LB's 2015 race season mirco thread
Hey coach!!
I am officially back in action on the EN site...and SO HAPPY to be here!!
Update- I have been training for the 30 on my 30th using the plan we discussed and I am happy to report I got my miles in. I stretched, rolled, fueled and did the best I could. I was proud to say I completed all my longer runs outside despite the negative temps and snow!
But...I was having trouble in my right calf. I had a knot the size of a golf ball. I was working through it with massage therapist and chiro. Unfortunately, the pain started traveling and last week it really hurt to run. Went to get it checked and I have shin splints in my right leg. WHAT THE HECK
He said it was prob bc of the initial issue in my calf, which changed the way I ran and effecting the way I was engaging my muscles since my body was trying to adapt (which I also read on athlete's training athletes- that restrictions in one muscle can cause restrictions in others=shin splints) I am still mad at myself, and I keep thinking, what could I have done differently. But that is a waste of time so I am moving on.
So I did not run this weekend. I biked instead (which doc said was ok, anything non-impact). I told him I will be doing my 30 miles even if I crawl (he laughed and said he already knew that). Because this run is NOT for me. I am honoring the vets and service men/women, and I will NOT let them down. They have sacrificed SO much for us and our country. I will be running for them, some are even coming to run some with me! He said I will still be able to run. PHEW. But I might have to recover a bit longer.....He also said not to run this week.....except maybe one short one on Wednesday... In my mind I just kept saying...I need to ask Coach P. what he thinks. How should I go about with training this week? I can still bike and swim. I just need your thoughts on the situation. You have helped me become a better, stronger athlete and do things I never thought I could do. I trust what you say. Sorry for the long message. I promise to work on keeping my posts short and concise for the 2015 season.
I say steady state bike sessions (no FTP this week) and 2x swim. Then water run (same days swim is okay) for 3-4 sessions.
You are going
To need to keep the self care up...see the ATA video about foam roller + tennis ball. Enjoy!
Your support means so much to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
So how does this sound?
Thank you for everything!!! so happy to be back "on" the team!!
Here is the update. I had to take yesterday as a rest day because I didnt get out of work till 6 and I had a massage at 630....I tgpight massage was more important at this point than a swim....hope I made the right call there! My leg felt a lot better after she worked on it!!!
So going forward....
Monday- Rest/massage
Tuesday- Bike 1 hour, steady
Wednesday- Swim/ Water Run- 1 hour total? Or a short jog?
Thursday- Run 3 - to see how it feels, to try out compression pants. doc said to use compression pants instead of just compression socks....what are your thoughts on that?
Friday- OFF
Saturday- 30 for 30- Run for Heroes
Thank you for your help getting me to Saturday!!
Try the pants out, I can't really run in the socks anyway (just sleeves).
Friday needs to be prep, good food like race week end, etc.
Please keep me excited for you!
Hey Coach!!
Looking for a bit of guidance for the next couple of weeks! 30 mile run was a SUCCESS!! The day was truly incredible. So many people came out ran, cheered, told me their stories, and I just enjoyed running for a bigger cause. It was quite an experience! One young college kid showed up, said he has been in the Army 1 year as of yesterday and was there to run the 30 miles with me! OMG! He runs distance at Eastern Connecticut State University...but still! And his father was 28 years in the Air Force- also ran a loop and spent the day! (and in the rain!) That is just one of the stories from the day! Race report coming soon......
So as mentioned, it was raining all day for my run and the streets were flooding a bit. At mile 22, I hopped over a pot hole and landed in a puddle wrong...tweaked my knee. I stopped shook it out, pushed it back on track and continued. It was fine but sore. It has been super swollen (no pain tho) all week so I went to the doc today. Good news!!! Nothings torn or out of place!!! Bad news- my knee is just pissed off and full of fluid. No running for 2 weeks
So how should I proceed for the next 2 weeks? He said I can swim and bike. I am staying positive because it could be worse!
P.S. I don't know if you saw some of the news coverage for my run, but I wanted you to know that in the interview I talked about you and Endurance Nation, but they did not include it. They interviewed me for 45 minutes and only included a few bits of the interview for the 2 minute clip they made (they also didn't include some important things I mentioned about our vets...) But I wanted you to know it was said and I feel badly it was not mentioned.
But I needed you to know that I did SUPPORT AND REPRESENT!!!
After the work you did, not running for two weeks is A GOOD IDEA EVEN IF YOU WEREN'T INJURED. I'd follow your plan with no running, but you can add 10' of water running (no belt really required, in the deep end, etc) at the end of every swim...just to keep it moving.
