Its not the size of your watts it the ....wait a minute. I digress.
Today I had a very frustrating morning pre ride. So, riding was my cheap version of therapy. I had an appointment so I had to do the run later in the afternoon, which was fine. BUT... looking at my ride, I only did 1.07 on all my intervals. How are you all hitting 1.10 on the nose with erg mode? Seems almost impossible!
Tues- 2x15" Z4= 0.8/0.77. First time ever with tri bike on the trainer. And first time with power on the trainer. It was horrible. And I didn't feel very good either. Short on time, so only did 10 min w/u, but I'm not sure longer would have helped.
Thurs- 4x4" Z5= 1.04 (3 min due to traffic light)/1.02/1.08/1.06.
I don't know how you all talk about loving these intervals. I hate them! Minute 1 is like "wow, maybe I can do it this time!" Minute 2- "Oh My Gawsh! I'm only half way done?!" Minute 3- Jeez oh flip. Maybe my legs will just fall off and I'll be done already." Minute 4- "I'm dying!"
Maybe practice makes perfect and next week I'll get closer.
@ Leslie - it will get better. This kind of work on the trainer is brutal and mind numbing but the fitness gains are real and you get better with both the physical and mental execution over time with consistency. Just a solid effort!
@MR - your w/kg always seems to humble me and keep me fighting to work harder!
@Ed C. - Superman was amazing but his day job was not near as stressful as yours......keep leading!
@Jeff S. - way to roll up your sleeves and get nasty!
A couple of observations and unsolicited suggestions. First, I did my first several EN bike workouts outside. They were pretty awful, but at least I was outside, along the beach, etc. When the weather turned, I had to pull out the trainer. After 15-20 minutes of wheezing, burning and sweating like never before, I quit and said "hell no!" So, I started reading the EN forums about why 180 watts outside were relatively easy, but on the trainer were more like Z5 torture. The answer for 95% of us is, we simply cannot hold the same watts inside as we can outside at a constant effort level. It may be wind, momentum, coasting breaks or other physics concepts that sailed by me in HS and college. For me, about 10-12 watts difference. So, I would suggest lowering your watt expectations next trainer ride, perhaps -10w, and see how it goes. If it sucks horribly and you turn red and sweat out a couple liters, but you finish, you probably got the right numbers. Others will suggest doing an FTP test inside to get a second set of watt numbers. I still have nightmares about that mistake and cannot recommend it in good conscience.
Second, in order to alleviate the redness and liters mentioned above, you need powerful fans. Plural. And towels.
Third, you will eventually get used to it. I swore I would never enjoy a trainer ride and would never be on one for more than an hour. But now I like the powerful fitness I can develop in 45-60 minutes (one hour on the trainer for me = 90 minutes or more outside, not including all the set-up, break-down and post-ride cleaning for an outside ride). And I've done several 5-hour trainer rides (4 fans, thermostat set to 65F, break every hour) without wanting to hurt myself, usually completed before lunch.
@Leslie - Listen to what Mike is saying, also search in the power forum, there is a lot more on this. Most of us are 10 watts to 10% lower on the trainer. Additionally, we are typically 10-15watts slower on a tri bike than a road bike... Geometry, etc... so, i am doing the OS on my roadie this year. Add 10-15 watts for moving outside in the spring, deduct 10-15 watts when i move onto the Tri Bike... All of that said, I am hoping to have a lifetime High Wattage on the next test.. THAT would be sweet..
I'll echo some other comments. When I first rode my trainer, I thought I had just wasted some money on the purchase, as there was no way in hell I was going to get used to it...but I did. It's still hard to get to used to at the beginning of each "trainer season" but the benefits of being able to ride consistent, short, and hard workouts without the distractions of road rules, etc. (look, a squirrel), are undeniable. It shows something when a large majority of pros point to trainer workouts as key to their success, with some doing almost all of their riding on it. I haven't ever ridden more that 2hrs on a trainer, mostly because I really like riding outside...and looking for squirrels, but I've realized what a great tool it can be. Just like run durability, it just takes some getting used to...
ps edit: my trainer FTP is a good bit below my outside FTP ~ would guess 15 watts or so
Completed the 4x4' late last night, which gave me a chance to get motivated and inspired from seeing everyone's posts throughout the day. The workout went well, 1.09, 1.10, 1.15, 1.17 then 6'@.81 Compared to last week's .99, 1.01,1.01, 1.02. Guess I'm getting faster. I wasn't drained after this workout and felt like I could have easily done 2 more sets. Depending on how Saturday's 2x20s go, I might bump up my FTP. Thanks for the mojo Team!
