 170-181 each work interval was held @ 180)
Probably more work than I needed.... feel a bit gassed even w/FRI off ....swapping run/bike WKOs as tomorrow its suppose to get nasty again..... we'll se how I feel after a nap
Run test as the E. Murray Todd half marathon tomorrow. Bike workout today was just 45 minutes with a little Z3 and even less Z4. Then it was just some easy spinning while I watched the Bobby McGee DVD.
Calling all Withrows and other Jersey peeps... Race day reg is only $40. Brookdale Community College.
@ Scott - damn straight! Did my 5K test today...another improvement but I'm still chasing you on the run! Short swim this afternoon and hitting the weights this evening.
I didn't test this week since I was traveling. here is my workout for today:
1x15' (5') @ 266w (1.01 IF), 1 x 15' (4') @ 273 w (1.03 IF), 1 x 5' @ 285w (1.07 IF), 5' rest off bike to refill bottle. Then 1 x 50' @ 220w (.83 IF). Then ran 3 miles @ 8:30 pace with 2% incline on the treadmill since it snowed again last night and the roads were messy again.
Complete the 2x15'@ IF 1.05 First hard ride at the new and improved FTP. It's all mental except for the physical part of riding for 30' Rode for another hour with the Sufferfest video titled "Blender" These videos are good at distracting - anything that keeps you going.
@Bruce - Welcome to the AG - Your Bike FTP and workout are both impressive!
@Peter ,,,I swapped Sun Run to today as Its suppose to get nasty.... good luck with the Run tomorrow! I ran today and even though said it was 40 My hands and face really froze like it was much cooler. (Ft Dix) Cut my run @ 8.5 miles when I couldn't make a fist anymore.
@Peter ,,,I swapped Sun Run to today as Its suppose to get nasty.... good luck with the Run tomorrow! I ran today and even though said it was 40 My hands and face really froze like it was much cooler. (Ft Dix) Cut my run @ 8.5 miles when I couldn't make a fist anymore.
@David. Okay! Okay! Now you're scaring me if you had to post that twice. Heck, you could come over and cheer folks on. Are you up for the UNITE Half?
Anyway, I hate running in the cold, especially when it is hovering right around freezing. I sweat a lot no matter what the temps are and I always feel scared about having to shut it down in the middle of nowhere in the cold. My hands and feet also get very cold quite easily so I'm going to be running with some beefy gloves tomorrow.
Is that race the same as the dyslexics Untie rally?
Ill have to look it up. I may need to get out of the APT tomorrow as well so I'll see.
I promised myself to do more racing this year weather its little local 10K or trail runs or MTB races etc ....also I've never run a regular 1/2 Marathon so I've been looking FWD to doing one before long. (did a Jersey trail series 13.1 a while back)
BTW this will be a little test....I have no idea why the last 2 posts of mine posted twice
The last couple rides I've felt kind of "stretched out" when in the aerobars. I found my fit coordinates from a fitting last year and checked everything over and whoa, my saddle position was messed up. I had to bring the saddle forward 5cm to get it back where it was supposed to be. I'm not sure how that happened. At the beginning of the OS my hip flexors were actually cramping up and felt really tight. I think this may be the reason. When I was on the bike today my position felt a whole lot better.
So then I went and crushed the ride today, NOT! Got into the middle of the first 15' Z4 interval and had to take a 1' break. Finished up the interval but it hurt. A couple minutes into the 2nd interval I bagged the ride. After 45' I had a TSS of 55 for what that's worth. After some lunch and a little rest I did Sunday's run on the TM instead. I'll attempt the ride again tomorrow.
Thursday I did the previous saturday wko as I missed it. 2x15 at 96%.
Yesterday pretty much the same story-2x15', .97, .96 then 10 min @.97.
I had a particular bad week last week without much sleep mon-wed nights so hoping as I recover I can start crushing the bike wkos. I really want to get back to 3W/kg by the end of OS!!!
I'm still adding a fourth ride on Sundays and think I will continue to do that until my running is back up to prior levels. Today was an excellent ride after the past two weeks of this ride being really tough. I went with a high-cadence gear for the entire ride as opposed to the last 2 weeks where I went up a gear in the second interval and got into a hole. So I just spun the whole way today and felt great. Good power too. Amazingly I stayed aero almost the ENTIRE MS other than 1' at the halfway point of the second interval.
