YAY! Thanks for the update. Personal drama aside, yes to Hyannis. This weekend I'd go with 85'...you'll rest a bit heading into next weekend, but we still need to build you up a bit. But you only get to do 85 if you get all that "bore" work done!!!! Best typo evah!
HAHA! "bore work" I should coin that term bc man oh man it feels certainly feels BORING at times!
WOOHOO to HYANNIS!!!! Super PSYCHED! As of right now- weather looks GREAT!!! I try not to check but fingers crossed! I did my 85 minutes on Sunday- super over dressed so it felt awful haha- I obviously did not think about what 45 degrees feels like---- you don't even wanna know what wardrobe mistakes I made---- but it got done
I am not going into the race as I originally planned/ hoped since I ended up doing the 2 weeks of swim camp which had minimal runs......but here nor there I am excited to do it.
Could you give me some advice on how to approach it? I went to the wiki and read all the info about how to pace based on vDot, but since my build had some "issues", should I follow that advice or just plan to run it like TRP?
Lastly- how do I approach this week? I am in GF Week 3 which has
Tuesday-Bike/Run.........Wednesday- Run.......Thursday- Bike.......Friday-Run/swim.........Saturday-Long Ride.....Sunday---Long Run
Really can't wait to see you there!! Steve and I are driving there on Saturday! Planning on heading to the Expo and checkin out the town. It will be our first time there!
We'll be there...not sure if I am running or what...trying to get an MRI in. If I do, it will be last minute fo' sho. Stay tuned. Hyannis is great but downtown hyannis isn't the greatest. Good dinner pre-race is Crisp in Osterville around the corner, FYI. Race AM get to the convention center early (parking fills up and you'll just have to walk a bit) and find a roundtop table to sit at / put your bag under.
Anywho, I would run it at TRP with a focus on a good effort over the last three miles...let's finish strong.
Regular week through Thursday. Friday is swim only. Saturday is just a nice Z1-z2 easy spin for time on the trainer with a movie...if you can...then race Sunday!
My cell is 617-513-3830 so you can text me on the ground.
Hey Coach- First a HUGE HUGE thank you for talking with me last week- you are seriously THE BEST. Talking through some stuff really helped me out. BIG TIME. SO here’s the update. My orthotics are officially OUT. My chiro agreed and after talking with him we also discovered that since I have worked on my gait and have switched from a heel striker to a midfoot/forefoot runner (for the most part) that may be why this is happening now and not before!! But he wants to consult an “expert” before sending them back to be modified. He has a call into Tom Michaud in Newton, MA- but I was wondering if you have anyone else you could recommend for help on orthotics? IN the meantime I am using an alternative to custom orthotic- that was similar to my old one. http://thequadrastepsystem.com/qspatient.html Ran last week- NO FOOT PAIN!!! The only thing is the new orthotic has slightly lower heel drop so my calves were tight tight after running. WOOHOO!! I Am so happy to run- and feel better!! This week of training was def better and I feel like things are looking up…. This is what I did…all runs were either z2 or trp pace Monday- swam Tuesday- Ran 5 miles and bike OUTSIDE- It was GLORIOUS!! Lol Wednesday- biked only Thursday- Ran 6.2 miles/swam Friday- Ran 5 miles Saturday- Ran 4/ Biked 2 hours Sunday- Biked 2.5 hrs So the only thing that was different was I added a bike and swim to supplement the missing run time. I am moving into GF week 8 and need advice on how to approach things especially the running- Tuesday is 70 minutes with 3 z4 miles Thursday is 85 minutes trp---z2---z3 Friday is 55 minutes EZ pace Saturday is 40 minutes Z2
SHould I modify / change any of these??? How should I approach this week?? Want to get another good week in! Sorry for the long post but I THANK YOU for your time and help with EVERYTHING!!!!!!
That’s what I am here for, so glad it helped. Tom Michaud is my ortho guy, one of the best in the world…so you are in good hands!
No Foot Pain is great news..just watch the calves!
You ran 20 miles last week so I’d like to see 25 this week. That could be 6/8/6/4 for your days listed as run days. No intensity please…let’s get another healthy run week in first!!!
I am hanging in there MRI says partially torn labrum, so working on more info, thanks for asking!
Hey coach! Thank you for posting your update today! Sorry to hear you are still having pain but glad to know that things are in the process of getting figured out! What a month for you and your Fam!! Sending tons of mojo your way :-) so long story short that glute pain that I was having back in the beginning of February came back again. Saw Chiro A few times and after several assessments etc. etc. seems that the lower back keeps going out which is what's causing everything else to be funky. I went back to my ortho as well for a second opinion and because I was so freaked out. Without telling him anything about what my Chiro said he came up with the same diagnosis and wrote me a prescription for PT. good news is I am able to train relatively pain-free especially now since I've been getting adjustments regularly to keep my back in :-) I think I know what happened...during the out season there were a few sessions of hammering on the bike that I really started to feel my back and almost felt like I pulled it at one point. This was my 1st outseason with power and I don't think I was used to all that hammering!!! ;-)
I've been keeping to run TRP-z2 and low zones on the bike while this heals!!!
So there's my update!! Working hard on keeping it going but staying smart. Soooo now I'm needing some help with rearranging my training this week! My school district is sending me to a conference in Orlando on creative learning! I am so excited :-) hubby is going to fly out and meet me there too and we are going to drive out to cocoa beach for a few days after the conference. While I am there I registered to do the Ron Jon surf shop Sprint triathlon! It's on Sunday and Chiro said I should be OK to do it as long as I don't push it too hard. I am in the half Iron Man plan now and this is supposed to be a test week but I am not testing… I fly out tomorrow and I am planning on doing a 90 minute bike in the morning before. The conference is 8 to 6 on Thursday Friday and Saturday which will keep me pretty busy. I plan to get up early in the morning's to get my training in. Thursday planning on doing a longer run in the morning but not sure what I should do for Friday or Saturdayand then I would like to do the sprint tri on Sunday if you are on board with that :-) A little worried about not getting a long enough ride in for this weeks training… So let me know what you think my plan should be while I am away! I would so appreciate it :-) I come home on Tuesday morning and hopefully the snow is gone ;-)
Laura, you're a gem for the kind words...thank you. I am sorry to hear about the glute but excited you have a good resolution and support Team in place.
