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2014 EN Marathon Relay Challenge



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    @ Matt, I was just looking for a way to normalize things so a 4 person team and 2 person team were on the same page. It isn't going to change the fact that some peeps are vDOT gifted while others are vDOT challenged. Only a few have a chance to podium, the rest of us are just doing what we can and see were we end up for the fun of it.

    Regardless of if, or how we measure things, everyone is going to go out and crush themselves to put up the best they can.... smack talking all the way. In the end it's just another fun way to challenge ourselves and build some camaraderie along the way.
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    Hmm I have 11 and 16 on tap, guess I'll run it by myself, or join 4 teams image
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    Joe Matchette-  Sorry, haven't checked into the thread in a while.  Yes, hit that couch as hard as you can, and I'll do the same on the asphalt.  Good Luck to us both!!!

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    Posted By Michael Crosby on 14 Nov 2014 07:33 AM

    Joe Matchette-  Sorry, haven't checked into the thread in a while.  Yes, hit that couch as hard as you can, and I'll do the same on the asphalt.  Good Luck to us both!!!

    Excellent!  Team name?? How about "Team One and None"?

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    Haha, I like it!

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    Just returning from my 10k for the VM challenge - managed to hit a possible PR with 37:15 



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    My 1/4 portion of the challenge done!! 42:55 10k ... not bad given it was not exactly flat today!! (but lots of work to be done to get close to Stefan!!!!)


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    PR'd in the Thunder Road Marathon today by over 18 minutes. Thanks EN!!! 3:26:08.

    Joe, how did you do???
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    I did fantastic.....Not one step of running.

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    Looks like Becky F and I still need 2 more for a 4 person team.

    I am in week 6 of the OUTSeason and the plan was 1.5 hrs of bike intervals with 1 hour run MP out /HMP back so I did that. Ended up with just over 8 miles in 7:26 pace.

    The 6.55 was 7:21 pace, 48:06.

    Tomorrow I'll do the 1:30 Sunday run as prescribed and extend it a few miles to 13.1 with my husband and we'll combine our times for the 2 person team.

    Happy running everyone!

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    @Carrie -here's my run!

    Is there another pairing we can combine with?

    In any case, good motivation to keep moving image
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    Posted By Carrie Chavez on 15 Nov 2014 12:51 PM

    Tomorrow I'll do the 1:30 Sunday run as prescribed and extend it a few miles to 13.1 with my husband and we'll combine our times for the 2 person team.

    Happy running everyone!

    Good luck tomorrow!
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    Did my run! This challenge lined up nicely with my key long run for the upcoming CIM marathon. Stefan layed down a monster 37:15 10K to motivate me. I followed my planned workout the best I could. Who puts 2x1 @ Z4 at the end of a 20 mile run??? I managed one of the Z4 miles but all I could muster was Z2+ for the second one. Now if only I could get Stefan to run the last 10K for the real marathon!

    20 miles in 2:16:45

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    My run is done! A little long and not very fast but I got to run with my brother around the neighborhood where I grew up. Don't get a chance to do that every day.

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    The Georgia Chain Gang completed the challenge...and with style.  We may not win on time, but since there is extra credit for photo's and video's, we still have a chance.  

    The Georgia Chain Gang's Awesome Video...





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    Wow! Lots of PR's and smokin' fast runs this weekend! Great work everyone!

    Got mine done outside, 38* when I left, 36* on the return into a 10 mph headwind. Made for a sweaty cold run.

    1:42:18 overall, negative split by 1:32 into that headwind.

    So Scott, what did you bring today?
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    Well the streak of smoking fast runs and PR's has officially ended with me. I am not sure if I am just tired from doing a marathon, then a half marathon and then starting up OS, but I ran my 6.22 miles at an avg pace of 8:55. Still happy with it. It is where I am today and there is no where to go but up.
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    Team Chavez Virtual Marathon Relay done!! We would NEVER have run 13.1 miles without this challenge. HOLY CRAP!! End of week 6 of the OUT Season. Dead legs but we got it done with our Sunday intervals thrown in. That one is going to leave a mark. YIKES!!

    Steve- 1:28:45

    Carrie 1:43:22

    Total time- 3:12:07

    I took pics and tried to upload but they come out big and turned to the side??? I will post anyway. Hope you can see them.

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    48:58 is not my best time, but the best I could do this weekend. Mild quad strain yesterday during my long run means I couldn't really do a quarter marathon. This is the best 6.55 miles I did during my abbreviated long run yesterday. No running for me for a couple more days. Sorry team "LAST BUT NOT LEAST".
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    Today was cold and turned snowy. Not my greatest run, but got it done in about 1:40. Team West by Midwest brought it in the COLD!
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    Ran yesterday in Key Largo (man, it was HOT!...yeah yeah, I know...no complaining!) and the rest of Team B.O.B. ran over the weekend. I don't think there were any PR's, but we had FUN! image
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    Any official results available yet?!?!
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    Hi folks, sorry for the delay. Just wanted to give everyone time to get their results in. Congrats to all who participated


    Team Results Total Team Time
    1 Person Male Team One and None 206
    1 Person Male One Slow Runner 250
    2 Person All Male Vegas 198
    2 Person Co-Ed Team Chavez 192
    Ultra 2 Person Intercontinental Early Birds 174
    Ultra 2 Person West by Midwest 202
    4 Person Team Co-Ed Beasts of Burden or B.O.B! 107
    4 Person Team Co-Ed Georgia Chain Gang 250
    4 Person Team Co-Ed 3 Canucks and a Yank DNF
    4 Person Team All Male Last But Not Least 204


    If you want to add an ICON to the bottom of your signature so everyone knows you took part in the challenge, go HERE


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    WOW!! It seems team B.O.B. has set a new MARATHON WORLD RECORD .... 107 minutes!!! average speed 14.7 miles/h!!!

    Congrats to my LBNL team mates .... 2nd place in 4 Person Team division!!!!

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    Team Bob did not set a land speed record lol! Nice Catch Juan!!! I show our groups minutes adding up to 223, which is still #1 for co-ed, 2nd for 4 person yes? Brenda, please check my math!

    Great job everyone! Glad I had the extra motivation to run longer in paradise! I rewarded myself with a cocktail at sunset (or three)!

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    I'm convinced our team would have fared better if there had been a swimsuit element to the competiton.
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