Got the big run done. I haven't really run much past 2:15 and 13 miles this season...after my concussion early June, then racing Muncie, I dropped in the IM plan and Patrick had me run 3x a week at 1:15, 1:22 and 1:30's before camp. Gave me a lot of miles but no really long runs and no flash. Seemed to payoff during camp and I ran ok during the weekend. He advised me to take extra time every couple miles to drop hr, eat and drink jumping to the 3 hour run today. I walk every mile in my race so I just added 30" every other mile and it worked out great. My legs felt pretty dead for most of the day, but that's nothing new. Got 17 miles in at 10:37 avg pace and I would be jazzed to pull that off race day. Somebody needs to be a very good girl on the bike to reach her goal of not walking the back half of the marathon! Very good!
Lots of great work woork out there today. These long runs are hard. I was really excited about mine as my run fitness seems to be coming around. I probably started a little too fast, but it was dark and didn't want to keep staring at my watch. I never really felt bad until the last mile. I know I was down on salt and was starting to have a few muscle cramps. Also, I really pushed the long uphill on the course at mile 13-14 and I think I redlined my HR a litttle too soon. Worst part, I had to go to work.
Overall 18 miles, 2:14:56, with 2 brief stops to use the bathroom and replenish fluids. avg hr 147
I ended up getting in 18 miles in 2:42 for an average pace of 9:03 and my average heart rate was 148. Felt pretty good about the run, especially with the fact that the temperature was in the high 80's and heat index in the mid-90's. Those last 3 miles were brutal! I luckily didn't have any cramping and it is probably because I took 4 salt tabs last night and then 4 at the beginning of my run as well as 4 every hour during the run.
Got 18.19 mi done in 3:10. Was fairly consistent, but unlike Chris, I slowed a bit in the 2nd half. Could have gone longer, really glad I didn't have to. Saw Bill Manard twice and that helped.
@Alan - helped me seeing you out there as well. I also slowed the last few miles, but it was partly from going out too hard when it was hotter. 17.5 miles overall, and just cleared 12'/mile. If I can match that on a cooler race day, I'll be quite happy.
Now to sleep before the breakfast meeting tomorrow... great work everybody today!
I had a rough day with the long run yesterday. I was able to complete it.... But really struggled from an execution standpoint. I took the day off from work because I couldn't wrap my brain around trying to do a 3 hour run after work. Plan was to get started at 6am...beat the heat and make the recovery window as large as possible. This was an important run because I missed the long run last week after the bike crash.Well.. Days off are awesome! And I had a hard time getting up... Think I hit the snooze button 3 times...I never use that's snooze button!
I got started at 8...4x10oz bottles of GE in tow. Plan was to run the first 6@9/mile...ease into my TRP pace(8:30) for 9 and see what I had to finish out the 18. It was warm... Full sun...but I've run in a lot worse. Although.... Lately I've been getting my runs done in the cooler mornings before work ( problem).the first 6 were great.. On pace... And I felt pretty good.I took in a PB gel at 4... Then again at 7. I do a two loop run on the long days so I can refill my bottles. From 7 to 10 is straight toward home... I could feel the heat and things were starting to slip. I was soaked... Completely saturated...felt like I took the shorts I was wearing and dunked them in a bucket... With my shoes and socks as well!
I got home...chugged a 24 oz water..had 3 lIcks of base salt....filled the bottles and was ready to head out the door... but the swishing inside my shoes was so bad I decided to change out my running shorts... Socks and shoes. I've never done that before... But that's how bad it was!
Next 4 was tough... HR spiraling outta control. The last 4 I had to take a bunch of 30 step walking breaks. Pace dropped off...but I made it home! I was dead... I got on the scale and it read 170.5... Weight before 176.