Do your best not to sit too still for too long...that can really become a problem...walking is okay too, and ice it every night!!
Ps - might want to check the mileage on your shoes as you might be due for a new pair!
Thank you for your kind words! It means more to me than you know. I was honored to do this run and fundraising. And I plan to keep the awareness going!
Glad to hear that the 2 week break would be good even if I was injured. Makes me feel a little better about it!! Last week was lots recovery (along with 13 hour work days for parent-teacher conferences.....). My knee is normal again!!
This week I am doing swim camp week 2 and plan to sub the runs with rides.
Next week I am supposed to be starting week 11 HIM plan. Not sure how that will need to be adjusted because there were quite a few runs when I just looked.
I go back to the doc this week and will see what he says about next week for running. Want to be smart. I am doing Quassy half and Timberman. Want to really see what I can do.
Thank you again!!!
*****UPDATE******* Went for my follow up appt yesterday and GREAT NEWS!!!! Knee is GREAT! Things are recovering and getting back to normal! He said I can run 2-3 miles this weekend and then see how it feels....then I am good to go. I am finishing week 2 of swim camp, doing bikes instead of the runs. So my question: How should I approach next week (Supposed to be dropping into HIM plan, week 11). It includes 3 runs (50 mins, 30 mins, 100mins) and a "big day" next weekend. Should I modify any of this?
For Week 11 you should:
+ Run up to 45 (some walk breaks ok) but no intensity
+ Run the 30' no issues.
+ Replace long run with another 45' effort.
For weekend, I'd swim and bike the big day but just plan on up to 30' off the bike MAX.
We don't have any mileage DEMANDS on your training just yet, so lets be smart. I say we aim to build you "up to" a 90-minute regular long run duration, so:
+ Wk 11 = 45
+ Wk 12 = 60-ish
+ Wk 13 = 75-ish
+ Wk 14 = 90-ish
Weeks 15-18 you can run 90' and do a separate run that day (split long run) of say 30 to 45' -- yes, one AM one PM. That gets you run time without run "cost" per se.
Hey Coach!
THANK YOU for the plan and guidance for the next couple of weeks! SO helpful! I've been doing a lot of thinking and had a few questions to ask you, but I was wondering if it would be possible to set up a time to chat for just a few minutes on the phone? Just thought it might be a little easier doing it that way. Let me know if that would work!
Hope you had a FABULOUS Easter with your family!!!
Wish my update for you was going to be more positive
Ran 3 X this past week (by following the plan in the previous post). After the first run, I started to feel my calf pain again (the pain I had before my 30 miler)....only slightly....figured I was still working out the cobwebs from taking the 2 weeks off from running. Next run, felt it some more. Third run, the calf/shin pain was back like it was before my 30 miler. CRAP. Went to the doc, he thinks its still the shin splints...they just never fully healed. So I didn't run this weekend, only did the biking and swimming. Not sure what to do about training this week. Might be able to run in a couple days, but not sure if it is worth it? The pain does get a little better once the muscles are warmed up....not sure if I should run through it. I have Quassy on June 7th...I do not want to put my running in such a hole that I will not be able to get out. Please advise on what you think I should do. I downloaded the plan for self care for shin splints AND calf strain (as the pain all starts in my calf) from athletestreatingathletes. Also- just as a note, I do not have a pool that I can water run in. The pool I swim in is 5 feet deep (the entire pool) and the gym's pool rules say "no aqua jogging or running".
Thank you for helping me with this. I appreciate it!
I am really curious about the calf-to-shin pain. I have never heard of shin splints starting on the back, etc. How tight are your calves? How old are the shoes?
Thanks Coach.
The whole leg thing is really bothering me because I feel like I don't really know what the real issue is. It all started in my calf a week before my 30 run, Which led to some soreness around the shins. But what I am struggling now with is a "nervy pain" that starts in calf....I feel it also behind the knee into my hammy and of course it reaches the piriformis. I am thinking of getting a second opinion. But I don't even know type of doctor to go see for this type of thing. All I know is I want my leg to feel back to normal!!!
UPDATE: So I ran my new sneaks! (exact same make and model of old ones tho....just 100's of less miles on these puppies lol). First mile it was pretty brutal...calf to medial side of tibia. I noticed that my run form was all off...heard my feet "slapping", I was hunched over bit ect....I straightened up, tried to engage the glutes, and fixed my cadence. The next mile was better, third mile I felt it the LEAST and it was the "fastest" of all 3 miles. (yes only 3
). Icing it now. I just don't know what is up with my freakin right leg!