Decided to have a little fun on Zwift and go for a pr on a lap of the Richmond course. 1st lap was warm up with some good efforts at FTP thrown in for a total of 8 or 9 minutes of work. (1st lap was 30 minutes) 2nd lap I thought I'd start at FTP and if feeling good just keep bumping it up from there. after 5 minutes in I bumped it to 1.05, and although working after hitting 10 minute mark still felt good and bumped a little from there. By the last 5 minutes I was north of 1.10 and the final minute push was in the 1.20 range. Finished the lap in 25:03 at 1.08 . I feel this is probably close to my FTP right now but I will play on the side of caution and see how it goes till next test. OS is getting me in the right direction for sure... I am down to 138lbs. and FTP is close to 245 so nearing my goal a little early of the 4.0w/kg
I was originally planning to do Saturday in the pain cave on Zwift but local teammates sent a dose of peer pressure and got me out on the road this am. 30 degrees at the start and later in the ride water dripping from my water bottle froze to the frame. Lots of Rule#9 points. The indoor work on the trainer is really starting to pay-off. According to Training Peaks my Normalized Power for the entire 58km ride was 310W, Avg :
I thought I would chime in on the indoor trainer discussion with my perspective. The trainer is a tool to get you to your fitness goal. Unlike the treadmill where your running stride is changed from your outdoor stride, the bike trainer is perfect. You pedal exactly the same as you do outside. You sit on your bike the same way. IMO the biggest benefits of the trainer is there is no danger of crashing. There are no dogs, cars, potholes, etc. You get on and just pedal. If you look at a power file from a race, you can see how much time you were actually pedaling. In November, I raced IMFL. During the bike I spent 6 minutes coasting. This is the flattest course I have ever been on. So, there was nowhere near 6 minutes of downhill or aid stations. I was riding at watts below any of the OS intervals. When I look at the OS workout from last Saturday which lasted 1:10:32. I coasted for 00:00:51. Six seconds came at the end of the first interval and thirty seconds of that came after finishing the last interval and not hitting the stop button. Out of the entire workout there was only 21 seconds where I wasn't pedaling, not even 0.50%. Compare that to the race, where I was coasting 1.6% of the time. As I stated earlier, IMFL is the flattest course I have ever ridden. All of the races in my area have a good amount of hills and coasting is much more. IMLP involved around 11 minutes of coasting. So for me, the trainer is the total build zone.
Just like everyone else, when I came to EN and started using a powermeter on the trainer it was ugly. But the dividends were pretty big pretty fast, and my inside and outside power are two different things. I am still amazed at the watts ENers can put up.
Saturday workout done: MS 2X18'(4) @ 1.0 & 1.0 Last few minutes of 2nd set really hard.
@ Mark L - 2X18' at those levels is Big boy stuff - way to get it done!
@ Robert - can't imagine how much longer the chain and tires are going to hold up under that kind of sustained wattage man!
@Trent - 1.08 for 25'!! Seriously?? I had to take 2 Ibuprofiens after reading that one bro!
@Derek - completing 4X4s and wanting more - you're just sick man!
@Ed C. / MR - great thoughts on trainer shenanigans/benefits/execution. The trainer and I have had a love/hate relationship for almost a decade. I use big fans like MR has noted, take quick breaks on long session, execute and fuel much better given the controlled environment for Z4 and above. As I transition from OS to race specific training I know at some point I have to put the miles in outside given the differences both mentally and physically required to bike well outside.
I have had a head cold/sore throat since Tuesday FTP test which I am trying to overcome. I don't have a lot of patience when it comes to dealing with these issues and they become more of an annoying thorn in my side than anything else. Had to execute the run test Thursday with the whole head/cold issue and just set that aside for ~22 minutes of pain.
