Leslie Sedlak Micro
Leslie -
Time for us to get to work. I know you are working through your diet stuff right now, so exercise is low. But we can start to outline a plan and, more importantly, next steps. Since it's been a while since we talked, can you outline for me what your tentative season plan is for 2017...I know there's JVC, but what races are you considering...if you'd rather yell at me for not taking assiduous notes, you can call me too.
Bad Coach P
Bad Coach P - Thread is good because then you don't have to take notes
Honestly, right now, I probably have 6-8 hours a week of dedicated time for my working out. And probably half of that will be indoors with a baby jail set up in front of the treadmill/trainer, or too early for the sun to be up.
I'm not sure how else to detail without rambling, so let's start here and I'll see your thoughts/questions and we'll go from there?
The second element is your actual exercise. But this also needs to be done in the morning before the kids get up then so be it but I'm guessing that the modality will determine when you can get it done. By now I can work in a car on a set timer you can just get that done. Or rather, a set workout schedule you can follow. Here is the tentative outline for you as you get back to some basic exercise. Please review and let me know what you think. There's lots of room for us to adjust.
Daily Rituals:
Weekly Goals:
This Month:
Also did my mobility this am for 20 min and just got back from a 24 min walk. Logged it on STrava and tried to invite you to follow me, but not sure I did it correctly, I'll keep plugging away. Plan is to load up the double stroller tomorrow and do a walk pushing 50 lbs of human and 30 lbs of stroller.....
I see you pick a race on Halloween. Call it a 10K. We can always hold off on the half marathon based on how the 10K goes, so file that registration link away for later.
As for JVC, You should be able to ride 60 miles. We have one or two days or longer but some days are shorter. We have a new addition from last year that's a very flat bike path so the distance there is up to you. And there's always the SAG vehicle...but I'd say 3.5 hours...
Let me know what else you need!
Holy crap - How has it been over a month since I've been on here - that's bad. But two kiddos with revolving colds and I'm finally up for air from my week in sickness hell....sooo..quick update.
Doc said my limits for now are 45 minutes of exercise at a time. He won't put a limit on what 'type', but would prefer workouts that are more HIIT and less endurance - even walk/run/sprint to 45 min run, (or lifting of course) to put less wear on my adrenal system. He would also like me to rest ever other day, but he said he would ignore that as long as my fatigue is not increasing with daily exercise. (he said for me, walking doesn't really count as 'exercise' - so that's good?). in 30 days he assumes, give my test results ( I do a bio chemistry test in 2 weeks) are better than when I started with him, I should be able to start ramping up to a 'training schedule' and we will start a new path with food to try to get my gut dialed into an 'off season' type training schedule.
So that being said - Still Halloween 10K? I can definitely pull off a 10K right now - but it might not be pretty or pain free (from a tired standpoint). If yes, still 10K at Halloween - given my limits above - what should I be doing to get ready for the 10K?
Happy Monday.
yes to the following 10K for sure, it certainly fits what your doctor says it will be a good gut check for us. You have just 2 weeks-ish to get ready...so I would plan on the following:
Sat - 45' BIKE as 15' warm up, then 2 x 10 of 30" on / 30"off with 5' easy spin in between.
Sun - OFF
Mon - 30' RUN as 1' walk / 1' run. Odd runs are easy, Even Runs are Hard.
Tue - OFF
Wed - 45' BIKE as 15' warm up, then 2 x 10 of 30" on / 30"off with 5' easy spin in between.
Thu - OFF
Fri - 30' RUN as 1' walk / 2' run. Runs are Mod Hard.
Sat - OFF
Sun - 45' BIKE as 15' warm up, then 2 x 10 of 30" on / 30"off with 5' easy spin in between.
Mon - OFF
Tue - 35' RUN as :40 walk / 1:20 run. Odd runs are Steady, Even Runs are Hard.
Wed - OFF
Thu - 45' BIKE as 15' warm up, then 2 x 10 of 30" on / 30"off with 5' easy spin in between.
Fri - OFF
Sat - 30' RUN as 1' walk / 1' run. Runs are Mod Hard.
Sun - OFF
Mon - Race Day
Ok.....So football schedule has foiled me again....my husband's football team schedule (because of their reg season ranking) will have practice/film on Oct 29th - so I can't do that 10K race - (I sent a shout out to all babysitters last night and most won't get to the house early enough for me to make the race start
) BUT I can do my own 10K race on Sunday 30 Oct from my doorstep!!! OR there is a 5K race in town that day if you would prefer I do an actual RACE.
Also, looking at the training you provided - I can definitely do that. I am already (not following doctors' orders to the letter
) walk/running my son to school (.7 miles) and running home (1.3 miles) pushing the stroller - Twice (dropoff/pickup) - each Tuesday/Thursday. So perhaps I will start adding in those bike workouts as well in between. I see my doc on Wednesday so I'll talk with him again about the plan now that I have more detail. I really would like to do the race the sat 27 november whether it is the 10K or the half marathon.....so I'll keep that on the back burner...but have it as my goal to be more than just 'able to do it' and really try to make a certain time.
