I am totally impressed with the level that everyone has been performing at. Some of you seem to have additional gears and perhaps some booster jets. Personally, I am very happy today is Wednesday. My none Triathlon Training life has been a gorilla bear. I finally made it to my trainer last night around 7:15 with the plan of 2 X 20'. Well, poor nutrition during the day coupled with a very early start to the day required an adjustment to my plan. I did my standard warm-up and could feel the MS was going to be tough. I still started it with the idea of 20'. At the 10' mark of the first interval I was struggling. I pulled it together enough to get through 5 minutes more. I was disappointed in not completing the 20' so, I only took 4' for my rest interval. Right from the start of #2, I was in trouble. I was uncomfortable with my cadence and power was slipping. I was getting no guidance from my HR monitor as it was acting up. I shifted to a harder gear and things actually felt better. I was able to pull my watts up a little. I finished the WKO with a 4 mile brick on the mill.
@EC- 'They' have shown/proved that the mental drain of a stressful day has a HUGE effect of performance. I recall one study that had studly cyclists spend 2hrs (or something like that) trying to best a critical thinking exam, then rest for a bit, then attack a Time to Exhaustion wko. I can't spit out the exact numbers but it was an eye opening delta. Big difference. So, I try to remember that when I've had that kind of day. Or, on the flip side, if I really want to nail the wko, I do everything I can to stay level and chill throughout the day. But, we all know that Life trumps Sport pretty much all of the time. Progress, not perfection.
my update...Spent yesterday knocking out a solid swim, then a solid 2x 21's on the trainer, then a 'pressing/ABP' 2 mi brick run.
Why 21's? Mental. (remember that I'm in the GF plan and I'm just squatting in your OS house and mooching your mojo). All Mental. Just a f'in mind game. One of things I feel that I can work on and improve this year. Get out of my own way.
@Chris- totally love that 2x21 idea. What a huge mental training option. those 2x20's already take a lot of mental power to gear up for, but just.....one.....more......minute! Excellent!
Righto, Yogi (it is Yogi, right?)! Cool article, btw.
So, as much as I'm trying to breakthrough on some mental resolve this year, I think we all have to be real when we have those days like Mr. Croucher (using him as just the latest example) was referring to.
When I've had a rough day, and the mojo isn't there, give it the best shot. But, no shame if it comes up a bit short on a day that would usually having me running to bed to hide under the covers.
@Chris... Or... You can use my go-to when I can't even think about doing the WO... my PED of choice...Chocolate covered expresso beans... They work every time!
Finally getting into more regular training (working back from a late Dec lower back injury)... but oh my, it sure was frustrating having this keep popping up on my Garmin 520 during the 2 X 12s (when my FTP is probably ~150)! Think I inadvertently hit FTP test while trying to lower my FTP.
You know the boys at Garmin had a blast setting that up. I'm sure they had a few chuckles knowing how many heads were about to explode when that popped up and how many 520s were about to get thrown out the window!
I think the last ones I got were at Target. I only eat 'em before afternoon bikes... But only when I've had a really rough day. My job can be pretty physical at times... And some days after running in the morning... Tough day at work... I'm left needing a little kick in the butt. I wouldn't eat them all the time because you lose that link between RPE and your numbers and you risk overachieving a little too much... But once in a while...ummmmm
Attention EN Teammates riding on Zipp Wheels: As many of you are aware there has been a recall of certain sizes of Zipp Wheels. Mine (Zipp 404 carbon wheels purchased 2013) were NOT named in the recall. HOWEVER, I happened to check my front wheel last week and noted that the outer flange was cracked. I brought it back to the dealer and they sent it off to Zipp for warranty repair. While doing nothing more than packing the wheel into the shipping container the front hub completely cracked apart!!!!! I will be having nightmares for weeks to come thinking about what would have happened if I hadn't recognized the problem before riding....let alone racing down a steep mountain. Please check over your bikes EVERY time you are about the hit the road.
