okay so now onto wedding talk!! cutout of Leigh! very cute. m (doing housework here while keepin an eye on rudy, bandage off but strict orders for him NOT to lick his wounds!! so I am housebound and he is outside sunning!! while I am inside working! but he at least is chilled with painpill and not bothering his leg..! we go in one more time.. so he still can't run or romp only potty breaks ... I did no tng today as I had too little time before vet... and hadn't planned better.
@Olivia - good luck with the new job... and everything else. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate and your friend has a lot on her plate.... I am often one to be "accused" of being short in an email and often have my emails misconstrued only to find out later people think I'm mean or mad or whatever... which usually is not the case... but in the email era, face to face (or even phone calls) are becoming so infrequent no one ever really bothers to ask... things just fester (well, for other people, I'm a type A OCD, ENTJ, so I go right up and ask someone WTF) ... so, I'd say, clear the air if you're worried about what she's thinking.
@Leigh - that's awesome. I definitely need friends/family like that!
@Marianne - hope the son is okay... hope Rudy is okay
Hmm... I can't remember who's sign off it was, but I liked the "take care of your parts and your hearts!"
Almost done with my work day... and looking forward to my 5x30/30s followed by a jog. Well, as much as anyone can look forward to kicking her own tush. I will say I'm glad I'm stuck on the drainer this week, it's darn hot out!
Hi Ladies! I hope everyone is doing well! Kitima, so glad you're feeling 100% again! Olivia, good luck with your new job and all else that is going on in your life right now! M, I hope poor Rudy gets better soon! I got some mojo back last night and got on the trainer in the p.m., since I slept in yesterday morning. We had beautiful weather about a week ago...60's and 70's. Then last weekend and thus far this week...rain. But, did the trainer and was glad for it afterwards. Got up this a.m. and did my run workout on the dreadmill. Have a pretty hilly 10 miler coming up in a week and a half, but have only run 7 miles for my longest run. Wondering if I should attempt it or better not to. I'm doing the Indy Mini on May 1st. Any comments? I'd really like to do the race, but don't want to crap out...
@Olivia- I too bent over backwards to be at every wedding I was invited to attend. I was still very broke and usually could not also afford a gift, or at least a nice gift. The brides were totally stressed out for months ahead of time. I usually had an OK time. But I would have preferred to skip many of them. I am not coming across well, but I would not get twisted about your friend. As far as trying to clear the air- just be prepared if it doesn't turn out the way you'd like. Good luck with the new position.
Olivia -- and everyone. Come to Chicago. We will eat.
Weddings? One of my college friends refers to weddings as the friend tax. And they come in all different flavors. But the people I love? I always seem to have a great time at their weddings.
Leigh -- fantastic story! Do you have these pics in digital format?
And Mad Men is definitely good for ankles. If I were Joan, I could eat so much more ice cream. And look really, really fabulous.
I failed at run today due to lack of appropriate clothing. At the beginning of the week, I put shorts in the work/running at lunchtime gym bag. I checked the weather at lunch and it was 38! Way too cold for naked knees. Way too cold! Easy to make up tomorrow, but I missed my run! There is just something about running on Thursdays that I especially adore.
Here is my once a week post. Hope everyone is getting a taste of Spring.
I have enjoyed everyone's thoughts/perspectives on children. They ALL are good. Su and I are seriously exploring the parenting choice. I am a bit slower to get on board, simply because of my age. However, I do think we would be good parents and what an experience it will be. One can only do so many IMs, right?
Gina, I'm just about to take the plunge, despite my (advanced) age. My partner and I are expecting a baby in August. She did two IMs (including Silverman--crazy!) and then decided she was ready to try to get pregnant. I'm only mildly terrified at the thought of being an almost 50-something new mom. At other times, I'm very excited at the thought of bringing a new life into the world.
Colleen that is amazing news! I'm sure you do go through mixtures of emotions: excitement one minute, freaking out the next. That's got to be part of the whole journey. Congratulations!
Excellent points re: old friends' weddings. I'm thinking I need to try to make it. To Kit's point...going even if I don't want to. I will see what works. I reread my note to her and realized that in no place did I actually say I wasn't coming. She totally made an assumption. I did write back to tell her that I'm waiting to see what makes sense based on my work stuff, and clarified that I didn't say I was totally out. Maybe I will try to get her on the phone.
Interesting stories on kids and families. We wanted two more kids but I ended up with cancer and we have two wonderful if sometimes challenging daughters.
Marianne, glad to hear Rudy is on the mend.
Weddings, kids, dogs.....I'm so behind!
