Quick question:Better to get a brick in the am and cut the run 20 min short? Or separate and get in at least a 30-35 min run in before dinner? or cut the bike shorter? I really like the 25 min warm-up, but could cut down a bit I guess to get in more running? I feel like I don't really starte being able to ride hard until at least 35-40 min into my ride with/without a warmup.
Yesterday was definitely an eye opener. I haven't riden more than 90 min and I did over 3 hours. Total 3:30 return trip to front door, but had a pit stop at home (which included stealing bacon hot out of the oven....so much for practicing race day fueling:) ) Basically stopped at 56 miles so I could get at least some run in as I had a hard stop at 11:00. I only averaged 16.5 mph.....my legs felt great, did kind of do a hilly ride, and run after didn't feel hard, but I ran very slow. So trying not to be disappointed about that - and only looking forward for the next week....
Weekend runs that call for 2 hours (the next few weeks) - if I get to 13.1 = quit? or really run full 2 hours?
And in 2+ weeks (2 weeks out from race) There is a Bike/Run brick race rehearsal on Sat. My hubs has an overnight race on Sat and then an other race sat day. Could I swap the sat/sun? Sun is a long 2 hour run.......again.....I'm wondering if I really have to run 3 half marathons in the next three weeks to be ready??
Don’t worry about the quality of those rides, especially the early ones. It’s more about logging the time. The speed will come, especially on race day. The fact that you had to stop for bacon tells me you made it to improve that in right nutrition so check that out.
Your van run for the half should be no more than 11 miles. I’d like to keep it within the realm of what quality for you but not too much. I hope that makes sense.
Yes, you can absolutely swap that weekend around your husbands Races no problem. Per my note above 11 miles will be perfect. You have to remember, there are plenty of people on the team who run 10 minute miles or slower! :-)
@Coach Patrick Quick question about these next two weeks before 70.3 Madison. It's not my A race (Boulder 70.3 is A race in August) but I would like to do well obviously. Still follow the next two weeks of 'less' work tapering to race day? Or should I keep it ramped up in training for Boulder?
@Leslie Sedlak - given your restricted training schedule, I don’t want you to spend two weeks late and in a load for an in consequential race. I am OK with you taking the last week into Wisconsin a little bit easier. So if the last week is week zero into race day the week before is week one and I’d like you to continue that as planned.
The only edit I would make is making sure that your Sunday of that week is completely off to aggressively start that taper week.
We need to taper, you can either just follow the race week part of the plan as taper, or you can follow our tapering guidance from the self coaching session in the wiki. Your choice!
@Coach Patrick sounds good. I couldn't fid the taper guidance in the self coaching part of the wiki - but I'll keep looking!
One quick question as to how I handled this weekend. Got some stomach bug that kept me up most of Thurs night and praying to the porcelain god Friday am. Took Friday off, and figured I would do a full RR on Saturday. Still wasn't feeling great Sat am - so pushed to Sat pm. Weather wasn't great but figured I would play it out. Got to the pool - short story, didn't swim because a rope was up half way across the pool and I was told all I had to do was 'duck under' every lap - yeah - that wasn't happening. So I went home, was thunder storming, so decided to just hop on the trainer and see how it goes. Was able to hold steady zone 2-3 power for 2 hours and felt easy. Ran a quick 25 minutes (probably harder than I should have - but fast felt good) and called it a day. Taking today (Sunday off) as instructed and then starting Taper week as planning in Minimalist HIM EN Plan tomorrow.
Question is - should I have waited to be just a bit more healthy and tried the full RR today and taken off yesterday? (looking at the way the trees are moving today - I'm quietly glad I'm not out there riding:) ) Getting more excited than nervous for next weekend. My first half in 5 years!
You did just the right thing this weekend. There’s no magical way to get it done, and he made the most of it. Bonus to not only were you studying the bike but she felt fresh on the run.
During this week you’ll want to make sure that you focus on your logistics for the race like packing and nutrition. There’s deathly something out there that you’re likely to forget. Again, under resources and Racing information I believe we have a master checklist which could be helpful.
In the wiki, on the left-hand side click all pages. And then control F and a keyboard and search for “insert”. The title of the post is how to insert a half IM into your season.
@Coach Patrick I did it. It wasn't pretty, or nearly as fast as I wanted. But it was all I had. And I got that damn medal. I EARNED that medal. So, check out my race report if you have time - I earned so many mental toughness notches on my belt, it's not even funny.
So on to more training I'm planning to do the transition week this week. Then family 'friendly' competitive race with my husband on Saturday. It's only a Sprint, but it's gonna hurt, then Sunday we'll see what I feel like. I know you had me planned to do the transition plan for 2 weeks, but I would like to start up the HIM plan again next Monday. That being said - I have a question about that weekend long run - A week from this Sunday - two weeks away from 70.3 Madison. It's a split run again. So End of week 14 (next Sunday) scheduled are 110 and 60 min split long runs. Is that correct? Or should it be a long 11 mile run? Zone 3 sets? TRP? both?