More on the trainer - there are a number of pros, I think Andy Potts for one, that do almost ALL of their work on trainers. I am contemplating doing an early season MTB race in Texas to improve my corral position for Leadville and I will have to do some real trainer volume, typically doing 70-75% for 25 minutes, then easy for 5', repeat...
but I digress... Dropped car off for some work and took my MTB to do a warm up ride, 1/2 hour, came home, thawed fingers, jumped on trainer. Usual Saturday ride, clearly my fitness is improving as I forgot to dial the interval down by 2-3% on TR as I have done, dialed down first interval to .98 after 5' and then did 2nd interval at full work level, followed by 10',5' at Z3 15'@.98, 15'@1.01, 10'@.88, 5'@.86 now a longer than scheduled run as I am going skiing tomorrow.
I'm going to thank Leslie for today's WKO performance. Thinking about the topic gave me a lot of focus during the WKO. Also, I knew going into the ride that I was not going to run after it. Going to do some activity yet to be determined with my wife instead. As for my ride, it went very good. I started the warm-up with tight legs. During the warm-up, I tried to recall a time during the OS that I didn't have tight legs, but I could come up with any. With that thought out of the way I got to the ride. I was a little aggressive at the start of the first interval and tried to settle down through out it. I really did not want the hero to zero ride. I tried to hold my cadence and gearing constant throughout the first. I took a 5 minute RI and started the second. I was hoping to push the power up above the first interval. However, as the minutes ticked by I was losing power. I had planned to drop my cadence and increase my gearing at the ten minute mark. I had to do that a little early though to pull up the power. Throughout the next 8.5 minutes I was just taking blows from the gorilla. With 2 minutes to go, I moved to standing and tried to power out the end. I was not having good success so for the last minute the gorilla and I were just a bloody mess. End results were:
After reading posts from this morning's wko's, I was pretty psyched to get on the bike. WU went well, legs felt good. Goal was 2x15' @260. About 4 minutes into the first, I really started to struggle. HR was fine, just no pop in the legs, watts just kept dropping. I turned myself inside out to finish the first. Had to stop, get off, re-load the Gatorade, and have a little pep talk. Second one was worse, legs were jello at 11 minutes, but somehow gutted it out. Both at 257NP. During my cool down, I got a little light-headed, then started dry-heaving. That's where the ride ended. 15 minutes on the cold bathroom floor, now it's time to tackle more of my bride's to-do list. I assume this was just Karma b-slapping me for opening my fat trap to Leslie about how much I enjoy trainer rides.
All you early risers motivated me to get on the bike earlier today...10AM:o) I have no rug rats or otherwise, so my time is pretty much mine. Nevertheless...
10min WU; 20 @ 201w/.97, 4 rest, 7 @ 192/.93, 5 rest, 10 @ 172/.83, 2 CD. I'm pretty satisfied with the effort on the bike today; feel the speed entering my body via work! The run is a story for the other thread...oof.
Week 4 bike, check...nailed it! Thanks for all the mojo!
@MR, that's funny...the Karma part not the dry heaves. I hope you're all recovered.
Well, I loaded the EN Saturday Bonus workout on Trainer Road planning to do 2x20. It wasn't until the start of the second interval that I realized the workout was 2x15'. No wonder the first interval seemed to go by fast. I was so mentally prepared for 2x20, I was a disappointed. After a several second let down, I refocused on my last interval and said, next weekend. I felt great the entire workout and today's results along with Thursday's results confirmed my thoughts that my FTP is at least 5% higher. The question is do I adjust my FTP settings now or wait until the next test?? Today's workout: 2x15 at 1.05 and 1.07, then 1x8' at .85. Then followed with a 40 min dreadmill run.