UPDATE 2: Ran yesterday and it was better than Thursday!! Ran 4 miles. Could've kept going but want to be smart and safe. Did my ride after. Decided after that AWESOME webinar (please PLEASE thank Mike Silva for me, I appreciate him sharing all that information! And thank YOU for setting that up!! It came at the perfect time for me). Anyways, I decided to go to get a free injury assessment from a local PT office around here!! They couldn't really figure it out either...they thought possible compartment syndrome, but all the symptoms don't really meet that criteria. One of the PT's there decided to do a gait analysis to see if they could figure something out. And sure enough there were some red flags there. I am landing in my midline instead of straight down (it looked like I was almost crossing my legs...GEESH!) and I my leg is not fully extending back because my hip are too tight. So my gait is all off which I could feel. They did some strength stuff and my right leg is weaker than left for sure. They recommended strength and mobility to see if that will correct the issue....They said this happened before my 30 miles, and had those shin splints, that 30 miles just made the one issue disrupted the flow of everything else. They suggest I give some time to the strength and mobility and it that doesnt work to go to an ortho. What are your thoughts?!?!
So I am leaving to go to visit family in GA for this week. I will have a lake (YAY!!!!) and my running bike. So I won't be able to do the Wednesday or Saturday bike (I will be home on SUnday to get that one in). How should I approach this week? I want to get some more running in but be safe at the same time. Please let me know your thoughts!!
Sorry for the life story....just want you to know whats going on
I'd like you to alternate run/swim (swim as you like) but run it 45' max and use that as a chance to stay loose more than build fitness etc.
Let's keep that positive trend going!!
@rachel- thanks for chiming in! Let me know if u find anything that is helpful!! ??
Hey Coach!
I have some updates for you but I wish they were better. Went to GA to visit my father last week. Rained EVERYDAY. but it was beautiful up here....go figure! Anyways...didn't get much OWS in but at least I had access to a pool and fitness center! (Dad lives in 55+ community and it had a great facility!)
Biked 3 hours before plane ride on Sunday. Good swims Mon, Wed, Thur........ Strength routine (corrective exercises based on PT website ect) on Wed, Thur, Sat......and here it is, Ran Mon (3 mi), Wed (5 mi), Fri (5 mi) pretty slow even tho HR was a bit high. Each run, the first mile was pretty brutal. Just tight tight pain in calf that seems to radiate through the leg. My husband ran with me twice and said I looked "clunky"...(whatever that means) lol BUT after it warms up the pain is not nearly as bad! it gets a lot better!!! Each time I feel like if I just push through the beginning and it will get better. But I think the pain and issue is changing my gait and I am nervous that will cause other issues elsewhere.
Sunday....flight home and wasn't feeling hot. SUPER nauseous after plane ride. Could not get in a ride. Monday still not well and nauseous so took it off. Brings us to today....I tried to get out and run. After the first tenth of a mile I was in pain. Limping. Pulled the plug on the run and limped home. I need to go back to the doc. I go to my chiro who has put me back together every time and knows more than any doc I have ever met. Problem is he cancelled my appt last weekend and today. So I think I am going to have to try and get in with someone else this week. Maybe sports ortho in town. I just need to figure out what the heck is going on. I don't know how far I should push through this and I need some answers.
Basically came home tonight from my failed run and lost it.
I have kept moving forward and stayed positive with everything I do!!! Think positive, be positive and positive things will happen is my mantra! But today I lost my positive mojo. I desperately want to work harder and get stronger. Feeling so discouraged and I miss running so much. I don't even know how I could do Quassy in June. Thinking of shooting for Tinman instead? (its the end of June)
Update: Today (Wednesday) had a solid ride this morning. Went to see a sports ortho today. He thinks I have a stress fracture. Going for an MRI tomorrow. Follow up with him will be on Friday. (His wife who works in his CRAZY busy office saw how upset I was...tearing up waiting to get my xray....she was SO awesome. Came over and said "I get it. Trust me, I get it" Turns out the doc and his wife are crazy endurance athletes too. She took my paperwork got my the MRI appointment and squeezed me in on Friday for the follow up.)
How should I move forward with this week? Maybe take this time to improve my bike (which needs ALOT of work)? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for being such a pain! Thank you for being so supportive and taking the time to help me become the athlete and EN teammate that I want to be!!
A proper diagnosis is the first step. No matter what it is, once we know we can move forward. IOW the day we know is the day we can set a plan and put that into motion.
