Ok, better notes (more honest notes) for our discussion:
Check in - what's going on? -I'm busier at work than I have ever been, but it should let up end of Jan. Work from home, kids also at home, so working during naps and the second Dad gets home until I go to bed - repeat. It's ridiculous.
-I have 1-1:15+ to work out in the morning before the house wakes up. I have been cutting my bike 5-7 min short to get in a quick 10-12 min run - then I run until one of my kids wakes up - or stretch longer. Sleeping in on Mon/Fri and doing my core workout while they do their morning TV.
-My health/weight/nutrition is all dialed in. I can do a quick 3-4 day reset/rest and take off 2-3 lbs needed before getting into HIM training - then will still have some space in case I lose a few more during more volume.
- I have the OK from the family to be All In for 5 years. Hopefully doing IM distance next season or the next? And take 2-3 years of IM racing to see if I am in any way able to get close to qualifying for Kona.
- I am committed to daily self recovery - sauna/mobility workouts etc... - 10-20 min each day
I need something else to focus on other than this race in June - getting overwhelmed by that idea that I will be doing a 70.3 and might not be as fast as I want. What are some short term goals I can write down?
So good to chat today! I feel like we covered almost all of this today, so you are ready to get to work.
Remember, success is "doing it" every day. And you already are...bit by bit we'll regain your bike mojo and put in a position where you "Feel" more like the triathlete you already are. And then it will be game over!
Keep me posted on your pwoermeter shopping and progress!!!
Notes from Meeting: Mojo: It's OK! Remember the new normal is not IM training - the new normal is Showing Up! Racing: G2G with the two HIM races - Let the Summer of Sedlak Reign Focus/Goals Cash Money: Investing in Pain Cave - zwift is engaging - subscription $12ish/mo; power pedals - look at power pace forum for suggestions - single power pedals around $500; ant+ stick for computer. $15.
Thanks again for chatting so long this morning Coach P - I'm really looking forward to getting some good work done in the years to come!
@Coach Patrick Remembered in your out season video you mentioned a run race at end of OS - I think? Should I find a 10-13.1 mile for end of April? different distance? different timing? Lots of St patrick's day runs obviously - last year the Get Lucky was 7 degrees!!
@Leslie Sedlak yes, we typically look for a half marathon at the end of the outseason. That said, I understand that could be local constraints for finding a race… And the most important criteria is that it’s fairly easy. If you fall somewhere in the month of April we can make it work. You are welcome to do a St. Patrick’s Day race on the way for fun I totally encourage it!
@Coach Patrick they have a 10K and a 13.1 mile - try to crush the 10K? or try to get the 13.1 done neg split? I don't know why the 13.1 distance scares me.....not sure I will have put in the miles by the end of out season? being silly?
Do you really have to decide right now? I’m guessing It won’t sell out. Why don’t we see how you feel in mid-March and make a call from there. Sound good?
You're right - and I tried to delete my question - because you have more important questions to address......I need to take at least SOME of these matters into my own hands. And all of my EN peeps on the run forum said 'why not the half?" - good question! I'll figure it out....zwift on the other hand..........heading to the zwiftpower forum now....
Ok, you and Dawn Cass just got me through my brick this morning, and I got it - no more talk about Kona - I don't want to be one of 'those stories'
In all seriousness - so many of the things you guys talked about resonated with me. It was like a breath of fresh air - I wish I could be as well spoken as Dawn about life and triathlon and reflection! So I figured it would be good to make some goals (not Kona) to reflect on in the months, seasons, years to come. Some shorter, achievable goals that I can start to feel accomplished about.
1. Get through the outseason stronger, healthy, motivated and injury free. 2. Be solid throughout swim camp. Feel confident coming out that I can pull off 1.2 miles with moderate effort and come out of the water fop. 3. Finish a solid half marathon on the last day of swim camp/day before 70.3 training starts for WI.
Really trying to be 1% better every day at SOMETHING. From a training perspective - trying to show up for every workout - and trying to get up to 2 miles after my rides without shortening my ride more than 7 minutes.
