SO awesome to see you up in LP! Loved spending time with the team, just totally makes the IMLP experience amazing. So many GREAT people, its incredible.
After being up there, I was so inspired to get more focused. I’ve been getting some good rides and swims, and finally feeling like my run is going in the right direction.Done a few aqua/bikes races and a bunch of group rides. But its time to focus… I need some guidance.
I have done the 8 weeks run/walk, so where do I go from here? How do I start extending? What do I do about pace….since I have def lost my speed. Gone are the days of my 7:30 miles.I am ready to WORK to get it back.
Closing this season with Timberman as an Aqua/bike and a century ride (or 2) in the fall.
NO running from April 20-June 14 (8 weeks per doc) but lots of swimming and cycling as well as PT exercises.
Started back run/walk on June 14. Running 3-4 times a week totaling a very sad 9-12 miles a week for the last 8 weeks. (which is now almost ALL running)
PT told me not to increase mileage till end of 8 week, which is now! My knee had a little issue with tracking as I was getting back into it but all is good now!!! I am feeling good and ready to get on track.
I am continuing with PT exercises which have helped A LOT. I am ready to WORK.
Wow, you are awesome. I say that we set some goals for you. 9-12 miles a week is good. So let's build it up, but through
Wk 1 (8/10) = 15 miles as 5 x 3 mi Wk 2 = 12 miles as 4 x 3 mi Wk 3 = 16 miles as 4 x 3, 1 x 4 Wk 4 = 14 miles as 3 x 4, 1 x 2 (2mi as brick) Wk 5 = 18 miles as 6 x 3 Wk 6 = 15 miles as 2 x 5, 2 x 2.5 (2.5s as brick) Wk 7 = 20 miles as 5 x 4 mi Wk 8 = 15 miles as 3 x 5 mi
How does that sound? I like alternating weeks of less total mileage but slightly longer runs...
Thanks Coach!! I appreciate it! I just have 2 questions.......
1.) Do you think I could be ready to safely do a half marathon on October 10? (Hartford Half) That's a little over 9 weeks out..... If you think it would be an OK choice- should I extend one run a week? How would that change the above plan? If you think I shouldn't do it-- I will listen because I want to be the strongest runner I can for LP next year.
2.) What paces should my runs be at? When should I test/ should I test? Will I ever get my speed back.....
Laura, last things first. Your speed will come back, for sure, but on it's own timeline. Much like a watched pot the closer you look at it the longer the journey will appear...focus in stead on what you can control that will build conditions for speed.
I am not a fan of a half marathon in 9 weeks....that plan above only has you at 20 miles for a whole week by then, longest run at 5mi...going to 13 would be a huge jump. Is there a 10k you can do instead? Or a Jan/Feb race?
There is no rush to get back to volume, it has it's own limitations as well -- now is the time to stay consistent and build a great foundation!
Got it! Will take half marathon off my plan for October. I accept that I need to get back and build a good foundation!!! I will find one to do in February! I also do a 5 mile race on Thanksgiving- so maybe I can make that a goal race as well.
Last question- this week I am doing an aqua/bike sprint on Thursday and aqua/bike at Timberman on Sunday (hope its okay to do those 2 races...but the sprint is so short I figured I would be able to recover for Sunday?).......but I am also supposed to do 5x3 mile runs according to my plan above.....should I still try and do that?
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for getting me back on track!!!
yes...all other workouts are just the easy runs...not hard... the path to greatness is never are doing the right thing (often harder to do than just the HARD thing)
Hope all is well, I can see you ROCKIN your KONA training on Strava….you’re a MACHINE!!! Can’t wait to track you in just a few weeks!!!! (I finally got on Strava and I LOVE IT!)
Wanted to check in a touch base about a few things. First- You were RIGHT! (no surprise there) I am on week 6 of the plan you gave me to rebuild my running foundation- and I’m finally feeling like my run is coming into a good place. I stopped worrying about pace like you said…and the speed has slowly started to come back!
I still have A LOT to do to work on my run. I am thinking about getting a gait analysis. But at least I am in the right direction.
Few questions: I know we took the HM and speed work off the schedule because it was just not worth it, but now that I have been consistent, can I race a 5K October 18? And could this be used for my OS test?
I would also like to possibly do a couple short duathlons in Oct/Nov…..would this be ok?
Finally- OS starts end of Oct so I want to be prepared and want this to be my best OS yet. Looking at the runs that will be coming- they will be much longer than what I have been doing. Do I need to strategically increase my mileage, or since I have a foundation can I do the runs as listed.
Thank you for helping me stay in my box and come back SMART!!! New job has been taking A LOT out of me so training has been tough the last few weeks but I have been fitting it in and staying as consistent as possible. I am so ready to get focused and make gains.
Laura, six weeks sounds about right! So pumped your hard work and dedication is paying off! I am so pumped for you. Yes to the 5k -- with a proper warm up and negative split approach please; as for the DUs, sure have fun. Not sure how they will totally sync up with the OS, but that's what this thread is for, right? Why don't you post some dates and we'll go from there...