Notes from 21 June Coach Chat. How to warm up with no swim warm up? warm up def matters, esp being a good swimmer. try to do swim cords, wait to do wetsuit and try to sneak off and warm up to get arms going, get muscularly warmed up. OR start swim more easily than normal - warm up on first 5 minutes of swim. find the joy. find the opportunity. find the confidence. How hard can I really push on the bike? i'm rarely sore after riding(even races). no more stomach issues on the run. Legs got tired at HIM WI, but could have gutted out 20-30 more min. TRP is 9:40 but HIM run average is 8:51. I get worried about the run as I push my legs on the bike. don't worry about pushing at the first half of the bike. There is hard pushing - surge - get me over this hill. Then there is a steady push - APB - sustained effort. rule #1 - get HR down and be happy with where that is. If you ignore HR, and get into t good place out of the swim, then all bets are off. once you feel good, then find opportunities to make up time without a great amount of cost. APB efforts really add up over time. Patrick's gotos - Push down the hill to carry the momentum up the hill. Also push down the hill to carry into the flat. Leslie's goto - Push up over the top of the hill. Learn where to push the hill when climbing the hill. Step up that extra bit at top of the hill - last 30-40 seconds. not crazy, but pushing. Get that free speed down the hill, draft legal. End half of the ride - Zone3 riding, go a bit more defensive. No spikes in second half, but longer efforts, APB-like. But Boulder is flat - "even flat races have hills". There will places on the course where my effort matters more than at other places. Wind can be a big factor - be small - minimize the cost of the wind. try to get in legal draft zone for at least 30-60 seconds and benefit from that wind. since the swim isn't very costly for me - I can do what I want on the bike - jump on someones wheel. take 5 miles to settle in. Then take next 20 miles to play the game with folks passing you. Then settle down and get into steady APB zone and see how long to hold that effort back to the finish. pretty chill.
General rules about switching around workouts? OK to switch my sat long bike/run and Sun long run? - YES
@Coach Patrick - Some side notes. - PLEASE tell me there will be a JVC this year! - I record my pwr/hr. I have been looking back at some of the numbers - but I don't really look at numbers other than hr during a race? I feel like everyone is so "numbers dialed in". Is this a case of just "do my thing"? or should I start drinking that kook-aid? - I'm trying to talk Jason into me doing the Blue Ridge Camp if JVC is not happening. Am I returning camper? Or are you only a returning camper to the same camp?
@Coach Patrick Please check out previous two posts for other questions.
I completed camp week! Second day bike/run was heat index of 104 and winds off the lake that were crazy! So definitely a mental test! I watched the video on how to complete camp week, so as requested, my numbers to compare sat/sun/mon are out on Garmin Connect and Strava. Your on my Strava friends list - so that should be good to go? I didn't see you on Garmin Connect - so not sure if that makes a difference.
Also question about workouts next weekend. I will be traveling 13 hours in a car (with the family - shoot me now) on Saturday, so I won't have time for any workouts - How should I handle that throughout this week and next week. Looks like Sat is my biggest workout with a race rehearsal swim/bike/run.
@Leslie Sedlak - ok...a few minutes before the world cup kicks off!!!
1. JVC is on the fence right now. There might be a women's only camp that month...but TBD. For really training, the BRC is where it's at. It's a great ride and he can train at his own speed and meet you afterwards to drink yummy beers.
2. It's okay to pick a number too. So you using Heart Rate and staying on top of it as you race is certainly sufficient enough. The power, for most, is a training target. If I know my FTP is X and I want to ride at 85% of X in my HIM, then I can practice riding at that wattage or higher, in my training. On race day that power is a goal but Heart Rate is more important.
3. Its a returning camper to the same camp. But if you both come we can work out a couples deal.
4. The bike course has enough turns to make the first few miles admin light (HR down please) and then we can build yourself up through the mid point...once you are through Mile 34 you can get on the gas to hopefully ride the tailwinds home. At least that part of the bike is in your favor.
5. As for the run, it's a great one. The REZ is super fun to run around, and two loops mean you'll be faster the second time as you'll know whats coming. I am ok with you running to HEART RATE, your pace will fall where it should...it's the first three miles that matter the most in a Half, so let's be smart there!
6. Camp Week looks great; I can see it on Strava. Not only good consistency between the days, but that Day 3 run was SOLID. 8:47s is pretty sweet on tired legs!!!