Still loving to read about all the great work everyone is doing. I have been hit HARD by the Flu all week....mostly a stubbornly persistent cough. I am hoping to be able to get back on it early next week.
@Betsy Wow 8 points! That's Awesome! I can imagine that's gona hurt some come the new week LOL. I found the Z2 &Z3 new paces (I "only" improved 3 points) felt harder to match, Z4 was about right if even a bit slow for 1 mile intervals [ONLY ON ROAD -TM was Opposite for me] and Z5 is still "too slow"[on road]. I guess this is "OK" as eventually there will be a lot of GRP work and this will improve this Grey Zone. I can imagine for you, the VDOT Bump will be very noticeable during the coming intervals! Good luck
After bailing around the 45 minute mark yesterday I gave Saturday’s ride another try today. The results were less than satisfactory but I stuck around a little longer today and got some more work in. Yesterday’s ride details: Entire workout (234 watts): Duration: 43:58 Work: 617 kJ TSS: 53 (intensity factor 0.855) Norm Power: 261 VI: 1.11 Min Max Avg Power: 0 514 234 watts Heart Rate: 68 171 147 bpm Cadence: 14 147 80 rpm
15’ @ .98 15’ @ .935 (I took 3 to 4 30-45 second breaks on this one) 5’ @ .99
I didn’t add any Z3 work today, I was spent. I’m ready to forget my riding this weekend. Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day. Hopefully I’ll be ready to start fresh on Tuesday.
Just back from a week skiing with my family. Started last Sunday with a half marathon, then packed up. First few days were tough on the quads, but things improved as the week wore on. I will resume training this week, but my bike test is delayed until next Sunday. I'm doing an indoor time trial. Pressure will be on for big improvements as you have all done so well.
@ Doug - Don't beat yourself up over this weekends rides. I can't remember your exact test but the FTP has gone up. In addition to that as I recall you did 20' of the 35' yesterday along with a run. Then came back today an hit the bike for another 35' of FTP work. So you have done 55' of FTP to the scheduled 35'. Remember that 95-100 is the target range. You had to do a bit of triage with the second 15' but still solid work.
@ Steve D your Tset #2 looked a lot like my Test #1 I was confused and pissed. I eased off a hare ~10w on my VO2 test and put up better 20' test this time. I think I pushe much to high on the VO2 test last time. Also I had better observation of my 3 days prior diet etc as to be tanked up on glycogen.
My plan- if I had another bad test would revert to the 10' WU with 3x30" power spins then 2' EZ then do a 30' TT with Build up to SS over first few min....then take average of last 20' to Calc FTP. Ive used this test before w/ good consistancy ......would have to use Old VO2 #s for work intervals but that isnt an issue.
good Luck next test (BTW I used the first test #s but rounded up the FTP to be simular to the # I had been training with.)
@Rob, massive improvement on the V02 front! Don't knock 5% improvement on the FTP, that's significant. One of the reasons I don't do the 5/20 test is I just can't recover for that 20' segment. Maybe that's what happened to you? Don't discount lack of sleep or any of the other stuff either. We've done a lot of work up to this point and I know I can feel the accumulated fatigue.
20’ @ Z3 (.85)
40’ @ Z3 (.86)
Entire workout (244 watts):
Duration: 1:22:22
Work: 1204 kJ
TSS: 95.2 (intensity factor 0.835)
Norm Power: 255
VI: 1.04
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 723 244 watts
Heart Rate: 62 164 149 bpm
Cadence: 33 138 82 rpm
I'm a day behind, so did the 40 min Z3 ride this morning on 4.5 hrs sleep. I did better than I thought I would but heart rate was a little higher than normal, probably due to lack of sleep. Or - since the new zone 3 is 15W higher, I might have been workin a little harder.
I was able to dial in at ABP levels and keep the numbers pretty close to target the whole time. Not looking forward to the Z4 work tomorrow, that's gonna hurt as much as a test!
Just getting to Thursday's ride. With the back issues I have to over load issues as I did not test the run. I got in 20' and glad I stopped there as the back tightened up as I was showering. My goal was to be able to ride the FTP stuff tomorrow.