My perspective leans towards that of Ed C: I started my triathelon career with EN and quickly found the ony way I could effectively do the workouts was on the trainer. I find the stop lights, traffic, pot holes and downhill coasts too distracting. You could say I grew up with the trainer and hardly know any different. I have to train so early during the week I cannot immagine doing it outside in the dark. And traffic after work is deadly. I also do not find that I am any faster outside. When I do the IMAZ training rides on the Beeline highway I find I struggle to keep average watts where they need to be. I like my fan too. And the dogs are usually on the couch watching (and hoping for the BRIC afterwards)
I was on call for the OR today but lucked out with a late (0900) start so was able to get the whole thing done before going in:
1x20'@1.0 (+1W), 2x8@ 0.85 (+1W,+2W)-intermediate plan
Wow, the mental toughness of this group is remarkable. It is that thing that makes EN world champs each year. When you can turn yourself inside out in January, the Ironman race becomes much easier. Since you have already gone to the deep dark places in training, "mile 18" really is not an issue. I have watched EN members finish Ironman races with cramps that send most people to the ER. That kind of toughness doesn't come from Long Slow base building. It comes from workouts that leave you lying on your bathroom floor shaking with dry heaves knowing you have important family matters still to attend to. Totally awesome.
Two of my favorite quotes from Steve Prefontaine are "I'm going to work so that its a pure guts race at the end, and if it is, I'm the only one who can win." and "Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it."
had a great wko yesterday....early am 45' ez run....noon hit the trainer...2x15 (1.02, 1.10) + 3x15 (.82, .84, .87)....i sense an ftp bump coming in a couple weeks
lots of great mental training comments above...helped me a lot on the z4 intervals
Catching up late, but better late than never:-) I am pretty happy that after 2 nights sleeping with various Grandkids.... wait - did I say sleeping? LOL I was able to get home late this afternoon and jump on the trainer to get my Sat. bike WKO in! I think I was just delirious from lack of sleep, but I said JUST DO IT! I hooked up my iPad and Trainer Road and just left it at 100% and said, just see what you've got. I knocked out 2 * 15 min. at 100% and wasn't even dying! Oh - and I went to the gym with my daughter this morning and ran 4 miles on the TM and did a bunch of weights, so there is that! I think having an actual day OFF yesterday really gave my the energy today to get things done, despite the "wiggle-worms" that I spent the nights with:-) Totally worth it!!!!
@Mike and @Scott- thanks for the thoughts on the trainer. Since I have a 45 min (bike) commute to/from work, I don't really have time to do an extra trainer workout on top of the run and commute. So that's why I have been doing my workouts outside. I have a route where I can do the sets solid without having to stop for traffic, lights, etc. I tried to do the trainer one day when I missed my commute. For practice, I tried again on Saturday because I was limited for time. I got 9 min in and was miserable and not feeling it and felt like I needed a rest, so I got off. Maybe once or twice a year will I ever bag a workout. I'm extremely consistent. Part of the problem may be that I can't get my tri bike set up properly - it leans sideways. And the wheel is so close to the edge of the roller, it freaks me out. It may be the skewer. Next, I'll try switching out my road bike skewer onto my tri bike and see if that helps. If that doesn't do it, the only thing I can think of is to move the Stages crank over to my road bike and try that. The best way I see to get these done on the trainer is to use my ride home as a warm up and then just do the main sets on the trainer.
I do appreciate the advice about the 10 watts. That may help. I don't mind sweating. I have a fan and I love seeing a giant puddle. I also enjoy a good 1 hour trainer session at "comfortably hard" (for me- zone 3). I just thought I was a giant failure bc I couldn't get to 110%
so -thanks again- I'll play this by ear and see how it goes.
Rode at my LBS computrainer lab (early..7am) and after laying awake listening to the dog pant for two hours.... Well, it was a tough go. 10' into the first 20' my watts were soft and my HR was high. I felt like a$$ and told Cathleen I was done at 15. Then at 15' I said screw can't get worse right? Then we did the second 20'. Watts were softer yet, but rpe and HR were spot on so I just kept at it. Right after I hopped on the treadmill and had a great brick. Weird! After that I just spun out my legs for another 20'. Sometimes I forget how much you can do if you just don't quit.
call weekend at work -> short/sweet hard efforts on trainer, in the pool, and on the treadmill. got thru the weekend with enough sweat in that I'd call it a victory.
Improvement on the bike this week. I'm just about back to where I was at the end of last season. Tuesday I did the 2x15 and recorded 276,283... I was really happy after that one. Thursday... I screwed everything up with a poor food choice. I run in the morning before work... After work is bike time. I like to wait an hour or two before getting on the bike... Gives me a chance to eat and get focused for what I got to do. When I got home my son said " Can we go for Indian tonight"... "Sure... Just let me get my bike done"... Was hungry so I ate some chicken and stuffing to hold me over and got ready to bike... Not a good idea.