You don't have to be more positive - Just less negative. Positive thinking might not always get you where you want to go, but I can promos you negative thinking will work 100% of the time. Just some 'Deep Thoughts' for you to noodle on. Whenever you read this - I hope you are having an awesome day and know that you are good at what you do
@Leslie Sedlak - I think I might just have to print that and put on the wall. Well said and spot on. The hardest part for me as a coach is dealing with how so many awesome people think they are not awesome because of a swim bike and run numbers.
Well @Coach Patrick that didn't last long:) Trying to get myself in a good mood after my bike test.....Okay OKAY I haven't tested in over three years....Okay OKAY the bike is my least favorite discipline.....Okay OKAY I haven't risen hard or far in over three years either.....BUT my 5' watts avg was 189 and my 20' watts avg was 161. My legs were crushed after the 5' - but then I think my sugar kicked in and I was able to push the last 5' of the 20'. That all said - I see all of these 200 numbers and looked at my power during the test thinking WTF OVER!!!
OK, less negative.....My Garmin worked and actually recorded everything. I remembered to hit lap and it wasn't a total loss. I earned 10 minutes in the sauna after. I got it DUN. But still - I can help but be disappointed or frustrated. I keep telling myself that maybe the bike info in my garmin is wrong, and in that case, it's just numbers right?? I can just ride harder to the numbers right??? They'er only numbers right???
On to putting on my 2XU $140 compression tights that I found on clearance for $15 - just because I can.
Oh, and I started trading 'kid time' with another Mom - so every other tuesday I have two hours in the morning to catch up on work - thanks for the suggestion - Off I go!! Onwards!!!
It’s OK to feel that way, but understand that your legs and lungs don’t have feelings. They worked as hard as they could and they getting stronger every day. The next time they test they will be stronger. Most of the time in the scenario, your brain/preconceptions is the weak link!
I don’t care if your power meter is high or low, I just want to make sure it’s consistent. If you get on it tomorrow and it says 280 W then we know it’s a piece of junk. Doing your first power test is like getting on the scale for the first time in a long time. Nobody is happy with the number but once you know the number you can do something about it. I have a confidence that will happen with you.
Plus look how amazingly text savvy you are right now!
@Coach Patrick results of testing this week: Bike Test 5' (chest HURT when done) Avg HR 161 Max HR 169 Avg Pwr 193 Max Pwr 242
20' (very mental - just put my head down and power went up) Avg HR 161 Max HR 170 Avg Pwr 165 Max Pwr 187
Zones PWR (old in ()) 1 0-110 (0-107) 2 110-118 (107-115) 3 125 - 133 (122-130) 4 149-157 (145-153) 5 172-188 (168-184) Felt kind of frustrated by the numbers, but my hubs reminded me, if I could go up 4 pwr points every test, that's not too shabby.
Run Test - zones didn't change Felt Very hard. I HATE TESTING. Total time 24:27. Mile 0-1 - 8:00 pace Mile 1-2 - 7:56 pace Mile 2-3.1 - 7:42 pace really pushed the last .6 miles
vDOT 39 13.1 prediction 1:53:24
Just a note - It would be SO HELPFUL if we could go back and see our zones as we changed them. That is something that could be upgraded pretty easily I would think. When I go in to update my zones, I always have to look back at my paper record to see if I improved - just a thought. So, in lieu - recorded here.
Also want to check in wrt time allocations for swim camp, and What HIM Intermediate plan to load - a few different options. For 70.3 Madison, I won't have much more than 1:15 during the week. I might be able to ride longer and not run directly after my ride, then go for a quick (<30) min run when my husband gets home from work before dinner.
For 70.3 Boulder I will have more time to train since my husband is off for the summer and I won't have a hard stop at 6:15 on the weekdays.