7. I would prioritize the RR for Friday if that works; if not, normal week with SAT off and Sunday as the RR (or at least Bike + Run, at a minimum, the Bike). You've done a ton of work in the last few days, no reason why a bit of rest won't be helpful. If things are just a wash with travel and fatigue and stress, don't stress. We pick up next week right on it, with Monday! We can still sharpen and get faster!
@Coach Patrick Thoughts on how to structure my final week? Wednesday driving all day 900 miles Thursday registration and checking into our lodging for the Boulder stay. Remember.......I like rest
Just to stay active. Stop the car every so often to stretch and once you’re on the ground on Thursday put the bike together for a nice break work out. Something like 45 minute bike 15 minute run Friday you guys can recon swim if you want.
Honestly at this point you might be better served doing some yoga in a quiet space and getting mentally ready have you stay hydrated!
I can't stop listening to the Race Execution Coaches Office Hours (sorry I missed it - I really like to tune in to those real time! ) So, here's my take-away from that (basically what you say not to do.....all of it:) )
Swim - Stay more engaged on the last half of the swim (maybe just the last surge, based on how I'm feeling/group I'm in)
Bike - Definitely push the last 10 miles of the bike. I have been feeling STRONG on the bike - and the two main people I ride with don't pull away from me anymore:) SO.....IF I'm feeling good, because I'm one of those 110 lb athletes who can flirt up the hills, I'll push a bit more up inclines - I usually hop out of my seat and do 10 pedal strokes to get me over the hump on a rol.
Run - Definitely push the last 5K, maybe longer? My run has felt super strong as well, not that I've been looking at heart rate and not pace. In order to get up to my Zone 3 HR I am pushing around an 8:00 mm - really amazing for me.
Too much pushing? The right amount of pushing?
Also added your salt pills and banana notes to my race plan. And I haven't forgotten your gems regarding how to race the bike. I'm really looking forward to this race. The only bummer is there aren't any places I will probably see the hubs. He will start the swim 10-15 min after me, I'll be 10-15 min faster than him on the swim. He'll get close to me on the ride, and then I'll run away from him on the run. i MIGHT.......just might, pass him on the run - which might be my hidden weapon in pushing me WAY out of my comfort zone.
And final side note. We are staying in CO for vaca for a week after the race. Hiking/relaxing etc. I am signed up for a 10 mile run race first weekend in October. Might sign up for a local olympic race 25 August - just to show off my fitness. Thoughts on race plans in the coming weeks?
Let’s give them a race week before we do anything else around your planning. Adding stuff later on is easy, for now let’s stay laser focused on what you’re about to do. You are ready fitness wise and strategy wise. And you have way more determination than any human being should have to succeed here! All you have to do now is survive the road trip and make sure everything is put back together again and that you are loose. Very excited to follow along.
Remember, there will be bumps in the road but that’s part of what makes Racing so exciting. Make frequent, smart decisions and captured all in your brain so we can share it afterwards.
Still in CO (staying an extra day because we can and no real good reason to go home:) )
Unofficial watch time (didn't stop directly at finish......5:23 includes two chain drops and a potty stop in T2......so maybe I do have a chance to move up????)
For sure doing the 10 Mile Run race 7 October. Thinking of doing the LTF Olympic race 25 August. It's a pricey race - but it will be competitive. NOTE I haven't done much other than walking since the race. Well.....Swam laps in the hot springs. Hiked 1,000 FT over 1+ mile round trip to hanging lake and bridal veil falls. But no real swim/bike/run to speak of.
What do you think about the olympic tri? If go for it - training plan? Then what plan to load up for the 10 mile. AND.....the breaking news we've all been waiting for........I am thinking of hanging up my own HIM and longer hat until I age up and working with the CAF being a guide for the next few years from sprint - HIM distance triathlons. Thoughts? Also, how could I work my training, if it's really for someone else's race? Maybe a new avenue EN can pursue for training plans - partners for Challenged Athletes??
Hope all is well.
Thanks again for all the encouragement last Saturday - it meant the World to me.
**update ran 2 miles on Mon. Rode 45 on the trainer last night. Work is a full week of 12-13 hour days right now - it's awful. Not really feeling the Olympic, but feel like I should? Trying not to stress about it.
@Leslie Sedlak - okay, finally time to dig in here. I hope you have captured what you accomplished at Boulder. Legit race on a tough-as-hell day against super strong competition. #impressive.
I think the LTF race is a no brainer; other than resting and getting sharp, you are set. Don't sweat training, you just crushes a half iron!!!! I would limit runs to 30 minutes and do a bunch of strides for great form and turnover. You could use the short course plan for this; or just wing it...you know what to do.
When done with the OLY, load the half marathon balanced plan and we would just dial down the long run to cap it at 10 miles; in fact, most runs around 8 would be FINE.
