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Week 1 of 12 the Road to IMTX

Week 1 of the journey begins!

Early swim complete this morning: http://www.strava.com/activities/115770206    .....slow ....need to keep focusing on form.

Lunch run: http://www.strava.com/activities/115831429

Good luck this week peeps!

Optional Strava club for EN IMTX atheletes:  http://www.strava.com/clubs/46766



  • Wooohooo...looking forward to the continued/ramped up build...to TX.....

    Question for those in intemperate climates...how are you adjusting early weeks Weekend work/volume if you can't get outside?



  • First 3000 yrd swim in a LONG time...felt great!! Can't believe we only have 12 weeks!
    @JL...being in Minneapolis, and in the middle of what is hopefully the last Polar Vortex for the year, my plan (not coach approved yet image ) IS to follow the plan as is, but on Sundays just spin 60-90 min. I will do the Sat long rides on my trainer with friends, but there is just no realistic way for me to follow that up with 3 more hours the next day. I cant handle all that. So...plan "as is" (Int IM) Sat long on trainer, Sun an abbreviated day, or off if I feel I need it. I did it this way for IMWI 2012 and it worked beautifully for me.
  • Did a 1500TT swim this morning in Masters.  Ended up with 1:44/100m which is 1 second slower/100 than nearly a year ago.  I work and work on form but obviously don't seem to be getting any faster.  I don't expect to be super speedy, but I would like to see some minor improvement.

    I'm looking forward to the next 12 weeks!!!

  • @Annie.... Why can't you do Sunday's ride as written? Is it too much bike , too much time, too much trainer , or d. All of the above? I struggled with the sat/sun back to back bikes for a couple years..... Last year I dropped the Sunday ABP ride and do my longruns on Sunday.... My 2 mid week bikes are a bit longer and a bit harder and my Saturday ride is always good and hard.... I find this works for me much better recovery/training wise.... In the end we are self-coached and you need to do what works for you for whatever reason....

    Todays swim... wu , 24 x 100 alternating fast/slow with minimal rest after the fast 100 and a little longer up to 30 seconds after the slow, cool down..... I love this wko, it offers plenty of active recovery on the slow one enabling me to hit the fast one again.... Its the only way I could do 12 fast 100's....
  • I had an hour run wth 2x1mi z4 on tap for today. Warmed up for 20 min no problem. At the end of the first z4 repeat I felt a sharp pinch in my left Achilles. I've had trouble with them before so I knew to shut it down immediately and walk back to the gym.
    After some ice and ibuprofen it is sore but not swollen. I think that I might have gotten lucky. Still, might be a bike/swim kind of a week for me.
    Oh well. I got a little run in.
  • I think Annie will say too much Trainer....Last year I did the same as Tim for the first 4 weeks...then when weather improved and days got longer went back to the plan as is..ie. Thursday nite long runs and Sunday ride....which I may do again this year...



  • @Tim...Yes...D. All of the above! image I was just thinking before I saw this post of the same schedule you suggest...Sun long run, Sat long ride and 2 mid week rides, sort of like the GF plan, just beefed up a bit.
    My problem is my husbands schedule and my 2 young kids schedules. I do all of my runs/rides at 5:30 am and need to be done by 7am...really by 6:45, so my time is very limited. Plus my husband works every other weekend, so I can't justify taking both days of my weekend to ride. Just cant do it. Too much time. I really like Sunday as a day off so I can then really focus and get busy Mon-Sat.
  • 3300 yds tonight.  First swim in 2 weeks due to flu.  Got fatigued in the shoulders/triceps a little quicker than usual, but slow is slow....doesn't really matter what I do....just slow.  But, at least I can swim a long time!  

  • First time I've ever swam more than 6k yards in a two-day period. But it felt good, so I'm declaring myself fit enough to get through 2.4. Doesn't mean I'll be fast, but I'm now positive I can finish. I like to eliminate those pesky "can I do this?" doubts early in the process, as such thoughts are very detrimental at the end and tend to multiply during race week when you see all the other chiseled athletes. Next thing you know, you've abandoned the plan and are lined up back-right with a new goal of "just _____ [survinng, finishing, beating 17, etc.]."  Even though I know I'll get smoked by 100s and chicked by many, it's a lot easier to execute my plan when I go into a race with a doubt-free internal confidence that resembles abrasive arrogance.  Now I just need to get through 80 aero miles on the bike, neck and undercarriage intact, and finish a 16-mile run pain-free, upright and without externalizing any nutrition or hydration.  If I can't do it earlier, I suspect camp in 3 weeks will beat any of those remaining pesky doubts out of me. 
  • I am just joining this crowd now.
    Came out of Nov Outseason and then followed with swim camp and on Sunday a Half Marathon PR of 1:35:30 (previous best had been 1:43ish)

    Took yesterday off but starting today (on week 9 of the 20w IM adv plan)

    Wish everyone the best for these 12 weeks and see you in Texas!
  • Boy that is a big jump in swim volume...I had to cut it short a bit today due to time constraint ...but generally please with the past two days of swimming...and feeling good get it done...