Like your husband said, up is up, I will take it anyway that it comes. Don’t let the results of the test erase the memory of the hard work that you’ve been doing. We know for a fact that you are fitter and stronger, it’s a function of getting your body in the right condition to express that in a test. Again, I am not worried about it at this point. Keep up the good work!
I agree with you on the testing, and I think we have a pretty good solution coming up in the next few weeks with a new partnership, but I can’t say much about it right now.
Not sure what you mean specifically about some camp and time allocations. The goal of swim camp is to get you to swim as often as possible, so those will be the workouts that you schedule first. Even if that just means two sessions for three sessions a week that are supershort, I will take them. Then we build the rest of your week around what’s available to you.
Personally I would like to see you in the bike focused half plan to help transition some of the intensity you’re doing now into longer durations.
one more quick question. I noticed that my plan shows "within 8 weeks of end of out season? - then start swimming"
I can start swimming, but it would take away my core/off day, OR I have to skip a bike/run workout day. I am still in morning workout starts by 4:50 jail until 70.3 WI, so just want to make sure I'm getting the most out of my time. I should be able to get in a quick 20-30 min run when my kids get home from school if needed (in case I need to up my bike time), or miss dinner to get in a ride outside instead of the trainer.
The time in which you need to start swimming, on your limited schedule, is a function of how concerned you are about to swim. I think you could easily read about the swim into to three weeks and “survive.“ If you are at all concerned, in mid April we can start having you replace that core day with a swim day.
In other words, the quality bike workout you are doing and the run consistency are far more important then the swim to me. Remember, I read those plans for everybody and not all of the notes will apply to you.
How was the plane working out for you now? Are you still able to get some consistent sleep?
@Coach Patrick The plan is working out great. I usually have to cut the tues/thurs bike 5-10 minutes short, but get in the full main set, in order to get a run in. Been trying to push the run to 2.5 miles. Then my kid timer hits. I probably have a 25 min chunk of time before dinner to do the run in order to extend the rides on tues/thurs if you think that would be more beneficial? Although I do like that I have my workout done in the am and have a full day to recover. I am getting consistent sleep 6-7 days a week. 8 hours sleep/night.
I am scheduled to start swim camp 16 April anyway, so I that will take care of the swim you mention? I'm not ever worried about the swim. My goal is usually to try to get through the swim with as little effort as possible and end up in the first 25%. Maybe I should start pushing it more on races? but I always wuss out working hard on the swim.
Then signed up for a 13.1 race last saturday in April. That next Monday I start the HIM plan for 70.3 Madison.
That is great news! Very excited for you. I agree, 24 hours of rest is more important then splitting the workouts right now. We can start to play games with the scheduling once you End the outseason. For now the consistency of both work and recovery is paramount.
I am also not worried about the swim, today or race day. :-)
@Coach Patrick OK, so Finishing up Outseason this week and on to swim camp next week. I am signed up for a half marathon 28 April. What to do this week? Bike AND run test? Or Bike test and just do other outseason'ish workouts?
Also, you mentioned to load up the Half Ironman bike focused plan - the 20 week or the minimalist? for Madison 70.3 early June, I will still have my am time until 6:15 - then some days I will have 30-60 min before/after dinner to get in a quick run or ride. For Boulder, I will have more time during the day to get in workouts. thoughts? Hoping to dial in tomorrow night (after I get the kids to bed) so I can ask then as well - just wanted to post this just in case.
Check this out!!!!!! I HATED the bike test (Actually had tears coming down my face at one point my mojo was so low), and have waited three days to even look at the results because I thought I was going to be disappointed... BUT LOOK!~!!!!!
Power Zones Old/New Z1 0-110 / 0-121 Z2 110-118 / 121-130 Z3 125-133 / 138-147 Z4 149-157 / 164-173 Z5 172-188 / 190-207 FTP old 157 FTP new 173 (can that even be right????)
