Hi Coach, Hope you are well! Some updates about me. I did my Olympic race and came in 1st in my AG! I had one of my best rides on this particular bike course. Probably no secret that I was ecstatic. Coming in first in my AG in any tri is not my forte. I think staying diligent with all the training is really working for me. Thanks for the guidance! I have a question for next week. It will be week 17 of the HIM Intermediate plan. I would like to switch it for week 18 so I can do the RR on Friday of this week. It works better with my schedule. Basically, I will not be able to do the RR next week but can do it this week. Would that be okay? I am having a very successful training and racing season and I am excited to test my work at Augusta next month. Thank you again for all the advice and take care.
WOW WOW WOW!!!! That's incredible news! Of course they don't have that stuff out for free… You had to earn it. And you did. :-) Nothing like getting results after some good homework. I'm proud of you.
Switching week 18 per week 17 is totally fine. I agree that we want to make sure you have the rehearsal in, and having an additional week to recover is fine. We generally recommend that you then put Week 17 next, so take a look at that plan and see how you feel about it. We might even modify the rides just to help you feel on point with your build to Augusta.
Okay. So it sounds like I can do 18 this week and 17 next week. Will do. What should I modify with the bike rides? I finally got to use my race saver bag. I ran on a paved trail so I could not refill, but I loved the ice and cold water while I had it! It was pretty awesome. Would it be ok to tell my non-EN tri friends about it and where to get one? I have a friend doing IM Wisconsin and I think he would love it. On a side note, when I try to go to the Mile 18 site, my computer warns me not to and says it is not safe. I am not sure if I am the only one who runs into this issue, but I wanted to let you know. Thanks !! VA
Virginia not mods on the bike rides....just ride it out. These are the final big weeks!!!
YEs to telling your friends about it. I will work on the site, it's probably just a coding error as it has it's own certificate, etc. I promise it's safe!!!
Hope all is well with you My training has been fruitful. Had a very nice RR last week that gave me just the right amount of 'you can do this' for Augusta. I have two weeks to go. My question for you is post race. I have another tri three weeks after the 70.3. The distance is .8M, 37M, 8.7M. How should I maintain for this race after Augusta? Is it okay to take the week off following the 70.3 or just keep low? Take care!
Virgina...AWESOME!!!!!! Pumped for you. That first week should absolutely be rest...then you can load the Short Course plan to end on that next race. No real need to hit any crazy zones in that plan (you are fit!) but it will be important to follow the structure. First week will be getting back into it, then we go from there!
Hi Coach, I am following up to our phone call from two weeks ago. I did my 1/3 tri today (.8 swim, 37 bike and 8.7 run). Followed your recommendations for the bike nutrition and let people pass me on the bike ( this bike was in Clermont, FL and was no joke. Many hills and the infamous Sugarloaf Mountain). I came in second in my AG and was 1st in my AG for the run! All came as a surprise, but a welcome one. Had a great race and an awesome way to end my season! Thank you for the advice. While I have you, I loaded up the HIM transition for 2 weeks just to recover and slow down. Sound ok?
Fantastic!!! I am so excited for you. Being able to connect"how to race" with actual racing is a huge step forward. And a great way to end your year.
Yes, you should follow the transition plan for two weeks as recovery. After that we should try looking towards using the Run Durability Program (RDP) for the remainder of your winter until you start the OutSeason®. if you haven't done so already, please submit next year's race is to coach Rich so he can get you a roadmap.
Hi Coach, I just finished the last race of my tri season. I am taking two weeks to regroup, ride and run easy. I was thinking of doing the Jacksonville Marathon on December 18th. My longest IM was a 70.3 in September. Running is my strong suit. I can definitely run 13 miles walking out the door today. So, my questions are, does this have injury written all over it, if you think I have the run fitness to do it, where would I start in training? I am not running it with a goal in mind (aka Boston). I just like to run one or two marathons in the fall/winter. I am cautious about injury and health so if you say bad idea, I say 10-4.
VE - I am down with it if you will be okay...to that end I'd like to see your strava stuff; just sent you a request so I can dive in there a little bit....let me know when I am confirmed, thanks!
