Coach P ... great talking this week ... always feel like I can get it done after your encouragement. Making plans for CO to go for it!!
Revisiting nutrition from a week or two ago ... did long training day on Saturday with nutrition focus/sweat tracking. Activity/nutrition was as follows:
weight nude wake up - 106.5 kg applesauce/protein @ 530 Infinit 1/2 serving at swim start Swim 2.1 miles - 1 hour
Infinit 1/2 serving prior to bike Bike 66 miles - 4 hours Infinit 1 serving per hour with 24 ounces of water per hour on bike weight nude post bike - 108.3kg
Run 5 miles - 1 hour 2 clif bloks during run, water only weight nude post run - 107.3 kg
my custom infinit blend: Calories per serving = 298 Total Carb = 68 Sugar = 26 Protein = 6.6 Sodium = 407 Potassium = 118 Calcium =33 Magnesium = 24
First long day with just Infinit ... overall felt great, run was record setting and it was hot and humid. NO CRAMPS!! Not sure exactly what to expect but gaining on a hard training day seems backward to me ... only thing I could identify is the sodium is too low. Would that help get excess water out? Also will have a conference call with Infinit to see what they say. Overall I liked the simplicity of one drink in heavy bottles for many hours of riding only refilling water.
Curious what you think ... hope to hear from you soon so I can work on next version next weekend with some tweaks.
Thank you for the detailed work up, and of course the phone call.
I'm curious to know if you peed all on the bike or between the bike and the run?
Holding onto fluids while you're training it means that you are retaining them, so it's possible the sodium is a little bit high – did you notice any swelling in your hands or fingers?
That's at least for the part on the bike or you were completely with infinIT.
As for the Run, I pretty much never want you to drink only water, as it is inert and can sit in your system. It's likely you are retaining some water after the run. If you plan on just drinking water on the run instead of using what's on the course, you will need to take salt pills with you and consume one every hour to help keep your system and balance.
Coach ... sounds like we are honing in on this ... thanks for the rapid response ... yes, I peed after the swim and after the bike before heading out on the run. Felt the urge about 50 miles but could not go until bike was complete. My hands have swelled up before, big time, during the bike, nothing noticeable on this day, there has been some edema post workout .. slight, but present.
On the bike I was 100% Infinit and water.
On the run, took water and clif blok chews so I could douse from time to time for cooling ... it was hot and humid.
Interestingly, when I got back from run is when I really started sweating profusely .... maybe the water finally diluted the sodium build up from the bike if I was over dosed (I am practicing race nutrition without a license) ... sounds like step one is the reduce the sodium content in the Infinit mix ... thoughts?
Yes, let's try a serving of infinIT with 25% less sodium… You can carry salt pills in your pocket if you need to add some back in on the fly.
Another option for you to explore in the heat is arm coolers. They are white and very light weight, keeping the sun off of your arms when you buy can run but if he does them with water they stay cooler longer. They can be incredibly effective and should be part of your "heart racing" arsenal.
@CoachPatrick ... feeling good, feeling confident! I am more focused/consumed about this ride in CO than IMLP at this point ... mentally I think I will finish LP next weekend at the top of Loveland Pass, 2 weeks ahead of the race, mentally. Focusing on what we discussed .... go do what I can do and learn a ton ... trust the training and let the magic happen!
Coach P ... can you please send me the most current link to your LP bike breakdown? Also, thoughts on the bike course changes?
Busy busy getting ready for CO ... I just got my Strava badge for running 100 miles this year, mostly since April ... pales in comparison to many on the team but makes me proud!
Nothing special about the changes, if anything it takes out to nasty little kicking hills towards the end of each loop. Will be curious to see what they do with special needs as that's the big audit. Other folks may have more information for us! I suggest you ask in the Lake Placid race forum.
Coach P ... long time no FORMAL talk rock star! I know you are crazy busy just need a little advice at this junction ... I returned from LP with tons of work to catch up on that I had been neglecting a bit to reach my IMLP finish line ... also, I was pretty worn out from the demands of the race/drives/etc. I've ran a few times since returning but that's about it ... only gained 4 lbs. during my month long sabbatical ... so in a good place for the most part!
A couple of things ... 1) is it normal to be a little lazy following such a climactic summer of goals/events (I don't have Kona to contend with like some people I know . 2) how do I saddle back up, what's next?