2X10 @ .85 32' total at .78
Overall 92' @ NP 224 (IF 0.92), HR avg 162 / max 189. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/453250887
15'(4') @z4 – NP 246, IF 1.00, HR 170 / 178, cad 98
15'(4') @z4 – NP 257, IF 1.05, HR 180 / 189, cad 94
15'(2') @z3 – NP 225, IF 0.92, HR 178/183, cad 94
15' @z3 – NP 236, IF 0.96, HR 179/184, cad 92
New zones made me work pretty hard
2X15' @.99; 1.0
1X5 @.99
Back if feeling a better and better but no 85% work for me. I shut it down at 52' after getting all the FTP work in.
Thurs Ride....
Hacked it some what.... Did Spinnervals "Endurance Builder" which is a Z3 bsed WKO sets of Higher cadence/lower gear-Lower cad/higher gear all targeted at same watts. Used the new Z3 which is right at the same as prior Z4.....
Felt Z3 (+) was tough as it was long-ish WKO but never felt like deep into Z4 effort. Interestingly HR was very stable and LOW. did not match RPE and was "only Z2" based on classic HR zones or EN zones.
Never was happy with how CTS or classical HR zones matched power/RPE on bike-at least on trainer( hr seems ~10 bpm HIGHER on road at same RPE ...but ALL tests done on trainer so ..?). I can get my HR up into 170s but its miserable. 167 has been used as LTHRfor EN/classic and even though CTS CLBRPT Zone is 160-165 I have a rel tough time getting into these Zones when following Power Zones. Its like 130s is Z3 140s Z4 then Z5hr shoots up to 160s and keeps climbing if longer than a fw min.
This ride I was solidly 130's wo any real cardiac drift until maybe last 10 min ...however my HR zone "should have been" 155-165.
I pretty much go by power and RPE on Bike ...just interesting. This is not an issue w/ running. Classic HR zones are right in line w/ RPE and mostly in line with pace (after about 15 min into run).
Anyway.... ~50 min Z3 20 @Z4 and 30 at Z2 out of 2hr WKO TSS 121 NP whole WKO 160 (last weeks Z3 new is 170-181 each work interval was held @ 180)
Probably more work than I needed.... feel a bit gassed even w/FRI off ....swapping run/bike WKOs as tomorrow its suppose to get nasty again..... we'll se how I feel after a nap
Thurs Ride....
Hacked it some what.... Did Spinnervals "Endurance Builder" which is a Z3 bsed WKO sets of Higher cadence/lower gear-Lower cad/higher gear all targeted at same watts. Used the new Z3 which is right at the same as prior Z4.....
Felt Z3 (+) was tough as it was long-ish WKO but never felt like deep into Z4 effort. Interestingly HR was very stable and LOW. did not match RPE and was "only Z2" based on classic HR zones or EN zones.
Never was happy with how CTS or classical HR zones matched power/RPE on bike-at least on trainer( hr seems ~10 bpm HIGHER on road at same RPE ...but ALL tests done on trainer so ..?). I can get my HR up into 170s but its miserable. 167 has been used as LTHRfor EN/classic and even though CTS CLBRPT Zone is 160-165 I have a rel tough time getting into these Zones when following Power Zones. Its like 130s is Z3 140s Z4 then Z5hr shoots up to 160s and keeps climbing if longer than a fw min.
This ride I was solidly 130's wo any real cardiac drift until maybe last 10 min ...however my HR zone "should have been" 155-165.
I pretty much go by power and RPE on Bike ...just interesting. This is not an issue w/ running. Classic HR zones are right in line w/ RPE and mostly in line with pace (after about 15 min into run).
Anyway.... ~50 min Z3 20 @Z4 and 30 at Z2 out of 2hr WKO TSS 121 NP whole WKO 160 (last weeks Z3 new is 170-181 each work interval was held @ 180)
Probably more work than I needed.... feel a bit gassed even w/FRI off ....swapping run/bike WKOs as tomorrow its suppose to get nasty again..... we'll se how I feel after a nap
Run test as the E. Murray Todd half marathon tomorrow. Bike workout today was just 45 minutes with a little Z3 and even less Z4. Then it was just some easy spinning while I watched the Bobby McGee DVD.
Calling all Withrows and other Jersey peeps... Race day reg is only $40. Brookdale Community College.