Girls, I'm gonna be suffering on Sunday, April 18 in New Orleans. I feel confident on finishing the swim, confident to finish the bike but I have completely neglected working on my run. Next year, remind me that I do NOT need to sign up for a big race in April. January and February are too dark and depressing for me and I don't train. OK....enough whining...there will be no PQ on this race.
Hang in there Sheryl! I'll keep your thoughts in mind when thinking about my 2011 season - although I haven't started by 2010 season yet I am starting to consider a 2nd IM (which is insane since I haven't done my first yet).
I hope everyone has a great Friday! I'm happy that I hit all my workouts and they went well this past week...definitely nervous about my first double digit run this weekend (10 mile race)... but I'm not gonna try to hit a time, just do my set run workout and add a bit more time at the end. I'm definitely worried about my first HIM in June...but trying to trust the system and have some faith that I'll be ready with a few more weeks of OS and 4-6 weeks of HIM prep...
You'll be fine Becky! I'm frankly shocked at the fitness I developed through the OS this year and the extent to which it has carried over even despite several weeks of reduced training due to mental and/or physical fatigue and injury. For example, I've jumped right into 2.5-3 hour rides with absolutely no problem. Last year it was excruciatingly difficult for me to develop the endurance to ride over 2 hours (and I even did the OS last year!). This year I just hopped on the bike and have been cranking out 75 mile weekends with ease. My run training has really suffered due to the ankle issue but I did 10 miles last night and am not even sore today. So - trust the short stuff you're doing now and have faith that you'll be well set once HIM race prep comes around.
Becky, Suzanne is right! You become fitter than you realize during the OS, which makes for an easy transition into a half IM plan. This is my first season with EN. I did the entire 20 weeks of October OS, took a week off (and I do mean OFF), and jumped into week 5 of a 12 week half IM plan with no problems! The sudden volume jump was a little tough mentally but physically was no big deal. I had done no rides in the OS longer than 90 minutes (and very few that long) indoors and had a fantastic first 3 hour outdoor ride, and the rest have been great, too. I feel completely ready for my half April 25, and my RR tomorrow should help me iron out any details.
You may want to complete that first IM before thinking about a second. Some people love it and can't wait to sign up for another. For me, my first IM left me completely burnt out, and it has taken my several years to want to do another one.
Sheryl, you are doing to do fine in NOLA! Even if you have to walk a lot of the marathon, it's ok. We are all in this for fun, right?
Colleen, congratulations! Best wishes to your family!
Olivia, how did RR #2 go? You are totally ready to rock!
and S + Kristen: And thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm definitely working hard, just not used to so little volume (not that I could have done volume with the crazy 6 months I've had) so I'm a bit out of my element here ...
Speaking of volume for anyone sort of in the DC/MD/VA area (and doing Eagleman or just a nice uninterrupted long ride), I'm thinking of shooting for a Cambridge trek one of this weekends if you're game (maybe next Sunday) - since my OS says the outdoor option should be 3 hours - well, heck, that's a loop of the EM course and staying in aero isn't too bad for my paw - it's the shifting the big ring (on the road bike) that's more of a problem. Heck, why not make my debut outdoor ride a big one!
@Suzanne: comparing your OS from last year (which, I might add, definitely set you up for an amazing season) to this year, do you think the powermeter made a huge difference? Seriously, I might start saving for one... I need new race wheels this year (thanks to the crash and the chip in my spynergy)... but next year that could be my present to myself...
other ladies' thoughts on power meters? I wish I had one to track progress but I'm definitely working my tush off with hitting my HR zones since that's all I can do.
@Kristen - yeah, I have no idea what I'm gonna feel like after IMFL - I just wish these things didn't fill up so fast so I could have some time to think... if I do one (still an if), I'm thinking IMMooooo - the timing is good for what I think I want to do next year. Does that one fill up super fast, are there community spots or do they go right away, too?
Yep, a whole 10! Plus a mile at the PT yesterday morning. It looks like the solution is orthotics - for some reason my ankle is collapsing inward. Yesterday they taped the arch and that definitely worked - I ran all 10 with no pain. That result means that I probably need a more supportive orthotic than what I have right now (the pink Superfeet). Anyone else use these?