Gotta start by saying THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your help in getting me back running.....SMART and SAFELY. Your plan kept me on track and smart. So incredibly thankful to have such a knowledgeable coach.
So here is a quick update: I am happy to report that I did my 5K test last weekend...the 3.1 time was 23:00, which was a PR for 30 seconds! And I felt great! well....minus the burn Also- did my first duathlon a few weeks ago before the start of OS. Boy did I miss that swim! Run, bike, run= ouch lol but it was fun and a good race experience....and I was 3rd female overall! (it was a small race, so not super competitive, but still kinda cool ).
So I am reaching out about the other duathlon that is coming up. I am planning to do the Brooklyn Duathlon in Prospect Park. Should be interesting....and hopefully not too cold!! I have 2 questions for you- Question 1- I'm in week 2 OS- should I modify my week in any way? The race is Sunday. Question 2- There are 2 distances I could do---- 2 mi run, 10 bike, 2 mi run OR 3.25 mi run, 13.5 bike, 3.25 run. Which one do you suggest I do?
Laura – congratulations on such a fantastic performance, you are truly a rock star! nothing like laying down a personal best after being recovery trail for so long.
for this week I suggest you use the Sunday race as the combo "Saturday and Sunday" work out. With that in mind, I would probably do some kind of an easy run or bike on Friday, take Saturday off, and then race.
As for the distances, I think it's really up to you. You can certainly do either one. For me, it would more be a function of the weather and my excitement to race in it that would be the deciding factor. Let us know what you do!
I hope you are doing well!! It’s been awhile but have no fears- I’ve been hard at work :-) OS has been going well and I can’t believe it’s already WEEK 7!!! Which means next week is the big test week- YIKES! I am planning in advance because I really want to do the best I can!!! But I need your help! Could you please give me some advice about rearranging a few workouts please.
The Sunday of test week (Dec 20) is a local 5K that I really want to do- and do well in….the competitor in me wants to break out at this race...the race is bringing a big crowd of local triathletes that I know. :-) SO should I/ can I use this for my test?
Tuesday will not be a good test day for the bike because I will be at work from 7 a-7p. I bike better at night and I really want to try to set myself up for a successful test (I’m nervous about it) So what day should I test? Wednesday?
Last question- I promise! It says weekly mileage goes down to 20 miles….I feel like my running has been coming along so well I want to just confirm that we should drop the mileage for this week.
Idea for schedule? Monday- core Tuesday- light run Wednesday- bike test Thursday- run Friday- bike/run Saturday- core Sunday- 5k THANK YOU SO MUCH!Hope you and the family are doing well and excited for the Holidays!!
Hey, I was ABOUT to write something up about this! Test Week = Rest Week so yes to slightly less running, esp since you have a Sunday 5k on the calendar.
Mon - Core Tues - Light Run Wed - Bike Test Thu - Run Fri - Do the Sat bike here Sat - Core / Light Run Sun - RACE
For sunday, check out run wiki ( for 5k pacing and warm up guidance. Bottom line you'll want like a 30' JOG to get loose...I go 15 minutes easy...stop retie shoes...then 5 mins closer to steady...stop, stretch...then run easy last 10' back to start with a few "pick ups / strides" @ or faster than 5k pace!
You're the BEST!! THANK YOU THANK YOU for the plan. Test week=rest week sounds good to me.
Will do a good warm up before the race- I just found out that the course is a little hilly- was soooo hoping for a fast and flat! But here goes nothin!!
So tis the season for craziness!As one of my students reminded me on Thursday----in the MIDDLE of my lesson he hand raised and said, “Mrs. Becker, did you know there is only 8 days till Christmas???” YES! AWESOME!! So glad he was understanding the new concept I was introducing!! LOL They are CHECKED OUT! Just thought I'd give you a chuckle ;-)
Here’s where I am at. Last week did not go as planned in regards to testing. I tried to get my bike test in on Wednesday and it just wasn’t going well so I pulled the plug half way through. UGH. I could list the excuses including staying at my parents to take care of their dogs while they're away, stomach bug a few days before, stress at school….but basically I bombed. I ended up taking Thursday off to clear out my stomach issues. Ran and rode on Friday, yesterday light run and core…..5K was today.As I mentioned- I wanted to do this race because of the cause and the crowd (extra motivation). The director had mentioned it was a hilly course and referenced that it prob would not be a PR course…..well she was right. HOLY HILLS! And not just one----like several. I gutted through but after the first huge climb I knew no matter how high I picked up those knees my pace was too slow to hit the time I wanted. I kept at it though----but time was AWFUL. (23:59 vs. 23:00 in NOV) I felt I executed well though- and felt pretty strong running. I was 38 out of 315 and was 2nd female in the 18 and over division.After was talking to some of the fast guys who finished who said the course was DEF not a PR course…. Kinda made me feel better in my time of despair. Basically failed both tests. SO now moving onward and upward- What are your thoughts to help me plan is to retest the bike Tuesday morning at 6:00?And then maybe doing 3 fast track miles on Sunday? I feel like this has been my best OS and hit almost all my numbers/workouts. Then I test and bomb. Keeping my positive mental attitude as much as possible!! Any guidance on this week and retesting would be HUGE!!
