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Week 7 of 12 IMTX - The Grind



  • Got my long run in today...14.5miles. Plan on doing an abbreviated RR this weekend. Swim RR tomorrow; 112Bike Saturday + Brick run; Sunday Rest! Really looking forward to Sundayimage
  • RR Brick #1 complete. Bike was abbreviated a bit (6 hours away from home base, but only 5.5 hrs riding). Tough to find a flat route in Northern NJ, so lots of hills and tough to stay aero and keep away from spiking watts -- should be easier in TX. Run afterwards was confidence inspiring. 6 miles @ 8:45 pace really felt like a jog. Used 30" walking breaks to keep the pace low. Will be a different story in the heat of the Woodlands. Compressions tights on now as we await takeoff for a flight to Brussels. Swim+runs for me the next week.

    @annie -- so sorry for your fall, but that story had me in stitches. Even showed it to my wife who had a few laughs herself
  • Uneventful 14.4 mile treadmill run done.

    Why 14.4 you ask? Because 14.4 plus my 1.6 mile goose attack morning run = 16 miles for the day. Take that you goose! image

  • @ Annie- I was cracking up picturing you battling the goose, but in the end when you had to retreat back to the cave all I wanted to do was give you a hug. Glad you were feeling better to get your run in.  It's hard to not call you "Annie the Goose" from now.

    Got my TT swim in this morning.  My mind kept playing tricks on me and had me wondering if I had even turned on my Garmin.  I didn't cave in to look and thought it would be a nice treat to look at my watch at 3,000yds, just when I thought I had lost lap count. I like counting laps (a little old school, I know).  Then this mountain of a guy got in my lane and was causing HUGE waves/ripples throughout.  I tried sticking with it for 300 yds, but when he started breast stoking I was sure he was going to kick me in the ribs.  I had to switch lanes. I had to fuss with my cap a few times mid-stroke as it kept sliding off a little (rookie).   

    In the end... 1:05 for 4,225yds.  I have no idea how that 25 yd bonus got in there, but I'll take it 


    Fri and Sat will be RR's for me, and will probably post on Mon.  

    Keep on rocking it and be safe out there from the gorrillas, geese, and drivers (who are the scariests).  

  • @Linda..... your my new swim draft for IMTX..... didnt know we had a fish in the group.... shoulda figured it out with San Diego.... I still cant open your garmin files I think you have the security/privacy feature selected....

    @Chris .... nice long run.... hearing you on some rest..... keep focused for that longride!

    @SS .... will be reading that race plan later!

    @Mike Roberts ... lucky you with humidity... got some real heat in AZ today93 but zero humidity

    @Annie....sounds like your OK so I will say very "funny" goose story and the timing for me was perfect.... My Goose story just came up last night with my Dad.... In a previous life I was a Painting Contractor, working on some Condo's , there was a Goose on the back deck, I grabbed an empty cardboard box that a Stove had come in , ran around back , cornered him with the box, flipped it up, threw a drop cloth over it, roped it on tight, OH man was he pissed off, threw it in the back of my truck, drove it over to my Dad's house who had a small pond/swamp in front of it, left it in the middle of his driveway , and attached a note to it that said Happy Fathers Day... Yes it was Fathers Day.... When he came home and opened the box it nearly killed him it was so pissed off.... Ended up living with the ducks in the pond for about a month before taking off!

    Finished up BTW Day #4 Today .... 6mile run this am , 50 mile ride up Mt. Lemmon w/ My Heather, Al Truscott, and Dave Tallo , 4mile brick run.....Big Swim only day tomorrow to hopefully set myself up for a good Big Day on Saturday.

  • OMG TIm!!! I am cracking up!!! I can only imagine! Crazy aggressive animals! That made me feel better...image

    Just call me Goose...sort of like Top Gun...you know, Maverick and Goose? Only not nearly as glamorous.

    You all are doing some insane work!!! Wow! Keep it up!

