@Coach Patrick - Back from my vacations and ready to buckle down and focus on IM Lou. I managed a couple of OWS in the gulf, which totally freaked me out! I don't like seeing fish and other aquatic creatures. I did do the vDOT test as prescribed while in FL and my number dropped from earlier in the season (42.7 to 40.8) I'm thinking this is probably due to the intense humidity/heat and perhaps the increased cycling focus? Should I re-test?
This past weekend was my first Big Training weekend. Since I was out of town and did some OWS I substituted the hour swim with an additional hour on the bike since swim is my strength. The first 50mi felt good. I did my pit stop and then the last 30 weren't so fun. I have a saddle sore that's bothersome I am also working on changing my nutrition to avoid the disaster of IM Chatt 70.3. It's a more "natural" approach....I'm using boiled salted potatoes, chews and Osmo. I ditched the Infinite, gels and gatorade. I think that was too much for my system to handle. So far so good with the changes, however, I still experienced some gassiness on the run. But much better overall. Not sure if you have heard of the book, ROAR, by Dr. Stacy Sims but that is what I'm using as a guide. https://www.strava.com/activities/1098236712
@Sabra Gonzalez - I hear you on seeing the animals, definitely freaky! The good news is when you are in Louisville you can't even see your hand in front of your face… But that's more gross than freaking out.
I am glad you tested again is that we kiss both part for benchmarking and part for rest. If the numbers drop, don't worry about it. I am fine with you sticking with your old pieces given the difference in venue and weather.
I am OK with the nutritional changes as long as you practice and refine them. If you are feeding over the last portion of those long rides it could be that you're not getting enough calories in, or that they're not super digestible. That may need some tweaking.
The team probably has some great advice on dealing with the saddlesore, I have had them myself sometimes and they are no fun. I suggest you search the forums!
All in all, I think you are doing great. Your vacation could not have come at a better time… I hope you are rested and ready to work!
@Coach Patrick - I have switched my Thursday split run to Tuesdays due to my work from home schedule. I'm finding, however, my Wednesday Bike Threshold work is suffering a bit. I do this workout early on Wed morning.I'm not able to hold my zone 4 intervals as prescribed in the workout due to leg fatigue. Should I look at reworking things or just continue as-is and hold the intervals for as long as I can? Because of the leg fatigue and the thought of having to run again after the split run the day prior, I extended the ride to 1:30 rather than 60', adding additional Z3/Z2 to the end of the ride and eliminating the brick run. Thoughts?
@Sabra Gonzalez - thank you for checking in! This is exactly the type of change that I recommend for inquiring about. Your modification for going longer and earning the TSS is OK.
The other alternative is to move that hard in a whole bike to Thursday morning. This would mean backing up your phone run on Tuesday with an interval/Templo Run On Wednesday.
I Would be OK with this, in fact you could do your Tuesday morning first half of the animals then run study in the evening and then run steady/moderately hard on Wednesday.
thoughts? I would rather give up or reduce one of those runs to improve the quality of your bike.
@Coach Patrick - one last check in with you before Lou. My 2nd RR on day 1 seemed to go better than RR1, and that's what we want right? Day 2 bike on Zwift wasn't pretty. Saddle sores were terrible, legs tired and mentally not in it. After you got me caught back up to the group, they turned and I sent straight. Hung in there for 63 miles. I was disappointed in that and wanted to hit 100 on day 2 which I have yet to do. (last RR we had to put down our dog mid way through my day 2 ride). This will definitely be a goal for next year. Wait, I'm going to do this again?
Swim: Used my new ROKA wetsuit I got with an awesome EN discount. Felt good, got my rhythm and just swam. https://www.strava.com/activities/1208588194 Race Day Goal: find the sub 1 hour corral, jump in and just swim. Nothing fancy. Let them all pass me on the bike. I'm used to it.
Bike: https://www.strava.com/activities/1209320520 This felt decent. I was most pleased with my nutrition. It started cool and ended up hot. I stayed up on my fluids and peed a lot! I did get hot foot in my right foot and had to unclip and shake it out. Race Day Goal: Keep calm, don't over do the hills in each loop, drink/eat, "book it" back home on the last 40. Overall Watts should be around 125 with a HR of about 125-130
Run: https://www.strava.com/activities/1209327453 Felt pretty good after a long hot ride. Tried to keep HR in check with the hills and heat. Walked each mile in the beginning to mimic the aid station. Race Day Goal: Patience! Miles 1-6, keep the HR in the 130-135 range. 7-13, find my groove, keep HR 135ish, 14-18, keep "the line" away, 19-22 can I bump it up? 23-26.2, give whatever is left in the tank.