THANK YOU and sorry for my stories and extra comments
UPDATE: I tried to retest the bike this morning- and pulled the plug after 8 mins of the 20' test. I don't know what is up with me and my legs....couldn't get my power. Trying not to get discouraged. But I did hit every FTP workout so far this OS.
LB, don't worry about the race as a failed run test. Sounds like no one could PR..if it's not flat like a track, it's not PR material. The FURTHER from a track simulation you get, the LESS LIKELY you will PR. The only way you can compare those two times is on the same course. So don't get too beat up about it...keep the same run zones at a minimum, but I would suggest moving one vDOT higher on the calculator and trying those zones.
For the bike, it's all mental. Don't worry about it. IF you don't have it in you, you don't. (TOP SECRET - I rarely test!) If you know what your zones are, and you know what your "hard" is, and you can put yourself there in the workouts, then keep doing _that_ to get better.
For me I make bargains with myself...just see "X" for 8'...then get over the 4' hump....then it's counting down the 8' to the end...but then again, I have been doing 20' tests since college (old rowing days) so I am used to being in the hurt locker.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Thank you for the info on the testing- I have been following what you said and feeling good about things. But I do have some updates for you…
January 1, 2016- I was out my 90 min ride and my rear derailleur completely snapped off. I was riding easy- in middle gear of my rear cassette. I was switching to the big ring in the front when CRUNCH, CLUNK, CLINK, - at first I thought it was a dropped chain- I put on the breaks and instantly realized that it was much, much more- the chain was off and twisted the derailleur was in between the spokes- it is an AWFUL sight. The rear derailleur broke but it also tore two screws out and cracked the frame. THANKFULLY TREK will warranty the frame!! So cost will be minimal! Apparently there was a known problem of there been a "weak spot" in the metal back there. There were also a few spokes damaged in my wheel (which is has my PM hub) but those are being repaired as well. SO POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE- I did not crash, my frame is going to be warrantied and I am getting 2016 version of my bike! AND my bike shop did a lot of leg work and got the bike in yesterday SO I only had to modify my OS bike workouts this week with a borrowed bike for Tuesday ride and spin class on Thursday.
January 2, 2016- I was at a wedding in Long Island. Dancing with everyone when an extremely drunk guy- 6’5 about 240lbs who was dancing CRAZY and jumping up and down landed DIRECTLY on my foot. OMG. Did that really just happen? Sat down- couldn’t put weight on it and there were 2 pools of blood underneath the skin within minutes. Woke up Sunday (hoping to do my 9 mile run) but could not put weight on it and it was extremely swollen. Husband insisted I go to walk in- luckily no broken bones just contusions. So I missed last Sunday’s long run- and this week I was able to start running on Tuesday- it felt much better by then- didn’t do Wednesday’s run- and no speed work- but still ran 5 days- did 24 miles. SO GOOD NEWS- I am back on the saddle! So this past week was a bit messed up- do I repeat the week this week or just move forward? I think I know the answer- just wanted to confirm ;-)
Basically 2016 and a bumpy beginning but everything happens for a reason (I did a TON of self care on my rest/healing days…&hellip and it all worked out……NOW this year is going to be EPIC!!!
Hey Coach!!! First- Jan Volume Camp looked AMAZING!!!! It's totallllly on my bucket list!! AWESOME AWESOME!!
Next- WOOHOO!!!! I am back to normal! Hit all workouts this week and mileage but just did not do the speed on the run to be safe. But I am ready to get it this week!
So quick question- can I move the Sunday speed work to Wednesday's run for the next 2 weeks?
Also- My OS test HM is going to be Hyannis Half on February 28. (Hard to find HM in New England around this time and this one looked beautiful, flat, and it was reasonably priced!) That is obviously a few weeks past the end of OS tho- so coach R has me going right into the Get Faster Plan instead of swim camp. Question is- should I do a 5K test during test week (January 27) just to see what I can do?
LAST question- I would love to do the Tour of Sufferlandria Feb 6-Feb 14- but that's alot of riding- and right before my HM on Feb 28- what do you think----yay or neh?
I am psyched about this OS because I feel that I really hit the workouts, minus that one week where I was dodging bullets.
Laura, I say do the "speed" work as a tempo finish to the Sunday run...I don't want Z4 yet...I'd rather you do a solid Sunday run and finish with some Z3 time (much harder at end of run).
I am not sold on the 5k test unless you think you are bullet proof. I don't want to jeopardize all the progress we've made thus far. Let me know what you decide...remember that Hyannis itself could be the "test" and a good season relevant marker anyway...
Yes to the, epic and biking is always good. You won't get too tired and you should be able to recover in time!
HAHA! Bulletproof- I WISH!!! I will NOT being doing a 5K test. At this point you are right.....not worth it and I am really looking forward to the Hyannis Half. Hubby and I got a room at the Convention Center where it starts so we can go up on Saturday.
And YES to the TOS!! This will be a first to me and I am looking forward to it!! I will be in the Get Faster Plan at that point- should I still do the runs during the TOS? How do I modify for that?