This week's FTP intervals done today: 3 x 8' @ 0.98, 0.98, 1.01, followed by 7' @ 0.8. Interspersing these efforts amongst ski trips of a week or more does not seem to impact my efforts; if anything, I feel the skiing I do strengthens my legs. Back to CO for 12 more days starting Jan 31, then full time OS after Lincoln's birthday.
Following a practice I started last year, I'm limiting my FTP intervals to 8-14 minutes ...8-10' on the trainer, 14' when going outside (cause that's the length of the loop I use). I do total work efforts = to that day's workout: 3 x 8' = 2 x 12'. For the first time, I'm doing the intermediate and not the advanced bike work in the OS - a concession to aging, or simply a reflection/acknowledgement of my current diminished speed? 6/half dozen, I think.
@everyone - too much to comment here and there is clearly no need to stoke the MoJo fire of the JOS crew.. Lots of great hard work here.
I am excited to hopefully hit every workout this week, when i realized I am skiing sunday with my kids.. hmm, need to figure out where to add in 75 minutes off running elsewhere this week...
a Few callouts here
@SS - "THE MAN" - you earn it every day and inspire us all, keep it flowing
@Mike R - you personally inspire me with your well written clear and informative posts. you are 10lbs & 10 watts ahead of me (how tall are you? what is race weight?) I see you and you are the carrot I am chasing!
@Trent - "the Tank" I look at your WKOs in awe... Keep leading!
@Ed - I see your Wkos, Know how mentally and physically demanding your day (and sometimes night) job is, and shake my head in disbelief as to how you make it happen daily.
@Betsy - where are the Central Park runs we talked about??
gotta get some sleep, one of my 14yo daughters(I have twins) has 4 friends over as they have no school tomorrow, ex-wife warned me to hide the adult beverages... ugh
@all - enjoy those 4x4s tomorrow, that is the last of them for a while, next week they become 5x4s
Working on the mental side of things... pushing through pain is way more mental and if and when you get that mastered there are few limits. I do not recommend to anyone, for sure the newbies, my attempts this morning. (There is my disclaimer) Not sure how many remember or were a part of the early days of EN and how some of us select few (dummies) were chosen as the experimental peeps for workouts and how they affect the body etc...(The days of Matt Ancona, Sullivan, and I don't know if KMF man was with us) But I thought one of the crazy workouts were doing 4X3 at 120% working up to 4X4 or something, so I thought I'd give it a whirl this morning and see what I had (Did have the puke bucket close by in case) So I go for 4X4' at 120% and it went as 1.18, 1.20, 1.15, 1.18. Had a tiny melt down on the 3rd one but rallied for the final. Each one I was on 120% until the final 30 seconds where I started losing a little mental focus. That's what it takes when pushing yourself this hard...MENTAL FOCUS.
Needless to say the brick run after was a little wobbly for the first mile as the dizziness hadn't went away.
Push hard all and stay in the game mentally, that's what helps come race day!!
@Gonzalo, Mark, Trent, Al, Ed E., Ed C., Nemo, Carol, Captain Scott - All these updates you guys are posting are making it hard for me to stand down during my recovery week! Love reading them!
@Chris - 2X21' - way to shake it up and drive the mental aspects of what Trent comments on below.
@Trent - you are pulling us man! Keep leading nailing both the runs and the bikes! Strong wisdom on staying in your box regarding targets. What you might over exceed today can cost by Sunday's long run quality.
By the time I get to Sunday, if I am not delivering up to par, I make a mental note and force myself to re-adjust next week, stay in my box and make it to the end of the week nailing that Sunday work as much as possible. Sunday is my toughest day, the day I carrying with me the week's work load and try to execute per plan on the long run. It is the day it all comes together (assuming I did all workouts during the week) and the best opportunity I have to really get inside my own head, lay it on the line and work through my own demons from a mental 6 pack perspective.