Started with the normal EN WU... Then started the 4x4's 314,317,318... Then... You guessed it... The chicken wants to revisit during the recovery... Tried to rally and get the last one... Made it :45 and had to quit... Fail
Had the weekend off... Ran around all day sat and moved the bike to Sunday morning. With the extra day of rest... I could feel I had a little extra... 280 on the first and followed it with 278.... Felt really good... But I definitely left it all there.
My training didn't get a whole lot better after Saturday's bike meltdown. Saturday afternoon interaction with the bride:
"Oh my God, you're asleep? We have people coming over in an hour, and you haven't done anything I asked you to!"
"Sorry . . . tough workout."
"I thought that coach that goes by one letter told you to never train yourself into a brick wall."
"I didn't want to post a bad workout on Strava."
"You're an idiot."
Slept 9 more hours Saturday night, got up and ran a craptastic 6 miles yesterday (slow pace, high HR). Slept another 9 last night, still feel a little fatigued this morning. I'm blaming a minor head cold. For some reason, my kids can't grasp the concept of washing their hands before jamming their fingers in their noses. They spread disease like mosquitoes.
You're not alone Mike... I'm shelled today... Legs sore... Balking... Tired.. I'm going to do a easy 4 mile recovery after work... Hope that loosens stuff up.
When I'm where you're at my wife says " What's Patrick tell you to do when you need a break"... I tell her he told me "shut up and run"... She says" he didn't say that"... My response... " that's what I heard"
Today I had a very frustrating morning pre ride. So, riding was my cheap version of therapy. I had an appointment so I had to do the run later in the afternoon, which was fine. BUT... looking at my ride, I only did 1.07 on all my intervals. How are you all hitting 1.10 on the nose with erg mode? Seems almost impossible!
Tues- 2x15" Z4= 0.8/0.77. First time ever with tri bike on the trainer. And first time with power on the trainer. It was horrible. And I didn't feel very good either. Short on time, so only did 10 min w/u, but I'm not sure longer would have helped.
Thurs- 4x4" Z5= 1.04 (3 min due to traffic light)/1.02/1.08/1.06.
I don't know how you all talk about loving these intervals. I hate them! Minute 1 is like "wow, maybe I can do it this time!" Minute 2- "Oh My Gawsh! I'm only half way done?!" Minute 3- Jeez oh flip. Maybe my legs will just fall off and I'll be done already." Minute 4- "I'm dying!"
Maybe practice makes perfect and next week I'll get closer.
@ Leslie - it will get better. This kind of work on the trainer is brutal and mind numbing but the fitness gains are real and you get better with both the physical and mental execution over time with consistency. Just a solid effort!
@MR - your w/kg always seems to humble me and keep me fighting to work harder!
@Ed C. - Superman was amazing but his day job was not near as stressful as yours......keep leading!
@Jeff S. - way to roll up your sleeves and get nasty!
@Steve R. - nice work on the bike.......need more pics man!
@Betsy - your mojo of getting quality workouts while working at the ER on the side is frankly amazing!
@Captain Carol - just keep leading - there is a reason why this Jan OS team is one of the strongest!
@Scott D. - at the rate of consistency and execution you have been employing, IMOO competition is going to be in BIG trouble bro!
A couple of observations and unsolicited suggestions. First, I did my first several EN bike workouts outside. They were pretty awful, but at least I was outside, along the beach, etc. When the weather turned, I had to pull out the trainer. After 15-20 minutes of wheezing, burning and sweating like never before, I quit and said "hell no!" So, I started reading the EN forums about why 180 watts outside were relatively easy, but on the trainer were more like Z5 torture. The answer for 95% of us is, we simply cannot hold the same watts inside as we can outside at a constant effort level. It may be wind, momentum, coasting breaks or other physics concepts that sailed by me in HS and college. For me, about 10-12 watts difference. So, I would suggest lowering your watt expectations next trainer ride, perhaps -10w, and see how it goes. If it sucks horribly and you turn red and sweat out a couple liters, but you finish, you probably got the right numbers. Others will suggest doing an FTP test inside to get a second set of watt numbers. I still have nightmares about that mistake and cannot recommend it in good conscience.