Re: the PM. I really like it and I do feel like it makes me work harder than training with HR. That said, I certainly got a LOT out of last year's training without one. I would train this year with EN and if you really like us and can see continuing to train and race long distance then go for it. (I got mine used off Ebay) Also, why do you need race wheels? Read around the forums a bit on the Haus's feelings about them and how to get the most bang for your buck, equipment wise.
thanks, Suzuki - good thought re: race wheels. I've got a disk wheel thanks to my cuz (his new TT has 700 wheels and the Felt needs 650s) but I was thinking I'd replace the spynergies with zipps... so glad you're getting the ankle thing figured out. Hmm... you should talk to Sunae (my running club friend) - it sounds like she's got a sort of similar issue. She likes the Vibrams - wore something similar before recently getting a pair...
anyway, ladies - something occurred to me - to bring back up the wedding/marriage/kids/crummy dating as a 30+something -- one of my very best friends here and I would often have very long talks about our respective dating predicaments. We did speed dating together. We both tried our hands at match and eHarmony... and would laugh at the crummy dates, etc... When she was 39 she met (through a mutual friend, not the internet) the man she married this past October... close to turning 41. They hope to have kids, if that's in the cards. Anyway, we recently had dinner and I was talking to her about my feelings/worries/fears/doubts etc about Dan (I mean, how do I know if it's right)... she said something that stuck. Apparently Bob said it to her. Basically not every day/date is going to be magical... a birthday/holiday, wine, roses and romance... what's important, what's real are the Tuesdays in February. Is the person you're with someone who you can (and want to) get through the day-to-day ins and outs of life with... paying bills, cleaning the toilet... Food for thought.
@Becky--the lady of PMs and dating and husbands. Easy one first. Seriously, ask Rich his opinion on what to buy first Email him if you have to. He will make a great case for flopping those purchases--PM first, race wheels a diiiiiissssstant second. He'd rather have us on a Kmart bike with a PM, than a Cervelo P4 and race wheels. I exaggerate--but not much. Until you train/race with a PM it's hard to explain, but wyou will get soooooo much more out of yourself and your performance if you get a PM. Gentle nudging.
"Tuesdays in February"....that's brilliant. And on that Tuesday the man is shoveling, cleaning off cars, jump starting dead batteries, and helping to take care of you and yours in those ways. Yup, those guys there for you day in and day out--solid as a rock. I'll be married to one of those rocks for 29 years in June. Was I 100% sure when we married? How can you be? I mean no one can see into the future. But in the end, I'd do it again. Just trust your feelings.
Pouring rain here--AGAIN! Everything is still so sopped. Indoors again this weekend. Boooo. Have a great one errbody!
Hope everyone is healing up on the injury front. Sounds frustrating and very glad you weren't clipped by a car Marianne!
Survey time....wear the H20 shuffle case on the swim or no? I need to wear ear plugs anyway because I've been having some ear issues with swimming so I figure I can listen to my tunes and add the swimming rabbit song from Nemo!!!
Oh...and can someone coach me on what I need to do to post pic's and updates while racing? My husband will update it.
no don't wear music in a race, normally you can't wear ipod on run so can't imagine you can on a swim, plus you want all five senses working for you. my 2 cents. I wear the Mac waxy plugs from Walmart.. thnks that is what they are called.
on racing, not sure if NOLA does live updates??? gosh I was there last year and can't remember. off the top of my head,if he tweets he could tweet it to EN with #workworks at the end and you can do pics as well. just thinking aloud here. Nemo??
Sunday here.... and I drinking coffee. yes glad to be not clipped by a car!! wow. puts my life in perspective as I sit here this morning. What if I had been clipped by a car? what would I be doing this morning or yesterday or tomorrow? and I am anxious cuz I can't run more than a few miles!! I need to stop worrying, and thank God right now.. for what I have!! Thanks for the reminder!
I have been gardening, flowers and seeds and I must say it all looks so nice and neat (before the summer heat!) but I hope they will make it as they are all "heat tolerant" we will find out in our yard!! no shade. and yes Gina, I have a little flower bed off to the edge that I put one tomato and one squash! will look for more but Krogers had those!!! oh and this month's family circle had a salmon recipe with bok choy! I have never had bok choy!! but thought of you Gina. Anybody else planting??? oh and I have a very old black wrought iron table with four chairs, but since I don't have nother one... it stays!! and from Walmart bought 4 brick red striped seat cushions for it! wow, what a difference. will have to post a pic sometime... so I have fourteen hanging red geraniums, then standing pots with red/white petunias and then this table with the four cushions!! and the view at evening is right at the sunset (if only there were no houses!)..and morning coffee can now be sat outside in comfort. told DH that I was providing him a restful spot in the mornings. he is in an out with travel and he was quite pleased to sit out there with coffee (and a blanket) to look out over the pond.
rudy? well I was calling him porkchop as he was licking his leg and the sores were yucko!! three weeks of this!!! no shower for him either, his system is messed up with lack of running as far as potttying! he is such a runner, and morning is his time!! and his sitting,standing is out of whack too as his paw hurts, so overall, ??? oh yeah and college son wanted him this weekend for a visit and I said uh uh, he isn't healed and i have to watch him carefully...I have $800 invested in his vet bills and no set backs!!!