Holy Last Minute Travel! I think that you shouldn't really worry about this one week of long rides..you can always extend next week's Sunday ride as "make up" but right now I'd want you to be consistent with your training and enjoy the conference...no need to get up wicked early, and hammering isn't in the plans...so I'd take a steady AM bike on Friday and a 40' easy run with some Pick Ups on Sat AM...have fun at the race and then see what your Monday brings for time...if there's flexibility to train that morning, then get some ride time in when it's warm!
Heyyyyyy Coach!!! Been thinking about you! Hope things are on the up swing. Thank you for sharing you monthly updates! Need to know how my fearless leader is doing. So update on me…. (Try to make this short--but you might need to grab a cup of coffee…lol) So I have still been rehabing my lower back/SI Joint “issue” My chiropractor has been vital to fixing this and has kept me training. Beginning of April was messy because of all the travel and stuff going on! Just tried to stay consistent. End of April and so far May has been good. Still dealing with the issue but been able to train pretty well. Had a fantastic week 2 weeks ago- and this past week was ok (split long run didn’t go as well...I did 8 in am- but my afternoon run I had pain so had to pull the plug. Got adjusted and my run Friday was pain free! Just crazy. I am having to be adjusted frequently though- which takes a lot of time- so its been non-stop to fit in training, chiro, work, family. BUT I have been consistent! YES!!! Even got some of my power back I think! But at this point- I am really not sure of my zones because I have not tested in a while. I have been kinda just going with things for right now...not easy for my type A. Should I test? Maybe just test bike and stay consistent on run? OHH and my new orthotics designed by Tom M. ARE FANTASTIC!!! SOOOOO different from my old ones! They actually look more like yours. I've had them for a month. Took some adjusting but I am used to them now! I also am trying out Hokas....just ordered them. Think they will help too!!
Not gonna lie- I am nervous about the hills of Quassy. I can ride/run flat stuff great! Its inclines and hills that I feel.Going to do the course this weekend…..will see how it goes!
Next up I have a little bit of rearranging to do. Ok been losing some sleep over this one....so since we didn’t have many snow days- our last day of school is Monday june 13th.... the day after IMLP camp. I am SUPER stressed out about it because that means I will have to take off Thursday and Friday which are the 2 of the 3 last days of school. Technically that is against my school contract SO I would have to call in sick. This normally wouldn’t have been a problem because we typically have at least 5 snow days. But this is one of the first years we did not. I could call in sick- but I would feel bad missing my students last days of school. OR another option is to come up for Friday night and train Saturday and Sunday. Would it be possible to do half the camp?
I also plan to try to get up to LP on Memorial Day weekend to do some training! SO looking ahead at the training plans….here was a thought…..
Week 12 5/23
Test Week/Regular Weekend
Move Bike Focus here- Train in Lake Placid Memorial Day Weekend (So do something like week 13 here&hellip
Week 13 (Week of Quassy) 5/30
Bike Focus Week
Do Week 12 here but adjust for Quassy
Week 14 (EN IMLP Camp) 6/6
Run Focus Week
Keep it as Run Focus Week but go to EN camp for Sat/Sun
Great to hear from you! And thanks for all your support….I can FEEL the love!
I think that you might need some core strength to help “maintain” the adjustments…and what about a dynamic run warm up? What do you do pre run to get ready to run?
I don’t think you need to test right now…you are going to have to race Quassy by your GUT and we can use that performance to see how we want to proceed.
Don’t worry so much about the hills as how you handle them. DO make sure you have enough gears to spin over them without burning matches…okay?
As for camp yes half is fine…we can do whatever. Really. We work with you. But I DID print and save this page in case I need to blackmail you in the future.
Your adjustments look great. Maybe get me something more granular for Quassy week. That said, DO NOT worry about biking in placid for time, etc. I want miles and time in the saddle. We are still focused on strong (healthy strong) and the speed will follow!
OH, and since it’s memorial day, you should be ready for snow. Only kind of kidding. Yes to all your gloves, and booties and vests, etc!
You are just AWESOME!!! THANK YOU for the input and keeping me on the right track!! Appreciate it more than you know. So I will absolutely add more core into my weeks…..can you suggest days I should do this on? If YOU put it on my schedule- I know it will get done. I have been doing dynamic warm up- but its prob not as long as it should be…I will extend that. Been doing swings, kicks, solider walks, calf raise, twists, couple other things…
Will plan to race Quassy by GUT- but OY! Scary for my TYPE A!! haha
Thank you for working with me about EN IMLP camp. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to be there for the whole time- but I have a hard time not being truthful and that might eat at me while I was at camp.
So when I go to placid for memorial day- and heres hoping it DOES NOT SNOW!!
Can I do the 112 one day and shorter ride the following day? As long as I am enjoying it and just getting miles in? Longest ride this year was 70 miles a couple weekends ago- but have been consistently 60-70 Sat/ 30-45 Sun for at least the past 7 weeks.
What do you think of this for Quassy week…….
Monday- 4,000 yard swim
Tuesday- 75 min bike, 30 min run
Wednesday- 3,400-3,800 yard swim, 45 min run
Thursday- 60 min bike
Friday- 30 min run
Saturday- Swim @ Quassy
Sunday- RACE
FINAL question--- about this week----- Sat is a BIG DAY- Rev3 is doing a Quassy preview ride on Sunday----Should I do my big day on Saturday and do the Quassy preview nice and easy? Or move big day to Sunday?
Let's do Monday / Wed / Friday AM for the core stuff...it really helps!
As for placid...I'd prefer two loops both days without the Ausable Forks out/back...so that would put you at 84. And a good 84...and a good use of your time.
BUT if that doesn't work for your life, then 112 / and 42 to 56 is okay!
For big day...I say:
- Big Day Saturday. - Quassy ride Sunday. - Monday OFF. - Tuesday = Bike + Run as planned. - Wed = Swim Only. - Thursday = Bike. - Friday = 30' run. - Saturday = Chill Register Swim if Needed. - Sunday RACE!