THANK YOU so much for your help! Hope your staying warm and the snow misses you this weekend!
We can dial in the run when we can see where you are at when you get my mind, the runs will be minimal and more about consistency than anything else during that week given your training load.
I am getting ready for the Get Faster plan now- woohoo!! I previewed the plan and one thing I am realllly missing is the weekly mileage goals....and now there are only 4 runs .... can you give me an approx goal to shoot for during this plan?? I gotta say that was one thing I LOVED about the new OS plans!!! The run durability and weekly mileage goals!! And finally----promise ---- when do you think I can start adding in some Z4 time?
@LB, we are rewriting these this week (better late than never!!!) to make room for some more running...thanks for the feedback on the mileage goals...I am on it!!! Stay tuned!
<p>Hey Coach!</p> <p>Reaching out for some guidance regarding the Tour Of Sufferlandria running modifications.</p> <p>Little Update: Finished OS on Sun day(WOOHOO!!!) First time I officially finished the 14 week plan!- and think I missed maybe 2 workouts---- So I am feeling very pumped about that!!! SUCCESS! However- Legs were feeling pretty spent. Tight, sore, achy, and dealing with some cramping. The cramping started on Jan 19 (bc my Strava ride was called burning glutes lol) and mostly happened when I was doing FTP or VO2 rides (and sometimes when I was running up hill) the last 2 weeks. Still got the zones and solid work- but the lactic acid would build up faster than usual. Chiro found my pelvic joint out of alignment. That totally helped- and did a TON of stretching and rolling. I went to see Todd @ TT Bike bc this started right after I got my new ride....and I wanted him to check it out and he found that I was def reaching on one side which would cause discomfort. He says one leg is longer than another so he put a shim in on my left side and a couple other adjustments. (PS LOVE HIM AND LIS!! They are just AWESOME!!) Anyways- So kinda went into swim camp this week to give the legs a break. So I did last Saturday/Sunday as prescribed for OS (except did 10 mile run instead of the HM). Monday OFF- stretch roll/ Tuesday- Swim,/ Wednesday- Swim, /Thursday 4 mile run- legs felt much better than the weekend! A little cramping/soreness but just slightly--- more bc I was thinking about it the WHOLE TIME.</p> <p>Tried to ride the TOS today but I had burn/discomfort...My FTP that I was able to hold for 20 minutes 2 weeks ago I cannot hold for 2 minutes. WHAT?!? I have no idea whats going on. So I am out of the TOS..... Just no reason to do that. Running doesn't seem to bother it too much. Ran 7 today and felt pretty good!! Felt some light burn..little tight...only when running up hill. Ended with a push too. Could this just be fatigue?? What is your advice??</p> I'm going to plan to do week 2 of swim I know why u put swim camp after OS!!!
LB, yes to week 2 of swim camp. Hard to say what the glute issue is, but I am hoping it's just tired and needs the down time. You can ride / run this week but nothing hard / pushing it.
That FTP drop is normal coming "back" after down time, but the new bike fit change could also take getting used to.
What core work are you doing right now? Curious to know what's on the agenda (on your own or from PT).
And you aren't lifting right now are you? A glute strain is more typical with lifting vs overuse as it's so tough. That said, is it the glute or the high-hamstring (attachment at bottom of butt cheek).
Thank you for the guidance coach. Swim camp is feeling good on the body. Things seem to be healing!! The FTP drop came at the end of OS- not after down time-- I think it was because my hip/glute was messed up. I was doing some lifting----nothing heavy---but that has since stopped. For core/PT- planks, clamshells, hip bridges, leg raises (think Jane Fonda), monster walks, bicycles... I was doing most at least 2 times a week-- but def missed doing them a few times---what are your thoughts on these?Keep up with them?
Updated info: Went to chiro tonight and he is thinking I have a slight sprain of my sacroiliac joint (pelvis). I was super torqued and twisted---which i could totally feel. He said he thinks I can continue training but go back next week and if its wacked out again, we gotta figure out whats up. So here's hoping now that I am back in place I will be GOOD TO GO!!
Question for this weekend--- I still plan to do Hyannis, run is supposed to be 1 hour on Sunday per swim camp----should I do longer to make sure I am prepared for Hyannis?
Any thoughts you have on any of this would be super appreciated!!! THANK YOU!!!
Keep up the core work and add bands to make the clamshells / leg raises "harder" if they are too easy. You can go up to 75 to be ready for Hyannis...but not more!
Please keep me posted on your back...fingers crossed (not vertebrae).
WOOHOO!!! I have some great news! Just got back from chiro and got a GREAT report. SI joints were basically where they should be and the ligment in that area has also healed nicely----its got its "spring" back! I could even feel it! YES!!!! Swim camp saved me that time really helped things.
So here is the not so fun stuff- biked Saturday- did 12X1' high VO2 and then high Z3 work- tough but got it done! FTP w/o was what made me nervous--- so today- set my FTP back to where it was in NOVEMBER (10-12 watts lower than what I was doing my FTP intervals at).... Did first 15' interval- just OK. Second one divided into 5, 8, 4 (which I know does not equal 15 but bc I split it... I added a bit). Wasn't pretty but it got done. Glute felt OK!! IT bands/hips where burning...... I know I have lost power but the good news is that I am already on my way to getting it BACK!!! YES!