@Leslie Sedlak - sorry so late here on the road. So the half minimalist plan please. Your bike test is epic, very happy for you. You earned every watt through hard work and incredible focus. You deserve it!!
next week please do the last week to the Half Marathon plan so you have the taper lined up. Just remember to ride Easy 2-3 x 1 hour this week as you are able so the legs remain fresh. Then it’s off to recover post Hal Marathon...can’t wait.
@Coach Patrick I don't get to do week 2 of swim camp?? I was loving it so much - And on Day 11 of my running streak (although on the non run days I'm only doing 1 mile)......Did I do too little running this week? I guess too late now- oops Was planning an easy 60 min spin tomorrow with a quick 15-20 run off the bike. Then 60 min run tomorrow.
Can I swim instead of bike next week to keep my legs fresh? No is an OK answer - I know my swim will be fine - but I've really been enjoying getting back in the water and drilling/swimming for an hour......maybe I'm just enjoying not being on the trainer....we still have snow - and the roads are even crap for running
How about this? Sat 60' ride 20' brick run sun 60 min run Mon 60' swim quick/ short runMS: 2 x (4' @ MP/z2/Steady, 6' @ HMP/z3/ModHard, 2' @ LRP/z1/Easy) Tues 60' run EZ WEd - Long stretch session in the am. 60' swim; 1 mile run Thurs - 35' Run@ LRP/z1/Easy, include 6 x 1' (30") @ TP/z4/Hard Fri - 60' swim. EZ 1000 K - not time trial - just keep swimming; quick run - spin ups 2 x 30" with 2' rest Sat - Race Day Sun - Drink Beer and enjoy my last day off until Madison 70.3.....Or maybe a nice ride outside!
Aside - I really liked your note in your last office hours (taped session) noting that we can pick up my swim time/volume at the end of a training section near a race to keep my legs fresh, but put some good work in. Can I do something link that for both 70.3s?
Hope Spain was amazing. My husband has been to Mallorca and freaked out when he saw EN was there and pissed that we didn't go as a family. Can't wait to hear if other families went and how it went - biggest problem is, he would probably be the one to get to do the camp and I would be stuck with the kids I guess better to be in Spain than MN with the kids right?
@Leslie Sedlak - I forgot how much you loved swimming!! I think your plan is perfect to keep swimming and do a solid run taper. Thank you for sharing.
The add on for swimming in your 79.3 build will be fine. We can discuss as the race nears.
We’d love to have you here. My kids are 9 & 11 so a bit older but they loved it. The hotel has a lap pool and you can run on the beach so you could train pre / post ride time (we rode 4 hours 3 days, 8 hours 2 days). And there was a rest day that you could cycle on. Possibly other hotels have more organized care but you could be creative!!!
@Coach Patrick I have to say your *BOOM* describes my race perfectly yesterday. I only had one sub 9:00 mile. And mainly because I volunteered with Team RWB to present the colors, and they usually let us sneak in the corral with our pace group, but this race, we had to go all the way to the back of the line, so LOTS of weaving and hopping on curbs and running on the grass to get by people that were walking and "yogging". But overall, 8:27 pace - which is out of this world for me. My tummy wasn't happy for about an hour after the race - but I wasn't in the bathroom all afternoon like I would have been two years ago, so progress. Now I just have to beat Jason's 10 mile time - a race he did when he was 25 and the race was 100% downhill point to point. Oh, and he holds the fastest HIM bike time as well.....but only because he hammers and then walks most of the run - not a win - but we disagree on that
ANYWAY - onto HIM training tomorrow........and I already need help. I have a conference next Thurs - Sat. Thurs and Fri I will have 90 min max before the kids get up, but I won't get home from the conference until 8 on thurs and fri. Sat, I will have some morning time, and should be home from the conference around 2 - but Jason also has a 2 hour workout to get done that day after I get home. Looking at the week 15 plan for the minimalist - I have NO idea how to map out the next seven days. I will have time Mon - Wed afternoon/eve to get in some workouts - I just miss family dinner. I plan to swim tomorrow - prob do a 1K time trial since I missed that on Friday, and I'll have some pacing ideas.
