Week going well in spire pf Travel disruption Arrived in NYC yesterday morning for an event last night but was able to do a 1 hour/8 mile run yesterday afternoon Repeated that this morning and now flying back to ohio , will do bike tonight once back home
@ GCP -- Nice job getting your runs in. we should have run together this morning!
@ Jeff -- had the same issue on my interval run this morning. after a min or so, i looked down at my watch at i was ~ 40 secs off the Z4 pace. told my legs to WAKE UP and got it done. my sleep had also been a bit off the past few weeks. was generally waking up ~1 hour before my alarm clock and then having trouble falling back asleep (mind racing, etc.). that never happens to me and may be caused by increased caffeine intake. has been better for the last week
i had a solid 45' run along the Hudson this morning, including 2x1 mile @ 6:37, 6:34 paces
planning on my RR1 swim tonight and then my RR1 bike+run tomorrow morning, as I will be without a bike for a week starting tomorrow evening. Coach P planned out a heavy 3 days of biking for when I get back, so hoping the weather is nice for Easter weekend.
looking forward to listening to the webinar and reporting back on the RRs tomorrow
Great work, everyone! And a good chat last night with P. Even learned a few new things on top of what was learned at camp.
Last couple of weeks, post-camp, I was gung-ho about all workouts, but was a little flat (low watts and run pace) in performance. I made the mistake Sunday of calculating that I still have six rides of 70+ miles, four of which will be 100+. Which created a big motivational deficiency. I'm ready to race. Yesterday, I had no desire to get up and run (it was early, hot and humid). But I did. And I ran the easiest Z4 miles ever (6:37 and 6:42). I actually had to watch my pace to keep it down. But last night's chat put me even more in race mode and tired of training mode. So . . . same thing this morning. I wanted to punch the alarm clock at 5:30, then cursed the Iron Maiden as I mounted the beast for more Z4 work. But for the first time in what seems like months, holding 230s wasn't that hard, even on that dreaded stationary thing. Very weird.
So, instead of starting tomorrow's 17-miler at 5 in the dark, I'm going to give myself a present by moving it to 6:30 and just show up to work whenever I get out of my "dentist appointment." See if that helps. And maybe after Saturday's 7-hour sweatfest in the heat + humidity, I'll see the light at the end of the tunnel and regain momentum. If not, I guess I'll just have to HDFU, as a 5-week taper seems a bit long.
Anybody else do their long runs inside on the trainer to take advantage of ease of eating and drinking? Actually have found this to be of interest/advantageous this year....typically I would go out and just run a big loop...but by doing inside...I can better mimic the run/walk plan through the feed/water station every mile.....I don't see a big downside?...other than the inside boredom...but even that plays into mental strenght...and being in the northeast...its warmer (acclimating) inside...Any thoughts on this?
RR Swim #1. Made a mistake. DNF. Today the 3800M swim was on the calendar. The plan was to take a little extra time at lunch and get it done. Yesterday life intervened and a work appointment meant that I had to swim first thing in the morning. I figured that this was for the best as the race starts at 7, not noon. So packed the car the night before, out the door by 6 for the drive to the pool. Had a bananna on the way. Well, 1/2 of a bananna. It tasted funny so I didnt eat the rest. My PR for this swim is 1:15:56 (I know, but we work with what we have). My plan was to go out easy and swim 3 1000's at 20min each and then see if I could take a little time off in the last 800m. PRing a training session isnt the point but still, it is fun and can keep me focused. the first 2000m were exactly on pace. during the third, that bananna started coming back on me. At the 3000M mark it hit me all at once that I was gonna barf. So I go out and headed for the bathroom. (public pool.) My pacing was fine at exactly an hour with each 1000M no more than 2 sec apart. I am pretty sure on race day that I could just hurl if I had to and keep going. I would never eat a bananna right be fore a race like that either. All I can figure is that I didnt take the RR seriously enough and I paid for it. Lesson learned.
@ MR....this is my first IM, so I'm not surprised to have the same feelings/lack of motivation that you are describing. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone! I suspect this is normal? Interestingly, I don't dread/abhor the long rides/runs, but almost all the swims are motivationally "challenging" for me to do, as are the shorter runs/bikes. The hardest one for me to get "fired up" for is the Wednesday FTP bike.....I just know it's gonna hurt like crazy. Doh.....it's wednesday!
