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2014 EN Marathon Relay Challenge



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    Coach P is interested...can run up to 13.1 if required...somebody PM me!
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    Remember you people need to sign up!!! http://bit.ly/1ttCd6A
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    Coach P it would be an honour for me to run with you - if Peter feeds back here and already has a buddy I'd love to hit this challenge with you but letz wait for Peter!
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    I am cool with whatever. I am looking for someone to run the 10k. If you would rather do a half with Coach P go for it!
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    Ok...The Motor City Mafia Sleeper Cell is checking in with a team! image

    It will be me, and three new EN members...hungry for some fun! Michelle Allamo, Terry Aiken and Bob Smith.
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    Ok, I'm racing the Rock n Roll half in Vegas on Nov 16. Stefan, you want to join forces again or did you already commit to Mr Noyes? If you're ditching me than maybe Coach P you still looking for someone...we can put a beat-down on Reiter's ass together.
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    Matt I'm doing the relay with Peter-"Gallo Cavallo"-Noyes this year image It would be awesome to see you with Coach-P hammering out a solid sub 2:50 virtual marathon image

    Peter - we still need a Team name ...
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    Hmm... How about "intercontinental cell"
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    OK now it's official -> "Intercontinental Early-birds" (as you're also one of these crazy early-morning runner)
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    Sounds good!
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    Coach P, you in to team up with me?
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    OK, Team 'West by Midwest' checking in!

    Scott Giljum and I are ready to kick your sorry a$$es all the way down the Mississippi River! So tighten your shoelaces and get ready for a whoopin'!!
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    I protest. If we let Coach P and Matt A join together, we will never get close to the podium. Those two dudes is fast!!!!!!
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    @Michael Crosby -- are we a Team?
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    I NEED A TEAM!!! Available to join any Team that might want to record my 10k RUN this weekend.
    Pls let me know to sign up accordingly.
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    I would like to be on two teams.

    Looking to create an all women's 4 person team for Saturday. Anyone want to join me?

    My husband and I will do a 2 person Ultra Team on Sunday the 16th.
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    I have been asleep at the wheel on this. I thought we had more time. Just checking the whole thread today and realizing it is this weekend.
    If anyone is interested in teaming up or needing a team member, please let me know. I am open for a quarter or a half.
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    @ Justin and Juan I'm in if we can get a fourth
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    LOOKING FOR A FOURTH MEMBER !!!!! To join the Justin-Robert-Juan team!!!!!!!
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    @ Scott G - don't leave me hanging buddy.... we gots to kick some butt!! Or maybe you're second guessing and need a faster teammate?....

    Let's go West by Midwest!
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    Never fear @Steve, I am just entering my "calm before the storm" mode. The storm of course being team West by Midwest unleashing a fire and fury typically saved for tales of Armageddon! Too much? Probably too much, but we are bringing it!
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    @Juan, if you're still looking for a fourth member I'm game.
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    THAT'S GREAT @Marc!!! Justin & Robert we now have a complete team of 4. I have created team LAST BUT NOT LEAST (since we were a bit late putting it together but will give our best!!!). Please sign up accordingly .... and lets crush it (having fun and staying healthy!!!)


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    I can bring a pretty solid 9:30/mile pace for 10k or break it up into a couple of 7:45ish/mile 5k's for 1/4 of the distance if anyone needs 1/4 of the distance. I will be happy to go 13.1 but my pace will be closer to 10:15/mi for that. Let me know who needs help.
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    @Carrie Chavez - Are you still looking for more women? I can cover a quarter marathon on Saturday.
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    Hi Becky F- yes. Let's do it. We now have 2 for our 4 girl team. Any other ladies want to create a team with us? We need 2 more. Any pace welcome!! :-)


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    Reminder for those of us running in a team of 4:
    it's not 10k x 4.... but 10,548.75 mts, pet athlete, to
    complete a marathon!! (or 6.5547 miles!!)
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    I'm curious about how we rank the results with peeps running different distances? Most can run a 6.5 segment at a faster pace than running a 13.1 segment or a full marathon, right? So should we get vDOT scores for time / distance for each team member, calculate the team average vDOT, then look-up the corresponding predicted marathon time from that? Is there a better way?

    http://ar.attackpoint.org/trainingpaces.jsp is a good calulator that gives 2 decimal places for any time over any distance and has corresponding race times.

    Any thoughts?
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    @ Steve...I hear you but then it's just a VDOT contest
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    btw, to be clear, technically every running race is "just a VDOT contest". I get it. I'm making the point that "racing" is somewhat less of an analytical exercise on the back end, in my mind.
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