Race hype ... Coach ... Pretty new to racing but have been working out a ton ... Still a long way to go. I am an age group guy who wants to enjoy IMCDA and finish. Today I had a small race and had trouble breathing in the swim. 400 yards ... I swim much further, much faster in training but for some reason it was about mile 2 on the bike that I felt I could finally breath. Is this the impact of adrenaline or conditioning or both? It bothered me because I have felt my swim would be the part of IMCDA that I would struggle with the least, anyhow I thought I would ask your advice and thoughts. Will be following my uploaded plan this week. Thanks. Marc
Marc, great to hear from you and thanks for reaching out. What you are experiencing is 100% normal. Usually the most important thing to do is to actually warm up. It's your response to swimming, and the hypoxic nature of swimming (hold breath) that accelerates out of control.
In addition, you have to remember the problem is not exhaling enough. When you hold on to that old air, your body senses the CO2 and freaks out. So force the air out.
I suggest you head over to the General Discussion forum and ask folks for some Dry Land Warm Up Race Day Options.....
Coach ... I appreciate your input, you hit the nail on the head on that one!
Next question ... I think I have the swim portion easily within reach, getting close on the bike, BUT, running oh my. I have no delusions that I will run 100% of the 26.2 in my first race ... However, I have a long way to go with the run portion. Instead of spending time in the pool and on the bike should I focus more attention to running?
Going to a university tomorrow to determine my LTHR ... Any advice on how to attack the run portion would be appreciated.
Marc, just survive the testing...good luck!!! As for the run, no one runs the whole thing. We recommend you walk every aid station, so out of the GATE you are running one mile / 1 minute walk break. You can learn more about how we manage the execution of the run here (http://bit.ly/1MmKPJS) as that might help you frame how you approach the run.
In terms of training, our philosophy of running is frequency vs loading volume. We want more "Good" running vs just more running. You can read about that at the top under Run Durability section of Main Running Page here: http://bit.ly/1lDeQMq
Let me know how the testing goes (and upload those new zones!).
Coach ... I finished my scientific LTHR test and found out I do not have "middle gears". Seems I go from low to high, non linear. How do I upload the outputs for you to review. As I am getting ready for my race rehearsal tomorrow I will upload HR data to revise my zones over the weekend. The exercise science guy here had a few suggestions as to how to train my "go all day zone" ... I scheduled a call with you next week so we can discuss details.
I also watched a video of coach Rich on improving running form so I will work with that moving forward as I think my "form" is pretty jacked up ... Will get it worked out by doing some "strides" at each session.
Surprisingly I did a 3800 yard swim in 1:25 with AHR of 108 ... Room to pick up pace which will increase heart rate. I am going to set my swim goal for IMCDA at 70 minutes. Will devote more time to "good running" and build endurance from that foundation working to get to the run 1 mile walk 1:00 pattern as you suggest.
Marc, you can use the blue chat icon in the bottom right to send me what you need. Feel free to give a friend your iphone to video you running (they stand still and pan the camera as you run left to right, for example) and you can send that too. A 70' goal is ferocious...I am more concerned with steady swimming, more biking and better run form (you'll be faster for less wasted effort).
Coach P ... there's something happening here ... a favorite CCR hymn of mine, lol!
OK ... went 40 & 64 miles on the bike this weekend back to back days ... many hours in the saddle! ALSO, my run last night had much more longevity with lower heart rate ... significant improvements and each lap around the neighborhood my HR was the same at specific waypoints on the up and downhill portions.
On the bike, I was going for 100 miles (had plenty in the energy tank) however, my feet were killing me ... I was going to post a HELP ME topic in the forums and peruse a bit but I think it is my pedaling ... a lot of down force but not much pull ... just bought a pair of specialized tri-vent shoes and upgraded pedals from speedplay to shimano dura ace. Thoughts?
Marc, great update (and great work!). Yes to posting to the team...but we'd need more info on the foot pain location, type (burn? Tingle?) and time of onset (after X hours? On Y temperature days?).