I think body composition and running efficiency/durability is where I need the most work ... I loaded the 24 week marathon plan ... to be prepared when I find a 26.2 race around my 14 February birthday! Is that enough activity if I want to do a full IM next year OR should I load up OutSeason and cycle through it a couple times to build bike and run?
Need some compass heading so I can stop digressing and start progressing! Marc
@Marc Taylor - that's right, I forgot these are your first post Iron Man blues! Welcome to the party.
It is 100% normal to have a down period. It's also fine for you to just chill during that time, about a month sounds right. Then we just need to get you on some kind of consistent schedule. It doesn't have to be flashy, hard, or exciting… It has to be effective. This could be something as simple as running 2 to 3 miles a day and keeping that going. Before you go crazy with a plan plan, I would recommend on setting up something like that.
Build that into your morning so that you can get in that run before things get serious so you could check that box. Then any other time you have a good day to do extra stuff let's go for it. Because it could be longer stuff on the bike and maybe a longer run if you're feeling it. But the first 3 to 4 weeks will all be about getting back up to speed so no pressure. In terms of events, find a few more epic cycling things going on in your neck of the woods and sign up for them to keep you going. If you aren't already on his way left of use your laptop/trainer now is a good time to get that set up. It's fun and keep you going for at least an hour during the week when running isn't an option. I feel like you set some good stuff in place and now we just got to keep our momentum going.
Coach P ... fell off the map, had some international travel October/November/January and arm surgery in February to make my catch and pull stronger lol and have surgery on both feet scheduled 4/10 so I am still 4-6 weeks away from doing anything useful. Unfortunately haven't been able to do much except repair, recover, and work on body comp ... scheduled a call with you for next Friday to catch up a bit ... address a couple of questions as I ease back in following the surgeries.
Want to get your input on expectations ...
I pushed Lake Placid return back to 2019 ... wise. Plan on biking across KS in early June ... hate to miss but may be too soon? Superfrog HIM in September ... I think I might be able to race this, maybe?
Too aggressive or should I play it by ear ... chomping at the bit ... need to know your thoughts on ... should I just continue to rest and recover ... or push it? Plus want to catch up a bit.
@Marc Taylor - Thanks for the update! And that is one nasty looking scar. I appreciate the craziness and look forward to checking in with you directly.
Once I know more about the type of surgery having done I can give you a better sense of how long I think it will take you to recover. The hard part is between your arm surgery and your feet we don’t necessarily have a good “ half“ of your body to rely upon! But we can figure it out.
In the meantime, I suggest you stay as active as possible before the foot surgery so that your window downtime is reduced. If you have any other questions in the short term far away otherwise I’ll see you on our call!
Coach ... too busy! Sorry to take so long to respond, I had a flexor tendon reattached to my elbow joint. It is coming around ... gaining flexibility daily. Surgery was 2/7 ... 2 more weeks until I can “lift” anything, I miss the pool!
Been walking/jogging every night. Feet hurt but doing all I can with shoes and insoles to tolerate. Scared to have them cut but boxed into a corner I think.
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually Monday & Friday each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on within Final Surge by clicking on the Training Plans > View My Plans. If you need help manipulating your plans in Final Surge, be sure to check out our Help Site. Remember, you can learn more about each plan and find related plan resources on the Plan Descriptions and Resources page.
Last updated by Coach on November 19, 2019
On 11/4/2019 Load the -- post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 12/1/2019
On 12/2/2019 Load the -- OutSeason (Bike Focus) Plan, 14wks to end on 3/8/2020
On 3/9/2020 Load the EN Full, Minimalist, 12 Weeks to end on 5/31/2020
On 6/1/2020 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 7/12/2020
Your Notes
Ironman FL DNF 11/19 bike crash 8/19 so wanted to test out where I was mentally and physically.High, lift weights heavy 3x per week and SB or R the other 3 days per week.
Revisiting nutrition from a week or two ago ... did long training day on Saturday with nutrition focus/sweat tracking.