    I hope my RR swim is not affected by my bruised back. May be a pulling set...image
  • Stayed inside away from and geese....

    got in 2hrs...15miles on the TM progressive as 10k @ easy pace 8:30...then 5k @ 8:10....5k @ 7:45 ...final miles @ 7:35....ate it up...yummy

  • Rr#1: complete. But I'm not ready for raceday. Yet.
    I had planned to drive out to a great smooth stretch of road and do out and backs. Flat. Maybe 1200ft of gain for 112 mi. Life intervened and I ended up doing the 55mi loop out my from door twice. Very convenient. But about 3500ft of gain. Ugh. I was not ready for it. 110mi at an IF of .71 took 6:09.
    And it got hot. High of 90 today. Welcome to reality.
    At mile 90 I was cottonmouthed and craving water so I stopped at a convenience store and drank two bottles. I think that the heat and all the sodium got to me. The ride took about 25 min longer than anticipated. Yes it as hot, yes it was windy but I think that Thea hills slowed me down. It was a real grind and when I got home I had already decided that I was not running. I was cooked. After some ice water I was coming around to walking for an hour. Just to finish the workout. Then my wife nudged me out the door and I ran. Target pace was 10min/ mi but I went too fast. The first 3mi were mostly downhill so I rationalized 9:30's because I was descending. I figured that on the way back up I would do 10:30's and it would even out. But I didn't. After mi 4 was still under 10min, I took to taking an extra walk break mid mile to try and slow down. I wonder about this as a strategy. My body wants to shuffle at 9:25 or so and it feels awkward to go slower. I KNOW that going slower will feel quite natural later in the race but if I can't slow down early on, I might just walk more.

    My neck and lower back were feeling it towards the end of the ride. After the disk injury to my neck in January, I am just recently able to look up the road in aero. As a result, my positional fitness needs some work. Luckily, that comes pretty quick.

    I'm glad this one is over. And I am really glad I finished. I have had a number of setbacks in this train up. I may not produce the kind of result that I had originally hoped. That is life. Onward!

    I hope to put in 4 hrs on the bike tomorrow. I need to see what the expectations are for intensity. I'm not sure what kind of legs I will be waking up to tomorrow. We shall see.

    I hope that everyone else had a great Thursday. Thanks for all the support.
  • My job is getting in the way of my training!  Thursdays just suck for me....always a long day at work, have to leave house by 0700, so light breakfast, long run, cool down, shower before 0700 is just not possible.  So, started my long run tonight at 8:45!  I'm a night owl, but this is kinda ridiculous!  But, since I'm a night owl, the long run went fine.  60' Z1 (which is getting harder each week!), 60' Z2 (hard at first then just cruised along), and 15' Z3 (ok....first mile was Z2.5, but last mile was actually a little faster than Z3 for me).  Very happy with it.  Longest run of my life.  Only a couple of blisters so far. 


    Not looking forward to the RR swim tomorrow.  

    Is it time to taper yet?

  • wow jeff. for your longest run ever, you sure made it look easy on paper! You are seting yourself up for a great experience on race day.
  • Lots of big, solid work going on out there.  Time to put our heads down and finish this up.  5 weeks will go by in a flash.

    Did my first ever swim RR this a.m.  After about 800, I wasn't convinced 4k was gonna happen.  Just seems silly to swim for more than an hour straight in a pool.  But it got easier, and the laps seemed to fly by the second half.  Just solid tempo work from start to finish (no time to WU, so no way I was gonna start with a cold sprint and risk pulling something).  Felt I was in 60-minute WS shape going in, which should translate to 1:03 in speedsuit, 1:05 in tri shorts.  Sure enough, with the speedsuit, I was right on target.  Can probably shave a minute or so with the remaining volume weeks, but I'm pretty close to maximizing what I can do in the water.  Which means small time gains at this point will take a lot of effort/energy, so it makes more sense to focus that energy where I can get more ROI (i.e., the run). 

    Distance: 4,225 yd
    Pool Length: 25 yd
    Time: 1:02:57
    Avg Pace: 1:29 min/100 yd
    Calories: 828 C
    Avg Efficiency : 34
    Avg SWOLF : 31
  • MR...Great job.  Man you are fast.  Question....I don't have a 910XT, but I do count SPL all the time.  Your SWOLF of 31, what exactly does that mean? 

    All....Was hoping to do my RR swim in a 50m pool today, but don't think I'll make it before lap swim time ends.  I'm concerned about my ability to keep track of laps/distance in a 25m/25y pool (I have both options available).  I HAVE a 310XT, but I've never swum with it.  Does it have any ability to help me keep track of laps?  I usually just use a timex watch.  I'm a few seconds slower than 1min/50y, so I can usually keep track of where I am based on that....but after 3K yds, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose track.  Any suggestions for how to count (other than pay attention!....)?