Yesterday afternoon, I was cleaning out my garage and came across some old magazines was about to toss them in the box for Goodwill but got this bright idea and yes staged the shot!! "if you can't run, you can read about it!".... Rudy is pondering his return to running! I believe Runners' World for dogs would have subtitles like "How to catch the bird on the first try", "When not to drink from the pond", "How to get your human runner to speed up", "new tactics for being taken out for a walk", "what humans really don't want you to chew" "Top Ten things that will get you in trouble", and "top Ten things to get you out of trouble and outside running!"
Sheryl: Enjoy NOLA...really, we're grown women who get to splash around, ride our bikes, and run with our friends like we were at summer camp in 5th grade. Life doesn't get more blessed and beautiful than that!
Becky: Tues in Feb...I like it.
I had a lovely trail run this morning with Nathalie. It was good for me to chase her up those hills. Which got me to thinking about IM training...While I am so excited to hang out with all my EN gal pals this Sept at IMMoo, the thought of doing ABP rides all summer is just not appealing at all right now. Frankly, I'd rather be riding my mountain bike or trail running. In the winter, I'd rather be skate skiing or snow shoeing--not on the trainer stairing at my PM. In the fall, I'd rather be racing cyclocross. I wanna go to Botswana next summer! It's so HARD being me, isn't it?! Hahahaha! Of course, I know after I go to an EN rally I'll be signing up for some silly IM next year. I'm not sure what the point of this whining is, besides Kitima wants to do more things than she has time for! Ha!
Hi Ladies! Happy Sunday! I too, am drinking coffee, and loving the down time this morning. Waiting for the weather to warm up a bit, before going out for a semi-long ride (for this time of year) with my friend Debra. Was supposed to ride yesterday, per my week 2 IM training, but did a 7 mile run instead. Have a 10 mile race next Sat. and Indy Mini coming up. So, I'm kind of tweaking my plan until I get official suggestions. Still have piriformis/hip crap going on. I'm rollering and stretching, but must get back to acupuncture and myofacial massage. To say that I have a sore @$$ is an understatement! M, gotta love your pics of Rudy! And your article ideas for dogs is so funny! I know how he feels...when I'm injured, I live vicariously through Runners World, Marathon and Beyond, and Triathlete! Kitima, I can SO relate to your statements about all the things you want to do! There isn't enough time for all of the cool things we want to do in our Endurance lifestyles! I want to someday do the Marathon de Sables in Moracco, and the marthon in Antarctica! When the heck will I have time for those, while I'm doing IM??? LOL! Thank God we have our fitness and the ability to do these things. I am so grateful everyday, that I can lace up my shoes and run, hop on my bike and pedal, and get in a pool or lake and swim! I am glad that I live minutes from the Indiana Dunes, where I love to run the trails, the sand dunes, and can swim in Lake Michigan. (Although the lake is WAAAAYYY too cold for swimming right now!!!) I am envious of all you ladies going to Cowgirl Camp! Want sooo much to be there. But I made a committment to my tri buddy to do Muncie with her if that was her desire, and it is. So, I'll be doing Muncie while you are all in WI. I'll be there with you in spirit! That will give me something to think about while I"m racing...pushing myself with the EN ladies! If any of you get into the Chicago area this spring or summer, to visit Beth, or whatever, let me know! I'm only 60 min. away from Chicago! Would love to get together for dinner or lunch or a run! Well, better help SO with shoveling some bark, before I go to get a new sports bra....!!!
Suzanne - - Glad to hear about your running. I have orhotics in my running shoes and use the blue superfeet in the cycling shoes. Do you use the magic Prostretch?
Marianne - Salmon and bok choy sounds delicious. I love steamed baby bok choy. Microwave. Tiny bit of water. A little olive oil at the end. Delicious.
Sheryl - Nope to headphones on the swim. With all the company, I think to know what is going on around me.
Kitima - All those rides. Yeah. I'm so looking forward to a IMWI training thread of accountability for those. I know when I start doing them, I love them. Why is it that bike rides get more awesome after the first hour?
It is so cool to read everyone's race reports and race rehearsals this weekend. The season is beginning!
This was my first week of the super-sized OS. That, with a week of super-sized work and super-sized social life is making me look forward to low-keyness.
@M: what a cute photo. I think you should write that article and submit it to Runners World with the picture. I'm sure dog owners would love it!
@Linda - sending an email to the coaches is a good idea - but I hear you loud and clear re: the PM over race wheels... thanks for the advice. And 29 years? That's awesome...
I did my first double digit run since October today and it went well. The weather cooperated which helped and I had a running partner for the race who was happy to chat it up with me - and tolerated my beeping watch (I set my day's workout and figured I'd have about 3 extra miles to just run). The group of us went to brunch and now I'm contemplating an afternoon swim before a cookout... I didn't swim last weekend b/c of Easter. I suppose I could go tomorrow but I like the thought of having a day off.