The CAF plan sounds great. You would still train and crush yourself, it's just those key sessions (and races) would be done with your partner. Simple as that. If you want to go that route, we'd support your 1000000%...and the idea of plans for partners is a no brainer. So let's stick a pin in that. And we could do a call at the end of the season if that's easiest!!!
OK, signed up for the LTF race - Jason told me I have to prove to him how fast I've been talking I've been in training
Will do on the training plan COA.
I'm in touch with a local CAF staff member and starting that process - so I will keep you posted. I'm still torn on hanging up my own race hat for a while - but I'm not sure I loved the training this summer as much as I would have liked - even on the minimalist. Not sure if it was because Jason was also training for a HIM? we'll see how I feel in a couple of weeks.
Tell him he needs to be in the same ZIP Code as you at the finish and then he will happily tell him how fast you are! 😂
No need for any snap decisions, let’s just have a year gradually unwind and see where you end up. You’ve had a lot on your plate juggling everything and have done an incredible job. Keep me posted.
@Coach Patrick I saw the Army 10 Miler in Final Surge - Can I follow that plan? Or still best to load up the half marathon plan for 10 miler in early October?
Also, just a note, not a fan of final surge at the moment. If I load up a plan that has fewer weeks left than the plan has scheduled, it overlaps with my previous plans and training and gets very confusing. And a lot of work to look through and remove the workouts that I didn't really miss, I was just doing other training. :(
I am working with FinalSurge on this. Right now your best option is to load the plan in the future, delete the early weeks you don’t need, and move the remaining weeks back to you today ending on your next event. It sounds like a lot but it’s not very difficult once you get used to it. The hardest part for me is doing the math right on the dates!
I may have put something on this to the help site, I will check. www.endurancenation.us/help
OK, so I just deleted my entire post of thoughts I wrote down just after we talked. After listening to the run durability podcast this morning, I have been enlightened.....You may have even heard my head explode from RI. "You have to run fast to run fast" has been a motto of mine for a long time, so when you said that has been disproven, my jaw hit the floor. So lets start at the 50m target and go from there.
I have a 10 mile race the first weekend in Oct. Short story - I am on a mission to beat Jasons 15 year ago time - pace 7:47. I do realize it is not likely for me to beat that. But I'm going to f*&^ing try. So!!! I have been really working my butt off to hit faster than 7:47 min miles for EVERY single Z4 mile in the Half Marathon training plan (altered as coached by you for the 10 mile race). Am I doing it wrong? I'm digging into more research about the run durability 'stuff' on the forums, but would running 6-7 days a week, slower, shorter be better for me than following the standard training plan? I'm up for whatever, but my next target is that race. I have been dialing in on my nutrition, to keep weight down, dialing up the mobility to avoid injury and increase flexibility. So.......thoughts?
Peak ahead to my next questions (yes I already have them ready, but trying to focus on baby steps at the moment). I have found a Guide running group with visually impaired athletes, to get to know them, and in general connect with others in that space and get some time in learning the ropes. I have reached out to let that local group know that I am available for longer, non group, runs and/or events from now until March, so that's a start.
Looking to next season, we really are making it a priority to make it to Kona as a family, to help, volunteer and explore a long HI vaca Oct 2019. (so many sides notes to that but I'll stick to basics right now) So, I would like to stay local and save $$ next season. Jason is starting a new business this fall and is only planning to do local Olympic next season. I would like to tackle two HIM again, and there are two good local ones (late June and late August) that I could easily do in a day, or a long weekend family trip. BUT I still want to work on getting FASTER and being competitive. I like the idea of less time over the year, and being able to ramp up for a race 4-6 weeks before - is that possible - even make sense?? I really won't have the bandwidth to start training IM again for 3 years, so what do those next years look like? No need to even really comment on this stuff now, just wanted to get it out of my head, and not forget about it later.
calling @Coach Patrick :) Figured I would just keep pinging you......So, I was glued to watching this go down the last 48 hours. over 50 started and one finished. In all of your spare time, watch this 4 part series.
@Leslie Sedlak - yes the RDP works, but it's equal parts of easy and fast running (if you have a specific goal) and usually RDP is done in the Fall for 3 months to build up...not 6 weeks. 😁
Given the work you have done all year to get ready for your races, I think you have the engine to make it happen. Now we need a strategy and some good fortune.
2 miles at 7:55 pace, hitting Mile Two at 15:50.
6 miles at 7:45 +/- pace, hitting Mile 8 around 1:02:20 (Jason was 1:02:16)
2 miles to empty the tank. You have To really dig here to keep your gains and momentum. A Caffeine gel at mile 7 might help! 🤔
We can talk big picture as next year approaches but the easiest way to be good at that ramp and crush it plan is to stack good years back/to/back and you are already doing that!!!!
