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Week 7 of 12 IMTX - The Grind

Are you tired?  If you said yes, it must mean you are doing the right things because it's week 7 and you are supposed to be tired!  LOL  Just 3 weeks of hard work left!  You can do anything for 21 days!  Only 3 long runs and 3 long bikes left to drive that insane fitness and wicked smartness you have been building.   Keep moving forward at all costs!   Have a great week!


  • Just catching up, as yesterday was primarily devoted to beach, pool, yard work, and Captain America. Still got some quality trainer time in while watching an episode of True Detective, but training was an after-thought yesterday. Sounds like everyone had a productive weekend, though.

    @Tim, great race! Just walks in and takes 3rd. I bet a bunch of Type A <40 guys were combing through the results yesterday and exclaiming, "Good God . . . I got destroyed by a guy in his 50's!" <br />
    @JL, nice 5-hr ride yesterday. That one will pay dividends.

    @EB, re swim volume, I try to get in my 3 x 4k because I have an empty lap pool 100 steps from my house. When swimming was a logistical nightmare, I used to get 6-7k per week. But the conventional wisdom was that you really needed 10-12k volume per week to get through the swim without harming your bike too much, so I always tried to get a couple of 12k weeks about 2-3 weeks out from race, and it worked for me. It's probably like the 80-mile bike rides and 18-mile runs. A couple is good; if you can get in 4-5 weeks of 12k, even better. But don't lose sleep over it - it's the swim, after all.

    @SS, 5:30 bike goal? That's 20 mph. You coast uphill at 20 mph. Your FTP starts with a 3. If I go 5:30, it probably means I had two flats and explosive GI issues, and I'm half the biker you are. Even with the wind and its rollers, this course will still favor those with big, raw power (you), so please ignore speed, focus on your nutrition and your 72%, and we'll see you on the run course when you get there. Before 1:30 p.m.
  • I woke up last night with the worst anxiety over my nutrition for race day... I know I'm taking a chance with not using the course stuff, and now I'm second guessing if its too late for me to go back to my Core Diet plan? Or is this something that just happens before your first full distance? I'm putting my race plan together now and would love feedback on this first draft. I have already had one nightmare that I missed the run because I was called off to help out at a ski resort?!?

    I felt good in the pool today, although Strava is making me look way faster than I am. Nailed the negative splits on the 7X100 where I proceeded to high five myself. (got looks on that one) These are the real numbers. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/475492803

    Crosby and I are racing in a local 70.3 this weekend so I'll be around until Wednesday before checking out for that...
  • @ MR/SS....I agree.  How could an IF of 0.72 for SS yield a 5:30, barring unexpected stops?  Seems like closer to 5:05 to me, based on calculators.  E.g...I did the entire course the second day with no drafting at IF of 0.7 in 5:59:xx.....with traffic lights, etc....and my FTP is only 220 and w/kg only 3.0.  My TSS was 294 though, so I will have to either back off a few watts or test better (next week?) .

  • @SS... Tired? Ha..... Just getting warmed up! Working on a BTW this week. Looking for volume and mostly Z1-Z2... Anticipate getting in some rides with Dave Tallo and Al Truscott this week.....

    @MR...Thanks.... Sure is fun passing guys half your age LOL!

    @EB... Weird on the Strava swim ..... Strava usually makes me look slower? I don't remember your nutrition plan but I don't think its too late to change as long as whatever you do from here to race day is consistent and works on all your long sessions... I go so far as to eat what I plan to eat the day before race day , on the day before my longride day, and of course eat breakfast and train with race nutrition.... I am a fan of on course but if it doesnt work for you then alternate plans are easy enough with SN....Funny about your dreams I didnt know this was your first IM.... I think your biggest challenge will be reeling yourself in and racing what you should instead of what you could.... Your so fast that EN execution is absolutely imperative for you! Look forward to your race plan.
  • @EB-

    I had the same anxiety and I signed up for the Race Plan with Core Diet just last Friday.  I kept saying to myself "self, you have done everything to prepare for this race but what if you botch the nutrition?"  I just couldn't trust myself to correctly do it.  I wanted the reassurance of a customized race fuel plan.  I was told by the CD folks that I have plenty of time to practice a new fueling plan before the big day. 