Second, in order to alleviate the redness and liters mentioned above, you need powerful fans. Plural. And towels.
Third, you will eventually get used to it. I swore I would never enjoy a trainer ride and would never be on one for more than an hour. But now I like the powerful fitness I can develop in 45-60 minutes (one hour on the trainer for me = 90 minutes or more outside, not including all the set-up, break-down and post-ride cleaning for an outside ride). And I've done several 5-hour trainer rides (4 fans, thermostat set to 65F, break every hour) without wanting to hurt myself, usually completed before lunch.
so, i am doing the OS on my roadie this year. Add 10-15 watts for moving outside in the spring, deduct 10-15 watts when i move onto the Tri Bike...
All of that said, I am hoping to have a lifetime High Wattage on the next test.. THAT would be sweet..
I'll echo some other comments. When I first rode my trainer, I thought I had just wasted some money on the purchase, as there was no way in hell I was going to get used to it...but I did. It's still hard to get to used to at the beginning of each "trainer season" but the benefits of being able to ride consistent, short, and hard workouts without the distractions of road rules, etc. (look, a squirrel), are undeniable. It shows something when a large majority of pros point to trainer workouts as key to their success, with some doing almost all of their riding on it. I haven't ever ridden more that 2hrs on a trainer, mostly because I really like riding outside...and looking for squirrels, but I've realized what a great tool it can be. Just like run durability, it just takes some getting used to...
ps edit: my trainer FTP is a good bit below my outside FTP ~ would guess 15 watts or so
Guess I'm getting faster. I wasn't drained after this workout and felt like I could have easily done 2 more sets. Depending on how Saturday's 2x20s go, I might bump up my FTP. Thanks for the mojo Team!
I was originally planning to do Saturday in the pain cave on Zwift but local teammates sent a dose of peer pressure and got me out on the road this am. 30 degrees at the start and later in the ride water dripping from my water bottle froze to the frame. Lots of Rule#9 points. The indoor work on the trainer is really starting to pay-off. According to Training Peaks my Normalized Power for the entire 58km ride was 310W, Avg :
will try to work in the run later today after son's basketball game and rounding at the hospital.
I thought I would chime in on the indoor trainer discussion with my perspective. The trainer is a tool to get you to your fitness goal. Unlike the treadmill where your running stride is changed from your outdoor stride, the bike trainer is perfect. You pedal exactly the same as you do outside. You sit on your bike the same way. IMO the biggest benefits of the trainer is there is no danger of crashing. There are no dogs, cars, potholes, etc. You get on and just pedal. If you look at a power file from a race, you can see how much time you were actually pedaling. In November, I raced IMFL. During the bike I spent 6 minutes coasting. This is the flattest course I have ever been on. So, there was nowhere near 6 minutes of downhill or aid stations. I was riding at watts below any of the OS intervals. When I look at the OS workout from last Saturday which lasted 1:10:32. I coasted for 00:00:51. Six seconds came at the end of the first interval and thirty seconds of that came after finishing the last interval and not hitting the stop button. Out of the entire workout there was only 21 seconds where I wasn't pedaling, not even 0.50%. Compare that to the race, where I was coasting 1.6% of the time. As I stated earlier, IMFL is the flattest course I have ever ridden. All of the races in my area have a good amount of hills and coasting is much more. IMLP involved around 11 minutes of coasting. So for me, the trainer is the total build zone.
Just like everyone else, when I came to EN and started using a powermeter on the trainer it was ugly. But the dividends were pretty big pretty fast, and my inside and outside power are two different things. I am still amazed at the watts ENers can put up.
Saturday workout done: MS 2X18'(4) @ 1.0 & 1.0 Last few minutes of 2nd set really hard.
Run done as a brick.
You guys are looking like monsters -
@ Mark L - 2X18' at those levels is Big boy stuff - way to get it done!
@ Robert - can't imagine how much longer the chain and tires are going to hold up under that kind of sustained wattage man!
@Trent - 1.08 for 25'!! Seriously?? I had to take 2 Ibuprofiens after reading that one bro!