Our standard Run Jail workout plan is Tue/Thu/Sat/Sun rides; swim on other days or rest. Let's start ^that^ approach and please keep me in the loop!! Text is ok given seriousness -- 6175133830
Thank you Coach- I appreciate your support and help with this. I am off to get the MRI in a few minutes, and will see the doc tomorrow to go over results. I will let you know what he says! Fingers crossed.
Well it is official. My 2015 season has taken a turn. I have a stress fracture.
This is what doc said. No running for 6 weeks. Next 2 weeks- swimming and water run only, then I can spin easy on the bike, week 4 I can add in elliptical (if I would like). Week 6 follow up in doc office and return to run (this would be beginning of June). I can workout upper body strength and core, but nothing with legs.
Quassy is out. Tinman is out too. Maybe I could do Tinman aqua/bike? My A race for the season is Timberman in August. Still doable you think? Also- I have been saving for months for a power meter and am about to purchase one with coach R, do you think I will be able to bike with some FTP work within these 6 weeks? I don't want to loose all my bike fitness too. The doc I saw does IM events as well and said that since Quassy is out, I could find a later season HIM to do instead and he suggested Firm Man in RI in Sept....know anything about this one?
So can you help me organize a plan for the next 6 weeks. I want to be smart so I can still have some type of season. I am trying to stay positive. A plan will help me mentally. Please let me know your thoughts! Thank you again.
P.S. The kid that run the 30 miles with me (from Eastern Connecticut State University and in the Army) emailed me and he is planning to run across the state of CT again this summer (he did it last summer too) but this time he is doing it for WWP!!! He wants me to help him out with fundraising and be a part of the run. It will be in the beginning of August, any chance I will be ready to do some running for this? I am SO excited that he is continuing the trend to give back to the community and fundraise for this cause! Of course he emailed me last night after I found out about my stress fracture- Made me more sad because I want to be a part of this journey But taking care of my body comes first.
2) are you in a boot?on crutches? How limited are you day to day?
3) I will outline a basic plan but for now would use Swim Camp as a template!
4) yes to it man aqua bike and Timberman should be ok. FIRM is an okay race, not quite of the caliber of a 70.3....totally up to you.
5) yes to the PM....will be a great way to chart your progress and get smart.
6) I say you escort him on the bike, not running. Could be a great bike fitness build for you!!!
1) The stress fracture is on the tibia.

2) No boot or crutches (which I think is a good sign----not that big of a fracture). I can do daily activities...walking around school ect, but thats about it on my legs. No weight bearing exercises ect.
3) Will start using swim camp training plan and will look for more guidance with your outline.
4) Awesome that I can do Tinman aqua/bike!!! Bike might be pitiful but it gives me a goal. And I am planning to do 2 a couple OWS events in June (and 1 in July because it sounds really cool....swimming down the Mystic River and I LOVE Mystic!) to keep my sanity and give me a focus with my swimming! Will look more into another Sept 70.3. Any suggestions welcomed!
5) Will email Coach R to get the PM ordered.
6) Awesome idea to escort him on the bike. Will def be a better fit for me and my goals!! Thank you for thinking of that!!!!
Had a follow up with my chiro today- He spent a lot of time with me trying to help figure things out. The cause of what happened. He did MANY strength tests with me to see what was up and I have a HUGE imbalance between my left side and right. My left side is MUCH WEAKER, abductor, adductor, hip flexors, quad and hamstring. Which would explain why my right side takes the brunt of everything. I have been over compensating with my right.... which is the side I have the stress fracture on. He is thinking possible PT or PT routine for me to do to work on the left side during this time.
Thanks again for helping with a plan during this time! Your the best!!
1. Gotta make sure your shoes are super comfy and supportive, and that you take frequent sitting breaks!
2. Yes to the PT regimen -- do it now while your schedule isn't full of training. Nothing too intensive, more "give me homework, I do it, we check in again in two weeks" so that your Insurance will cover it.
3. Consider a Calcium and a Vitamin D supplement (s) as those have anecdotally been shown to help.
4. You have a few weeks before you can even think about stuff like the elliptical (soon to be a friend) here are my thoughts:
Week 1 & 2 - Nothing in stone here, but I could see the following. Start of short with AJ, like 20-30 minutes.
