@ David- YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Thank you so much for the info!! Now I really need to dial in to what I am craving to try and solve my issues. It usually is salt...and I go to grab rice cakes. But you brought up so many good points I really want to track it for a week and see what I notice. THANK YOU so much for taking the time to help me out. I appreciate it!!! and to everyone...this group is FANTASTIC!!
Ok....Test week and I'm holding that F-in 182.3 not .5 or .1.....LOL always 182.3 (though scale was broke and tested holding various objects....nope weight is uber stable.....other than the usual water loss I've been 182 .3 .... day ...after day....
Soooo....after test week going into Swim camp.
1) Swim- duh.... (but will be challenge with early am get up waaah!)
2) ease off run (heal this foot thing)
3) power/strength cycle -particularly hip stabilizers and core with a lot of balance work and flexibility/yoga
4) 3-6 days per week full body bodyweight "metabolic" workouts (ideally first thing in am) maybe 1-3 X per day (Tabata style 4-12 min each) Improves VO2 AND great for fat burn/metabolic boost
5 ) Carb reduction except post any significant WKO -this is gonna kinda suck...I've gotten used to pasta/rice w/ every meal
Goal: drop 4 lbs in 2 weeks w/o dropping muscle (keep protein/aminos high)
Ignore them when they say "resistance is futile..." you do not need to be assimilated (wink).
Just a brief on BCAAs –(deserves its own topic) but remember these are aminos that your body can ONLY GET in complete form from animal protein or a few plants such as soy (but in smaller quantities/ratios). Studies are mixed and mostly relate to body builders etc (which is why a lot of Triathletes ignore the info) However a couple of good reason for considering their use: 1)In a couple interesting studies fit subjects performed high intensity full body exercise at an “over reaching” level then tapered. What was found was both groups improved strength etc, however the BCAA group did NOT have a significant transient drop off of strength/muscular endurance as a result of the overreaching training –ie use of BCAAs seem to allow for maintenance of performance during periods of heavy training.
2)A few studies have focused on endurance athletes, and suggest BCAAs are of significant need as prolonged activity depletes the muscles of glutamine, leucine etc and also play a role in fatigue. A good article (* from a sports nutrition company’s page –so may be biased –but still good info) is at http://firstendurance.com/2009/07/30/amino-acids-their-role-in-endurance-training/ Inportant to prevent catabolic effects and fat loss (when body breaks down muscle to get the needed BCAAs it also trys to presurve fat)
3)Vegan Sources of BCAAs >leucine: soybeans and lentils > isoleucine: almonds, cashews, and chickpeas > valine: peanuts, sesame seeds and lentils
4)Whey protein has the highest level of BCAAs compared to all other available types of protein powder.
5)Consider Googling Vegetarian body building -yes, remember they want to preserve/gain muscle while getting ridiculously low body fat #s….they have been food Nazis for years where as Cyclists etc have been stuck on begets and cheese (tradition) till recently…..Also many of the Vegan ultra-runners etc. have good stuff….but remember they often have moral/personal agendas for eating a certain way (fruitarian etc) that may not necessarily be best for ‘actual’ health or athletic performance (particularly Triathlon)
>5-10 gm/Day 1-3 X per day Studdies sugest as little as 250-500mg effective. Consider: 500mg-1gm taken at 1-2 HR into >2hr WKO then 1gm ever 30'-hour. 5+ gm immediately post WKO. Take 2-5gm at bed and on rising in am Post hard/long WKO day -1gm on other days.
@Jacklyn that water weight lost during exercising is significant. Just ask Ralph Moore who posted last week that he saw fluctuation of 5% of his body weight. That said, I think seeing your weight after a big wko still is important as it lets you know you're close
Been utilizing the tactical eating perspective David outlined. For me, it's answering the question "What is the purpose of eating this at this time?" Seems to stop some senseless eating.