I have tried not to "look ahead" too much and start counting long workouts/weeks/etc., for fear of just what you are describing.
@JL...I have done all of my long runs but 2 on the treadmill. I am actually prob doing tomorrow's on ot as well. I live in Minnesota and it has been the winter from...well you know where, so I have been inside for every workout. I figure I can actually get a better workout on the tm than outside at this point. Plus, the heat acclimization is way better inside with a long sleeve shirt and no fan than being outside freezing. My area is hilly, and that is great, but Texas is flat, so I would rather work in pacing and fast efforts.
90 min trainer ride this morn as per plan. Glad that is over. Thick shirt and no fan. Pouring sweat!
@JL-- I run most of my long runs on the dreadmill for many of the reasons you state. In addition I can start a run early in the morning in the dark. Also don't have to worry about what to wear. I typically let the temperature and humidity rise during my runs.
RR#1 in the morning. The plan is to ride a simple out and back route that is a 25mi round trip 4 times then catch part of it a 5th time for the final 12mi. I will wear race kit. Got the wheel cover on. Will run a bottle on the down tube that wont be there on race day but I want to hold as much liquid as possible during the rehearsal. Nutrition will be 1 bottle of perform per hour plus 1/2 power bar each 30 min for he first hr, 1 non caf power gel per 30min for hrs 2, 3, and 4 and caf power gel for the remainder. 72% power is 158w but I will be fine with 152 to 158. I expect it to take 5:40. Run will be 6 repeats of a 1/2 out, 1/2mi back rout so that I can hit perform bottle every mile and do my 30 steps walking per mi. Target pace is 10min and the trick will be to not go faster. I need to secure my flat kit up under my seat tonight. If I cant secure it then I will have to use the bottle holder behind the seat. Doing so will limit me to two bottles on the bike which will mean I will have to stop to reload twice. Which really isnt that big a deal I suppose as the goal is to hold the target power not generate a PR for he 112mi training ride.
Met that darn Gorilla on the bike this am. Tried to knock it out early before the kids woke up. I was able to get the 2x20 in at .88. It hurt, but it felt good to hurt. Followed it with yesterday's swim. Focused on pacing and technique today and finished 3300yds in 55:00. Also tried out my swim skin and found nice results. I'm off tomorrow to get ready for my 70.3. I get to scratch that itch to race this weekend!
For those that read my plan, I talked to coach P today about the nutrition. I'm going to look back at my long rides and see if and when I start to fade so I can figure where I need to add more calories. Thanks for your feedback.
Do me a favor? If anyone else sees that gorilla this week, kick him in the gonads for me.
Also did my sweat test each hour as part of my bike ride. Surprised to find out that I should be at 48 oz an hour. I've been planning for 24 oz an hour. So this a huge difference. Anyone else at 48 oz an hour?
@ BG...I have sweat tested three times...numbers all over the place! First test last fall before Austin HIM, rate was 42-53oz/hr (riding Z3 though on trainer). I consumed about 48oz/hr on the bike for that race a few weeks later, peed once at mile 50ish and it felt about right....a little "burping" later in the bike. But, it was not hot that day (upper 60's/low 70's). I retested a few months ago (final hour of a 4hr ride with first three outside and last one on trainer), and got something closer to 24-30oz/hr. There is noooo way that is enough for me. I then did a 3 or 4 hr (can't remember) trainer ride and did the whole thing as a sweat test. But, I didn't record the results in TP???? What!??? Stupid. I can't remember the results exactly, but it was in the low-30's oz/hr if memory serves.
So, I'm now a bit skeptical as to the accuracy of this test. Makes perfect sense, can't think of a better way to do it, etc., but I have seen numbers all over the map. I'm planning for MINIMUM of 48oz/hr, unless it's just a massive cold front day (unlikely). I plan to get at least 2 bottles/hr and try to manage even more if my stomach is OK. My goal is to start the run not dehydrated....since my LRP is not much faster than a brisk walk, I can't afford to get dehydrated.