  • i don't know about the 310xt, but does your timex have the ability to "lap"? If so, you could hit the lap button every 500y (10min). and keep track that way. Good luck!
  • @JL, depending on the age of your 310xt, I know Garmin added a software update that estimates swim distance based on some combo of GPS and time.  I never tried it.  Instead, I gave my 310xt to my wife for her birthday and bought myself the 910.

    Jimmy's suggestion is a good one.  The most I can confidently count in the water is 500, so either start over every 500 in your head, or push Lap.  You should be able to compare all your laps at the end to see if they're consistent.  If you've got a lap or two that's way over or under, then you'll know you miscounted by 50y/m and can adjust to get a pretty accurate time.

    SWOLF is just swim golf.  Number of strokes + time per length.  Garmin only counts one arm, so my pretty standard 30 translates to 8 right-hand swings and 22 seconds every 25 yards.  The Efficiency number just converts it to 25m.

  • 310 will not work in a lap pool....for laps...that requires and accelerometer....and it wont work inside as a GPS to give you distance.....so the 310 wont do you any good in the pool....




  • Thanks gentlemen.  Will try the lap every 500.  

  • @Jeff Leslie..... before my 910xt which I love BTW for indoor swimming... I used a $20 lap counter you wear on your finger and hit with your thumb...

    something like this

    BTW Day #4 is done.... 5 x 1000yds swim... I count my 1000yds as 30 lengths of my 101' pool so it records 990yds but is really 1010yds , slightly understates my pace and distance.... SO I DO STILL COUNT.... AND I CANT COUNT EITHER..... 1st one was 990 , 2 and 3 were 1056 , 4 and 5 were 990 again....but at least its recorded on the 910xt
  • Swim RR done!!  I also thought to weigh myself before and after swimming.  I lost 2lbs during the swim.  So I've really got to play catchup early on in the bike to get back to pre-swim weight.  What's interesting is that I lost more during the swim/hour than I do on the trainer/hr?

    4225yds 1:07:11 1:35/100yd.- Just swimsuit.  Hope to try it in my swimskin before race to see if I can get any free speed.

    @JL-If I didn't have my 910 or some other lap counter I'd lose count within the first 200.  I can't tell you how many times I've looked at my watch only to learn that I'm off by multiple laps.  It's really sad!  I've seen some people use the lane ropes to count laps.  If there is some extra rope they will slide a ring over every 100, using the lane rope like an abacus.


  • camp ride day 2. This is the part where having some other campers around would be a big help. Took me a little while to get out the door. But I got out there for 4 more hours. 71.5mi IF .696 Pop tarts at the 2hr mark. peanut butter crackers the rest of the way. I am having trouble looking at a gel right now.

  • Well camp day 1 ride and run didn't go exactly as planned. Only thing worse than getting a flat outside on a ride is to get one on the trainer. Such a hassle to take the bike off the trainer and then change my trainer tire. The trainer tire is so much less stretchy and I will admit I'm not the greatest at changing a tire. Pinched the first tube then had to deal with a patched tube since I only had one spare tube (fail!). That was 42 miles in to my ride. Got another 25 miles out of that tube before it went. After 67 miles I decided to bail on the rest of the ride and just start the run. Bike was going well holding .719. Run felt well also. Now off to the bike shop to buy about 20 tubes!
  • @Tom - I feel your pain, but better to make the "pinching tube mistake" in a rehearsal and get it out of the way than have it happen on race day.....if there is a silver lining.

    @ Chris and MR - both great, fast swim RRs!  Right up there with Linda!

    @Jimmy - way to knock out the RR1 and convince yourself to get back on the horse on day 2 and ride another 70+ miles!  Mental 6 pack!

    @Tim - I lost track of how many miles you have biked this week.....not even sure I can count that high!  WTG!

    Rough RR1 for me today.   I have a hard time overcoming the wind - 18 mph sustained wind out the south just grinded on me during the main part of my ride after mile 52 where I turn south and have about 25 miles of tough chip seal........really ate up a lot of TSS and by mile 90 I was in TSS mgmt. mode because I knew I was going to go over and had to pull it back........Still took me about 6 hrs of ride time on that self supported ride so now I am scratching my head.....

    I drank 11 bottles of perform, 3 bonk breakers, 6 Power gels and one Pepsi, two phones call for work......just a rough day.....that's why there's an RR2 I guess.....

    Bike: http://www.strava.com/activities/129232021/overview

    Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/129231952

    Run was in SS (Stupid Slow) mode - feels unnatural to run like that........no issues there.

    We had 81 degrees and about 60% humidity today.  Easy bike tomorrow for me and long run on Sunday.