Hi CP, Sorry, I had not checked Strava until today. I accepted your request. I have come to my senses a little bit about doing a marathon in 8 weeks, but I think I would like to hear what you say looking at my training. Ran a half marathon race today, came in 1st in my AG with a 1:50. I was able to pull off second half negative splits. It is on my Strava. Hope you had a fun Halloween.
VE, that's a great run....the execution is MINT and the HR data looks better than expected. Very well executed. The full isn't out of reach by any means, it's more the cost of those long runs...any thoughts about just doing the half on that date and aiming for a PR instead? That's my preferred version.
I like the sound of trying for a half PR. I am a safe starter, always cautious to save something for the end. I would love guidance on how to go a little faster and still have it to finish strong in the end. My race PR is a 1:43 in 2012. I usually average 1:47-1:50 and ran a 1:48 half last April. Running a 1:45 would make me pretty happy.
VE, awesome! Let's fire up the Half Marathon training plan to end on your race. Then do the math of a 1:44 Half Marathon finish time per mile split. Then modify as follows:
That sounds excellent! I signed up for my half and will get going on the new and improved training. I will let you know how it is going. Thanks Coach P!
What do you think of this run today? https://www.strava.com/activities/774440890. I forgot to look at your long run suggestion so I ran the plan run which was 3M @ RE plus 30' (830), 3M at RE (800) and 3 M under RE (750). I did a 1.5 M warm up. I pushed it all as suggested and have a slight hill in the last half mile from my house. It sort of felt like the same pace the whole time (hard! except for the WU). I did not quite make all the targets but I tried! Thanks for the input!
VE, great run! That run is a little bit different because of the layout, It's meant to be more of a simulation. From an effort perspective, it can't be matched. Great workout. I'd like you to be a little more consistent with the pacing of possible,We will get there. Onwards!
Hi Coach P, I am discombobulated! I got my season training plan from CR. But I changed the very first plan from the Nov OS to the IHM so I could try to run my fast half marathon. Now everyone keeps talking about the December OS and I feel like I am missing out. My race is this Sunday, when it is over, should I: a)ask for a new TSR b)join the Dec OS a few weeks behind c)wait for the Jan OS and just sit in limbo until it begins? Thank you!
VE, everyone is talking DECOS because it's the place to be.
But, YOU ARE ON A MISSION. Get that race done (let me know if you need / want me to look at a race plan!) and we can talk. You're ahead of the game on the run, but will need some time to catch up on the bike...easy to do (I am thinking we'll get you reintegrated bike-wise next week), but first, RACE.
Thanks Coach! I will not worry about the OS and just go race. I have been following the plan and getting the runs in as suggested. I think I am meeting the zones and paces that I should, but I do need advice for the race. So this is my plan: Goal: 1:44-1:46 (I would be happy in this range) Start with a cup of oatmeal and half a banana 3 hours before race time Half marathon weather 60-65. This is cool, but not cold for me. I will wear a long sleeve until race start and then run in a tank. Pace needed for my goal is 8:00 min/miles. I am a conservative starter. If I run 3 at 830, 6 at 815 and 4 at 800 is that a good approach to get me to my goal? My Z5 HR zone is 150's. I would try to stay in the 130's to start. I will take a CLIF mocha gel with caffeine 15 minutes before race start. I plan to have 3 CLIF chocolate gels and 2 mocha with me but I may only take 4 total. The last half I did, I only took one before and one during. I don't think I can start with 8 and stay with 8 for 13.1 miles so I would like to run what I mentioned above. Water stations are not frequent enough for me (only 7, averaging 1.5 to 2 M apart. The first station is not until mile 2.3!) so I will bring my water bottle with base hydro and 2 scoops base salt Thoughts?? Thanks!
VE, thanks for checking in. That math won't get you to a 1:46 finish. You could do the plan I have listed below, and it puts you at 1:46:11....I like your whole plan but I don't think you need to eat that much in a half. Maybe just 2 gels like miles 4 and 8 when you are running. Calories aren't a limiter in a sub 2 hour run, and your effort will hurt you.