I suspect that 48oz/hr for you is probably pretty close....the key is to test it this weekend and for RR#2 to make sure you pee at least 2x and don't have GI issues. For me, though, it can be very hard to drink that much if it's cool. If it's hot, I can drink a ton.
For the IMTX camp rides, I averaged 2bottles/hr. I had to pee more than 2x though....but, it was not nearly as hot as it will likely be on May 17.
swim RR#1 done tonight. probably overdid the first 400yds, as I faded pretty badly in the final 1500 yds. Finished in 1:16:30, which is ~2 min faster than my final RR leading up to IMCDA '13. i'll take it
now, i just need to prep my bike and nutrition for tmw's brick RR!
@Tim- Thanks again for the break down on your nutrition. Do you plan on taking in any salt tabs? I noticed you took them later on the run with water. I'm asking because Coach P mentioned I should consume more sodium. I believe he recommends 1000 mg/hr, but that seems a lot for me. I've been aiming at 600-750 mg/hr, and so far so good. Also, where do you purchase those edible wafers. I'd like to try it out.
@ Linda... No salt tabs for me until I switch to coke late on the run.... I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of 600mg per hour with all the perform, powerbar gels, margarita shot blocks I consume all day.... its only when I switch to coke that I feel the need to take a couple salt stick for insurance!
This is what I use to wrap up the cliff bar pieces and blocks
Any idea where I could find the link to yesterday's talk from Coach P? I clicked on the link SS provided, but when I clicked on it, it said the time had expired, blah, blah, blah. Thx.
Long run done. Starting just before dawn at 6:30 helped a ton, although it means I stopped sweating about 7 minutes ago. Nice 70-degree temps, but thick humidity still made it a sweat-a-thon. Getting closer to executing this crazy negative split thing. 7 mi right on target @8:28, followed by 10.21 mi @7:29. Was able to push low 7's the last couple of miles, but sustained sub-7's (Z3) after 15 miles still eludes me. But I'm OK with that, as today's run was definitely a good one.
Looking forward to tomorrow's swim RR. Hoping for something fast, but not betting on it.
Be safe out there! Three cyclists hit this week within a few miles of my house, all three riding in designated bike lanes, only one survived. Not a good week at all for our big cycling community.
Your laugh for the day compliments of a Polar Vortex survivor. As if our winter was not horrendeous enough, I now have to contest with ferocious geese protecting their babies. I think I need to move.
I decide last minute this morning to FINALLY run outside because it is a beautiful day...40 and 12 mph wind.
I plan a route, get dressed and hit the road. Big goofy smile on my face bacause I am running long OUTSIDE!!! Yippee!!
.82 miles...yes, less than 1 mile into this glorious run I am absolutely attacked/charged out of nowhere by the biggest meanest goose I have ever seen! Mouth open, hissing, wings open, CHARGING me!!! I start screaming at the top of my lungs. I retreat into the woods. She chaarges. Repeat 3x. No one hears me? I pick up a stick and wave it... Pissed off goose. More charging, more screaming. This thing is about to take flight right into me and really attack. I hide behind a bench screaming, then start to back up into some random backyard, and next thing I know I'm flat on my back having tripped backwards into a brick lined fire pit that is filled with water. Yep. On my back screaming and soaking...I mean soaking wet...and still waving my stick! Are you even kidding me?? WTH just happened?? I pick myself up, limp home. Goose retreated because she obviously felt sorry for me after I fell into the fire pit. I was not attempting to run 13 more miles soaking wet in 40 degrees and wind with shoes squishing and banged up.
Back home with an ice pack on my new welted up back and a nice hot cup of joe. I guess I'm running this afternoon.
@Annie, you definitely win for most interesting and highest HR run. Glad you're OK. If that happened to me, my daughter would have already posted the story on Instatwit or whatever it's called, and the story would have gone virus by now.
@Annie - get well soon! Rough day. Those geese can be very aggressive/scary! I have had them try that on me as well. Try to remember that you weigh about 6 times as much as them and you can drop kick them like a football if they need to be reminded occasionally......
@Jeff - I'll be sweating about 56 0z/hr during the run at IMTX..........
