Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

Jan OS Week 14 Training

I have nothing but beat Dan!



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    LoL.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Good luck with testing this week!  I start the "track" work - should be interesting!

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    Actually... I have a question - now that I'm in the VO2 max portion of the run... do I do the sprints trying to hit my Z5 pace zone (which I know I can do), my Z5 HR zone per the data tool, or just gun it all out?  Thanks!

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    Becky- do the VO2 run stuff by pace zone. I personally find the VO2 stuff (bike or run) a little easier for some reason. Especially since I'm NOT fast! HA HA HA

    Marianne- you crack me up!

    I got back in the water for my first swim in many many weeks. Wow, I'm glad I didn't put that off any longer! I'll need every week between now and Eagleman to be ready!!! The ocean is still toooooo cold for swimming, but it sure looks pretty. Maybe I'll get a chance in May.
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    I concede my loss Marianne is #1, I was actually up at 0345 for a ambulance call and thought about it then went back to bed.
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    @Nemo - thanks, for the tip and nice job!  I know what you mean about the pool...since I'd been out since late August when I messed up my shoulder I was terrified of waiting any longer to try to swim.  Good luck, I'm happy to say it's coming back (granted I'm still resting every 500).

    @Dan - don't blame you!  you'll get her next week. 

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    Happy Monday!

    I spent the weekend going back and forth about whether to do the FTP test this morning.  Unfortunately, my only window of opportunity for the next couple weeks would be this morning on the trainer.  Plus, I've been trying to hold off a virus that's been causing a snotty mess in my head and chest the past several days so I wasn't feeling that well anyway.  I decided to set the alaram for 4:45am and make a gametime decision.

    So, the alarm went off, I took a quick assessment of how my legs were feeling (pretty good, actually, considering they were completely shelled Saturday and Sunday) and decided to give it a go.  Before I even got started I saw my resting HR was about 12 BPM higher than normal (clue #1).

    I did my usual warm up and got to it.  The 1st 20' went OK (306w) but I was noticing my HR was higher than it should be.  I was pretty wiped after the 1st 20' but ready to attack the remainder of the test.  I got about 5' into the 2nd 20' and the virus or whatever I have reared its ugly head - the hacking started and the energy in my legs went to kaput!  I had to back it down to an easy spin to keep from falling off the bike.  The thought crossed my mind to bag it but I knew I would be pissed at myself all day and I knew others in the Jan OS were suffering with me.  So after the 30" easy spin I tried to rally.  I was good for another couple minutes, then the same thing happened - hacking, dizzy and no leg strength.  Backed it down again at the 12' mark to a spin and decided to just finish out the 20' and call it nothing more than a 2 x 20 FTP workout.  Ended the 2nd 20' at 289w  with ~90" of easy spinning in that 2nd 20' interval.  For the 42' my NP was 294w, below my week 8 test of 299.  A good, hard workout nonetheless.  Looking at WKO+ from the past several weeks of rides and the 1st 20' of this test I think 305-310 is where I'm at but I'm not claiming it until I prove it.  Here's the data to keep myself accountable:

    42' FTT:

     Duration:   42:29

     Work:       734 kJ

     TSS:        68.3 (intensity factor 0.982)

     Norm Power: 294

     VI:         1.02

     Pw:HR:       9.52%

     Pa:HR:       4.46%

     Distance:   15.793 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        2 424 288  watts

     Heart Rate:   124 180 169  bpm

     Cadence:      56 182 93  rpm

     Speed:        13.7 25.8 22.3  mph

    So, the plan is to recover from this bug I have, get off the trainer and maybe test again in a couple weeks OUTSIDE (I'm sure the trainer didn't help with my mental state during this ride either).

    Hope everyone else's test went well.  Good luck to those that haven't done there's yet.  Thanks for listening/reading my frustrating account of this lackluster performance.

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    Way to give it a try Jim! I hope you feel better soon- your sure to have better results when you are fully recovered!
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    @Jim- Yes I was suffering right along with you! Sorry you are off your game. I agree- you have not lost fitness, just a bad day to test.

    I have not actually done a 2x20 since last year. I knew this would be hard mentally, but my legs really felt it. Not sure I had recovered from my big bike increase. FTP bummed a few watts to 184. Had to stand a few times to make me turn the pedals over. Got through it and glad I made the effort.

    How did everyone else do?
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    @Jim, feel better!  Kudos for giving it a try and sticking with it - probably longer than a mere mortal would have.

    @Michele... hope you're happy with your test (not being a power girl, yet, I have no idea what it all means).

    Hope everyone else is faring well on the bike today!

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    @ Jim - That's some crazy dedication 4:45 and not feeling well.  Congrats on getting the work done.  Hopefully the sickness clears up.