Hope you had a fantastic weekend! I wanted to give you a quick update on training and get some input on this week. SO went up to Lake Placid on Friday night. Biked 102 miles on Saturday in some crazy, crazy heat. And MAN did it hit me hard. For the first loop I was WAY over dressed. I was so used to riding in cold. I was wearing arm warmers, short sleeve base layer, short sleeve jersey. Before I even hit the climb out of town I was sweating and hot- but then I thought I might get cold on the descent....so I just kept going. STUPID. By the time I got to the out and back I was already starting to feel a little "funny". I was WAY TOO HOT. I was drinking gatorade which was new to me. My lips were feeling like I had been swimming in the ocean....sign that I had too much salt? Not enough? Towards the end of the 2nd loop all I wanted was WATER...I literally pulled over and almost cried for water. It was just AWFUL. The heat was awful. TriforLife had cars all over the course and they said people were going down everywhere. I was drinking a lot but then I just wanted water.....and I still got dehydrated. I need to figure out my nutrition. LIKE BIG TIME. especailly in heat. Any tips or thoughts on that??? How do you know how much salt to have on hot days?
Hydrated all Saturday night and felt better. Woke up Sunday and said I would just do what I could. Swim felt great! Enjoyed being back in Mirror Lake and on that cable. Changed and went to head out for the run. I wanted to make sure to stay smart so I was drinking ALOT. My training partners husband met us about every 2 miles with a van and we dumped water, ice, EVERYWHERE, and refilled bottle. Did 13.1 hot miles. Talk about heat training! I watched my HR and kept it capped and tried to keep it low! I think that helped- pace was WAY slower than I usually do but I didn't think twice about that.
Anyways got home late Sunday night- woke up yesterday feeling spent. Then got super nauseous later in the day- and had a fever of 101.4.....so I did not train yesterday. Thinking its all heat related. Today went to chiro first thing- he checked vitals ect ect and told me I need another day to rest. So this will be 2 days of rest....what should I plan to do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.....I have Quassy Sunday.
I did a LOT of learning about training in the heat. It was absolutely one of the hottest rides I had taken....90 degrees. and once I had overheated by being stupidly overdressed...it was catch up.
THANK YOU again for being such an amazing coach and an awesome support!!! YOU and EN will help me reach my goals and you have no idea how much that means to me.
Laura, I think your body is in shock after this weekend. First let me say I am glad you are okay. It sounds like you really hit a dark spot.
So…#1, gear is key. If you wake up and the weather says it’s going to be 90 (which it did!) then you plan accordingly. Sounds like you maybe were a bit inflexible to start — and flexibility is key to long term racing happiness!! No two races are the same.
#2, was it gatorade endurance or regular gatorade from the store? The latter has minimal sodium and is better for mowing lawns, etc.
#3, we recommend about 1,000 mgs per hour across all sources. So layout your food and drink plan for an hour vs that target, and add salt as needed. If you take in MORE fluids above that baseline (say more water, so hot!) then you’ll need more sodium. This is why having external salt pills is nice.
#4, sounds like you recovered well and were able to do stuff on Sunday with a better plan (pace doesn’t matter on hot race days…your HR approach was perfect).
So for now to Quassy there’s not much to do. You need to recover…so an easy bike tomorrow +_ run as planned. Just easier. Then 45’ run on Thursday with 15’ of Zone 3 at the end of it; Friday swim only, Sat is off, Sunday is race.
Use your brain right now to outline a nutrition plan; even if it’s not going to be epic hot you can still fuel better. Feel free to post any notes or thoughts here…
Thank you for all your advice...I have so much to learn and continue to do so! Thank you for being so patient with me!
Flexibility- GOT IT! Will work on that especially with gear. I think lack of sodium may have been an issue and will work on that. And HR on run felt so much better. I look forward to getting some data over the next few weeks to help pace my IMLP run!
So now here is my big issue... I have been sick all week :-( I took Monday, Tuesday off and Wednesday I was no better but at least made it into school. The nausea I have had has been so incredibly bad. I'm pretty sure I am fighting some kinda of stomach bug- and if its not that it is def something. I can't even eat....and I love to eat!! I eat the same thing everyday and always look forward to it---right now I can only stuff down rice cakes...and maybe a bar. Its awful. I ran this morning and only could do 4 and it was not good. Had nausea all day again but tonight it is feeling better. I am hoping to do a spin tomorrow morning if I am better. I am freaked. I don't know what I should do about Quassy. I don't even know whats up and what I am battling. My A race is LP- and I was on a good track for that....dont want to set myself back. Any advice?
Thank you again so much for your patience and guidance.
YOU ROCK!!! Thank you thank you thank you for all the notes on my ride and data. SO incredibly helpful. Notes that I will remember--- KEEP PEDALING! Totally blew my mind how much I was not pedaling….. HOLY COW! I try to push down hills but apparently I need to stay focused more! I just looked at my 100 miler that I did on Friday---and it was the same thing! Although I thought I did a much better job of pacing during Fridays RR. Next weekend WILL BE DIFFERENT
I know nutrition is HUGE and I’m going to add some nutrition stuff at the end of my ride.….to keep my power up..
You mentioned knowing my climbing zones….How can I figure my power zones? Especially without a current FTP…
I am trying my very very best to be patient with my body and training. It’s hard at times---when I want to be stronger so badly. And I had a great outseason that I thought would lead into a great inseason. But doing my best to stay positive.
I talked to Wheelbuilder.com and they told me that a disk will not work with my Trek Speed Concept. Not fun…... This is what he gave me: Here are a few upgrade estimates for you to ponder.
If we reuse your Powertap hub and put it into a Zipp 404 Firecrest rear rim: $800 (+$100 for 808)
Rebuild w/ your PT into an ENVE 4.5 rear rim: $960
New rear Zipp 404 Powertap $1280
New rear ENVE 4.5 Powertap $1440
Since these rims are deeper, there is a chance that an areo jacket will work with your bike.
Thoughts on that??? .
Thanks for taking a look at my numbers and FOR EVERYTHING you do!!!!! Any other advice or things you think I need to do to get the best LP race I can have…. PLEASE let me know- I’ll DO IT!!
I think the best way to reverse engineer the numbers you should be working with our take and the normalized power from the ride, especially the areas we felt strong. So for example, if you are normalized power for the first loop on a Saturday ride was 130 W and the Heart Rate was good, let's start with 130. You can break out your bike zones off of that. Assuming that is your steady pace, then your goal I'm in Paces that pace. And your long climbing zone is 10% higher than that number so let's call it 145. And your steep climbing effort/zone is 15% higher than that, call it 150.