I wrote on Strava that this was a "lesson in how to completely mismanage... your long run" and everyone was great and offered support. There were comments about how it still made me fit... Lesson learned...lot of truth in all that... But the real truth is I'm trying to turn this vehicle over to the race pilot... And HE blew this one. I should have slowed down...taken in more salt and fluid. I could have easily made this three loops of 6. I bungled it... Will not happen next week!
@ Ed - don't beat yourself up to much. You learn more from your failures than your sucesses. Part of these RR is to figure uot what works and what doesn't. You now know what doesn't work so you know you'll never make that "mistake" again. You will rock IMWI man! BTW, I think you were spot on with the cramping - I'm going to start adding salt to my nutrition. Mistake learned in training = success on race day!
@ Kevin and Todd - damn! You two run like a gazelle!
@chris... I'm not beating myself up... Believe me... Writing this up is the method I use to quantify what went wrong... Helps me to dissect the good and bad so I can grow from it.
Hope upping the salt will help you. I'm betting it will. My first HIM was Branson in '12. My quad cramped like you're describing at mile 5... The next 8 miles was a lesson in pain. Good luck
Lots of HUGE efforts on the Big Run Day - Congrats to all!!
My day went pretty good. I ran 20 with the first 14 miles at my target race heart rate (LT1) and then did a pace cut down on each of the remaining miles without regard to heart rate.
One focus of the run was to dial in my run nutrition. During training, I’ve been running with 100cal/hour for runs over 2 hours. Most of my runs have been in the hottest time of the day, so when I needed more fluids, I just diluted the calories. Knowing this isn't enough on race day, I supplemented with a caffeinated gel (100 cal / 40 mg caffeine) at mile 10 and I felt my performance bump up for the next 10.
I’m considering the following for race day (assuming I get off the bike hydrated and good blood sugar)…
Stick with my 100 cal/hr from the sports drink, but do the following: - banana in T2 (+100 cal) - gel at hours 2 & 3 (+100 cal, + 40mg caffeine)
That bumps me to about 200 cal/hour which I think should be fine and also help me avoid some of the GI issues I have had in the past.
I plan big rides for Saturday & Sunday and will work to dial in the bike nutrition on these.
Good morning team. I have been a little quiet sitting back and watching/listening to all the amazing week 17 reports coming out of this Pro Bowl group of Ironmen. You guys have really humbled/impressed me as I watch you dig in and fight through this tough week!
@Ed E. - I have had my ass handed to me several times this season on both the run and bike fronts with heat/humidity. I felt your pain as I read how you man handled those conditions while carrying a week 17 fatigue load. It does wake you up in a way and provide a realtime reminder of how to heavily hydrate/supplement the day before and during an event when those conditions are present. If we are any where close to that on race day, you'll be that much ahead of the competition given your renewed focus for what heat and humidity can bring.
@ Shaughn... I've watched you man up more times than I can count... That's why I'm not crying or feel sorry about it... Take your beating and move on... You've set the bar on dusting yourself off and getting back in the game.
Not him... I heard he's starting his build for IMMT on sept 12th...his fall out season number 1 starts the morning after... He's going to 3x20's on the trainer
Count me in for the beers please. I have to work this weekend so I suffered through a 4 hour bike today. Legs are pretty shelled at this point. I'm going to try to get a swim in and as much trainer time as work and my butt will allow. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to hearing you all putting in some quality seasons.
Great work everyone! Getting through that long run is such a milestone in the plan! Unfortunately, I've had a really shitty training week. It was hell week at work so ~70 hours of work plus travel resulted in really limited training and a really grumpy, and tired Lindsay. I got in one short swim, a run, and a trainer session.
The work chaos appears to be over so I am going to take Monday off and make up for the missed volume with big days Saturday, Sunday, Monday. I'm thinking long run first thing tomorrow morning, and likely swapping the long ride & ABP ride to accommodate a bit more recovery after the long run.
Had my self some decent riding over the weekend. Saturday was 5 hours at the hilly metro park with about 5100ft of climbing in almost 82 miles. Plus a flat (so now it won't happen on race day right???). Ran off 40' which was nothing special except the rollers.