Coach ... had another nice swim this week as well, 2.43 miles ... 1:26.03 ... in the pool AHR 128 BPM. I am limited in OWS locations here in KS ... most large bodies of water have small swimming beaches ... how does pool swimming translate to OWS from a time perspective ... one option that I might explore is a long course pool at the swim club so instead of 25 yards I can go 50 yards before turning
My feet ... both feet between my toes, no tingling but just pain like I have a rock in my shoe but I don't. I have tried several pairs of running shoes and the worst one's were Newton with the fore foot ridges to help with mid foot strike. After about 4 miles it hurt to walk ... luckily with my Asics and NB it is not near as bad. The temperature on my ride was 60F at start and about 80F at the end ... I looked on the forums for pedaling technique and found the clock analogy to be helpful ... tomorrow on my long ride I am going for a higher cadence i.e. less resistance with opposite leg pulling as the other is pushing to see if that helps ... I wore compression sleeves on my calves, cycling socks, and running bootie socks with my cycling shoes so plenty of padding.
My sweat test was kinda weird last weekend as I gained weight during the ride so I must have taken in more fluids than I sweat out ... I will reduce my intake this weekend and see how I feel. I pee'd about the 3 hour point so on track for twice during 112 mile bike which is what I have seen you recommend.
(1) Pool swimming doesn't compare as there's no one else on your left, right, front and back. The biggest differentiators are staying on course / sighting and your wetsuit. I say yes to long course (50m) swim pool...that alone should rock your world (mentally so hard).
(2) Didn't realize pain was also when running. Sounds like metatarsalgia (the bones up there in your foot)...full details here: http://bit.ly/1tnyLC9 I think a wider toe box should help, as well as icing afterwards, etc. See the article for more.
(3) If the pain is similar when cycling, you might need an orthotic for your arch. High arches? An orthotic would help redirect some of that stress from pushing down....off of your metatarsals and into your arch, for example (your arch would hit orthotic before metatarsals get crushed). Something like these might help: http://bit.ly/1tnyMpP
(4) Make sure you have enough salt in what you are drinking (or not too much). 1000 mgs per hour is an easy number to aim for, so do that math. If you are too high or two low, your water retention could get funky! Yes to two pees!!!
Coach ... Thanks for the insights. I'm going to a podiatrist on the 30th. I went to a running store in Los Angeles last week and had a good fit person, after explaining what was going on we tried 10 pairs of shoes and chose the Hoka one one Biondi-4. Really making a difference.
May not overly impress you but I ran tonight. My heart rate never topped 160 on some steady climb in hills! About 5 miles in a little over an hour. ran a mile walked a minute, repeat. When I started this I could barely go 1/4 mile without my heart rate getting up to 175 or 180 ON A FLAT TRACK, making progress..
Marc, it's not about your top speed...it's about your DELTA.
Your Delta is SUFFICIENTLY IMPRESSIVE SIR. I hope you love the Biondi...and keep me in the loop! Maybe a picture to the dashboard of the new kicks is in order...
Coach P ... Thanks for the kind words, I am making progress but still have a long way to go/learn! When I come to Boston in July I am thinking about coming through to visit TTBikeFit ... Have to email to see if they can fit it in ... IYO would that be a wise stop? Maybe some pedal adjustments would help with foot pain as well.
Marc, YES. Todd is an incredible bike fitter. Just getting you and your bike into the system is important. More than 40 can always make recommendations about new equipment and the changes and so on. But I have found that you can resolve the vast majority of low performance or discomfort issues on the bike. It's 100% money well spent.
Coach P ... After some discussions with folks this weekend ... Do you think it is too close to IMCDA to switch to power?
Also, riding today I had some issues with 1st gen Durace Di2 LPBS told me it was time to go to next gen since there are no parts for repairs. So a major overhaul is going to happen when I get home ... Could do power at the same time.