  • @Emily, I too probably stressed over nutrition way too much my first couple.  Ended up going with the Iron Cocktail/Calorie Bomb route for #2 & 3, but it was a time suck and admin headache (stop at SN, then stop at next AS and refill/mix two bottles with water, constantly carrying 7 pounds of nutrition, always nervous about launching my food, etc.).  But then I realized it's just food, and it's really just the bike where lots of eating occurs.  Calories are still really important - don't get me wrong - but it's just food, and I don't have stomach/food issues.  I hit solids the first couple of hours (break Clif Bar into quarters), then to blocks, then finish off with gels when eating becomes more of a challenge.  My bento will have at least 75% of my food in it before I get on the bike.  Garmin beeps every 15, a reminder to drink at every beep, eat every other one.  Admin-wise, it's foolproof, and I can better focus on Ws when there are fewer distractions/moving parts.  But if on-course won't work, it's doable.  But you need to practice.  As far as hydration goes, I think it would be nearly impossible to implement a successful non-Perform regimine, as you'll need to drink a ton of sports drink on 5/17.  I hope you're doing a RR in Wk 16 and 18 so you have two chances to nail it before 5/17.  Have fun this weekend!
  • @Mike Roberts.... your plan sounds exactly like mine.... foods and timing.... I'll detail mine below in case anyone is interested... Its also in my Race Plans and Race Reports which can be found in the forums....

    Garmin 500..... my display shows , 3sec power , Lap NP , Elapsed Time.... thats it... 3sec power is on to monitor entire race , Auto-lap is on for every 5 miles so that I can work a new Lap NP, I have a 15minute beep set to drink every 15 and eat every 30.... That is why I have elapsed time displayed so that I can remember when to eat... Sometimes you get lost and a beep goes off and you cant remember if its a feeding or not.... I stick to the feedings every 30 pretty religiously... For the drinking I drink every 15 ,1 mouthful if its cool, 2 mouthful's if its warm/hot , 3 mouthful's if its hot/humid, and then when it becomes TEXAS HOT I drink as much as I want and whenever I want... So I dont have a set amount I want to drink , I just make sure I take something in every 15 min NO matter what, and drink to thirst from there.

    The Swim food.
    1 PB Latte gel and perform

    For Bike food.
    I start out with 1 Cliff Bar (toffee peanut buzz) cut into quarters eat one quarter at 0000, 0030 , 0100 , 0130 , then I switch to cliff blocks 2 at a time and I mix 1 black cherry with 1 Margarita , 0200, 0230 , 0300 , 0330 , then I break out the big guns and go for a cliff shot espresso gel @ 0400 , @ 0430 I usually eat 2 tums (don't think I need them but it doesnt hurt) ....If I'm close to a 5hr bike split I usually dont eat anymore since by now I'm drinking much more calories than I was earlier.... If I'm going to go 5:15 or more I will usually have one more feeding of blocks.... I wrap all 1/4 cliff bars and 2block chunks in edible wafer paper ahead of time and stack them in my bento box for NO wrappers (except the gel)..... All fluids are perform and I start with 2 bottles on bike to avoid the first several aid stations....

    The Run food.
    I start out with 1- 4ounce flask of gel which has 4 powerbar latte gels in it.... I sip every 3 miles .... so about 40-50 cal of gel starting at 0, 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 18.... the flask usually last until 18 miles..... @ mile 20-21 I eat a cliff shot espresso if I can.... Then switch to coke for the last few miles and salt sticks.... This is the only time I consume salt stick since I am no longer consuming perform or gels.... Drink perform every mile Except when sipping gel I go for water just to keep the calories down and this is pretty much the only time I will drink water all day... I have no problem with perform and gel but if you add up my run calories it starts to build up....

    So pretty much like Mike I start with the harder to digest foods and gradually move to the easier ones to digest as the day moves on. I also increase the caffeine starting from hour 4 on the bike..

    One of the things I like about blocks and gel flask's is you can meter your calories on the fly.... IOW if its cold and I'm not drinking I will try to eat a little more, if its hot and I'm drinking more calories I may trim a block...

