Kryvicky's #Dontcallitacomeback Mico Thread (MISSION: Dominate)
I am just prepping my forums for the new year.
While waiting for my roadmap, I am prepping for the year ahead. The bog goal for 2017 is Detroit Marathon and finding my happy feet, as well as returning to triathlon with a series of sprints in which I hope to execute ninja style.
I am struggling to embark on any real training right now - mainly due to fear of the work because I know it is going to hurrrrrrrrt after 2 years of nothing.
I think it is in my best interest to just start all over again, mark this as my new beginning, forget the years past and just focus on the road ahead, and that means celebrating every victory especially the small ones. Gone are the days that I am all geeked to run a 5k sub 30 minutes. Now I just want to be able to run 1 mile without dying.
So this week, I get back to running. Yoga and running. That is where I am I guess.
First thing to do is create a processes you can do every week which will make you feel like you're on track. Do a few weeks of this small initial process and before you know it you're already ready for another level.... But if you start with the end as a target, or if you start lamenting that you're not hitting your own targets, they'll just seem further and further away.
It's the process, not the goals. Anyone can come up with goals...few achieve them.
Let's nail that week...I'm standing by!
Ok so I ended up testing last week but that was all thanks to an emergency trip to Ohio because the hubby got into a car accident. So this week is week 2 of the JOS.
Monday: I drove 5 hrs back to Ohio, but got in yoga and stretching plus ab work.
Today was a bike/run brick however I had to fly to the Carolinas and ended up in the hotel gym doing a 35 minute run instead of the brick. <<<< Small victory here as I usually never actually work out while traveling. This is HUGE. First real workout of the OS for me and I DID IT IN THE GYM AT THE HOTEL!!!!!
He works in South Ohio, by Cincinnati, and we live in Michigan, just north of Detroit. So there's a lot of commuting between our two homes.
~ Coach P
Ps way to crush that hotel gym!!!!
Coach P,
Two words: NO BUENO.
I am so out of shape that I need a way to get back into some base shape before I even try to build my engine. I did myself a disservice by going back to the only thing I know - the OS - but the issue is that my body is definitely NOT ready for the OS. I tried to ignore how badly out of shape I have become but I cannot ignore it any longer.
Do we have a basic "0 to back in the habit" beginner plan out there to help me get into some form of physical shape to be able to exercise consistently - then I can transition into the next plan with longer workouts?
No word back on how to proceed so I am going to just put myself in the February OS and start over doing whatever I can to hit the numbers I get based on tests - work still works even if the starting place is at square 1!
Week 1 of the OS I am travelling to South Carolina again but I can do my tests the week before and then just use week 1 as a run and strength focus week.
I am feeling a little better now. I took some time to rest and catch up on sleep and get some major bloodwork done (every single marker I could think of - 16 vials of blood!) so that I can see if there are any physiological issues I need to be aware of that may have been causing my extreme fatigue of late.
I am feeling mentally ready to get back to work - maybe I just needed a few more weeks to switch gears so that I was fully on board? No matter why I am here now and starting to finally feel the excitement in my bones again, that has been missing for a while.
I will let you know how the testing goes and how my adhoc workouts go this week.
Thanks Coach!
It usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks to feel normal again, so let's get to it!
Travel safe,
~ Coach P
@Coach Patrick - holy moly I am so happy.
I have been a travelling fool the past 3 months so finally, here we are in April and I have found my mojo. All it took apparently was a trip to California where I was doing a road show for 5 days straight. For the first time in my life, IN MY LIFE, I ran out of workout clothes because I was so motivated to run and workout!
So on to the beginning of my tri-specific training I go.
Since I am now back in action, I need some advice for the weeks ahead.
I am thinking of joining my local master's team for swim accountability. Do you think that I can do this, swim with them 2 times per week and use their workouts for the time being?
Other than that - I feel really good about where I am starting! I am no longer afraid and that in and of itself is empowering.
Thank you for your support over the last 4 years and here is to a killer 2017!
Yes to the Masters swim program. Just do yourself a favor and pick the right lane. Sometimes you'll need to go easy, sometimes you might want to go a little faster. That could just mean changing the order in which you push off the wall, or maybe changing lanes. Another words, I just want you to go at the speed that's best for you.
So pumped!!
~ Coach P
Last week I did my run test and bike test. I was unable to get into the pool so I will make sure to get in this week.
Now I have no place to go but up!
UP UP! You got this!!!
~ Coach P
Hi @Coach Patrick!
I am in the last 7 weeks of Half IM training in prep for the 70.3 Relay my hubby and I are doing in OH. I am doing the 1.2 mile swim and the 13.1 mile run - hubby is biking.
