IMLP Training Wk June 13 - 19

Camp Week/ Race Rehearsal
You have made it Camp Week! WOOHOO!!
Some of you are actually going to Lake Placid for camp and some of you are doing camp at home - both are ok!
With each week comes a little more excitement for the BIG DAY! So let’s talk about this week. This week is CAMP WEEK!!! Camp Week is the official-ification of our Ironman training weekends. It represents the intersection of race execution and volume, presenting YOU the athlete with a chance to simultaneously improve their fitness and strategy. There are FANTASTIC videos/podcast about this high volume week. They will give IMPORTANT information sto take a few minutes to listen and watch!!
I would recommend if you have specific questions for Coach Patrick, GET THOSE IN THE MICRO forums NOW! Don't wait to ask them a questions on Friday night for Saturday morning! (Especially because Coach Patrick leaves for IMLP Camp tomorrow - so he will be OOO)
What is camp?
It's a regular training week with modifications to allow for a swim test, the 2 x 112 rides and a weekend long run.
Thursday: Swim Test Day
Friday: Race Rehearsal #1 aka 112 Mile Ride + a 1 Hour Run. Read the full Race Rehearsal protocol here.
Saturday: Up to 112 Mile Ride. How far you ride on Day Two is a function of your fitness and race goals, and of course, safety. At a minimum you'll want to do 56 miles, with more advanced athletes working upwards to a full 112.
Sunday: Long Run according to your plan; minimum of 13 miles.
Think at the start of this week.
What do I need this weekend to get ready. Get your equipment dialed in.
Get out there and JRA - 1 hour 1.5 then to steady pace
Fueling plan
Run - first three miles LRP plus 30” per mile. First three miles to settle in - mark the transition and take stock of how you feel
More info here….
Keep on CRUSHIN’ it Texas Team!!! Let’s hear you!! How’s everyone doing???
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returned from CO late thursday night (early Friday AM
Over the weekend I threw up two runs of
9 miles
8 miles
and a short swim of 2x1000 paddle pulls -
Rolling into my "normal" training week
finally got the monday jog in that is needed to help puush mileage up to 50 for a few weeks as i peak -
Tuesday Run with 2x1 mile intervals @Z4 -
Tuesday swim with 19x100 hard, 10x50 hard & 600 paddle pulls
looking forward to getting the real work done and watching PMC continue the slow march upwards towards LP...
this is a big week for all, please post often so we can support each other through some of the hardest work!
also got a KOM on a 20 minute (8+mile) segment I've been chasing for a year... KOM of 1100 people!
now to remember if my wattage drops when getting on a Tri bike which i will move to on Saturday for the remainder of time between now & LP
@Scott - WOW very impressive 2 x 20' , another new FTP, and a KOM to boot, correction there are almost 1200 people on that KOM... So if you were on your tri-bike you would have beat it by even more :-)..... at this point I am fully expecting to see you pass me on lap one at LP...
Lots of OWS so far this week, a dissappointing 2 x 20' FTP ride yesterday , and some speed work on the track today... my hip is still a major concern going forward.... not magically improving but not seeming to get worse either...
@Scott Dinhofer nice work!
@tim cronk don't push your hip issue & recover well.
FTP bike today wasn't too bad, better than last week's session felt. I moved Sunday's long run up to tomorrow, so I'll be extra tired going into the Fri/Sat big volume...but at least I won't feel guilty eating well this weekend.
We have a split entry staircase so it was only 1/2 a flight but its wood and hard, I had already carried our 17 year old dog Maggie up and down the stairs to go to the bathroom which is normal these days , then OTTO got up and needed out so I took him out for his morning pee and chipmonk chase, coming back in I had a full cup of coffee in my left hand, my right had was on the railing, but my foot slipped on the top step and both feet flew out in front of me, landing on my back left side very hard, coffee everywhere, broken cup, scraped left leg, left tricep impact, and a couple upper ribs on the backside impact, not to mention running dogs... Caught my breath, cleaned up, had more coffee, tried to get into wetsuit and it hurt to pull on the suit... Called it a day... Full on unscheduled REST DAY's today and tomorrow... Will try to get in a long bike saturday and long run sunday .... GRRRRR Not Happy... And of course its a beautiful day today with crap weather coming in for the weekend...Scene of the crime....