    Also FWIW I will be racing at or below 120lbs and my math has me @ 250-300 calories per hr for the bike and the run... Fluids consumption extremes range 15-30oz per hr , but usually fall in the 20-24oz per hr for me...
  • MR/Tim....thanks for the details on your nutrition plans.  I'm using on course nutrition only, but have not planned to eat anything solid.  I have been just doing Perform and PB gels (I mix them up).  I did this on both camp rides and all my long rides.  I have not had any problems feeling hungry or with GI upset.  

    But....all you vets seem to be eating solids early in the bike.  I suspect I can do that with no problems.  Should I?  I have time to test it in my RR rides.  Advice?


  • Monday swim box checked. Not getting any faster on my 200's or 150's but it is getting much easier to string a bunch of them together. I guess that is the idea at this point.


    Sounds like CD gave us all similar plans...

    Drink every 15 (perform) aiming for at least 1 bottle per hr, eat every 30 (1/2 power bar for each of the first 2 feeds then powergel. Switch to caffinated at the 4hr mark)

    I also have a nasty history of cramping so I drink a picklejuice sport pre race, in T2 and have another in SN on the run. It might be total placebo but I cramped in 6 x26.2's and 2x70.3's before finding the stuff and have had a 26.2, a 70.3 and a 140.6 cramp free with it.

  • @TC, edible wafer paper, I like it.  Learn something new every day.  I too auto-lap every 5 miles and have 3sec P and NP Lap as my top two, never-scrolling fields.  I'll auto-scroll on the bottom half through some other data like cadence, time and distance - mostly to feed the curious mind, stave off boredom and let me know when the bad parts are approaching and ending.  But the top two are the focus, along with following the audible nutrition prompts every 15.

    @JL, the reason I eat something solid that I really like (Choc Chip Clif) is because my mouth, throat and stomach just get sick of sticky-sweet gels after 3-4 hours, and it's simple to eat a Clif Bar during the first couple of hours when the world is made of nothing but rainbows and lollipops.  And I mean, really sick of them.  To the point I contemplate skipping a meal.  The solids simply push that window off a bit.  When I do switch to gels (around Mile 80), I also get a bottle of cold water.  That too is such a refreshing change of pace from hours of Perform, it takes your mind off the Reaper holding the 80-mile marker, which announces you still have 32 miles to go when you no longer have any desire to sit on a bike.  My other Plan B is if it's crazy hot and I need more than 2 bottles of fluid per hour, I'll add water between the Perform and take a salt pill with it.  I don't want to have an 800-calorie hour.  I play it more by ear on the run than Tim, as there are times when eating just isn't an option.  But my strict deadlines are 5, 10 and 15 miles - I have to eat a gel before each deadline or I'll force it in.  Water with the gels, Perform rest of the time.  From 20-26.1, it's Coke City all the way.

    None of the above is necessarily right.  It's just what I do.  And  I've only thrown up once and have avoided the medical tent 60% of my IM starts.

  • Thanks guys -- just put my race plan draft up in the race execution forum. Let me know your thoughts. I plan to practice it this weekend in my 70.3, and yes, I'll be down in Charleston for my next race rehearsal. Hopefully it's nice and hot!
  • OK, now I'm tired.........end of day.... LOL

    Swim: http://www.strava.com/activities/127886253

    Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/127937719

    Great nutrition dialogue below and normal anxiety thoughts as well......each I night I dream I am in a cage getting my a$$ kicked by a gorilla.....  LOL

    We say the plan is like fighting a Gorilla, you don't stop fighting when you get tired, you stop fighting when the Gorilla gets tired........


  • We say the plan is like fighting a Gorilla, you don't stop fighting when you get tired, you stop fighting when the Gorilla gets tired........


    Love that.  I will use that one for sure....

  • @SS.... one on one with a gorilla... poor gorilla... should be 2 gorilla's

    BTW Day 1 is done.... 5600yds swim, 4 mile run, 40mile bike.... ALL Z1 easy....
  • Since this week's theme is The Grind. I thought this video would be appropriate: http://youtu.be/koHqZyfSk2g Enjoy!