Then looking forward, let's assume my biochemistry is G2G and I can have a proper off season - any direction on that? I don't have access to a pool (nor the time for the travel for a short swim) at the moment - but I'm ok with doing dry land strength and stretching in lieu of swim sessions - as long as you are. Or maybe I swap swim sessions for bike or run sessions to start to work on getting those faster?
(I realize planning too far in advance is often times not prudent - but I'm itching to have a 'plan')
Then assuming off season goes as planned - thoughts on what next race season looks like? mainly so I can sit down with a calendar with my husband and his race schedule (he is doing two HIMs next year) and see what is realistic and what races are near that he can watch the kids?
If I'm trying to look too far forward and I should just focus on the next two week, then the next month - tell me to hold off and I will. Just anxious. maybe I should just be more focused on what I can do today/tomorrow and go with that.
Thanks for all your feedback already - Hope your back to EST!!!
I personally think you should go for the 5K. It will be great to have you just be in the midst of a race, with other people and experience the awesomeness that is our sport.
Sounds like you are already pretty active, so we just want to add a little bit to that trend with intent. So I think you have good guidance there.
As for the out season, we can be really flexible. You know the general flow of the week with Mondays and Fridays off, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday bikes, and Wednesday and Sunday runs. We can easily make that happen under schedule it would just be reduced. At this point I am thinking of a December start for you but we will see what your body chemistry says. Please keep me posted.
As for next year, I am torn. It sounds like you need to plan far enough ahead so you can just carve out space for yourself and your goals. But at the same time you're fighting this battle internally with a lot of uncertainty. I suggest you pick 2 to 3 races that you want to do and make sure those fit with your family so that, assuming everything goes okay, you can do them. As long as they're mapped out now it should be easy for you to insert them. It's when you wake up in April and want to add a race that things get hairy.
Does that make sense?
Will do on the 5K - might even sign up for a 5/10K the Sat after Thanksgiving - just easier for me to manage with family.
To be honest, the most 'scheduling' I've been able to do for myself since we started talking this path, are my mobility exercises in the morning before the house wakes up. Progress at least. Then my working out consists of running (literally pushing a stroller) my kids to school and back twice a week and a run on the weekend. As I'm looking at the short/long term, and as stressed out as I feel about it - I feel I may have jumped on the EN team too early? I'll give it a few more weeks, but wondering if my time/money is better spent, getting back into a relative groove by Spring, and saving my coaching for more personal plan in the spring. I am now truly realizing, my path to getting much faster, doesn't start for at least two seasons - and I'm ok with that now
So renewed tri goals.
-Get to mobility exercises every day before kids wake up
-Tues/Thurs - 4 miles (1walk/3run) to school
-Mon/Wed - lift/ride combo before kids wake up
-Fri - freebie/off
-Sat - am Mom time - run/ride/lift/i choose
-Sun - longer run (working up to 10K)
Looking forward to a st paddy's day run between 10-17K (We have weird distances available for st paddy's day runs around here)
Will pick three triathlons I want to do next year based on Hubs HIM schedule (that's easy - I have my favorite races for sure)
Part of my struggle is I'm having so much success with my biochemistry changes and food (I'm at IM NZ weight, and very lean, with very little working out and just paying strict attention to my food), that I want to make sure I don't undo all that hard work I've done.
I will continue to press on. I don't want to lose the triathlon part of me - but I think I'm surprised at how much I am willing to give that up to be Mom - I just don't want to be slow Mom
You are right that it's a basic plan you want right now...and honestly the better those dietary changes work, the longer it will take for them to stick in relation to your fitness. So I think we map out that basic plan for you...for like 6 to 8 weeks...and then we adjust to a different weekly block so the work is diverse enough to continue being a challenge without becoming boring.
I can work with you in that capacity in whatever way works for you!
~ Coach P
I'd like to do that race the Sat after thanksgiving since I have family in town to watch the kiddos - so either 5/10K option.
And my neighbor (also a mom trying to get back into running) said she would do the Get Lucky race next st paddys day. So either an 8.9/13.1 miler. I'm up for either, but feel like I want some kind of goal for that race? whether it's a 'slow' time or a fast time or a 'make sure my guts ok' check.
Then next summer - sprint in Early June. Oly (2 hr drive destination race for fam that toddler can race too) in Early August. Then one other one for fun - or maybe a run race? 13.1?
I know as the EN guru, you would rather have me stay on the team throughout off season - but what do you think about getting my head around the next 2-5 months, self coaching and then using that money saved on a personal plan for the race season? I'm really up for whatever, as the money is probably a wash - but trying to figure out how to train as smart as I can.
Thanks again - that last note really brought up my spirits!
Side note - just listened to the Fall Running podcast and really intrigued by the Run Endurance plan - thoughts?
And just for fun some Sunday Funday run splits - a great run - was able to keep my mouth closed the entire time - no stroller and felt as light as a feather!!!
ran 10 min walk 1 min and all times include the walking. So times look even better: total time 41:21 total distance 4.45
Mile 1 9:49
Mile2 9:12
Mile3 9:05
Mile4 8:51
Those are fantastic splits! You have every right to be excited about that. And I love how you are progressing each week.