Try to look at your week from this perspective, understanding that the progress you make in this area during the OS will pay big dividends on your 2016 goals.
Man, I'm glad I didn't see Trent's wko before riding this a.m., as I might have been tempted to try something insane like that. Which would have led to a colossal meltdown and collapse. You > me.
In hindsight, I probably under-cooked my VO2s this morning. 275 was a little too manageable, so I tried 280 on the last, got 281, and only hit 157 HR. I usually touch 160, the top of my Z5, at the end of #4. Once I hit 160, it's lights out, good night, no mas. It's like a bucket of water over my head - I've got maybe 60 seconds to finish and get my witch costume off, or I'm melting into the pavement (or, in this case, a wet rubber mat).
Based on this week's rides, I'm 99% confident that my indoor FTP is now ~260, pretty close to a record for me. Thus, for the next couple of weeks, I'll be targeting right at or a little under 260/285. I've never in my life held 260 or higher on 2x20, so Weeks 6 and 7 shall be interesting. Even though I haven't puked while riding since November, there will be a bucket in place. These little goals keep me focused and engaged and not looking too far ahead.
@Scott, I usually race IM around 147lb, 3.9w/kg or so. Skinnier is no longer a viable solution. More watts. Oh, and I both train and race at 5'10.
Its good to be back from Phoenix. Although the weather was nicer there, it was hard to get in a good workout. The hotel gym was awful crowded with conference attendees and the area around the hotels hard to really keep any kind of pace with all of the traffic lights, cars and sidewalk pedestrians. However, I did like using the leg circuits written by Selene Yeager: http://www.bicycling.com/training/workouts/the-best-ever-leg-workout-for-cyclists
Wk4 Thursday AM bike completed as written: 4x4'(6') @ 1.10/1.10/1.10/1.10 (~340W) As I wrote the workout into Zwift the smart trainer continued to adjust the resistance to keep me exactly on target. The downside is that I felt I left a little back on each interval but every time I mashed the peddles harder to go above my target power it would decrease the resistance to keep my power at goal. I guess for variety I could always try riding out of workout mode with the plan to hold the interval and power utilizing the resistance provided by the terrain. http://tpks.ws/yJt42
I'm being better about getting my workouts in than posting...grrr.
Tuesday was pretty workmanlike. 2 x 15 at 0.98 and 1.00. Nothing exciting, though it is amazing how long 15 minutes can feel....
Today, I did my bike over "lunchtime" and hit 4 x 4' at 259, 258, 263, 263 (263 = 1.14). That felt pretty good. I'll do my run this evening. That won't be anything special.
these don't seem to be getting any easier, or it could be the faster than TRP 1 hour run I did last night hurting the downstream WKO. 4x4s done at 1.09, 1.11, 1.08 & 1.09
I think I did the wrong bike this morning-at 0430 must've pulled up 2015 and forged ahead. I only had time for the main set: 7x90/90s at 1.2. X5 spot on, x1(-1), x2(+1). I found myself wondering if I could've pushed it to 2'. Reading Trent's post makes me feel lame but 4'? Really? That's mind boggling! I was barely hanging on at 90"
Part of my time delay this morning was technical. I have a long email thread with trainer road about this. Ever since I did the Mac OS update I have this interference with Garmin connect blocking the ANT connection to trainer road. I have to spend minutes quiting GC, waiting until it turns up in 'activity monitor' to force quit it. (And swearing like a sailor). Very frustrating. Anybody else experiencing this?