Sunday was a windy cooler day at friendlier elevation metro park. Not much ability to abp ride, but I did some pushing here and there when I could. Had some stomach issues that started later in the bike and stayed with me into the evening. Hoping to avoid that come race day!
My weekend was so so. Friday did an OWS on Lake Michigan. Swam 2.65 miles at an avg pace of 1:27/100. I'm all dialed in for my swim. My goal pace will be 1:30/100. Not sure where that translates into time by I'm guessing around 1 hour.
Saturday, it rained pretty much all day so I kept to the trainer. Planned on a 4-hour trainer ride, but only got in to 2hrs. My quad started hurting around the 1:40 mark so I finished my WO (Round Bald on TR) and called it a day. No run since the quad flared up. Sunday I rode 80 miles, planned 90-100. Again my quad started to hurt around mile 70 so I pulled the plug early. No running after with the quad. Getting a massage tonight so hopefully the quad issue will be put to bed after today. No soreness this morning, which is good!
Picked up some Base Performance Electrolyte Salt so hopefully I'm done with the cramping. Plan on taking every 5 miles on the bike and every mile on the run - thanks Ed!
Last night I burned myself pretty bad - 2nd degree burns on 3 of my fingers - big ole nasty blisters on all of them. So that put a damper on my swim plans this morning.
I'm going to change the WO's this week. I see a 2hr run tomorrow. I'm going to move that to Thursday to allow the quad to fully heal.
By now I am sure everyone has figured out what Rich's true inItials RS stand for: Really Strong! Fantastic week man!
Actually really strong across the board on a week that is one of the toughest on the schedule. Everyone digging deep for the long run then carrying that fatigue into the weekend and fighting through the bike work! Man oh Man! Some tough animals in here. Everyone staying reasonably healthy so far too! WOW!
Last BIG week to hold the line guys. Everyone should look at the entire week's schedule and do the best you can with what you have. Moving things around might be necessary, just remember the downstream consequences for the week of moving something.
Happy Week 18 all! We have arrived to IM training HELL!
Geez Rich... Do you want us to confuse you for SS??? REALLY impressive work going on here!
I am getting worried about my race.. I've been watching my PMC dwindle as I barely got any real work in post LP aside from some alternate workouts leading up to Leadville & of course the LV race itself... Guess I am sandbagging here, but legs felt really trashed this weekend
Working on laying out my bike course for the RR this weekend. I am a IM rookie and have never actually done a 112 ride before. I have gotten a 100 and a 102 over the past month but feel like I need to get the actual 112 under my belt…. Mostly for my head space of “been there done that”. Does anyone have the feet of elevation for the new bike course? Thanks
@ Jonathan - per Ironman, total elevation gain is 4,956. Per my Garmin and my friends Garmin's, its more like 7,000. Obviously a large disconnect. I'd go with 7,000-ish. I'd be interested in what other folks have to say on this too.
Hi all! @Jonathan, if helpful at all, I can send you the IMWI gpx file. If you do the Barlow loop multiple times in one ride, the elevation gain is ~6K per my RR ride.
Completed split runs today given I had to have my son at football practice by 6:20 a.m. .....
Who knows what the actual number is? I found 3 courses on BBS. The Best Bike Split course I choose has 5351ft. The old verified course is listed at 7043ft. This prompted me to look at the other 2 versions of the course. Ironman WI Revised 2016 w/corrected auto corrected elevation 5351ft IRONMAN Wisconsin 2016 - NEW ROUTE 6765ft Ironman Wisconsin 2016 New 5892ft So I would go with 6765 ft. based on the groups experience/Gestault.