Friday is supposed to be a race rehearsal - Sat a 3 hour bike (I've only done 90 on the trainer for OS so far) - hoping to get outside today for a quick spring bike check in first ride. How should I plan out this week?
@Leslie Sedlak - Sorry took me so long to get back to you, but I know we can do this.
First things first, let’s not forget that you are fit. There are things to do that you want to do and that you should do, but they are not “how to do” items that will make or break your race. If you can, get that thought out of your head. :-)
Here’s what I’d like to see you do over the remaining days:
Thursday – a BP work on the bike, I Deleigh 60 to 75 minutes with this much of it in zone three in the aero bars and fueling as possible.
Friday - FTP run, 2x1 Mile stuff.
Saturday - Long Run day, in the AM.
Sunday - Race Sim day.
This way your husband gets in the work out he needs to on Saturday afternoon giving you time, hopefully, on Sunday morning to do your simulation. If it has to be done inside, it’s not the end of the world but hopefully you get outside for all if not part of it. To me this level of work combined with the stress you have with the conference is more than sufficient.
@Coach Patrick Awesome notes - one change - Hubs is not doing his Sat afternoon wo. I will be at the conference from 8-12. Stay on am long run? (we talking 75' 90'?) Or move to afternoon?
When you say race sim day - are we talking swimming too? (can do sun - just want to check) Plan shows: Fri Bike (210) Race Rehearsal and Run (60) Race Pace Brick Sat Bike (180) Race Pace Plus and Run (30) Race Pace Brick Which one to do?
Sorry to be so technical - but I feel like I'm missing so much scheduled training, I want to make sure I'm dialed in to what I am going to be able to do.
Sorry to bug you yet again - I know you must be crazy busy. I really do appreciate the feedback!!
Total side note - starting out this training block 1 lb away from my typical race weight:) Yeah for OS and gut health! KOMBUCHA RULES!!!!
@Coach Patrick SO far so good. Conference was a success. I was a little worried about missing so much working out - but I welcomed the break and worked hard and focused. Thanks for giving me permission to get out of my head.
Looking ahead to next week - It's a run focus week. It's all doable - but I just wanted to check in with you on if you think I should be doing more or less riding? I'm on week 16 of the HIM minimalist plan - I have to admit, the double ( 3hr total) run on Sun seems a bit crazy? Still doing my run streak day high 20something
Quick general question. Getting in a 100 min ride before everyone wakes up is going to be hard for me during the week. Can I split that? Or best to do later in the day? I like to wait until traffic dies down around here - too dangerous.
@Leslie Sedlak - Hmmm... The second long run on Sundays a mistake, it should only be the two hour session. I will fix that before you get there. Thank you for the heads up.
I’m not too worried about your writing right now, remember the generic balance of the plan is designed to keep you fit overall not to sacrifice one discipline for another. The variety in the training plan allows this evolution to happen so let’s stick with it.
You can certainly push that bike ride to later in the day once traffic dies down if that’s better for you. Just not sure if that works for your schedule. If the schedule takes precedence, Then feel free to split the ride.
Check in - what's going on?
-I'm busier at work than I have ever been, but it should let up end of Jan. Work from home, kids also at home, so working during naps and the second Dad gets home until I go to bed - repeat. It's ridiculous.
-I have 1-1:15+ to work out in the morning before the house wakes up. I have been cutting my bike 5-7 min short to get in a quick 10-12 min run - then I run until one of my kids wakes up - or stretch longer. Sleeping in on Mon/Fri and doing my core workout while they do their morning TV.
-My health/weight/nutrition is all dialed in. I can do a quick 3-4 day reset/rest and take off 2-3 lbs needed before getting into HIM training - then will still have some space in case I lose a few more during more volume.
- I have the OK from the family to be All In for 5 years. Hopefully doing IM distance next season or the next? And take 2-3 years of IM racing to see if I am in any way able to get close to qualifying for Kona.
