Virginia's Don't Judge Me By My Size Micro
Hi Coach P,
My first post of the New Year and I think it is still early enough to say HNY! I need some advice about how to continue training after my marathon this weekend.
I do run a lot in the tri off-season. I am running the Disney marathon this weekend and my next race will be at the end of February. The Feb race is a challenge race so two days of running that adds up to 30ish miles. 15K and 5k first day and a half and 5 miler the next day. I did this race last year and was good until the 5 miles. My legs were tight and cramping. I knew before it started that it would be tough. I am back for redemption this year. What is the best way to train for this? I am still riding 2 days, I like swimming so I would like to hold on to 2 days and I need at least one day a week to see the Force Awakens.
Then, let's remember that you have the fitness to run 30 (cuz you just ran 26.2)...especially 30 that's broken up. I am not so much worried about specific training as I am about how you fuel / recover during Gasparilla.
So every race you are fueling like you are running the 15k?...yep, a gel every 30 to 40 minutes, fluid every station, etc. Please share what that will be.
Then we'll want a recovery drink after each event as well...I use Chocolate Milk (easy to find) but some prefer Endurox or a similar product. Whatever it is, commit to that.
Then you'll want compression gear (at a minimum, socks with comfy alternative shoes or slippers). These go on right away...and you put your legs up for 20 to 30 minutes. So run 15k, recovery drink, socks, legs up for 30'...then walk about, stretch, etc.....5k repeat.....good dinner & hydrate....then half and 5 miler.
I don't know if you have any particular speed goals within the actual races, but I think that you can plan on negative splitting all the runs (finishing strong) for sure...beyond that, you might be rolling the dice.
Okay, you are recovering from Disney so you should have time to type...let's see it!
I am excited about the focus on recovery. I do feel my fitness is there. I really was not sure what was going to happen after mile 18 of the marathon but it wasn't bad. I felt nauseous at mile 22 so I slowed down. I would like to fix the nausea if you have thoughts. I ran a 4:02:43. I can send my splits on a different message b/c I am not techie enough to make it fit with this message.
I felt good after the race. Normal sore, no pain. I stretched, rolled and refueled. I walked my dog through Thursday to take it easy and today was my first post race run. My quads were sore so I stretched them during the run. Overall, it felt good.
My big goal with the 30 miler is finishing stronger on the 5 miler. Just being able to run a time close to what I normally run. Last year I ran a 1:14 15K, a 24:13 5k, 1:52 half and a 48 min 5 miler. (in the order they were run)
So for fueling. On the marathon I did a gel every 4 miles, a lick of base salt (it was humid) every 3-5m and drank water or powerade at every aid station. I even ate two bites of a banana somewhere around #23. I think I would do the same thing for the 15K minus banana. I would not have done anything for recovery going into the 5K, but I will now.
I think I have covered all the info you asked for.
I am going to toss in that I am running one more marathon for the season on 3/26. After running Disney and the way I felt, I want to try for under a 3:50 (my PR). I followed the intermediate marathon 24 week plan and did all the speed and tempo worked as suggested. I think that helped my race a lot.
I am like Columbo (did you watch that show) and I always have one more question. Is there a plan I can follow right now? I want to keep biking and a day of swimming in with the running, but I am not sure how much and what. On the bike do I do intervals or stay with tempo ? I love a plan!
Thanks Coach!
Splits ?
Cumulative Time
Moving Time
Elev Gain
Elev Loss
Avg Pace
Avg Moving Pace
Best Pace
1 9:08.5 9:08.5 9:02 1.00
2 9:05.1 18:14 8:59 1.00
3 9:10.7 27:24 9:09 1.00 --
4 9:06.9 36:31 9:05 1.00 --
5 8:54.2 45:25 8:54 1.00 -- --
6 9:16.0 54:41 9:16 1.00 -- --
7 8:55.1 1:03:36 8:48 1.00 -- --
8 8:42.5 1:12:19 8:40 1.00 -- --
9 8:46.1 1:21:05 8:42 1.00 --
10 8:43.5 1:29:49 8:42 1.00 --
11 8:43.3 1:38:32 8:42 1.00 --
12 9:27.6 1:47:59 9:18 1.00 -- --
13 8:58.2 1:56:58 8:54 1.00 --
14 8:43.8 2:05:41 8:41 1.00
15 8:44.2 2:14:26 8:39 1.00 --
Splits ?