I know we talked about it in LP, yes to both. Let's do it...capturing that data from IMCDA is CRITICAL. If you can't use it fully as a guide, you can at least get the right screens up there to monitor how you are doing, and to then subsequently learn from it!
Coach ... thanks for the clarification on week 18 plan ... I was going to kill myself but I was going to do it!
Had a good swim Monday and ran 9 miles last night ... slow but 88F/80%RH ... hydration and nutrition plan executed and still felt like I could keep going after 2 hours but stopped at 120 minutes per the plan ... I could barely run 1/4 mile when I started so run 1 mile walk 60 seconds I got 9 miles in ... bike back operational after all the upgrades to SRAM and Quarq ... did have to replace wheels because my old wheel set was not upgradeable to 11 speed cassette ... still plugging along! 1st goal of year met got my 100 mile swim t-shirt from local Y for their 100 mile swim club. Will update run heart rate data and submit my race plan towards the end of the week for us to complete ... AHR for run was 144 in that hot sticky mess last night ... when I started it would go to 175-180 if you remember, touched 160 a couple times on inclines. Getting ready for 8/21 ... enjoy your vacation.
Marc, I really appreciate that update and your perspective on just how far you've come my friend! It's easy to forget our humble beginnings...now look at you go. That shirt is a KEEPER!
CoachP ... Thanks for the video! You are correct, to quote a notorious actor, I'll Be Back!!!
Today ... My body feels great! No soreness or fatigue. My mental outlook is positive! I have no regrets, a year ago I would have only done a fraction of what I did yesterday ... Keeping it in perspective and enjoying the journey. Many times in life setbacks are the greatest propellants (aerospace slant there, did you pick that up)?
Yesterday ... No, I repeat no nerves! Mentally locked in ... Swim as fun and about what I expected. On the first out was doing well ... First time I went to my small ring on an ascent was good ... Could never get back to my big ring. Knew I was in trouble ... Stopped on course technician he looked at it and thought he got it adjusted. Next downshift no problem ... Couldn't get back to my big ring. Mentally I thought no problem that's all I need to climb nothing I can do, a curve ball but ride on. On the first descent on the 40 mile out and back I spun out at 18 mph so didn't get the momentum with my "mass" that I needed to carry me up the next ascent but pushed through. Made it to turn around into a stiff wind came back to town staying on hydration/nutrition plan feeling good ... Wind continued to pick up ... Got passed in a no passing zone by a top tier guy and put me into a guard rail ... The official who saw it said "nice save" which it was ... Got to special needs feeling good but knew once I made it back to transition I was done so called it ... I was smiling the whole way! I was where I wanted to be just knew those hills and that wind and not all my gears I would live to fight another day.
When I get home ... Sending bike to Todd since none of the bike shops between here and Kansas could get it going consistently. Will jump in OS training and try again ... Bummed but keeping it in perspective ...
Do you think it is too close to FL race to try again if I get my bike operational? It's 4 November.
Thanks for all the support ... Very humbled by you and the rest of the team.
Mariah gave me the full run down, you were just having a blast and then it was mechanical day over. Such a bummer.
You were 100% mentally ready to get it done. And you will.
FL is totally doable as you never ran...it's more about getting back on track with your training. Can you give me some update on the timeline for your bike to come back (and what you have been up to training wise)?
CoachP ... Lost an uncle suddenly upon my return from CDA ... Have swam and done a couple of short runs ... Todd is finished with bike and should have it back late next week. He made quite a few adjustments and thinks he has it dialed in ... Will test it out when I get it back. I will be ready to hit it hard starting next weekend. A lot of good advice from the team in my race report thread ... With uncle Jeff gone I now have a huge "one thing".
Marc, so sorry to hear about your loss...awful. Let's schedule a call up for next week: http://meetme.so/patrickmccrann (Please remember to include your phone number.)