Activity/nutrition was as follows:
weight nude wake up - 106.5 kg
applesauce/protein @ 530
Infinit 1/2 serving at swim start
Swim 2.1 miles - 1 hour
Infinit 1/2 serving prior to bike
Bike 66 miles - 4 hours
Infinit 1 serving per hour with 24 ounces of water per hour on bike
weight nude post bike - 108.3kg
Run 5 miles - 1 hour
2 clif bloks during run, water only
weight nude post run - 107.3 kg
my custom infinit blend:
Calories per serving = 298
Total Carb = 68
Sugar = 26
Protein = 6.6
Sodium = 407
Potassium = 118
Calcium =33
Magnesium = 24
First long day with just Infinit ... overall felt great, run was record setting and it was hot and humid. NO CRAMPS!! Not sure exactly what to expect but gaining on a hard training day seems backward to me ... only thing I could identify is the sodium is too low. Would that help get excess water out? Also will have a conference call with Infinit to see what they say. Overall I liked the simplicity of one drink in heavy bottles for many hours of riding only refilling water.
Curious what you think ... hope to hear from you soon so I can work on next version next weekend with some tweaks.
Talk soon.
Holding onto fluids while you're training it means that you are retaining them, so it's possible the sodium is a little bit high – did you notice any swelling in your hands or fingers?
That's at least for the part on the bike or you were completely with infinIT.
As for the Run, I pretty much never want you to drink only water, as it is inert and can sit in your system. It's likely you are retaining some water after the run. If you plan on just drinking water on the run instead of using what's on the course, you will need to take salt pills with you and consume one every hour to help keep your system and balance.
On the bike I was 100% Infinit and water.
On the run, took water and clif blok chews so I could douse from time to time for cooling ... it was hot and humid.
Interestingly, when I got back from run is when I really started sweating profusely .... maybe the water finally diluted the sodium build up from the bike if I was over dosed (I am practicing race nutrition without a license) ... sounds like step one is the reduce the sodium content in the Infinit mix ... thoughts?
Talk soon.
Busy busy getting ready for CO ... I just got my Strava badge for running 100 miles this year, mostly since April ... pales in comparison to many on the team but makes me proud!
Have a great 4th ...
Nothing special about the changes, if anything it takes out to nasty little kicking hills towards the end of each loop. Will be curious to see what they do with special needs as that's the big audit. Other folks may have more information for us! I suggest you ask in the Lake Placid race forum.
A couple of things ... 1) is it normal to be a little lazy following such a climactic summer of goals/events (I don't have Kona to contend with like some people I know
I think body composition and running efficiency/durability is where I need the most work ... I loaded the 24 week marathon plan ... to be prepared when I find a 26.2 race around my 14 February birthday! Is that enough activity if I want to do a full IM next year OR should I load up OutSeason and cycle through it a couple times to build bike and run?
Need some compass heading so I can stop digressing and start progressing!
Build that into your morning so that you can get in that run before things get serious so you could check that box. Then any other time you have a good day to do extra stuff let's go for it. Because it could be longer stuff on the bike and maybe a longer run if you're feeling it. But the first 3 to 4 weeks will all be about getting back up to speed so no pressure.
In terms of events, find a few more epic cycling things going on in your neck of the woods and sign up for them to keep you going. If you aren't already on his way left of use your laptop/trainer now is a good time to get that set up. It's fun and keep you going for at least an hour during the week when running isn't an option. I feel like you set some good stuff in place and now we just got to keep our momentum going.
Want to get your input on expectations ...
I pushed Lake Placid return back to 2019 ... wise.
Plan on biking across KS in early June ... hate to miss but may be too soon?
Superfrog HIM in September ... I think I might be able to race this, maybe?
Too aggressive or should I play it by ear ... chomping at the bit ... need to know your thoughts on ... should I just continue to rest and recover ... or push it? Plus want to catch up a bit.
Talk soon ... hope you're well!
Been walking/jogging every night. Feet hurt but doing all I can with shoes and insoles to tolerate. Scared to have them cut but boxed into a corner I think.
Look forward to our chat on Friday.
Thanks for your help/input.
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually Monday & Friday each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Coach Notes
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on within Final Surge by clicking on the Training Plans > View My Plans. If you need help manipulating your plans in Final Surge, be sure to check out our Help Site. Remember, you can learn more about each plan and find related plan resources on the Plan Descriptions and Resources page.
Your Notes
Ironman FL DNF 11/19 bike crash 8/19 so wanted to test out where I was mentally and physically.High, lift weights heavy 3x per week and SB or R the other 3 days per week.
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P