I agree, I don't think it makes sense for you to pay for membership when you are still getting the fundamentals together on your end. I'm happy to outline the basic week for you as a consult versus the recurring membership and then you can go from there. Once you're ready to come back, say when the short course season is upon you– May through August –you are welcome to come back then.
Let me know what you think!!
~ Coach P
If you want more detail laid out for a few months in place of a plan/membership, that would be a paid consult. I have two potential consults now (have to see if they still want me)...but we can put you in that queue as well. This is a questionnaire and more planning etc. I don't think yours would be that in-depth as your schedule needs to be very flexible...I usually charge EN folks $75 per hour...and yours won't be much because of how basic / flexible everything needs to be.
Let me know!
~ Coach P
I really like the idea of the run durability plan - but that could also be because I listened to your awesome podcast during a great treadmill run last week
So here are my ideas for race days in the coming year.
Nov 26 5K run race (there is a 10K available as well) going with a few other moms - thoughts on doing the 5K vs 10K was I could actually race it. The 'old' me thinks that a 5K isn't worth the effort - but the 'new' me thinks moving too fast ends up setting you back later - thoughts?
March 11 14K (8.7 miles) run race (option for 13.1 as well) - planning to do with neighbor and drink lots of beer after.
June 17 Sprint tri - We do this every year and the only race my husband and I get to do together every year. Fun race. VERY competitive.
August 6 Oly tri - a bit of a 'destination' race for us up in Duluth (2 hr drive) it's a weekend festival and there is a kids tri as well for my 4 year old
October 2017 - half marathon - I know time goals are silly now - but if I could do a 1:50....I would beat my husbands fastest half marathon ever time.....it's the only record I don't hold in the house at the moment
General thought on how to map that out for the next fish months? Coach rich did do a TSR for me and has me doing the run durability (1/2/2weeks of 3) for the next 10 weeks. then short course for 8 weeks and then get faster for 6 weeks (would take me to the oly race in August.)
I guess I just feel like getting out for a run is possible almost every day of the week - even if I have to push two kids in a stroller or hop on the treadmill before they wake up/after they go to bed - and it allows me to do some weight training and stretching on short run days?
I get my hormone and intestinal permeability results back tomorrow so I'll add those to this note once I meet with the doc.
So test results are in! Good news - things are improved, but still not optimal - so I am continuing on with the food menu that I've been following but I really don't have many work out restrictions. In fact, he wanted to try to recreate my gut stuff with some tough runs as that's when I usually run into problems - can't wait to hear your thoughts.
+ RDP now through 1/6/17. Frequent runs, one trainer ride on weekends, plenty of strength and good stuff.
+ Come Jan we transition you to more of a traditional OS, with alternating days of bike and run goodness.
+ Come April we transition you to more Short Course, added swim to the fitness you've got from the OS.
+ One week rest
+ Recreate SC push to OLY in August
+ Rest a Week
+ Half Marathon Push for the Household record.
You're the best - Will do!!!
~ Coach P
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes
I have been up to making babies - and racing 'for fun'. Now it's time to get serious - and FAST!
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
Okay, let's get to work! We need you to jump into the Run Focused OutSeason Plan right away (just start it up using the set end date) and then we'll begin by following the L1 workouts. On to Swim Camp then the EN*Half Plan. I think this is the safest approach, but check it out and we can work together!!!
~ Coach P
Obviously getting back into things and enjoying all the EN mojo on the out season forum sets....but also feeling a bit overwhelmed, behind the curve, and wasting my time since I don't have all the nifty setups like zwift and trainer road. To be honest, I don't even have a computer on my bike at the moment. It has taken everything I have just to get set up and ready for OS wk1. I have been slowly adding my HRM, watch etc back into the mix and my goal is to get my computer on this weekend. Trying to feel good about my workouts - but feel like others are getting so much more out of theirs just because of technology and it's bringing me down. I realize I'm getting back into it, but at the same time I feel like I have been doing triathlon for so long, I shouldn't be behind.
I have been riding my tri bike on the trainer - I have a road bike, but rarely ride it. What should I be riding on the trainer? I only have a regular trainer - tt bike has a duo trap (or will have) and my road bike has a cadence/speed sensor. I reached out to EN community and was surprised (not sure why) that everyone said to ride the tri bike indoors. Time to sell my road bike and use that $$ somewhere else?
I have a bike fit on Monday night - I can probably bring both bikes as he has fit me on both before. Thoughts on timing of fit? Now good time? Or better to do before HIM training?
Just watched your December discussion on doing races back to back - I haven't signed up for 70.3 Boulder yet and wondering if they are too far apart? Not a big deal because it's a 70.3? My husband just brought up that race because we could turn it into a long fam vaca.
And lastly - I have $1,000 - $1,500 to spend this season on 'upgrades'. Does not include race fees. Where should I spend that money? I don't have power on my bike. I don't have wheels. I have an OK watch. I have a bike computer that I bought for Jan Florida workshop 2015.