All, below is my DRAFT Race Plan I will be implementing for RR2 and on Race day. I will post this in the Race Execution forum next week for the larger EB community to critique, however, I though it might be helpful for some as you are planning your RR2 this week and likely writing your plans for further input:
oDry pull over clothes for staying warm. Throw away sandals
·5:15 a.m. leave for race.
·Drop off special needs bags
·Head to Transition get body-marking done.
·Bike check (5:30)
o2 bottles of GE on the bike
opump tires - ~105 PSI
obento box check, with tire tool and tube under seat check
oChain lubed, gearing double check, big ring, mid gear
oGarmin 810 mounted and turned on, synced with PT pedlas and HR, Auto off disabled
·Swim Setup.
·6:00a get wet suit on (Garmin 910 left arm set to OWS).
·Head toward swim start.
·Do a gel with water about 15 mins out - keep sipping coconut water.
The Swim
·Just Keep Swimming
·Strong, smooth, relaxed stroke
·Only go as fast as form allows. If form fails, slow down.
·Swim inside buoys except turns
·Draft on hips or feet - Put someone on my left - let that person navigate.
·"Race in my box"
·Hold ground when there is contact.
·1 Powergel 20 min. Before
·1 bottle sports drink before
·Goal time: 1:16 – 1:19
·Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
oOut and jog while unzipping wet suit
oUse strippers to extract wet suit, then go find bike bag
oRun through the tent to the other side and out
oHand off wetsuit to volunteer and ask to place in bag
ocarry shoes while jogging to bike.
oPull bike off rack - jog to start
oShoes on at start line
oStart Garmin
·Goal time: <5 min.</span>
·“SHOULD” vs could
·"Steady watts”
·“Set up a good run”
oFirst 10 miles - admin. JRA, eat banana, hydrate get HR down
oBe safe, pay attention
oPay attention to rollers, ups and down driving steady watts as best possible while aero
o4 x ½ powerbar, in bento
o6 GU’s in back pocket
o2 bottles of perform / hour (bonus for drinking additional bottle of water each half hour.)
oTimer set to go off every 15 minutes
oNo solids after 2.5 hours on the bike. Only liquid calories thereafter
oSalt tab every 4th lap (q1 hr.)
oGoal is to pee min of once per lap
oTarget: ~400 cal/hour (2300 total)
·Target goal 204w NP for day (.70 IF).
·VI <1.04</span>
·IF .69 - .71
·TSS < 290
·Flats: Real time power at 200-210
·HR 125-135
oHR in 120s, building to mid 130s by end.
·Smooth, steady cadence 80 - 85
·185 first 10 miles. Then build goal target by 5 watts per 5 miles to 204
o190, 195, 200, 204 at mile 30, 35 then get ready for Barlow
·Barlow – 8-9 minutes, low cadence, max 265 watts, steady, pay attention, watch for others, bottles, walkers, etc. upon cresting, push the steady watts over the top and down the next hill
·Miles 45 – 80 goal watts 204
·Mile 80 – 110 stay focused, look at TSS/IF, remember, It is a RACE.
·Ride super aero as long as possible whenever possible
·Keep box expanded, constantly review systems check
·Pee by mile 45 and mile 80
·Stretch as needed
T2 steps
·Stop Garmin 810, flying dismount, hand off to volunteer.
·Risk Management and Contingencies
·Goal time: Irrelevant (expect around 5:40 – 5:45
·“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”
oFlying dismount, shoes attached.
oHand off bike
oTake off Helmet on the move.
oFind bag, head to tent.
oBag down & Open.
oShoes (on top), single rolled sock in each.
oStart walking out with Mega Ziploc Bag.