Cumulative Time
Moving Time
Elev Gain
Elev Loss
Avg Pace
Avg Moving Pace
Best Pace
1 9:08.5 9:08.5 9:02 1.00 3 -- 9:09 9:02 7:38 91
2 9:05.1 18:14 8:59 1.00 -- -- 9:05 8:59 7:41 92
3 9:10.7 27:24 9:09 1.00 -- 3 9:11 9:09 7:58 90
4 9:06.9 36:31 9:05 1.00 3 -- 9:07 9:05 7:52 92
5 8:54.2 45:25 8:54 1.00 -- -- 8:54 8:54 5:48 92
6 9:16.0 54:41 9:16 1.00 -- -- 9:16 9:16 7:23 93
7 8:55.1 1:03:36 8:48 1.00 -- -- 8:55 8:48 7:11 93
8 8:42.5 1:12:19 8:40 1.00 -- -- 8:43 8:40 6:56 93
9 8:46.1 1:21:05 8:42 1.00 -- 7 8:46 8:42 7:16 91
10 8:43.5 1:29:49 8:42 1.00 -- -- 8:44 8:42 7:34 91
11 8:43.3 1:38:32 8:42 1.00 10 -- 8:43 8:42 7:28 92
12 9:27.6 1:47:59 9:18 1.00 -- -- 9:27 9:18 7:27 91
13 8:58.2 1:56:58 8:54 1.00 3 -- 8:58 8:54 7:37 91
14 8:43.8 2:05:41 8:41 1.00 13 12 8:44 8:41 6:31 92
15 8:44.2 2:14:26 8:39 1.00 -- 10 8:44 8:39 7:17 90
16 8:46.1 2:23:12 8:45 1.00 13 13 8:46 8:45 7:35 92
17 8:42.5 2:31:54 8:41 1.00 13 10 8:43 8:41 7:12 92
18 8:41.1 2:40:35 8:41 1.00 7 -- 8:41 8:41 7:52 90
19 8:37.6 2:49:13 8:35 1.00 -- 6 8:38 8:35 7:01 93
20 9:09.1 2:58:22 9:08 1.00 -- -- 9:09 9:08 7:25 91
21 8:56.7 3:07:19 8:54 1.00 3 7 8:57 8:54 6:51 92
22 10:11 3:17:30 9:40 1.00 3 -- 10:11 9:40 7:25 90
23 9:29.3 3:26:59 9:20 1.00 3 -- 9:29 9:20 7:20 91
24 11:04 3:38:03 11:04 1.00 -- -- 11:04 11:04 1:23 94
25 9:31.2 3:47:34 9:24 1.00 -- 3 9:31 9:24 6:00 90
26 9:46.6 3:57:20 9:43 1.00 -- -- 9:47 9:43 7:23 90
27 5:18.4 4:02:39 5:13 0.56 -- -- 9:27 9:18 7:28 51
Summary 4:02:39 4:02:39 4:00:39 26.56
16 8:46.1 2:23:12 8:45 1.00 13 13 8:46 8:45 7:35 92
17 8:42.5 2:31:54 8:41 1.00 13 10 8:43 8:41 7:12 92
18 8:41.1 2:40:35 8:41 1.00 7 -- 8:41 8:41 7:52 90
19 8:37.6 2:49:13 8:35 1.00 -- 6 8:38 8:35 7:01 93
20 9:09.1 2:58:22 9:08 1.00 -- -- 9:09 9:08 7:25 91
21 8:56.7 3:07:19 8:54 1.00 3 7 8:57 8:54 6:51 92
22 10:11 3:17:30 9:40 1.00 3 -- 10:11 9:40 7:25 90
23 9:29.3 3:26:59 9:20 1.00 3 -- 9:29 9:20 7:20 91
24 11:04 3:38:03 11:04 1.00 -- -- 11:04 11:04 1:23 94
25 9:31.2 3:47:34 9:24 1.00 -- 3 9:31 9:24 6:00 90
26 9:46.6 3:57:20 9:43 1.00 -- -- 9:47 9:43 7:23 90
27 5:18.4 4:02:39 5:13 0.56 -- -- 9:27 9:18 7:28 51
Summary 4:02:39 4:02:39 4:00:39 26.56
Your splits look pretty solid to me (love that smart start!) but what type of gel did you eat? And we generally frown on stuff like powerade as it doesn't have enough salt. So it sounds to me that you took in more fluids that either (A) usual due to humidity or (B) than you could process given lower sodium in those fluids, and you got the queasiness. So let's see that gel type...and find out what the fluids will be in Feb. Could be you will need a better sodium option.