@Coach Patrick soooo, I got sick....so rested the days leading up to the 10 mile race, and figured I couldn't feel any worse than I did, so I might as well let it rip. I missed Jason's record by just over a minute, but averaged 7:52/mile. Not bad. Writing a race report since I feel like so many folks question what to do when they get sick for training or a race and Spoiler alert, my Garmin was all jacked. I thought I was at mile 8 but was at mile 7 (and so on) so gave it my all for miles 7 and 8, and fumbled to the finish line...9 minutes faster than last year. I'll take it!
So taking the week off since I still feel like crap, the fatigue has turned into a cough and constant headache, so just resting and loving in the sauna after kids go to bed while binging on the great British Baking show:). Then load up Run Durability? I like to start with the Jan OS because mojo is so high, but maybe with timing, Feb OS is better this year.
CANNOT WAIT to track you and other EN athletes while you rip it up in Kona!!!
Sick, bad Garmin and you ran NINE MINUTES FASTER? You are simply en fuego. 🔥 I hope you are recovering.
At least you shouldn’t feel any pressure to do serious training right now until we are back feeling 100%, OK?
Yes to the vendor ability program and the transition into the January out season. As tempting as it is to keep pushing, you have done a great deal of work this year and there’s nothing wrong with being consistent and not too flashy for a little while. What’s the worst that could happen?
I can’t imagine what a stronger, more durable you will look like in 2019!
Quick question:Better to get a brick in the am and cut the run 20 min short? Or separate and get in at least a 30-35 min run in before dinner? or cut the bike shorter? I really like the 25 min warm-up, but could cut down a bit I guess to get in more running? I feel like I don't really starte being able to ride hard until at least 35-40 min into my ride with/without a warmup.
Yesterday was definitely an eye opener. I haven't riden more than 90 min and I did over 3 hours. Total 3:30 return trip to front door, but had a pit stop at home (which included stealing bacon hot out of the oven....so much for practicing race day fueling:) ) Basically stopped at 56 miles so I could get at least some run in as I had a hard stop at 11:00. I only averaged 16.5 mph.....my legs felt great, did kind of do a hilly ride, and run after didn't feel hard, but I ran very slow. So trying not to be disappointed about that - and only looking forward for the next week....
Weekend runs that call for 2 hours (the next few weeks) - if I get to 13.1 = quit? or really run full 2 hours?
And in 2+ weeks (2 weeks out from race) There is a Bike/Run brick race rehearsal on Sat. My hubs has an overnight race on Sat and then an other race sat day. Could I swap the sat/sun? Sun is a long 2 hour run.......again.....I'm wondering if I really have to run 3 half marathons in the next three weeks to be ready??
Yes, you can absolutely swap that weekend around your husbands Races no problem. Per my note above 11 miles will be perfect. You have to remember, there are plenty of people on the team who run 10 minute miles or slower! :-)
We need to taper, you can either just follow the race week part of the plan as taper, or you can follow our tapering guidance from the self coaching session in the wiki. Your choice!
One quick question as to how I handled this weekend. Got some stomach bug that kept me up most of Thurs night and praying to the porcelain god Friday am. Took Friday off, and figured I would do a full RR on Saturday. Still wasn't feeling great Sat am - so pushed to Sat pm. Weather wasn't great but figured I would play it out. Got to the pool - short story, didn't swim because a rope was up half way across the pool and I was told all I had to do was 'duck under' every lap - yeah - that wasn't happening. So I went home, was thunder storming, so decided to just hop on the trainer and see how it goes. Was able to hold steady zone 2-3 power for 2 hours and felt easy. Ran a quick 25 minutes (probably harder than I should have - but fast felt good) and called it a day. Taking today (Sunday off) as instructed and then starting Taper week as planning in Minimalist HIM EN Plan tomorrow.
Question is - should I have waited to be just a bit more healthy and tried the full RR today and taken off yesterday? (looking at the way the trees are moving today - I'm quietly glad I'm not out there riding:) ) Getting more excited than nervous for next weekend. My first half in 5 years!
In the wiki, on the left-hand side click all pages. And then control F and a keyboard and search for “insert”. The title of the post is how to insert a half IM into your season.
So on to more training
How to warm up with no swim warm up? warm up def matters, esp being a good swimmer. try to do swim cords, wait to do wetsuit and try to sneak off and warm up to get arms going, get muscularly warmed up. OR start swim more easily than normal - warm up on first 5 minutes of swim. find the joy. find the opportunity. find the confidence.