§Everything is in a ziplock bag (hat, sunglasses, nutrition, tylenol, gum, lomotil) and do all admin stuff in run/walk out of T2 — toss on shoes, grab “go” bag, and get it done while running.
oHat/Visor on head.
oSunglasses on.
oTurn on 920 to run and start
·Goal Time: <4 min </span>
·Obey HR early
oKeep low on hills
oCommit to starting out SLOW 10:00’s for 6 mi.(HR <135)</span>
oFollowed by settling into Z1 9:30’s +/- 30 step walk break
oHR <140 (will drift up to 150 later miles)</span>
Lots of great work woork out there today. These long runs are hard. I was really excited about mine as my run fitness seems to be coming around. I probably started a little too fast, but it was dark and didn't want to keep staring at my watch. I never really felt bad until the last mile. I know I was down on salt and was starting to have a few muscle cramps. Also, I really pushed the long uphill on the course at mile 13-14 and I think I redlined my HR a litttle too soon. Worst part, I had to go to work.
Overall 18 miles, 2:14:56, with 2 brief stops to use the bathroom and replenish fluids. avg hr 147
Nice job, everyone!!
@All Some impressive work out there today
@St Louis Lot's of EN running in that park today
Got 18.19 mi done in 3:10. Was fairly consistent, but unlike Chris, I slowed a bit in the 2nd half. Could have gone longer, really glad I didn't have to. Saw Bill Manard twice and that helped.
23 days to go!
Now to sleep before the breakfast meeting tomorrow... great work everybody today!
I got started at 8...4x10oz bottles of GE in tow. Plan was to run the first 6@9/mile...ease into my TRP pace(8:30) for 9 and see what I had to finish out the 18. It was warm... Full sun...but I've run in a lot worse. Although.... Lately I've been getting my runs done in the cooler mornings before work ( problem).the first 6 were great.. On pace... And I felt pretty good.I took in a PB gel at 4... Then again at 7. I do a two loop run on the long days so I can refill my bottles. From 7 to 10 is straight toward home... I could feel the heat and things were starting to slip. I was soaked... Completely saturated...felt like I took the shorts I was wearing and dunked them in a bucket... With my shoes and socks as well!
I got home...chugged a 24 oz water..had 3 lIcks of base salt....filled the bottles and was ready to head out the door... but the swishing inside my shoes was so bad I decided to change out my running shorts... Socks and shoes. I've never done that before... But that's how bad it was!
Next 4 was tough... HR spiraling outta control. The last 4 I had to take a bunch of 30 step walking breaks. Pace dropped off...but I made it home! I was dead... I got on the scale and it read 170.5... Weight before 176.
I wrote on Strava that this was a "lesson in how to completely mismanage... your long run" and everyone was great and offered support. There were comments about how it still made me fit... Lesson learned...lot of truth in all that... But the real truth is I'm trying to turn this vehicle over to the race pilot... And HE blew this one. I should have slowed down...taken in more salt and fluid. I could have easily made this three loops of 6. I bungled it... Will not happen next week!
@ Kevin and Todd - damn! You two run like a gazelle!
Hope upping the salt will help you. I'm betting it will. My first HIM was Branson in '12. My quad cramped like you're describing at mile 5... The next 8 miles was a lesson in pain. Good luck
My day went pretty good. I ran 20 with the first 14 miles at my target race heart rate (LT1) and then did a pace cut down on each of the remaining miles without regard to heart rate.
One focus of the run was to dial in my run nutrition. During training, I’ve been running with 100cal/hour for runs over 2 hours. Most of my runs have been in the hottest time of the day, so when I needed more fluids, I just diluted the calories. Knowing this isn't enough on race day, I supplemented with a caffeinated gel (100 cal / 40 mg caffeine) at mile 10 and I felt my performance bump up for the next 10.
I’m considering the following for race day (assuming I get off the bike hydrated and good blood sugar)…
Stick with my 100 cal/hr from the sports drink, but do the following:
- banana in T2 (+100 cal)
- gel at hours 2 & 3 (+100 cal, + 40mg caffeine)
That bumps me to about 200 cal/hour which I think should be fine and also help me avoid some of the GI issues I have had in the past.
I plan big rides for Saturday & Sunday and will work to dial in the bike nutrition on these.