Some folks report success with antacids in a race, but that's a question for the Team as I've never done it.
HI Coach,
My self proclaimed nickname is "Smart Starter"
I take clif chocolate gels and PowerAde was the course beverage at Disney. Would it have helped at all if I just drank water with the base salt and just took my gels? or is that too much water?
Clif chocolate gel specs:
110 calories, 80mg sodium,80mg potassium, 22g carbs
Seeking words of wisdom, let it be.
Powerbar Gel: 120 calories, 200mg sodium, 40mg potassium, 28g carbs
So powerbar gel as 150% more sodium...which is the magic that makes the fluids (and therefore food) more digestible. I would edit that.
Add in that Gatorade Endurance has 300mg of sodium vs 150mg for Powerade and you can see how your gut was just never going to catch up.
So if you are sticking with the course nutrition, we need to do the math on your preferred sodium solution to make sure you are "happy" for the end of the run!!!!
Hey Coach,
Try as I might, I just can't ever reach my Z3- or Z4 heart rate on the bike. I have not done any testing in a while, could it be that my values have changed? What are your mystical thoughts?
Thanks, Virginia
1 - different time of year / weather
2 - indoor vs outdoor test
3 - you might be carrying some fatigue right now (muscles can't work hard enough)
4 - or some flavor of all of the above.
I say it's time to test again. Best time is a Tuesday after a Monday rest / off OR swim only day. Let me know if you need more help...the testing info is on the Zone page here:
Glad you are feeling better to do some biking!
Let me know,
~ Coach P
Read up on the bike testing. I will be doing that one tomorrow. The run test will probably be later this week. Thanks!
First, I hope you are feeling better and second, I have great race news.
I did my sprint race today and placed as third female overall! This is a first for me.
Would you tell me again where I can give a race report?
I know it is just a sprint race, but I followed the intermediate sprint plan and worked very hard and I am so happy with the results. You guys might be onto something : ) Can I add that I am 49 and the one and two overall were 31? Thank you for your Jedi Wisdom!
I can't wait to read it!!!!!
~ Coach P
I just finished the intermediate sprint training plan and I am starting the 20 Week Half IM Intermediate plan at week 9. I would like to rearrange the plan for the remainder of the training to fit my schedule. Would you tell me what you think of this?
Monday: split long run (I am excited to try this, just watched the wiki video) and swim
Tuesday: bike intervals and run
Wednesday: run and swim
Thursday: swim
Friday: run and long bike
Saturday: long bike
Sunday: off
I work 4-10 hour days with Monday, Friday and Saturday off. That is why I put the large volume work on those days.
Thanks for the wisdom.
I like your week. My only pushback would be to have you do the swim on Tuesday (recover from split long run), and in fact maybe drop that swim from monday and make Tuesday a longer swim...but you could keep that as a back up option as well.