You have the choice of the (same) IM plan you followed to CDA (end it on FL) or you can load the same level Minimalist IM plan for that date...your call as to which you prefer given your schedule. There's a bit less training time on the Min plan with just 2 key bikes...and the weekends are big but week days are shorter...I don't know where your head and body are at..let me know!
I guess I'll have to do this next year @IMLP. I got bike back from Todd ... Thought it was good but still issues. If he couldn't get it working I don't know who can. Took to LBS who has SRAM relationship for warranty, should have stuck with Shimano Di2 on the replacement.
I will work on body comp and start OS ... 2017 will have to be my year.
Very bummed but July will be here before I know it, right? Lookout when I get to 190 or less.
CoachP ... not 100% sure yet what I am doing but I signed up with Trianingpeaks today ... did not add your email as I did not know if that is standard operating procedure. Let me know ... I will add after I hear from you ... hope you are well!
Marc, you don't need TP.com for your/my interaction as I mostly use Strava to review your work. That said log it all...and when we connect you can get me your login / password so I can review it (not here though, in the chat button for privacy).
Can we find an end of season event for you like a Half Marathon or 10k before we get into the OS? Let me know!
Coach ... Been off the radar a bit ... STILL WAITING ON SRAM CONCERNING MY BIKE ... What a nightmare ... My DNF at CDA was not a fluke ... But a certain outcome due to their "miss" when launching SRAM eTap for TT bikes, most notably my SHIV ... They won't admit it outright but what they told me was "it is a new product that didn't come on my bike". They have even been working with Specialized engineers. Thank goodness Todd is in the fight with me, he has uncovered MANY instances with same problem with front shifting on TT bikes with eTap. They are processing refund with some "market facing correspondence" about compatibility issues. Once it's all settled I will post a recap for the team ... Buyer beware! What a disappointment, all my work and effort to be a sitting duck err Guinea pig for SRAM, lucky me.
I just, finally, got the twinge to get after it again this morning. However, I am battling my Morton's Neuroma's in both feet ... Getting weekly injections and honestly they feel worse. After this 6 week battery of injections I may opt for surgery to get them fixed. Then enter OS ...
Any advice on SRAM? How hard should I fight ... What is reasonable for them to do? Todd says they are refunding for the components/labor but there are many more thousands of dollars gone in shipping, travel, lodging, training etc. I usually just roll with the flow but really really upset and disappointed. Thoughts? I would love to post to team for advice but don't want to jeopardize what they are doing prematurely.
Right now my 2017 looks like this,
Early OW endurance swim in May, 5 or 10K Florida somewhere Rev3 Quassy Half, June Double Triple Bypass Bike, two days 120 miles per day ... Over three passes each way ... Colorado ... Early July works out as "camp weekend" last long workout weekend before IMLP taper ... Thought that would get me ready for LP IMLP full in Late July
Thanks for the ear ... Talk on 11/4 if I remember correctly.
~ Coach P
I watched 4 Keys Dvd
In addition, you have to remember the problem is not exhaling enough. When you hold on to that old air, your body senses the CO2 and freaks out. So force the air out.
I suggest you head over to the General Discussion forum and ask folks for some Dry Land Warm Up Race Day Options.....
Next question ... I think I have the swim portion easily within reach, getting close on the bike, BUT, running oh my. I have no delusions that I will run 100% of the 26.2 in my first race ... However, I have a long way to go with the run portion. Instead of spending time in the pool and on the bike should I focus more attention to running?
Going to a university tomorrow to determine my LTHR ... Any advice on how to attack the run portion would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance ... Talk soon.
In terms of training, our philosophy of running is frequency vs loading volume. We want more "Good" running vs just more running. You can read about that at the top under Run Durability section of Main Running Page here: http://bit.ly/1lDeQMq
Let me know how the testing goes (and upload those new zones!).
~ Coach P
I also watched a video of coach Rich on improving running form so I will work with that moving forward as I think my "form" is pretty jacked up ... Will get it worked out by doing some "strides" at each session.