I'm working on my more detailed race plan and will get it posted to the group this week.
@Sabra Gonzalez - Don’t worry about that second 100 miler. If there is a target but it certainly not a prerequisite. Your fitness is strong enough all that matters. I like how the execution is coming together on all three disciplines, now it’s a lay out the race planning to nail it on race day! Looking forward to seeing the full production. You can post a link to me here if that’s easiest.
@Coach Patrick - I wanted to touch base with you...it's been awhile. I have to admit, I have been really struggling with motivation lately and have missed a few key wko's throughout the OS due to sick kids, work demands and vacation. Last week was spent skiing in CO with the family. I've struggled to get "excited" for my training sessions, however, I think things are starting to turn to the positive. I just hope it's not too late, especially with Haines City being so close. I saw there's a race rehearsal for Haines City this weekend? I still have JOS loaded and in that for 2 more weeks. Wanted to make sure I had the plan loaded correctly. Looks like what you have in the last post above is what I have loaded.
I don't feel as though I'm in the same place fitness-wise as last OS, but based on my numbers I'm not as bad as I think, Maybe? My last 5K run test on 2/6 was a PR 21:53...better than last OS of 22:49. My bike has been OK with Zwift and I have enjoyed the races. My FTP was 187 the early part of Feb and that was achieved in an ODivaZ race. As you know it's a love/hate relationship with my bike. Seems like the second half of this month I've fallen off the wagon. I'm signed up for a half marathon on the 10th and I'm going to just use that as a training run? My running is definitely not where it should be. I'm also struggling with if I do another Full this year. I think I'll probably have a better idea after Florida.
Thanks for your ear. I think I have to work though this and take this year as it comes. I think last year I was truly on a mission to "prove" myself and this year I don't seem to have the same drive....yet.
Thank you for being so candid!. There’s a difference between “training to crush it,“ and “lifestyle training.“ That’s Rigo there’s only so much time in a given year that you can focus on being amazing. So let’s put your energy into making sure you were just persistent right now. I figure as you can see, the good work you have been doing already has you in a decent place. Imagine having those feeling About your fitness but having no fitness to talk about!
Don’t worry so much about the race rehearsal, I like the outs season because it’s a very manageable schedule.
Right now which is get you back on a routine. Had a very minimum running 2 miles a day which of these rides. Maybe you can make it seem right on the weekend? That might get you reenergized!
PS – yes to the half marathon of as the training day.
Also, I need to update my training plan for Chatt 70.3 Which plan should I load? Also, I think I decided during the bike that a full may not be in the cards this year. I was thinking IMMD, but having second thoughts.
@Sabra Gonzalez - I say bike focused half into CHOO. On this weekends rides let’s play with cadence a bit. Try 5’ each @ IM effort at 80, 85, 90 and 95 rpms. Let’s see your HR for that...then do your main set.
I think the nutrition hurt you (last solid food 60’ out) and the missed early GE (how could you be out of GE by aid station #1?) hurts as well. Second half sounds suspiciously like you are underfed. That and a low amt of absolute watts can hurt your speed. Let’s see what the cadence review brings!!!
@Coach Patrick OK, so I did my cadence wko last Sunday. I began this at the 10' mark. Here are the findings: 80rpm 135 Hr, 85 rpm (actual avg 83) 141 HR, 90 rpm (87 actual avg) 140 HR, 95 rpm (94 actual avg) 150 HR
I felt that the 85 cadence was the most difficult to maintain for some reason. I find the 90rpm the easiest to maintain as I was always taught early on before EN days that this was the "ideal" cadence.
As for my race nutrition, I was a bone head and had GE in my front aero bottle, and only one extra GE in the back and a water in the downtube. Next time I need two in the back. In IM Lou I found that I was only using the one and sadly, I have problems reaching the other side (I can't seem to do anything with my left hand) so I didn't bother with it thinking I'd get GE at the first aid station. #fail
I do find that after the swim I chug GE as I'm so thirsty coming out of the water. Anything I need to do to curtail this or just make sure I have enough GE loaded on the bike?