    Sunday was my first ride outside since IM camp. It was great to get off the trainer for change. This was also my first ride focusing on my new power numbers per the EN calculations. It was very challenging to keep the power numbers dialed in because of the terrain. Here is my file: http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/6WNW6R6NM6ZK2SOXFOQBSJXD4Y
    The duration and distance are both off. I kept hitting the stop button without knowing it. Total distance is 85 miles and duration is more like 5:45. Of course, I moved my Garmin first thing when I arrived at home.

    Monday's Swim per the plan - http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/YBYVUOSS2UPVNQSPZBFYINJM2I
    Monday's - Run on treadmill per Tuesday's plan using pace - http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/IED3HZVEH7TXIILI3HZDN6QGVQ
  • The grind is right. Hit a bit of a rough patch this weekend and missed my long ride. Got 2x1mile run on Saturday and a late night spin after a dinner party while watching the DVR'd Final Four...

    Yesterday was the planned swim + run and today was the killer 2x20 on the bike (hacking the next 2 weeks due to travel). Managed 1x20' @ 0.96, then only 13' @ 0.93 and 7' @ 0.88. Hit the wall on the 2nd interval but glad to finish with some intensity.

    Thanks for all the nutrition tips. I converted to all on-course nutrition last year for IMCDA and had no GI issues so will stick with that plan
  • IMTX Coach Webinar tonight at 8 pm EST.

    Register at: 


  • Doing my best to keep up with The Grind...have to be careful because have a little pain in knee and I do not want to puch too hard and then regret.

    Weekend : 3hr ride + 10 miles total run (I know it is less than what was in plan but was when knee bothered the most)
    Yesterday : Swim + Run DONE
    Today : Travel, probably able to get a run in before going to a work dinner/event

    Can't attend tonight webinar due to that, will there be a recorded version available?
  • greetings campers! ok. i might be the only one.
    Ran twice today run #1 was 100min 10.43mi w/1mi @8:10. Run #2 was 30min 3.32mi with 1mi @ 7:56. Outside of the z4mi's, my pace was slow. Coughing up a lot of nasty. Pretty sure it is allergy. No fever.
    Tomorrow is RRswim #1. back and forth and back and forth....
  • BTW Day #2 is done..... early 6 mile run , then 106 mile 5:00hr bike IF .71 with an elapsed time of 5:35 due to a couple pee stops, fuel stop , stopping to get into a park , and then and then wait for it THE DREADED DOUBLE FLAT..... Grrrrr .... got a double pinch flat going over a cattle guard and it was completely my fault.... when I went over it on the way up I made a mental note saying that has a sharp edge to it... Duh.... I go flying over it and bang bang go my wheels..... then I just coast and wait.... yep here it comes I can feel the softness... Back Disc goes flat, then I stop squeeze the front its on its way... had 2 tubes and 2 co2's.... quick change and on my way with NO back up.... Headed out for more tubes now...


    See everybody at the Webinar tonight I hope!
  • Just grinding along here myself....crazy week with mom in the hospital...some good riding over the weekend...change to shorter cranks has been amazing!...

    Today I had some bozo in clown shorts jump into my lane to circle swim and just messed up my workout...had to cut that short...may swim again tommorrow...just cuz...then 50min. of solid running this afternoon....Net Net is I feel great...and looking forward to continued peaking...I am going to have to back up my Race Rehearsal to next week...but thats is okay...I did the same last year..........

    Awesome work everyone...this is really getting real

  • IMTX Webinar in progress!

    Holy Crap look at the work going on today!

    Interval run: http://www.strava.com/activities/128148505

    Swim Slog: http://www.strava.com/activities/128279481


  • Please be sure the RSVP to the Team EN IMTX Dinner Thursday, May 15th at 5:30 p.m.:


    For those interested, we have a room reserved at the Cheesecake Factory in the mall at the Woodlands...........

    See you there!

  • Got my swim in this morning.  http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/347U4F3CMO4F2W2JDH5XCPJ2UE 

    Did the run last night so I could attend the webinar tonight.

  • http://members.endurancenation.us/F...fault.aspx

    if anyone GAS.       my race report from last year.     mainly to remind folks to HYDRATE.

  • Great Webinar! Super excited!!! 

    Sunday was a rest day after my 5 hr trainer ride.  Mentally needed it...physically too. 