I would suggest a nice long easy warm up...that might make the early miles a bit easier. Think 30 minutes of jogging, a few pick ups, some stretching...goal is to be done with that at about 15' pre race in time for your gel and seeding. I usually exit race area with my gel/food...hide it somewhere while I warm up, so I can get it without having to go back to my stuff before the race. Let me know what you think!
That is perfect. I have not found a pace guide that says if you start out here and finish here, you can reach your goal time. I usually only take one or two gels in a race, but I bring extras out of fear. Is it ok to take one before? I often train 10 mile runs on an empty stomach, but that would not be wise in a race, would it? I always eat about three hours before. Other than that, I am ready to go. Thanks for the guidance!
So the race is over and I ran a....1:47:26! Good for 5th in my AG. I know I started the training hoping for a 1:44, but before race day, I felt like I had it to do something good, but not the 1:44. So I changed my goal to the 1:46 and I was almost there. Looking at my pace, I am pretty impressed. I usually stay conservative and pace slower, but I stayed around 8's. I was staying with the 1:45 pacer. I felt good too. I definitely felt the slow down the last two miles, but gave it my best to finish it out. Here is my Strava https://www.strava.com/activities/799921401
RR: 10 minute warm up before race start (did wonders for my start), had my hand held for hydration, one gel before start and one gel at mile 6, Legs and HR felt great until last 1.5 to miles. Not suffering, just could not get the same output towards the end. The temp was perfect. Result, feeling very happy. If I did not put a push in the training and the race, I am pretty sure I would have ended with a 1:50 again. Much happier with a 1:47 Thanks Coach!
Today I did a recovery run (mainly b/c an old running friend was in town and the group was meeting for a run). My legs started out tight, but loosened up. I feel good.
I will give myself a week of "free to do what I want" and then will check in to see where I should pick up
Virginia...that's an INCREDIBLE RUN. I think with more time / rest you can get there...because your execution was BLACK BELT NINJA. Miles 2 to 10 were textbook. You should be very proud of that result, because I AM!
Thanks Happy Coach! If you are happy, I am happy! I have a 15k in February that is one of my favorites. My best has been a 1:11, my average, 1:13. Think I can do a 1:10?
Yes, yes! What's on your Triathlon Season RoadMap™ right now? I'd like to work in some hill training for you (treadmill? Stairs?) to get you glutes a'firin'!!
Hope all is well after the holidays! Time to answer your post above. I have been following the OS run durability plan and next week Coach Rich has me switching to the 1/2 marathon intermediate plan. I put in my TSR that I was going to do the 15k and it is a top race for me, so he has me making the plan change. I will start on week 9. On the 15th, I did a 10k and 5k challenge. Ran the 10k and then the 5k with about an hour break in between. The total time for both races was 1:12:00 ( I was first overall woman for both races, surprised me ).
So what do you think? I don't have many hills near my house, but we use bridges. I don't currently have bridges in my plan because I have to drive about 15 minutes to get to the closest one. I can make it a run on my day off. I am happy to do it if you think it will help me get the 1:11 glory and I like work!
VE, I think that's a smart transition. Instead of the bridge running you can do alternate work to get you ready. I like step ups...here's a video on it (watch the volume, dudeguy is screaming):
Note, I don't want you using a step that high..start with 12" first (think 3 aerobic steps stacked) and we can build you up. Most important part is to push on big toe of that "stepping foot" so you really engage those glutes.
I have a question for next week. It will be week 17 of the HIM Intermediate plan. I would like to switch it for week 18 so I can do the RR on Friday of this week. It works better with my schedule. Basically, I will not be able to do the RR next week but can do it this week. Would that be okay?
I am having a very successful training and racing season and I am excited to test my work at Augusta next month. Thank you again for all the advice and take care.
Switching week 18 per week 17 is totally fine. I agree that we want to make sure you have the rehearsal in, and having an additional week to recover is fine. We generally recommend that you then put Week 17 next, so take a look at that plan and see how you feel about it. We might even modify the rides just to help you feel on point with your build to Augusta.
What should I modify with the bike rides?