Thanks for doing the work out, it’s always good to see that stuff! I agree that 90 seems to be the way to go so no issues there. It does speak to their being an opportunity for you to develop strength of the Lower cadences, but this close to the raceis not the time. Let’s put a bookmark and that for next time.
I suggest you put the GE on the front and the downtube. Water is only a last resort and should be on the back of your bike. That said, at your height and weight carrying that much fluid does bring a significant penalty. Do you really need to have that much on your bike at once?
Probably not. So for Chatt I will only put GE in the front and downtube. Nothing on the back. I'll grab a water as I go. I just like to have that for when I take my BASE and blocks and then throw it away in the trash zone. I will make sure the back half I'm staying up on eating so that I can keep up my power for the climb out of Chickamonga and back into town.
Are usually end up talking all of my trash under the outside of my TRI shorts. Then I just pull it out when I get close to the aid station and drop it. 100% your call. But I do like the focus on the food!
Hey, @Coach Patrick - I wanted to share the Strava files with you from Chatt. I'm working on my full race report and hope to get that published tomorrow. I was pleased with how it turned out... got a top 10 AG spot (some of the really fast girls didn't show up so that helped!) and PRd this race, 5:07! Unfortunately, I just can't seem to get that bike where I think it "should" be. What am I doing wrong? These past two races, at Haines City and Chatt, I loose so many places, end up in the 40s off the bike and pull it back with the run. Could it be an equipment issue? Or is this just how it's going to be? Should I ride outside more? Do I need to do squats?! What is the answer??
Swim was faster than what it felt like while swimming. Bike was OK. Run was great. In hindsight, I should have tried to eat a couple of Clif blocks in the early miles, as I faded the last three, but it was also getting super hot. My HR was in redline mode.
What I DO know, is NO FULL this year! As for going forward after this race, thinking of a few options for one more "big" race of the season...1) try for a sub 5:00 at Augusta 70.3 late September time frame, 2) maybe do a standalone marathon...thinking the Savannah Marathon Nov3/4 3) both of those/none of those? Totally open to suggestions.
@Sabra Gonzalez - I will look at this today/over the weekend. Before I do that, can you tell me what you mean by the bike isn’t as fast as you think it should be? Another words what is it that’s telling you you should be faster.
For example, I’ve had people tell me that they are so fast on Zwift and they should be faster that we are old and I have to remind them that Zwift is a video game. What is it about your performances that lead you to feel like you were missing the speed. Is there something from a race results that you could show me with the link as well? Or a prior race?
Also in the interest of full disclosure, I have to let you know that some of the women in your age group are also paying me to make you slower in the swim. 😂
Thanks for taking a look @Coach Patrick. I think where I get the idea of "should be faster" is this...I'm usually the top swimmer out of the water for my AG, but then in the bike I drop from a top place position down to the 40s or worse position-wise, then I try to make back as many spots as I can on the run. For example, Chatt 2016 swim was 2, bike 62, run 35 Chatt 2017, swim 8, bike 51, run 28 Chatt 2018 swim 3, bike 44, run 5th fastest run. IM Lou, swim 1 bike 47, run 14. Now, my thinking could be totally wrong and I should probably be looking at it differently. However, I do find it motivating to come from behind on the run.
As for making me slower in the swim....not gonna happen
OK, I get that you want to be faster, but tell me more about the numbers you put up. Is there a discrepancy between what you do in training and then in Racing? For example, some people ride 20 to 30 W less on race day and that’s it issue because they know they can write harder. In your case, you’re just telling me that everyone else is faster. Can you give me some specifics with numbers?
Well, sadly I think that's what I'm saying....that I'm slow. Here is my TP file from Chattanooga....maybe that can shed some more information. I don't think that my IF of .90 is accurate. My FTP is around 180. I've since updated TP. It has been quite some time since I've done a FTP test so maybe I need to do that? I was also thinking that perhaps I need to do a better job at doing the prescribed bike wkos. For example, rather than the Wed Coffee w/Espresso ride, which I really like, I should do the Wed prescribed wko on Zwift?
As for the rest of my season, I'm thinking of doing Augusta 70.3 and some other local races here/there. Again, open to suggestions for "what's next." I'm a little lost.
Thanks so much for your time! I really appreciate it :-)
Sabra - Thanks for sharing this. So I wanted to Strada and looked up some of your competition. Strangely enough it out of the top 10 women, you being number 10, I’m not in Strava. But I did find one and her name is Haily Harper.
