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Sabra Gonzalez Official Coach Thread



  • @Sabra Gonzalez Thank you for the bump! My comments have been added!

  • @Coach Patrick Checking back in post Augusta. The swim was OK. There was hardly any current and there were people up front that should not have been. I had to swim around/through/over more people than expected. For the bike, I must say the lower tire pressure was definitely noticeable. I did 85 for both and it was so much less jarring going over bumps. The bike course was harder than expected. There were a lot of false flats. My power faded as the ride progressed. It started to get warm and at aid station 2 and 3 I got water to cool me off. I drank a total of about 4.5 bottles of GE and ate 2 shot blocks each hour along with 2 BASE salt licks. The run I knew was going to be hard and really had to back off the first 4 miles. Keeping cool was the goal. As usual miles 9-10 got too fast, but I finished out the run where I wanted to be. I didn't finish with the time I wanted, but finished 8th in my AG which is my highest placement yet at an IM 70.3 race. Overall very pleased with the season especially with not really knowing what I wanted to do at the beginning of the year. Going forward, continue with Zwift and see if I can hang on for a loop! 🤣 I'd really like to do a stand alone marathon in March to see if I can BQ. I'd also like to do a key race, either half or full. I've loaded the half recovery plan. I assume when that is done roll into RDP, then OS? Thanks so much!

    https://www.strava.com/activities/1862531632 - bike

    https://www.strava.com/activities/1861438829- run

  • edited September 25, 2018 11:36AM

    @Sabra Gonzalez Thank you so much for closing the loop with the race report! You are a rockstar. Falls flat by courses I can’t especially for little people like yourself. I’m curious to know if you think you had enough calories during that right? 2 Shot blocks an hour doesn’t seem like very much to me.

    Also you might want to consider adding some caffeine if you are a coffee drinker which helps fight that downward trend in the last hour.

    Once things got hard on the run, there’s not too much you can do. I think you ran your best possible effort given the day. I agree that the next step for you is to continue improving your break strength. Being able to push a higher number makes your bike not only faster but you are one as well. You are right, recovery, our VP through December and then kick things off of the January OS! Let’s set some mileage goals for the run.

  • @Coach Patrick - Congratulations on Kona! What an epic day! I think it's safe to say that the entire team was cheering you on as well as all the participants there. I was glued to my tracker and FB all day Saturday and Sunday, too, for Lou.

    I'd like to schedule a short call with you to discuss the 2019 season in a little more detail once you are back and settled into your daily routine. I thought there was a link somewhere to set that up but I can't seem to find it.

    Thanks, Sabra

  • @Sabra Gonzalez Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. It was a fantastic weekend of racing with challenges on both ends of the temperature spectrum. I am in brings out the best in the worst, I just hope I can survive it every time I race. Here is the link where you can set up a call with me, that should be under the training tab but sometimes it’s not there. https://calendly.com/pmccrann/15min

    If you could schedule it for sometime next week, I would really appreciate it!

  • Hey, @Coach Patrick! Thought I would officially check in with you. It's been a while. I submitted an updated TSR and wanted to make sure I had the JOS extending out to the entirety which I have it ending on 4/14/2019. I'm doing Gulf Coast 70.3 which is May 11, 2019 and wasn't sure if I needed to load the 70.3 plan earlier than the end of JOS. I have a couple of other local races in between Gulf Coast and Chatt Full in addition to the Chatt training camp. Thanks!

  • If you submitted the form, then it is in my list. I will probably have them ready to process today. In the meantime, you are right, we will likely exit the OS a bit earlier. Probably somewhere in the middle of March. For right now you can continue on words crushing it like you are! #SoImpressed

  • Hey, @Coach Patrick. I have gone ahead and uploaded the Half Bike Focus Plan this week since it coincides with the Test week in the JOS. Does that sound right? Assuming the Bike Focus is the correct plan over the Run Focus? I loaded it to end on a Sunday rather than Saturday (Gulf Coast is a Saturday race, May 11th) so that the long bike/run would be on Sat/Sun.