Hubby and I made an accountability board for my bore and band work- got some snazzy bands as my VDAY gift (along with IMLP camp!!!). Forget flowers---I was on CLOUD 9 with this stuff! So I will continue that work.
I still want to do Hyannis---Even if I don't "race it"- maybe just do it as a long run? I completed the OS durability - hit almost every run and did 30 miles/week. Longest runs were 10. Thoughts on how to approach this race? And what should I do for my "long run" this weekend-- get faster has me doing 80 minutes.....I did 75 this weekend per your directions.
Hey Coach!
SO awesome to see you up in LP! Loved spending time with the team, just totally makes the IMLP experience amazing. So many GREAT people, its incredible.
After being up there, I was so inspired to get more focused. I’ve been getting some good rides and swims, and finally feeling like my run is going in the right direction. Done a few aqua/bikes races and a bunch of group rides. But its time to focus… I need some guidance.
I have done the 8 weeks run/walk, so where do I go from here? How do I start extending? What do I do about pace….since I have def lost my speed. Gone are the days of my 7:30 miles. I am ready to WORK to get it back.
Closing this season with Timberman as an Aqua/bike and a century ride (or 2) in the fall.
Thanks for your help with this!
And yes, a GREAT WEEKEND in LP. Loved having your smile and energy everywhere!!!
So here's what I have done in regards to running.
NO running from April 20-June 14 (8 weeks per doc) but lots of swimming and cycling as well as PT exercises.
Started back run/walk on June 14. Running 3-4 times a week totaling a very sad 9-12 miles a week for the last 8 weeks. (which is now almost ALL running)
PT told me not to increase mileage till end of 8 week, which is now! My knee had a little issue with tracking as I was getting back into it but all is good now!!! I am feeling good and ready to get on track.
I am continuing with PT exercises which have helped A LOT. I am ready to WORK.
Wk 1 (8/10) = 15 miles as 5 x 3 mi
Wk 2 = 12 miles as 4 x 3 mi
Wk 3 = 16 miles as 4 x 3, 1 x 4
Wk 4 = 14 miles as 3 x 4, 1 x 2 (2mi as brick)
Wk 5 = 18 miles as 6 x 3
Wk 6 = 15 miles as 2 x 5, 2 x 2.5 (2.5s as brick)
Wk 7 = 20 miles as 5 x 4 mi
Wk 8 = 15 miles as 3 x 5 mi
How does that sound? I like alternating weeks of less total mileage but slightly longer runs...
Thanks Coach!! I appreciate it! I just have 2 questions.......
1.) Do you think I could be ready to safely do a half marathon on October 10? (Hartford Half) That's a little over 9 weeks out..... If you think it would be an OK choice- should I extend one run a week? How would that change the above plan? If you think I shouldn't do it-- I will listen because I want to be the strongest runner I can for LP next year.
2.) What paces should my runs be at? When should I test/ should I test? Will I ever get my speed back.....
I am not a fan of a half marathon in 9 weeks....that plan above only has you at 20 miles for a whole week by then, longest run at 5mi...going to 13 would be a huge jump. Is there a 10k you can do instead? Or a Jan/Feb race?
There is no rush to get back to volume, it has it's own limitations as well -- now is the time to stay consistent and build a great foundation!
Got it! Will take half marathon off my plan for October. I accept that I need to get back and build a good foundation!!! I will find one to do in February!
I also do a 5 mile race on Thanksgiving- so maybe I can make that a goal race as well.
Last question- this week I am doing an aqua/bike sprint on Thursday and aqua/bike at Timberman on Sunday (hope its okay to do those 2 races...but the sprint is so short I figured I would be able to recover for Sunday?).......but I am also supposed to do 5x3 mile runs according to my plan above.....should I still try and do that?
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for getting me back on track!!!
the path to greatness is never are doing the right thing (often harder to do than just the HARD thing)
Hope all is well, I can see you ROCKIN your KONA training on Strava….you’re a MACHINE!!! Can’t wait to track you in just a few weeks!!!! (I finally got on Strava and I LOVE IT!)
Wanted to check in a touch base about a few things. First- You were RIGHT! (no surprise there) I am on week 6 of the plan you gave me to rebuild my running foundation- and I’m finally feeling like my run is coming into a good place. I stopped worrying about pace like you said…and the speed has slowly started to come back!
I still have A LOT to do to work on my run. I am thinking about getting a gait analysis. But at least I am in the right direction.Few questions: I know we took the HM and speed work off the schedule because it was just not worth it, but now that I have been consistent, can I race a 5K October 18? And could this be used for my OS test?
I would also like to possibly do a couple short duathlons in Oct/Nov…..would this be ok?
Finally- OS starts end of Oct so I want to be prepared and want this to be my best OS yet. Looking at the runs that will be coming- they will be much longer than what I have been doing. Do I need to strategically increase my mileage, or since I have a foundation can I do the runs as listed.