Comparing your 2000s pretty instructive. She’s basically going a mile and a half hour faster than you across the board on the bike. In the first 26 miles she average is 164 W and you average 155 W but she is significantly faster. On the second half she averages 136 W, going 21 1/2 miles an hour. You average 15 W more than her and go one comparing your 2000s pretty instructive. She’s basically going a mile and a half hour faster than you across the board on the bike. In the first 26 miles she average is 164 W and you average 155 W but she is significantly faster. On the second half she averages 136 W, going 21 1/2 miles an hour. You average 15 W more than her and go 1 mile an hour slower. From an overview perspective you climbed it 14.9 miles an hour and she climbed at 17.6 miles an hour so she deafly put out more effort on those hills.
You rode 2.84 W per kilogram, and she rode 2.32 W per kilogram. A full half a watt per kilogram less and was still faster than you by 13 minutes.
It’s not easy to do a 1 to 1 comparison but looking at her Data tells me a couple things.
You may not be as aero as you think you are whether it’s you or your bike. There could be some free speed to be had there.
Number two you might be sacrificing speed on the dissent symptoms of how you handle the bike? I’m not sure here but clearly your competition puts a lot of time on you when the road goes downhill. That could be a function of you just being lighter than them.
You may want to focus on attacking the Hills a bit more especially when you have free speed lockdown so you can maintain your momentum. That is TBD.
Finally, we have to do a power test and lock in some quality numbers for you. We can’t raise with fuzzy math. If your FTP is truly 180, then you rode the bike at .883 AF which is practically soul crushing.
I don’t have an issue with that ride during the week, but for your weekends I would like to see one or two days were you bike to long back to back. Right now you’re biking on Saturday and then resting or running on Sunday. I would prefer that we rest on Mondays and do a long bike on Saturday followed by a quality bike on Sunday. I could certainly help you grow your fitness there.
@Coach Patrick wow, thanks, for the insight on some of the competition. I have a lot of work to do. Regarding the hills, you are right in that I'm not attacking as much as I should. I suppose it's because I'm afraid of spiking Watts, thus hurting my run later on. I do tend to come out of aero going uphill as well. I don't feel as if I have as much power in the aero position going up...but sometimes I just have to come out of aero to make it up and over depending on the % grade.
Downhills also scare me. I come out of aero but I'm still down low, with hands hovering over the brakes, just in case.
I'm planning on a long ride outside Sat and then I'll do the Sunday ABP ride. Wed I'll plan an FTP test. Does that sound like an OK schedule leading to the test or should it be done sooner/later?
Yes that testing is okay...but MONDAY OFF, Tuesday SWIM ONLY, Wednesday Test.
I'd like to get a picture of you on the bike (front and side or one shot with both) so I can see your aero position. I want to see what you look like punching through the wind.
Can you let me into your TP.com? Just use the red chat button on the Members site to get me your credentials and I can check it out.
@Sabra Gonzalez - I got in and saw your TP.com. 190 Norm Power indoors is worth 205 outside. You rode CHOO at 160NP, and that is .78...so sounds about right.
IOW, you are riding your current proper effort. I will say that your are giving up speed on that bike since your front end is so high. Your back isn't even close to parallel on the bike. The nose of your saddle should be over the center of your Crank if not even further in front, and your bars should be much lower in the front.
You are trying to get there on your own...look how forward you are on your seat...but it's not enough.
. Here's another shot for you to compare with others.
Anything we can do to get you down in the front will help...that head should be in alignment with your back when looking down (middle and right images).
You can see some Kona video shots of women pros here:
@Coach Patrick Thanks so much for your feedback! I have a horrible position in comparison to the photos. What in the world?! I've scheduled a re-fit with my bike guy next Thursday. Sheesh...how embarrassing. I will post the "after" photos.
@Coach Patrick - I've posted my Augusta race plan if you don't mind taking a quick read. It's pretty much become my "standard" for this distance. I did get my bike somewhat refitted with a more aggressive aero position. Additionally, I failed to mention in my plan for the bike is to work the hills and decent more this go around. I think this one is gonna hurt, but I'm going to leave nothing out on course.