    @Michele - nice job with the bump.  Do you think you can hold out for another year without a test?

    For me I have been battling something since last Wednesday and it was the worst on Friday/Saturday but did not really progress in to full shut down (in bed for most of the day).  It seems that it want to hand around though.  My plan as I been feeling better is to look at starting back at week 13 and do a test next monday or perhaps adjust this week and do the test later in the week.  I'm more for option A at this point.


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    Jim, I'm with ya on this one. Tough test, I wanted to do this outdoors I might have had a small weather window this morning but I was up until 5 am this morning working. I didn't think this test was going that bad until about 36 minutes in I just didn't have that ooommmph that I've had in the past. My legs were tired. This test was hard. I hope to do the next one outside. I've been getting the main sets done of the workouts done but haven't done much if any of the extra stuff (z3 stuff) done lately. I'm starting to really dread the trainer. Alas here is the data.

    FTP test:
    Duration: 42:07
    Work: 717 kJ
    TSS: 67.9 (intensity factor 0.983)
    Norm Power: 288
    VI: 1.02
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 19.033 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 379 284 watts
    Cadence: 48 186 90 rpm
    Speed: 7 32.1 27.1 mph
    Pace 1:52 8:33 2:13 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 435 267 lb-in

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    @Jim - Super effort to get it done
    @Becky - Way to bump!
    @Dan - I'm with you on the Z3 stuff ... hate the trainer (but need to embrace it!) Way to knock down another test,despite the tired legs.

    I had to teach a spin class this morning, so pushed my test off. Hopefully tomorrow AM on the trainer. I have a 5K Saturday, so will hold the vDot for that!!

    With 4 weeks to Alcatraz, I'm looking forward to getting off the speed work!
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    @Dan: I read your post last night and said to myself " yeah, why not do it outside tomorrow..thanks ! It was a great advice !

    @Jim: Good job on your 2x20. Wow, to do that test under the weather and getting up early on top of it really shows how dedicated you are ! Way to go for hanging tough !

    @Michele: Great job on your FTP test . Nice bump !


    I decided to do my bike test outside today. It is a nice day and why not. I find outside testing the best gauge of FTP though finding the right location is key. Anyway, did my test after work, felt tired driving there. I did the test on lake rd which is right by Lake Ontario. Prettry flat but windy.

    It was tough especially on the way back but I did have a good test after all. New FTP: 212.  My last FTP test was 194 so I am very pleased . Now a nice rest day tomorrow and wednesday is the run test. I scoped a location for that tonight. The high school where my son swims has a brand new outside track so will try it there I think. No foot pod this time, just the garmin. I will try my new Newtons which I'm getting use too so it should be interesting.

    To all who have done their test today , great job and rest up tomorrow. To all who will do their test later on Good luck !


    Duration: 42:40 (43:24)

    Work: 527 kJ

    TSS: 91.1 (intensity factor 1.134)

    Norm Power: 212

    VI: 1.03

    Pw:HR: n/a

    Pa:HR: n/a

    Distance: 14.367 mi

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    @Natalie - great job. an increase is an increase, way to go

    @Jim et al.-  I know how you feel.  First I spent the day yestersay with family eating junk and drinking things I shouldn't have.  On the way down to the trainer this morning I banged my quad hard enough so that it was a bruise before I got done with my warm up.  The first 20' went well, but the entire second half was an epic struggle.   In the end, I had a slight increase, but I was not fighting a virus image.  

    Remember, overall it is just one workout. 


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    Swam today. I hadn't been in the pool since IMFL. It went real well. I don't think I've lost much at all. I certainly don't have the swim endurance that I did but that should come with time. I ended up doing 1500 total. 100 yd times around 1:20-1:22 not too shabby.
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    Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and bringing me out of my funk!

    @Dan: I hope you didn't read my post before your test. I'd hate to know my bad test had an impact on your mindset.

    @Michele, Nathalie & Todd: Way to go on the FTP increases! Way to keep improving those numbers!
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    @Jim, I don't think I did. Funky day for sure. I'm not going to let it keep me down. I am officially sick of the trainer but, not knowing what the weather will do might keep me on it a little while.
    On another note turkey season is next week. I sure hope I'm done about an hour after it opens on Monday morning.
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    You guys rock!  I love reading your test results (even though I don't know what they mean). 

    I have yet to be able to get myself back on an early am workout schedule...I'm trying, I set the alarm... but that's where it ends.  I've got my gear laid out so I can hop on the drainer for 5x(4x30/30s) when I get home.  It's supposed to be upper 80s here today, I think I'm glad I'm still drainer-bound!  Tomorrow will be my first "track" workout.  Looking forward to at least a few weeks of VO2 run work before I move to HIM.

    Good luck with the run tests tomorrow!

