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Week 1 of 12 the Road to IMTX



  • @Jeff Leslie... I think a 3 hr sweat makes sense and probably even better.... But its harder to do accurately... You need to calculate anything that comes out of your body during that period besides sweat (think pee) and that is hard to measure LOL.... You can certainly guestimate it....

    I think one of the best ways to do a sweat test is 1hr run or bike at race intensity , in race conditions....... Simply weigh before and after (take in nothing and let nothing out). This is fairly easy to do as its race intensity which in the scheme of all the interval training we do quite easy for only one hour.... The mistakes a lot of people make is not correctly calculating everything they goes in or out , not replicating the race conditions close enough , or replicating the correct intensity.... IOW it makes no sense to do a sweat test for an hour if your doing .85 - 1.0 intervals when your going to ride an IM at .70-.75....
  • Good day yesterday with a tough and hilly 25' morning run including 1 mile @ Z4. After a full day of activity with the family, I hopped on the trainer for a 3-hour ride -- was shooting for the prescribed 4 hours, but have not had much extended time in the saddle, so decided to pull the plug as the clock neared midnight. Happy to get the 4x25 at RPP in and no I'll effects this morning.

    Will see if I can manage another couple hours today.

    Re: perform, I converted to "all Perform, all the time" last year and had no GI issues. If you can stomach the flavor, there's no question in my mind it's the best / most convenient / time saving option. Too bad they don't sell the on course version for training because it does taste different than the mixed IMO

    Good luck all -- headed to an all day swim meet to cheer on the kiddos!
  • Jeff - no ironhouse TT for me. I did a trainer test friday. I wanted to get the longer rides in and that TT would have shot my saturday.
    As it ended up, I was no where near recovered for today. Did a 5k test run that was fine for the first 20 min then the achilles pain started to increase and I noticed that I was changing my stride so I shut it down and ran/walked home.

    Got on the trainer but knew it was not going to e a 3hr abp. managed 1 hr and called it. I need some recovery time. I will swim monday and try and get back on track tuesday.
    Even with todays shortened set it was still one of the biggest bike weeks I have had in the past 18 mos.

    Good luck to everyone today. After our work yesterday it will be a tough one.
  • Well, I'm officially done with my detour and am psyched to get back in sync with the group for Wk 11. Easy Z2 3-hr ride yesterday, today my 13.1 test. vDOT modification for HM pacing is -1.5, so my beloved 50 went to 48.5 before the gun. Goal, however, was to run a mere 2 seconds faster (7:06 instead of 7:08) per mile to show that I should be HM 49 and give my 10yo PR of 1:33:38 a go. 75 degrees, 88% humidity in South Beach at the start. Winds 14 mph, gusting to 20, straight off the ocean from the E. 3 mi in S Beach, 3 across to Miami, 2 in Miami, 3 back across a different causeway, 2 along the beach to finish. First 3 easy, settle, 10k effort after 10. Piece of cake. Except for the conditions and the 4 big bridges we had to go over (think cruise ship must fit under them).

    M1: 7:08 (lots of admin around the walkers who lined up in the 5:30 pace corral)
    M2: 7:07 (more admin, folks staggering out of the clubs onto the course)
    M3: 7:05 (too fast, distracted by the hookers who were selling streetside at 6:40 a.m. on a Sunday. Not kidding)
    M4: 7:11 (steep bridge, but only 1/4 mile or so)
    M5: 7:04 (flat, sunrise over Miami, tailwind, perfect)
    M6: 7:06 (big bridge, but make up time loss down the other side)
    M7: 7:03 (still get a little of the downhill)
    M8: 7:13 (winding section through Miami, turning into strong headwind)
    M9: 7:16 (very large bridge, up and down the backside, wind right in your face)
    M10: 7:11 (flat, but fighting the wind, probably too much)
    M11: 7:25 (up final bridge, not steep, but long, and did I mention the wind? Worked very hard for a 7:25)
    M12: 7:10 (back on protected land, but pushing hard to stay on pace)
    M13: 6:52 (nice try, but too late)
    M.1: 6:11 (you have to explain yourself to the IMTX group, so no jogging it in)