The only challenge of this is that these numbers may change just as you get better. So you might find that while 130 was challenging for a long ride early in the year, that you can easily do 135 closer to the race. So I guess the lesson here is: don't be too afraid to push the pace over the last hour or two if you're still riding within yourself at that time. The point of training is to push yourself a little bit and learn where the line is.
Honestly for race that would not sweat that wheel. You could probably rent a disk for 125 bucks for the week of the race and be done with it. I rented wheels for years. Just make sure that they are clincher's and they have aluminum rims and you should be all set. The me know any more help with that. I only said that because if you go ahead and buy the special wheel for the speed concepts but then you change your bike in two years who knows if that really works with the new thing. Whereas going you'd have to race six Ironmans to break even on the wheel, except this time you get to use the latest and greatest wheel anyway.
Thank you again so much for your help yesterday. This weekend really did not go as planned.....at all. Need some help adjusting if need be. So last week did my workouts- felt good going into the weekend...Then some family stuff hit- long story short my nephew was officially diagnosed with autism last week...and well being the teacher of the family and having a clearer understanding about this ---I have been holding everyone up and trying to calm everyone down. (which also has prevented me from being able to deal with my feelings about it....but luckily hubby has been letting me vent to him) It will be okay we just have a long road ahead! We are alll ready to support him in anyway we can!!!!
So I switched and did my 3 hour ride on Saturday- done and done. Planned to do my BIG day today. Got up and off I went on a long route (new route which I will never do again because I kept getting lost---stupid stupid). 50 miles in I was up in Southwick, Mass and got a flat. Changed it (you would have been proud---expect for how long it took me....) and went to put in the CO2 but instead of going INTO the tire it came out the sides!!! UGH! And shame on me--- I had not replaced my other CO2s that I gave Meg up in LP. SO I was stranded. Big time. No cyclists passing and not close to anything. So called hubby who had to drive 45 minutes to come get me-----then it was 45 minutes to drive home---- Then when I went to put the newly inflated tire on my bike somehow my powertap hub came apart! (this was the back tire by the way). My husband figured out how to get it "clicked" back in..... Finally bike is ready....but I was not---- hungry, hot, and pissed off. So I tried my very best to rally to get back on that bike (now going on 3 hours since my flat). Sucked it up and started out trying to ride again- but had NOTHING. Back was tight- it just seemed useless. I also didn't want to ride when I wasn't fully "with it". Not worth the risk (just had a cyclist killed yesterday in our area- hit by a car). So I pulled the plug. Which off course sent me in a tailwind and complete freak out. I went and did a 50 minute swim and had to get to send my father off back to Georgia.
OK so now I just vented and unloaded about everything. Sorry for that.
Here is my question- I am freaked about missing bike time (and workout time) Should I bike tomorrow (Monday) to make up some time?? Can I add some in this week some time?? Any adjustments I should make for this week?
THANK YOU for getting my mind in a good place after this weekend. I really need to get back to my positive place....
Hi Laura, Just a friendly EN teammate who read your post. I can't tell you what to do next for your training, but I say don't fret. Coach P will give you calming guidance to get you back on track. I also wanted you to know that I have a friend who is a triathlete and has a son with autism. If it would help you at all, I could put you in touch with her. She is very kind and would be happy to speak with you, I am sure.
(1) Replace all your stuff in your kit and make that part of your weekly bike check.
(2) Celebrate the tire change...next time you'll be 2x faster...
(3) Check that CO2 adapter...sounds like a bust. Most of them suck. This is my favorite one: http://bit.ly/2995eVt simply because the CO2 stays in there unless you push down on the whole thing to let the air in the tube. One handed simplicity.
(4) Kudos to you on the new route...adventure is part of what makes our sport awesome.
The point is to have training stress. Given the LIFE stress you had last week, I can't honestly prescribe any more training as you will likely have a system shut down.
Here are my goals for you this week:
(1) Continue eating clean and sleeping right.
(2) THANK your hubs. Maybe a nice dinner out or a bottle of wine. He's a keeper and let him know it.
(3) Get back on the regular progam.
(4) Look ahead to see what if anything you need to edit / change to make sure you can get the work in!
Ok- so thank you for totally getting me and sticking with my craziness. You will be proud to know that I put myself back in my box and had a fantastic week of training last week. I replaced my kit- and thank goodness I did because i got a flat AGAIN (front tire this time) on my 106 mile ride on Saturday....QUICKLY changed it and was on my way!! I have been keeping my eating clean and trying to sleep.... Did a date night with the hubs to thank him for everything.....Have been keeping with self care and seeing a new chiro while mine is away--- but new guy is working out!
Today I did not do the 2 hour run because my legs were just not feeling it....calves were tight and I needed an adjustment....wanting to keep myself healthy I decided to do the 45 minute run today. Got adjusted and I am ready to get at this week! WOOHOO!!! So my RR is going to be Friday---weather looks crappy all around but Friday looks best. Will do the 112 and brick.....Saturday another long ride and run.....QUESTION FOR YOU....should I do my long run on Thursday morning BEFORE my RR on Friday OR do it on Sunday as if it were a camp week???
THANK YOU AGAIN!! Hope all is well on your end and you and the family had a FABULOUS holiday weekend!!!
I love how you are back in control of your training...so epic. I think your plan for the weekend is fine...YES to the long run on Sunday in "camp week style"....focus on great nutrition, flattening hills, and being smooth!!!!
Can't believe its almost here.......AH! I am excited but I would be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out....I listened to your video for this week and I'm reallllly trying to channel good positive vibes and visualize..... It's not as easy as I would like it to be this time around....here nor there...
So race wheels.....Rob Sabo offered his Zipp 808s for me to borrow on race day.....you think I could handle the 808s? If not I am just going to keep my own back wheel with powermeter and my LBS offered me Bontrager Aura 5 for the front....Thoughts?
This weekend is a 3 hour ride on Saturday....could I move it to Sunday? I am helping with a ladies ride on Sunday that is 24 miles....its an easyyyy pace so I would just do some riding before I meet up to help lead it/sweep it.... If I move the ride to sunday- what can I do Saturday? If you want me to just stay the course.....I can let them know I cannot do the ladies ride Sunday!! I am too close and don't want to mess anything up!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for getting me to this point!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!