    Lower back/hip issues are now just an annoyance rather than pain like they were earlier. Still holding back a little this week in both distance and pace hoping to get this completely cleared up. Continuing to stretch and ice post wkos.


  • @Sabra Gonzalez That's PERFECT! I am excited to see how things adjust for you with a return to more "traditional" in season training. You are strong already, now we just need to get You healthy. Please consider doing some light stretching of hips and glutes pre ride...that could help you get loose before you start to "work" ... Okay?

    ~ Coach P

  • So, got the official diagnosis of my hip/lower back issues...Iliac Crest Syndrome and ITBS. Supposed to do 6 weeks of PT 2x/week. As far as modifying my plan, the dr said I can continue but that would just delay getting better. I think I need to put in solid rest for a week then rebuild? He said that I should not rebuild until my "normal quality of life" return. Meaning, I can get up out of a chair and walk immediately without pain or limping. I'm trying to keep the big picture in mind. I'd say my Oly that I planned on doing on 4/28 is out. I'd rather use that weekend for training for my 70.3 on 5/11. Thoughts?

  • Getting a diagnosis always sucks. But it is your first step towards getting better. That is important to keep in mind. I think one week is fine.

    Nothing against you doing some good walking and getting reacquainted with the pool perhaps with some good swim volume. The next week back will be easy aerobic stuff on the bike third week back is re-integrating the run. I wouldn’t count out the short course races yet, let’s see how you feel unless you need to cancel.


    ~ Coach P

  • Hi @Coach Patrick I hope you had a good Father's Day weekend! Unfortunately, I've hit another bump in the road. Last Monday after my run my lower back totally seized up and I literally was on my back for two days. I went to my chiro and it got better only to weaken my immune system and leave behind a cold. I tried riding on Saturday outside and felt worse as the day went on and decided to cut it short before I did further damage. I'm feeling better today but not 100%. I'm trying not to freak out.

    I'm thinking for this week, take today off, then starting tomorrow, follow the Level I wkos building up to my usual Level II to Level III. My other concern is that I feel like once I'm back up and running, we will be out of town from July 3-July 6 and will not be able to travel with my bike 😕. We will be in Houston of all places that week. I guess a good opportunity to heat acclimatize?! I'm hoping to find a pool to swim in and get in some early morning runs. Thoughts?

  • @Sabra Gonzalez sounds to me like he might actually need another brick in the training so your body can heal up? I feel like when situations such as this one happen, it will be helpful for you to stand down, literally, for a weekend heal up. The combination of the structural discomfort and subsequent random illness lead me to believe that you have been pushing pretty hard in your system is fatigued overall. Nothing wrong with a couple days of walking, staying loose, catching up another stuff. Are usually recommend doing this Monday through Friday so that you can get back out on the weekend for some reintegration workouts.

    It’s important to remember that you were still early in the season, we have only just hit at the halfway point. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you rebuilding but having a break with your vacation. A couple of the swimmers is fine but again, I would be OK with you maximizing your family time and functional strength work and returning healthy to train again. Only you know just how fatigued you are, so I defer to you with this decision. Let me know.

  • Hi, @Coach Patrick following up with you on the above. Last week I was feeling better and worked on rebuilding, being careful not to overdo it. This past week, I was feeling pretty good, again working on ramping back up. I was helping my son in the yard on Thursday, bent over to pick up a pinecone and on the way back up, I felt it. My back totally locked up and it's been the worst lower back pain in a long long time. I went to my chiropractor and she thinks it's probably an inflamed or bulging disc. So, back to zero. This is very frustrating. I've been resting, icing and have started to incorporate some light yoga and stretching. We do have our family trip coming up and will use this time as recovery. I just hope I still have enough time.

  • @Sabra Gonzalez At this point I feel like it’s probably a good idea to get an MRI done so we can know definitively what’s going on with your spine. Given that running in being in the aero bar position on your bike or two critical components of the sport you love, knowing what we’re dealing with will be important. Once we know, we can define both activities you should avoid as well as activities that you should include in your training so you can benefit from additional strength, recovery, and specific training. For example, I might take you off your tribe bike for a while and have you just ride the road bike so we can get the work done without putting additional stress on your back. Sounds like you might also have some pretty tight hamstrings which is preventing you from pine coning safely.