@MR - such a strong long run with the back 10+ holding mid 7s! Will be impossible to count how many you are going to pass during the run come race Day!
Week going well in spire pf Travel disruption
Arrived in NYC yesterday morning for an event last night but was able to do a 1 hour/8 mile run yesterday afternoon
Repeated that this morning and now flying back to ohio , will do bike tonight once back home
@ Jeff -- had the same issue on my interval run this morning. after a min or so, i looked down at my watch at i was ~ 40 secs off the Z4 pace. told my legs to WAKE UP and got it done. my sleep had also been a bit off the past few weeks. was generally waking up ~1 hour before my alarm clock and then having trouble falling back asleep (mind racing, etc.). that never happens to me and may be caused by increased caffeine intake. has been better for the last week
i had a solid 45' run along the Hudson this morning, including 2x1 mile @ 6:37, 6:34 paces
planning on my RR1 swim tonight and then my RR1 bike+run tomorrow morning, as I will be without a bike for a week starting tomorrow evening. Coach P planned out a heavy 3 days of biking for when I get back, so hoping the weather is nice for Easter weekend.
looking forward to listening to the webinar and reporting back on the RRs tomorrow
Great work, everyone! And a good chat last night with P. Even learned a few new things on top of what was learned at camp.
Last couple of weeks, post-camp, I was gung-ho about all workouts, but was a little flat (low watts and run pace) in performance. I made the mistake Sunday of calculating that I still have six rides of 70+ miles, four of which will be 100+. Which created a big motivational deficiency. I'm ready to race. Yesterday, I had no desire to get up and run (it was early, hot and humid). But I did. And I ran the easiest Z4 miles ever (6:37 and 6:42). I actually had to watch my pace to keep it down. But last night's chat put me even more in race mode and tired of training mode. So . . . same thing this morning. I wanted to punch the alarm clock at 5:30, then cursed the Iron Maiden as I mounted the beast for more Z4 work. But for the first time in what seems like months, holding 230s wasn't that hard, even on that dreaded stationary thing. Very weird.
So, instead of starting tomorrow's 17-miler at 5 in the dark, I'm going to give myself a present by moving it to 6:30 and just show up to work whenever I get out of my "dentist appointment." See if that helps. And maybe after Saturday's 7-hour sweatfest in the heat + humidity, I'll see the light at the end of the tunnel and regain momentum. If not, I guess I'll just have to HDFU, as a 5-week taper seems a bit long.
Anybody else do their long runs inside on the trainer to take advantage of ease of eating and drinking? Actually have found this to be of interest/advantageous this year....typically I would go out and just run a big loop...but by doing inside...I can better mimic the run/walk plan through the feed/water station every mile.....I don't see a big downside?...other than the inside boredom...but even that plays into mental strenght...and being in the northeast...its warmer (acclimating) inside...Any thoughts on this?
Today the 3800M swim was on the calendar. The plan was to take a little extra time at lunch and get it done. Yesterday life intervened and a work appointment meant that I had to swim first thing in the morning. I figured that this was for the best as the race starts at 7, not noon. So packed the car the night before, out the door by 6 for the drive to the pool. Had a bananna on the way. Well, 1/2 of a bananna. It tasted funny so I didnt eat the rest.
My PR for this swim is 1:15:56 (I know, but we work with what we have). My plan was to go out easy and swim 3 1000's at 20min each and then see if I could take a little time off in the last 800m. PRing a training session isnt the point but still, it is fun and can keep me focused. the first 2000m were exactly on pace. during the third, that bananna started coming back on me. At the 3000M mark it hit me all at once that I was gonna barf. So I go out and headed for the bathroom. (public pool.)
My pacing was fine at exactly an hour with each 1000M no more than 2 sec apart. I am pretty sure on race day that I could just hurl if I had to and keep going.
I would never eat a bananna right be fore a race like that either. All I can figure is that I didnt take the RR seriously enough and I paid for it. Lesson learned.
@ MR....this is my first IM, so I'm not surprised to have the same feelings/lack of motivation that you are describing. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone! I suspect this is normal? Interestingly, I don't dread/abhor the long rides/runs, but almost all the swims are motivationally "challenging" for me to do, as are the shorter runs/bikes. The hardest one for me to get "fired up" for is the Wednesday FTP bike.....I just know it's gonna hurt like crazy. Doh.....it's wednesday!