How hard can I really push on the bike? i'm rarely sore after riding(even races). no more stomach issues on the run. Legs got tired at HIM WI, but could have gutted out 20-30 more min. TRP is 9:40 but HIM run average is 8:51. I get worried about the run as I push my legs on the bike.
don't worry about pushing at the first half of the bike. There is hard pushing - surge - get me over this hill. Then there is a steady push - APB - sustained effort. rule #1 - get HR down and be happy with where that is. If you ignore HR, and get into t good place out of the swim, then all bets are off. once you feel good, then find opportunities to make up time without a great amount of cost. APB efforts really add up over time. Patrick's gotos - Push down the hill to carry the momentum up the hill. Also push down the hill to carry into the flat. Leslie's goto - Push up over the top of the hill. Learn where to push the hill when climbing the hill. Step up that extra bit at top of the hill - last 30-40 seconds. not crazy, but pushing. Get that free speed down the hill, draft legal. End half of the ride - Zone3 riding, go a bit more defensive. No spikes in second half, but longer efforts, APB-like.
But Boulder is flat - "even flat races have hills". There will places on the course where my effort matters more than at other places. Wind can be a big factor - be small - minimize the cost of the wind. try to get in legal draft zone for at least 30-60 seconds and benefit from that wind. since the swim isn't very costly for me - I can do what I want on the bike - jump on someones wheel.
take 5 miles to settle in. Then take next 20 miles to play the game with folks passing you. Then settle down and get into steady APB zone and see how long to hold that effort back to the finish. pretty chill.
General rules about switching around workouts? OK to switch my sat long bike/run and Sun long run? - YES
Some side notes.
- PLEASE tell me there will be a JVC this year!
- I record my pwr/hr. I have been looking back at some of the numbers - but I don't really look at numbers other than hr during a race? I feel like everyone is so "numbers dialed in". Is this a case of just "do my thing"? or should I start drinking that kook-aid?
- I'm trying to talk Jason into me doing the Blue Ridge Camp if JVC is not happening. Am I returning camper? Or are you only a returning camper to the same camp?
70.3 Boulder Bike course: at least there aren't as many turns as Madison - that was crazy!!
70.3 Bike Elevation course: http://www.ironman.com/~/media/401064a4df2142c4b1acc7dec1a45e88/ironman%20course%20map%2070%203%20boulder%20bike%20elevation%202018%20web.pdf
Run course: Hopefully I can fly on this! I did have a quick pacing question. my TRP on the run is 9:40, but my avg pace on the HIM run is 8:50ish. Can I follow the 'feel good' numbers, which are faster than my 5k recorded zones?
I completed camp week! Second day bike/run was heat index of 104 and winds off the lake that were crazy! So definitely a mental test! I watched the video on how to complete camp week, so as requested, my numbers to compare sat/sun/mon are out on Garmin Connect and Strava. Your on my Strava friends list - so that should be good to go? I didn't see you on Garmin Connect - so not sure if that makes a difference.
Also question about workouts next weekend. I will be traveling 13 hours in a car (with the family - shoot me now) on Saturday, so I won't have time for any workouts - How should I handle that throughout this week and next week. Looks like Sat is my biggest workout with a race rehearsal swim/bike/run.
1. JVC is on the fence right now. There might be a women's only camp that month...but TBD. For really training, the BRC is where it's at. It's a great ride and he can train at his own speed and meet you afterwards to drink yummy beers.
2. It's okay to pick a number too. So you using Heart Rate and staying on top of it as you race is certainly sufficient enough. The power, for most, is a training target. If I know my FTP is X and I want to ride at 85% of X in my HIM, then I can practice riding at that wattage or higher, in my training. On race day that power is a goal but Heart Rate is more important.
3. Its a returning camper to the same camp. But if you both come we can work out a couples deal.
4. The bike course has enough turns to make the first few miles admin light (HR down please) and then we can build yourself up through the mid point...once you are through Mile 34 you can get on the gas to hopefully ride the tailwinds home. At least that part of the bike is in your favor.
5. As for the run, it's a great one. The REZ is super fun to run around, and two loops mean you'll be faster the second time as you'll know whats coming. I am ok with you running to HEART RATE, your pace will fall where it should...it's the first three miles that matter the most in a Half, so let's be smart there!
6. Camp Week looks great; I can see it on Strava. Not only good consistency between the days, but that Day 3 run was SOLID. 8:47s is pretty sweet on tired legs!!!
7. I would prioritize the RR for Friday if that works; if not, normal week with SAT off and Sunday as the RR (or at least Bike + Run, at a minimum, the Bike). You've done a ton of work in the last few days, no reason why a bit of rest won't be helpful. If things are just a wash with travel and fatigue and stress, don't stress. We pick up next week right on it, with Monday! We can still sharpen and get faster!
~ Coach P
Also I could use some Mojo.
Here is my Race Plan in the Forums: https://endurancenation.vanillacommunities.com/discussion/24955/leslie-sedlak-70-3-boulder-race-plan/p1?new=1
Honestly at this point you might be better served doing some yoga in a quiet space and getting mentally ready have you stay hydrated!