Thank you for helping me stay in my box and come back SMART!!! New job has been taking A LOT out of me so training has been tough the last few weeks but I have been fitting it in and staying as consistent as possible. I am so ready to get focused and make gains.Thanks again, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
Ps - thanks for the kind words on my training!
Gotta start by saying THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your help in getting me back running.....SMART and SAFELY. Your plan kept me on track and smart. So incredibly thankful to have such a knowledgeable coach.
So here is a quick update: I am happy to report that I did my 5K test last weekend...the 3.1 time was 23:00, which was a PR for 30 seconds! And I felt great! well....minus the burn
Also- did my first duathlon a few weeks ago before the start of OS. Boy did I miss that swim! Run, bike, run= ouch lol but it was fun and a good race experience....and I was 3rd female overall! (it was a small race, so not super competitive, but still kinda cool
So I am reaching out about the other duathlon that is coming up. I am planning to do the Brooklyn Duathlon in Prospect Park. Should be interesting....and hopefully not too cold!! I have 2 questions for you- Question 1- I'm in week 2 OS- should I modify my week in any way? The race is Sunday. Question 2- There are 2 distances I could do---- 2 mi run, 10 bike, 2 mi run OR 3.25 mi run, 13.5 bike, 3.25 run. Which one do you suggest I do?
THANK YOU again!
for this week I suggest you use the Sunday race as the combo "Saturday and Sunday" work out. With that in mind, I would probably do some kind of an easy run or bike on Friday, take Saturday off, and then race.
As for the distances, I think it's really up to you. You can certainly do either one. For me, it would more be a function of the weather and my excitement to race in it that would be the deciding factor. Let us know what you do!
Hey Coach!!
I hope you are doing well!! It’s been awhile but have no fears- I’ve been hard at work :-)
OS has been going well and I can’t believe it’s already WEEK 7!!! Which means next week is the big test week- YIKES! I am planning in advance because I really want to do the best I can!!! But I need your help! Could you please give me some advice about rearranging a few workouts please.
The Sunday of test week (Dec 20) is a local 5K that I really want to do- and do well in….the competitor in me wants to break out at this race...the race is bringing a big crowd of local triathletes that I know. :-) SO should I/ can I use this for my test?
Tuesday will not be a good test day for the bike because I will be at work from 7 a-7p. I bike better at night and I really want to try to set myself up for a successful test (I’m nervous about it) So what day should I test? Wednesday?
Last question- I promise! It says weekly mileage goes down to 20 miles….I feel like my running has been coming along so well I want to just confirm that we should drop the mileage for this week.
Idea for schedule?
Monday- core
Tuesday- light run
Wednesday- bike test
Thursday- run
Friday- bike/run
Saturday- core
Sunday- 5k
THANK YOU SO MUCH!Hope you and the family are doing well and excited for the Holidays!!
Mon - Core
Tues - Light Run
Wed - Bike Test
Thu - Run
Fri - Do the Sat bike here
Sat - Core / Light Run
Sun - RACE
For sunday, check out run wiki ( for 5k pacing and warm up guidance. Bottom line you'll want like a 30' JOG to get loose...I go 15 minutes easy...stop retie shoes...then 5 mins closer to steady...stop, stretch...then run easy last 10' back to start with a few "pick ups / strides" @ or faster than 5k pace!
You're the BEST!! THANK YOU THANK YOU for the plan. Test week=rest week sounds good to me.
Will do a good warm up before the race- I just found out that the course is a little hilly- was soooo hoping for a fast and flat! But here goes nothin!!
HO HO HO! Guess who…..
So tis the season for craziness! As one of my students reminded me on Thursday----in the MIDDLE of my lesson he hand raised and said, “Mrs. Becker, did you know there is only 8 days till Christmas???” YES! AWESOME!! So glad he was understanding the new concept I was introducing!! LOL They are CHECKED OUT! Just thought I'd give you a chuckle ;-)
Here’s where I am at. Last week did not go as planned in regards to testing. I tried to get my bike test in on Wednesday and it just wasn’t going well so I pulled the plug half way through. UGH. I could list the excuses including staying at my parents to take care of their dogs while they're away, stomach bug a few days before, stress at school….but basically I bombed. I ended up taking Thursday off to clear out my stomach issues. Ran and rode on Friday, yesterday light run and core…..5K was today. As I mentioned- I wanted to do this race because of the cause and the crowd (extra motivation). The director had mentioned it was a hilly course and referenced that it prob would not be a PR course…..well she was right. HOLY HILLS! And not just one----like several. I gutted through but after the first huge climb I knew no matter how high I picked up those knees my pace was too slow to hit the time I wanted. I kept at it though----but time was AWFUL. (23:59 vs. 23:00 in NOV) I felt I executed well though- and felt pretty strong running. I was 38 out of 315 and was 2nd female in the 18 and over division. After was talking to some of the fast guys who finished who said the course was DEF not a PR course…. Kinda made me feel better in my time of despair. Basically failed both tests. SO now moving onward and upward- What are your thoughts to help me plan is to retest the bike Tuesday morning at 6:00? And then maybe doing 3 fast track miles on Sunday? I feel like this has been my best OS and hit almost all my numbers/workouts. Then I test and bomb. Keeping my positive mental attitude as much as possible!! Any guidance on this week and retesting would be HUGE!!