Surprisingly I did a 3800 yard swim in 1:25 with AHR of 108 ... Room to pick up pace which will increase heart rate. I am going to set my swim goal for IMCDA at 70 minutes. Will devote more time to "good running" and build endurance from that foundation working to get to the run 1 mile walk 1:00 pattern as you suggest.
Talk soon!
Looking forward to our call!!
~ Coach P
OK ... went 40 & 64 miles on the bike this weekend back to back days ... many hours in the saddle! ALSO, my run last night had much more longevity with lower heart rate ... significant improvements and each lap around the neighborhood my HR was the same at specific waypoints on the up and downhill portions.
On the bike, I was going for 100 miles (had plenty in the energy tank) however, my feet were killing me ... I was going to post a HELP ME topic in the forums and peruse a bit but I think it is my pedaling ... a lot of down force but not much pull ... just bought a pair of specialized tri-vent shoes and upgraded pedals from speedplay to shimano dura ace. Thoughts?
Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Let's do this!
My feet ... both feet between my toes, no tingling but just pain like I have a rock in my shoe but I don't. I have tried several pairs of running shoes and the worst one's were Newton with the fore foot ridges to help with mid foot strike. After about 4 miles it hurt to walk ... luckily with my Asics and NB it is not near as bad. The temperature on my ride was 60F at start and about 80F at the end ... I looked on the forums for pedaling technique and found the clock analogy to be helpful ... tomorrow on my long ride I am going for a higher cadence i.e. less resistance with opposite leg pulling as the other is pushing to see if that helps ... I wore compression sleeves on my calves, cycling socks, and running bootie socks with my cycling shoes so plenty of padding.
My sweat test was kinda weird last weekend as I gained weight during the ride so I must have taken in more fluids than I sweat out ... I will reduce my intake this weekend and see how I feel. I pee'd about the 3 hour point so on track for twice during 112 mile bike which is what I have seen you recommend.
Send me your thoughts.
Thanks for the detail. Let's dive in...
(1) Pool swimming doesn't compare as there's no one else on your left, right, front and back. The biggest differentiators are staying on course / sighting and your wetsuit. I say yes to long course (50m) swim pool...that alone should rock your world (mentally so hard).
(2) Didn't realize pain was also when running. Sounds like metatarsalgia (the bones up there in your foot)...full details here: http://bit.ly/1tnyLC9 I think a wider toe box should help, as well as icing afterwards, etc. See the article for more.
(3) If the pain is similar when cycling, you might need an orthotic for your arch. High arches? An orthotic would help redirect some of that stress from pushing down....off of your metatarsals and into your arch, for example (your arch would hit orthotic before metatarsals get crushed). Something like these might help: http://bit.ly/1tnyMpP
(4) Make sure you have enough salt in what you are drinking (or not too much). 1000 mgs per hour is an easy number to aim for, so do that math. If you are too high or two low, your water retention could get funky! Yes to two pees!!!
May not overly impress you but I ran tonight. My heart rate never topped 160 on some steady climb in hills! About 5 miles in a little over an hour. ran a mile walked a minute, repeat. When I started this I could barely go 1/4 mile without my heart rate getting up to 175 or 180 ON A FLAT TRACK, making progress..
Talk soon ... Thanks for the support.
Hope you get to feeling better soon,
~ Coach P
Also, riding today I had some issues with 1st gen Durace Di2 LPBS told me it was time to go to next gen since there are no parts for repairs. So a major overhaul is going to happen when I get home ... Could do power at the same time.
Had a good swim Monday and ran 9 miles last night ... slow but 88F/80%RH ... hydration and nutrition plan executed and still felt like I could keep going after 2 hours but stopped at 120 minutes per the plan ... I could barely run 1/4 mile when I started so run 1 mile walk 60 seconds I got 9 miles in ... bike back operational after all the upgrades to SRAM and Quarq ... did have to replace wheels because my old wheel set was not upgradeable to 11 speed cassette ... still plugging along! 1st goal of year met got my 100 mile swim t-shirt from local Y for their 100 mile swim club. Will update run heart rate data and submit my race plan towards the end of the week for us to complete ... AHR for run was 144 in that hot sticky mess last night ... when I started it would go to 175-180 if you remember, touched 160 a couple times on inclines. Getting ready for 8/21 ... enjoy your vacation.