Good morning team. I have been a little quiet sitting back and watching/listening to all the amazing week 17 reports coming out of this Pro Bowl group of Ironmen. You guys have really humbled/impressed me as I watch you dig in and fight through this tough week!
@Ed E. - I have had my ass handed to me several times this season on both the run and bike fronts with heat/humidity. I felt your pain as I read how you man handled those conditions while carrying a week 17 fatigue load. It does wake you up in a way and provide a realtime reminder of how to heavily hydrate/supplement the day before and during an event when those conditions are present. If we are any where close to that on race day, you'll be that much ahead of the competition given your renewed focus for what heat and humidity can bring.
I opted to avoid the heat/humidity and thunderstorms yesterday and completed the long run on a TM @ 1% grade with a fan going:
Long OWS this morning:
Now feet up and focus on recovery/hydration/nutrition for long bike/run tomorrow.
I take a lot of mojo away from the manner in which this team takes care of each other. Keep leading all!
I may need some sort of counseling after this cycle is over..........
I have to work this weekend so I suffered through a 4 hour bike today. Legs are pretty shelled at this point. I'm going to try to get a swim in and as much trainer time as work and my butt will allow.
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to hearing you all putting in some quality seasons.
Unfortunately, I've had a really shitty training week. It was hell week at work so ~70 hours of work plus travel resulted in really limited training and a really grumpy, and tired Lindsay. I got in one short swim, a run, and a trainer session.
The work chaos appears to be over so I am going to take Monday off and make up for the missed volume with big days Saturday, Sunday, Monday. I'm thinking long run first thing tomorrow morning, and likely swapping the long ride & ABP ride to accommodate a bit more recovery after the long run.
Wishing everyone safe, fast rides tomorrow!
Sunday was a windy cooler day at friendlier elevation metro park. Not much ability to abp ride, but I did some pushing here and there when I could. Had some stomach issues that started later in the bike and stayed with me into the evening. Hoping to avoid that come race day!
Hope everyone had good rides over the weekend!
My weekend was so so. Friday did an OWS on Lake Michigan. Swam 2.65 miles at an avg pace of 1:27/100. I'm all dialed in for my swim. My goal pace will be 1:30/100. Not sure where that translates into time by I'm guessing around 1 hour.
Saturday, it rained pretty much all day so I kept to the trainer. Planned on a 4-hour trainer ride, but only got in to 2hrs. My quad started hurting around the 1:40 mark so I finished my WO (Round Bald on TR) and called it a day. No run since the quad flared up. Sunday I rode 80 miles, planned 90-100. Again my quad started to hurt around mile 70 so I pulled the plug early. No running after with the quad. Getting a massage tonight so hopefully the quad issue will be put to bed after today. No soreness this morning, which is good!
Picked up some Base Performance Electrolyte Salt so hopefully I'm done with the cramping. Plan on taking every 5 miles on the bike and every mile on the run - thanks Ed!
Last night I burned myself pretty bad - 2nd degree burns on 3 of my fingers - big ole nasty blisters on all of them. So that put a damper on my swim plans this morning.
I'm going to change the WO's this week. I see a 2hr run tomorrow. I'm going to move that to Thursday to allow the quad to fully heal.
All good news for me, haha!
Huge training week - 1,500+ TSS from 9,200 yds swimming, 209 mi biking and 55 mi running
Starting to feel really excited about the race!
By now I am sure everyone has figured out what Rich's true inItials RS stand for: Really Strong! Fantastic week man!
Actually really strong across the board on a week that is one of the toughest on the schedule. Everyone digging deep for the long run then carrying that fatigue into the weekend and fighting through the bike work! Man oh Man! Some tough animals in here. Everyone staying reasonably healthy so far too! WOW!