@Scott-I posted about Central Park runs! And I did the Sunday run on the snow-covered paths(maybe didnt post that one). It actually was the most crowded day i ran. Tons of people out sledding. Saturday during the blizzard was my only dreadmill day
I always kind of look forward to the Z5 short stuff, then I do the first interval and change my mind! Got the 4 * 4 done at 110% (actually upped the last one a couple of watts). It's very different with Trainer Road then how I used to approach these intervals. I would typically start around 1.07 and work my way up to 1.14 by the last one. But with TR, I am already dialed in to the 110%. As hard as they were today, I wasn't ready to puke, so I upped that last interval. If Scott hadn't told us that next week we had 5 intervals, I may have tried to increase the watts, but on second thought..... Felt fine on the brick after. :-) Leaving tomorrow for 3 days visiting my kids and grandkids. I guess I'll be missing the Sat. bike for sure. Depending on what time I get home on Sunday, I may try to get it in. Otherwise, I'll just pick up on Tuesday. On rested legs:-)
I got to my bike this afternoon. I have been having some issues with my garmin 800. It has been recording the data, but it has not been showing properly on garmin connect. Today, I tried the WKO leaving GPS on. Results were that it didn't show any data on Strava. I was able to download the ride to my WKO and all that data is there. Turned out to be a better WKO than I thought it was. I did my warm-up and because I was planning a 5 X 4' set, I included 2 X 1' (337W & 325W) and one 30" interval @ 317W. My legs felt pretty good during those efforts. I finished the warm-up and got going. I went a little stronger on the first interval than I planned and finished at 300W. I followed it up well 299W, 298W, 298W and 295W. Through each interval, I felt like I was on the verge of exploding. I was holding good power for the first minute and then would drop well below my goal watts. I had to pull it together and really work to get back to even. After finishing, I headed outside for a brick. The end results were 1.20, 1.196, 1.192, 1.192 & 1.18 IF which was my strongest set of these this season.
VO2, gotta love the acronym, not so much what yah gotta do. Well a good WU and finally time to work the 4 x 4's. Yep was able to get er done (1.1/1.00/1.1/1.00). Piloted it home with a little Z3 TO Z2, with a cooldown. Off the bike and transitioned to the TM for some focused running work. I just want to thank my coffee pot for it's help tonite .
I am totally impressed with the level that everyone has been performing at. Some of you seem to have additional gears and perhaps some booster jets. Personally, I am very happy today is Wednesday. My none Triathlon Training life has been a gorilla bear. I finally made it to my trainer last night around 7:15 with the plan of 2 X 20'. Well, poor nutrition during the day coupled with a very early start to the day required an adjustment to my plan. I did my standard warm-up and could feel the MS was going to be tough. I still started it with the idea of 20'. At the 10' mark of the first interval I was struggling. I pulled it together enough to get through 5 minutes more. I was disappointed in not completing the 20' so, I only took 4' for my rest interval. Right from the start of #2, I was in trouble. I was uncomfortable with my cadence and power was slipping. I was getting no guidance from my HR monitor as it was acting up. I shifted to a harder gear and things actually felt better. I was able to pull my watts up a little. I finished the WKO with a 4 mile brick on the mill.
my update...Spent yesterday knocking out a solid swim, then a solid 2x 21's on the trainer, then a 'pressing/ABP' 2 mi brick run.
Why 21's? Mental. (remember that I'm in the GF plan and I'm just squatting in your OS house and mooching your mojo). All Mental. Just a f'in mind game. One of things I feel that I can work on and improve this year. Get out of my own way.
have a great day, friends!
No wonder a "stressful" day (one which exhausts the stores of neurotransmitters) inhibits quality workout performance.
So, as much as I'm trying to breakthrough on some mental resolve this year, I think we all have to be real when we have those days like Mr. Croucher (using him as just the latest example) was referring to.
When I've had a rough day, and the mojo isn't there, give it the best shot. But, no shame if it comes up a bit short on a day that would usually having me running to bed to hide under the covers.
This week's FTP intervals done today: 3 x 8' @ 0.98, 0.98, 1.01, followed by 7' @ 0.8. Interspersing these efforts amongst ski trips of a week or more does not seem to impact my efforts; if anything, I feel the skiing I do strengthens my legs. Back to CO for 12 more days starting Jan 31, then full time OS after Lincoln's birthday.