    I agree with resting now and some good self-care, but what do you think your timeline could be in terms of getting an MRI and starting the process of getting more details?

  • @CoachPatrick spoke to my chiro and she has diagnosed it as facet joint syndrome/inflammation complicated by muscle spasm in the affected area. Her opinion is that I could get an MRI, however, it wouldn't change our course of care. Currently, she has me off of running completely until I see her next Monday. I did get the green light for swimming and biking, keeping it in check. I'm doing bridge sets and yoga to strengthen the muscles in the surrounding areas doing that 2x/day. I also ice and take nasids as needed.

    I swam this morning and did my usual 3400meters. I felt just meh. I didn't try anything fancy. Back was tight which means to me I still have some strengthening work to do. Antsy to run and hope to be back on the bike next week.

    Let me know your thoughts and how to proceed going forward. As you know, I'm le freaking out!! 😫


  • @Sabra Gonzalez I totally know that you want to do more, but that strength work is just so important so you’re back doesn’t seize up. I would also want to talk with your Chiro a little bit about what some appropriate warm-up exercises would be so that your muscles are ready to go when you do resume training is normal. Remember, part of the tightness will also simply be a function of doing that new training as well. Don’t push it yet and get one more relatively easy week to go before heading back to normal training.

  • Hey, @Coach Patrick - I just submitted my race plan for the 2020 season and wanted to make sure this makes sense:

    Run Durability Plan

    January OS

    March 20-21 - Asheville Challenge which is the half on Saturday and Full on Sunday for a total of 39.3miles over the two days! When should I switch from the RDP to Marathon plan or should I follow an Ultra (yikes!) plan? Is this even a good idea? Just looking for something a little different this year.

    April would be a local OLY distance race usually the last Sunday of the month

    May - Gulf Coast 70.3 so that I can enter the Florida Strong Challenge by also doing IMFL

    June - Aug is left open as we are going to Alaska on a cruise. We are still in the planning stages of that so I need to keep that block open.

    Sept - another local OLY distance race usually the first Sunday of the month

    November - IM Florida

  • Hello!!! I'm here, alive and kicking! Wanted to touch base with you, @Coach Patrick it's been awhile! I hope you and your family are well. So far we have been spared any sickness.

    Seems like my season, like everyone else's, is pretty much done. I have deferred IM Gulf Coast 70.3 to 2021. They are running it concurrently with the full in November. I just didn't really feel motivated to string out my season that late for a half.

    I feel like I "should" be training for something long like a Full IM but there are so many unknowns. I originally planned on possibly doing IM FL this year. Our big family vacay to Alaska was postponed to 2021 so potentially I could make it happen. What are your thoughts? Do you think any races will even happen? My feelings are no. Not that training for a full would be a waste, but it would sure be a huge disappointment if it didn't happen.

    I'm hopeful that some local races will open and I will have the opportunity to participate in those. For now, I'm just doing what I feel like doing and honestly, have really enjoyed that. If I feel I need more sleep, then I'll sleep and not feel too guilty that I "missed" a ride on zwift or a run. Even without a said plan, I'm doing about 8+/week of running or biking. I'm also doing some swim band exercises and some back strengthening to keep that back injury from last year from showing back up.

    Thanks so much! I hope to make a Zoom Happy Hour soon!


  • So great to hear from you! And I hope to see you in a happy hour soon as well. I agree with you that the odds of Races happening this year seem really slim. I just don’t know how individual states can handle events that attract such a large audience and keep everyone safe. Aside from the travel, and lodging and then there’s the event itself. It’s all pretty unclear to me, and a part of me feels as though this will be one of the last things that will get sorted out. There are much bigger priorities in the world.

    don’t get me wrong, I think the training is still really important for my foundational perspective. If Florida is going to happen this year, there’s a high likelihood you would be able to get in with very little notice. So it makes sense to have a fitness even if you don’t necessarily use it. I’m not seeing build up to Ironman peak fitness, that would be crazy.

    but you could develop a pretty good week of training that helps you sustain half Iron Man level of fitness which would be a good springboard to go longer if you needed to.

    looking back over your race performances I really feel as though you have the opportunity to develop some really good bike strength to complement how quickly you come out of the water. The run is a much longer project and simply staying healthy is the name of the game especially in the warmer months. How do you feel about attacking the bike?