@Scott Dinhofer very impressive work you've been laying down during Al's camp and since you've been home. I suspect you will exceed your goals on July 23rd and would be shocked if you weren't on the podium the day after. Proud of you and your effort!!
So I have to be honest, I feel like this entire training plan leading up to LP for me has been hack after hack of the plan. With BRC and then Al's/UltraRR it's a wonder why I'm not in the corner somewhere curled up in the fetal position. Maybe my hack to the plan is working for me because I feel pretty good given the volume I've done.
I did just just glance at the plan this morning and it looks like this week is slated as Camp week. Well, there is zero chance I can put forth a successful camp weekend after last week so once again let the hacking begin. This week has seen a lot of swimming for me. I'm already over 10k yards with one more swim scheduled for tomorrow. I've run 2x and will (after today) have biked 2x as well. Plan for me is to swim and run on Friday, Bike long on Sat and run long (15ish) on Sunday to finish the week. Next week will be a build week to my first full RR on Sun.
Side note: I'm freaking hungry all the time. I'm not sure if it's an after affect of Al's camp, but this is the first time I've been so hungry leading up to a race. My body comp is on point so I'm not concerned, but it's annoying nonetheless
Great training peeps! Keep it up!
@Danielle Santucci - you need to rest a bit more, 33 hours including a 29 mile run at the end last week is a deep hole, patience and keep absorbing superwoman!
@Scott Dinhofer - Keep leading....!
@Gordon Cherwoniak - fantastic work so far!
That blows. Really hope you didn't crack a rib or otherwise cause something other than short-term damage. Heal up. I'm in a similar boat. Knee bothers me every single run. Usually only the first 1/2-1 mile, which I "run" like a crippled old man (which, some would argue, is exactly what I am). Frustrating knowing that there is zero quality to my running; just time on my feet. But I've been here before and I know that I can still run a "typical" IM marathon for me. Just have to let go any thoughts about breakthrough performance, PR, etc. You know the drill: if you consistently get in the long run and ride each week, keep decent weekly frequency and mileage on the run, and then cram 4-5 weeks of swim frequency through Wk 19 (4-5 swims per week, at least 12k per week), it'll all fall together. Pretty or not, the basic work is still getting done. At least that's the pep talk I continuously self-administer. Finally in decent spirits today, I just learned that I'll be traveling four straight days next week - including all day Saturday. Fitting 17 hours and 1,000 TSS in and around that will be a monumental challenge, to say the least. But, hey, I've got Weeks 17 and 18, right?
@Danielle Santucci - read Tallo's thread on absorbing fitness after a big arse camp!. figure out what a "regular week" looks like for you... 3 swims, 3 bikes, solid run mileage. Don't expect huge execution on intervals, focus on quality Z3 work(or Z2+)... you did more volume than me seeking out extra miles on most rides and then did that Ultra Ragnar... give your body an "active recovery" week, the pop you will get next week for your final build towards LP is going to be awesome!!!
where did everyone go this week? @Patrick Marsh @Stephanie Stevens @Dana Burns @Trish Marshall @Joseph Lombardi @peter lautenslager @Kyle Kolquist @Larry Pfeffer @Alicia Chase @Woody Freese
@Mike Roberts Hopefully the knee get better. 4 days of work travel sucks.
@Shaughn Simmons Thanks, I'll check in to the IMMT thread to see how your recovery is coming from the training at altitude.
I took yesterday off myself given my fatigue level was high. Today's long run 140' for 11.5 miles. It was challenging particularly at the start . Once I got going I settled in and had to focus in the final 30'. 60' z1 then 30'@ TRP and 30' @ z2. I did push in the final 20' probably not a smart thing in hindsight given my fatigue.