Will post lateron spreadsheet -cant @ work. But 181# was up to 185 and down 178 over weekend ...I think this (181)is a "stabele point" weight.....for now. Starting Swim camp = less total volume + less run/bike intensity. So....Me thinks I'll try cutting back on dayly carbs (obviously no carb drinks for WKO's will help)...manly just as post WKO and "Slow Carbs" ie beens and such. Ill also add some metabolic WKOs to keep metabolisum up but still alow for leg rest -which after this weeks bike test,+ hard bike+ 10K (PR)Brick and new Bike Zones 3x20'Z4 + 45'more HR Z3 before HM (PR) race....leg recovery sounds good (I do have a Army 2 mile PT test on FRI so that will be the most intensity all week)
So we'll see if the combination of forses and ajustments will conspire to drop a few lbs of fat vs stay the same -OH and next week I fly home for visit with a Meltingpot >2,000cal dinner LOL
So I took David's advice and really tried to understand why I had tough Sunday and Monday's AND found a couple of answers. 1. I was not fueling enough during my long workouts...not even close. Had 2 long days this weekend and fueled more than ever and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! 2. Really thinking about why I am eating! Making sure that if I am REALLY hungry, I don't deny myself, and if I am full but bored....don't keep eating! Will continue to stay "intune" with my eating.
Stayed pretty consistent all week for daily weigh in's. I am down 1.4 pounds and 1/2 inch off my waist! WOOHOO!!
This week was good. Today was run test day. Pr my 5k by 4 minutes and increaed vDOT by 3 pts. I think i'm starting to see the benefit of not lugging so many donuts around on my back side. My run is feeling stronger and smoother. So keep going everyone. We're doing great.
@Jacklyn Moore wow 3 points! That's massive! Enjoy the pain of the new paces (wink)! Good job. If you look at "everything VDOT" website it has weight related time adjustments (as well as temp etc ...well ...everything) to pace. It is motivating to see that all other things equal a 5 lb reduction would lead to a "x" seconds off pace equivalence. -for example I'd drop like 20 min off my marathon time if I was at my Goal Race Weight! Might help as seeing each avoided dougnut as a second or two off your A race result.
I was on vacation part of last week so just getting caught up on the boards. Great progress everyone! After being stuck at 236 for a couple of weeks, I was down 1 pound last week and another 4 pounds this week.
It is so funny how I was at the beach (eating out) this past week and had one of my biggest weight loss weeks in a while. The only thing I did differently was have a salad for lunch and a salad before we went out to dinner (which I also try to do at home-guess that 2 salads a day regime really works)
Let's keep the body comp endurance event going. Keep up the great work everyone.
Just weighed-in and found the 1/2 lb I lost last week. For me this is not that bad as I probably was loosing a bit too much too fast - especially with the level of intensity of the OS. Now that I'm in Swim Camp, it's less intense. Still before the season gets going full bore, this is the best time to lose weight.
Finaly seeing the zig zag in the 177 to 181 range sugesting I may finaly be below 180 for realz Now to keep the carbs down...yet "just enough" to glycogen replace.... (EZ-er durring Swim Camp weeks....but am going home for a few days....thats going to be tougher) BUT...am liking the "starting to look a bit ripped" ....x-cept the belly needs to go!
Last week was test week. Now starting bike focused. Intensity is down compared to OS. Attitude is a little in the dumps too. Not sure why. Really tired today. Skipped my work out today. One good thing, I resisted the 7 1/2 lb of fudge that was delivered to work yesterday. Tomorrow is another day. Have a great week everyone.
Ya can't always be "up".....plan for blah days. Do ya have a old Zumba DVD to play (or sumthin) just to get a lill WKO? Or go R&R hard core with a spa day. S' all good. Sometimes it's your body sayin it needs a non Tri day.
@ David- Did a movie night with popcorn, early to bed. Still feeling under the weather. Tired, achy. Planning a low and slow run this afternoon. Might turn into just a flower sniffing walk. Hope your having a great day and a safe trip home. -Jacklyn
Raced in a local 10K this morning and finished 1st in my AG with a time of 45:13 - set a new PR & got a 1 pt VDot bump to 45. A big THANKS to this group for keeping this going. We all know that body weight matters in races and today I was over a minute faster and 5 lbs lighter than I was in this race than last year!
So checked weight after 4 days "off". No bike last full week -but 4 swims no "diet ofer last few days....plenty of beer one night (craft beer party) and a wine charity event..... But still <180 today! Yeah! Back to my point about setpoints...body does not like to change! (+/-) Now to "shock it" with some serious Bike/Run/Swim Volume <img src='http://members.endurancenation.us/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/wink.gif' align="absmiddle" border="0" class="afEmoticon" /> The Carb restriction durring Swim Camp worked well. But I did find I was Jonesing for bread...or carbs of any kind! Also a little lethargic-er.