THANK YOU and sorry for my stories and extra comments

UPDATE: I tried to retest the bike this morning- and pulled the plug after 8 mins of the 20' test. I don't know what is up with me and my legs....couldn't get my power. Trying not to get discouraged. But I did hit every FTP workout so far this OS.
For the bike, it's all mental. Don't worry about it. IF you don't have it in you, you don't. (TOP SECRET - I rarely test!) If you know what your zones are, and you know what your "hard" is, and you can put yourself there in the workouts, then keep doing _that_ to get better.
For me I make bargains with myself...just see "X" for 8'...then get over the 4' hump....then it's counting down the 8' to the end...but then again, I have been doing 20' tests since college (old rowing days) so I am used to being in the hurt locker.
Hey Coach-
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Thank you for the info on the testing- I have been following what you said and feeling good about things. But I do have some updates for you…
January 1, 2016- I was out my 90 min ride and my rear derailleur completely snapped off. I was riding easy- in middle gear of my rear cassette. I was switching to the big ring in the front when CRUNCH, CLUNK, CLINK, - at first I thought it was a dropped chain- I put on the breaks and instantly realized that it was much, much more- the chain was off and twisted the derailleur was in between the spokes- it is an AWFUL sight. The rear derailleur broke but it also tore two screws out and cracked the frame. THANKFULLY TREK will warranty the frame!! So cost will be minimal! Apparently there was a known problem of there been a "weak spot" in the metal back there. There were also a few spokes damaged in my wheel (which is has my PM hub) but those are being repaired as well. SO POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE- I did not crash, my frame is going to be warrantied and I am getting 2016 version of my bike! AND my bike shop did a lot of leg work and got the bike in yesterday SO I only had to modify my OS bike workouts this week with a borrowed bike for Tuesday ride and spin class on Thursday.
January 2, 2016- I was at a wedding in Long Island. Dancing with everyone when an extremely drunk guy- 6’5 about 240lbs who was dancing CRAZY and jumping up and down landed DIRECTLY on my foot. OMG. Did that really just happen? Sat down- couldn’t put weight on it and there were 2 pools of blood underneath the skin within minutes. Woke up Sunday (hoping to do my 9 mile run) but could not put weight on it and it was extremely swollen. Husband insisted I go to walk in- luckily no broken bones just contusions. So I missed last Sunday’s long run- and this week I was able to start running on Tuesday- it felt much better by then- didn’t do Wednesday’s run- and no speed work- but still ran 5 days- did 24 miles. SO GOOD NEWS- I am back on the saddle! So this past week was a bit messed up- do I repeat the week this week or just move forward? I think I know the answer- just wanted to confirm ;-)
Basically 2016 and a bumpy beginning but everything happens for a reason (I did a TON of self care on my rest/healing days…&hellip
and it all worked out……NOW this year is going to be EPIC!!!
I say repeat last week as you are able...but don't push the runs hard...just logging time and letting your body get back to normal!
Hey Coach!!! First- Jan Volume Camp looked AMAZING!!!! It's totallllly on my bucket list!! AWESOME AWESOME!!
Next- WOOHOO!!!! I am back to normal! Hit all workouts this week and mileage but just did not do the speed on the run to be safe. But I am ready to get it this week!
So quick question- can I move the Sunday speed work to Wednesday's run for the next 2 weeks?
Also- My OS test HM is going to be Hyannis Half on February 28. (Hard to find HM in New England around this time and this one looked beautiful, flat, and it was reasonably priced!) That is obviously a few weeks past the end of OS tho- so coach R has me going right into the Get Faster Plan instead of swim camp. Question is- should I do a 5K test during test week (January 27) just to see what I can do?
LAST question- I would love to do the Tour of Sufferlandria Feb 6-Feb 14- but that's alot of riding- and right before my HM on Feb 28- what do you think----yay or neh?
I am psyched about this OS because I feel that I really hit the workouts, minus that one week where I was dodging bullets.
I am not sold on the 5k test unless you think you are bullet proof. I don't want to jeopardize all the progress we've made thus far. Let me know what you decide...remember that Hyannis itself could be the "test" and a good season relevant marker anyway...
Yes to the, epic and biking is always good. You won't get too tired and you should be able to recover in time!
HAHA! Bulletproof- I WISH!!! I will NOT being doing a 5K test. At this point you are right.....not worth it and I am really looking forward to the Hyannis Half. Hubby and I got a room at the Convention Center where it starts so we can go up on Saturday.
And YES to the TOS!! This will be a first to me and I am looking forward to it!! I will be in the Get Faster Plan at that point- should I still do the runs during the TOS? How do I modify for that?
THANK YOU so much for your help! Hope your staying warm and the snow misses you this weekend!
Sounds like a PLAN!