This past weekend was my first Big Training weekend. Since I was out of town and did some OWS I substituted the hour swim with an additional hour on the bike since swim is my strength. The first 50mi felt good. I did my pit stop and then the last 30 weren't so fun. I have a saddle sore that's bothersome
Did the hour run afterward and felt pretty good. It was cut a little short due to thunder/lightning https://www.strava.com/activities/1098088869
I am glad you tested again is that we kiss both part for benchmarking and part for rest. If the numbers drop, don't worry about it. I am fine with you sticking with your old pieces given the difference in venue and weather.
All in all, I think you are doing great. Your vacation could not have come at a better time… I hope you are rested and ready to work!
I Would be OK with this, in fact you could do your Tuesday morning first half of the animals then run study in the evening and then run steady/moderately hard on Wednesday.
thoughts? I would rather give up or reduce one of those runs to improve the quality of your bike.
My 2nd RR on day 1 seemed to go better than RR1, and that's what we want right? Day 2 bike on Zwift wasn't pretty. Saddle sores were terrible, legs tired and mentally not in it. After you got me caught back up to the group, they turned and I sent straight.
Swim: Used my new ROKA wetsuit I got with an awesome EN discount. Felt good, got my rhythm and just swam.
Race Day Goal: find the sub 1 hour corral, jump in and just swim. Nothing fancy. Let them all pass me on the bike. I'm used to it.
Bike: https://www.strava.com/activities/1209320520
This felt decent. I was most pleased with my nutrition. It started cool and ended up hot. I stayed up on my fluids and peed a lot! I did get hot foot in my right foot and had to unclip and shake it out.
Race Day Goal: Keep calm, don't over do the hills in each loop, drink/eat, "book it" back home on the last 40. Overall Watts should be around 125 with a HR of about 125-130
Run: https://www.strava.com/activities/1209327453
Felt pretty good after a long hot ride. Tried to keep HR in check with the hills and heat. Walked each mile in the beginning to mimic the aid station.
Race Day Goal: Patience! Miles 1-6, keep the HR in the 130-135 range. 7-13, find my groove, keep HR 135ish, 14-18, keep "the line" away, 19-22 can I bump it up? 23-26.2, give whatever is left in the tank.
I'm working on my more detailed race plan and will get it posted to the group this week.
Big takeaways are:
- Bike strength for all conditions and end of your rides (OS now, 5-hour power focus later)
- Better run nutrition / caffeine plan for the latter half of the run to avoid "the fade".
Your Races- Haines City FL April 70.3®
- US Nationals
- CHOO 70.3
- Chattanooga / MD
Your Plans- Follow the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 11/12/2017
- On 11/13/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/10/2017
- On 12/11/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 1/7/2018
- On 1/8/2018 Load the Intermediate OutSeason / Run Durability Plan, 14wks to end on 4/15/2018
- On 3/12/2018 Load the Intermediate EN*Half to end on 4/8/2018
Let's start here and then we go forward!!!~ Coach P
I don't feel as though I'm in the same place fitness-wise as last OS, but based on my numbers I'm not as bad as I think, Maybe? My last 5K run test on 2/6 was a PR 21:53...better than last OS of 22:49. My bike has been OK with Zwift and I have enjoyed the races. My FTP was 187 the early part of Feb and that was achieved in an ODivaZ race. As you know it's a love/hate relationship with my bike. Seems like the second half of this month I've fallen off the wagon. I'm signed up for a half marathon on the 10th and I'm going to just use that as a training run? My running is definitely not where it should be. I'm also struggling with if I do another Full this year. I think I'll probably have a better idea after Florida.
Thanks for your ear. I think I have to work though this and take this year as it comes. I think last year I was truly on a mission to "prove" myself and this year I don't seem to have the same drive....yet.
Don’t worry so much about the race rehearsal, I like the outs season because it’s a very manageable schedule.
Right now which is get you back on a routine. Had a very minimum running 2 miles a day which of these rides. Maybe you can make it seem right on the weekend? That might get you reenergized!
PS – yes to the half marathon of as the training day.
Also, I need to update my training plan for Chatt 70.3 Which plan should I load? Also, I think I decided during the bike that a full may not be in the cards this year. I was thinking IMMD, but having second thoughts.
Appreciate your input.
I think the nutrition hurt you (last solid food 60’ out) and the missed early GE (how could you be out of GE by aid station #1?) hurts as well. Second half sounds suspiciously like you are underfed. That and a low amt of absolute watts can hurt your speed. Let’s see what the cadence review brings!!!