  • @Coach Patrick That sounds terrible! Sign me up! Yes, the bike has always been a nemesis. Let me know what we need to do, what kind of plan to load, etc...

  • @Sabra Gonzalez - OK, before I die then just one quick administrative thing. Right now some of your runs or double counting in final service. This means you likely have your Strava and your Garman connect accounts are linked to find a surge. Please choose to just have Strava post and disable the Garmin connection.

    Ok, here is what I am thinking:

    • On 4/27/2020 Load the  -- Bike Focus Block, 6 Weeks to end on 6/7/2020  42 [ 6 weeks ]
    • On 6/8/2020  Load the    Get Faster Training Plan, 10wks to end on 8/16/2020 42 [ 6 weeks ]
    • On 7/20/2020 Load the    EN Full Prep Plan, 4wks to end on 8/16/2020 28 [ 4 weeks ]
    • On 8/17/2020 Load the    EN Full Bike Focused  to end on 11/8/2020 84 [ 12 weeks ]
    • On 11/9/2020 Load the  -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 12/6/2020 28 [ 4 weeks ]

    Even though we are in the bike focus playing right now, ideally you would hold onto your three run a week schedule. I think that really works for you, and there should be a way that we can make it map to this more bike oriented program. Let me know if you need help with that.

    I have gone ahead and loaded in those six weeks of the program, see you should now see it in final search. Let me know if you have any questions!

  • @Coach Patrick Got it! Thanks! I have fixed the double upload. So embarrassing. 😫

  • @Sabra Gonzalez - no worries. At the very least, I'm excited you were uploading something. Believe it or not, there are many of your teammates who haven't gotten that far just yet. Thank you!

  • Hello @Coach Patrick Whoo Hoo! I got into the forums! I hope this finds you and your family doing well in these crazy times. Things are finally feeling a bit settled down. August presented challenges with getting the kiddos in school. My 2nd grader has to have face to face instruction. So, I went into full on momma bear mode and found a small private school that's close by and it's been great! No issues and they have been in school for over a month. My 7th grader is still virtual but they are supposed to go back to school Oct 17th.

    I'm also trying to "simplify" things lately. If something isn't great, then I'm trying to make a change to make it so.... That being said, I have ended my membership at my gym which was where I swam. It was way too much for what I was using it for and I didn't like the master's group. When it's time to swim again, I'll go to a different group that has a more team feel to it.

    In an effort to switch things up, I'm strongly considering my first Ultra, a 46 miler just south of Atlanta, which I mentioned in the run group me thread. I'm excited by it because we have great trails that I can run to (about a mile from the house). I've done this race before but the 19 mile version and that was more of a social run...no real training....and I was not with EN at the time. If for some reason the race does not happen, then I'm going to make up my own event.

    I wanted to make sure I had the right plan/idea for this...I've loaded the Ultra 50M Balanced Plan. I'm enjoying the two rides/week with the long runs on the weekend. Once the Ultra is done, then move into JOS. I have that 70.3 that I deferred to 2021 in May in Panama City Beach, then maybe do IM Florida or do some more Ultras.

    Thanks so much!


  • OMG @Sabra Gonzalez you found me!! 🙈 I was wondering what you've been up to...I miss your updates, but I figured that you were crushing things elsewhere! Yay for the little one and super momma 🐻!

    So, on to the actual training.

    1. Yes drop the swim. Why sweat it right now. Let's prioritize it when it matters...more sleep, or a bike/run session that fits...I'll take it!
    2. I love the ultra idea...and balanced YES. You don't so BOTH the bikes and runs mid week...opt into bike/run as you need. I think it's still really a great program, esp if you can make those weekends work (and you can recover for it).

    If you haven't already, check out our Ultra resource page here: https://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/UltraRunning.aspx

    When is the ultra? How can I help!?

    ~ Coach P

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