I think you should definitely take the race feels as long as they have aluminum rims and friendships. They are tubulars for our carbon rooms and the change of brake pads and stuff that's usually too many moving pieces. 100% your call but that's where I draw the line.
my personal preference is to have you do your normal three hour ride on Sunday Saturday and then for Sunday just go out and move around with the ladies. No admin before or after. Hopefully the back to back these are not too much of a pain in the butt. Otherwise you ride hard and then you get cold when the power drops as you spend a lot more time NOT riding.
Reports are freaking out, but remember in the grand scheme of things you've had a fairly straightforward run. To spend your time focusing on the things you need to focus on make sure this plan is set up and you have everything you need race well. The more time you spend rehearsing and walking through that part of the day, the better your race will be!
THANK YOU for the advice and guidance as I naviagate through the crazies of "taper week"
I will ride tomorrow and short run- and do an easy ride Sunday----as long as its not too much- want to be smart here.
I am going to do the ZIPPS and Placid Planet put me on the schedule to switch the cassettes. They will make sure its all good to go. They are aluminum clinchers.
HAHA! "bore work" I should coin that term bc man oh man it feels certainly feels BORING at times!
WOOHOO to HYANNIS!!!! Super PSYCHED! As of right now- weather looks GREAT!!! I try not to check but fingers crossed! I did my 85 minutes on Sunday- super over dressed so it felt awful haha- I obviously did not think about what 45 degrees feels like---- you don't even wanna know what wardrobe mistakes I made---- but it got done
I am not going into the race as I originally planned/ hoped since I ended up doing the 2 weeks of swim camp which had minimal runs......but here nor there I am excited to do it.
Could you give me some advice on how to approach it? I went to the wiki and read all the info about how to pace based on vDot, but since my build had some "issues", should I follow that advice or just plan to run it like TRP?
Lastly- how do I approach this week? I am in GF Week 3 which has
Tuesday-Bike/Run.........Wednesday- Run.......Thursday- Bike.......Friday-Run/swim.........Saturday-Long Ride.....Sunday---Long Run
Really can't wait to see you there!! Steve and I are driving there on Saturday! Planning on heading to the Expo and checkin out the town. It will be our first time there!
Anywho, I would run it at TRP with a focus on a good effort over the last three miles...let's finish strong.
Regular week through Thursday. Friday is swim only. Saturday is just a nice Z1-z2 easy spin for time on the trainer with a movie...if you can...then race Sunday!
My cell is 617-513-3830 so you can text me on the ground.
Hey Coach-
First a HUGE HUGE thank you for talking with me last week- you are seriously THE BEST. Talking through some stuff really helped me out. BIG TIME. SO here’s the update. My orthotics are officially OUT. My chiro agreed and after talking with him we also discovered that since I have worked on my gait and have switched from a heel striker to a midfoot/forefoot runner (for the most part) that may be why this is happening now and not before!! But he wants to consult an “expert” before sending them back to be modified. He has a call into Tom Michaud in Newton, MA- but I was wondering if you have anyone else you could recommend for help on orthotics? IN the meantime I am using an alternative to custom orthotic- that was similar to my old one. http://thequadrastepsystem.com/qspatient.html
Ran last week- NO FOOT PAIN!!! The only thing is the new orthotic has slightly lower heel drop so my calves were tight tight after running.
WOOHOO!! I Am so happy to run- and feel better!! This week of training was def better and I feel like things are looking up….
This is what I did…all runs were either z2 or trp pace
Monday- swam
Tuesday- Ran 5 miles and bike OUTSIDE- It was GLORIOUS!! Lol
Wednesday- biked only
Thursday- Ran 6.2 miles/swam
Friday- Ran 5 miles
Saturday- Ran 4/ Biked 2 hours
Sunday- Biked 2.5 hrs
So the only thing that was different was I added a bike and swim to supplement the missing run time.
I am moving into GF week 8 and need advice on how to approach things especially the running-
Tuesday is 70 minutes with 3 z4 miles
Thursday is 85 minutes trp---z2---z3
Friday is 55 minutes EZ pace
Saturday is 40 minutes Z2
SHould I modify / change any of these??? How should I approach this week?? Want to get another good week in! Sorry for the long post but I THANK YOU for your time and help with EVERYTHING!!!!!!
P.S. How are you doing?!? Any results yet??
That’s what I am here for, so glad it helped. Tom Michaud is my ortho guy, one of the best in the world…so you are in good hands!
No Foot Pain is great news..just watch the calves!
You ran 20 miles last week so I’d like to see 25 this week. That could be 6/8/6/4 for your days listed as run days. No intensity please…let’s get another healthy run week in first!!!
I am hanging in there MRI says partially torn labrum, so working on more info, thanks for asking!
~ Coach P
I've been keeping to run TRP-z2 and low zones on the bike while this heals!!!
So there's my update!! Working hard on keeping it going but staying smart. Soooo now I'm needing some help with rearranging my training this week!
My school district is sending me to a conference in Orlando on creative learning! I am so excited :-) hubby is going to fly out and meet me there too and we are going to drive out to cocoa beach for a few days after the conference. While I am there I registered to do the Ron Jon surf shop Sprint triathlon! It's on Sunday and Chiro said I should be OK to do it as long as I don't push it too hard. I am in the half Iron Man plan now and this is supposed to be a test week but I am not testing… I fly out tomorrow and I am planning on doing a 90 minute bike in the morning before. The conference is 8 to 6 on Thursday Friday and Saturday which will keep me pretty busy. I plan to get up early in the morning's to get my training in. Thursday planning on doing a longer run in the morning but not sure what I should do for Friday or Saturdayand then I would like to do the sprint tri on Sunday if you are on board with that :-) A little worried about not getting a long enough ride in for this weeks training… So let me know what you think my plan should be while I am away! I would so appreciate it :-) I come home on Tuesday morning and hopefully the snow is gone ;-)
Holy Last Minute Travel!
Pictures please!
Heyyyyyy Coach!!! Been thinking about you! Hope things are on the up swing. Thank you for sharing you monthly updates! Need to know how my fearless leader is doing.
So update on me…. (Try to make this short--but you might need to grab a cup of coffee…lol) So I have still been rehabing my lower back/SI Joint “issue” My chiropractor has been vital to fixing this and has kept me training. Beginning of April was messy because of all the travel and stuff going on! Just tried to stay consistent. End of April and so far May has been good. Still dealing with the issue but been able to train pretty well. Had a fantastic week 2 weeks ago- and this past week was ok (split long run didn’t go as well...I did 8 in am- but my afternoon run I had pain so had to pull the plug. Got adjusted and my run Friday was pain free! Just crazy. I am having to be adjusted frequently though- which takes a lot of time- so its been non-stop to fit in training, chiro, work, family. BUT I have been consistent! YES!!! Even got some of my power back I think! But at this point- I am really not sure of my zones because I have not tested in a while. I have been kinda just going with things for right now...not easy for my type A. Should I test? Maybe just test bike and stay consistent on run?