I finally got to use my race saver bag. I ran on a paved trail so I could not refill, but I loved the ice and cold water while I had it! It was pretty awesome. Would it be ok to tell my non-EN tri friends about it and where to get one? I have a friend doing IM Wisconsin and I think he would love it. On a side note, when I try to go to the Mile 18 site, my computer warns me not to and says it is not safe. I am not sure if I am the only one who runs into this issue, but I wanted to let you know.
Thanks !!
YEs to telling your friends about it. I will work on the site, it's probably just a coding error as it has it's own certificate, etc. I promise it's safe!!!
Thank you!!!
Hi CP!
Hope all is well with you
My training has been fruitful. Had a very nice RR last week that gave me just the right amount of 'you can do this' for Augusta. I have two weeks to go. My question for you is post race. I have another tri three weeks after the 70.3. The distance is .8M, 37M, 8.7M. How should I maintain for this race after Augusta? Is it okay to take the week off following the 70.3 or just keep low? Take care!
I am following up to our phone call from two weeks ago. I did my 1/3 tri today (.8 swim, 37 bike and 8.7 run). Followed your recommendations for the bike nutrition and let people pass me on the bike ( this bike was in Clermont, FL and was no joke. Many hills and the infamous Sugarloaf Mountain). I came in second in my AG and was 1st in my AG for the run! All came as a surprise, but a welcome one. Had a great race and an awesome way to end my season! Thank you for the advice.
While I have you, I loaded up the HIM transition for 2 weeks just to recover and slow down. Sound ok?
Yes, you should follow the transition plan for two weeks as recovery. After that we should try looking towards using the Run Durability Program (RDP) for the remainder of your winter until you start the OutSeason®. if you haven't done so already, please submit next year's race is to coach Rich so he can get you a roadmap.
Again, congrats!!!
~ Coach P
Thanks and Happy Halloween!
Sorry, I had not checked Strava until today. I accepted your request. I have come to my senses a little bit about doing a marathon in 8 weeks, but I think I would like to hear what you say looking at my training. Ran a half marathon race today, came in 1st in my AG with a 1:50. I was able to pull off second half negative splits. It is on my Strava. Hope you had a fun Halloween.
Take care,
~ Coach P
I like the sound of trying for a half PR. I am a safe starter, always cautious to save something for the end. I would love guidance on how to go a little faster and still have it to finish strong in the end. My race PR is a 1:43 in 2012. I usually average 1:47-1:50 and ran a 1:48 half last April. Running a 1:45 would make me pretty happy.
Tuesday workouts look like this:
Instead I want you to do the following, AKA more time in that race zone.
Thursday Interval runs should be no more than 2 x 1 mile in Zone 4, with "remainder time" at the 1:44 Race Pace effort.
Saturday runs are typically Warm Up, Threshold, recover, Threshold. Like this:
I would rather see you do the first 50% as written, second 50% at Target Race Pace....like this:
How does that sound? Should be enough work at this point of year without too much work...and very specific. Let me know what you think!
Hi Coach,
What do you think of this run today? https://www.strava.com/activities/774440890. I forgot to look at your long run suggestion so I ran the plan run which was 3M @ RE plus 30' (830), 3M at RE (800) and 3 M under RE (750). I did a 1.5 M warm up. I pushed it all as suggested and have a slight hill in the last half mile from my house. It sort of felt like the same pace the whole time (hard! except for the WU). I did not quite make all the targets but I tried! Thanks for the input!
~ Coach P
I am discombobulated! I got my season training plan from CR. But I changed the very first plan from the Nov OS to the IHM so I could try to run my fast half marathon. Now everyone keeps talking about the December OS and I feel like I am missing out. My race is this Sunday, when it is over, should I: a)ask for a new TSR b)join the Dec OS a few weeks behind c)wait for the Jan OS and just sit in limbo until it begins?
Thank you!
But, YOU ARE ON A MISSION. Get that race done (let me know if you need / want me to look at a race plan!) and we can talk. You're ahead of the game on the run, but will need some time to catch up on the bike...easy to do (I am thinking we'll get you reintegrated bike-wise next week), but first, RACE.
Very excited for you!