Following a practice I started last year, I'm limiting my FTP intervals to 8-14 minutes ...8-10' on the trainer, 14' when going outside (cause that's the length of the loop I use). I do total work efforts = to that day's workout: 3 x 8' = 2 x 12'. For the first time, I'm doing the intermediate and not the advanced bike work in the OS - a concession to aging, or simply a reflection/acknowledgement of my current diminished speed? 6/half dozen, I think.
I am excited to hopefully hit every workout this week, when i realized I am skiing sunday with my kids.. hmm, need to figure out where to add in 75 minutes off running elsewhere this week...
a Few callouts here
@SS - "THE MAN" - you earn it every day and inspire us all, keep it flowing
@Mike R - you personally inspire me with your well written clear and informative posts. you are 10lbs & 10 watts ahead of me (how tall are you? what is race weight?) I see you and you are the carrot I am chasing!
@Trent - "the Tank" I look at your WKOs in awe... Keep leading!
@Ed - I see your Wkos, Know how mentally and physically demanding your day (and sometimes night) job is, and shake my head in disbelief as to how you make it happen daily.
@Betsy - where are the Central Park runs we talked about??
@Al - was that a Yogi quote?
gotta get some sleep, one of my 14yo daughters(I have twins) has 4 friends over as they have no school tomorrow, ex-wife warned me to hide the adult beverages... ugh
@all - enjoy those 4x4s tomorrow, that is the last of them for a while, next week they become 5x4s
Yep, the "90% mental, other half physical" is Yogi Berra at his inadvertently wisest.
Needless to say the brick run after was a little wobbly for the first mile as the dizziness hadn't went away.
Push hard all and stay in the game mentally, that's what helps come race day!!
4X4's done this morning @ 1.10, 1.12, 1.12, 1.12. Legs starting to get used to them, the first couple weeks these were brutal.
Run done as a brick.
It's super motivational to read about all the hard work everyone is getting in.
1.11/1.11/1.12/1.12 and then 6 min at 0.87
Felt good ! now off to work !
@Gonzalo, Mark, Trent, Al, Ed E., Ed C., Nemo, Carol, Captain Scott - All these updates you guys are posting are making it hard for me to stand down during my recovery week! Love reading them!
@Chris - 2X21' - way to shake it up and drive the mental aspects of what Trent comments on below.
@Trent - you are pulling us man! Keep leading nailing both the runs and the bikes! Strong wisdom on staying in your box regarding targets. What you might over exceed today can cost by Sunday's long run quality.
By the time I get to Sunday, if I am not delivering up to par, I make a mental note and force myself to re-adjust next week, stay in my box and make it to the end of the week nailing that Sunday work as much as possible.
Sunday is my toughest day, the day I carrying with me the week's work load and try to execute per plan on the long run. It is the day it all comes together (assuming I did all workouts during the week) and the best opportunity I have to really get inside my own head, lay it on the line and work through my own demons from a mental 6 pack perspective.
Try to look at your week from this perspective, understanding that the progress you make in this area during the OS will pay big dividends on your 2016 goals.
Happy Thursday all!
Man, I'm glad I didn't see Trent's wko before riding this a.m., as I might have been tempted to try something insane like that. Which would have led to a colossal meltdown and collapse. You > me.
In hindsight, I probably under-cooked my VO2s this morning. 275 was a little too manageable, so I tried 280 on the last, got 281, and only hit 157 HR. I usually touch 160, the top of my Z5, at the end of #4. Once I hit 160, it's lights out, good night, no mas. It's like a bucket of water over my head - I've got maybe 60 seconds to finish and get my witch costume off, or I'm melting into the pavement (or, in this case, a wet rubber mat).
Based on this week's rides, I'm 99% confident that my indoor FTP is now ~260, pretty close to a record for me. Thus, for the next couple of weeks, I'll be targeting right at or a little under 260/285. I've never in my life held 260 or higher on 2x20, so Weeks 6 and 7 shall be interesting. Even though I haven't puked while riding since November, there will be a bucket in place.