OHH and my new orthotics designed by Tom M. ARE FANTASTIC!!! SOOOOO different from my old ones! They actually look more like yours. I've had them for a month. Took some adjusting but I am used to them now! I also am trying out Hokas....just ordered them. Think they will help too!!
Not gonna lie- I am nervous about the hills of Quassy. I can ride/run flat stuff great! Its inclines and hills that I feel.Going to do the course this weekend…..will see how it goes!
Next up I have a little bit of rearranging to do. Ok been losing some sleep over this one....so since we didn’t have many snow days- our last day of school is Monday june 13th.... the day after IMLP camp. I am SUPER stressed out about it because that means I will have to take off Thursday and Friday which are the 2 of the 3 last days of school. Technically that is against my school contract SO I would have to call in sick. This normally wouldn’t have been a problem because we typically have at least 5 snow days. But this is one of the first years we did not. I could call in sick- but I would feel bad missing my students last days of school. OR another option is to come up for Friday night and train Saturday and Sunday. Would it be possible to do half the camp?
I also plan to try to get up to LP on Memorial Day weekend to do some training! SO looking ahead at the training plans….here was a thought…..
Week 12
Test Week/Regular Weekend
Move Bike Focus here- Train in Lake Placid Memorial Day Weekend (So do something like week 13 here&hellip
Week 13 (Week of Quassy)
Bike Focus Week
Do Week 12 here but adjust for Quassy
Week 14 (EN IMLP Camp)
Run Focus Week
Keep it as Run Focus Week but go to EN camp for Sat/Sun
Week 15
Scheduled Camp Week on Plan
Keep it as Camp Week...just do at home.
Great to hear from you! And thanks for all your support….I can FEEL the love!
I think that you might need some core strength to help “maintain” the adjustments…and what about a dynamic run warm up? What do you do pre run to get ready to run?
I don’t think you need to test right now…you are going to have to race Quassy by your GUT and we can use that performance to see how we want to proceed.
Don’t worry so much about the hills as how you handle them. DO make sure you have enough gears to spin over them without burning matches…okay?
As for camp yes half is fine…we can do whatever. Really. We work with you. But I DID print and save this page in case I need to blackmail you in the future.
Your adjustments look great. Maybe get me something more granular for Quassy week. That said, DO NOT worry about biking in placid for time, etc. I want miles and time in the saddle. We are still focused on strong (healthy strong) and the speed will follow!
OH, and since it’s memorial day, you should be ready for snow. Only kind of kidding. Yes to all your gloves, and booties and vests, etc!
~ Coach P
You are just AWESOME!!! THANK YOU for the input and keeping me on the right track!! Appreciate it more than you know. So I will absolutely add more core into my weeks…..can you suggest days I should do this on? If YOU put it on my schedule- I know it will get done.
I have been doing dynamic warm up- but its prob not as long as it should be…I will extend that. Been doing swings, kicks, solider walks, calf raise, twists, couple other things…
Will plan to race Quassy by GUT- but OY! Scary for my TYPE A!! haha
Thank you for working with me about EN IMLP camp. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to be there for the whole time- but I have a hard time not being truthful and that might eat at me while I was at camp.
So when I go to placid for memorial day- and heres hoping it DOES NOT SNOW!!
Can I do the 112 one day and shorter ride the following day? As long as I am enjoying it and just getting miles in? Longest ride this year was 70 miles a couple weekends ago- but have been consistently 60-70 Sat/ 30-45 Sun for at least the past 7 weeks.
What do you think of this for Quassy week…….
Monday- 4,000 yard swim
Tuesday- 75 min bike, 30 min run
Wednesday- 3,400-3,800 yard swim, 45 min run
Thursday- 60 min bike
Friday- 30 min run
Saturday- Swim @ Quassy
Sunday- RACE
FINAL question--- about this week----- Sat is a BIG DAY- Rev3 is doing a Quassy preview ride on Sunday----Should I do my big day on Saturday and do the Quassy preview nice and easy? Or move big day to Sunday?
Let's do Monday / Wed / Friday AM for the core stuff...it really helps!
As for placid...I'd prefer two loops both days without the Ausable Forks out/back...so that would put you at 84. And a good 84...and a good use of your time.
BUT if that doesn't work for your life, then 112 / and 42 to 56 is okay!
For big day...I say:
- Big Day Saturday.
- Quassy ride Sunday.
- Monday OFF.
- Tuesday = Bike + Run as planned.
- Wed = Swim Only.
- Thursday = Bike.
- Friday = 30' run.
- Saturday = Chill Register Swim if Needed.
- Sunday RACE!
Heyy there!!
Hope you had a fantastic weekend! I wanted to give you a quick update on training and get some input on this week. SO went up to Lake Placid on Friday night. Biked 102 miles on Saturday in some crazy, crazy heat. And MAN did it hit me hard. For the first loop I was WAY over dressed. I was so used to riding in cold. I was wearing arm warmers, short sleeve base layer, short sleeve jersey. Before I even hit the climb out of town I was sweating and hot- but then I thought I might get cold on the descent....so I just kept going. STUPID. By the time I got to the out and back I was already starting to feel a little "funny". I was WAY TOO HOT. I was drinking gatorade which was new to me. My lips were feeling like I had been swimming in the ocean....sign that I had too much salt? Not enough? Towards the end of the 2nd loop all I wanted was WATER...I literally pulled over and almost cried for water. It was just AWFUL. The heat was awful. TriforLife had cars all over the course and they said people were going down everywhere. I was drinking a lot but then I just wanted water.....and I still got dehydrated. I need to figure out my nutrition. LIKE BIG TIME. especailly in heat. Any tips or thoughts on that??? How do you know how much salt to have on hot days?