I can't stop listening to the Race Execution Coaches Office Hours (sorry I missed it - I really like to tune in to those real time! ) So, here's my take-away from that (basically what you say not to do.....all of it:) )
Swim - Stay more engaged on the last half of the swim (maybe just the last surge, based on how I'm feeling/group I'm in)
Bike - Definitely push the last 10 miles of the bike. I have been feeling STRONG on the bike - and the two main people I ride with don't pull away from me anymore:) SO.....IF I'm feeling good, because I'm one of those 110 lb athletes who can flirt up the hills, I'll push a bit more up inclines - I usually hop out of my seat and do 10 pedal strokes to get me over the hump on a rol.
Run - Definitely push the last 5K, maybe longer? My run has felt super strong as well, not that I've been looking at heart rate and not pace. In order to get up to my Zone 3 HR I am pushing around an 8:00 mm - really amazing for me.
Too much pushing? The right amount of pushing?
Also added your salt pills and banana notes to my race plan. And I haven't forgotten your gems regarding how to race the bike. I'm really looking forward to this race. The only bummer is there aren't any places I will probably see the hubs. He will start the swim 10-15 min after me, I'll be 10-15 min faster than him on the swim. He'll get close to me on the ride, and then I'll run away from him on the run. i MIGHT.......just might, pass him on the run - which might be my hidden weapon in pushing me WAY out of my comfort zone.
And final side note. We are staying in CO for vaca for a week after the race. Hiking/relaxing etc. I am signed up for a 10 mile run race first weekend in October. Might sign up for a local olympic race 25 August - just to show off my fitness. Thoughts on race plans in the coming weeks?
Remember, there will be bumps in the road but that’s part of what makes Racing so exciting. Make frequent, smart decisions and captured all in your brain so we can share it afterwards.
Still in CO (staying an extra day because we can and no real good reason to go home:) )
Unofficial watch time (didn't stop directly at finish......5:23 includes two chain drops and a potty stop in T2......so maybe I do have a chance to move up????)
Race Report posted HERE: https://endurancenation.vanillacommunities.com/discussion/25013/leslie-sedlak-boulder-70-3-2018-report/p1?new=1
For sure doing the 10 Mile Run race 7 October.
Thinking of doing the LTF Olympic race 25 August. It's a pricey race - but it will be competitive. NOTE I haven't done much other than walking since the race. Well.....Swam laps in the hot springs. Hiked 1,000 FT over 1+ mile round trip to hanging lake and bridal veil falls. But no real swim/bike/run to speak of.
What do you think about the olympic tri? If go for it - training plan?
Then what plan to load up for the 10 mile.
AND.....the breaking news we've all been waiting for........I am thinking of hanging up my own HIM and longer hat until I age up and working with the CAF being a guide for the next few years from sprint - HIM distance triathlons. Thoughts? Also, how could I work my training, if it's really for someone else's race? Maybe a new avenue EN can pursue for training plans - partners for Challenged Athletes??
Hope all is well.
Thanks again for all the encouragement last Saturday - it meant the World to me.
**update ran 2 miles on Mon. Rode 45 on the trainer last night. Work is a full week of 12-13 hour days right now - it's awful. Not really feeling the Olympic, but feel like I should? Trying not to stress about it.
I think the LTF race is a no brainer; other than resting and getting sharp, you are set. Don't sweat training, you just crushes a half iron!!!! I would limit runs to 30 minutes and do a bunch of strides for great form and turnover. You could use the short course plan for this; or just wing it...you know what to do.
When done with the OLY, load the half marathon balanced plan and we would just dial down the long run to cap it at 10 miles; in fact, most runs around 8 would be FINE.
The CAF plan sounds great. You would still train and crush yourself, it's just those key sessions (and races) would be done with your partner. Simple as that. If you want to go that route, we'd support your 1000000%...and the idea of plans for partners is a no brainer. So let's stick a pin in that. And we could do a call at the end of the season if that's easiest!!!
~ Coach P
Will do on the training plan COA.
I'm in touch with a local CAF staff member and starting that process - so I will keep you posted. I'm still torn on hanging up my own race hat for a while - but I'm not sure I loved the training this summer as much as I would have liked - even on the minimalist. Not sure if it was because Jason was also training for a HIM? we'll see how I feel in a couple of weeks.
No need for any snap decisions, let’s just have a year gradually unwind and see where you end up. You’ve had a lot on your plate juggling everything and have done an incredible job. Keep me posted.
@Coach Patrick I saw the Army 10 Miler in Final Surge - Can I follow that plan? Or still best to load up the half marathon plan for 10 miler in early October?