@MR- I absolutely hate to go into an IM race being anything but 100% physically and mentally ready for that day... And of course I'm the dummy signed up for 3 of them this year... With the back up plan to always be a Swim/Run training day if my hip were not to co-operate so that I could at least race the next one... Its still a long way out for both of us so no need to make those decisions now...I had one of these ribcage issues a few years back, got kicked in the chest in IMTX, prior to my next IM of that year I could hardly swim without pain and then it cleared up just in time... But for you finishing KONA is a much higher priority than finishing IMLP :-) so that must be the focus as you sort out that knee in training and the decision to "race" on it...
@Danielly - really you trained 32 hours last week and your hungry ??? Say it aint so ??? Gimme fuel gimme fire gimme that which I desire.... Listen to your body please !
@tim cronk Wow, that's a lot of bad luck all at once. The silver lining is that the rest from the fall will be good for your hip. Just be patient and do what you can. There's always something, even if it's working on flexibility.
@Mike Roberts Same for you, 4 days of travel sucks, but sometimes the training gods work in mysterious ways, and the rest is good.
@Danielle Santucci Yes to the hungry/hangry all the time. Although I've noticed since I haven't really run in over 2 weeks, the appetite is tapering off a bit. Only eating ice cream every other day :-)
Great work everyone!....this week has been a bit of a disaster due to work travel...had to take Monday as a travel day...which no pool or bike so plan was run run on T/W fly back W night and resume into Camp Weekend....well W flight delayed and delays on Thursday kept me in airports all day and didn't land until 7pm...ugh....this put a crimp in things but with support of lovely Lara my girl friend (and taking Friday off of work) I was organized up and out for a full day of Camping/ in 3600/102/6mile run (58min) slow but felt good.....sitting here catching up getting ready to head out for Day 2...I don't think I'll get in another 100 but hoping for 62-75...and solid run...
Had to order a new wetsuit...and hoping to get in some open water swims this I hate pool....
More later...
Full breakfast this morning then out on the bike on an island that has a single 14.4 mile loop. I can tell you EVERYTHING about this loop now. At mile ~52 I was arguing with the devil on my shoulder telling me to bag out. A gel with some caffeine got me over the hump 5 miles later. I had to cut the bike short (4.5 hours again, 91 miles). Headed out for the run and thought I was going to die. After 20' I had to start walking some. Turns out the "feels like" temp was 107.
Going to stuff my face tonight, sleep in tomorrow and take it easy.
got a good 4200 yard intervals swim in last night (9x300, 6x300, 4x150, 4x75
long bike (only 3.75 hrs) today that followed a short pre-run..
mustered energy for 2nd run in pea soup humidity... 5.4 miles... feet up... APB and a longish run tomorrow, need to find time for 3rd swm before father's day/Ally's graduation Brunch & the end of childhood as she graduates HS tomorrow afternoon!
Presently, I'm at the EN IMLP camp. I did the full bike course yesterday in the rain and then wind. Today, I rode both loops again and it was very hot and sunny.
This week, I got some decent open water swims - ~IM distance on Thursday at home in LI Sound and then ~2.4k yards this morning. Earlier this week, I was in CA and had the good fortune of staying at a business hotel with a nice outdoor lap pool. I made decent progress on my swim this week.
Tomorrow, I will do one loop of the LP run course and then head back to CT.
Gained a a lot of experience on the bike course and realize how I need to keep my wattage down out of town and then from Jay, to Wilmington and then back to LP. That is a very tough stretch of climbing with few opportunities to win back any speed. Thus, you need to find speed on the Keene descent and the TT flats out to Au Sable.
This has been a heavy workload week for me, so I will need to follow the links and discussions from @Scott Dinhofer and @Danielle Santucci
@tim cronk very sorry to hear about the fall and hope that you are recovering quickly.
Will post more about camp when I'm back.
@scottrenick where are you? What island?