Looking forward to the Race Plan to review!
~ Coach P
Today ... My body feels great! No soreness or fatigue. My mental outlook is positive! I have no regrets, a year ago I would have only done a fraction of what I did yesterday ... Keeping it in perspective and enjoying the journey. Many times in life setbacks are the greatest propellants (aerospace slant there, did you pick that up)?
Yesterday ... No, I repeat no nerves! Mentally locked in ... Swim as fun and about what I expected. On the first out was doing well ... First time I went to my small ring on an ascent was good ... Could never get back to my big ring. Knew I was in trouble ... Stopped on course technician he looked at it and thought he got it adjusted. Next downshift no problem ... Couldn't get back to my big ring. Mentally I thought no problem that's all I need to climb nothing I can do, a curve ball but ride on. On the first descent on the 40 mile out and back I spun out at 18 mph so didn't get the momentum with my "mass" that I needed to carry me up the next ascent but pushed through. Made it to turn around into a stiff wind came back to town staying on hydration/nutrition plan feeling good ... Wind continued to pick up ... Got passed in a no passing zone by a top tier guy and put me into a guard rail ... The official who saw it said "nice save" which it was ... Got to special needs feeling good but knew once I made it back to transition I was done so called it ... I was smiling the whole way! I was where I wanted to be just knew those hills and that wind and not all my gears I would live to fight another day.
When I get home ... Sending bike to Todd since none of the bike shops between here and Kansas could get it going consistently. Will jump in OS training and try again ... Bummed but keeping it in perspective ...
Do you think it is too close to FL race to try again if I get my bike operational? It's 4 November.
Thanks for all the support ... Very humbled by you and the rest of the team.
Talk soon!
You were 100% mentally ready to get it done. And you will.
FL is totally doable as you never ran...it's more about getting back on track with your training. Can you give me some update on the timeline for your bike to come back (and what you have been up to training wise)?
~ Coach P
Talk soon ... Take care.
You have the choice of the (same) IM plan you followed to CDA (end it on FL) or you can load the same level Minimalist IM plan for that date...your call as to which you prefer given your schedule. There's a bit less training time on the Min plan with just 2 key bikes...and the weekends are big but week days are shorter...I don't know where your head and body are at..let me know!
~ Coach P
I will work on body comp and start OS ... 2017 will have to be my year.
Very bummed but July will be here before I know it, right? Lookout when I get to 190 or less.
Can we find an end of season event for you like a Half Marathon or 10k before we get into the OS? Let me know!
~ Coach P
I just, finally, got the twinge to get after it again this morning. However, I am battling my Morton's Neuroma's in both feet ... Getting weekly injections and honestly they feel worse. After this 6 week battery of injections I may opt for surgery to get them fixed. Then enter OS ...
Any advice on SRAM? How hard should I fight ... What is reasonable for them to do? Todd says they are refunding for the components/labor but there are many more thousands of dollars gone in shipping, travel, lodging, training etc. I usually just roll with the flow but really really upset and disappointed. Thoughts? I would love to post to team for advice but don't want to jeopardize what they are doing prematurely.
Right now my 2017 looks like this,
Early OW endurance swim in May, 5 or 10K Florida somewhere
Rev3 Quassy Half, June
Double Triple Bypass Bike, two days 120 miles per day ... Over three passes each way ... Colorado ... Early July works out as "camp weekend" last long workout weekend before IMLP taper ... Thought that would get me ready for LP
IMLP full in Late July
Thanks for the ear ... Talk on 11/4 if I remember correctly.