Beth - Yeah, I wear the blue ones in my cycling shoes too. What's that pro stretch thingy?
Had a great cycling weekend in terms of weather and miles. The Adamo is giving me a bit of grief, but only on the right side. It was really, really tender on Saturday's ride. I got home and realized that the padding on that side was ever so slightly higher than the left side, almost as if the left side has been squished down a little more. I bought the saddle used off of Beth, so now is the point where one would insert a joke about Beth's lady parts being lopsided. Just kidding. This morning I took the saddle off and tried to bend the rails to compensate and that seems to have worked, I think. I have to ride a bit and wait for the right side bruising to calm down before I can tell if it made an appreciable difference.
Found out today that my uncle died yesterday (he's been sick a long time but it is still a surprise). Heading to Boston later this week for the services, so the theme of this week's training will be "It Is What It Is". I really want to get in another long run so will probably bag the mid-week run - which will make my right side lady parts pretty happy, so there ya go!
Becky, glad you had a great Cherry Blossom!
Linda, what did I see on FB about you tipping over? Oops. I did that last year at a red light in front of a huge cycling team. I don't know what happened, I just shifted my weight slightly and down I went. DOH! So embarrassing...
Suzanne -- that's hilarious. Let the ass-slapping men know that the ladies are not above crude locker room talk, too.
Prostretch: My podiatrist loooves this thing. He may be the reigning cheerleader of stretch your calves and hamstrings like it is your job. Tight calves and hammies seem to cause all sorts of foot bad. Totally worth the $29.99. Totally.
@Olivia - good luck with the new job... and everything else. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate and your friend has a lot on her plate.... I am often one to be "accused" of being short in an email and often have my emails misconstrued only to find out later people think I'm mean or mad or whatever... which usually is not the case... but in the email era, face to face (or even phone calls) are becoming so infrequent no one ever really bothers to ask... things just fester (well, for other people, I'm a type A OCD, ENTJ, so I go right up and ask someone WTF) ... so, I'd say, clear the air if you're worried about what she's thinking.
@Leigh - that's awesome. I definitely need friends/family like that!
@Marianne - hope the son is okay... hope Rudy is okay
Hmm... I can't remember who's sign off it was, but I liked the "take care of your parts and your hearts!"
Almost done with my work day... and looking forward to my 5x30/30s followed by a jog. Well, as much as anyone can look forward to kicking her own tush. I will say I'm glad I'm stuck on the drainer this week, it's darn hot out!
I got some mojo back last night and got on the trainer in the p.m., since I slept in yesterday morning. We had beautiful weather about a week ago...60's and 70's. Then last weekend and thus far this week...rain. But, did the trainer and was glad for it afterwards. Got up this a.m. and did my run workout on the dreadmill.
Have a pretty hilly 10 miler coming up in a week and a half, but have only run 7 miles for my longest run. Wondering if I should attempt it or better not to. I'm doing the Indy Mini on May 1st. Any comments? I'd really like to do the race, but don't want to crap out...
@Leigh- now that is laid back and funny.
@Marianne- glad Rudy is on the mend, poor boy. Hope your son continues to feel better.
I am resting more than training these few days. Needed it.
Weddings? One of my college friends refers to weddings as the friend tax. And they come in all different flavors. But the people I love? I always seem to have a great time at their weddings.
Leigh -- fantastic story! Do you have these pics in digital format?
And Mad Men is definitely good for ankles. If I were Joan, I could eat so much more ice cream. And look really, really fabulous.
I failed at run today due to lack of appropriate clothing. At the beginning of the week, I put shorts in the work/running at lunchtime gym bag. I checked the weather at lunch and it was 38! Way too cold for naked knees. Way too cold! Easy to make up tomorrow, but I missed my run! There is just something about running on Thursdays that I especially adore.
Simply wonderful, Colleen. Congratulations to you both!!!
Congrats Colleen!! That is simply awesome!!
Excellent points re: old friends' weddings. I'm thinking I need to try to make it. To Kit's point...going even if I don't want to. I will see what works. I reread my note to her and realized that in no place did I actually say I wasn't coming. She totally made an assumption. I did write back to tell her that I'm waiting to see what makes sense based on my work stuff, and clarified that I didn't say I was totally out. Maybe I will try to get her on the phone.
Race Sim #2 kicks off with swim tomorrow AM...
Interesting stories on kids and families. We wanted two more kids but I ended up with cancer and we have two wonderful if sometimes challenging daughters.
Marianne, glad to hear Rudy is on the mend.
Weddings, kids, dogs.....I'm so behind!