Saturday 3800M swim - I slogged through but times really fell off after 2500Ml; 20' run
Sunday 4.5hour bike - This too was a mental grind for the last 30'.
My positive this week was the run, another good long run with 3h 40' total.
Jelaous of those who were at the LP camp this past weekend. Looks like you all got in a great amount of work! Anyone of you want to share how cold Mirror Lake was? I'm sure it will warm up before July 23rd...I hope
@TC, heal! I selfishly want you next to me, intact, in both LP and Kona.
This morning, I did a loop of the run course at LP. It was in the high-70s and muggy. I ran 9:52, which was very slow for me. I will chalk that up to the heavy training load this week and the heat. The hill going up from River Rd has just been paved and the asphalt seems to magnify the heat.
The camp was a great experience. It was very worthwhile to swim/ride/run the course. The second full 112-miler on Saturday forced me to pedal up the ascents softly and to ride down the hills and the flats aggressively. I think this was the best lesson I took away from the weekend. The other lesson is that the weather at LP changes quickly and you can experience heat, cold, wind and rain all in the same day.
This week, I am going to train lightly for a few days in order to recover. Next week, I have to travel for five days for work, so I will find it very challenging to hit my training workload targets.
Good skills to everyone this week.
Question: When do you all start to train with you disc/race wheels or do you only use them on Final RR and then race day? Just curious...I have always done the latter but was considering putting them on sooner??? thoughts.
I do keep my conti gatorskins on until the 2nd RR. I do like the feel of that bonus watts I get from the faster tires and it's like upping my FTP 7-8 or so points. Add in the latex tubes and call it 10 watt. I'd have to work another decent chunk of OS to get that boost.
@Joseph Lombardi - totally feeling Nervous, or is it anxious...
@Danielle Santucci - be thankful for the oven, I've got the same thing working here in NY. Note, it CAN be humid in LP, usually much more comfy than downstate, but anything can happen, training in shizz, prepares you for shizz!
weekend was a struggle with Ally's HS graduation, family brunch etc... Think some long term accumulated fatigue after Al's BadAss camp! Went easier on Saturday long bike, have been doing a @Coach Patrick designed sunday WKO where i do a shorter APB and then a long run. Was planning on 3x25' APB< flatted at the beginning of #3, went to brunch with the family, then hit the pool for 3000 yards of mostly paddle/pull work. The Sunday run never happened, but feel good with just shy of 1000 TSS for the week..
Now it's time to rally for the home stretch!
During the death march run yesterday I lost all enthusiasm for running an Ironman Marathon, couldn't imagine going another 13 miles in those conditions, Need to recover and get the mojo back - which will happen in another few days. Qualifying for Chattanooga helpes!
Back from Al's camp, and as candy ass participant I was still pretty shelled. Quads were toast from all the down hill running in the Ragnar and climbing the days before. I have had some right knee issues and was off running for about a week before the Ragnar. No major issues from the trail, which is good. Swam a couple days, then hit the road for LP camp. Swam when we arrived the full buoy course Thursday. Lake was fabulous! Friday rode the full course and a 40' brick. Wet, cool and once again my right cleat refused to unclip from my PT 1 Pedal with BRAND NEW PT cleats on my shoes. Very scary when I've been unclipping with my right foot first for EVER and in unfamiliar territory. PT batteries took a poop too so only had power for 28 miles.
I am hoping for a little fitness pop from riding at altitude later this week. I've gotten two beat down massages and am keeping myself on a 2 week pattern leading up to the race to stay on top of the knee issue. My pt thinks running every other day is best, so I will be reaching out to Patrick for a little hacking to the plan to help me get the best running leading up to the race. My only goal is to beat 47 year old Trish. 47 year old Trish walked the first 4 ish miles of the run. Must do better! Onward!
@danielle you rock, looking fwd to seeing you rip it up ... swim is good for me, bike is coming along, run is improving. Just gotta get to the Finish Line on this one.
See everyone soon enough!