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2014 EN Marathon Relay Challenge

Hi Folks

The OutSeason has started for many, but there are plenty who have just raced or are biding their time until January. To keep you motivated and connected, we are pleased to present::

The 2014 Marathon Relay Challenge



That's right, time to get your suffering on. We are looking for teams of 4 (@ 6.55 miles each) or 2 (@ 13.1 miles each) looking to rip it up for annual bragging rights. To be 100% clear, each 4-person team will run 6.55 miles each and the 2-person ULTRA team runs 13.1 miles each.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the dates of the contest?  Contest runs over the weekend of November 15-16.

Where can I run? You can run on treadmill or outside.

Can I break my run distance up? Ideally you run your “leg” in one try, but you can run your portion over multiple days (ex: 6.55 miles over 3 days).

Start linking up and brainstorming names...it’s going to be epic! This is a perfect opportunity for the sleeper cells to show everyone what they are made of.

How to Participate

  1. Register via the official sign up form (here)

  2. Begin your smack talking / recruiting in this thread below. It's almost mandatory

  3. Add your time/results via the tracking sheet (here) after you complete your run.

  4. Extra points for pics and video, of course.

Let the games begin!!! Who is in?



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