- I am committed to daily self recovery - sauna/mobility workouts etc... - 10-20 min each day
I need something else to focus on other than this race in June - getting overwhelmed by that idea that I will be doing a 70.3 and might not be as fast as I want. What are some short term goals I can write down?
@Leslie Sedlak -
So good to chat today! I feel like we covered almost all of this today, so you are ready to get to work.
Remember, success is "doing it" every day. And you already are...bit by bit we'll regain your bike mojo and put in a position where you "Feel" more like the triathlete you already are. And then it will be game over!
Keep me posted on your pwoermeter shopping and progress!!!
~ Coach P
Mojo: It's OK! Remember the new normal is not IM training - the new normal is Showing Up!
Racing: G2G with the two HIM races - Let the Summer of Sedlak Reign
Cash Money: Investing in Pain Cave - zwift is engaging - subscription $12ish/mo; power pedals - look at power pace forum for suggestions - single power pedals around $500; ant+ stick for computer. $15.
Thanks again for chatting so long this morning Coach P - I'm really looking forward to getting some good work done in the years to come!
Otherwise, I can do a half marathon the weekend between out season and swim camp.....but it's almost an hour from my house.
Ok, you and Dawn Cass just got me through my brick this morning, and I got it - no more talk about Kona - I don't want to be one of 'those stories'
In all seriousness - so many of the things you guys talked about resonated with me. It was like a breath of fresh air - I wish I could be as well spoken as Dawn about life and triathlon and reflection! So I figured it would be good to make some goals (not Kona) to reflect on in the months, seasons, years to come. Some shorter, achievable goals that I can start to feel accomplished about.
1. Get through the outseason stronger, healthy, motivated and injury free.
2. Be solid throughout swim camp. Feel confident coming out that I can pull off 1.2 miles with moderate effort and come out of the water fop.
3. Finish a solid half marathon on the last day of swim camp/day before 70.3 training starts for WI.
Really trying to be 1% better every day at SOMETHING. From a training perspective - trying to show up for every workout - and trying to get up to 2 miles after my rides without shortening my ride more than 7 minutes.
You don't have to be more positive - Just less negative. Positive thinking might not always get you where you want to go, but I can promos you negative thinking will work 100% of the time. Just some 'Deep Thoughts' for you to noodle on. Whenever you read this - I hope you are having an awesome day and know that you are good at what you do
OK, less negative.....My Garmin worked and actually recorded everything. I remembered to hit lap and it wasn't a total loss. I earned 10 minutes in the sauna after. I got it DUN. But still - I can help but be disappointed or frustrated. I keep telling myself that maybe the bike info in my garmin is wrong, and in that case, it's just numbers right?? I can just ride harder to the numbers right??? They'er only numbers right???
On to putting on my 2XU $140 compression tights that I found on clearance for $15 - just because I can.
Oh, and I started trading 'kid time' with another Mom - so every other tuesday I have two hours in the morning to catch up on work - thanks for the suggestion - Off I go!! Onwards!!!
Plus look how amazingly text savvy you are right now!
Bike Test
5' (chest HURT when done)
Avg HR 161
Max HR 169
Avg Pwr 193
Max Pwr 242
20' (very mental - just put my head down and power went up)
Avg HR 161
Max HR 170
Avg Pwr 165
Max Pwr 187
Zones PWR (old in ())
1 0-110 (0-107)
2 110-118 (107-115)
3 125 - 133 (122-130)
4 149-157 (145-153)
5 172-188 (168-184)
Felt kind of frustrated by the numbers, but my hubs reminded me, if I could go up 4 pwr points every test, that's not too shabby.
Run Test - zones didn't change
Total time 24:27.
Mile 0-1 - 8:00 pace
Mile 1-2 - 7:56 pace
Mile 2-3.1 - 7:42 pace really pushed the last .6 miles
vDOT 39
13.1 prediction 1:53:24
Just a note - It would be SO HELPFUL if we could go back and see our zones as we changed them. That is something that could be upgraded pretty easily I would think. When I go in to update my zones, I always have to look back at my paper record to see if I improved - just a thought. So, in lieu - recorded here.
