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IMTX Week 3 of 12

@ Linda - great recap/post!  Keep posting....glad Tim could help you with the nutrition.....keep dialing it in and practicing what works!

@Jeff - Super damn consistent!  Shows mental toughness/maturity!  Keep leading.

@ Mike W.  - You just keep nailing it!  Should I go ahead and call the KONA director now?

@ Mike R. - always enjoy your post!  Motivating and refreshingly comical!  Keep hammering my friend, look forward to seeing you nail this one!

@ Gonzalo - nice to see your posts/progress bro!  Way to bring it!

@Tim - Unbelievable long run results on top of that crazy week's load!!!   Keep fueling the rest of this team!

@ Jimmy - enjoy your time with the family!  We have lots of work/time ahead of us.

@ Emily - you're laying down some consistent, quality bike/run/swims.......keeping showing us there are no excuses!

@Chris - Just damn solid work!

Long swim this morning: http://www.strava.com/activities/119393113  ....thought my arms might fall off...... 50M pool, 40 laps.....

Starting spring break with kids now, going to do some camping so will miss my swim tomorrow......but should get the running in today, Tues, and Wed.....

Let's kick some butt this week!




  • I can't recall who it was in this group that had FLO wheels, but I had a some questions about which valve extenders and tubes they use for the various wheels.


  • Hey Gang....a tired 3k swimming this morning...lunctime run...biz trip this week means some workout juggling...hope to get everything in...may miss a swim...but maybe I can throw it in late on my return.

    Woot Woot.

  • @ Chris....I have a Flo 60 for the front.....haven't ever used it though!  This is a good reminder that I need to make sure I have the right tubes before this weekend (practice ride before camp).  I'll check tonight and see.  

  • I have FLO 60/90 .... My current race tube set ups are latex tubes w/51mm stem , using problem solvers stem extenders of 30mm and 70mm.... Currently the front 60 has a 80mm butyl tube and the rear 90 has a butyl with zipp extender on it.... Getting a Disc in the next order from FLO and I believe the disc requires a shorter stem... Hoping I can use a latex tube with no extender on it.... I hate having to deal with different length stems...

    Interesting story about my flat last friday.... I have been running 80lbs of pressure in my tires here in Tucson since the roads are rough... For the TT I did I pumped them up to 100psi.... After the first TT I was in the parking lot and hear the dreaded release of air..... My front tire went flat... Turns out the latex tube went under the edge of the tire and actually lifted it off the rim and then the tube snuck out and popped.... Very wierd since the tube has been in the tire since IMFL and was raced there with 105psi in it... So I dont know if the tube caused the tire to lift off the rim or the tire lifted and then the tube snuck out.... Chicken or the egg? Either way I'll be running a little lower pressure than 100 from now on..... I ran 90lbs in the 2nd TT and went just as fast!

  • Posted By tim cronk on 10 Mar 2014 12:03 PM

    I have FLO 60/90 .... My current race tube set ups are latex tubes w/51mm stem , using problem solvers stem extenders of 30mm and 70mm.... Currently the front 60 has a 80mm butyl tube and the rear 90 has a butyl with zipp extender on it.... Getting a Disc in the next order from FLO and I believe the disc requires a shorter stem... Hoping I can use a latex tube with no extender on it.... I hate having to deal with different length stems...

    Interesting story about my flat last friday.... I have been running 80lbs of pressure in my tires here in Tucson since the roads are rough... For the TT I did I pumped them up to 100psi.... After the first TT I was in the parking lot and hear the dreaded release of air..... My front tire went flat... Turns out the latex tube went under the edge of the tire and actually lifted it off the rim and then the tube snuck out and popped.... Very wierd since the tube has been in the tire since IMFL and was raced there with 105psi in it... So I dont know if the tube caused the tire to lift off the rim or the tire lifted and then the tube snuck out.... Chicken or the egg? Either way I'll be running a little lower pressure than 100 from now on..... I ran 90lbs in the 2nd TT and went just as fast!

    Tim- I assume since you're using the problem solvers that you have removable core tubes?  If so, which tubes do you use.  Does your Butyl tube with the Zipp extenders have removable cores?  If so, which ones are those?  Do you use teflon tape to seal the extenders to the valve?  If so, how do you set that up for your spares?

     I plan to order the Flo disc on the next pre-order too (supposed to be March 20th).  Can you use a that a 52mm valve stem?  I would like to have the same length valve stems for 60, 90, and disc and only have to worry about appropriate extenders.  I don't know if that's possible though?