~ Coach P
I have been following the plan and getting the runs in as suggested. I think I am meeting the zones and paces that I should, but I do need advice for the race.
So this is my plan:
Goal: 1:44-1:46 (I would be happy in this range)
Start with a cup of oatmeal and half a banana 3 hours before race time
Half marathon weather 60-65. This is cool, but not cold for me. I will wear a long sleeve until race start and then run in a tank.
Pace needed for my goal is 8:00 min/miles. I am a conservative starter. If I run 3 at 830, 6 at 815 and 4 at 800 is that a good approach to get me to my goal? My Z5 HR zone is 150's. I would try to stay in the 130's to start.
I will take a CLIF mocha gel with caffeine 15 minutes before race start. I plan to have 3 CLIF chocolate gels and 2 mocha with me but I may only take 4 total. The last half I did, I only took one before and one during.
I don't think I can start with 8 and stay with 8 for 13.1 miles so I would like to run what I mentioned above.
Water stations are not frequent enough for me (only 7, averaging 1.5 to 2 M apart. The first station is not until mile 2.3!) so I will bring my water bottle with base hydro and 2 scoops base salt
I would suggest a nice long easy warm up...that might make the early miles a bit easier. Think 30 minutes of jogging, a few pick ups, some stretching...goal is to be done with that at about 15' pre race in time for your gel and seeding. I usually exit race area with my gel/food...hide it somewhere while I warm up, so I can get it without having to go back to my stuff before the race. Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick
1 8.5
2 8.5
3 8.5
4 8.25
5 8.25
6 8.25
7 8
8 8
9 8
10 8
11 7.75
12 7.75
13 7.75
That is perfect. I have not found a pace guide that says if you start out here and finish here, you can reach your goal time. I usually only take one or two gels in a race, but I bring extras out of fear. Is it ok to take one before? I often train 10 mile runs on an empty stomach, but that would not be wise in a race, would it? I always eat about three hours before. Other than that, I am ready to go. Thanks for the guidance!
Hi Coach,
So the race is over and I ran a....1:47:26! Good for 5th in my AG. I know I started the training hoping for a 1:44, but before race day, I felt like I had it to do something good, but not the 1:44. So I changed my goal to the 1:46 and I was almost there. Looking at my pace, I am pretty impressed. I usually stay conservative and pace slower, but I stayed around 8's. I was staying with the 1:45 pacer. I felt good too. I definitely felt the slow down the last two miles, but gave it my best to finish it out. Here is my Strava https://www.strava.com/activities/799921401
RR: 10 minute warm up before race start (did wonders for my start), had my hand held for hydration, one gel before start and one gel at mile 6, Legs and HR felt great until last 1.5 to miles. Not suffering, just could not get the same output towards the end. The temp was perfect. Result, feeling very happy. If I did not put a push in the training and the race, I am pretty sure I would have ended with a 1:50 again. Much happier with a 1:47
Thanks Coach!
Today I did a recovery run (mainly b/c an old running friend was in town and the group was meeting for a run). My legs started out tight, but loosened up. I feel good.
I will give myself a week of "free to do what I want" and then will check in to see where I should pick up
Thanks again for everything.
Happy Coach
~ Coach P
Hi Coach,
Hope all is well after the holidays! Time to answer your post above. I have been following the OS run durability plan and next week Coach Rich has me switching to the 1/2 marathon intermediate plan. I put in my TSR that I was going to do the 15k and it is a top race for me, so he has me making the plan change. I will start on week 9. On the 15th, I did a 10k and 5k challenge. Ran the 10k and then the 5k with about an hour break in between. The total time for both races was 1:12:00 ( I was first overall woman for both races, surprised me ).
So what do you think? I don't have many hills near my house, but we use bridges. I don't currently have bridges in my plan because I have to drive about 15 minutes to get to the closest one. I can make it a run on my day off. I am happy to do it if you think it will help me get the 1:11 glory and I like work!
Note, I don't want you using a step that high..start with 12" first (think 3 aerobic steps stacked) and we can build you up. Most important part is to push on big toe of that "stepping foot" so you really engage those glutes.
Do that 2x a week and you'll be a beast!!!
~ Coach P