These little goals keep me focused and engaged and not looking too far ahead.
@Scott, I usually race IM around 147lb, 3.9w/kg or so. Skinnier is no longer a viable solution. More watts. Oh, and I both train and race at 5'10.
@Trent- if anyone here knows how mental toughness can help you push through pain- it's you. I've got the pics from TOC to prove it.
Wk4 Thursday AM bike completed as written: 4x4'(6') @ 1.10/1.10/1.10/1.10 (~340W) As I wrote the workout into Zwift the smart trainer continued to adjust the resistance to keep me exactly on target. The downside is that I felt I left a little back on each interval but every time I mashed the peddles harder to go above my target power it would decrease the resistance to keep my power at goal. I guess for variety I could always try riding out of workout mode with the plan to hold the interval and power utilizing the resistance provided by the terrain.
Tuesday was pretty workmanlike. 2 x 15 at 0.98 and 1.00. Nothing exciting, though it is amazing how long 15 minutes can feel....
Today, I did my bike over "lunchtime" and hit 4 x 4' at 259, 258, 263, 263 (263 = 1.14). That felt pretty good. I'll do my run this evening. That won't be anything special.
these don't seem to be getting any easier, or it could be the faster than TRP 1 hour run I did last night hurting the downstream WKO.
4x4s done at 1.09, 1.11, 1.08 & 1.09
7x90/90s at 1.2. X5 spot on, x1(-1), x2(+1). I found myself wondering if I could've pushed it to 2'. Reading Trent's post makes me feel lame but 4'? Really? That's mind boggling! I was barely hanging on at 90"
Part of my time delay this morning was technical. I have a long email thread with trainer road about this. Ever since I did the Mac OS update I have this interference with Garmin connect blocking the ANT connection to trainer road. I have to spend minutes quiting GC, waiting until it turns up in 'activity monitor' to force quit it. (And swearing like a sailor). Very frustrating. Anybody else experiencing this?
@Scott-I posted about Central Park runs! And I did the Sunday run on the snow-covered paths(maybe didnt post that one). It actually was the most crowded day i ran. Tons of people out sledding. Saturday during the blizzard was my only dreadmill day
Leaving tomorrow for 3 days visiting my kids and grandkids. I guess I'll be missing the Sat. bike for sure. Depending on what time I get home on Sunday, I may try to get it in. Otherwise, I'll just pick up on Tuesday. On rested legs:-)
I got to my bike this afternoon. I have been having some issues with my garmin 800. It has been recording the data, but it has not been showing properly on garmin connect. Today, I tried the WKO leaving GPS on. Results were that it didn't show any data on Strava. I was able to download the ride to my WKO and all that data is there. Turned out to be a better WKO than I thought it was. I did my warm-up and because I was planning a 5 X 4' set, I included 2 X 1' (337W & 325W) and one 30" interval @ 317W. My legs felt pretty good during those efforts. I finished the warm-up and got going. I went a little stronger on the first interval than I planned and finished at 300W. I followed it up well 299W, 298W, 298W and 295W. Through each interval, I felt like I was on the verge of exploding. I was holding good power for the first minute and then would drop well below my goal watts. I had to pull it together and really work to get back to even. After finishing, I headed outside for a brick. The end results were 1.20, 1.196, 1.192, 1.192 & 1.18 IF which was my strongest set of these this season.
wed = 65' @ trp
thurs = 4x4 + 15' z3 + 30'@ trp
been a really good week...hitting all targets....and finishing strong
lots of good work from many others to feed off !
VO2, gotta love the acronym, not so much what yah gotta do. Well a good WU and finally time to work the 4 x 4's. Yep was able to get er done (1.1/1.00/1.1/1.00). Piloted it home with a little Z3 TO Z2, with a cooldown. Off the bike and transitioned to the TM for some focused running work. I just want to thank my coffee pot for it's help tonite