@Derek - completing 4X4s and wanting more - you're just sick man!
@Ed C. / MR - great thoughts on trainer shenanigans/benefits/execution. The trainer and I have had a love/hate relationship for almost a decade. I use big fans like MR has noted, take quick breaks on long session, execute and fuel much better given the controlled environment for Z4 and above. As I transition from OS to race specific training I know at some point I have to put the miles in outside given the differences both mentally and physically required to bike well outside.
I have had a head cold/sore throat since Tuesday FTP test which I am trying to overcome. I don't have a lot of patience when it comes to dealing with these issues and they become more of an annoying thorn in my side than anything else. Had to execute the run test Thursday with the whole head/cold issue and just set that aside for ~22 minutes of pain.
Sat bike today on new zones:
Not fun
Looking forward to a short run in the sunshine this afternoon!
Wrapping up Week 8 here.
but I digress...
Dropped car off for some work and took my MTB to do a warm up ride, 1/2 hour, came home, thawed fingers, jumped on trainer. Usual Saturday ride, clearly my fitness is improving as I forgot to dial the interval down by 2-3% on TR as I have done, dialed down first interval to .98 after 5' and then did 2nd interval at full work level, followed by 10',5' at Z3
15'@.98, 15'@1.01, 10'@.88, 5'@.86
now a longer than scheduled run as I am going skiing tomorrow.
I'm going to thank Leslie for today's WKO performance. Thinking about the topic gave me a lot of focus during the WKO. Also, I knew going into the ride that I was not going to run after it. Going to do some activity yet to be determined with my wife instead. As for my ride, it went very good. I started the warm-up with tight legs. During the warm-up, I tried to recall a time during the OS that I didn't have tight legs, but I could come up with any. With that thought out of the way I got to the ride. I was a little aggressive at the start of the first interval and tried to settle down through out it. I really did not want the hero to zero ride. I tried to hold my cadence and gearing constant throughout the first. I took a 5 minute RI and started the second. I was hoping to push the power up above the first interval. However, as the minutes ticked by I was losing power. I had planned to drop my cadence and increase my gearing at the ten minute mark. I had to do that a little early though to pull up the power. Throughout the next 8.5 minutes I was just taking blows from the gorilla. With 2 minutes to go, I moved to standing and tried to power out the end. I was not having good success so for the last minute the gorilla and I were just a bloody mess. End results were:
#1 259W, 1.036 IF, #2 255W, 1.02 IF
After reading posts from this morning's wko's, I was pretty psyched to get on the bike. WU went well, legs felt good. Goal was 2x15' @260. About 4 minutes into the first, I really started to struggle. HR was fine, just no pop in the legs, watts just kept dropping. I turned myself inside out to finish the first. Had to stop, get off, re-load the Gatorade, and have a little pep talk. Second one was worse, legs were jello at 11 minutes, but somehow gutted it out. Both at 257NP. During my cool down, I got a little light-headed, then started dry-heaving. That's where the ride ended. 15 minutes on the cold bathroom floor, now it's time to tackle more of my bride's to-do list. I assume this was just Karma b-slapping me for opening my fat trap to Leslie about how much I enjoy trainer rides.
10min WU; 20 @ 201w/.97, 4 rest, 7 @ 192/.93, 5 rest, 10 @ 172/.83, 2 CD. I'm pretty satisfied with the effort on the bike today; feel the speed entering my body via work! The run is a story for the other thread...oof.
Week 4 bike, check...nailed it! Thanks for all the mojo!
Well, I loaded the EN Saturday Bonus workout on Trainer Road planning to do 2x20. It wasn't until the start of the second interval that I realized the workout was 2x15'. No wonder the first interval seemed to go by fast. I was so mentally prepared for 2x20, I was a disappointed. After a several second let down, I refocused on my last interval and said, next weekend. I felt great the entire workout and today's results along with Thursday's results confirmed my thoughts that my FTP is at least 5% higher. The question is do I adjust my FTP settings now or wait until the next test?? Today's workout: 2x15 at 1.05 and 1.07, then 1x8' at .85. Then followed with a 40 min dreadmill run.