    Result: 1:33:52, 8 out of 169 in my advanced AG, 52 out of 2448 OA. I'm somehwere between content and mild disappointment. Coach P said to go smooth, focus on form and consistent pacing, don't destroy yourself in Wk10. Only the last 3 were tough. Missed my PR by 14 seconds and, instead of holding 7:06, I hit right at 7:08 for exactly a 48.5 vDOT. Damn calculators were dead on. Conditions were tough and ever-changing, so I'm calling it good mental discipline and conditons training for TX. Now safely humbled back into the 40's, I guess it's time to get back to work. Hope everyone had a safe and productive Sunday. 10 weeks!
  • Mike - you were14 seconds off of a PR from when you were 10 years younger. Great effort!
  • @Mike....x2 on what Jimmy said.  Great job....factor in father time and it's definitely a win! 

  • Thanks guys. I probably should have explained the mild disappointment. I'm extremely happy about my fitness and where this EN journey has taken me. And I'd much, much rather be 45-49 with a 3:40-45 IM run split than a 35-39 guy with the same. So matching my 35yo self today is a big deal. I told myself the only goal was pacing each mile, so my only Garmin field was Lap Pace. In reality, I did care about the PR too, should have acknowledged and respected that, and should have put Time and Avg Pace on it as well. I could have made up 14 seconds at 2 aid stations. No worries, though. I once missed a BQ by 18 seconds. That hurt. Missing this PR and missing KQ by 93 minutes pale in comparison.
  • Thus proving that no matter how fast we are, we all want to be just a little faster! As it should be.
  • @MR It sounds like under more ideal conditions you would have crushed that 10yr PR...

    Bike/Run today totalling 3:45 .... biggest day since IMFL... And so it begins.... building the far on top of the fast!


  • OK...put a fork in me.  I cut the 3hr ABP ride to 2hrs today for several reasons (this is my disclaimer!):  weatherman/woman should be fired...Not even close.  Cold front hit 3-4hrs early, colder than predicted....not mention the wind.  Tried to ride into the north wind initially, but was underdressed, couldn't warm up and was getting blown all over the road (I really get "sceered" on the TT bike in gusty winds....I don't think I'll actually crash, but cars whizzing by while I'm leaning into the wind (during gusts) just makes me question what I am doing!  On the road bike, I'd be fine though.  I tried to tell myself that it was good practice...never know what race day will bring....but also don't want to crash right now (like there is a good time to crash!).  Aborted and turned around and got blown home.  For me to opt for trainer over outside is a rarity!  Hopped on the trainer for an hour and called it enough.  


    Huge jump in time, miles, etc. this week, after being sick the prior two weeks and not doing much.  Three hours more than any week in the past 6wks.  I felt it today too...hard time holding Z3.  HR was fine, but legs just burning much more than usual.  Probably will skip the low priority swim tomorrow and get some rest.  

    I sure enjoy the accountability of this group here and on Strava.  

    Question for those doing the IMTX camp in a few weeks:  I noticed that the intermediate plan does not have a 5hr ride between now and camp.  Are any of you considering altering the plan somehow to do 5hrs next weekend or the following (which is supposed to be a 1/4/1 big tri day)?  I'm not sure my neck and taint can handle a jump from 4 to 6hrs.  Maybe I should ask coach P?


  • @Jeff, way to get a good solid week under your belt after illness. Re camp, I plan on getting at least 80 Sat/60 Sun the next 2 weekends (dropping Big Tri Day) so that the back-to-back 112's in 3 weeks only cripple the undercarriage and neck, not permanently destroying them. We'll get plenty of Big Tri work at camp. But that's just me.
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