I didn't test this week since I was traveling. here is my workout for today:
1x15' (5') @ 266w (1.01 IF), 1 x 15' (4') @ 273 w (1.03 IF), 1 x 5' @ 285w (1.07 IF), 5' rest off bike to refill bottle. Then 1 x 50' @ 220w (.83 IF). Then ran 3 miles @ 8:30 pace with 2% incline on the treadmill since it snowed again last night and the roads were messy again.
Rode for another hour with the Sufferfest video titled "Blender" These videos are good at distracting - anything that keeps you going.
@Bruce - Welcome to the AG - Your Bike FTP and workout are both impressive!
@David. Okay! Okay! Now you're scaring me if you had to post that twice.
Heck, you could come over and cheer folks on. Are you up for the UNITE Half?
Anyway, I hate running in the cold, especially when it is hovering right around freezing. I sweat a lot no matter what the temps are and I always feel scared about having to shut it down in the middle of nowhere in the cold. My hands and feet also get very cold quite easily so I'm going to be running with some beefy gloves tomorrow.
Sorry to be so redundantly repetitive.
Over and over.
saying the same thing
again and again
more than once
exactly the same
as before
no differently
without a change
Is that race the same as the dyslexics Untie rally?
Ill have to look it up. I may need to get out of the APT tomorrow as well so I'll see.
I promised myself to do more racing this year weather its little local 10K or trail runs or MTB races etc ....also I've never run a regular 1/2 Marathon so I've been looking FWD to doing one before long. (did a Jersey trail series 13.1 a while back)
BTW this will be a little test....I have no idea why the last 2 posts of mine posted twice
exactly the same....
So then I went and crushed the ride today, NOT! Got into the middle of the first 15' Z4 interval and had to take a 1' break. Finished up the interval but it hurt. A couple minutes into the 2nd interval I bagged the ride. After 45' I had a TSS of 55 for what that's worth. After some lunch and a little rest I did Sunday's run on the TM instead. I'll attempt the ride again tomorrow.
Thursday I did the previous saturday wko as I missed it. 2x15 at 96%.
Yesterday pretty much the same story-2x15', .97, .96 then 10 min @.97.
I had a particular bad week last week without much sleep mon-wed nights so hoping as I recover I can start crushing the bike wkos. I really want to get back to 3W/kg by the end of OS!!!
Overall 75' @ NP 220 (IF 0.90), HR avg 156 / max 180, avg cad 93. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/453991817
29'(1') @ABP – NP: 226 (IF 0.92), VI 1.00, HR 162/173, cad 96
29' @ABP – NP: 227 (IF 0.93), VI 1.00, HR 172/180, cad 96
@ Joe...get well soon.
@Matt...nice work. I don't think you have lost anything on the bike while you have been rehabbing that ankle.
@ Betsy & Doug... get some rest. you guy will be crushing it again in a few days.
@ Jim... thanks. I'm just trying to stay up with Al T.
Yesterday’s ride details:
Entire workout (234 watts):
Duration: 43:58
Work: 617 kJ
TSS: 53 (intensity factor 0.855)
Norm Power: 261
VI: 1.11
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 514 234 watts
Heart Rate: 68 171 147 bpm
Cadence: 14 147 80 rpm
Today’s ride details:
Entire workout (233 watts):
Duration: 1:08:46
Work: 959 kJ
TSS: 83.2 (intensity factor 0.855)
Norm Power: 261
VI: 1.12
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 550 233 watts
Heart Rate: 70 170 148 bpm
Cadence: 34 126 78 rpm
15’ @ .98
15’ @ .935 (I took 3 to 4 30-45 second breaks on this one)
5’ @ .99
I didn’t add any Z3 work today, I was spent. I’m ready to forget my riding this weekend. Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day. Hopefully I’ll be ready to start fresh on Tuesday.
Keep up the good work!
@ Doug - Don't beat yourself up over this weekends rides. I can't remember your exact test but the FTP has gone up. In addition to that as I recall you did 20' of the 35' yesterday along with a run. Then came back today an hit the bike for another 35' of FTP work. So you have done 55' of FTP to the scheduled 35'. Remember that 95-100 is the target range. You had to do a bit of triage with the second 15' but still solid work.