Stephanie's questions and endless worry...
So I talked about my triathlons when I gave you my race list, but I skipped my running events. I'm used to coaches who tell me NOT to do things, so I thought I'd have to keep them from you! Isn't that awful? Paying people with whom I have to lie? Anyway, now that I've read the material and understand you LIKE me to run...yay! Here goes...
Jan 24th, Tropical 5K, Jan 25. Miami Half Marathon.
Feb 7, 8 - Dolphins Cycling Challenge 100 miles and 72 miles respectively. I'm a ride changing flats, kissing boo boos.
Feb 14th - Bike Sebring - Seeing how many miles I can ride my bike in 12 hours.
Feb 28 - Lake Okeechobee Womens ride. 112 miles. - May not be fast enough for these people, but I'm sick of not trying.
March 1st - 13.1 Miami Beach
March 15th - Sarasota Half Marathon
April 4th - Egg Hunt Sprint Tri
April 19th - Swim Miami - 1 mile swim (although I can do an 800 meter if I choose...or longer!)
May 24th - Miami Speedway Half Iron - ::gulp:: I did the international distance last year, so I know basically what it's about. Double everything I did last time.
Independence Day Tri July 4 - Sprint
October 18, Great Floridian - 2.4 mile swim
November 7, Ironman Florida.
Bike test done, on trainer. Data entered into zone calculator.
Those races and dates are all fine, you'll just work them into your plan like any other workout, basically. Good luck!
Distance: 8.88 mi
Time: 40:00
Avg Speed: 13.3 mph
Elevation Gain: 167 ft
Calories: 371 C
Time: 40:00
Moving Time: 39:59
Elapsed Time: 40:04
Avg Speed: 13.3 mph
Avg Moving Speed: 13.3 mph
Max Speed: 16.0 mph
Elevation Gain: 167 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Min Elevation: -168 ft
Max Elevation: 14 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 156 bpm
Max HR: 165 bpm
Training Effect : 4.0
Zones% of Maxbpm
Avg Bike Cadence: 72 rpm
Max Bike Cadence: 87 rpm
View Splits
Avg Speed
Summary 40:00.3 8.88 13.3
1 4:12.0 1.00 14.3
2 4:24.1 1.00 13.6
3 4:29.0 1.00 13.4
4 4:26.0 1.00 13.5
5 4:34.3 1.00 13.1
6 4:37.7 1.00 13.0
7 4:37.1 1.00 13.0
8 4:39.2 1.00 12.9
9 4:01.1 0.89 13.2
5k today. FUN. Half Marathon tomorrow...hoping for fun!
QUESTION...people seem to think I need a TT bike. I disagree. I have some clip on aero bars and I can be re-fit with those on my road bike. How important is this aero-position for me? Thanks for any insight.
Miami Half Marathon Today...again, fun! SO... I'm slow and I figured, no way I'll PR, just treat this as a long slow run for my nutrition guy and the EN PR by 20 seconds or so. HILARIOUS! I wasn't even paying attention I just had my upper and lower HR alerts set and tried to behave myself. Voila!
My next event is the Dolphins Cycling Challenge Feb 7,8. I'm a sweep rider for the 100 mile ride on Saturday and a Sweep/Pace rider on the 72 mile "perfect season" ride on Sunday. The 100 mile ride will be my first...I figure if I don't HAVE to maintain some ungodly pace, I'll finish it, and have it under my belt. Maintaining 14 is key...lots of beginners out there...literally hundreds of riders so I'll be busy kissing boo boos, fixing flats and sending people along. I'm also going to be encouraging people to keep up the pace. Good luck to me, right?
Sunday, I'll be encouraging the pace the entire ride. So less stopping. I'll be sore as hell but, as I learned from RAGBRAI last just freakin' keep pedaling.
February 14th, my anniversary, I'll be doing bike Sebring. As many miles as I can ride in 12 hours. 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM. This is a chance to do a bunch of little bricks...or just ride. It's Out and back 89 miles, then an 11 mile loop 'til we're done. I'm doing this with a friend. We will be able to park a car, with a cooler, on the 11 mile loop. SO that will be a big help. I'd like to be able to ride at least 7 or 8 hours. Wish me luck!
March 1st and March 15th are half marathons in the Florida Storm Series. I can't wait to see what the run training with the team will do for my speed!! Yay!!
A tri-specific bike will allow you to get into a more aerodynamic position, generally. And aerodynamics are a very, very big component in going fast on the bike. But at the end of the day it's also about money and your budget. If a new/2nd bike is doable for you, then it's worth investigating. If not, don't worry about it, but maybe put on a future list of things to save money towards, etc.
Per that last post, looks like you'll have a busy couple of months. Good luck!
First bike workout this morning. 62 minutes with my own 2 minute cool down added. I liked it! I assume they get more difficult. I tend to keep my gearing the same...I might lighten up 1 notch for the rest intervals but otherwise there's no changing. I'm sure that will change with difficulty.
???There's compu-trainer studio here that I like to visit every other week. Where do I stick these in? It's usually and hour and 15 or so of really hard work.
I'm more concerned about the running since I'm still a little sore from the weekend. I may just jog over to a park and do the workout in the grass. I'll get it done though.
Had a good brick on sunday, spouse and I ride the trainers together in the living room then head outdoors to run. Took yesterday off, and today I'm sick...ate something bad. Anyway...once the puking is done, it's over!
I ordered my Team Kit...that makes it a bit more real! Exciting!
I find myself looking at everyone's power numbers and I have to say it means ABsolutely nothing to me. So posting with people who are weeks ahead of me in a language that makes no sense is a little odd. It would be great if there were a forum where women would post regularly. They guys dig the numbers. Maybe if I had a power meter I'd be more interested. I have a power cal kind of thing from cycleops but I have trouble using it. I find it difficult to set it and to start workouts etc.