Hydrated all Saturday night and felt better. Woke up Sunday and said I would just do what I could. Swim felt great! Enjoyed being back in Mirror Lake and on that cable. Changed and went to head out for the run. I wanted to make sure to stay smart so I was drinking ALOT. My training partners husband met us about every 2 miles with a van and we dumped water, ice, EVERYWHERE, and refilled bottle. Did 13.1 hot miles. Talk about heat training! I watched my HR and kept it capped and tried to keep it low! I think that helped- pace was WAY slower than I usually do but I didn't think twice about that.
Anyways got home late Sunday night- woke up yesterday feeling spent. Then got super nauseous later in the day- and had a fever of 101.4.....so I did not train yesterday. Thinking its all heat related. Today went to chiro first thing- he checked vitals ect ect and told me I need another day to rest. So this will be 2 days of rest....what should I plan to do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.....I have Quassy Sunday.
I did a LOT of learning about training in the heat. It was absolutely one of the hottest rides I had taken....90 degrees. and once I had overheated by being stupidly overdressed...it was catch up.
THANK YOU again for being such an amazing coach and an awesome support!!! YOU and EN will help me reach my goals and you have no idea how much that means to me.
So…#1, gear is key. If you wake up and the weather says it’s going to be 90 (which it did!) then you plan accordingly. Sounds like you maybe were a bit inflexible to start — and flexibility is key to long term racing happiness!! No two races are the same.
#2, was it gatorade endurance or regular gatorade from the store? The latter has minimal sodium and is better for mowing lawns, etc.
#3, we recommend about 1,000 mgs per hour across all sources. So layout your food and drink plan for an hour vs that target, and add salt as needed. If you take in MORE fluids above that baseline (say more water, so hot!) then you’ll need more sodium. This is why having external salt pills is nice.
#4, sounds like you recovered well and were able to do stuff on Sunday with a better plan (pace doesn’t matter on hot race days…your HR approach was perfect).
So for now to Quassy there’s not much to do. You need to recover…so an easy bike tomorrow +_ run as planned. Just easier. Then 45’ run on Thursday with 15’ of Zone 3 at the end of it; Friday swim only, Sat is off, Sunday is race.
Use your brain right now to outline a nutrition plan; even if it’s not going to be epic hot you can still fuel better. Feel free to post any notes or thoughts here…
Thank you for all your advice...I have so much to learn and continue to do so! Thank you for being so patient with me!
Flexibility- GOT IT! Will work on that especially with gear. I think lack of sodium may have been an issue and will work on that. And HR on run felt so much better. I look forward to getting some data over the next few weeks to help pace my IMLP run!
So now here is my big issue... I have been sick all week :-( I took Monday, Tuesday off and Wednesday I was no better but at least made it into school. The nausea I have had has been so incredibly bad. I'm pretty sure I am fighting some kinda of stomach bug- and if its not that it is def something. I can't even eat....and I love to eat!! I eat the same thing everyday and always look forward to it---right now I can only stuff down rice cakes...and maybe a bar. Its awful. I ran this morning and only could do 4 and it was not good. Had nausea all day again but tonight it is feeling better. I am hoping to do a spin tomorrow morning if I am better. I am freaked. I don't know what I should do about Quassy. I don't even know whats up and what I am battling. My A race is LP- and I was on a good track for that....dont want to set myself back. Any advice?
Thank you again so much for your patience and guidance.
YOU ROCK!!! Thank you thank you thank you for all the notes on my ride and data. SO incredibly helpful. Notes that I will remember--- KEEP PEDALING! Totally blew my mind how much I was not pedaling….. HOLY COW! I try to push down hills but apparently I need to stay focused more! I just looked at my 100 miler that I did on Friday---and it was the same thing! Although I thought I did a much better job of pacing during Fridays RR. Next weekend WILL BE DIFFERENT
I know nutrition is HUGE and I’m going to add some nutrition stuff at the end of my ride.….to keep my power up..
You mentioned knowing my climbing zones….How can I figure my power zones? Especially without a current FTP…
I am trying my very very best to be patient with my body and training. It’s hard at times---when I want to be stronger so badly. And I had a great outseason that I thought would lead into a great inseason. But doing my best to stay positive.
I talked to Wheelbuilder.com and they told me that a disk will not work with my Trek Speed Concept. Not fun…...
This is what he gave me:
Here are a few upgrade estimates for you to ponder.
If we reuse your Powertap hub and put it into a Zipp 404 Firecrest rear rim: $800 (+$100 for 808)
Rebuild w/ your PT into an ENVE 4.5 rear rim: $960
New rear Zipp 404 Powertap $1280
New rear ENVE 4.5 Powertap $1440
Since these rims are deeper, there is a chance that an areo jacket will work with your bike.
Thoughts on that???
Thanks for taking a look at my numbers and FOR EVERYTHING you do!!!!! Any other advice or things you think I need to do to get the best LP race I can have…. PLEASE let me know- I’ll DO IT!!
I think the best way to reverse engineer the numbers you should be working with our take and the normalized power from the ride, especially the areas we felt strong. So for example, if you are normalized power for the first loop on a Saturday ride was 130 W and the Heart Rate was good, let's start with 130. You can break out your bike zones off of that. Assuming that is your steady pace, then your goal I'm in Paces that pace. And your long climbing zone is 10% higher than that number so let's call it 145. And your steep climbing effort/zone is 15% higher than that, call it 150.
The only challenge of this is that these numbers may change just as you get better. So you might find that while 130 was challenging for a long ride early in the year, that you can easily do 135 closer to the race. So I guess the lesson here is: don't be too afraid to push the pace over the last hour or two if you're still riding within yourself at that time. The point of training is to push yourself a little bit and learn where the line is.
Honestly for race that would not sweat that wheel. You could probably rent a disk for 125 bucks for the week of the race and be done with it. I rented wheels for years. Just make sure that they are clincher's and they have aluminum rims and you should be all set. The me know any more help with that. I only said that because if you go ahead and buy the special wheel for the speed concepts but then you change your bike in two years who knows if that really works with the new thing. Whereas going you'd have to race six Ironmans to break even on the wheel, except this time you get to use the latest and greatest wheel anyway.
Hey Coach-
Thank you again so much for your help yesterday. This weekend really did not go as planned.....at all. Need some help adjusting if need be. So last week did my workouts- felt good going into the weekend...Then some family stuff hit- long story short my nephew was officially diagnosed with autism last week...and well being the teacher of the family and having a clearer understanding about this ---I have been holding everyone up and trying to calm everyone down. (which also has prevented me from being able to deal with my feelings about it....but luckily hubby has been letting me vent to him) It will be okay we just have a long road ahead! We are alll ready to support him in anyway we can!!!!