Also, just a note, not a fan of final surge at the moment. If I load up a plan that has fewer weeks left than the plan has scheduled, it overlaps with my previous plans and training and gets very confusing. And a lot of work to look through and remove the workouts that I didn't really miss, I was just doing other training. :(
Yes you can absolutely follow the 10 miler.
I am working with FinalSurge on this. Right now your best option is to load the plan in the future, delete the early weeks you don’t need, and move the remaining weeks back to you today ending on your next event. It sounds like a lot but it’s not very difficult once you get used to it. The hardest part for me is doing the math right on the dates!
I may have put something on this to the help site, I will check. www.endurancenation.us/help
@Coach Patrick
OK, so I just deleted my entire post of thoughts I wrote down just after we talked. After listening to the run durability podcast this morning, I have been enlightened.....You may have even heard my head explode from RI. "You have to run fast to run fast" has been a motto of mine for a long time, so when you said that has been disproven, my jaw hit the floor. So lets start at the 50m target and go from there.
I have a 10 mile race the first weekend in Oct. Short story - I am on a mission to beat Jasons 15 year ago time - pace 7:47. I do realize it is not likely for me to beat that. But I'm going to f*&^ing try. So!!! I have been really working my butt off to hit faster than 7:47 min miles for EVERY single Z4 mile in the Half Marathon training plan (altered as coached by you for the 10 mile race). Am I doing it wrong? I'm digging into more research about the run durability 'stuff' on the forums, but would running 6-7 days a week, slower, shorter be better for me than following the standard training plan? I'm up for whatever, but my next target is that race. I have been dialing in on my nutrition, to keep weight down, dialing up the mobility to avoid injury and increase flexibility. So.......thoughts?
Peak ahead to my next questions (yes I already have them ready, but trying to focus on baby steps at the moment). I have found a Guide running group with visually impaired athletes, to get to know them, and in general connect with others in that space and get some time in learning the ropes. I have reached out to let that local group know that I am available for longer, non group, runs and/or events from now until March, so that's a start.
Looking to next season, we really are making it a priority to make it to Kona as a family, to help, volunteer and explore a long HI vaca Oct 2019. (so many sides notes to that but I'll stick to basics right now) So, I would like to stay local and save $$ next season. Jason is starting a new business this fall and is only planning to do local Olympic next season. I would like to tackle two HIM again, and there are two good local ones (late June and late August) that I could easily do in a day, or a long weekend family trip. BUT I still want to work on getting FASTER and being competitive. I like the idea of less time over the year, and being able to ramp up for a race 4-6 weeks before - is that possible - even make sense?? I really won't have the bandwidth to start training IM again for 3 years, so what do those next years look like? No need to even really comment on this stuff now, just wanted to get it out of my head, and not forget about it later.
calling @Coach Patrick :) Figured I would just keep pinging you......So, I was glued to watching this go down the last 48 hours. over 50 started and one finished. In all of your spare time, watch this 4 part series.
Ready to coach me to be ready for this? DFQ!
@Leslie Sedlak - yes the RDP works, but it's equal parts of easy and fast running (if you have a specific goal) and usually RDP is done in the Fall for 3 months to build up...not 6 weeks. 😁
Given the work you have done all year to get ready for your races, I think you have the engine to make it happen. Now we need a strategy and some good fortune.
We can talk big picture as next year approaches but the easiest way to be good at that ramp and crush it plan is to stack good years back/to/back and you are already doing that!!!!
~ Coach Po
@Coach Patrick soooo, I got sick....so rested the days leading up to the 10 mile race, and figured I couldn't feel any worse than I did, so I might as well let it rip. I missed Jason's record by just over a minute, but averaged 7:52/mile. Not bad. Writing a race report since I feel like so many folks question what to do when they get sick for training or a race and Spoiler alert, my Garmin was all jacked. I thought I was at mile 8 but was at mile 7 (and so on) so gave it my all for miles 7 and 8, and fumbled to the finish line...9 minutes faster than last year. I'll take it!
So taking the week off since I still feel like crap, the fatigue has turned into a cough and constant headache, so just resting and loving in the sauna after kids go to bed while binging on the great British Baking show:). Then load up Run Durability? I like to start with the Jan OS because mojo is so high, but maybe with timing, Feb OS is better this year.
CANNOT WAIT to track you and other EN athletes while you rip it up in Kona!!!
Sick, bad Garmin and you ran NINE MINUTES FASTER? You are simply en fuego. 🔥 I hope you are recovering.
At least you shouldn’t feel any pressure to do serious training right now until we are back feeling 100%, OK?
Yes to the vendor ability program and the transition into the January out season. As tempting as it is to keep pushing, you have done a great deal of work this year and there’s nothing wrong with being consistent and not too flashy for a little while. What’s the worst that could happen?
I can’t imagine what a stronger, more durable you will look like in 2019!