    Keep moving forward all !





  • RR swim #1 done.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was not difficult.  I'm not going to keep up with Linda, MR, Tim, EB, CK or others I may be forgetting, but I'm pleased that I was able to do it without getting REALLY tired and hopped out of the pool feeling like I could ride 112 miles!  Granted, no washing machine, sighting, cloudy water, chop, etc....  Biggest challenge was keeping track of my yardage!  Not entirely sure I did 4225y, but if not, it was close.  1:16:10.  Tried the new swimskin and it definitely helped 2-3"/100 I'd guess.  Gotta try something different to keep track of the yardage.  Lost track somewhere around 18-20mins and spent the majority of the rest of the time trying to figure it out as I did math in my head between counting strokes!  It was like a swimming-mathematics duathalon.  

    RR#1 tomorrow...in the heat of the day!  

  • awesome long run this morning!

    woke up ~530am and out the door at 615. first hour of 813s consisted of a few laps of the "inner ring" around Hasselt, Belgium in a cool, foggy morning. listened to Patrick's IMTX webinar and switched to music for the 2nd hour of Z2 work

    for this stretch, I headed out of town on some excellent bike paths (they're like bike highways here) along the canals. held 702s for the full hour and was even racing a barge strolling down the canal. saw a big duck on the side of the path and steered clear thinking of Annie's goose story!

    Finished off with 15' of Z1+ (wasn't able to crank it up further after the hour of Z2); best part was getting back to the in-laws ~830am and wife+kids hadn't even woken up yet, so no burned SAUs -- that is, until i crash for a nap this afternoon...

    looking forward to the RR reports coming in later today

  • Thursday - Ran on the trendmill for my Friday run.   http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/3MGDDNPBHXAVNPJZ7GIC655M6I

    Friday - Ran my Thursday long run outside.  I brought water with me but ran out towards the end.  I was expecting to refill at one of the water hydrants on the trail, but they're still not turned on yet.  Ran out of juice towards the end.  http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/KJEI4GCGI3PV3SG2MQ2IO5X27E

    @Jeff - Thanks for the hydration test feedback.


  • @JL - The RR swims seem pretty easy (if boring) compared to the swim workouts! And if you can find a little personal space on race day you might be surprised at how much free draft you get from the 3000 other swimmers.
  • Forgot to mention that I weighed myself before and after RR swim yesterday....lost 2.6lbs!  That's at least 40oz fluid.  This was in an indoor heated pool (a little warmer than most lap pools) in my swimskin.  So, wetsuit use at IMTX would definitely require some "make up" fluids early in the bike.  Planning to not wear wetsuit unless it's wetsuit legal, and then probably would go sleeveless.  

  • RR done. Not as much fun as I thought it would be, but not bad. Started by leaving my aero bottle at home, so cage drinking all day. At Mile 1.3, flat. Rear wheel, of course. At around 40, Quarq battery crapped out. Swapped it, hard calibrate, back on the road. But for the next 40-50, the PM was all over the place. Lots of zero readings, which destroyed NP. After countless moving calibrations, it finally got it together for the last 10. My early and late laps were in the 178-182 NP range, so I probably held 180 or so. Which is 70% IF. Got the 112 done right at 5:20. Still lots of Spring Break beach traffic, so I probably got stopped at 40 lights. I figure, with no stops and aero wheels + helmet in TX, I should be able to shave that time down to my race day goal of 4:42. image

    Nutrition and hydration OK, if not a little light. It was warm (82), pretty humid and really windy (17.5 into it, 23.5 with it). Second half of the run was with the wind, and it got a little furnace-like. Hope the TX conditions aren't anything like this.

    Now I'm going to drive around until I find the first all-you-can-eat buffet I see and belly up there for the afternoon.
  • nice ride MR! RRs are tough from a logistical standpoint to me. Much easier to ride on a closed course with people handing drinks to me!
  • Ugh...wasted the first beautiful weekend day of the year....had to cut short my planned 3.5 hour ride due to flats & mechanicals....still pleased to get in 2.5/50miles...and will get in more tommorrow...my RR's next weekend....some great stuff going on with y'all!...WTG

  • EB got to have fun and race today. I'm quite jealous. A very solid 5:25 HIM, strong in all three (36, 2:43 and 1:56). Can't wait to hear her try to explain her 4-minute penalty to the group. Regardless, very nice work, Emily! Back to work on Monday.
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