Also want to check in wrt time allocations for swim camp, and What HIM Intermediate plan to load - a few different options. For 70.3 Madison, I won't have much more than 1:15 during the week. I might be able to ride longer and not run directly after my ride, then go for a quick (<30) min run when my husband gets home from work before dinner.
For 70.3 Boulder I will have more time to train since my husband is off for the summer and I won't have a hard stop at 6:15 on the weekdays.
I agree with you on the testing, and I think we have a pretty good solution coming up in the next few weeks with a new partnership, but I can’t say much about it right now.
Not sure what you mean specifically about some camp and time allocations. The goal of
swim camp is to get you to swim as often as possible, so those will be the workouts that you schedule first. Even if that just means two sessions for three sessions a week that are supershort, I will take them. Then we build the rest of your week around what’s available to you.
one more quick question. I noticed that my plan shows "within 8 weeks of end of out season? - then start swimming"
I can start swimming, but it would take away my core/off day, OR I have to skip a bike/run workout day. I am still in morning workout starts by 4:50 jail until 70.3 WI, so just want to make sure I'm getting the most out of my time. I should be able to get in a quick 20-30 min run when my kids get home from school if needed (in case I need to up my bike time), or miss dinner to get in a ride outside instead of the trainer.
Did any of that make sense?
In other words, the quality bike workout you are doing and the run consistency are far more important then the swim to me. Remember, I read those plans for everybody and not all of the notes will apply to you.
How was the plane working out for you now? Are you still able to get some consistent sleep?
I am scheduled to start swim camp 16 April anyway, so I that will take care of the swim you mention? I'm not ever worried about the swim. My goal is usually to try to get through the swim with as little effort as possible and end up in the first 25%. Maybe I should start pushing it more on races? but I always wuss out working hard on the swim.
Then signed up for a 13.1 race last saturday in April. That next Monday I start the HIM plan for 70.3 Madison.
Also, you mentioned to load up the Half Ironman bike focused plan - the 20 week or the minimalist? for Madison 70.3 early June, I will still have my am time until 6:15 - then some days I will have 30-60 min before/after dinner to get in a quick run or ride. For Boulder, I will have more time during the day to get in workouts. thoughts? Hoping to dial in tomorrow night (after I get the kids to bed) so I can ask then as well - just wanted to post this just in case.
@Coach Patrick
Check this out!!!!!! I HATED the bike test (Actually had tears coming down my face at one point my mojo was so low), and have waited three days to even look at the results because I thought I was going to be disappointed... BUT LOOK!~!!!!!
Power Zones Old/New
Z1 0-110 / 0-121
Z2 110-118 / 121-130
Z3 125-133 / 138-147
Z4 149-157 / 164-173
Z5 172-188 / 190-207
FTP old 157
FTP new 173 (can that even be right????)
VO2 old 193,
VO2 new 195
next week please do the last week to the Half Marathon plan so you have the taper lined up. Just remember to ride Easy 2-3 x 1 hour this week as you are able so the legs remain fresh. Then it’s off to recover post Hal Marathon...can’t wait.
Can I swim instead of bike next week to keep my legs fresh?
How about this?
Sat 60' ride 20' brick run
sun 60 min run
Mon 60' swim quick/ short runMS: 2 x (4' @ MP/z2/Steady, 6' @ HMP/z3/ModHard, 2' @ LRP/z1/Easy)
Tues 60' run EZ
WEd - Long stretch session in the am. 60' swim; 1 mile run
Thurs - 35' Run@ LRP/z1/Easy, include 6 x 1' (30") @ TP/z4/Hard
Fri - 60' swim. EZ 1000 K - not time trial - just keep swimming; quick run - spin ups 2 x 30" with 2' rest
Sat - Race Day
Sun - Drink Beer and enjoy my last day off until Madison 70.3.....Or maybe a nice ride outside!