My 2 cents as regards the trainer:
My perspective leans towards that of Ed C: I started my triathelon career with EN and quickly found the ony way I could effectively do the workouts was on the trainer. I find the stop lights, traffic, pot holes and downhill coasts too distracting. You could say I grew up with the trainer and hardly know any different. I have to train so early during the week I cannot immagine doing it outside in the dark. And traffic after work is deadly. I also do not find that I am any faster outside. When I do the IMAZ training rides on the Beeline highway I find I struggle to keep average watts where they need to be. I like my fan too. And the dogs are usually on the couch watching (and hoping for the BRIC afterwards)
I was on call for the OR today but lucked out with a late (0900) start so was able to get the whole thing done before going in:
1x20'@1.0 (+1W), 2x8@ 0.85 (+1W,+2W)-intermediate plan
3mi run-2x1mi@LSP then 3x 0.2mi@z4 with complete HR recovery (80/20)
Two of my favorite quotes from Steve Prefontaine are "I'm going to work so that its a pure guts race at the end, and if it is, I'm the only one who can win." and "Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it."
After the 5K race came home and took a short nap (had been awake since 6AM on a Saturday after all... : ) )
Then...Saturday regular bike workout done in the trainer. I use trainer road and goal was 20min@1.0 and then 2x8min@0.85
Felt good doing it and was able to hit 1.03/0.88/0.88 . I am starting to see an FTP bump in the near future !
Bricked a run afterwards
lots of great mental training comments above...helped me a lot on the z4 intervals
@Ed C- Glad to be of help! Or not...
@Mike and @Scott- thanks for the thoughts on the trainer. Since I have a 45 min (bike) commute to/from work, I don't really have time to do an extra trainer workout on top of the run and commute. So that's why I have been doing my workouts outside. I have a route where I can do the sets solid without having to stop for traffic, lights, etc. I tried to do the trainer one day when I missed my commute. For practice, I tried again on Saturday because I was limited for time. I got 9 min in and was miserable and not feeling it and felt like I needed a rest, so I got off. Maybe once or twice a year will I ever bag a workout. I'm extremely consistent. Part of the problem may be that I can't get my tri bike set up properly - it leans sideways. And the wheel is so close to the edge of the roller, it freaks me out. It may be the skewer. Next, I'll try switching out my road bike skewer onto my tri bike and see if that helps. If that doesn't do it, the only thing I can think of is to move the Stages crank over to my road bike and try that. The best way I see to get these done on the trainer is to use my ride home as a warm up and then just do the main sets on the trainer.
I do appreciate the advice about the 10 watts. That may help. I don't mind sweating. I have a fan and I love seeing a giant puddle. I also enjoy a good 1 hour trainer session at "comfortably hard" (for me- zone 3). I just thought I was a giant failure bc I couldn't get to 110%
so -thanks again- I'll play this by ear and see how it goes.
Started with the normal EN WU... Then started the 4x4's 314,317,318... Then... You guessed it... The chicken wants to revisit during the recovery... Tried to rally and get the last one... Made it :45 and had to quit... Fail
Had the weekend off... Ran around all day sat and moved the bike to Sunday morning. With the extra day of rest... I could feel I had a little extra... 280 on the first and followed it with 278.... Felt really good... But I definitely left it all there.
My training didn't get a whole lot better after Saturday's bike meltdown. Saturday afternoon interaction with the bride:
"Oh my God, you're asleep? We have people coming over in an hour, and you haven't done anything I asked you to!"
"Sorry . . . tough workout."
"I thought that coach that goes by one letter told you to never train yourself into a brick wall."
"I didn't want to post a bad workout on Strava."
"You're an idiot."
Slept 9 more hours Saturday night, got up and ran a craptastic 6 miles yesterday (slow pace, high HR). Slept another 9 last night, still feel a little fatigued this morning. I'm blaming a minor head cold. For some reason, my kids can't grasp the concept of washing their hands before jamming their fingers in their noses. They spread disease like mosquitoes.
You're not alone Mike... I'm shelled today... Legs sore... Balking... Tired.. I'm going to do a easy 4 mile recovery after work... Hope that loosens stuff up.
When I'm where you're at my wife says " What's Patrick tell you to do when you need a break"... I tell her he told me "shut up and run"... She says" he didn't say that"... My response... " that's what I heard"