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    You folks are doing fantastic! Special shout to the EN Chicas- holy cow, I can only dream of such FTPs!!! You rock!

    My schedule this week is going to be all messed up because I'm doing a 3 day bike ride this weekend. It's a Cycle North Carolina Spring Ride- 3 days of riding at various distances. You pick the distance each day- anywhere from 20-100 miles. I'm doing it with my hubby- so I won't go too crazy, but I do hope to get in one 100 mile day. Anyway, I'm front loading the week with my swim/run so today will be another 2x25 run after work. Keeping my fingers crossed- I'm getting really close to that 1 hour mark and I don't want to blow it!
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    @Natalie- Awesome work! Congratulations! New pain for you!

    @Nemo- I have really begun to appreciate those kind of bike rides. Have a great time.

    My lower back is still in spasm from yardwork. It didn't bother me on the bike yesterday, but I feel it now. Should be almost totally gone by tomorrow. I have purposely avoided my personal 5k route so that I would not have boredom of the course when doing my first VDOT test this year. Should be interesting. The hill at 2.25 miles is short but kills my momentum every time. But the finish is on a downhill, so I can't complain too much.
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    I'm out the door right now for my FTP test; I'll let you all know how it goes!
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    Dan: "I was actually up at 0345".. but then went back to bed.
    me: and I have found his weakness!!

    okay I have been very tired of late and had not ridden in one whole week and sometime back I came up with a rule of never to go more than 7 days without riding my bike or I will pay for it in the shoulders/seat! and so today, I took off on beach cruiser speed, yes on my tri bike with wicked beach like winds, in 80 degrees down by the river and called it a sunning ride as I had on a tank top and tri shorts, no socks, no gloves, with a banana stuck out of my aero bottle! just riding. couldn't muster anything else and got in 10 miles! bike still making a clanging noise so took it to my handy dandy mechanic at LBS.... and will pick up later. I actually had a pleasant day after reviewing "fatigue" on the internet a.m.! and did some gardening which brings me joy... and BBQed chicken legs and me and three of my kids sat outside for dinner and ate it while looking at my pristine yard with new plantings and new mulch. My dog is improving so that has helped my stress level go down.. and my kids had no sports practice tonight so I have been a home body. It got up to 84 today and super windy but oh so nice. and we have a WII!!! and I can't wait til kids get off it = bedtime so I can do the yoga! anyways, no intervals for me on the bike but proud of everybody else for getting them done!! I have some tidying up to do and gonna change into a comfy race tee and shorts so catch up to y'all later. oh, did you see the Arkansas ad in the recent Bicycling??? and Little rock was only ranked 49/50 in cities to ride in.. but at least we made the list!! ,
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    Although I was beset with doubts as I warmed up, the FTP test went okay; an increase from 209 to 220. I was hoping for a bit more but I'll take it! I raced IMCdA in 2009 with my FTP set at 220 so I'm ahead of last year, that's for sure. 

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    @Bill - Way to knock out a great FTT!! You're set up to crush your old self this season. Keep up the good work.
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    @ Michele. Thanks ! It's kind of funny how awesome I feel when I do a good test but when I look at my new zones I say "Holy Sh@@" . Yep, it will be new pain for sure !!! I hope your back feels better soon !

    @Nemo: Your NC trip sounds cool. Fun trip to do with your hubby.

    Feeling good today..a bit sore. As much as i'm excited to have gone up 18 watts on my FTP I am back to reality when I look at my new zones..It will be painful for a while but I know that eventually those will be easier right about the time for a new test !! Gotta love EN. OS does work !!

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    Nathalie- that's the love/hate relationship of a new FTP bump!!!

    Great work Bill!! So happy for you!
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    Wow... congrats Nathalie & Bill... awesome! 

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    Wow, vDot on your own on the road is hard. 5:53, 5:56, 6:15 (abdominal cramping), :38, last mile was into a pretty hard headwind then I started getting some bad stomach cramps. Pretty sure my vDot is unchanged. I need to find a good 5k and go run it. I know the guidance of EN is generally find a pace you can sustain. I seem to post better times if I go out pretty fast 5:35-5:40 this first mile. Any thoughts on this?

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    check this out, nothing real bad happened but you don't want to end up like these kids. Be safe out there

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    your formula of starting out fast for the Vdot and then eventually slowing down,  requires a runner's menality, which obviously you have.  I don't see anything wrong with that, especially for vDot calculations.  however, it wouldn't hurt to try the opposite to see if you can squeeze out a faster time.  in other words, use your runners mentality at the last mile or 1.5mile, when you know you can go full gas vs. risking going to hard at the start.

    i am a molecular science person, but data from exercise physiology types has shown that well trained athletes can usually push themselves closer to their limit, when the format is more like the start moderate end hard format.




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