Aside - I really liked your note in your last office hours (taped session) noting that we can pick up my swim time/volume at the end of a training section near a race to keep my legs fresh, but put some good work in. Can I do something link that for both 70.3s?
Hope Spain was amazing. My husband has been to Mallorca and freaked out when he saw EN was there and pissed that we didn't go as a family. Can't wait to hear if other families went and how it went - biggest problem is, he would probably be the one to get to do the camp and I would be stuck with the kids
The add on for swimming in your 79.3 build will be fine. We can discuss as the race nears.
We’d love to have you here. My kids are 9 & 11 so a bit older but they loved it. The hotel has a lap pool and you can run on the beach so you could train pre / post ride time (we rode 4 hours 3 days, 8 hours 2 days). And there was a rest day that you could cycle on. Possibly other hotels have more organized care but you could be creative!!!
ANYWAY - onto HIM training tomorrow........and I already need help. I have a conference next Thurs - Sat. Thurs and Fri I will have 90 min max before the kids get up, but I won't get home from the conference until 8 on thurs and fri. Sat, I will have some morning time, and should be home from the conference around 2 - but Jason also has a 2 hour workout to get done that day after I get home. Looking at the week 15 plan for the minimalist - I have NO idea how to map out the next seven days. I will have time Mon - Wed afternoon/eve to get in some workouts - I just miss family dinner. I plan to swim tomorrow - prob do a 1K time trial since I missed that on Friday, and I'll have some pacing ideas.
Friday is supposed to be a race rehearsal - Sat a 3 hour bike (I've only done 90 on the trainer for OS so far) - hoping to get outside today for a quick spring bike check in first ride. How should I plan out this week?
Friday - FTP run, 2x1 Mile stuff.
Saturday - Long Run day, in the AM.
Sunday - Race Sim day.
This way your husband gets in the work out he needs to on Saturday afternoon giving you time, hopefully, on Sunday morning to do your simulation. If it has to be done inside, it’s not the end of the world but hopefully you get outside for all if not part of it. To me this level of work combined with the stress you have with the conference is more than sufficient.
Awesome notes - one change - Hubs is not doing his Sat afternoon wo. I will be at the conference from 8-12. Stay on am long run? (we talking 75' 90'?) Or move to afternoon?
When you say race sim day - are we talking swimming too? (can do sun - just want to check) Plan shows:
Fri Bike (210) Race Rehearsal and Run (60) Race Pace Brick
Sat Bike (180) Race Pace Plus and Run (30) Race Pace Brick
Which one to do?
Sorry to be so technical - but I feel like I'm missing so much scheduled training, I want to make sure I'm dialed in to what I am going to be able to do.
Sorry to bug you yet again - I know you must be crazy busy. I really do appreciate the feedback!!
Total side note - starting out this training block 1 lb away from my typical race weight:) Yeah for OS and gut health! KOMBUCHA RULES!!!!
- SAT AM - 90' long run
- SUN - Bike 210, Run 30' (if you can swim 30' prior to that without it being a nightmare, then do it).
The training schedule is wonky but you are in a great place overall, and more importantly your trajectory looks great as well.Have a great conference!!!
~ Patrick
@Coach Patrick SO far so good. Conference was a success. I was a little worried about missing so much working out - but I welcomed the break and worked hard and focused. Thanks for giving me permission to get out of my head.
Looking ahead to next week - It's a run focus week. It's all doable - but I just wanted to check in with you on if you think I should be doing more or less riding? I'm on week 16 of the HIM minimalist plan - I have to admit, the double ( 3hr total) run on Sun seems a bit crazy? Still doing my run streak day high 20something
Quick general question. Getting in a 100 min ride before everyone wakes up is going to be hard for me during the week. Can I split that? Or best to do later in the day? I like to wait until traffic dies down around here - too dangerous.
You can certainly push that bike ride to later in the day once traffic dies down if that’s better for you. Just not sure if that works for your schedule. If the schedule takes precedence, Then feel free to split the ride.