    ....and a zipppy 5.5 miles @ 7:29 over lunch

    Nice work Gonzalo!

  • Calling audibles till my Achilles heals. Very little swelling which for me is a good sign.
    Did the 70 min bike that is scheduled for Wednesday this morning on the trainer and felt very good about my effort level. Trainer watts are harder for me to generate so today I focused on keeping a cadence at or over 90 and the watts ticked up nicely along with heart rate.
    Tried to get a swim in also but only had time and energy for a 30min session. 1200m of drills focused on better rotation to my non breathing side and removing the "s" shape from the pull on the left side. My brain hurts.

    Will most likely be back on the the bike tomorrow.
  • Welcome Gonzalo!

    Way to Bring it on the Swim MR! 

    Jeff, I like your swim speed, it looks a lot like mine!

    Joe, swim / run today... SOLID!  Tearin' down the walls!!

    Jimmy - pushing through despite the foot issue!!

    Any body see what Cronk laid down today on the bike??  Leading!!

    My Aqua/Run today:

    Aqua: http://www.strava.com/activities/116062288

    Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/116152095

    Team IMTX is just getting warmed up!


  • Whoa Gonzalo! Now that is what I call a PR! Holy cow!

    Decided to switch Tu/Wed workouts around to fit my schedule best, so did 70 min on trainer this morn and bailed on the "brick" run due to foot. Will add that in a bit later. Followed up by another 3000yrd swim. That's 2 3000yrd days in a row with one more tomorrow since I can't swim Th or Fri. Man I love hopping in the hot tub after! "Calgon take me away!"
  • @SS -- Yep IMTX is gonna get hopping now! Solid Mojo my friend!

    Welcome Gonzalo... Dont be a stranger the more the merrier....

    Come on you lurkers get in here and get the blood flowing!

    Todays ride was TR- Elwell with extra wu, and extra endurance at the end. 3rd week in a row I have done this ride and it does not get any easier. That pretty much wraps up my big block of above FTP work... I had enough... Time to start working @ FTP , while building the far onto the fast..... Of course there will be weekly V02 but only 1 session per week NOT two.....

    Followed up with 35 minute run late in the day very slow with a couple strides.... For some reason I am have ZERO problems going slow this year when I want to... Yep still nailing the fast intervals but slow usually does not work out that slow.... For instance my LRP is 8:24 and todays run was 9:27 .... Feels good to go slow! It really does!....I've even done a bunch of short 30 minute recovery rides at around IF .50 that feel really good too!
  • more trainer today. pleased with how the a chillies is improving. must not have been a tear. Just a strain. Optimistic for a test jog this weekend.
    In the mean time, I took a swing at Tim's workout from yesterday. Fewer W's, more Kgs.

  • @Jimmy, glad the Achilles is feeling better.  Been there.  It gets better . . . just go slow and smart.

    Fog forced my Wednesday morning ride inside.  I figure, if I can't see an 85yo NY transplant who learned how to drive 3 years ago, she can't see me.  And, once again, holding Z4 for 10-20 minutes on the trainer is a lot harder than holding Z5 for 2 minutes.

    Got the camp info from Coach P last night.  Looking forward to it.

  • @Annie - SOLID!

    @ Jimmy / Mike - nice work on those brutal trainer workouts!!

     http://www.strava.com/activities/116256838/analysis    did mine early and paid the price for the late evening 3X1s yesterday!

    Lunch Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/116324974   .......thinking ahead to tomorrow's long run...

    Keep leading all!

  • snuck out and got 1000M in the pool practicing rotation to non breathing side and deeper entry point into the water before catch. Much easier on my shoulders and times were fine.
  • The ups and the downs....today I was cooked before i even started the AM bike workout....not enough sleep and/or recovery from yesterday...hit the low end of my range on the 10&12min Z4...but could only manage 2 at the low end of the 4min./Z5's so I completed the workout steady ride at high Z3/low Z4.....the tiredness carried over to an unininspired 4mi/33min...Z1/Z2 lunchtime run on the TM...

    Glad I chose to back off on both rather than bury myself deeper...for tommorrow we run long


    Good Work everyone.