I have tried not to "look ahead" too much and start counting long workouts/weeks/etc., for fear of just what you are describing.
90 min trainer ride this morn as per plan. Glad that is over. Thick shirt and no fan. Pouring sweat!
Have a great Wednesday!!
Wednesday CAGE Match Brick - Some damn big Gorillas in there today - that hurt, as expected.
Bike: http://www.strava.com/activities/128464421
Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/128464407
Good luck out there all today! Tough one........
yes i do a lot of the long runs on the treadmill for heat help and nutrition supply.
but make sure to get at least a couple long runs outside. the muscles used are a good bit different.
Nutrition will be 1 bottle of perform per hour plus 1/2 power bar each 30 min for he first hr, 1 non caf power gel per 30min for hrs 2, 3, and 4 and caf power gel for the remainder. 72% power is 158w but I will be fine with 152 to 158. I expect it to take 5:40.
Run will be 6 repeats of a 1/2 out, 1/2mi back rout so that I can hit perform bottle every mile and do my 30 steps walking per mi. Target pace is 10min and the trick will be to not go faster.
I need to secure my flat kit up under my seat tonight. If I cant secure it then I will have to use the bottle holder behind the seat. Doing so will limit me to two bottles on the bike which will mean I will have to stop to reload twice. Which really isnt that big a deal I suppose as the goal is to hold the target power not generate a PR for he 112mi training ride.
Finally getting some heat with temps in the low 90's today... Of course no humidity.
For those that read my plan, I talked to coach P today about the nutrition. I'm going to look back at my long rides and see if and when I start to fade so I can figure where I need to add more calories. Thanks for your feedback.
Do me a favor? If anyone else sees that gorilla this week, kick him in the gonads for me.
I would like to personally thank SS for inviting the gorilla to my workouts today as well. I do not like him (the gorilla).
Ride done with 20' @ 0.93 and 20' @ 0.95....HR not as high as usual, but legs on fire from the first minute. Sorta got numb after a while though!
40' brick run was harder than expected.....just struggled the whole time, but got it done with negative split.
Just watching the NCAA swimming championships. Just watched the 1650yd men....holy crap! I can't fathom it...
Today's run was on the treadmill. Used pacing as prescribed and walked at each mile. Here is my file: http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/TWL7Q6PJNLX2KCYQJFOBSKCTIQ
This morning was two hours on the trainer. Was able to stick pretty close to my power numbers. Here is my file: http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/NBZNIK2DL2ZYXKADGQ7WEK3JMY
Also did my sweat test each hour as part of my bike ride. Surprised to find out that I should be at 48 oz an hour. I've been planning for 24 oz an hour. So this a huge difference. Anyone else at 48 oz an hour?
@ BG...I have sweat tested three times...numbers all over the place! First test last fall before Austin HIM, rate was 42-53oz/hr (riding Z3 though on trainer). I consumed about 48oz/hr on the bike for that race a few weeks later, peed once at mile 50ish and it felt about right....a little "burping" later in the bike. But, it was not hot that day (upper 60's/low 70's). I retested a few months ago (final hour of a 4hr ride with first three outside and last one on trainer), and got something closer to 24-30oz/hr.
There is noooo way that is enough for me. I then did a 3 or 4 hr (can't remember) trainer ride and did the whole thing as a sweat test. But, I didn't record the results in TP???? What!??? Stupid. I can't remember the results exactly, but it was in the low-30's oz/hr if memory serves.
So, I'm now a bit skeptical as to the accuracy of this test. Makes perfect sense, can't think of a better way to do it, etc., but I have seen numbers all over the map. I'm planning for MINIMUM of 48oz/hr, unless it's just a massive cold front day (unlikely). I plan to get at least 2 bottles/hr and try to manage even more if my stomach is OK. My goal is to start the run not dehydrated....since my LRP is not much faster than a brisk walk, I can't afford to get dehydrated.