Girls, I'm gonna be suffering on Sunday, April 18 in New Orleans. I feel confident on finishing the swim, confident to finish the bike but I have completely neglected working on my run. Next year, remind me that I do NOT need to sign up for a big race in April. January and February are too dark and depressing for me and I don't train. OK....enough whining...there will be no PQ on this race.
Hopefully, my husband can tweet the progress.
Congrats, Colleen - how wonderful!
Hang in there Sheryl! I'll keep your thoughts in mind when thinking about my 2011 season - although I haven't started by 2010 season yet I am starting to consider a 2nd IM (which is insane since I haven't done my first yet).
I hope everyone has a great Friday! I'm happy that I hit all my workouts and they went well this past week...definitely nervous about my first double digit run this weekend (10 mile race)... but I'm not gonna try to hit a time, just do my set run workout and add a bit more time at the end. I'm definitely worried about my first HIM in June...but trying to trust the system and have some faith that I'll be ready with a few more weeks of OS and 4-6 weeks of HIM prep...
Becky, Suzanne is right! You become fitter than you realize during the OS, which makes for an easy transition into a half IM plan. This is my first season with EN. I did the entire 20 weeks
of October OS, took a week off (and I do mean OFF), and jumped into week 5 of a 12 week half IM plan with no problems! The sudden volume jump was a little tough mentally but physically was no big deal. I had done no rides in the OS longer than 90 minutes (and very few that long) indoors and had a fantastic first 3 hour outdoor ride, and the rest have been great, too. I feel completely ready for my half April 25, and my RR tomorrow should help me iron out any details.
You may want to complete that first IM before thinking about a second. Some people love it and can't wait to sign up for another. For me, my first IM left me completely burnt out, and it has taken my several years to want to do another one.
Sheryl, you are doing to do fine in NOLA! Even if you have to walk a lot of the marathon, it's ok. We are all in this for fun, right?
Colleen, congratulations! Best wishes to your family!
Olivia, how did RR #2 go? You are totally ready to rock!
To all, have a wonderful weekend!
@Suzanne -- 10 miles?! That's great news!
and S + Kristen: And thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm definitely working hard, just not used to so little volume (not that I could have done volume with the crazy 6 months I've had) so I'm a bit out of my element here ...
Speaking of volume for anyone sort of in the DC/MD/VA area (and doing Eagleman or just a nice uninterrupted long ride), I'm thinking of shooting for a Cambridge trek one of this weekends if you're game (maybe next Sunday) - since my OS says the outdoor option should be 3 hours - well, heck, that's a loop of the EM course and staying in aero isn't too bad for my paw - it's the shifting the big ring (on the road bike) that's more of a problem. Heck, why not make my debut outdoor ride a big one!
@Suzanne: comparing your OS from last year (which, I might add, definitely set you up for an amazing season) to this year, do you think the powermeter made a huge difference? Seriously, I might start saving for one... I need new race wheels this year (thanks to the crash and the chip in my spynergy)... but next year that could be my present to myself...
other ladies' thoughts on power meters? I wish I had one to track progress but I'm definitely working my tush off with hitting my HR zones since that's all I can do.
@Kristen - yeah, I have no idea what I'm gonna feel like after IMFL - I just wish these things didn't fill up so fast so I could have some time to think... if I do one (still an if), I'm thinking IMMooooo - the timing is good for what I think I want to do next year. Does that one fill up super fast, are there community spots or do they go right away, too?
Re: the PM. I really like it and I do feel like it makes me work harder than training with HR. That said, I certainly got a LOT out of last year's training without one. I would train this year with EN and if you really like us and can see continuing to train and race long distance then go for it. (I got mine used off Ebay) Also, why do you need race wheels? Read around the forums a bit on the Haus's feelings about them and how to get the most bang for your buck, equipment wise.
anyway, ladies - something occurred to me - to bring back up the wedding/marriage/kids/crummy dating as a 30+something -- one of my very best friends here and I would often have very long talks about our respective dating predicaments. We did speed dating together. We both tried our hands at match and eHarmony... and would laugh at the crummy dates, etc... When she was 39 she met (through a mutual friend, not the internet) the man she married this past October... close to turning 41. They hope to have kids, if that's in the cards. Anyway, we recently had dinner and I was talking to her about my feelings/worries/fears/doubts etc about Dan (I mean, how do I know if it's right)... she said something that stuck. Apparently Bob said it to her. Basically not every day/date is going to be magical... a birthday/holiday, wine, roses and romance... what's important, what's real are the Tuesdays in February. Is the person you're with someone who you can (and want to) get through the day-to-day ins and outs of life with... paying bills, cleaning the toilet... Food for thought.
@Becky--the lady of PMs and dating and husbands.