  • Chris.... Yes I have removable cores with the problem solvers... Using vittoria latex tubes.... The butyl tube is NOT a removable core.... Yes I used teflon tape... Its a tube set up that I have had for a couple years from my old Zipps.... I'm not sure but I think the FLO disc can use a standard length stem of 42mm so will have to see how much room there is in the disc whether or not we can use a 50-60mm stem?.... Hoping to be able to standardize the flat kit somewhat with out carrying 2 tubes and or 2 extenders while racing... Dont mind having 2 while training but not racing!
  • Good swim + run this morning. Damn, it hurt to get up early with the time change, but I was able to get in just under an hour at the pool and a 45' Z1 run along the Hudson. Interested to see how the 2x1 mile intervals go tmw am...

    Keep fighting all!
  • @SS I love your enthusiasm and leadership of our team! I'm quite a ways away from Kona, but thanks for the inspiration.
  • I tired today! Swam for 1hr focussing on technique..... Been doing as little as possible (besides dog walks) since yesterdays long run in the am....

    Back to the couch....May take a while to warm up tomorrow....
  • Got the swim in, 3000yds took 1:01. Really working on form. I have a tendency to let my legs splay. I intentionally don't have much of a kick, so when I'm not paying attention, I let my legs splay while rotating. I also have a tendency to enter the water too early with my right arm. So I focused on one thing for each 25. I find that if I try to focus on too many things, I don't do any of them correctly. I also glide too much, have a late vertical forearm, and have a host of other problems with my stroke. But I can only work on a couple at a time.

    Have a pretty intense migraine this evening. I'm hoping it goes away before my 5:15AM swim tomorrow.

    Is anyone here also doing the IM 70.3 Texas in April?
  • Run to the pool (a tired 51 min 10K) and then 2000mts swim. Thank god my wife picked me up... : )
  • thanks for the support folks.
    ran an hour and rode the indoor bike for 40. gonna try and run 5 days in a row. Ive never done that before. 3 down and 2 to go. Pretty sore but at least it is muscle sore not tendon sore! A week ago, all I wanted was to be able to run again. Im running...
  • I did Tues swim and run today. I'm in a lot of pain from re-injuring my shoulder 2 wks ago during my ski trip/fall. I've been to my chiropractor 4x in 2 wks. He alleviated some of the whiplash, and twisted ribs, but the shoulder injury remains. He says the tendon is off the muscle and he keeps trying to put it back in. It would feel aggravated whenever I swam, but today... my body had enough. Sharp constant pain that goes from my shoulder, up my neck and into my head, and it doesn't subside. Needless to say, it has drained me out. Will rest tomorrow, as I don't think being on the aero position and running will be a good idea. I'm scheduled to see my chiropractor on Thurs. I'm wondering if afterwards I'm better off seeing my PT to try a different approach and have him help me regain mobility. Thoughts?
  • Biz travel wreaking havoc on my schedule this week...Did Tuesday Swim & Run yesterday (3k..was tough workout...could feel my hips exhausted from the weekend rides)...did Wednesdays Bike & Run today...sorta....did the bike intervals...modified Sufferfest Angels...but the run just wasn't coming...I got in 2 easy and called.....Headed to Dallas tonite...short run in the AM...hopefully Long Run as planned Thursday morning...the Friday..not sure what I will do...would prefer to swim/run...then Saturday off...Big Day on Sunday...but we"ll see.


  • 3200 yd swim yesterday (instead of today).  1hr run today @75degrees!  2 miles at Z4....harder than usual for sure.  Took me a good 5 miles to "warm up" and run without having to constantly push.  Tomorrow's bike is going to hurt.  



  • @Linda I gotta believe a PT would be better for a shoulder than a Chiro?

    After last weeks escapades , I recovered like it was my job from Sunday afternoon thru this am..... I still felt like crap this AM ... In fact I felt even worse.... Put off my FTP for as long as I could... Total procrastination.... Started the ride with 40-50min FTP planned... I call FTP 1.0..... Immediately talked myself right out of that.... First interval went @ .92 and the other 2 went at .95.... It always amazes me what the difference in difficulty between .95 and 1.0 is... Feels like its completely 2 different zones.... Anyway ended up with 50 minutes of quality work and feeling pretty good... Even though I was feeling good I had no problem dropping it down to .60 to finish up my ride nice and easy! Went out later for an easy run.... Hoping to feel human again tomorrow....