So I switched and did my 3 hour ride on Saturday- done and done. Planned to do my BIG day today. Got up and off I went on a long route (new route which I will never do again because I kept getting lost---stupid stupid). 50 miles in I was up in Southwick, Mass and got a flat. Changed it (you would have been proud---expect for how long it took me....) and went to put in the CO2 but instead of going INTO the tire it came out the sides!!! UGH! And shame on me--- I had not replaced my other CO2s that I gave Meg up in LP. SO I was stranded. Big time. No cyclists passing and not close to anything. So called hubby who had to drive 45 minutes to come get me-----then it was 45 minutes to drive home---- Then when I went to put the newly inflated tire on my bike somehow my powertap hub came apart! (this was the back tire by the way). My husband figured out how to get it "clicked" back in..... Finally bike is ready....but I was not---- hungry, hot, and pissed off. So I tried my very best to rally to get back on that bike (now going on 3 hours since my flat). Sucked it up and started out trying to ride again- but had NOTHING. Back was tight- it just seemed useless. I also didn't want to ride when I wasn't fully "with it". Not worth the risk (just had a cyclist killed yesterday in our area- hit by a car). So I pulled the plug. Which off course sent me in a tailwind and complete freak out. I went and did a 50 minute swim and had to get to send my father off back to Georgia.
OK so now I just vented and unloaded about everything. Sorry for that.
Here is my question- I am freaked about missing bike time (and workout time) Should I bike tomorrow (Monday) to make up some time?? Can I add some in this week some time?? Any adjustments I should make for this week?
THANK YOU for getting my mind in a good place after this weekend. I really need to get back to my positive place....
Hi Laura, Just a friendly EN teammate who read your post. I can't tell you what to do next for your training, but I say don't fret. Coach P will give you calming guidance to get you back on track. I also wanted you to know that I have a friend who is a triathlete and has a son with autism. If it would help you at all, I could put you in touch with her. She is very kind and would be happy to speak with you, I am sure.
Take care, Virginia
(1) Replace all your stuff in your kit and make that part of your weekly bike check.
(2) Celebrate the tire change...next time you'll be 2x faster...
(3) Check that CO2 adapter...sounds like a bust. Most of them suck. This is my favorite one: http://bit.ly/2995eVt simply because the CO2 stays in there unless you push down on the whole thing to let the air in the tube. One handed simplicity.
(4) Kudos to you on the new route...adventure is part of what makes our sport awesome.
The point is to have training stress. Given the LIFE stress you had last week, I can't honestly prescribe any more training as you will likely have a system shut down.
Here are my goals for you this week:
(1) Continue eating clean and sleeping right.
(2) THANK your hubs. Maybe a nice dinner out or a bottle of wine. He's a keeper and let him know it.
(3) Get back on the regular progam.
(4) Look ahead to see what if anything you need to edit / change to make sure you can get the work in!
Ok- so thank you for totally getting me and sticking with my craziness. You will be proud to know that I put myself back in my box and had a fantastic week of training last week. I replaced my kit- and thank goodness I did because i got a flat AGAIN (front tire this time) on my 106 mile ride on Saturday....QUICKLY changed it and was on my way!! I have been keeping my eating clean and trying to sleep.... Did a date night with the hubs to thank him for everything.....Have been keeping with self care and seeing a new chiro while mine is away--- but new guy is working out!
Today I did not do the 2 hour run because my legs were just not feeling it....calves were tight and I needed an adjustment....wanting to keep myself healthy I decided to do the 45 minute run today. Got adjusted and I am ready to get at this week! WOOHOO!!! So my RR is going to be Friday---weather looks crappy all around but Friday looks best. Will do the 112 and brick.....Saturday another long ride and run.....QUESTION FOR YOU....should I do my long run on Thursday morning BEFORE my RR on Friday OR do it on Sunday as if it were a camp week???
THANK YOU AGAIN!! Hope all is well on your end and you and the family had a FABULOUS holiday weekend!!!
Hey Coach!!!
Can't believe its almost here.......AH! I am excited but I would be lying if I said I wasn't freaking out....I listened to your video for this week and I'm reallllly trying to channel good positive vibes and visualize..... It's not as easy as I would like it to be this time around....here nor there...
So race wheels.....Rob Sabo offered his Zipp 808s for me to borrow on race day.....you think I could handle the 808s? If not I am just going to keep my own back wheel with powermeter and my LBS offered me Bontrager Aura 5 for the front....Thoughts?
This weekend is a 3 hour ride on Saturday....could I move it to Sunday? I am helping with a ladies ride on Sunday that is 24 miles....its an easyyyy pace so I would just do some riding before I meet up to help lead it/sweep it.... If I move the ride to sunday- what can I do Saturday? If you want me to just stay the course.....I can let them know I cannot do the ladies ride Sunday!! I am too close and don't want to mess anything up!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for getting me to this point!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!
I think you should definitely take the race feels as long as they have aluminum rims and friendships. They are tubulars for our carbon rooms and the change of brake pads and stuff that's usually too many moving pieces. 100% your call but that's where I draw the line.
my personal preference is to have you do your normal three hour ride on Sunday Saturday and then for Sunday just go out and move around with the ladies. No admin before or after. Hopefully the back to back these are not too much of a pain in the butt. Otherwise you ride hard and then you get cold when the power drops as you spend a lot more time NOT riding.
Reports are freaking out, but remember in the grand scheme of things you've had a fairly straightforward run. To spend your time focusing on the things you need to focus on make sure this plan is set up and you have everything you need race well. The more time you spend rehearsing and walking through that part of the day, the better your race will be!
Can't wait to cheer you on!
THANK YOU for the advice and guidance as I naviagate through the crazies of "taper week"
I will ride tomorrow and short run- and do an easy ride Sunday----as long as its not too much- want to be smart here.
I am going to do the ZIPPS and Placid Planet put me on the schedule to switch the cassettes. They will make sure its all good to go. They are aluminum clinchers.
Already in a better spot- and got my race plan ready so that helped!!! If you get a chance- could you give it a peak and let me know what you think?http://members.endurancenation.us/Forums/tabid/57/aft/21286/Default.aspx
Can't wait to see you and Maura up in LP!!!