  • 6 mile treadmill run since I"m living the Polar Vortex Dream... image

    3rd day IN A ROW of a 3000 yrd swim and hit all my times! Felt great! Now...for a few days out of the pool and some extra time to...Oh, I don't know...clean my house?

    Up tomorrow...10 mile treadmill run at 5:30am. Yippee!! 3rd 10 miler on the tm in 3 weeks. Ay, yi, yi...

    Keep all the mojo flowing! I love it, and need it when I wake up and the real feel is -25 below zero and all I want to do is SLEEP!
  • @Jimmy ... your video inspired me to get a camera case... I wanna see what I look like in the water!

    @Joe... smart move to listen to your body and adjust... hopefully its just a one off day!

    @Annie ... My arms are tired just reading that...

    Run.... 51min... 6.5 miles.... 6 x .5 mile repeats...... total real work 19minutes

    Swim....49min....2500yds.... 28 x 66 yds repeats alternating fast/slow..... total real work 12.5 minutes
  • @ Tim....I suspect I know what you will look like....dolphin with arms.
  • I've been wanting to chime in for a while!! I've been reading most of the posts and it's definitely helpful to hear from all of you. Great mojo! I didn't train at all last week since it was "ski week" for those of us in San Diego. My kiddies 8,6,5 and the hubby were also looking forward to it. There's no way I could've hacked a workout at 11,000 ft after skiing all day. For the most part, I didn't feel guilty since I've been good at completing my previous workouts. However, I did fall doing one of my diamond runs and pulled a tendon off my shoulder muscle. Saw chiropractor this morning and should be patched up by Tues with 2 more sessions. Did my 90 min run on the treadmill today and felt good. This weekends workout will be on the trainer as we're expected to have lots of rain for the next few days. Keep up the good work!!!image
  • 10' Z4, 12' Z4, then attempted 4 x 4' @ 110% per plan.  This was my first ever experience with 110% intervals.  Holy crap they hurt.  First one I managed at 104%, the last three were 99%, 97% and 96%.  Those were about the longest 4 minutes of my life.  Granted, I'm using my outdoor road bike FTP, but still, thought I'd be able to do better than that.  Definitely got a good workout, which is all that really matters.  Bailed on the optional 25min brick run since it is late and 35degrees and I am a south Texas sissy.  Couldn't bring myself to get off the trainer soaked, put on warm clothes and go run in the dark.  Long run tomorrow.  


  • @Jeff, those 110% efforts get easier. Or maybe we just get numb to them. But, man, do they deliver results.

    @Linda, welcome to the party. If nothing else, 90 min on the TM will generate mental toughness.  I gagged a little when I read that.

    @Annie, see above about long TM sessions. You indoor runners > me.

    Hope all the other long runs are going/went well.  I hacked mine to 60 min with some HM pace intervals in prep for Sunday's In Defense of vDOT 13.1.

  • Had to run early and on the TM this morning...not my preferred long run time...and after being so tired...but was please with the result....I did primarily the written workout...60 min. @ Z1 and then 15 @ Z2is...it was mor like 4 easy...4 progressive ending at Z2...total of 9miles and 1:15...really was disciplined with the easy running...typically I'm not...but I figure this year I'm going to do easy easy and hard hard...lol ...and see if I can't keep frequency and volume up...

    Tim - I had an underwater view once....it was uglier than I imagined....I mean...I know I'm not a great smooth swimmer...but the actual was amazing...impactful and provides great visual cue to help improve.



  • Welcome Linda!

    Jeff, strong work just digging in and working hard!

    MR - nice job improvising and getting it done!

    Joe - 1:15 on the TM is hard work!  Well Done!

    Cronk laid out another Blue Collar bike effort today!

    Long Run box checked for me.  Other than some salt burns and tired legs, everything seems to still be intact.


    Keep posting/motivating all!


  • hello everybody!

    well, after a few weeks of lurking around these parts, transitioning from NOS to Swim Camp to Ski Week to the IM plan mixed in with some major work travel, I'm back to posting

    awesome crew gathered so far, so can't wait to soak in some of the good vibes and contribute a bit as well

    have hit most of the major wkos this week, but missed a few of the shorter runs, so today's long run was important for me:

    hit 60' @ Z1 (8:15 / mile) + 30' @ Z2 + 2" (7:04 / mile) + 10' of light jogging on the back end

    really enjoyed the Z1 time (mainly because it was my first time running Central Park NYC in awhile - foot traffic was light thanks to the Polar Vortex -- Part 14...), but the 30' of Z2 time was somewhat daunting as the first hour ticked by

    started that segment well off the pace, but was able to grind back close to Z2 with some suffering and friendly downhills in the park

    looking forward to getting back into the pool tomorrow
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