    Hope all is going well for you travelers and vacationers!
  • 35' run, including 2 miles at Z4. even though i know i'm carrying lots of fatigue, the Z4 miles seem to be getting easier these days. also got to the pool for an abbreviated swim (daughter's birthday took precedence). arms were feeling it during w/u, but i felt pretty solid during the hard 50s

    agree with previous posts that tomorrow's bike is gonna hurt -- sounds like we got a preview from Tim's wko today
  • Day 4 of 5 days of running in the books. Ran another hour today. A bit faster as I was chasing my wife. Should wrap up this trip tomorrow with between 30 and 35mi.
    Also 45min of stationary bike.
    And snorkeling w my 8yr old.
    And food.
  • Run 4.5 miles in 36 mins today with 2 miles @ Z4

    Followed with 48 minutes at the pool (2100 Mts)

    NOT looking forward to tomorrow's bike ... : )
  • Yesterday's Z4 mile run repeats were a challenge (barely held 6:50s), but the legs weren't sore, just not quite firing on all cylinders.  Felt great this morning as I warmed up on the Iron Maiden, but Z4 just didn't happen (.91 and .92).  But I pushed until I was a fried-legs, huffing, sweaty mess.  So, it wasn't lack of effort.  I actually like the fact that I can't quite hit the numbers this week, as it means the cumulative work is starting to add up.  I'd be concerned if the WKOs were easy at this point.  Looking forward to seeing what the next 11 days do to me (13-miler tomorrow, Big Tri Day this weekend, testing next week, camp next weekend).  There will be a big 2-3 days of rest after that, to let it all soak in.  We're just now getting to the fun part of the journey.
  • Ugh. Just about cried as I got on the bike trainer this morn. So.tired. Wanted to just sleep, but knew you all are killin it, so I climed on. I think it is the cumulative fatigue, because I could barely hit the right zones but was a sweaty mess and was working really hard. Ended up feeling really great that I put my mental fitness A game to the test, and was not that far off in the end. Glad that is over, now off to the pool...

    Keep up all the hard work! It really does make a difference to read other peoples posts. Good days, rough days...keep sharing!
  • Camping with 4 kids Monday and Tues night......

    3X1s done - 80  degrees - got cooked - hit the targets: http://www.strava.com/activities/119785449

    Strong work this week so far all!

  • Wed Brick complete:  (SS hacked)

    Ride: http://www.strava.com/activities/120096532

    Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/120096510/laps

    I'll pay for that during long run tomorrow...........


  • Wednesday bike and run done this morning. No VO2 intervals in the bike workout this week. Kind of missed themimage FTP intervals felt easier this week so hopefully that means improved fitness. Guess we'll find out in testing next week.
  • Tonight was 5 mile run in 38 mins hitting z2 and z3 rather well
    After that did the bike on the trainer , 10 and 15 min z4 intervals at 0.96 (felt the impact of doing run before bike or could have being closer to 1.0)
    Added 10 min at 0.75 to do 1 hr bike work in total
  • No run for me today (slept thru my alarm, so looks like I needed the rest)

    Just cooling down after an arduous bike set. Hit 1.0 on the first and 0.98 on the second -- thanks to a stand-up mash session for the final 5'

    Glad to have that behind me and looking forward to long run tmw. Will be another chilly one in NYC but hopefully the last one for awhile
  • Bike- Nice easy 30 min ride at IF .62 ... Yep... No really... I've come to like those recovery rides....
    Run- 7.4 mile run with 5 x .5 repeats Z5.....
    Swim- 3100yd swim with 28 x 100 alternating fast/slow

    Doing a couple local races this weekend ... Saturday swim meet and racing the 25, 50, 100 , 500yd events . Probably wont do anything else on Saturday and call it a day off the legs..... On Sunday a 5k run race but will try and get another hour of running later in the day to call it my longrun day...... Going to move my long bike to friday .....

    Keep moving everybody the clock is ticking!
  • Got home early, weather nice, so took the ride outside....rear tire low??  Discovered broken valve.  Changed tube and headed out.  PT was calibrating very strangely and then died just before starting intervals.  Rode home, replaced PT battery.  Intervals on trainer ... 15' @ .97 and 10' at .93.  I guess it's the cumulative fatigue, but it is taking me a loooong time to warm up on the bike.  Feels like a have to work out the "soreness"....didn't think I'd be able to get close to .95-1.0, but did!   


    Brick run done, felt surprisingly good....again took a little longer to warmup than usual, but no problems with the Z2 out/Z3 back....except forgetting to start Garmin until 1.5mi into it!  

    Comedy of errors/problems, but got it all done!  

  • Long Run - 1, Me - 0.  I didn't even get 13 miles out of my 105 minutes.  Was only able to average 7:30's for the final 45 minutes, and the last couple of miles were nearly at race effort to maintain it.  HR and breathing were low and light, legs being the limiter.  I'm really starting to miss the way I did long runs for my first 5 - jog with friends on Sunday at 10:15 pace, followed by a couple of breakfast burritos and a giant latte.  If this current version of the long run doesn't produce a faster IM 26.2 . . .
  • Long Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/120298199

    MR - Solid long run stats in my book!  Well Done!

    @ Jeff & M.W. - Nailed the brick as shown by the strong run!

    @ Tim - You're right, the clock is officially ticking!  Time to focus!

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