Then the middle of your week would look like this:
Tuesday: swim
Wednesday: bike intervals and run
Thursday: run and swim
I can only get in a 40 minute swim on Tuesdays because I have to get to work/pool availability. Should I switch something else or is it better to do 40 mins and skip the Monday swim?
Jumping ahead to week 11 of the Intermediate HIM plan. I have a Big Day on Saturday. I signed up for a sprint tri that is also on that Saturday. Could I move my BD to the beginning of the week, say Monday? or could I do it the week before or after? Would it be wise to do it Sunday, the day after my sprint? Thanks!
Regarding the race, do the Friday swim early, and then spend PM getting all your stuff together. Build your effort all day out there across swim / bike / run. We have some good info on Short Course racing etc here:
Thanks Coach. That will work.
How is it going?
I have some questions:
if I only have a short amount of time to swim during the week, would it be ok to do an out of the water arm warm-up before getting to the pool and then just hopping in for whatever I can get done of the main set? What is more important, main set or warm-up? Warm-up or main-set? and
I signed up for a Total Immersion swim class that will be all day Saturday. I will have to skip one of my bike rides. Should it be the longer, interval ride or the shorter, ABP ride. I ride Friday and Saturday b/c I work Sunday. I could do an hour and a half ride before work on Sunday as a make-up.
What do you think?
I am doing GREAT, thanks! So good to hear from you....I think in the last 8 weeks to race, Main Set on the deck warm up is fine if that does the trick! Good practice for race day regardless.
I say skip the Sunday ABP session, or at least defer "some form" of ride to pre-work on Sunday (if you feel up to it...after a few hours in a pool the day before you might want to just chill out!!!!
BTW, I have not used my race saver bag yet, but I have been reading all the rave reviews. I filled it halfway with water last night and put it in the freezer. I was going to test it out on my long run today, but it was pretty steady rain for the whole run so I did not bring it along. I think I will use it for my upcoming RR. Let you know how it goes.
~ Coach P
I would like to ask for help with week 15 of the HIM intermediate plan for next week (week of 8/15). It has a RR Saturday which is where my dilemma begins. Here is my schedule for the week:
Monday not working until 12, can get a good early morning wo in
Tuesday not working, full day off
Weds working 7-7 (I usually do 1.5 hours of training on workdays by starting at 430 am. After work is not trust worthy b/c I work in a manatee hospital and the schedule of getting a sick manatee in is unpredictable. Lost too many workouts in the past to having to stay late and wishing I had just gotten out of bed
Thurs working 7-7 , can do 1.5 hours of training pre-work
Friday working 7-7, can do 1.5 hours of training pre-work
Saturday: doing an Olympic Distance Race. I signed up for this before looking ahead in the training plan. It feels like it will be a good test pre-70.3. Do you think so?
Sunday not working but staying with my 92 year old dad and can only leave him for about 3 hours at a time
I am not big on sharing my life story and personal stuff, but I thought you might need to know my limitations
Thought I would do the race rehearsal on Tuesday, my full day off, but I have no idea what to do with the rest of the week. I have time to do a good workout on Monday, but I don't want to completely wear myself out for a Tuesday RR.
Thanks Coach!
So, I say RR swim on Monday (already gone) and RR ride/run on Tuesday as you noted.
Wednesday is Long Run for the week.
Thursday is OFF and sleep in. Enjoy it.
Friday is a short bike run session to make sure you are all tuned up for the Saturday race. Something like 45' bike, 20' run...all steady.
Saturday is race day. Bonus short run afterwards...up to an part of the cool down.
Sunday is as much of the Saturday ride as you can muster...
~ Coach P
Took the Total Immersion class last week and got gold stars for best in show for the video stroke analysis. I have only ever read anything about stroke, never been coached on the deck and recently, used EN swim drills, etc. So, what your teaching, works
I will let you know how my Olympic goes
Take care,
~ Coach P