Despite having PF and some sort of shoulder injury, I've kept my weight the same (137.5). Yesterday I went to food boot camp and juiced spinach, apples and carrots and ate mostly a raw diet. I am hoping that booting inflammatory foods out will faciliate the healing process and help with the extra couple of pounds that are hanging on. Have a terrific Tuesday!
I'm still in! Started March at 160 and ended at 157. Goal for April was 154 and I weighed 154.4 lbs yesterday (my scale is accurate to .2 lbs). So I am a little behind goal but still pressing the bar. Looking for 152 by May 17th and 150 by Jun 8 then I'll probably gain a few pounds on vacation. DO NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT!!
Well weight increased this week. 178.3. I've been sick for the last week. GI crud. Not eating as well as I normally do. Oh well. But i'm feeling much better. Today it's 83 outside. I went for a ride and feet got really HOT!. My toes weren't freezing off. No leg warmers either. Ya baby. Sounds like everyone is starting to get outside for some natural vitamin D treatment. Have a great week everyone!
I'm really proud of all the work we all do and how we have supported each other. Thanks everyone.
Been holding pretty steady, within a pound. Would like to loose 5 lbs in the next 2 months.....seems doable right?? Way to go all!! I second what Paul said....do NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT!
@ David- YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Thank you so much for the info!! Now I really need to dial in to what I am craving to try and solve my issues. It usually is salt...and I go to grab rice cakes. But you brought up so many good points I really want to track it for a week and see what I notice. THANK YOU so much for taking the time to help me out. I appreciate it!!! and to everyone...this group is FANTASTIC!!
Just copy and paste the link.
Ok....Test week and I'm holding that F-in 182.3 not .5 or .1.....LOL always 182.3 (though scale was broke and tested holding various objects....nope weight is uber stable.....other than the usual water loss I've been 182 .3 .... day ...after day....
Soooo....after test week going into Swim camp.
1) Swim- duh.... (but will be challenge with early am get up waaah!)
2) ease off run (heal this foot thing)
3) power/strength cycle -particularly hip stabilizers and core with a lot of balance work and flexibility/yoga
4) 3-6 days per week full body bodyweight "metabolic" workouts (ideally first thing in am) maybe 1-3 X per day (Tabata style 4-12 min each) Improves VO2 AND great for fat burn/metabolic boost
5 ) Carb reduction except post any significant WKO -this is gonna kinda suck...I've gotten used to pasta/rice w/ every meal
Goal: drop 4 lbs in 2 weeks w/o dropping muscle (keep protein/aminos high)
Just a brief on BCAAs –(deserves its own topic) but remember these are aminos that your body can ONLY GET in complete form from animal protein or a few plants such as soy (but in smaller quantities/ratios). Studies are mixed and mostly relate to body builders etc (which is why a lot of Triathletes ignore the info) However a couple of good reason for considering their use:
1)In a couple interesting studies fit subjects performed high intensity full body exercise at an “over reaching” level then tapered. What was found was both groups improved strength etc, however the BCAA group did NOT have a significant transient drop off of strength/muscular endurance as a result of the overreaching training –ie use of BCAAs seem to allow for maintenance of performance during periods of heavy training.
2)A few studies have focused on endurance athletes, and suggest BCAAs are of significant need as prolonged activity depletes the muscles of glutamine, leucine etc and also play a role in fatigue. A good article (* from a sports nutrition company’s page –so may be biased –but still good info) is at http://firstendurance.com/2009/07/30/amino-acids-their-role-in-endurance-training/ Inportant to prevent catabolic effects and fat loss (when body breaks down muscle to get the needed BCAAs it also trys to presurve fat)
3)Vegan Sources of BCAAs
>leucine: soybeans and lentils
> isoleucine: almonds, cashews, and chickpeas
> valine: peanuts, sesame seeds and lentils
4)Whey protein has the highest level of BCAAs compared to all other available types of protein powder.
5)Consider Googling Vegetarian body building -yes, remember they want to preserve/gain muscle while getting ridiculously low body fat #s….they have been food Nazis for years where as Cyclists etc have been stuck on begets and cheese (tradition) till recently…..Also many of the Vegan ultra-runners etc. have good stuff….but remember they often have moral/personal agendas for eating a certain way (fruitarian etc) that may not necessarily be best for ‘actual’ health or athletic performance (particularly Triathlon)
>5-10 gm/Day
1-3 X per day
Studdies sugest as little as 250-500mg effective.