~ Coach P
OK, so I did my cadence wko last Sunday. I began this at the 10' mark. Here are the findings:
80rpm 135 Hr, 85 rpm (actual avg 83) 141 HR, 90 rpm (87 actual avg) 140 HR, 95 rpm (94 actual avg) 150 HR
I felt that the 85 cadence was the most difficult to maintain for some reason. I find the 90rpm the easiest to maintain as I was always taught early on before EN days that this was the "ideal" cadence.
As for my race nutrition, I was a bone head and had GE in my front aero bottle, and only one extra GE in the back and a water in the downtube. Next time I need two in the back. In IM Lou I found that I was only using the one and sadly, I have problems reaching the other side (I can't seem to do anything with my left hand) so I didn't bother with it thinking I'd get GE at the first aid station. #fail
I do find that after the swim I chug GE as I'm so thirsty coming out of the water. Anything I need to do to curtail this or just make sure I have enough GE loaded on the bike?
Swim was faster than what it felt like while swimming. Bike was OK. Run was great. In hindsight, I should have tried to eat a couple of Clif blocks in the early miles, as I faded the last three, but it was also getting super hot. My HR was in redline mode.
What I DO know, is NO FULL this year! As for going forward after this race, thinking of a few options for one more "big" race of the season...1) try for a sub 5:00 at Augusta 70.3 late September time frame, 2) maybe do a standalone marathon...thinking the Savannah Marathon Nov3/4 3) both of those/none of those? Totally open to suggestions.
Thanks for taking a look at all this! Sabra
As for making me slower in the swim....not gonna happen
Well, sadly I think that's what I'm saying....that I'm slow.
As for the rest of my season, I'm thinking of doing Augusta 70.3 and some other local races here/there. Again, open to suggestions for "what's next." I'm a little lost.
Thanks so much for your time! I really appreciate it :-)
Comparing your 2000s pretty instructive. She’s basically going a mile and a half hour faster than you across the board on the bike. In the first 26 miles she average is 164 W and you average 155 W but she is significantly faster. On the second half she averages 136 W, going 21 1/2 miles an hour. You average 15 W more than her and go one comparing your 2000s pretty instructive. She’s basically going a mile and a half hour faster than you across the board on the bike. In the first 26 miles she average is 164 W and you average 155 W but she is significantly faster. On the second half she averages 136 W, going 21 1/2 miles an hour. You average 15 W more than her and go 1 mile an hour slower. From an overview perspective you climbed it 14.9 miles an hour and she climbed at 17.6 miles an hour so she deafly put out more effort on those hills.
You rode 2.84 W per kilogram, and she rode 2.32 W per kilogram. A full half a watt per kilogram less and was still faster than you by 13 minutes.
Number two you might be sacrificing speed on the dissent symptoms of how you handle the bike? I’m not sure here but clearly your competition puts a lot of time on you when the road goes downhill. That could be a function of you just being lighter than them.
You may want to focus on attacking the Hills a bit more especially when you have free speed lockdown so you can maintain your momentum. That is TBD.
Downhills also scare me. I come out of aero but I'm still down low, with hands hovering over the brakes, just in case.
I'm planning on a long ride outside Sat and then I'll do the Sunday ABP ride. Wed I'll plan an FTP test. Does that sound like an OK schedule leading to the test or should it be done sooner/later?
I'd like to get a picture of you on the bike (front and side or one shot with both) so I can see your aero position. I want to see what you look like punching through the wind.
Can you let me into your TP.com? Just use the red chat button on the Members site to get me your credentials and I can check it out.
~ Coach P
Here are a few pictures.
IOW, you are riding your current proper effort. I will say that your are giving up speed on that bike since your front end is so high. Your back isn't even close to parallel on the bike. The nose of your saddle should be over the center of your Crank if not even further in front, and your bars should be much lower in the front.
You are trying to get there on your own...look how forward you are on your seat...but it's not enough.
. Here's another shot for you to compare with others.
Anything we can do to get you down in the front will help...that head should be in alignment with your back when looking down (middle and right images).
You can see some Kona video shots of women pros here:
clear with your fitter what you want to achieve. Most
folks aren’t.
@Coach Patrick - I've posted my Augusta race plan if you don't mind taking a quick read. It's pretty much become my "standard" for this distance. I did get my bike somewhat refitted with a more aggressive aero position. Additionally, I failed to mention in my plan for the bike is to work the hills and decent more this go around. I think this one is gonna hurt, but I'm going to leave nothing out on course.