Easy one first. Seriously, ask Rich his opinion on what to buy first Email him if you have to. He will make a great case for flopping those purchases--PM first, race wheels a diiiiiissssstant second. He'd rather have us on a Kmart bike with a PM, than a Cervelo P4 and race wheels. I exaggerate--but not much.
Until you train/race with a PM it's hard to explain, but wyou will get soooooo much more out of yourself and your performance if you get a PM. Gentle nudging.
"Tuesdays in February"....that's brilliant. And on that Tuesday the man is shoveling, cleaning off cars, jump starting dead batteries, and helping to take care of you and yours in those ways. Yup, those guys there for you day in and day out--solid as a rock. I'll be married to one of those rocks for 29 years in June. Was I 100% sure when we married? How can you be? I mean no one can see into the future. But in the end, I'd do it again. Just trust your feelings.
Pouring rain here--AGAIN! Everything is still so sopped. Indoors again this weekend. Boooo. Have a great one errbody!
Hope everyone is healing up on the injury front. Sounds frustrating and very glad you weren't clipped by a car Marianne!
Survey time....wear the H20 shuffle case on the swim or no? I need to wear ear plugs anyway because I've been having some ear issues with swimming so I figure I can listen to my tunes and add the swimming rabbit song from Nemo!!!
Oh...and can someone coach me on what I need to do to post pic's and updates while racing? My husband will update it.
Looking forward to a great trip!
no don't wear music in a race, normally you can't wear ipod on run so can't imagine you can on a swim, plus you want all five senses working for you. my 2 cents. I wear the Mac waxy plugs from Walmart.. thnks that is what they are called.
on racing, not sure if NOLA does live updates??? gosh I was there last year and can't remember. off the top of my head,if he tweets he could tweet it to EN with #workworks at the end and you can do pics as well. just thinking aloud here. Nemo??
Sunday here.... and I drinking coffee. yes glad to be not clipped by a car!! wow. puts my life in perspective as I sit here this morning. What if I had been clipped by a car? what would I be doing this morning or yesterday or tomorrow? and I am anxious cuz I can't run more than a few miles!! I need to stop worrying, and thank God right now.. for what I have!! Thanks for the reminder!
I have been gardening, flowers and seeds and I must say it all looks so nice and neat (before the summer heat!) but I hope they will make it as they are all "heat tolerant" we will find out in our yard!! no shade. and yes Gina, I have a little flower bed off to the edge that I put one tomato and one squash! will look for more but Krogers had those!!! oh and this month's family circle had a salmon recipe with bok choy! I have never had bok choy!! but thought of you Gina. Anybody else planting??? oh and I have a very old black wrought iron table with four chairs, but since I don't have nother one... it stays!! and from Walmart bought 4 brick red striped seat cushions for it! wow, what a difference. will have to post a pic sometime... so I have fourteen hanging red geraniums, then standing pots with red/white petunias and then this table with the four cushions!! and the view at evening is right at the sunset (if only there were no houses!)..and morning coffee can now be sat outside in comfort. told DH that I was providing him a restful spot in the mornings. he is in an out with travel and he was quite pleased to sit out there with coffee (and a blanket) to look out over the pond.
rudy? well I was calling him porkchop as he was licking his leg and the sores were yucko!! three weeks of this!!! no shower for him either, his system is messed up with lack of running as far as potttying! he is such a runner, and morning is his time!! and his sitting,standing is out of whack too as his paw hurts, so overall, ??? oh yeah and college son wanted him this weekend for a visit and I said uh uh, he isn't healed and i have to watch him carefully...I have $800 invested in his vet bills and no set backs!!!
Yesterday afternoon, I was cleaning out my garage and came across some old magazines was about to toss them in the box for Goodwill but got this bright idea and yes staged the shot!! "if you can't run, you can read about it!".... Rudy is pondering his return to running! I believe Runners' World for dogs would have subtitles like "How to catch the bird on the first try", "When not to drink from the pond", "How to get your human runner to speed up", "new tactics for being taken out for a walk", "what humans really don't want you to chew" "Top Ten things that will get you in trouble", and "top Ten things to get you out of trouble and outside running!"
Suzanne: Good to hear your run is BACK!
Sheryl: Enjoy NOLA...really, we're grown women who get to splash around, ride our bikes, and run with our friends like we were at summer camp in 5th grade. Life doesn't get more blessed and beautiful than that!
Becky: Tues in Feb...I like it.
I had a lovely trail run this morning with Nathalie. It was good for me to chase her up those hills. Which got me to thinking about IM training...While I am so excited to hang out with all my EN gal pals this Sept at IMMoo, the thought of doing ABP rides all summer is just not appealing at all right now. Frankly, I'd rather be riding my mountain bike or trail running. In the winter, I'd rather be skate skiing or snow shoeing--not on the trainer stairing at my PM. In the fall, I'd rather be racing cyclocross. I wanna go to Botswana next summer! It's so HARD being me, isn't it?! Hahahaha! Of course, I know after I go to an EN rally I'll be signing up for some silly IM next year. I'm not sure what the point of this whining is, besides Kitima wants to do more things than she has time for! Ha!