Consider: 500mg-1gm taken at 1-2 HR into >2hr WKO then 1gm ever 30'-hour. 5+ gm immediately post WKO. Take 2-5gm at bed and on rising in am Post hard/long WKO day -1gm on other days.
@ Brenda- Love the icon. My only problem is, i'm new at this stuff, is that I can't figure out how to add my races and quote back in. Help.
@ Elizabeth- You resisted the dark side! You rock!!!
@ Laura- it is nice to have a nutritional Yoda. This group does rock!
Have a wonderful day full of the positive side of the force. May sunshine grace your face.
Never mind. I figured it out sorta. Thanks.
If i say "please" really,really nice? Can I post to the spread sheet my weight after my ride today?????
LOL. Just asking.
Been utilizing the tactical eating perspective David outlined. For me, it's answering the question "What is the purpose of eating this at this time?" Seems to stop some senseless eating.
So we'll see if the combination of forses and ajustments will conspire to drop a few lbs of fat vs stay the same -OH and next week I fly home for visit with a Meltingpot >2,000cal dinner LOL
Nice work all!!
So I took David's advice and really tried to understand why I had tough Sunday and Monday's AND found a couple of answers. 1. I was not fueling enough during my long workouts...not even close. Had 2 long days this weekend and fueled more than ever and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! 2. Really thinking about why I am eating! Making sure that if I am REALLY hungry, I don't deny myself, and if I am full but bored....don't keep eating! Will continue to stay "intune" with my eating.
Stayed pretty consistent all week for daily weigh in's. I am down 1.4 pounds and 1/2 inch off my waist! WOOHOO!!
good job every one...if anyone should get it it would be a triathlete...but body weight Management is an Endurance event!
This week was good. Today was run test day. Pr my 5k by 4 minutes and increaed vDOT by 3 pts. I think i'm starting to see the benefit of not lugging so many donuts around on my back side. My run is feeling stronger and smoother. So keep going everyone. We're doing great.
I was on vacation part of last week so just getting caught up on the boards. Great progress everyone! After being stuck at 236 for a couple of weeks, I was down 1 pound last week and another 4 pounds this week.
It is so funny how I was at the beach (eating out) this past week and had one of my biggest weight loss weeks in a while. The only thing I did differently was have a salad for lunch and a salad before we went out to dinner (which I also try to do at home-guess that 2 salads a day regime really works)
Let's keep the body comp endurance event going. Keep up the great work everyone.
04/07 - 236
04/13 - 235
04/21 - 231
Just weighed-in and found the 1/2 lb I lost last week. For me this is not that bad as I probably was loosing a bit too much too fast - especially with the level of intensity of the OS. Now that I'm in Swim Camp, it's less intense. Still before the season gets going full bore, this is the best time to lose weight.
Last week was test week. Now starting bike focused. Intensity is down compared to OS. Attitude is a little in the dumps too. Not sure why. Really tired today. Skipped my work out today. One good thing, I resisted the 7 1/2 lb of fudge that was delivered to work yesterday.
Tomorrow is another day. Have a great week everyone.
S' all good. Sometimes it's your body sayin it needs a non Tri day.
@ David- Did a movie night with popcorn, early to bed. Still feeling under the weather. Tired, achy. Planning a low and slow run this afternoon. Might turn into just a flower sniffing walk.
Hope your having a great day and a safe trip home. -Jacklyn
The Carb restriction durring Swim Camp worked well. But I did find I was Jonesing for bread...or carbs of any kind! Also a little lethargic-er.
Well weight increased this week. 178.3. I've been sick for the last week. GI crud. Not eating as well as I normally do. Oh well. But i'm feeling much better. Today it's 83 outside. I went for a ride and feet got really HOT!. My toes weren't freezing off. No leg warmers either. Ya baby. Sounds like everyone is starting to get outside for some natural vitamin D treatment. Have a great week everyone!
I'm really proud of all the work we all do and how we have supported each other. Thanks everyone.
Question? It's the end of the month. Are we going to continue or push the pause button?
Been holding pretty steady, within a pound. Would like to loose 5 lbs in the next 2 months.....seems doable right?? Way to go all!! I second what Paul said....do NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT!
@ Jacklyn....hoping we keep this up!