As we know... I have not been a training guru this year due to adjustment to new career and still some lingering depression issues, and I may have lost some of my ninja shine but I am now in some awesome workout zone. I am motivated, I am excited, and I am actually looking forward to each training session again.
I am feeling like Jennifer again. It has been YEARS since I felt truly like myself.
I am focused on doing 3 sprint triathlons and the 70.3 relay this summer, and then a half marathon this fall.
I am following the EN HIM training plan but am needing to shorten the bike rides on the weekends and make the runs longer, but think that I may be doing it wrong... if not wrong then definitely I am doing it on my own which leads me to believe it is my hold habits of training how I did pre-EN... I am hoping that you can help me either verify I have a good plan or correct me while we still have 6 weeks ahead of us! :-)
Swimming a few times a week (new job location = struggle to find access to swim locations that are not hours away thanks to Detroit construction traffic) Usually during the week at a pool and Saturday mornings in a lake.
I bike on Wednesday per plan and then on Saturday I shorten to 45 minutes or an hour at most. I do the Run brick right afterwards, and swimming right before hand. <-- this is due not to trying to do a triathlon every weekend but rather due to necessity - the swim, biking and running training park is too far away from me to do multiple trips, so I sort of get it done in one shot.
Sunday I nix the bike in favor of a longer run.
I run 3 times during the week Tues, Wed, Thursday, then a short brick off of the bike on Saturday, running longer on Sundays.
How should I be approaching this special need of sprint bike training but half iron swim and run given that time is critical for me (i.e. I can do most of the load on the weekends, and during the week I can bike and run as needed up to an hour or 1.5 hours max).
Thank you Coach P!
Happy Father's Day!
I have adjusted the week accordingly to allow for two quality midweek bikes, and a longer ride on the weekend. This will still allow you to keep your long run and swim as you're able, especially on Mondays and Friday.
If you hit Monday and you are tired, then drop it...not worth it!
Note that part of your Sunday run should be done at your goal race consider it a warm up and then 2 to 3 repeats of 1.5 to 2 miles at Goal Race Pace so you can prep!
Keep me posted!
~ Coach P
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed.
I just learned the hard way last night at my first triathlon back since 2014... OMG I STRUGGLED on the bike. It was the slowest I have been in nearly 9 years. The bike is my happy place and I was dreading it. That says something. So, I am done ignoring the bike and I agree that a lot of fitness comes from riding. I don't feel as strong this year, poor training aside, and I think that it is because I have pushed the bike to the side too much.
Thank you for helping me figure out how to navigate this! Plus this will only make my base fitness that much better for the future. THIS is why I love EN! :-D We are better together!
Amen @Coach Patrick
I will be heading out to Florida next week so my plan is to embrace tons of swimming and running since I will not have a bike available to me this go-around as we moved out of the state
I need a little guidance as to setting expectations. I set up a phone call, and I also submitted my race plan but I figured I'd reach out here too before I get too far ahead of myself.
I know that what I'm about to propose sort of goes against quite a bit of typical Ironman training thoughts but please hear me out.
My "please hear me out" was about my 2018 goals lol.
The plan (and we can discuss in more details on our phone call in a few weeks)
Flying pig marathon May
Ironman70.3 Gulf Coast relay May (swim/ run legs)
Ironman70.3 Ohio relay July (swim/ run legs)
MiTi iron distance relay August (swim/run)
Ironman Florida
This may look crazy to some on paper, but my A race is Florida, so I plan on taking the other races as training days or asy whatever intensity/ execution you prescribe.
My coach's words always take precedence over my ego.
My question is, how do I start? RDP for now of course, but do I plan on an OS in January?
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes
Returning from MM. I've been swimming and running regularly and am gearing up for 2018, need some guidance on where to start, which OS to join, etc. As I already have my 2018 planned and it starts in May so I need to get on it!
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
@Coach Patrick I am in such a great place right now. I am re-energized and I feel this sense of excitement and dedication for the coming 365.
I did my very fist Zwift run this morning! That was so much fun. I have been really enjoying Stryd and am trying to learn how to use it to be more functional rather than just a way to run in Zwift or to capture data - I am curious if we have a way to train with run power like we do bike power?
I did a few 5k's this weekend for durability, took Monday off to recover, and today felt like lead on the mill. I got a new Wahoo Kickr trainer, and moved the treadmill into the office at home so now I have a dedicated training space that is not my basement. I reinvented the pain cave and made it a playroom where I create a better version of myself every time I step foot into it.
Nothing fantabulously new to add here outside of I am enjoying the Run Durability time and rebuilding my base and consistency. I need this time to get ready for the JOS mentally and physically.