Mon - Swim Easy
Tues - Aqua Jog + PT exercises
Wed - Swim Easy
Thu - Aqua Jog + PT exercises
Fri - Swim Easy
Sat - Aqua Jog + PT exercises
Sun - OFF
Week 3 & 4 — We can add in some easy biking here…
Mon - Swim Easy
Tues - Aqua Jog + PT exercises
Wed - Bike Easy
Thu - Aqua Jog + PT exercises
Fri - Swim Easy
Sat - Bike Easy + PT exercises
Sun - OFF
Week 5 & 6 is more triathlon-esque:
Mon - Swim Easy
Tues - Elliptical + PT exercises
Wed - Bike Easy
Thu - Elliptical + PT exercises
Fri - Swim Easy
Sat - Bike Easy + PT exercises
Sun - OFF
Week 7 & 8 we can turn to more elliptical time:
Mon - Elliptical + PT exercises
Tues - Bike Mod Hard
Wed - Swim Easy + Short Elliptical Time
Thu - Bike Mod Hard
Fri - Elliptical + PT exercises
Sat - Bike Easy (Longer Now) + PT exercises
Sun - OFF
You are AWESOME Coach!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the plan!! Will get the exercises from PT and do them on my own. Will let you know what they say! Wish I lived closer to Michael Silva
Doc said they exact same thing about Vitamin D so he sent me for bloodwork this week. Will be taking Vit D for sure, but he wants a baseline.
When I start the easy bikes, how long can I go? Tinman Aquabike is June 27 so if it is okay to do that- want to make sure I can at least finish!
Thank you again!
Hope your having a great time in NC!
Hey Coach!!
Hope all is well! Bet your girls are excited for school to be out soon (if they aren’t already done). Anyways, I know I’ve been quiet…you’ve been hearing crickets in my micro…..hard to believe, right???? HAHA! Loved reading about placid camp...can't wait to get back there next year with you!!
So, I wanted to take some time to update you and let you know what is going on! This is the life stuff so skip if it’s too much
May and now June ended up being a crazy months for my career (which kept my mind from missing running)….I got a new position as an elementary STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) Specialist and I was selected as Teacher of the Year! (HOLY COW! Never thought that would happen! SO HONORED!!). Needless to say, with all those changes going on, there were lots of papers to write, a few interviews, trainings to attend ect ect. I basically had to fit in my training and did as much biking and swimming as I could. (Did quite a bit though!!) Got my across the lake and back swim to 32 minutes (1.22 miles)
Good news- went to the doc on Friday and he said I could start run/walk!!WOOHOO! THANK YOU!!! (I think he was shocked by my excitement and hug lol)
So I did run walk on Sunday….felt like my form was way off and my knees were sore while I was running.....hmmm?? He said walk ¼ mi then run ¼ mile for 3 miles…that’s what I did….what do you think? Too much? Then Monday woke up and my shins were super sore. FREAKED OUT because I thought it was my stress fracture. But it feels more sore than anything else. Basically, I want to come back smart. I took the time to heal and did what I was told so I want to get my body back to how it should be. I want to come back stronger from this. My long term goal is Placid 2016 and will do whatever it takes to get myself stronger for that race.
How should I approach my return? What training plan should I use? My A race was Timberman 70.3 which is 9 or 10 weeks away…realistically, do you think this is possible? To get my run back to do 13.1? I was going to do some aqua bike events because I need to get an event under my belt. Thoughts on that? Also- I didn’t start the PT over the past 6 weeks because the doc decided it would be best to keep ALL stress off the leg. So I start PT today!!
Finally….drum roll please….GOT MY POWERMETER IN!!! Next step in getting better at the bike!! How do I go about testing on my new PM?
Thank you for your help in getting me back to where I need to be. I apologize for my lengthy post, and hope it wasn’t too much! I will be more active in the post once I start teaching summer school (way easier to manage my time teaching there lol)
The run re-entry protocol is here:
I suggest you keep it even 90" run...4:30 power walk, etc. We are looking for incremental building...
As for the PM, no testing yet...I want like 4 weeks of rides on it have to get the screen set up, get used to the numbers you see, etc.
Missed you in Placid but pumped to have you BACK ON TRACK!
Coach- Thank you for the congratulations and kind words. I appreciate it more than you know!!
And thank you for the run/walk protocol- SO much better than the walk ¼ run ¼ for 4 weeks that I was told haha! Doctors sometimes…..Will start getting some numbers on my PM and wait to do some testing.
Question- I have the run/walk plan to follow for running but what other plan should I be following for my swim/bikes? I have up the HIM plan but since I cant run, I would like to bike more than 3x week and that plan has riding w, sa, sun . But I leave it to you to guide me…. So whatever plan you think will help me make the most gains and keep my fitness someone in check.
Thanks again!!