I suspect that 48oz/hr for you is probably pretty close....the key is to test it this weekend and for RR#2 to make sure you pee at least 2x and don't have GI issues. For me, though, it can be very hard to drink that much if it's cool. If it's hot, I can drink a ton.
For the IMTX camp rides, I averaged 2bottles/hr. I had to pee more than 2x though....but, it was not nearly as hot as it will likely be on May 17.
now, i just need to prep my bike and nutrition for tmw's brick RR!
@Tim- Thanks again for the break down on your nutrition. Do you plan on taking in any salt tabs? I noticed you took them later on the run with water. I'm asking because Coach P mentioned I should consume more sodium. I believe he recommends 1000 mg/hr, but that seems a lot for me. I've been aiming at 600-750 mg/hr, and so far so good. Also, where do you purchase those edible wafers. I'd like to try it out.
This is what I use to wrap up the cliff bar pieces and blocks
@ Tim- Thanks!!
Any idea where I could find the link to yesterday's talk from Coach P? I clicked on the link SS provided, but when I clicked on it, it said the time had expired, blah, blah, blah. Thx.
Long run done. Starting just before dawn at 6:30 helped a ton, although it means I stopped sweating about 7 minutes ago. Nice 70-degree temps, but thick humidity still made it a sweat-a-thon. Getting closer to executing this crazy negative split thing. 7 mi right on target @8:28, followed by 10.21 mi @7:29. Was able to push low 7's the last couple of miles, but sustained sub-7's (Z3) after 15 miles still eludes me. But I'm OK with that, as today's run was definitely a good one.
Looking forward to tomorrow's swim RR. Hoping for something fast, but not betting on it.
Be safe out there! Three cyclists hit this week within a few miles of my house, all three riding in designated bike lanes, only one survived. Not a good week at all for our big cycling community.
I decide last minute this morning to FINALLY run outside because it is a beautiful day...40 and 12 mph wind.
I plan a route, get dressed and hit the road. Big goofy smile on my face bacause I am running long OUTSIDE!!! Yippee!!
.82 miles...yes, less than 1 mile into this glorious run I am absolutely attacked/charged out of nowhere by the biggest meanest goose I have ever seen! Mouth open, hissing, wings open, CHARGING me!!! I start screaming at the top of my lungs. I retreat into the woods. She chaarges. Repeat 3x. No one hears me? I pick up a stick and wave it... Pissed off goose. More charging, more screaming. This thing is about to take flight right into me and really attack. I hide behind a bench screaming, then start to back up into some random backyard, and next thing I know I'm flat on my back having tripped backwards into a brick lined fire pit that is filled with water. Yep. On my back screaming and soaking...I mean soaking wet...and still waving my stick! Are you even kidding me?? WTH just happened?? I pick myself up, limp home. Goose retreated because she obviously felt sorry for me after I fell into the fire pit. I was not attempting to run 13 more miles soaking wet in 40 degrees and wind with shoes squishing and banged up.
Back home with an ice pack on my new welted up back and a nice hot cup of joe. I guess I'm running this afternoon.
Sorry Annie...couldn't resist...hope your ok.
In a SadoMasochistic kinda way I'm envious of everybody doing their RR/Big Weekend....great work everyone....I'm looking forward to mine next week.
Nailed a 75min Z3/4 ride last nite followed by 3 @ 7:30ish....long run tonite....
I've been dreaming of the bike course...and running through the waterways area....then wakeup when I swallow murky water in the waterway canal...LOL
Wow my back is sore! I think I may just stick to my trusty treadmill this afternoon. We've had a thing going all winter, why stop the fun now?
Need more ibuprofen and coffee...
@Annie - get well soon! Rough day. Those geese can be very aggressive/scary! I have had them try that on me as well. Try to remember that you weigh about 6 times as much as them and you can drop kick them like a football if they need to be reminded occasionally......
@Jeff - I'll be sweating about 56 0z/hr during the run at IMTX..........
SS Draft IMTX Race Plan: http://members.endurancenation.us/F...fault.aspx
RR1 Swim today:http://www.strava.com/activities/128889634
@MR - such a strong long run with the back 10+ holding mid 7s! Will be impossible to count how many you are going to pass during the run come race Day!