Saturday I had severe thunderstorms so was forced to do a 5 hour trainer (270 TSS) ride:
Ran Sunday morning then got nasty for another 200 TSS Z3 interval ride on the trainer in the afternoon
Last BIG week to hold the line guys. Everyone should look at the entire week's schedule and do the best you can with what you have. Moving things around might be necessary, just remember the downstream consequences for the week of moving something.
Happy Week 18 all! We have arrived to IM training HELL!
I am getting worried about my race.. I've been watching my PMC dwindle as I barely got any real work in post LP aside from some alternate workouts leading up to Leadville & of course the LV race itself... Guess I am sandbagging here, but legs felt really trashed this weekend
Day two of IM hell week.......
Hi all! @Jonathan, if helpful at all, I can send you the IMWI gpx file. If you do the Barlow loop multiple times in one ride, the elevation gain is ~6K per my RR ride.
Completed split runs today given I had to have my son at football practice by 6:20 a.m. .....
Run 1 @ TRP: This run was on hills, 77 degrees, 75 dewpoint, 95% humidity and I sweated buckets as expected.
Run 2 @Z2/Z3: Work TM@ 1% with fan. TG!
CD run back outside for 1 mile thereafter.
I'll try to pull together a Race Rehearsal plan and share with all before Friday for any feedback/input/questions.
Ironman WI Revised 2016 w/corrected auto corrected elevation 5351ft
IRONMAN Wisconsin 2016 - NEW ROUTE 6765ft
Ironman Wisconsin 2016 New 5892ft
So I would go with 6765 ft. based on the groups experience/Gestault.
IMWI 2016 RACE PLAN - 9/11/2016
Age 48, FTP 290, VDOT 44 (@88 degrees), wt 174 w/kg 3.7
7th IM race, 1st IMWI
The Basic Principles
· Race Day is about EXECUTION, not fitness.
· Patience and discipline through and through, every minute/hour.
· Set yourself up for negative splits in each discipline -- Start slower, and steadily build effort.
· Steady Effort Wins the Day.
· NO Racing Until Mile 80 of the bike and Mile 18 of the run.
Weds – 9/7
· Travel to Madison
· Check into house rental, quick unpack
· Grocery Store visit
Thurs – 9/8
· Bike/run brick on the course
· Walk down to IM Village, get registered and pick up transition bags
· IM Expo
· Back to house rental to settle in, start laying out bags and checking all.
· Team Dinner
Fri. – 9/9
· 6:30am breakfast snack
· 7:00am – Swim (Easy effort, just to get comfortable)
· Short Bike/run brick on the course
· Eat larger Breakfast – eggs and pancakes
· Walk route from water to bags to bike to exit.
· IM Expo
· Lunch pasta and chicken. Salted.
· Pack Transition Bags
o Visualize, and practice transitions
Sat – 9/10
· Sleep in!
· 8:00 am Big Carb - Pancake/Waffle breakfast
· Sip Coconut water all day
· Bike and bag check-in 10:00 – 11:30
· 12:00p Good sized early lunch - pasta, chicken, rice. Salted.
· Back to house rental for a nap
· Get bottles/stuff ready for Sunday morning drop off
· Light dinner @ 5:00pm - Bread. Yogurt. Ensure/protein drink.
· Handful of salt tabs
· In Bed by 8:00 pm -- Final review of Race Plan
RACE MORNING (Sun – 8/16):
· 4:00 am wake-up
· Eat Breakfast:
o Banana, oatmeal, sports drink
o Coffee
o Ensure
o Toasted Bagels
o Salt Tabs
· Get Dressed
o EN Kit, +/-arm warmers
o Chamois Cream, body glide, sunscreen
o Timing Chip (L leg), HR strap, and garmin 920
o Dry pull over clothes for staying warm. Throw away sandals
· 5:15 a.m. leave for race.
· Drop off special needs bags
· Head to Transition get body-marking done.