I am getting ready for the Get Faster plan now- woohoo!! I previewed the plan and one thing I am realllly missing is the weekly mileage goals....and now there are only 4 runs .... can you give me an approx goal to shoot for during this plan?? I gotta say that was one thing I LOVED about the new OS plans!!! The run durability and weekly mileage goals!! And finally----promise
---- when do you think I can start adding in some Z4 time?
<p>Reaching out for some guidance regarding the Tour Of Sufferlandria running modifications.</p>
<p>Little Update: Finished OS on Sun day(WOOHOO!!!) First time I officially finished the 14 week plan!- and think I missed maybe 2 workouts---- So I am feeling very pumped about that!!! SUCCESS! However- Legs were feeling pretty spent. Tight, sore, achy, and dealing with some cramping. The cramping started on Jan 19 (bc my Strava ride was called burning glutes lol) and mostly happened when I was doing FTP or VO2 rides (and sometimes when I was running up hill) the last 2 weeks. Still got the zones and solid work- but the lactic acid would build up faster than usual. Chiro found my pelvic joint out of alignment. That totally helped- and did a TON of stretching and rolling. I went to see Todd @ TT Bike bc this started right after I got my new ride....and I wanted him to check it out and he found that I was def reaching on one side which would cause discomfort. He says one leg is longer than another so he put a shim in on my left side and a couple other adjustments. (PS LOVE HIM AND LIS!! They are just AWESOME!!) Anyways- So kinda went into swim camp this week to give the legs a break. So I did last Saturday/Sunday as prescribed for OS (except did 10 mile run instead of the HM). Monday OFF- stretch roll/ Tuesday- Swim,/ Wednesday- Swim, /Thursday 4 mile run- legs felt much better than the weekend! A little cramping/soreness but just slightly--- more bc I was thinking about it the WHOLE TIME.</p>
<p>Tried to ride the TOS today but I had burn/discomfort...My FTP that I was able to hold for 20 minutes 2 weeks ago I cannot hold for 2 minutes. WHAT?!? I have no idea whats going on. So I am out of the TOS..... Just no reason to do that. Running doesn't seem to bother it too much. Ran 7 today and felt pretty good!! Felt some light burn..little tight...only when running up hill. Ended with a push too. Could this just be fatigue?? What is your advice??</p> I'm going to plan to do week 2 of swim I know why u put swim camp after OS!!!
That FTP drop is normal coming "back" after down time, but the new bike fit change could also take getting used to.
What core work are you doing right now? Curious to know what's on the agenda (on your own or from PT).
And you aren't lifting right now are you? A glute strain is more typical with lifting vs overuse as it's so tough. That said, is it the glute or the high-hamstring (attachment at bottom of butt cheek).
Thank you for the guidance coach. Swim camp is feeling good on the body. Things seem to be healing!! The FTP drop came at the end of OS- not after down time--
I think it was because my hip/glute was messed up. I was doing some lifting----nothing heavy---but that has since stopped. For core/PT- planks, clamshells, hip bridges, leg raises (think Jane Fonda), monster walks, bicycles... I was doing most at least 2 times a week-- but def missed doing them a few times---what are your thoughts on these?Keep up with them?
Updated info: Went to chiro tonight and he is thinking I have a slight sprain of my sacroiliac joint (pelvis). I was super torqued and twisted---which i could totally feel. He said he thinks I can continue training but go back next week and if its wacked out again, we gotta figure out whats up. So here's hoping now that I am back in place I will be GOOD TO GO!!
Question for this weekend--- I still plan to do Hyannis, run is supposed to be 1 hour on Sunday per swim camp----should I do longer to make sure I am prepared for Hyannis?
Any thoughts you have on any of this would be super appreciated!!! THANK YOU!!!
Please keep me posted on your back...fingers crossed (not vertebrae).
WOOHOO!!! I have some great news! Just got back from chiro and got a GREAT report. SI joints were basically where they should be and the ligment in that area has also healed nicely----its got its "spring" back! I could even feel it! YES!!!! Swim camp saved me
that time really helped things.
So here is the not so fun stuff- biked Saturday- did 12X1' high VO2 and then high Z3 work- tough but got it done! FTP w/o was what made me nervous--- so today- set my FTP back to where it was in NOVEMBER (10-12 watts lower than what I was doing my FTP intervals at)....
Did first 15' interval- just OK. Second one divided into 5, 8, 4 (which I know does not equal 15 but bc I split it... I added a bit). Wasn't pretty but it got done. Glute felt OK!!
IT bands/hips where burning...... I know I have lost power but the good news is that I am already on my way to getting it BACK!!! YES!
Hubby and I made an accountability board for my bore and band work- got some snazzy bands as my VDAY gift (along with IMLP camp!!!). Forget flowers---I was on CLOUD 9 with this stuff! So I will continue that work.
I still want to do Hyannis---Even if I don't "race it"- maybe just do it as a long run? I completed the OS durability - hit almost every run and did 30 miles/week. Longest runs were 10. Thoughts on how to approach this race? And what should I do for my "long run" this weekend-- get faster has me doing 80 minutes.....I did 75 this weekend per your directions.
P.S. are you going to still be at Hyannis?!?!