    Monday was a 60 min bike/trainer ride with some speed added in. Did some big gear work then 2x (5x1min/1min) for 10 totally.  Felt really strong until the 7th one...then time went backwards, but was still high z4, low z5.  Just needed some speed after all these long drainer rides.  Glad I did it.  Felt great!

    Next up was a 4000yrd swim.  My farthest so far.  Did the interval workout as written and avg 1:43/100.  This is HUGE for me!  I know I won't swim anything close to this race day, but it shows me how much I have improved overall to average this pace for 4000!  Yippee!

    Last up for Monday was an EZ IM paced 5 mile run with a beginning run club I lead.  Lets hope the race feels this leisurely...yeah right. 

    This morn was a 7 mile tm run.  Easy 2 m warm up, 1 mile at mp 8min, 2x 1m at hmp 7:30.  Feeling good and strong!

    I have not done any work at TP this lead up due to my plantar issues.  It is almost healed and generally feels really good, but when I started back I had to decide endurance/distance or speed.  I could not do both at the same time.  So I chose endurance (obviously) and am happy to be chipping away at my interval times.  Could I run at TP?  Sure.  Would it be pretty?  No.  I want to arrive to the start healthy, even if it means a bit slower overall. 

    Up tomorrow is a 80-90 min bike.  Sort of modifying my week since I wont be able to do a true CAMP weekend. 

    Th will be a long run of 14...hopefully NOT on the tm this week!  It is supposed to be 70 tomorrow and rain Th.  ugh>

    Friday RR swim of 4200 plus warm up

    Sat 5 hr drainer ride/6 mile run

    Sun OFF! 

    LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!! 

  • nice work all.

    webinar hit the important points.     the toughest part of the bike for me was the rough road of miles 65-80.      though miles 50-65 are worse this year surface wise?        though the whole last half of the bike was dark for me (see race report).

    don't forget eating/drinking before/during/after workouts.    recover with feet up if possible.      my preference is to get up early early and get all workouts done in the AM so I have full recovery intervals.                  tough to do the long run on Thursday then go to work (one of the reasons I do long run on sunday).

    great Big Tri Week last week.      probably most total hours ever.              10 hours Kickr bike with NP overall nicely over race goal.    finished up with 18 mile run.    used my new Hokas.      Felt hugely better after that run then the typical long run beat up feel.     the Hokas are a find!            

    lowering the volume this week some then back up to full the remaining weeks.

  • Missed the webinar tonight (was swimming/running!), but will watch it when posted.  Was it basically the same thing as what we heard at camp?

    4000 yd swim yesterday, as written.  

    Had to cut today's swim short a bit due to daddy taxi duties, but got in 2800 (wu and main set 1).  Then 45min run with 2 miles at TP.  Felt fine....a little hard to get started on the first TP mile, but once my body realized that "we're doing this whether you like it or not", felt fine.  


    @ BG.....you were the only one to express any interest in the EN trucker hat, so I just went ahead and ordered one for myself.  I changed it to all white (cooler).  Here is the link to the one I posted a few days ago:


    If you follow that link, you can order one, alter it however you want, etc.  It's super-easy.  

    Is anyone having trouble sleeping?  I have some insomnia from time to time (usually sun/mon nights for some reason?), but it seems to be worse now.  I'm avoiding caffeine after about 5PM, trying to settle down before bed, reading, relaxing, etc., and I feel tired, but then toss and turn.....so frustrating.  May have to resort to benadryl soon....but then I'll oversleep! 

  • Great job everyone!!  Everyone is making it work! 

    I didn't get to post my 5 hr bike from last week.  Had crazy coastal winds the whole ride.  Challenging.


    40min run turned 27 min trail run instead.  Was running to late to pick the kiddies up from school.


    Sunday's bike:


    1st training swim in 3 weeks due to banged up wing.  It still hurts, but manageable pain.  Can't continue to put off swim since I know my speed will suffer, as I saw the 3 min loss during my HIM swim 2 wks ago.  

    Mon's swim:


    Tues swim:  Wasn't feeling it at first, but made myself get throughi it. Swam with my new DeSoto skin suit.  Who knew?!!  It made me faster as compared to yesterday's swim, by 7 secs/100yds!!  It'll take it!!!


    Keep on making it happen.  You guys/girls inspire me everyday!! 


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