· Bathroom
· Bike check (5:30)
o 2 bottles of GE on the bike
o pump tires - ~105 PSI
o bento box check, with tire tool and tube under seat check
o Chain lubed, gearing double check, big ring, mid gear
o Garmin 810 mounted and turned on, synced with PT pedlas and HR, Auto off disabled
· Swim Setup.
· 6:00a get wet suit on (Garmin 910 left arm set to OWS).
· Head toward swim start.
· Do a gel with water about 15 mins out - keep sipping coconut water.
The Swim
· Just Keep Swimming
· Strong, smooth, relaxed stroke
· Mechanics:
· Only go as fast as form allows. If form fails, slow down.
· Swim inside buoys except turns
· Draft on hips or feet - Put someone on my left - let that person navigate.
· "Race in my box"
· Hold ground when there is contact.
· Nutrition:
· 1 Powergel 20 min. Before
· 1 bottle sports drink before
· Goal time: 1:16 – 1:19
· Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
o Out and jog while unzipping wet suit
o Use strippers to extract wet suit, then go find bike bag
o Run through the tent to the other side and out
o Hand off wetsuit to volunteer and ask to place in bag
o carry shoes while jogging to bike.
o Pull bike off rack - jog to start
o Shoes on at start line
o Start Garmin
· Goal time: <5 min.</span>
· “SHOULD” vs could
· "Steady watts”
· “Set up a good run”
· Mechanics:
o First 10 miles - admin. JRA, eat banana, hydrate get HR down
o Be safe, pay attention
o Pay attention to rollers, ups and down driving steady watts as best possible while aero
o 4 x ½ powerbar, in bento
o 6 GU’s in back pocket
o 2 bottles of perform / hour (bonus for drinking additional bottle of water each half hour.)
o Timer set to go off every 15 minutes
o No solids after 2.5 hours on the bike. Only liquid calories thereafter
o Salt tab every 4th lap (q1 hr.)
o Goal is to pee min of once per lap
o Target: ~400 cal/hour (2300 total)
· Target goal 204w NP for day (.70 IF).
· VI <1.04</span>
· IF .69 - .71
· TSS < 290
· Flats: Real time power at 200-210
· HR 125-135
o HR in 120s, building to mid 130s by end.
· Smooth, steady cadence 80 - 85
· 185 first 10 miles. Then build goal target by 5 watts per 5 miles to 204
o 190, 195, 200, 204 at mile 30, 35 then get ready for Barlow
· Barlow – 8-9 minutes, low cadence, max 265 watts, steady, pay attention, watch for others, bottles, walkers, etc. upon cresting, push the steady watts over the top and down the next hill
· Miles 45 – 80 goal watts 204
· Mile 80 – 110 stay focused, look at TSS/IF, remember, It is a RACE.
· Ride super aero as long as possible whenever possible
· Keep box expanded, constantly review systems check
· Pee by mile 45 and mile 80
· Stretch as needed
T2 steps
· Stop Garmin 810, flying dismount, hand off to volunteer.
· Risk Management and Contingencies
· Goal time: Irrelevant (expect around 5:40 – 5:45
· “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”
· Mechanics:
o Flying dismount, shoes attached.
o Hand off bike
o Take off Helmet on the move.
o Find bag, head to tent.
o Bag down & Open.
o Shoes (on top), single rolled sock in each.
o Start walking out with Mega Ziploc Bag.
§ Everything is in a ziplock bag (hat, sunglasses, nutrition, tylenol, gum, lomotil) and do all admin stuff in run/walk out of T2 — toss on shoes, grab “go” bag, and get it done while running.
o Hat/Visor on head.
o Sunglasses on.
o Turn on 920 to run and start
· Goal Time: <4 min </span>
· Obey HR early
o Keep low on hills
· Mechanics:
o Commit to starting out SLOW 10:00’s for 6 mi.(HR <135)</span>
o Followed by settling into Z1 9:30’s +/- 30 step walk break
o HR <140 (will drift up to 150 later miles)</span>
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