M, gotta love your pics of Rudy! And your article ideas for dogs is so funny! I know how he feels...when I'm injured, I live vicariously through Runners World, Marathon and Beyond, and Triathlete!
Kitima, I can SO relate to your statements about all the things you want to do! There isn't enough time for all of the cool things we want to do in our Endurance lifestyles! I want to someday do the Marathon de Sables in Moracco, and the marthon in Antarctica! When the heck will I have time for those, while I'm doing IM??? LOL! Thank God we have our fitness and the ability to do these things. I am so grateful everyday, that I can lace up my shoes and run, hop on my bike and pedal, and get in a pool or lake and swim! I am glad that I live minutes from the Indiana Dunes, where I love to run the trails, the sand dunes, and can swim in Lake Michigan. (Although the lake is WAAAAYYY too cold for swimming right now!!!)
I am envious of all you ladies going to Cowgirl Camp! Want sooo much to be there. But I made a committment to my tri buddy to do Muncie with her if that was her desire, and it is. So, I'll be doing Muncie while you are all in WI. I'll be there with you in spirit! That will give me something to think about while I"m racing...pushing myself with the EN ladies! If any of you get into the Chicago area this spring or summer, to visit Beth, or whatever, let me know! I'm only 60 min. away from Chicago! Would love to get together for dinner or lunch or a run!
Well, better help SO with shoveling some bark, before I go to get a new sports bra....!!!
Colleen - Big congratulatons!
Suzanne - - Glad to hear about your running. I have orhotics in my running shoes and use the blue superfeet in the cycling shoes. Do you use the magic Prostretch?
Marianne - Salmon and bok choy sounds delicious. I love steamed baby bok choy. Microwave. Tiny bit of water. A little olive oil at the end. Delicious.
Sheryl - Nope to headphones on the swim. With all the company, I think to know what is going on around me.
Kitima - All those rides. Yeah. I'm so looking forward to a IMWI training thread of accountability for those. I know when I start doing them, I love them. Why is it that bike rides get more awesome after the first hour?
It is so cool to read everyone's race reports and race rehearsals this weekend. The season is beginning!
This was my first week of the super-sized OS. That, with a week of super-sized work and super-sized social life is making me look forward to low-keyness.
So...ok no head phones...
I love that picture of Rudy. My mother and father in law are here to hang out with Shelby while we head to NOL and they loved it!!!
@M: what a cute photo. I think you should write that article and submit it to Runners World with the picture. I'm sure dog owners would love it!
@Linda - sending an email to the coaches is a good idea - but I hear you loud and clear re: the PM over race wheels... thanks for the advice. And 29 years? That's awesome...
I did my first double digit run since October today and it went well. The weather cooperated which helped and I had a running partner for the race who was happy to chat it up with me - and tolerated my beeping watch (I set my day's workout and figured I'd have about 3 extra miles to just run). The group of us went to brunch and now I'm contemplating an afternoon swim before a cookout... I didn't swim last weekend b/c of Easter. I suppose I could go tomorrow but I like the thought of having a day off.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Had a great cycling weekend in terms of weather and miles. The Adamo is giving me a bit of grief, but only on the right side. It was really, really tender on Saturday's ride. I got home and realized that the padding on that side was ever so slightly higher than the left side, almost as if the left side has been squished down a little more. I bought the saddle used off of Beth, so now is the point where one would insert a joke about Beth's lady parts being lopsided.
Found out today that my uncle died yesterday (he's been sick a long time but it is still a surprise). Heading to Boston later this week for the services, so the theme of this week's training will be "It Is What It Is". I really want to get in another long run so will probably bag the mid-week run - which will make my right side lady parts pretty happy, so there ya go!
Becky, glad you had a great Cherry Blossom!
Linda, what did I see on FB about you tipping over? Oops. I did that last year at a red light in front of a huge cycling team. I don't know what happened, I just shifted my weight slightly and down I went. DOH! So embarrassing...
Suzanne -- that's hilarious.
Let the ass-slapping men know that the ladies are not above crude locker room talk, too. 
Prostretch: My podiatrist loooves this thing. He may be the reigning cheerleader of stretch your calves and hamstrings like it is your job. Tight calves and hammies seem to cause all sorts of foot bad. Totally worth the $29.99. Totally.
Suazanne - sorry for your loss. Please give your family my best. and take care and have a safe trip!
And, lopsided - too funny. Beth, anything you care to share?