Anyway, I'll try to participate more but I'm not on the same page with most of those guys.
Hey Stephanie,
I promise you'll get zero 'tude, etc from anything you post. Very, very supportive team! And we do have a women's forum but it's not used very often. Maybe all it takes is for one gal to kickstart things? The forum is here.
What an excellent idea!
Well, you were right. The women are ready to share, they just needed a nudge.
I had a bit of an accident cycling yesterday. Could have been much worse, but I'm sore from stopping myself against the car that drove in front of me. I was angry and scared and really shaken. Just glad I was able to ride away. Today I took tylenol and slept. Hopefully I can get a workout in tomorrow. Cheers!
Thanks for taking the lead on this!
My two rules from staying alive through nearly 30 years of cycling and motorcycling:
That's hilarious... but so true in this case! The guy said "I saw you the whole time!" WTF? and he ran into me anyway...
Cheers! you are in Cali so I can't torture you with my good weather.
Stephanie in Miami where it was a brisk 59 degrees outside as I sat in my hot tub this morning.
I'm in SoCal, mid 80's today for me
Just had a little jog this morning to see how everything feels. I'm OK. I have the 12 hour ride on Saturday. I hope I can get in 150 or so miles. We shall see. I'll probably have a shake out brick on Sunday. Then since I have Monday off, I hope to do all my strength training and start swimming again.
Got 101.5, I'll take it. My shedule says I need to do a race practice thing... already?
OK, so I've watched the Race Execution video... I get it! I like the testing, refining, testing approach. Execution is about data. I also made a rather big decision. I'm not doing RAGBRAI this year. I just don't think it's going to get me closer to the ironman. It's more of a big fat distraction in the middle of my summer training. It's cycling but it's not the kind of cycling that's going to help me. I feel great making the decision.
I still feel like I'm behind in my training and I can't believe it's 4 weeks already...actually I don't think it is. But onward and upward yes?
I've never done RAGBRAI before, but we've had a LOT of athletes on the squad who have. More specifically, because I kinda own all of the conversations and activity in EN around IMWI = gets a lot of midwest people = a lot of IMWI EN athletes over the years have done RAGBRAI I've been a bit closer to it, I guess, than I would be otherwise.
I think it's a cool, fun week of cycling. As for the training benefit, I think it's entirely dependent on the nature of the group(s) you would hook up with? I think you're more guaranteed to get the quality cycling in that you need by not doing it at a weekly long cycling, camping, drinking event that's 2000+ miles from your home
Someday, when I'm not racing any important after RAGBRAI, I may do RAGBRAI just to do it and experience it. And I know the many EN alums on the ride would take care of me
Then again, my personality is better suited to epic rides and climbing in cool locations like the Rockies, etc.
It was fun. It went through my part of Iowa and 10 miles from my home-town so it was great to see my family and spend a couple of nights in a bed! But I don't find riding and eating my way across Iowa to be that exciting. I rode pretty quickly and finished each day pretty quickly, but my stuff wasn't there... I couldn't go for a run, and I didn't have a safe place to leave my I would sit there and wait for the tent/luggage crew I was with, to show up. So while it would be great to combine it with running, that didn't happen. maybe a triathlon sag group could be put together!
Race Rehearsal
I received a race rehearsal email. I don't have my half iron until May 24th nor my full ironman until November. Is it really time to do this?
BTW I have a half marathon on Sunday and another on the 15th. I'll do them as long training runs like the Jan half.
Please do the workout(s) that are indicated in your training plan, not what's indicated in these emails, as it sounds like your email series might be "off." The email should have indicated for what race it was for. What was the race indicated in the email.
It doesn't say which race. I'll ignore it for now.
Been coughing and nose blowing all week. ZERO workouts, tomorrow a half marathon. I'll just jog it. Might get me back in the mood.
This will be a good test week for me. Week #8. I have a golf tournament on Saturday and a Half Marathon on Sunday. The Half Marathon doesn't work well for testing as the first 6 miles include a very long causeway bridge, out and back.
I received Email #8 but I'm guessing I should ignore the swim stuff as it pertains to IMFL. My HIM isn't for 11 weeks. I have Swim Miami, a 1 mile swim on April 19th. I'll do this 1. to do it and say I've done it. 2. to deal with some open water demons. fear of panic, creatures, not finishing etc. I need the confidence.
I get from the email that I should be doing form and intervals. I can do that. I swim in a 75 meter pool so I should be getting fit!
Well crap, I'm supposed to load my HIM plan today... so week 8 beginner OS testing becomes week 2 beginner HIM training. I'm going to test anyway this week...and since I have a Half Marathon on Sunday I guess we can consider that adequate running? I'll still take today off. Bike test tomorrow. Off Weds. Run test Thursday, Run/Swim Friday, golf saturday, Half Marathon Sunday. Does that sound reasonable?
If you're racing a half marathon you should use that as your running test vs the 5k. IE, no need to test a 5k and then race a half marathon in the same week. Just race the half marathon and extract a new VDot from that. Do recommend you do the bike test however.
Yeah, so I just looked at my schedule and I have swimming to do. I'm not really very "fit" so I have
3 weeks until a sprint tri, where I'll swim a quarter mile in a small lake. I've done this race and I'll be in better shape this year than last.
5 weeks until swim Miami, a mile OWS in the bay - scarier.
10+ weeks until my half Ironman. In a small lake.
I'm guessing that if I start swimming some harder intervals, this will build my swim fitness along with requisite drills so I can learn to properly rotate.